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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 4

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Tighe Diuggt. l" o m raeadexust arsaEnls n Amria Oor. InflidTlT1ny Pa k al 2-4m -We la- __« Drugsand Dug Sudrie-on-y Some rae -anesitePaurisian Egsh and w 3isl iaioruheneandan offerpy plndi vaîu. Itis aplaureo shtOtagoodsweare S rud eso Cailand seethem at then\viDRUG Cash for Produce. The under signed is p1o11areýd to boy ail kinds of pbuitry, dressed in the fol- lowinz manner: AIl feathers dry pick ,ed except long wing feathers, pull tail out and bleed in mouth and undrawn, fast for twenty four heurs betere killîn g for wbicb the bighest cash price wil be paid for gonS stock; aiso dressed hcgs beans, dried apples, butter and eggs. OpFJc-Temperance street, south cf Standard Bank- JAMES McCONNACHIt. 48-2m. Bewmanvilhe. Lady of the house looking into the ernpty flour barrel said-"O. I. C.ý U. R. M. T., "Well, I arn SURSCRIPTION RATES. STATESMAN to end of 1901 $1-00 STATESMAN. Globe and Premium 1 85 STATESMAN and Weekly Mail i 90 S-iATESMAN and Family llerald 1, '90 STATESMXAN and F-arming (weekly) 1 90 STATESMAN and Farmer's Advocate 1 90 STATESMAN anid Guardipn 2 00 STATESMAN and MNontreal Witness 1 75 STATESMAN and Mýeseng-er 1 2.5 STATESMAN anîd Mostreal Herald 1 75 STATESMAN and W'estern Advertiserl 75ý STATESMAN and Breeder's Gazette 2,50 STATESMAN and Ladies' Journal 2 00 STATESMAN and Toronto World 3 50 STATESMAN and Daily Globe 4 75 STATESMAN and Toronto Daily Star 2 50 STATESMAN and Evening Globe 3 50 STATESMAN and Daily Witness 3 50 STATESMAN and Weeklv Sun 1 9a STATESMAN anld Saturday Globe 2 50 The Calladiail Statesinan, glad as now I can get ail my BOWMANVILLE. JANL,. 16, 1901 Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Lattrell's and save ail the bother cf baking myself." King St., Bowmanviile., Telephone 97. i Si p fa: b fr] fa t Co E-% tel gi thi ain 13otudnalv111e 0y and Girls t.uho have WAon St*eeess in t3usiriess. ýudi ugisin heeating of cf 4The haacter cf business uoethods adepteS i a cottege will hae reflected in the uceesscf the pupils. British Amnerican Business Coli ege. ,is witb priSe te the success that bas orne to hundreds of young men sud4 emen wbo have passeS tbrough ibis4 ullee. Many ef these to-day heid ommîen t positions in the business erld. Hundreds are holding respons- )le and- lucrative positions. They corne ro ail parts cf the Dominion. Naines4 Iiiair te the people of Bowrnanvilte -e the futtowlng ýwho obtained their usineas educatton It this cottege and ,ie bave silice either graduaisd sucels-4 lly or are pursuiug titeir studies wlth i oulteomne tEst wilt lie just as satisfae-* )r These incluSe RohI. Ted, Nies dIcutt, Frank Bailev,Alt, H.Worden, verett Henry, RSw . Wordeîî. New * ýrm e p es Januery 3. We shalhlie eadte aer fromintenD, . pupits, send lem a a c f uerprosý or answcr .y of their en1quirie t JA FALSE RUMOR. SNo sooner was Editor James dechared elected te the Ccuuty Ceuncil by the splendid vote that was given hlma than the ittle coterie that bound bis feotsteps the year round vas at womk coutriving seme scheme te disqualify hum. Two or three reasons were considered and the scheme was set afloat and great was the gîce amcug those who oppcsed hîs can- didature But like a bubbie it burst iu the light cf truth and where are those schemes uowP The coterie un their wisdom concluded that because THE STATESMAN published the officiai. anneuncement sent in by Mm. H. Elictt, Jr , Ncminating Officer for Division Ne. 6, that the proprietor was disqualified. It may be news te those wiseacres te heamu that the Counties' Council By-law No. 676 appcinting the Nominatiug Officers, states 'That the amount to bc paid te each Nominatiug Officer eacb time they perform-the duties ...shah be $20, wbich shaîl incluSe ail expeuses for persenal services anS other expenduture." Thus it wlll be seen that auy accunt for printiug or advertising is with the Neuîiusting Officer persoually and net witb the Counties Council. We fumîher disclaima any personal dis- qualification on this contention frein the provision gmanted by the Ontario Statute 1899, chap 11, sec. 22, which states that 1"No persen shall be disqualifieS froin be- ing elected a member cf the cuncil of auy municipal corporation or frein sittiug anS votiug in such council by meason cniy ci his being proprieter cf or etherwise interested in a newspaper in which from time te time officiai advertisements are inserted by the council although such ad verrsE ments are paud for at the usual rate out cf the mcneys*of the muicýipal corporation, etc. Try again, doggies, you're offt oce more. I I ___ ______ ____ __ _-_-_-__-_- -__-_-__-_-_- THE MAYORAL ADDRESS. We heartîly approvê of the presentation of a mayoral address at the opening of tbe new year and new century by the new chief mnagistrate. It is business-like and parliamentary withal and should be a precedent for ail future, mayors of this corporation Our idea cf an inaugural ceremony may be toc cons entional and pretentious for some, but it wculd have been a fitting commencement upon the municipal business of the new century if the first meeting had partaken cf a more public and somew bat varied soceial char- acter. The organization proceedings might have been disposed cf at the mcmn- ing statutcry meeting and the delivery cf the inaugural address been postponed till the evening when ail the business and piofessionai men and other citizens would be invited to be piesent aînd partîcipate in the function held in the toN-n hall The ladies could alsc attend as their pre- sence always lends grace and dignity to such an ex ent and many cf theni take a much deeper inteîest in town affairs thani they receive credit for. It migbt be made the more interesting by a few songs inter- spersed. The introductioni of this social element w ould be an innovation w e admit but why should a live community like ours continue to pursue the old customs? Had we been an advisor cf the ambitious young mayor this is the lines w e should have suggcsted. But bein- an exceeding- ly modest man, hie w ould no doubt con- sider cur vien s rather toc radical if es er we are hcnored in a like rnanner by our citizens w e shall very likely introduce something after this character to mark the inauguration of oui terni of the cbîef magistracy, Do you tell us that our citizen s are toc sensible and staid for such whimsical nctions? We answer nay, veriiy. Oit the contrary they would thoroughly appreciate and enjoy such a nox-el public function Our intelligent 1 citizens are not s0 indiffecrent regarding the business w elfare cf Bowmanv ic as tc frown down or treat with disdain and contempt an invitation sach as we have suggested. 'Ne hav e several intelligent citizenis ehe could with credit to thcn,. ,elves and n ith great satisfaction to their hearers have replied te the salient featur- es cf this splendid address. Enougb of suggestion and inspiration are ccntîned in it to ciaw forth severial practical speech- es on town affairs. It is a long time since we had a satisfactorv meeting for discus- sion cf local questions, and it seemns tous that such ameetingwould have Surrcund. ed Mayor Mitchell and bis ccuncil with a wîide circle cf sympathizers and helpful adviscîs that they will nct now have te assist tbem in the discharge cf their mun- icipal duties How very much more be- comîng, satisfactory and beneficial such a meetingwould have been in comparison wit'h the scene that did mark the cpening cf the yeaî 's business onMonday forenoon? Scme statements in the maycr's address strîke us as. out cf place and impoiitic and we.disagôree entirely with the s econd paragraph. It is tc the criticismrs cf the editor cf TH-E STATESMAN no doubt te which reference is made, and we baveï neither unnecessarily nom unjustly ex- pressed our views ou public issues Our duty as becomes an honest,, fealess journalist, is ever to discuss in a fair spirit public questions and the actions of or public servants And we would remind ail members cf municipal councils that they are or servants and flot as they aîm te be very oftca our masters, V; ith the homilies in the paragraphs on publicJ cpinion we heartily concur. That Mayor1 Mitchell should take advantage cf the occasion to become sponsor for and de- feuder cf the misdeeds and delinquenciese cf the old ccunicil s te our mind ver y un- advised and indi'-creet and made our1 presence -anything but comfcrtable, With the progressive meastures snggested w et cannot but hearrily agmee as they are along the hunes of our cwn suggestions1 from te time in this journal. Especially de we endorse the recommendation fort the re-establishment of a furniture f ac- tory here and hope sen'e public-spirited1 persons witb meanis will comne forwarda with the necessary financiai assistance te giye the suggestion practicai demonstra- tien Weadvie acareul erusl c Mrs, Chas. KeçIýng, sen., Owen Sound, Ont., writes :-"lIt is a pleasure to tell what great benefits I have derivefi from the use of Dr. Chases Nerve Food. 1 ar-n 55 years of age, andi for about five years mYlilfe was one of great sufer- lng from nervousness, weakness and eXtrerr.,ý physI cal exhustion. 1 couli flot sleep, and ho± tilushes would pass tbrough mny botdy 1r0m feet to head. 1 conisultefi Our family phYsician and two otber doctors, but tbey told me that about my tirne of life 1 was likely to be troubled -1h thIs way. I continu- aliY gî ew w orse and SesPaired of ever being cured. Dr. Chases Nerve Food came to mY notice, and as we have Dr. Chase's Itecipe Book I baS con- fidence in the doctor, I w as se sur- prised at the help 1 received from the flrst box that I bought tbree more. They bult me right up and maSo me feel bealtby -and young again. Tbey bave prov.7. a great blessing to me, and 1 hoý Zb-ls testimonial ill ho of heIp to soiY,ý weak, nervous -woman suf- fering as ISd. The est End House, I BOWMANVILLE._ Sale so Successful. * Neyer Di»d We SeI Goods So eheaply. H To our list of bargains we have added :--- * 25 dozen heavy, all-wool Stockings, worth *up to 25e a pair; to clear during -this, sale for 15e H 10 dozen extra heavy ribbed, wool Hose, Hworth 45e a pair, sale price32 an dozen fancy ringwood Gloves, regular 25e ad35e pair; sale price15 43> lbs extra ehoice French Prunes 25c 15 pairs Men's Top Boots, regular $2.75 sale price $1.95 Wo Pay the Hîghest Prîces for -Prodilce - -- CASH OR TRADE. COt- lTIGE. The Annual Meeting for tbe patrons cf the Darlington Cheese and Butter Co. will be held at Mt. Carswell Hall oui Friday, Juhy 18, at 2 p. m. AIl patrons are invited to be present and arrange for~ officers for ecoming yea. J. W. FOTH-ERINGHAM Courtioe, Jan. 15, 1901. 3-1w* ENNISKII1LEN, New officers C.O. cf C.F.-Past Coun- cillr-J. J. Gibson; Chief Councillor- Chas. Williams; Vice- Couneillor-J as, Chapman; Recorder-H. J. Werry- Treasurer-J. W. Vîrtue; Preiate- J. Vurtue; Marshal-W. J. Stainton; Warden-Thos. Cr&ig; Guard-Frank flcskins; Sentry - Clarke Stevens; Trustee-J. J. Smith; Representative- Dr. J. C. Mitchell; Alternate-F. Rog- ers. ... . Mr. Jno. Preston, Ottawa; Mr. Wm. Preston. Mount Pleasant, have been guests'cf their brother, Mr, Geo. Preston. . .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue,Mr. and Mrs. S. H1oskin, Toronto, attended the funeral cf their mother the late Mrs& E Virtue ... . Two of the earîiest settiers in thi's part'have reeenthy passed away -Mrs.Bing ham, aged 78 years died un Toronto on the 5th inst, the interment teck place in Bowmanville, on the 7th inst. Service being conduceted by Rev, R.M. Phahen, B.A., assisted by Rev. J. H. Turnbuli, M.:,A. Mrs. E. Virtue, aged 79 vears, died on lOth inst and the remains were- interned at Hampton eemetery on the l2th. The obseques were condueted b *y Rev.S. Crcokshanks who preached a funerai sermon te a large congregation in the Methodist churchi Sunday. Mrs. Bingham leaves hier husband in lcnllness te mourn hier loss. Rer eldest son Samuel of Chicu'gu- had preqdeeeased her twc yearc .Three sons ahi medical men 8re lu active work. Dr. H.S.Bingham, Cannington; Dr.G A. Bingbam, Isabella, St , Toronto ; Dr.J. E. Bingham, Nev York City; two Eaughters, Mrs. WmFerguson, Toron- to, and Mrs. W. L. Henry, Winnipeg. Mrs, E. Virtue watt early left a widow with a family cf seiven cihildren. One Mr. James Virtue- diced in Ilionois a sear ago, the obher sons are Mr. R, Virtue, Toronto ; and Mr. J.W. Vhrtue of this Place. The daitghters are Mrs, S. Hoskin, Toronto ; Ms David Hall, Cartwright ; and M'isses, Phylinnia and and Editha at prsnat homec. Iu both cases a home is made desolate and the departed cnes are sincerehy mourned.. ..Missionary services at the Methiodist churcb sabbath evening ... . The pastor purposes beginning-, a serues cf specual serv1ees Mouday 21 st ipsi ...Officers elcet for S 0. T , _Enniskihen for lst Quarter 1901 are. PW.P., ll.J.Werrv; W. P., W. J. Stalinton; W.A , Miss G. Ranton; R. S. Miss M. Crookshanks; A.R S., Miss Ethel Stevens; Treas., Elias Asuiton ; F S_ A. E Stainton ; Chap., H. Stevens ; Con.. Miss T.Stain- ton; A.C..0 O-L. yes;1IS, Miss Alex- mnder; O.S.,Ceeu ll his.. 20TIl CENTURY WEJ)DING. FO SALE - A good seeond-hand FCuiter for saie, Would t-ke good bard cod in payment for same. Apply ai 5TÂArS- A very quiet and pleasant e-eut. took TAMIBS-Came on lot 21, con. 3, Dam place at the rosidence cf M r. C. B. Llington 13 Lambs. The cwner isrequested Plower, Cadmu",, on New Years day to prove property, psy expeises and tae them when lis ehdest daughter Luha iMay y as SWE, cmnui. 23 was married te Charles W Marlow, in the presence cf the near relatives of HOME WORK. the bride and groom. The bride was attired in a veru' hbecoming suit of pa!e We waet the services of a niumber cf persons bhue, taimmed with white silk, and anS familles te do knitting foreus ai home, chiffon. At 4 p. m. the happy couple whvoie or spare time. We fumnisb Auiomatic were joined in the bcnds cff hohv matri- Knitting Machines free te aliarehlers, SUI&l mouyby Rv.EE. Hwardaftr whch aain free and tsa' for work as sent in. Dis- mon byRevE, . Hwar afer hic tace ne hindrance. Yen can easily earn gcod a photo was taken of the weddung party. wages. Write us et once. Dept. A TIE At 8 p. m Mr, and Mrs. Marlow bade PEOPLES KsrNITTNGSVNDICATE, LimiteS, Tom- good bye to the guests and lef t for their cuto, Canada. home in Blackgtock wbere for the present they will.reside. The bride re- IN O DT I1C E. ceived a number e verv ueu presents. CIIEAP MEATS AN].) LARD. J. E. L. CoLE, IHAMPTON, Thanks alI his etistomers for past liberal patconage and solicîts the saine for the new century. Deal with me. I'IL use you right and save vou from 15 to 25 per cent. "Stick te me and Cecil Rhodes and you'll wear diamonds." Iwish ofue and ai y er Christmas and Happy New Year and 100 more of them. At present medium sized smoked, sugar cured Hams and Breaklast Blacon 14e; large smoked Hams 13e per lb. ; Balogna 10e or 3 for 25e; A 1 Lard in 20 lb, pails $2.25; 10 lbs P.&B. 1.1. $1.20; 5 lbs. do,, 65c,-all -from the celebrated world renowned firm of Park, Blaekz- well & Co., Toronto. If uot A 1 are returnable witb b'-k and money re- funde,. Drop a card with your order. L ady customers say thev are equal if not better than any they ever used. Try our Pork Sausages-besÉ in market. Yard and a third cf Pork for 10; (4 feet.), Hioehest price-for 1-ides and Skins. Hiorsehides $2.50 for No. 1 extra. No. 1 Sheec Skias large 85c, Veal Skins 8e per lb.; deacons 30 to 45c; Deer Skins 10e lb., coon, mink, eatskins and musk- rat skins wanted. Tallow 5c lb. ln Bowmanville \Vednesday and Saturdays; Burketon Fridays. Meet me there in Sweet Buyv and Buy and seli me your bides. FoR SALE.-73 acre farm in East Whitbv and single cutber. J E. L- CoLE, Butcher, ilampton 52-tf We, the undersigned, do hereby agree te r'efund the money ou a 50-cent boît1le of nreene's Warranted Syrep of Tar if it fails te cure yeur cough or ceid. We aise guarantee a '25 cent bettie te pirove satlsfaetory or meney refunded. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, STOTT & JURY. M. A. JAMES, steamship ticket agent, Bowmanville, represents the Allan Line, Dominion Line, Beaver Lîne, Elder, Dempster & Co., Montreal- - j Liverpool service, and W hite Star and Allan State Lina frem New York te Make your livIng in yo r r'hoe Liverpool and Glasgow respectively, easily-at yow. Ieur! (and Dominion Line frein Boston to now and pro-fitable-plauvn Liverpoo. Booking froin any point in Seni ynuraddreson 5.1' " ardadp o e"I oiE, a a a Ian. ~ rt Ç' L1?saDcAu Ppi , lsYena5dae.as.< To WHom IT MAT CONCERN. The books and accounts la cennectioa with Wm. Riekards' Peddling for John -Grigg will be et ohn Grg 'ae of business, No. 32, Ontarlo St., Bowrnaile, where all accouais umusibe paîd la this rmonth, Wrn. Richards bas ne utoriy e eceieay more cf said ac- ceunis. By order cf JOHN GRIGO. 2 if Bewmanville, January 8, 1101l Don't Negleet To write for our new Catalogue if yen are le- terested lu the selection cf ihe Dest School in which te train fer business pursuits. central Basîness College, -TOONTO- Empcy ilReelr Teachers"ows 60 Type writing Macines iuudTuses. 20 spedid rueins in ils work. Ii. courses arehrug anpr- tical sud ius studeuts anS gredtuates are in strong Sernd. WINTER TERM F»0M JAN. 2nd. ENTER AT ANY TIME AFTER THAT DATE. We aIso give splendid courses BY MAIL for ibose whe cenoet attend cur Scbeol. Ail particulars cbeerfully given. Address W.11.SH1AW, Principal. INOTIC0 E. To the Shareholders Of the Hlampton Butter and C/îeese Zllanufacturing Coempany, (Linmited.) Notice lî hereby given thet a special genemal meeting 0f tbe Sharebolders of the Hampton Butter anS Cheese Maeufacturiug Company, Limited, will hoclueld lu the Town Hall in the village cf Hampton, ce Ionday, dantiary 28, 1901, at the boum cf 2 c'cloek p. mn for the purposeofo ecnsidering sud ssn"tlcning a By-lsw, passeS hy the Directors on Menday, 14tb day cf Jane- ar-y 1901, enahling the saiS Comnpany te borrcw the smrn cf Fîfteen 1-undred sud Fifty Dollars and te mor Igage the real and personel property eftihe saiS Comnpany to secure the repaymenî of the s-ilS sum in fuit wtith interest. DateS ai IHampton, the l4th day cf January, A. D., 1901, By order F. L, ELLIS. 3-2w Seeretary, MORIGAGE SALE 0ýF FARMI - tnder anS y ' wers contauj in a certain mou igage whîc wl' be prduced et tEe time uf sal there w'iil iho effee for sle hy pblic ein ealiab J otllu sthe vlagecfBrkeintewn-shipcf.Deriegion,en FRIDAY, THE 25TH'F DAY 0F JANUARY, 1901. ai tEe boum cf 2 o'Clock, p. In., tEe follew i ain proeoty, viz., the aorth haîf of lot N.16 lu 9th 5 conession of the township of Darlingion centamiing 100 acres more or bass, ai present occupied hy Richard Sîinmon. 0 tf ibis farta about 90 acres are ender ccli- vation sud tEe balance weoded witb secondS growthspile. The scilus saiS tebe good streeg boan. Outhe promises are erected tEe fotlow- lngr buildings: Two-storey dwetliusg, freine, 18x24; kitchen, 12x16, anS woed shî-d, 14x20; barn, 34x60 wlth stone stables udeýr; shcep bouse, 15x24i piggey 12x10. The property us saiS te ho faîly ,wetrfèneSd and is waiered by twtt wells. Ihere is an ercluard aooniiig about 35 yeuug epple irees juil commauclot hear fruit, The propcrty 18 situete about t1pmile frein Bîrketen station on tEe C, P. B. whara ibere is a good market for prodace anS whiiere there us a public saheol. This fam is said to bc anS unusceliy geed eue anS much baiter tItan tEe crdinary rua cf farms in the localiiy. The folluwlug crops are saiS te ha sowr -f;" acres alsike clover,tc acres clover sud im 17 acres wln ter rye. The balancee cf tEe aab~tle laud is seid te lue well iilled for crop la pspruag. The preperty will hae ffaraS for sale saubjeet te e reserve buS. TERMS 0F SALE-o per cent cf purchasa meeey down on day of sale; balance iii Bu days. Arrangements may be made te leave oee Esf purchase rney secured hy mortgage ai low paie cf interest. For furiher particulars apply to tEe under- signeS solicitors anS auctioneer. L. A. W. TOLE, SIMP'SON & BLAIR, Aurtioneer. Bowrnanville, Selicitors for Vendors. Deted et Bowmanviltc, December 25 1900: 1-4w Pretty Are what yenwiillfinS in my stock for the holiday seascn,and at lowest prices. Christinas and New Year Cards, Booklets and Calendars. A special Christunas Endeavour Calendar, 925c. Aise special cards and Boo-klets for Sunday sehoal classes, PeloubetsNoe for 1901. Big range of Bocks for aIl c! ss of readers. A yery special bars ii in cloth. bound, popular authers, a' 2-5cts. Mcody's, at 25e. Meyer's and Iý1ï,rratv'8 at 85c. Photo Albums, great value, 50 Cts. upward. Bibles from, 25cts. Good value lu Teachers Bibles, Toys and gaines of every description, Unlequalled. Fancy goods in china , glass, and ceilulcîd te please every taste. Liberai discount te Sunday sehools purehasing libraries. Suitable preseuts ferfather, mothier11 brother, SiSter, everybody. P5 TREBIL0OCK. 'J 't j, t lç d s e

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