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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1900, p. 6

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iery in great va, 75e to $1. 50 STOTT & JURY, Theý Opticians and Drugg1ists. -~_ IIN Cases. We are sliowing some of the vcry atest designs lu Brush and Comb,Glv and Handerchief, Cwil and Cilar Cases, etc., etc., and eau save you mouey lu any of these hunes. If -you want o save a dollar do noV fail o see our stock, 81011 &JURY. Puie - Pineý Lenu-ine Seal.-platin or sterlinoe $15i)to $4 plni in, Solid Leathef and a goo)d seal finish . 50e Vo Si Chlce hune with- secret pocket---or-- gentlemnan SOc to $1.50 Anice line of fancy Purses for children . . 5c to 25c CHAT ELAIN ES-. - w have secured a lot of ocids andi ends wrth from 25e o 75c (% few worth $1.) AUl will be put together and you geV your chioice wýhile tliey ast for . 25e STOT &JuRY The Chemists. ,,O. 1-A CAMERA t'OR $1.00. This is noV a oy but a good serviceable Camera and a splendid gift for Xmas. CALL AND SEE TIIEM. NO. 2- WHITELY EXE[RCISER. The price zf thio valuable line s i ow within tVue reacli of ail and no family can afford to bea without one lu the home. STOT &JURY, ouiv at Tod's. Try onie o! Tod's Christmas cakes. They are good. W Y. Petit lias beeni appoiuted Post- master at Picton. Cobourg ctizens are anxious o have the band resuscitated. - Miss- Ella Couter, Pontypool, was gueost of Miss Mabel Grigg Sunday. Miss-Nellie iMcCulloch, Enfleld, was recent guest of Miss Eth9l Reynolds. IiTr -'.fT'in 15 lhïime trôËfl ~i~tiŽe~-rp i{4~ ~ ~ -~ - ~ iNavet Oi~hhiges, Iviaiaga i~i~j5~, Victoria L iversity,- loroto- are home-. Capt. and Mrs. llowell are the ncw officers of the Salvation Army Corps here, Oshawa will use the Automatie Vot- ing machine at the coming municip~al elections. Mr. Ernest Jolliffe, Toronto Univer- sity, is spendiug hlildays at the Metho- dist Parsouage. Mrs. J, L. Smith, Whitbv, was at Stirling last week organizing a W omen's Institute.ý For your Christmas candies go to Tod's, the fluest and best assortuient lu towu o choose from. Pdterboro Poultry AssociatJ.pu did not dlean expenses in counection with their laVe exhibition. Mr. F. D. Blakely, Winnipeg, Man., representing The No' West Farmer, was in town last week. Mrs. (1ev.) W. R. Young, PortiHope, felu on the side walk and broke the -boes--f-hr-right wrist.-- P onar ,vill bra ro'4offie wilil e rp- moved Vo the building next door west of Higginoothiam's crug store. -- -r. W. J. Hayraft and Mr D. Drum- mond attended the live stock show at Guelphi last week from Brooxliu, Mrs. John I unnals and Mr. Arthur Runnals,. Welcome, visted Miss-Olford- au Mn. ion. Stephiens' oven Sunday. own, bas been electe Presietc the Toronto Conservative Association. The new pumping plant which is heing instalhed ut the G. T. R. station Oshawa, îs undenstooci Vo replace Bow- mauville tanks. Rcv..M. E. Wilson, formerly o! New- touville Mthonist churcli, declines Vo be pastor of Prince Albert circuit af er the present year. Mrs. J. C. Joncs, Balsam, pxpired vcny suddeniy fnom heurt failure a few houlrs after lier daugliter was married on Wedncsdày ast.>*.1 Herbert Reeson, 'Columbus, sold a load -of pigs Vo F. Clemens, Osliawa The pige were 7ý- months old, and Mr. Reeson rcalized $159. Miss Mamie Butchart visited her parents liere last weck previons o cn- terlng ou a course for training as a nurse at the Western Hospital, Guelphi. Mn. and Mrs. S, H. Reynolds attend- cd the Winter Stock Fuir ut Guelphi last weck and visitcd lis brother Prof. J. B. Reynolhas of Ontario Agrieultural Cohege. Rev. W. A. McKim Young, formorly Junior pastor ou Tyrone circuit, is talc- ing chlarge of the work ou Cetreton circuit hft vacant by the death o!f1ev. JX. Monan. Mn. Marwood and Mr. Oliver George Winnipeg, Man., and Mrs. Campbell, Chic.-go, Ill., were hene lasV week ut. teuding thc funenai o! their mothen tht, heaith. It occ-upices ýa field by itseif and isl unque in these respects: - that, It cures by forming newv, rich blood and i erve force, building, up the system andi Increasing the wight. It la a reconstructan-t, restorative andi revitalizer of the ro3,st unusual nierit. whieh sends new liýfe aýnrl new vîgor to every part of the b-ody, and gradàally and permanently cures ail nervous trou- bles- and -diasaes rsult!ng from vieokl bloocianSlow xe italitY. 50 cents a bn n il eaierW. orEdmnanson -Btes ~..C Te- r-i - ra Gh~O~ Crokinole Boards at Grand Central. Lots of bread and bans at Luttrell's. Buy your Christmas Candies at Grand Central. Picture B3ooks from 5e o $1.00 at Grand Central. A big stock of Purses and Poeket Books at Grand Central. See our Boxes of Stationery at 25c. a Box at the Grand Central. Nuts, Candies, Figs, Dates, Oranges, for Christmas at Grand Central. Pen Knives. Pocket Knives and Jack K7aives at right priees at Grand Central. The best line of Case Pipes we have ever had are now on sale at Grand Cen- tral. Dont forget the Grand Central when you are buyiug your Xmas Confection- ery. See the big stock of Dolis dressed and Central.- ----- A box of Stationery makes a nice Xmas git. Y ou can geV a nice fiue at Grand Central. We have the best brands of cigars put up in small boxes for Xmas trade at the Grand Centrai. - Triuity Sunday -School intend giving a Xmas cantatacalled4 'The new Santa: signed by nomnator andi seconder. Polling is on Jan. 7. Ladies' fur lined Capes in aIl qualities first lass Astrachan Coats, Caperines of ail kzindrr; Rufs lu Sable, Oppossum, Grey Lamb, Thibet; also Mufs lu Op- possum, Thibet, and Sable. No fluer furs Vo be fouind anywhenc, Coucli, Jolinston & uryderman. The Municipal elections will be here soon. What is hein-- doue Vo eleet a business counil ? Caunot somethiug be donc o give the to %n a 'dg fonward ? An intelligent coun cil la the best motive power progressive action, For heaven's sake, cîtizens, wake up o duty ln this matter. Special features iu our Christmas stock are our Watchies, Rings, Chaius and Pearl goods. AlIthough ail the stock is equally intenesting we have lu Rings those suitabie for the baby, the miss, the lady, the boy, the gent and for engagement and wedding rings set with Rubies. Pearis, Turquois, Emeraids, Sapphires, Oivines, Opals, Bhoodstones, Sardonyx, Garnets, Ame- thysts and Diamonds hesides other settings, nt Rickî.rd's. ON THIE FIRING UINE. Ladies of Cank-.da : Side by side stood Canada's noble sons wlth the àest brawu of Ceylon and India in the recent unpleasautness. The slogan was ~hl u anothen," inig Cases, Shaving - e- ai~ an'd CollaiT , Photo j leather su) dy or gentlemen -LSC A-big assor - galore for t Pictlure BoSicigis P RIG-iIT PRICES. -~- ~ - - ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~-~e~- -_______ tiOWMANVILE. 27loorseasLt orTs fie Crokinole boards at Ni(lhol1s'. Lovely canviug sets ut:Nichoîls'. Store open evenings. j Nicholls'. See the fancy china at Nicholîs'. One Sauta Clans. One Nicholîs'. Oh yem! Picture booksat Nicholîs'. Me et me at Nichoils'. Santa Claus. Piles of cakes a ild pastry ut Luttrel's. Christmas!, Santa CI e.us! Nicholîs'. Childrcn's Sîciglis at ("rand Central, Santa Clans' lieadquadters at Nich- olis'. Bibles andillymu books cheap at Nich- ohîs'. We seil Bisse , s-L. Morris. A few 40cent , fs at Rickard's. Cu.ohion Tops r Miss Martin 's. Christmas -Pr( Mayer's advt. (unr Unes oi iee' -L Morris. Sec our odd pi fur&c-L, -Morris. of Marriage Licenses.M.A ae sGvrmn Four eolumn-4 ucws, lo0al aud wise, are ou inside pages,- - itiap1 issuer other- altercu and rmade ovée in the atest styleby M. Mayer,Fur\:r. Ladies, you are invite Vo calutMiss Medand's Millinery pa r rbr and sec the la test novelties lunliead wa -ar. M. Ma-en lias a fuit linc of ahi kinds o! furs, liats, caps aL3 i t' frnieli- îng-s, euhl and sec fo ~u Great Bargains Y- cr- '-)fa Cushion Tops suitaI CIrnm-"las presents ut Miss Mai,~sr.rsoe Sec the fur Caper n ufFfs Collars, CouVe', Gan psdB s. etc. etc., ut M. May --tetlFr- rier. The most beuutifii w-,t ' <ve pt before a people- ai'* urds and al are, Lr-t~t-aud guaraîteed. Tait &Co'sharg v- ade up on gettinig the . lrtL ess men lu who liav ý îdlv corne rîght lonz. Our readymade a il '*~ ndî boys is al new ai oute, and no better value ,.u r rci Jolinston & Cryderna'i W/e believe or- cinide over couasfor Men ana15o-c; iibest- value stown bY a, Couch, Jolinston &?Cr-7an Leave your or( ,zro overcoat at Couel u o ,C man's now se thut , I .e liaving hem made tr , Christmas is ahead-we are ai' Plum Puddings and Mince Pies often have bad effects upon the smail boy wlio over indulges lu hem. Pain-Killer as a household remedy for ail suc i lus is unequalled. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Pcnry Davis.' 25C. and 50C. se S.W. MAS( B owmarn Ej TOF s, against alun! Aluni baking powclemsare0 mienacers to health of the p ROYAL BAKING POWDE5 CO., NEý R-ln raiigou, Dec. 1,th, William lAv, e ton .. ged 79 ls.Fnrl from the family ý,ear Solina, on Thursday ai 1£0 o.m BuyigGround West of Eldad '-Tirsh Hloipltai, Buffalo, N~. Y,, 0 hIci Bircli, aged 40 years. late resideoce,. Searboro, Dec. -i his 73rd year. A. nativýeo h D'a TÎlI k ý 1 a , ", - - - - - - - :hl 1 Li JL'

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