[~..1< r J-j Up early and out in ail weath-. ers in pursuance of his daily men, needs a sound consti-, tution, and is least likely ta bear with pa- i. ~t fïctence thein i Ohthe FarnIL COST 0F MAKING BUTTER, The creamery coudueted on thel right principles is one of the beat! ftieuds cf the farmer, and if it eau bu started it sho-uld receive the in- telligent support of those who raîsei the milk and..eream fer it, says S. W. Ch ambers.i Ton oft-en threl an antageulsm htwep.r, the cen , v wnrs a th i but that corn lis net used. The hams! are eut long and narrow and average1 fxem 15 te 16 pounds. Iu curing the bamns they are firat of ail ruboad well wlth saltpeter andi afterward with sait, lu erder te in- 1 sure thoroogh salting as mauy cutgi as eau be made without speiling the hams are made near the boues and strewu wlth saltpeter and sait. Thte hara are thon pressed iu a piekia tub and entirely covered witb cold sait lye, lu whieh they remain, aeeordiog te their siz3 from tbree te five weeks.: After this they are taken eut and farmars, and the latter, te ahow that U P li a shady, but dry and airy they haFe the power t e ýosetejpic uoird.a;r to become air-dry, a creamary, may very easily dcstreIy a proces whieh requires se weeks te Profitable industry iu the vieýinity. of the hamâ Ls net absolutely dry, but 1 r -h I rat k liek talle bag Ui[LsKIng wyK'sffjgasas. Bliee ne, e y do ,,.'<~* -. ±., T.. h bSI.~ f ery.Asarlethman vhi~ ~.-.nional, that others may see and profit taerey ointon, it wa.s comparative),y safe Srtained ln the butter. Germ-,n.,. 1,2- ý3,840 70,00),_G:oo sern in London kuow-a as "Old Moore." Sweaet eaa xiii make botter of a The British Empire and the Ameni- For. many yearo ha bas issued in the TEITY SOUL. bougust. Cneacp rasn dressing 18 clear, it wilrilin the boots it 18 appi- ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fiine work quantity by giving good care. Thorou gh scaidiug is the onily sure iMac in, a certain waý 15 came true, Londorners have been look- F1, nd said ha knaw they would of ilng forward with rathar oausual in cure me. 1 secured oe box and great 1 i# A' - I EW W YPolitical emmies and he is aîoe to -guard against them." 'July wilii13e a montri or ats tohsthe whoie world beiing threat-. TO REAT DISEASE emd at thie tiue..with misfortunes of r r varns kinds. Those vbo are plan- ning toü take a joruey during thisq m--th wili do well te remnajo at 7 Powley's Liquîiid 0Ozoi-me home.", Augm~st will be comnpar1iveiy The Most Remarkcable quiet." "Duriing Septerîber, India wýill againA Preparation known to S-ienCej suffer terrbýy from famnine.1 _____j 'Dniig ctoFber, the Dervisheg 1 W il etart an agitation which may at- nver ince the remarkable cores of Mr. W.tanfriblpootos. G. M'cCathy and Mr. Francis, attention bas,j"lNovmbrte ngo foi aoraiDrSmelPee'spsrpinfrIfnt been drza'n te Powley's Liquified Ozone. The iNoebrthklgdnofH, marvellous nature of the recovery of botb these laind wiIl attracyt attention by itsan ile.Itc tis ehrOpuM pieno gentlemen stamped Ozone as being a treatment dangeroos and rtovel cplonatic palicyI and Chl-ieta Iii ci.ainsneithe Opium-Morphne-no T b L inz a.11 of the time.