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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1901, p. 1

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TERMS fr41.5 PER ÂNNtTM.OUR TOWN A» D OUNTY FIRST ;THE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditorsdPopitr NEW sRiciis. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.ARIO, WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 30Y 1901, VOL-UME XVIN.5 Cut in, 0TwoI From to-day COUH, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN will sel] ail kinds of LA DI1ES' COAT f'T EXPýCTLY HP~L FFP0 415. These are not-last year's styles, but ALL NEW GOODS MADE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRIADE and are undoubtedly the finest lot of Coats evèr shown in town. p\LS0 A lot of Dress Goods to be cleaned out at about Half-price. Substantial Reductions will also be made on ail kinds of Furs and SMens' and Boy,3' Over coats. * ou, olnsoi &Crd~A"au A U seful1 P-resent fo r Holidays We invite you one and ail to corne in and inspeet our stock of Furnîture and see the rnany useful and inexpensive .w articles that we have th at will make a useful and beautiful Presnt. Our prices will be made as low as possible , Sto meet the dernand and requirement of every purchaser. SWe are offering a niee Rocker, golden oak or mahogany, at 8 2.25 and rnany other lines equally as good values. Cali and see thern, it wiil be a pleasure to show you through our wareroorns. M. D. WILLIAMRVS & SON. SBOWMANVILLE, Undertaklng receives prompt and personai attention. APorsollal, Greeting. TO OUR FRIENDS Ladies and Gentlemen, Both Rich and Pour, lu extending congratulatiens on the success et thc Holiday Seasen, I mnust express my appreciatieuiofethîe liberal patronage which macle île past v ear île greutest in 'the lbslory et my business. Modesty is ail very well la ils place but bc ' )sty compels me te state tisai i ha.ve, ltit up business wilh yeu Iy hav- iag a thorough. knowiedge efthîe saine iu«ever.) brandliofethîe business and by perseverngly applying that knewlodge fer your benefit as well as my ewu. Sud knosedge accompanuied by t honesi buying of tle very bosi goeds frenu the manufacturons, direct and ter cash, las pli-ced me la a position ail thc way along te givo 'sou such value everv timo s'eu purclase trom me, ihat sïeu are sure ta corne ag-ain and "lasi but net loasi" icitune say lure that s'eu shal lec ireated :5ore botter if possible tîrougli 1901. -i T. N. Rickard,1 Jeweller and Optician, Bowmunviilo, ANO PATRONS.... Since we addressed yen tîrou-gl ihis paper lasI, Xrnas las corne and gene agalî biingbug with il tle Nem, Yean and Century with its prosperlly lu a-iversity aîud a vast varietv o' eliser social piage's. There is eue suggestion we Culis malce wiIis assurance. if SOUl waet good value youeu Lave it Iv dealing with us- Tcy Ceyloya Ceyioa To%, noue botter. Tcy ouur Baking Powdor, onîsin ' cans, ai 15e per lb. Tcy oîsr Fancy Malt Food for Breakfast. Tri- our tresli ground Coft ee, pure. Now for the younger sex-Quaker and Cracker Jack. dYour sample erder wIll li mudli appreciated. 1LO .Lu4Mii TO - Coiminei"g Saturday, Jan, 19, ceaslng ouiy wheu the last is sold, will seli balance of Wool, Kersey, Saxony and Jute Herse- Blaukets; Saskatchewan and Goat Robes; Wombat and Goat Coals; aiso a quantîty of kuol leather faced and lined Mitts at prices that will suit the elosest buyers JOHN S. RUNDLE'S, One door east of L. Morris', Don't Negleet To write for Our new Catalogue if yon are in- terested in the selection of the Best Sehool in which to train for business pursuits. Central Business College, -TORIONTO- Employs il Regular Teachersq,,owns 60 Type writln g Machines and uses 20 splendid rooins in its work. Its cour-es are thorou gh and prac- tical and its students and gradqates are in slrong dexnand. XINTER TERM F»O'M JAN. 2nd., ENTER AT ANY TIMIE AFTER TRAT DATE. We aise give splendid courses BY MAIL ïor those who caunot attend our Sehool. Ail particulars cheerfully given. Address 'W.H.SIIAW, Principal. NEW BAKERY I desire te lieartily thlik ail the citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity, who have ,se liberally patronized me and assisted in building up sucli a good trade. I arn prepared to furnish White and Brown Bread, Roils Buns, etc.ý and ever3 thing usuall.y found in a first- class bakiery on shortest notice. A trial order resDectfully solicited. Wi1I vîsit the country as far as Haydoni Tuesdays aiid Fridays. Wellington St., BowmanviLle. 1Fole. internai _orexteriaai use IIAG- 'YARtD'S ELLW OiL canno o exesûil- i~I l as apain rolsiviiig tint)so9Askingl Telephone No.,7 remnedy for nil pain. J f1flWVL'Q' PAflhVlf'T 1IIFAF1UP~D Ile MISSES HELEN AND AMELIA KNIGHT AND HERBERT HALLETT MET INSTANT DEATH ON SUNDAY, The Wharf road crossing on the Grand Trunk Raiiway,, southeast of The town,,was on Sunday afternoon the scene of an accident that terminated in the loss of three young lives, Herbert Ilallett, son of the Lace W.H. fallett, of Whitbv; Miss ilelen Kigý,ht, who lived as comoanion with her aunt, Mrs. Wil- liam Puley, near the station, and her sister. Miss Amelia Knight, were re- tnrning fs9m making- a cail at their uncle's, James Kuiglit, on the lake shore, and, flot observin- the Internat- ioual express, iocally knaown as the Snnday Fl3 er. coming -do)wn the steerp grade. eastward from the station, or thinkzing to beat tihe traiti, llallett at- iempted to dr-ive acrossý the track. Be fore lie got the carrnage cicar it was struck by the enjine, severed from the horse and borne on the front of tbe iron monster to the station. H1allett and the eider young woman, l en, were throwîs witli sucli violent force against the enigne as to be instantly ki]ied, their heads beingbadely cnýt-t, and Miss Kniglit's bod 'y was a]lso terribly injured, nearl «v every bone in lier limbs being broken., Amelia wvasnojt se badly dis- flg-ured, but liad kreceivýed an ugiy wonnd on one side of hier head. She was found bying in the ditchbeside tiie track, about half way -between the scene of the accident and the stalion, quite dead. The herse was uninjnred. Two opinions are giv en respecting the cause of' the accident. One is that seeingIlie train cosin-gand having a spirited herse, Hailett atternpted te, cross the track ahiead of the flyer and thus'drove into the jawq 0f death, The other is that, having' the cover of' tie carriage up, and no doubt ail wére chatting tozetlier, they (iid flot o-)scrve the train approaching and were cauZht unawases. The former is the prevailîng opinion, howover. The train was stop- ped at the siation, and thei bodies laid out in the waiting rooml, presenting a very gruesome spectacle,* indeed. Coroner A. S Tillex', M. D., was sent for, but. after henring ail the facts, considcred that an inquest was not necessary, and handcd the bodies over te their friends. Tlie younger sisterhd been employ- cd in T. N. Rickard's je,.elrY store as a saleswomen and iived w\,itLhlier widowed mother, Mrn. Win. Kni 'ýhlt on George St. The other had for ni-ny years lived with lier tunt, and was- this week to corne ie possession of a respectable legacy, left lier recently by the death ef the lace Robert Bragg, -lie hFiving in- terviewed the executor 3ýaturday nigit in regard te it. The three bodies wer ttkn te tlie Iundestaking re)omis >1 à 'ssrs L Morris I& Son and propenly lai out, dessed and cefined befo r ýovai t their late homes. Very sinc.re sympathy is feit by a wide circle of t ï-eds with Mrs Knight the mother, and brothers Messrs Jolin Wesley and Thos Hî. Knight. The tewn was cloudcd by a double grief on Snnday for in ail the churches rnnorial services for eur dead Quecu were conducted. In the Methodist church, wliere the young wemen wero both members, and the eider had at- tended the morning service, special re- ference was made bv I1ov. W. J. Jolliffeo te the sad event of the safternoon The train hands are in ne sense blameable. as the whistie was blown as usual before the train reached the cres sing. The late Colonel John Smart and a young women, daughter of lis son, George Smart. we 'e killed at this saine crossing 34 years ago, thc herse at that time aise being uninjured. Thc conductor on this train was Mr. Pat MeMahon, a-id the drh-sr's namne is Mr. Nictoïas Curran. 0f eutward'mlsfortiiii can darken the smile ef the loyal ,,,if e and loving meother. But when disease cornes the smile slewly fades,ad in its place tomnes the drawx f a ce anîd tl4ht closed lips which tell of the con- stant struggle with pain. When the deli- cate womaiiiy organisim is di§- eased the whole body iuffers, the form grews thin, and the cmpiex- jeu duil. The first step te seuud heall is te cure the diseases which undermine the womaflly strengil. Dr. Pierce's Fa- newspaper iiuliîsned. earesute suintue lacality wliere sudh lands are situate For instance, lands iu tle municbpalities of Cartwright, Danlington and Clarke, Bowmanvblle and Newcastle should le adventised in tle Bowmanviiie and Orono papers; lands la East Durhamu lu the Port Hope and Miibroak papers; lands in West Nortlunmberland inu Cobourg and Coîborne papors; and in East Northumberland in Brighton, Coi borne, Carnpbllferd and Wark worth paoers. Certainly if a man was offer- iug lis tarmn for sale le 'would., if a practical ma, adopt ihis recemmecuda- tien nnd why net île coutes do like- Wiseo? Diff erent views arc entertr iued a bout the advisability et estabiishin- eue or more countv Homes fer ti e Agoci, Infiriand Unfoctunute. Amnug thc mauv opinions tlat we have ceceived on this subjecut is this one froin an casteru aewspaper pubisher: "As ta thc subjeet ot a HouseofetRefuge, il bý my opinion tisai there is somiethiug def1cieut in tise moral and reigions miake up o e mIcjanuwhcs eppoýecs nau institution of this kind. Some lave- doue se en île pieu et eceniomy. Ta tilens I would say as île J ud ge sal s la tIe, condemned cîimini, 'May tIse Lord have moe 'y on their (slriveiied up) souls." Ih las licou said iliat se et these men woutid proacis economy ai tle samne lime they were puiliusg on tise C(iunties' Treasury for $10 a daY eaeh wbtis c- tras for soea littho jaunt bis tIe ceuntry, ta "inspeet" a culveri. If île question ot a pon bouse is brought up vote for il av ail1 moes and1 use- your influence for ts erectien-(it ont). for thse newspaper mon of iliete coupibes), 1892 1893 1891 1891 1896 1897 1898 1899 190) 1901 ______________________________proi MRI. W9V. tIîG}içP4ÎD 14eWxeastle. Eleeted Watrden. but( min. thii Thc new Counties Coancil was sum- Ceunties' Ceuncil las been sumnsened a li snened accerding te Statute te mcci at te meet again on Tucsday cvening, pub] Cobou.rg at 2 p. m. on Tuesday, Jssnu- Fchruary 5th, at 8 o clock fer general ser ary 22, 1901, but owing ta custom or the busineis. the absence et several members, or bath. cerb the esson id et pentil 8 m. RadMn.Wm.Ricards cns ituntsbeca the esson dd nt oen tll p-. Ha Mr Wm Ricards. ons itun moIl Mr. Neil F. MacNacistaîu, thc efficient been present tn the ceuntieLs' council oe Counties, Clerk, presided at tle opnng chamber Tuesday niglit whcu tIche and called tle roll, tle tollowing are electiens were on the -v weuid undoubi- il. the namnes et the Couniliers: Thomas cdlv have smiled tîcîr approbation cs Baker, Selina; T. B. Carlaw, Wariî- if they lad net raised an' entlusiastie ilS wortl; Robent Cowan, Newcastle; Gco. ehccc fnom tle vigoreus munn nm w M. Cryderman, Nerliam; J. R. DevittI which thecocntest epened. Clerk Mac- pib Blackstock; W. J. Donaldson, South LNacîtan called the naine et cacl g Monaglan; Robert. Fishser, Benstort; S member wlio resvonded by naming the glad E. Ferguson, Idla; NI. A. James, Baw candidate fee whom lue veted Tise gis manvilie; Thomas Leitîs, Garden li: irst member called xvas -Counilîlor gset A, M. Mackijam, Brighton; Huglu Masi B3aKer et Solina,' and we neyer admired as t orson, Burnley; John Miller, Castielon. ile zentleman's8 bravery lucre than th-,D I Geo.MýitchelI,Baltimare;D.C McDonald iwlcu la a iond and distinct voice le cour, Dundonald; A. A. NMulholiaud and TY snswcred "Rickard. " ,Thits gave tihe thit J. Nayior.Campbellford; Win. Rickard, key note te tle whole preceedings, for>cor Newcastle; Geo. Stapies, Lifferd; Geo. lu quick succession came similar re- Spence. Cobourg; T. A. Thompson, speuses from Messrs. Carlaw, Cewan con Port Hope; Paul Trehilcock-, Bnwman- and Cryderman. se that before citler ville; T. H. Tweedle, Brighuton,;1IL R. of the ailier three candidates received a A Waiker, Port Hope. vote ai ail, four geod solid ones werc ture Mr. Nayion was absent from this recorded for tle winssec. Mr. Richard Irali session iliruugh iîîness. received 12 votes on tle irst ballot and J ury Bv a unriten aw aNorhumer-waa deciared eiected amid tle appiause Crie' Bv a unriton aw aNonhumer-ofthîe meînbers and many ethers wisO Atto land man eccupies tise Office et Wnrden lad core ne ata wituess tise election Surg alternately with a Durham man. We can excuse Warden Richard if lis Dlvi Thc Cierk cal led for nominations for heurt sweiled with satisfaction over île $896, Wardea aleowing 15 minutes te elapse nesuit as ho denned the Wardon's ScIo whea thc followiug four canîdidates zown and was escorted bv Messrs. T. B. saia] were prepoi3ed, tle names et moyen and Carlaw and Gea. Spence te île clair $381 seconder being aise givon :P*s Candidate Neminator, Seconde r *~o W. Rickard T. B. Carlaw Gea. Spence A. gentleman lu Neorthumberland Wat S. E. Fergason W. J. Donaldson E. Fisher writing thc Editor efthiis journal says: tur& H . H. Walker T. A. Thompson T. Leiih "Persenallv, I lave talion verv uitile $,2C( P. Trebîlcock Oe. Mitchell J. Il. Devlit interestinla ur couuty ceuncillece, as aise Open votieg is thc iaw, the Cîerk tley have alwavs appeared ta me to e 0$371 recorded thc votes as tollows : a foreiga bodv. Prom your article 1 fixeý For Rickard ; Baker, Carlaw, Cowaus, amn pleased te leara that at least oLe degr Cryderruan, Jaunes, Macklam, Mille, county councillor is open te receive a sent Mulhliaud,' Rickard, Staples, Spence, litile ceunsci. " You are quite riglst, so WeE Tweedle-12. long as wo occupy île position'of etorm For Ferguson : De'naldson, Fisher, counIty cauncilior we wisl cveny person Ine Fenguson, McDonald-4. in tle United Counties te teed perf eclly Mun free at any and ail times to addness us $281l For Walker : Leilli , Masterson, on counî-y maliens -ear Tlompsoo, Walker-4. 1900 For Trs- ilcock: Dovllt , Mitchell ' We lave been appnouclied ou île thur Trehlcocie- i. matter of payuscnt te municipal ci .erks îe Afier misking tise usual deciaration for holding the couity couincil clochons 555 and donning the Wardcn's gown, Mr. If seems ilai ne provision us umade for, Richard was' cscerted ta thc Wardon's payili tesci erks anytiîiag. Onî chair bu' Councllor Carlaw and Ceunci]- i i doJ net seem n igît, Ion Spence, lis nuover and seconder '1 Iaîc' Darlingion iliere Wa,, Ia tbanking the Counilfonildlie e b Lsfr 's.test, 1but IL . 1E cenfercd on him Wardeu Richard s d ee-hvas made respoasible for P.T I amrnont aIle te express the than.ï i ri .' ie elections for counies' M,A toel. I tlank yen with aIl my haurtfoc counciliors. As in aur private business T.S s-our kindness and the lionour you have we neyer expeci a persan te pertorm L M slown me bu eiecling me. lu loeking -responsible work witheut giving an W. over île Council I sec unany comrades equivaiet, 50 in public mations wo and somne tlu\V aces trom l6otists and favor paying men toc discharging ne- west. Most et us touglit a.baille te sponýsible duties. Can tîcre be two attain eue present places ana we eu epinions on this point ? TI cengratulate eacl other upen the ex-* Wed pression of tise confidence îh lecedas We'have biard compiaints, teo, leou repose in us. I laope and trust lIaI cause thc lisi t o convictions by police Cu your experiences boere wil le profitable mnagistrales and justices ef thc peuce lB ta yourselves and thc counties of Nortli- not pub lished la île muubcipality wliere ToJ umberland and Durhiam at large. As trtial occurs. The quarterlyý lisI t o S 1 look back over five years since I firsi conuvictious is rureiy selen excopt by Tl came hore, 1 rernomber thtat the oc- reuders ofthtI papers securing- the land dupant et this chair lias been clang-ed counnues prbnting, usuaiiy a Cobourg or tIc fi%\e limes. Theclcerk las not bocîs Port Hope paper. Te aur minci this is expr changed and I hope le may' vbc here ton decidedly a wraug proceedure. Thc e lya many years yet. This chair las been publication efthtis list slould, as lu thc vers ably filied and we lave bu thc caseofe lands bu arreurs, net lie included CoLnucil tîre ex-Wardens. By cern- lu tise county prnuing conînact, but parison I lear I must suifer, I cunnot sliouid le sent bu like manner as pro- fil the chair as ablv asrny predecessons pWdt I csaer uîerse-cl Iu electing me, I teel ilat yen lave tive municipalities, thon the~ persans shown me very marked tavor. This is wlo are actualyv interebted wiîî have War the preudesi day et my lite. I ask a potunity ot seeing tise retures. fiam your co-openation ta ema aeWcrnîstake tIe consensus of opinion if op this counili a model one. Lot us ou- oui neaders do net agree witl this pro- fn deavor ta do botter thun in the pasl.à position. This is a day et pregress. At tle end Guù of tle year when you look back I hope A lco hs ea slvlwie you wili net feol regret tisat you elected A lco hs--ha slvlwie me(, Warden for 1901. I shal deomy us as toliows: "It is a gross injustice te lest and try te do îuy duty se fithfnmily pensons wlo lave tallion bsannears foc ME that y ou sh a 1 net ted regretteor placing taxes le' have their lands acivertised toc T me lu this clair.1 Warden Rickard un sale in an obscure corner of the ceuntiesT closiug reterred te thc deatl et eue la eue paper. This advertising slould, War Qucen, wbom le said was the besi and lie divided la a way that weuid admit 1890 greatest sovereign who ever lived. ofthluiands oing, advertised bu tIc 1891 Bakîýiog Powde Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the fo< against a1um, AIum baking powders are tise greaest I menacers te healil ef thse present d- 50V51 YALP55150 POWDE5 CO., 55W YORK. TIhe 'Ladies homre Journal" is îhs' qu.een of tlisewo n monthlies. ý, ui scriptions $1 a peaý,r. Ail laIlies lk t Agency at STAUE,,M) olic1- lui, à!Lý %W-Imtd- i ,- .1- -, -'. .11, -'. ý"'. - lu, 11.11 IWI Iliul ý elit 10 In the past country people have se y litile -of the proccedings of the utes' council.' One reasen for tItis the difficulty et getting tise minute omptI.. Truc, one Cobourg publiali- has given a prctty fair suinary, Lthat dees ultreadli the country pers in urne for publication while thé suteq are fresh, and if there be oe Ig more than another distasteful te ]ive publisher it is te be asked te' 1lis-h stale nows, Se far as our ob- cation gees, very fcw papers publish Ecounties' council minutes and fer a rtainty the people want te sec 11cem, cause tliey pas' a large amount of Liey te carry on counties' business Bry year and thev nalurally desine te Ow hOw ut is expended and who gets One g~entleman witli whem we dis- ssed this miqtter propased pa',ing the w8papers a small consideratien- for- blishing thc minutes3. We do net cee wil thisi proposai, for every %ýspapee man ini these counties will ldlv publish the proceedings if he ts the copY in tlme te issue il as soon the CohouÏrg papers. We may mis. le Dur fellow publishers, but we uk if the 'y are &iv en a share of the iuties' advertisinz, tbey will net uk ef clinrging for publishing the inil proceedings. What say you, ifrenes ? 1very large amount ef the. expeudi- *e ef theseU¶nîted Counties is uncon- llable, as for example Gaol, $3984.d,6; ry iaw, $5284181; Sheriff, $2068.90; lr,$56.20; Clerk ef Peace mnd County Lrney. $1697 54; Coroners, $124 .95; rgeons, $111.2o; Constables, $1882.84; ision Courts, $85. Land accounit, ;22; fligh Schools, $6083.06; Public oois, $6222; Edueatien, $982,84; C anieii, $1900.02 ; Municipal sa' Il -25, Printiug, Stationerv 4,- stage, $752 75; Fuel,' Light aud- ter, $226 87; Rents, $1450; Deben- Os and Coupons, $700; Sinking Fund, )0. Iicpsirs te celunty bridges may ýbe considered as such, that year. ' 96, Seme of the grants are aise' ed by Statute. Owing linen ree te the stand taken by the net, iati' es ef Divisions Ne. 5 andi c, it Durham, duning the last two ns these reductions have taken place, controilabie expenses: In 1897, the inicipal expense was 8360 25;in 1898, ff8.17, lu 1899, $1882 26, and lar, ir, $2066.30. The rate struck f )was the iewest for four years, dclii of $20.000 is being reduced ai rat(' ef $2000 per year. 1908 wili tise preseut debt wiped out. as posted up by tle Ceun ties' i Divisicon N7'I ,5,D -r s stllov', 1'rebiicock 90 j(29 1499 A. James î2 8i 42 Smale 137 172 80 MI Courtice 10 221 18 E. Poliard 8 6 1 1.41 597 979 1 lhe following cablegram was sent cdnesday by the new Warden eft il untes: Cobourg, Ontario, Jan. 23rd, 1901. Jeseflli Chamberlain, Secretars- of, itate for the' Colonies, London, Enr Fho United Ceunties of Nonthumbe h andDnnliam mourn with theEmpi. - less out our beloved Sovereigu,, ad( press thibmd eepest syrnpatliy witil and ,aity te Ris Majesty Edward the VII. W. RICKARD, Wardea, Xe are pleased te learu. that Cou- r Rickard et Newcastie, scas elccted arden et the United, Connties, on tIc0 ;ballot. H. H1. Walker et Hope, ai!d- m Ferguson ef Cavan, werc lis cuief POents. Mr Richard will make a apresiding officer.-.Port Ho(pe [N WHO HAVE BE ENWA< lhe men whe have eccupied tle arden's chair for tle past deeade are: QW. L. Payne, Coiborne. -1 Aleýx, Fe'rguson, Mlbok QM J. Doyle, Castleton. )3 W. P. Prewer, Bowmanvilie, ïl . L. Owen, Campbeliford.ý )5 T. W. iJnderwood, Orene. )6 Dr. R. J.-%Vade, Brighton. )7 J. J. Preston, Bothany. î8 T. B. Carlaw, Warkworth. o J. H. Devitt, Blackstock. ï Geo. -Pence, Cobourg. ïlW. Rickard, Newcastle. AN ADJOURNmENT. Owing te île deuil et Queca Victoria it was decided te adjouru. Ex-Warden Spenîce and Councillors Muiholland, Tnebilcock, Baker,Mitclei1 I and Fergusen speke upon the adjouru- ment and the followîng motion was passed. Moved by Mr. Mulhoiiand, socoaded by Mr. Trebilceck lIai owing ta thc deatis et our Sovereiga. Rer Most Gracious Majesty, QUecu Victoria, the news et which was neceived with heurt- toit regret this day, this Council de adjoura subjeet le tle cail et thc Warden, lIs speaking te île resolution Coun. Trelilcock said we al etheIcdcnsitv efthîe cloud oer us. WVe mighi ho clarged *iîth a sentiment. as il wouid ho expensive. ralke sentiment oui et lite and whai was there lin it was uoihing te our Qucen, but it was a esson te cur children. Il an official die 1 wc would adjouru aven a day, but when tise grandesi wonsan of the pcriod ivas dead could we nsot adjourn usutil after the funeral? He tlisug-ht we 8lould show eus- revecence by adj iun- ing, lisevote: Against long adj'snenment -Baker, Cr.vdernan, Mackiam, Mc- Donald aud Spence-5. For adjournet- Cariaw. ('owae, Deviti, Donaldson, Fîispr Ferguson, James Lebtis , Mastersen , Miller, Xlulhollausd, Mitchell, Staples. Tilîom- soIn, 'Tî-eblucock T weedlc. Waeà e-17i. Wanelen Richard did net vote but ox- proesscd himseif favorable ta onh a short aelJournmenl. CouncilIeu adjourned.

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