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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1901, p. 7

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DR . .POTTFR. ('Teseaitid residetteChurcb St.,oppesita Trlniity Ci ugrgttu sliclî , s.Bewmassville. zuS cm MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AIITIS1. IsstrucrioTssgiveoits 1'AINTING, hi (AI. M aie' Ciler aid t] sa. Skeichfi g atse jla, isisg fi omititure. KIMN on pi esinses, fdc i sgrail tbttal Pt Iircfim Re.D.Talmage Speaks of the i y Headache, Bîiousness, Hea rtburni, Indig7,estion, Dizziness, Indicatu tisai yenr lîver DR. J. C. MITCHJELL, I i ffçarent Be11efs. s eut of order. Thse EE 0F COLTEGEOF l'iISICIAN8 ' S a 'abest medicincî te' renie M an SugeçiisOiiaiiCootir, tctise lver anti cure ail Residenses. Enisiiillen. 74 A.E.MeLUGI¶INA despatcis freai Wasinigton aays:- Tbec circissof Ced were net made these ilus, is foni in A. . MLAGHLNRev, Dr. Taimage preacised fr ai the for war Larrachsý. Ail my frýentls,- Sr15terSOlieitor andi Civet aseer. Ofc- lonratŽL- nT iar~letarelliitinLrrlrsah M. i-cau at Bis c nahig rtres. l fu iru dad his sien roinsi"- isi nel. ali noghte look ever tise 25cents. 8Selt il ,auat o Rvmn ý iV 5, feace, 1 have marc admiration for a ]~ROBERT YOUNG, V. M~. I prr.paus, te-aigist, te speait of bigo- Dfaaisb h '1ht, an-si ielis-ve iltot FFIJPCE IN WEST DURIIAM NEWS-lcmpLaîilat ocaleis flekwbeie Iiinmeif or hlouleI.ttit vii î itacen sUsevils, and its tuuo.ýb nr, recfiadLcýoialta oý'2 surf and Icimpeat, andi tiat brinrts ItésOs hlrtss. u.te . a siMe-sa~ sun hbeutried to .make us belleve tise coibatiig cf teose tarnivoreus the nmicat msoste tise sbire of eternal rseit s us- dlreetly opîtnaîturli and lso-l, <aileehas tisa tel fepis or tolephoise o-ii recu-it e lu t h ti a ntu isbra a oosecioactc.tise wili issuthe ccsp. upen wije on--i 171 -g iMnla-t±r. utrtILlO Sos ail i htyiînders teCbnrcVbs AIRWOPK - uneswjstiu ~ but it doutrie auldrag it eut cf tise tîium i ,. 11,w-sur cciiwasted encrgy; .111 d oseovR, a11 aio Iq Xe5 ecrus et darkrsas, and rp off iisuw înir unen of large jr teîl ct who a ed tise oua that heavon will greet 1withthtie louds-st au1tisu-. Toiliod Lsbt anst Cor efOCitarjo st Biaaisi. I ilp. lisîinuisi betîveen Ligctry bave given their timl'te aitstoract andl _______________ - arid lawftu pt- f.srerica f r aunregiusceutreversildispute, whn if theis tjulsucis service iao by side, wisat Y1thougis wudeobulong le sitPffereut de- ~/[ARîIAGELICEN1SESM. A ief or tes-m. We w 'il, by car early Lasi deot ilit Lu thse rîihtdirect-osa, 'ricmnautiens, sisali vte net, by tis-e ~ME, ienr o MrrîgeL cne.eucaticui, andi by our physlcai tom- tiscy woutd bave been gleý.rieîaslyue pal bai etr itret nad a aasc 'unstitutie,,n, fui 1Tlisor lU-tks lie 1ou tiese tf ofmsmycJomtaiîîisiinr PI cemîn atoils, and cO mnuprayera, 011. J. S. F-OMI21t5,DENT-T, hsaa- pt&Olîv'itsO5 tetard certain Clg andi isiate liss: ries, sleeping andi commun tears, ise sympatietc 'A DUATE Oie' TîIFOYAL CtLLItGE clîuîcis-ald certain foýras cf stor.- tise long sils,ýp cf tisa ages. Whso cs:es wih aci otis il COh! Iiat Gosi would s4lbîlSrus oetsCis a sl Sm ep aemr mrsc nwwiho h dcoso iii Bridge verk aa seciaits OleFICaI-.Corta p .i epeae oeIpess e bs fts etr fstî Yjisaaateu tise day wheu ail tise great imatYse iet.trot. icf wosn i ldsotetas ittle i ch d POOi lget tise vtry ie tisai tiity yeara of Cmntjes l irrîtians shall for buîp'Liý, ansi its whiite irow id war aienut a participle ? I ge eut tjeoiL4 bauds around tise cross cf Jesus SIMPSON & BLAIR. aprinklesý i xi ciwats-r,_ iu srlcmn ena- sema aeî-day, ansi -T Lidtistan 1 d theecreeri; -1 iscîeve iu Gcýd D. B. SIMPSON, Q C., CHAS. P. BLAIR. diction, in tise name cf tise Father, ansi thsre aiett e-i sqarellr itwaio AmgsyMkrc P-rristet s,uShicos. Notaris-s,euic., -;Žheshsslsîs1g ty ak r r lileek, np taisa, King Siseut. Hec massville tisa &-nuausi Rely Gisost; iviile otUners witis acis othaer. 1 ceuna up tenard isovn nicri as uJ sCrs iseicilt esefor teOsntaioleBank. Pr ivate aemr mrse hntepntn he.1d o oý ereog ohae;aderh n nJssCrs 1suuney8 loasi e t 1ev est odteà r oe~pesduie ts e5ettsi ont ei sieogst ~ the coimmunion cf saints, ansi DENTSTRY. ~ce-m s up eut of tise river, bis garmeuts -gat atung, but 1 came near enoughis t1 atiehi eelatug1Ae aL DENTISTRY. sipp.ag witistise waters that typiUy bear tise cu-test isatweeu tise. Tise lAF. G.C. BONNYCAkSTLE, is.Dn.3. D.. PS, the~ wasbiug away cf sn. Yen like s-uae nîied eut£, "Tisatfie o f classer FRoer Gatate tchia s!iî3try et Toronito Uti-r veet.Oitcs srC u-.Jlisc lee w ay ue ,au s 1I 1k 'eleho ob- wt5Y. ta tisa sweetest. Tise o.ier cries ont, iylssyugo ld hudcr Cnydurmari'sscore. Bowroanînvle. 15 tyr. 1 bave uo quand lwitlî try ucîgisionra. eîisSt hersa cf iOv,.r 'Bte isweet-Ij Bycbitse, o yng or elin heisar- Th-y baiverqudet inu thiaishanse; 1 bave sy ue uias 1 elst.5'1 y "Stop tissquarrel.i. f! due ags. It ursivsan oanss Il. . IUN ERquit î min. ibeyd1aneclbik s eu istli isa stise sweetest, go with wonderful quickuess. Avoisi suis- Cýl(vlcr Molle is pcs'rtyetthirbosede tisete uifyen thitk tsat is tise sweet- tutus thure is but oe ePain--Kiiler. Ceupisy îsîsetsi esît sît Ceet ettt sl pjnds3 on upu-o tînj tLicpeace o. î e;cm- r , tisere. 1 want yoa te under- FerryDai'25.nd0c OFFCls EÂg St.p, isitu D-. l sielesi' a ,r de 1 th nk tisît tisa iapp n ss oc stai 'that tisai bive ta tise bestDas.2.aniSc __________________MY IGbu-8aa rtp2ndsis aenmarri ugtisat gots tisemnet isoney.1' 1 sed&f- ATTA0K ON P. 5rîS APPETITES. tl-ai4a. ferent denu-minattens of Cisistiaus iu T. 0on good a tsafra lac bittr ten etet witieach ether, seme prefer- ceuues v>,ee le ertlil lise' aie of Abs- aiu ciiitet nde!ste ae i s tarts in wtioiag tcutd'ato in utise bm rn'iàslas.tf vn îcl eif stiïe ani Oile- trs. Aer E SiGcLeole anosra.oliLs tesoBeusaingeilial bslt 16 m i co~Tur a sry-------l Wb a n issrs tisat fieldi. 1 say, " Take Tise Londsýis PitiI Mail Gazettu'a Par-. 'eduK -asic fb-r cisildien in tise wr,,eu Yoar ciseice. If yen likoe tha' evauigel-! ila correspondent ivritas: "A moment- P P F ~ - i' g ~ dire is-flda i ta ep'esy u insical bel -f tisa bout take i-s. If yenu like us decjsieîî-jîîapp; uranes-bas been G enilemnen's Cloihes made te lirrer, tianu-, cand laaicuiug tispa, ansi tisretingug is upun tthii5 wicilisai- xvay.s bave a baieiul iaflau-ucein tise s.Brlgdg ~ ~WIL5&8,B us bu-id. I -couýd meiton tise nu mea DENTISTS. of- premî'neet inisters cf tise uo-pcl Wvh,0eauna speimnli u o e ioti aitin, j habit ding certain denuailuatieus of WIll bu ai Blackstock on thee O-st Chisitians, isbao lives to eueo tieir eîvn Mondas cf cacis mentis, ai lirio frot cs s usp roacis tisa Gmepl in tisose de- 10 a i te 2 p iruandar tN.ecstwl' -iîîtu frein 2 30 te 5.80 p. ni. ou the asecond Mcnday of escis mentis i Pieritiese Sperior pC-ster of any onse OFFCE- enîperance 'St., Bowman-I danc;niîatitn su a commaunity outon VW l reat veofHîggîsîuu cl us edrug sttr. a Sabigc-ta. People tsisk 'bat ali etis î ceur moisare r- vng, anti that tis5 us l ihbaca Ose t happens te b iifashicnabIs, 0. H-ARNDEN, L.D.S. ibîs qesangtelical baief tise bout, tak-e1 taken isy tise Ciambe-r in a casual kinsi itr; 4nt unasistansi tiat Christ thinks cf way. Tise mauf icture and sale cf mes. ef tisat chancis whjci gaiS Moat absinthe ansi tise o -r secoctions tisat of tise hiaey et Christia n grace lutise' go by tise name -j tizeps are te bu heurt5 aud mort ef tise hoeay of Cisris-t foriidsen lu Franc -aiais, at any rate, flan gracatie i he is tsa parport of au amnÏusimeut tuck- But mior& thian ail wOli you over- cid on te tise Drink bil tisat bas just tlu5tias evil ofi tîgotiy isy teilla-g in! beau votesi. Tise Gevernaient are in- a Chistianutwerk witb mn, n eu other vitesi te issue- a deree taiseoing al h ,lt'fts. litre are tir e n in uhstil-, iu.Lai fisseaigo aud kneel by tisai dy*lng womaa, anticrma ui Crist to ber soai. tif tiay wut nttto tisai roo M- Witisantipa5thies, tisay WiLlcoma ont witise 1v'. MEN WRIO TOIL TOC uTIER i 11E WEALIHY, inu Cisrstiun work eau never tigisi in btt'r ostilitty. Ouitiiti tise "e or mare nlunutiai; ansi tbey taiSlic: i ntcr vsa soi abu is 'Uurs and cci"ssiir sss is- GrasOate of the iRoyal Ciro f Dental SesU, nds i -îsh - ,'ansi sisy tomýq guous, O ta o I u -i b ads ansi have a paticnlziug, OEFICE.--Oppalte Express officen. air, eanling etiser sien' minutions te VITALIZE IRSS AilS Sue iain l .Lîn- imemiserq ibet ai -,c ontadi. L-sopsr.ty tand xi onlrdi[y pu-sî1a I-, -0evirionce ibaf a O NTARIO BAN K lrlgîmisapDo, able trvli s-itintes-iode a Geseral Bantisîg Buse,8kiat tbîivin h 'uien ybeksni Be-wuaville A guncy. . hc smd pb ,übn- ia sano iupis Lteicis. Thie reiig.ue of DEPO SITS Chýrist ruionor is ,e the cnristoueý jecuive inluSaviîisgs Basn 5 parîmesul anti xiil b I. uzat> outhanie tise palace wi5is ls.îo ,tc-ret aloedat emrse î sit5. 0 al jcpelLnttofee vt slbdraw ai netneeess§ary, Ail depoîits payable iveadep uoht utvt za ulemand bis s Lncyard e.tîener than Ahais te EXCHAVNGE ruIC bis k rngd, ni Men sOftens do thse £oeght mud so1d andi Drafti, isssed uîpon Eui-ope- cpp ýsiteP te iat peopIe suppose. Tbey, lI ' il Sietre and Catto(laaies Giti . ilv-ant -a i---n.sgeup-t la-i-It-n-o-n- C~i e S t thGe t i a i s b s i l t a d s l i ie a v e n . D iv e s w e n t u p , a n d i L a z a r u s COLICC IO1 went down-. De yen know where they Frmtvmadie ateurr-eitits apon ail parti cam', cnt f Transpose the positons. if reh rtasitise UroitediState8 and tiselDo sain fCaaa. utrieiaeae s the müther of Teegraph Transfer s bigctry. Knewiartge entai gos the! Mad fr li o oSmlletm unaUparst mýnâ. Yu selacan f nd an intelsigent1 ýI-c,- folare o Sall(im onailpa ma whos a thoroulgi bigot; tsthI ccýîïIivùginMadtobor lbe Nos Eh Weqt, il1 ~~---------------~~ Mnhhsnrah as cfpayaient. Ycer ther narticulars eall aIt ise ank. A. J., Mt(CCLLLAN, GEO. MctILis, AceenstaniManager Mrs X.I syJohn, I amn going to stop 1i - _artetber. We can ,-, at LUTTIîELL'S,, Bowmpî ivillesucisgood lread aud I unus, andi Pies, anti Cakes. and t'-Mr. X.-A]1 rigisi, Sarah, don't tel me any more. It wii ne doubi be thse best plan for tlV )summer anyway. Alex. Luttreli. Bakeransi ConfectiouerBowmnanvill e Tiepisene 97. la usera- locality tdisiiogh -Canada te ifsotieu co ets aetlctg up ehw esrds on i 'c usq fasesegroatia andsiaIcepiîusia-, aediatribti gs-Mail ats iigmse Cosumission or slars' Duer) acu e ntidc expeuses ist te u ,s-sa àj Cpar da-v.;te. tdy emplet ment ta ite5di. houe t relILil IsuNo experluncu us-usfal. Write o ielp-ticalars. EmpDirp Medicine Co, bridon5 ,Ont. and tfi1 aî -s ILe . J"di il-Y- deaývor tl'aiook ike i du-al, but dc,-s ne.. Btser a mnuvoe hy lita intelligence sud Christian faits,, Caieau w ai alaonsitise 'eig.ous subi- ject, andsi Suai al ides. lu- ibere si auy mue te bu pittesi, it, ta tise man - ris bus jnst Oeeideu lu his buas-no mo;)re, ne bass. Les a mar iv gl bs life te tise disusson eft tiedoctrine cf ulectian, or tcisce doctrine- e fiea agency, or tiesubject cf baptisai, Or tise perseveranc ofethtie sints, sud, ho' xiiibu'-MabeýCile in isdy ansinu ainsi. iJgotry y put s baud on a m-inas h sine Iit-ns bus akuil, andi miSes hiiaiLean ansi cadaverous, ansi exhauists b ai - au', P sur celleges ainsiyour achoola ansi nuiveraities. Bgotry cannot live untier thesu in-î fI neîccs.i1 Lok noir aitise evils cf btgetry. Ini tise tirai place, it cripples investiga- tIen. Tisa dIff, cent danomiuitiOusà-ere inseudesi, by isaly rvalry, anti boues ccoutpstitieu, te keop eace tiser uide aivake. 'sTiilu, a say, eaeb denaminatien oughit te preseni cil theu-du-strinets, each denuin nation caghst W maSoeuOe of tise doctrinea especiaily cîrpistic. Nsuwi bigetry-shat-aOua e,-ut freai-ai -ba leesoses. The, man wiltne-t muSe uu imparial .investigation, sud becau- neit reason. "s Al otisers are Mwroug. andsIaI sutright',"un-i tisera tise-ma-- tac suds. Freu.thtie glenicas reaýmnof G-dtus'sSpth, over isicis tish risne miitliy frori eternity te eteriaity itiattoacb'isg tise limita, tbey abt ie oeve ti sd due Seblinsi 1,oesY drink of vhiGis tise consuiption. in tise Opinion cf tise Ac adeiny nf Medi- Icine, ta a danger tus tise pnbi ellsaltis. "Tise realizitiaon ofthtis is-volution- ary aicasu'- 'c .e-eutttist-,vas very fittin rc ,of- cnurse quiutiy ig îir- rs , ien they hava recels .a andth ie Cisamber wili bave asuffielent seunaa to ferget iuts b aoties s vote. Net, indeosi, tisaithere is net mach te be saisi fer tise meauare in iseif, bat le supprass tise pîso- tica cf drinkiug aperitifs by a atroe efth tielien la as te..sîie as 1't rols b-a to abelisis smoking by royal jý,e- ,.Dnring tise pasi twtuty 'asa tt habit ha attainiesite appaililng -ro- peoitioD in France. It is calenlatusi us-t iu Paris aione some (00,000 par- sens considu.r ih laimupessible te dîne untii afier the-y have swaiiowed sc- cailu appetizer. Muny people ha- duige la the habit bufore lunch as uteil as bufore dinuer. ansi neediesa te Lauy tisenuaber cf tisosa iris are uot Tise cousumption cf aparitifs iu Pur- la, afier increaing fer any yaars ai tisa rate of 10,000) hectolitres a year, baii of lute gcue np by laaps aud beau-ris, ansitise auuuai inceuese la noir 20,000 bectoitires. '« Tiserearse ne tire opinions as te the faci tisai tisa aperitifs among wirnhi abýsinthe i u worae tisan tise utany varîties of bittera, peprescut tise very dires-t ferai cf alcoioic poison- i ng. Tise eaithiesi perseus canet swaiiow t hese letisai decoctions wuts impunity; tbay are a sure cause of n8rveus tiscseuseasd physinai degener- ation. Tise ravagea tisey are oas- insg su FIranou are univers:aily recug- nizMs. A eerious effort te, grappie iwith tise evil i-s asaurediy imperative; anhappiiy, tise vote lu tise Cisumber la net serious." GOLDEN CARPETS AT AUOT~ION. ITwe mugnificeut curpets, ipesentasi by tbu Infants Donna Sunchi te tise Royal Couvent cf St. Antonio in 15010, bhave jati beau selsi by anction at tise Municipal Chamber, Lisbon, te pay foir repairsata the couvent aud ichurch. Tisaie cf tise nurpeta, whicb iro Persian, ands about I8ft. square, 1 umbreidaresi with reai ýgelsi, nusesi -mueis axcitemeut. Tise mccit eager Ibisiders wece tue groupa, Frenchs sud German. Riddiug bugan ai £888, -ansi tise Frenchaien secare tisa prcze fer £,708, _unichis is egardesi_,as uearly £1 ,000 balew tise ruai vaine. Two eus- t ar eqaally splendid carpets Lieuthtie Esirellu Couvent, were also ancaunc t ad for sale t osrdat ebut pub- lic feeling huis bec.5jeý3osettrong tisai tise saie bus beaune¶trae. Mr. ubb-ousnss I l)eotee iwby ILahould takaay notlee of tiseý apkihet bI ýappliesi t) e is, --eat uotising.Mv. iluu-it inWhytis maxicalasi ou isitbalogidiot. Mr. Hubb-xacty; sd Utbr-ii' lie~sai 'iwrd lu tise E'uglishnab aw~e ats- er îg TUE HANDS, Tise bar-est, rougisesi banda may be riade eoft and wisite in a moutis or two witi tise proper care. Rain water us ceusiduresi besi for waabiug thora, but a littie borax added to bird watur wiil c.uteract its effects andi maSs iT-usi _as geosdi f you Wili -aakd Y-à stroug aolutien of borax andt water snd keep àinl a bottie on a seit nuar tise washstand, yen wiii fins i .m.ire covenieut tissu usiug ilu pets- durusi fo>ra. Warm water cleanses tise banda more readîly ýtian coisi, but tae hul er-ýaterwa Txt-fw ,oid water. Wasb thent geutly antiI tbexoaglaly dlean, ustng a good brusis to clean tise nails, Tisere is ne saper mark of a daiuiy weeman, thau well- Sept nails, sud thuir cape shesuisibu cousidsred as important as wasbiug tise fane or cembiug tise bair. Pare ,hemi carefully toe uIstiei in tise pr&pur shape, andsi meetis tue asiges witis powdered pumice-atoe. THE DREitSING TABLE. A ciothea binas sisoulsi have a place among tise necessary impedimenta of tise toilet, A baud-glass, tee, la a necessity, if onu wuald make sure tisai eue's bacS hiar la as it ahouisi be; aud a pretty Siud i-s made wîth a foldiug-haudie te stand on tise table. Evurything ou the dressing-table ahoulsi bu immaculate su its cleaulineas. Duat, of course, is net for eue mo- ment te bu teleratesi tiere, andi arti- nies ot glass sud silver sisaulsi bu Sept as brtght as h ta possible for polis- sug to make tisea. Tiisslanot ditîleuit if a nisamois bu kupi near ai baud, ansi usesi uaîly tua --xe-iverytislng -n--i--t tti qaite dry OARES OF THE WARDROBE. Wisen puttLing away the aumnmer war-drebe al ribsonas souldl ha reaies- ed, ecleanesi ansi rolssiereunaapiece of cardisoard or a isttie. Tise triai- miug asaauldbu removesi, freai bats, tise rîbison pressesi aud cluanesianud if it isas nflc adesi, put away carufuiiy witistisa dress ribisess. Fiowers that are net fLisis aisulsi bu tbîewu away, as nexi season, contrastesi ivita tise fresis, new blossoma ef tise aiîiinery gaîden, thuy wsill lacSk worse fer wuar tissu now. Evurythiug tisai nt do service another seascu seou'Isibu giv.- an s-way or burned. It is a Looiliai waste of spaoe te suive iadad, teorn ansi batterusi gaîmaents. While cariug fer tise ruai cf tise wardro bu, tise shees shoulsi Dot bue verleekesi. If ihare are any tisat are run do-n uai tise ieelsor show bv huas worn badly ai oee ide, have a nets lift put ou.KUeep tise sisous polishesi andiwhieu net ou tise tuai stuffed witistasue paper or drawn oer ses trees. -WORTHR KNSOWING. Osîmeal taken bots as a fond ansi a coýssaicl is mnosi excellent for whit-. eniug andsi ofieuîng tiese ain. ,Salt sud wsaier are geesid for tise aile- nuationrssofm.pomau ru.Iwu table-~ spuonsful of sait into bail a pint of water, and batte thse face in this. Bran -water is much esteemesi as a skin. It ia prepares as dernand arises by putting a hansiful of bran in a bit cf cheeseclotb and tying the cloth in a bag. Tise bag is then squeezed in water a number of times and the li- quid is ready for use. When the feet bave become tiresi from long standing, a bath of sait and water wîll be found mnoat sootb- iug. Put a handful o.f common sali into four quarts of hot water, and, place tise feet in this, as haot as il clau be Jisorue. Do not keep thse fue in tbe water after it lias cK»4led off but take them out and rab bard wiý a rougis towtil. The ideûally proportîcuesi woman wears a sboe one-isaif the size of ber glove, thus, if ber ha.nd calls for a number six g].ove, se must wear a No 3 sisce. ANs ATTRACTIVE FIGURE. In nine oaees out cf ten a defective 1ookiun- figure is net 50 ln reality, but is simply the resuit of continuons- ly wearing basily fitting bodilces andi not gi-ing sufficieut attention to thse IthnBurning and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp witix loss of Hair G--omplete External aixd Iný nai Treatinent by Cuticura cfTHE SET Couslstilg o CITTIcuiSA SOAi', le clease, the Pkia cf cruels and scaies and i3oftsr tise thlckened cuticle, CUTICUTtA Olutusent te in- Btauýtly allay ltchiug, irritation, and Ilnfism- imatien, andi soothe aud b"a, asti CuTICITl& IIESOLVENT te cool sud cleanea ,9tbe blood. A Sasear SET is ofteu ufcet ecr b osî otnlidisfigusingin, calpat tions, wil1 ýl se besiphysl- c!ans Lassîz lailte smrisfal SolS by Uaýi oet. heut.Ps1afas p C-C cii, sl e s'82Cý"ýta., eal , i-,1- A VRI600ELE:-If yon are tired of being exPerlmerted upon, yen wili fEnd our Latest Methed Treatinent is a guaranteedcl cure for varicocele without use of knif e or loss os- turne. it absorbs thse wor-sy condition, restores thse parts, tbereby bringing back losb pots STiÏICTURE:-Tbousands of yen bave stricture and do flot know it; If yon bave be1ýn discreet, or i mprper]y treated. or notice a smarti g sensation, uunaturaisiiscbarge,'ý: ergans, or back, nervilus debility, or If yen are flot the man yen sbould be, it May b thse cause of stricture. If yen -are In doubt, cail and see us, as sve will examine you fre ecf charge; 0cr Latest Method Treatmnent absorba ths tricture, thereby making cuttîg or StretCbing unnuc-ssary, and yen pay when oured.. Dori't neglect ibese important a~s vonwiil rge t ha oiun nin o - pAini nay-grr1u, diYrte erite, doposits in urine? Our Latest lietbod Tre.. mnent is a guaranteca cura ±forsucb coditions. I Tugipnal sworn affidavY;ts or testimoniale can be seen at aur offices, $500.00 rss art' foer 5ey we cannot show: at requet of patients we publisis anti the initiale. Y7our La test Mûthed Trentinent acted thse way yonsaidlt wonld; mystrictures are cured, ans. thse varicecele s-ntre-y disappeured, and 1 f el strongertban vicsr;, riy bhhder andi kirlneys Co not trouble me any,1I cari steop ail day, do , ird Cty's wrkri-wsitlzout, my issineys treubling me as befere 1 tolyu Latest Isethosi Treatmet it bas curesi me aiter otisers have failed; ifIba cocled yen soonerI1 oiils bave savcd a great deal of money hbbie Dr. Geldiser 'lha s 18I Dli gLO MAS certificates an ice ses receiied freim ti a rions college's hespirals and states wbicli testify to bis standing and abilities. -PYwc ~xrd Cures gUaranteed- WVe ture lleesPoison, Cbronic, Private Nervous, Impotunoy, \ý7rrlcese, Strîcture, Eid& irtefegqetio n teiikor hom t rssof Ct. ook on D Paesofmm rpire.g r 3P. p.oS ildPis t0og a.rM . teveloP. fa, k.D veooise rc ituiy Ptir.Cuucrued otitseouelyackd lua ft5 ox utd en Pin uttOosss ees lleyorolItieboastCs o Mîl olelht. ils. ituoss rer-x ikemot ssd o l end lse sos anatnossru ie andssfy ,odolliforoord yoo Casuoo, ilcta~ospai, aseDcxCess~se3,Bo 26 Topront LATER EXCESSES IN MANH00D MFAKE NER VOUS, DI3eAISJED MEN K ofigornc ad oly nyonth overexertion of mind and beliAmt bc ise i 1,a soe taier~eos are foreed to drag ont a weary, fruitius3an-J U ue oyexisence. Otsaers reeclusstril nbt fSud ne enlace or comfort ther,'l iciaare found in ail stations cf life -Thoe Lapintise ChIW0, the wraotepJi, tise trades acnd tise professons. _____ ~RESTORED 7TO MANHOOD BY DR.K K. S e1 wu, A. WALXEII. Wux. A. WALiLER. 1MES. CHAS. rFEBII, CHAS. MFEBeY. -H BEFOReaT EIATMMZS ltT R CInTEÂTSîtBîDivoernsbut tniteti ugain LZY5N NAM.ES CH TESTIMONIALS USEO W11140.T RITTEN CONSEJT. K SYPHILIS u ~ sg cfor -Y "gay isfe"1iinscetuo yoeug sud ignorant, As e f tise Boye" Icontracu~ EMISSIONS iSypisiis nsi ethaqPiae iess IbatuIncurein t1e cee!.ausitoshiro-t, beau pais air looie, pimpies o -~STB CT U RE f.iac, dn-er nailocame off, omissionas, bucunce dcl n OU FRED________te. Theieleud mebut could not cure me Msoe is ewietisesiTruarment cr. aiSmeina a tir re-ls. Tcf . taeu- a, -COURES GLIA-ýfLNT OROI MONIV u 51 Iff Cnp)t. Chas. rysaa-"Iiamvie te Dra. iK. & K. - At 1 1Lcarabac! bahut. At 21 1lis .11 litilese yiuciu-ms IiO E sfisialWcanes sud Sprs- teyruts, Emi,.ee r w0 rudai "13anti irsalins-'g cep v1u-ity. 1I marriesiu dC O L vie Mfny fs nily docter, but it wsina sati xearience, u eigistetu menthe Vava ire edivorcdl1 ses len cessonîtoti lrs. b. & iK., iris rrstosrd ire te manhecti 'miv nurves, o -cu'ms -e aa'a iadrehiapy. I hie wn% ______ ____ eixpera egac. 1. e% È ,are Bscitfsc ellrt niIlauhily receremusithsi. ~j'We freat ai'adcssrn Vas--/-ee, EMicsîons, Nenvoczy Desility, &m-Mtpl W-eakyiiess, Gljet, SfîurSypiiiiUn&Ja éshs~-sSAus 0 Kidn'ey nand Bladdea- Diseascs. ë5isUntrlDches A 1 7 YEARS IN DETROITo 200.000 CURED. NO RISIC roua victimP 1Rase peu ut hope? Are pou cenlmlai Mai -AD sE rige? lias yeur Bloosi beca tdeisetie? Rave yen Ray wuatnassi5 On New MtbntiTruatmeut wil ncue pou. Viat it lias dlons fer otisers it wiil de for you OONSULTqAi N5 FRE.No matterwiro has trentesi yen write for an isoneat opinion PIse cf Charge. lharzua reasonahia. SOSIEs FREE-"Thb 'odenMntr lutaeio Disuaas cf.Uen. Ia lose postage.ý 2 cents. Sualesi Rý?N9D NAMES USED WITH-OUT WFIITTEN CONSENT.PI- ops ver-ythîn conflelOfl. Question Ilsat ansd cost of Trer t- EOY E ~ No,148 SHELBV T, - ~ /O~ CouacButtons o te,. O ue.Cr agens i.,d hs tsuVerpYeasy S si sdi. liveryisos'u...co tbomandd ooybrigist seau conauelîiloin - 5 hs ocIoils tîmo by golng to w-l at once. M il tis adreetisoesnt andsl - send Yeothie buttons. Sels Ihenu. sotoru tuemojnesd nwe vin rtorwad, prepasi. tits lisî-elAi hll tri beles t.l I a Co siestePistol Ctip sud WaInod Stock. Shoots B.sisot, sorts o lislborrc u ucrc.Une nattedssrblrdsootissg,ortar et proctnc FaE Me 15 csh arefuily testeS before lbosSu tise factoîy. Wite to-day LEVEII BUTTeS Ce., Boxs -Teosn eut of tise underts'axan sd tiesa iapu' ef the corsets. Tisis seasen ail besi- ices aud coua are iight fhittiug, asides i te whîcis skiris aie ma-de te dling1 nlosely areunsi tise is; hrefere tise uIIdeigarmeuts muai bucutade witis asg tew seams or crus.ses as possible, as ibey shosw tisrough tise material of1 wirbmnistiesekirti -amatie, anti muatise haudsoimeai gowu look unsigbiiy. 1 ECONOMY IN DRESS. Buy the besi maturials yen eau af- 9 îord. Air'ansi larush uehgaraient after uscis weariug. Neyeruse pins lu lien of bocks aud ayssud buttons. Keep beeks sud eyais snd buttous tightiy scwud on. Rip houka ansi uyes sud bntiens off wern-u-out wiussis bafere couslguiag tissaite tise rag-bag. Ihattcsnbola-stitnh rippesi gleve sais Keap yeur shoea isels sire igisi by isavinug" lifts" reutea as they wear -Keep-yeur-sabitteu& qsewed-f ast sud your sisce buttoueti uuiireiy, te kuep tisuaifrein "ruuning downaaitisai To improve your figure, carrnage a#ZÎ appeasaune, buy sbees, gieves andi cor- sets large enouglis-tisay wiil kuep buts their own sud yu shape butter ,tissu if top $nug-- iig Pin tise cliarar-ever mie yoýar irsis-it ou ar, moe re qnîcOukly ansi eas- iyremOvusi teaha w anhedsud oI t sud tise usA wilire i us wear1 t3issu if hit pree ,wed in. Put your kidi giovea on siewiy ansi carefully tise Lirai tire-seeing tisai tise seais are straigisi, andi tiey wili keep lu shape., Wear yoar peuticeat tire lnose« sisorter tisa yeur druas skirt. Hem Yoar sewmag silk veul beforu tise ira-t waariug. " Skm" off your kisi glove9. air tissa, tisen tam ibtheanti streteis thuai. Canada wili bave about 20,000 isquare Lest cf apace at tise Glasgow, Exhibition. Dslfdl'e. ~ W~od's r~osp~od~n., fiSe Civet Eîsgfiais Rn- saIt,. ,~ ~2 Scîti sud rîseommuadeti by 85 s-5i5~ lu Canada. Ouby ruS. ablu nietiielîle discoveresi. ,Sll~ yack-agita gtesrcrsteeri fo cure ail forins of Saxual Weakness, aIl elluets ef abuse or excuse, Mental Worry. Excessive use cf To- bacce, Opium or Stimulants. Mallesi on recelpt of pilon, eue package il, six, $5. Cee testfJiiititiiS, six oiE cern. Pamphlets frue te env addregS, Tise Weod Compaiay, Wiadscr, 0u. Weedî Phesphodine ~Seii5u- s Bowmsnvill~-Ju- - Stoct& Jury, Itigginbetbr Ssii; Or< J. Gildulasu; Nsiwcaatle b? Parecea - i ,osa cari 1es iti Ont iitis tisa 1 o Leat 1 1do nec cure titiideneetua- Ll-c retss it. Pi1enty cf rocai for ai] teo toLil, t'or ailta pruy, £or ail te ivork. 'Yea do ynar iverk in ycar way; I de my work lunaiy way. But kmtw tv is; tisaitisat ttiuri sund thut deppmebanuioll isiichis 1moat feuris the endY pull out a hand f a by run- ning your. Il fingers through it-? tDoes it seem dry and Give your hair a chance. Feed it. The roots are not dead ; they are weak b;ecause thecyar starved-tht'I.s a The h ar f oo d If you, don't mant your hair to dietuse Ayer's Hair Vi or t once a day. It m Kes t Sthe hair grow, stopýs -~fallling, and cures d. n- It always restoresý Ccolor to _gray - or- fa(ed Shair; it neyer faits. 1I.00 a bottin. AUl druggislî "One bottle cf Ayer's Raie Vigne stept my lisir frein fslliug eut, ani tartusl il te rWaanncl. Marcb 28, 1899. Cane-va,, S. Dais. vi 'f yen u ne etai al iseCDemisait 1 t -t . 1 ý--ut u, ujiu uuiý

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