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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1901, p. 8

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J. HIGGINBOIHAM & SON, Druggists, Bownianville. Our Goods Spoak For Themselves1, We only ask you tu corne and go throug~h Sou r store, We buy the nattiest Furniture 0on the market, made in best woods and we seil at close ' prices. If you intend furnishing a home, see our lines and get our prices, and compaie with the goods of any city store if you wvish. If you Scontemplate a faney chair or any piece of Fur- niture for the Holiday season, see our display, ~the largest and prettiest ever shown in town. KEEP VOUR EVE ON OUR, DISPLAY WINDOW. SBOWMANVlLLE. Furniture and Urdertaking. YGOLD WATCH FREE andi a Rado epî'zc for every corrct answer. Th3ia Puz ,lc pîicare, aath aboy1 oC. ýakd. If y or ea sare wide be ab t.fi hi,,,. Wen bave done eap nîia iei Y-!, t m~~~~~~ark the fu.in 3 i faëe ami body thenCi)i uatir d ., uftîaibçrtnn dteis wilti,21ten rery paiaiv. C: in, oxpoe .. Thblenfltire aetin Èacrrea in aeWatt-h. andi al thors w i1 rceivca Handaon laZe.AR IUJ5IY<CO., Box 26, Toronto. 1THE AMERICAN MIONTHILY REVIEW 0F REVIEWS la the One Important magazine in the wonld giving ia Ils pictures, Ils text, Iu ils cotributed articles, editonials and depaniments, a comprehiensive, timety record of tie world'a current Listory. Not the enuinersition of meme bare facts, but a comprehensIve picture o! tie monti, ils activities, ils notable personatities, and notable itterances, TIseeizt informed men andl women Ini the wonîd flnd il Indispensable. There are many readers in your locality' who have yet to learu of ils esefulnests. We wfsh bo establish active agents in every clfy and township In thse country. We wMI pay liberally for ener- getic effort intliez subîcription ield. Leisure moments can be ufilfzed fa ts tom age~Tfit'sites smple copies, and worklng oli.Tien zolicit their subscriptions, Iliii a compliment ta approacis a person wti a subscription proposition for the " Review of Reviews,0' andi consequenuiy orders are eaiy secumes. This is the active subscrip- lion seazon, Malte applicaiion ai once, naming youc eferencs. PrÊce, 25 cents a nvjr'sber. $2.50 e, y3ar. THE REVIEW CF REVIEWS Coe¶FArNY, e.e ~ .n~ an-doacin ~~Ot ~ -t j ut To PATENIT Goo Ids1aas may be secu ed by our ai d.Adress, THE PAIE. T RC0eO r'"Itimoe, e. t l~ otiý'r1i3i ti s- e- S i' ta trh0 ttt d tlinx Jyp. . t-m a ie t fark. lCash for Produce. jTne under- 0i nctji s pïe-)mrdto-tif0uy ai kintis of ponlt2-rv, dresscdti n tise fl- iownz mmannes-: Ailfeatiîas tdi- -« pick edc es cepf long wig- feaulors, Pau1ni ouf and weed In usîuth an(! uudî-aw, ['N fo1 Re ent, Y 4- bun - Otorkiiing - - -- -l ~.-ce wil e lfor e-c d sc2k, îd rosseti ts~ , eu , rie iapua itrandt tfaet.-Tiy ris fcaiiancestreef, jLC eott t Standar-d BnIS l.1 JA-MES lMoCONNACIIIE. 48-2m, Bewmanvîtle., Waddell. .M r. Jas. ilÎunter bas beeé-n buying Up a large number of heavy cattle.,,.. Mr. Garnet Hall was guest of Mviss Beatrice Foster,,. .Mr. H. Elliott, the Port Hope buyer was along the line looking up stock. ... Mr. George Waddell is talking of buying the And. Poltard farm. The Japs did it. The 'y svpplied us with the menthol contained in that wonderful D. & L. Menthol Plaster which relieves instantly backacbe head- ache, neuralgia, rheumatism and sciat- ica. Maîîufactvred by the Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., makers. SOUTH MANVERS. Mr. Wm. Forsyth has been confined to bis -bouse with a bad cold.. .. Mr. Jo. Fallis, wbite coming along the road with a load of wood, it slipped on Mr. Fallis crushing hlm very severety. ....Pontypool Oddt.ellows held an oyster supper on Friday week . ,... The basket social held at Drum was a grand success . ...,The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Jan 9, when their daugbter liowena was united in the sacred bonds of marriage to Mr. E. F. Dean. The happy couple tel t amid showA of rice for an extended tour in the western coiinties after which they intenti resîding, in the city. .. Miss Mabel Kennedy visited frientis in Kirby. A CAITARRII SPECIALIS- Mr. James Spence, Clachan, Ont, says :-"îI have been a sufferer froîn catarrh for 15 years, whîch became chronic, I have spent a lot of money and consulteti several doctors among others a special- ist in London; I have tried everything 1 could hear of or sec advcrtised with- out dong me any gooti. But, thanks to Dr. Cbase's Catarrh Cure, I arn com- ptetely cuveti after osing' three hoxes of ït. I recommenci it toanyone sufer ing from catarrh." oR.ONO. Mr. Bort Dobson, Toronto, is borne. ..Mrs. Jas. L;nton is visiting ber daugitérs at La1kefleld-..l. r.. G. H. Carveth is recoveriug !rom dipbthcria. Mlajor McCaugýhey. Cobourg. District Deputy Grand- Master, A. 0. U., W. offlcialty visiteti Orono Lodgc Tuesday evening week anti installeti oficers etect. . . .1ev. D, G. S. Connery, M. A.. late minister olfie Presbyterian churci at Wiî ebester, preacheti anniversary sermons in tic Presbytertan cburch Sundav .. .Annivcrsary services in tic Methodist churcli Sunday weck svere beyonti the most sanguine expectaions of the coramitfee. 1ev. T. Dunlop of Mitlanti, pastor of tic churcb twclve verrs ago, preacheti excellent sermons. The day was charming, being mitti andi good sleighing. Proceetis over $100. It Bas Met The Moeets of Thousandinu The Past, IPAI1NE'S CELERYI COMPOUND Cures andi Makes People Weil. It is The Kind You Noed If You Are Aiiing, Nervous Weak and i enondent+ Makes New iloo d Andi iuiltis np The S> stcm. Years o! experience anti tests bv physicians anti itS use as a family mcd- icine bave fnlty provedti fat Paine's Celerv Compoui.nd is fie best anti most retiable metilcine. Paine's Celcry Compoundinl compani- son wifh alt other remedies forinmakiug people well, is ciearlv siaown in tic in- telligent character of anti responsibte standing of flic peoisie who to-day rets' on it fo cure insomnia nemvous tiebili y, rienmatism, neuraîgla, tiver anti kiti- ney troubles. anti blooti diseases. Ifs power of rapidîs' repairing the tissues anti cleansfing the hioti maies Faine's Clers' Comipoundth fe gruau .saser of lufe uhat iit i. If brin-s fo tihewuir.k anti suffering- tic needeti nutriment tC; fie nerve tisanes ait os m he - f ols so tisata bt-ealdoweýOcf sor0o vital spot îs averreti, Tiosonanti o!lises îîow fs-fw-crlÉme Cms di i e saveutiilPauiliCeleîy Comnpounti bu pi-oiptiy uc-t.Ilf ou nu'nbr amougaif the ekonus,pi-o cure Paîne-'s Celui-v Compouý!ndti f day anti test lus healfis nestoriing powcmrs. Wiies Cî1atiiJbiiawa, , ~WesLt e t w- manvilte, and 112 from Courtice. Good house, barn anti stable on propertv, two acres of orchard, land ptowed and readv for cronp Terms-One-tenth down,balance it expiration of 30davs from sale. Immnediate possession. Sale at 2p.m. Furtber particutars may be hat f rom DCLARKEa or, ALBERJITH.OÔKE. Courtice. JAS BISîîop, auctioneer. 3-2w T1IuRsDAY, Feb. 7,-Mr. R Q. Short, lot 28, con 8l, Durlington, wilt seli by public auction the whole of bis val- uable farmr stock, implements, etc. A splendid opportunity to secure gocd stock or implements. Sale at .12 o'elock, noon. JAMESBisBRop, auc.- tioneer. Visitors :-Mr. A. Doubt, Port Perry, guest of Mr. O.L. Byers ; Mr. and Mr&. Paul and family, Janetville, guests of Mr. W.M Wotton .... The many friends of Dr. W.llackneY, Futterton, will be pleased to greet hlm again. The Dr. is a guest of Dr Mitchell.... Missionary sermons and usual service in the Metb- odist church Sunday night bv 11ev S. Crookshanks. Special sermons are now being held in above churcb con- ducted by the pastor NEWTONVILLE. Mrs, Wood and Mrs. Qunckenbusb visited in Newcastle reccntly... .Revival services are being held in the Metbodist cburch. - - Mrs.- W. J. Joncs entertained a lew of ber lriends Thursday evening ...Miss Reidi, Milbrook, is visiting her father. . ...Miss L. Hancock, Peterboro, visiteti friends tiere recently._Open meeting of the Royal Templars Friday Mardhi st ..The MissesLewis are gueste of their brother at the parsonage... 11ev. J.- G Lewis preacheti on the ilampton circuit andi 1ev, Thomas on this circit Sunday week .... Mrs. J. G, Lewis is v ,isitinz ini Peterboro. Al kiirods o! coughs and colds, Bron- cuti, whooiugcough, Pais in the chest, w ezng, hoarseness, sore throat and astlvota-, vield Co the lung healing propertif cs of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrcip Price 20c., HJAMPTON. Mî-s F. G. Kersiake is recovering from a sev'ere attack of grippe.... We are pleased ta leariu that Mr. Frankf Kerslake who is in the Toronto Hospital witb pneumonta is recovering. His mother returneti from the city Thurs- day..., Mr. Burns' welt knowîî gmey driver that bas aceornpanied our local sports on s0 many hunting expeditioîs as to be ahnost recognized as part of the party haut to be killeut last week owingr o a broken log .... S, O E. In- stallation o! officers Thumsday evening .... Miss M. J. Katerson ià visiting in Toronto.. .. Mr. R. Katerson who bas been confined to bis bcd for several dass is able to be around again. First andi foremost in the fieldt of merl- icine is llood's Sarsapamilia. Jr posses- ses actuat and unequalteti menit by wbich it cures att diseases caused or promoted by impoverished btood. If yon. bave rbeumatism, dyspepsia, scrof- uta or catarrh von may take llood's Sarsaparilta and be eured. Il you ai-e ton down andi feel weak and tired, yon May be sure it witl do you good, KEN DALL. Thc death of Mr. Allan Lock1Lart on Wcdnesday, Jan. 16th, 1901, removes an- other of Clarkc's oldest and bcst known citizens. âîr. anti Mrs. Lockhart came to reside with their daughter, Mrs. D. C-ornstock hiast fali anti deceaseti enjoycd with hecart, trouble and succumb)et in a' short time. Deceaseti was one of the olti guards in the Liberat ranks in West Dur- ham andi was thc father of our late honoreti member-the late William T. Lockiart-a name above reproach and an honor to our political life H1e was a Presbyterian andi always in his place at the bour of worsiip, Few people who have reacheti the ripc age of four score years have kept the robust appearance yeaî s. Deceasedileaves bis aged partiner, tbrcc dauighters-Mvrs Gomstock,lÇendal, Mrs. H. Fecnwick, Orono, Mrs Warren, Toronto; ahut two sons-Messrs. Altan andi Charles Locklaart of British Columibia to mourn bis loss, The reienans sacre in- terret inl Orono t.emetery on Saturd'iy and the servs e are condstcted by Rev. J. A. 11cKeen, B. A. Deccaseti was 83 years of age. Goss mcý,,Eiiions-People wilI talk and whon îteighhe rn gct togetier tisere i s-el-v ikeiy to bc sometbing saiti about Dr' ClaS(e'S ODtnient, anti the surprising cures it is effeeting among~ -ulici eus withi piles andt itchino. s'cin uoe.-... el aaai . vpl.v Io u vion. luollaet Iheir bomne during Ille sleigbing Basov. HORTIOULTURAL SOCIETY. The Annuel Meeting was held on Jan. 9th, the President, J. H. Kydd in the chair. Mtnutes of last meeting read andi cou firmned. The Treaourer preEented hie annual Report, which on motion was recelved andi adopted. The election of Officers then tock place as foilows: President-J. H. Kydd. Vice Ires.-R. jarvis. Sertary-Jae. Gale. Treasurer-J. Et. H. Jury. Auditore-11, D. Davldson, A, Me- Clellan. Directors-.Mesjsra. J. Jeffery, J. Lyte, Jas. Gale, A. McCleltan, J. NcLean, W. F. Allen, T. Bassett, F. Couch, R. D. Vavîiaon. Messrs. Jarris anti Oouch were appointedt f solicît members for the ensuing year. PRESBYTERY MEETING The Presbytery of Whitby met lu Si. Pa-îtl's cbureh on Wednesday, Jan. 16 11ev. J. H. Turabuti, M. A., w.as eleco ud Maderatýr for the yîar. A cîtl f romn Drummond 11i11 and Chippewa, Pre-bytery of Hamilton, to Rev. W. B. Findlay, of Otaremont, was laid on the table. bMn. Findlay signifiet ishieseite to accept and bis translarîon was agrec d to by fie Presbytery. Tise congrega fions tu wblcb be ta called are sfrong andi fltîuising. The salary îa $1200, 11ev. W. T. Halt, oi Beigrave, dEclimet the calt to Pickering. Reporte o! Sun-- day Sollurlsand Yoiung peopieusoclme- ties were prosented. Reaolutions of symtiatbv were passeti witi 11ev. Jas. Hotiges, B. A., of .0.aawa, anti 1ev. John Abraham, of Whitby,. both of %v;hom were unable fo be preoent, the former on account o! protonged illne8s the latter because of a dea-th in his home. Tbe usat routine busines was then transauteti ANNUJAL MBU 'ING OF WI¶ITBY PflE~SBYTERIAL SOOIETY. Vei-y rnfavorable was the day that dawned for the 2lst annual meeting of the Whitby Preabyterlal, helti in St. Pauleie cburcb, Bowmanville, on Jan. lOfh, and tew were ln attendauicea a the mt)rning session. The prosident, Mre. Turohuli, o! Bowmsanvitte, preaid ed witb vfficiîncy. The fo:enoon session was as usuat, clieflydtevoteti to hou ness and the reading of the variou% reporte, wbich generaily speaking were very eucouraging. Ttîe memaberahtp o! our sjixtLe n Auxiliantes rematus much fhe samne as test year, while ln the average atter.dance there is an increase o! 20. The five MîstLion Bandý3 repoit a gain o! forty-oue numnerlcally anti f wetve ia average attendance. Finaîî. cially there bas been a gain o! $4452; the contributConà lrom ail sources amounting fo $979 16. Mention must also ho madie of a large saum not In- cluded Iin the above amount, which had beensent by the Whitby Preabyfertal fo the "India Famine Fund." The upply of clothIng_ for the Indlans of the North Weat was a ver-y îibsoeai one, the bale sent wetghing 660 lbo. andi valueti at $234,80. At 2 p. m. a large atrngassembled to hear the a! ter noon program. Prominent among its mnany interesting features wag the address o! Mrs. Gofortb, of Ilonan, The publicimeeting in the evening-, prestded over by 11ev. J. HL Turnbul Moderator o! Presbytery, wasahato one o! mach Interest. Mrs. Gofor h, who hai kîntily cousienteti to speak again in the evening, gave a tbrilttng acuoant of thele escape f0 the coasf. The Choir afberwards stnging 111wilt slng o! tiy Pawer 0 Lord." Mr. Goforth then followed with a very intereating -- -- 5 in-a A short but stirring aîdress by a1v. J. A. MoKeen, of Orono, admiem furtier lut erest f0 the meeting. The officer.' eleoteti for 1901 are as foltows---pr,- Mrs. Turnuoî, Bowmanvtlle; 1st Vice Pros.-Mra, 11odgea, Oshawa; Loti Vice Pres.-Mes, Curre. Port Perry; 3rdi Vice Pres.-MrvCrczer, -Ashburn; 4ti Vtce I'rss.-Mmq. Lusotsat-t, New- louvitte; 0,)r. Se4.-Mi-s Tbompson, Wiiuy; Sen o! Literat;jre-)ura Mc- NLsughîon, Newcastle; Sec. of Betia- M4igs M. Allen, Bowmanville; Trea.- mtitea Mle, B iveManVille; Sea. cof stîpiss-Miyîîs MuC lltvrey, Wiitby. A very nice lot to select Irom, all marked iu plain, figures, and 110w half-price takes any Cuat you may- select. 20 per cent off Winter Clothing, Fur Coats, Robes amd Horse Blankets, High Top Boots, Wool Under- wear-all at 20 per cent off. Ties at Hîaif-price. A large and select stock, balance of our XmasTe, reg. price 50c, 110W 25c. Our stock is comparatively al fresh and new and[ 11w 15 your time ro buy if yuwn to save money. Every item quoted below is a sample of many similar bargains now offered, Black AlI-wool Hose, 10 dozen only. These b re heavy, both plain and ribbed made -,ith good imported yarns, perfect dyes, sizes 81, 9, 9ý,re,- price 25e and 30e per pair-now 2 pair for 25c. G roce ries. Golden net Salmon, reg, 15c, now, 2 for 25e. Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, ail new goods and tandard brands,, 3 for 25e. Bdys' Knicker Pants. Good, heavy, stroiig Tweeds and Serges, reg. 50c,, now 25e per pair. The Meaning Of M. A tràde mark is. a pr-otection to the Ji onest -a~ menace to the dishonest mnanufacturer. While a purchaser trust depeîîd more or less on his aven judgrueîît, a trade mark on the goods coi-firms that judgment and keeps Iim hii the,iglit Path. Imitation is the invader of alnost every buS'Iness ï today, but no othcr slaoe manufacturer cari use the dt fiante trade miaik Nwith which every 1'Siater Slioe' is branded Es ery pair Goodyear Welted, the saine as hand made but the work is perfectly uniforn. Price $5.oo or- $3.5o. Catalogue Free. JOHN HELLYAR, sole Local Agenjt. TYRONE. Mr. anti Mrs J. D. Hoar visifeti at Mn. Tios, Woodley's recently ...Mr. Richsardi Branton feti on fie icY roati anti seriousl *y injnred is leg. Mr. T. G. Curtis lias been enga get for flic eleveti season at Brook Farm. Fait b- fut service anti gooti pay bias been well met. Mrs.Davis, Cartwýrighf, lias been tooking for a home in our tbriving, vil- lage... . Mm. Chartes Ilooper, receiveti word tbat bis son. Davidi lu fie North- west bati been serignsly disfigureti by thse dîsciarge o! a gun, loatiet wit b powtier ... Farmers' meeting untier the auspices of the W. D F. Institute was belti in fie Town Hall on Sauurday evenirig Jan 12. The tietegaesMr.W. SFryr anti W. C. Sheaer,'bofli f OSHAWA. Miss Mande Perkio. MooreficlW, is gnest o! MIrs. Josphl Reynolds.. .. Mr., ÏI. W. Avison bas gone to agve where he has secured a posâinas teaciser lu tic PubliceqoQ, Creen arrestet in. Morrlson 1'ir înoL- payment of fine of $200 -Iyposýecf ith,_e clection trial over a year ago ... Rev. j. J. Rae. lectures in Simcoe St., Methio- dist churci Monday evening- Jan.2.. Mr. R. H. Nunn,. Winnipeg, Mlan., lias been renewing otti acquaintanc(es.., Mr. J. Obemboltzer, Etkhart, lnd., at. tendedth ie funeral of thsetafe -i. J, Dickie ..... Mr. Allient J. Svenceiy la the Presitient o! Mcd calf St. Mto J iîst League ...Anniversary services in the Presbyterian churcb, Sundayl Jan. 27th. 11ev. Neil MePierson. M.A., iB.D., of St. Pau1's îhurch. amiifon. uer oîf-nhe nelegates promoteus an in- nnaa. aexure,ome nai a5>5otiaioa uaiu u n terciange o! thougit anti new anti bet. sister, Miss Alice King ...Mr. Thos. fer metiotis o! contiucfîng farm operatý Morris, jr., Alexanider, Manîtotia, visit- ions wero resolveti upon. Whilst the ing bis parents. H1e intends oplening attentianceýwas not large yet we lie- np a general storecin Alexanider. .Th rea tieve fiat a littîe fime anti money coutti ont of six on the staff of TieVinil-ti , scarcolylie spent to botter ativantage. inclntiing the editor, ivere suffra Tic Presitient anti Secmtarv snem to with gris) last week .. .. Mr. L. Dci lie a nair ofl gooti managers,... For tie dieti at is home onSuntiay Jai. 18Lh gwo th ie omutor last Tbursiay night after an itlness extending osier b- £ise Division haut a cantiy f et Some months. 11e h'ti tuberculo so f tbetspr hvL±ntzo'L , 1 xr bowcts He teaves awie tsa pins. Big debate ncxt Thurstiay night roî'latiltia J licloveti wil of Mr. iarr Captains Ramsav anti Werî-y Subjecf Spry, Cetia.rDaie, wiicf ereio resolveti "Tiat the ail round is more Montiay Jan l4fi. Dc-sdhati just usef ut than the specialist. Eniniskiilen passeti ber 8ti vear, les& ut, an a week Lotige are iîtviteti to visit our Division ago was faien aviftha severýe attack o! jon Jan. 81 .. .. Manager Bell & Co gave ta grippe. This tumned to congestio a plonog-raphie anti îiterary entertain of the lirain anti lnngs anti deati en- nient at W.11 Clernens' Staî-c Saturtlav sueti. Tic ýv mpat'sy of tic community nIightý A gootiiy numbet' assemleti to is witli tihelasbanti anti six înofierless hear the sweet strains of Ctaarley's chiltiren, tise uldesu 8 andthfei youngest instrument .... Mm. Jos. Towns anti 6 montis of 0-,- ttise Poulfry showv facnilY removeti last week tb Oshawa -iciti lu Toro nfo last week Mr. T. Jj H1e has socureti a position in the â1c- Sierdin, veas awardedtihte elialteng-mýC Laug-ilin works. Trophy, valaeti at 850't I was tionateýd lv fie Rail cf lMint,- f tfisclargest andI If taken in finýie thie D. & L. ErLlsîon h besf displav of Lughf Brabms,-o b "Vil! S1<i- -i in- the 1tsoef sertous a cciontretae tÎillOf'h lugs Tat"ru dwn j propcrty of thec hil.. t tadis)Y ol , ýe efcso tise huss If o fln-cc lms .q fe eoîiûgf coutihfi voreotncî ea- fssolshi factuî -,' y fie Davis & Lawrcnce C.,stornacla streneti ýanti cure dspa - Ltd. antiintiig--stion.

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