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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1901, p. 8

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es~e o ~,,-, ,,~eo~yw -s.ui- roc-0,: ?~ aS e'~~Çao ~dN 5~~~5O'5 ~Ome .r n~ 5 rn. a ~ 'e-a e~ e ~-~#-'~.'e .~V i L.~-~L C. î0P'~~~c' tf'- "Vi 's~5S . ,~. i 4- ~ r ~ ~ mllppt'* se-st ,-~, ~ = I b 'thretroe-0, e~I~ ~ = i'~ 1'~s ~ - I _ 13 N 'ni Long' 11% King Edward. All kind,ýkof cougbs and colds, Bron- chitis, whooping eough, Pains in the clîet. heei, hoarseness, sore thrt and asthma, yIed ta the lung healing Dronerte' of Dr, Woodts Norwav FPine, aaSr Io tmy be -'whose' Diooe~'u5 poor. He quas 'rery 'wealt, couldizot keep w-ie n, and suffered from pains in his siomach. Hoodfs Sarsaparifia made: him strong and vwet[." -Vrs. W. C. Stratto,, lomas Si.,. Deseronio, Ont. ly , sud ahould be In the handa of every lady in the country. The aubacription prie la only 50a and every aubscriber receiven a choice of two books; Buckey e Cookery, and Modern Fancy work, ,1îêhAr )"nîo'f whiol' are wesstbmoire býLOCK-LâKlflg a ~ ,j- s aO-f-~r------ ~'- onr-e. , f - ------- -C- - - - t e o Ca t ~casaiec~ ~ 1.1Cm ~sî1 bOa Weak Lunigs, LaGrpe There is nothing, better foir a Congh than NUMBER 301. year. Cash received for cheese $756475;T butter $1594i12. Total $9638 87. Paîd patrons, manufacturing, etc., $9, 653.90. Balance on hand $1497. The patrons received about 17'c per lb. for butter and about 7'2ýc per lb for cheese. The following'were elected officers:-President, TýHuRSDAY, Feb. 7,-Mr. R.O. Short, lot match the vialtoro were very boopisably whab you wanit now. 26, con 9, Durlington, will seli bY ertertained by the Osaa club. Two public auction the whole of bis val- rinks of "Colta" ara expeated to play a re- N e- uable farm stock, implements, etc. A tur match tiers tbie (Tburiday) evening. £ ver Before splendid opportunity to seenre goed The foilowing is the score: stock or i mplements. Sale at .12 Oshawa. Bowmauville. o'let oniAMsBso,~C J. A. Sykes, skip 15 Dr._ Beih,_akip 15 Have we been so thorougl iUinOur efforts1 ~4I~I Our Goods Speak For Jhemselves. 0We only ask you tu corne andi go through 0 our store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the 0 market, made in best woods and we seli at close Sprices. If you intend furnishing a home, see our lines and get our prices, andi compaie with the gootis of any city store if you wish. If you conteèmplate a f ancy- chair or any piece of IFur- Sniture for the Holiday season. sce our display, the largest and prettiest evershown in town. KEEP VOUR LEYFE ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. BOWMANVILLE. TFurniture and Undertaking'. yM;. GOLD WATCH FREEF7 and a IlandSanie Pra.ee for evry corrcct iianmer. Ths ilaa 0 1,lea' d .1se n oh boy 1 p ic zuc eei1 o s erl %eea re iîda ho aideto tlnd hlm.Wli e 1n Y0nhvedone s, a e pnil ad *~ marlitheouth sc cf hic face and b the pu etendce M"--, w:h -osOOfdt.-niu1Ti~ly. Jj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t_- m et.o. le irpeceP.dîd s cret an c 011 ervefeTfnh R'ugaved, old-P1.qeIlut mi aseWat-h an ai oherswil11 celeveHIandsor Pies. ART SIIY Cf.,USox 26 , ¶oronto, Your Foot SA Friend or Enemy ? _The service '-o¶îr feet "will suyurdeend mmly ntôe a euoubntoneofgec'eot-ur- ra onea -co-pir ftells wht dth s inrte s"oe -hîit foot fr-l th x2a i.i In <eSterSoe ouh .vlty air cofmlines ae '.ta Gon oadyar tel lîa tý'h e is in the hoe-Of c. The sole of every "Slater e" bcirs the siate fram, le maik1makers' name au id d $5-00 Or $3,50. CAYALormuî:FPEE Maybescuey Our aiD. drea a s THE PT TRCR3 f tie t 8 "ImO sececotTaii, y Titi v igr L'im ao, î îgu rI gt înii BOWMANVILLE, JAN. -30 1901. DARLIN GTON. Miss Ethel Hal l, town, was recent guest of ber sister, Mrs,. S. S. Brooks.... Miss Wilson, Brighton, will spend the wînter with her brother at the parsonae .... Mrs, Sanderson, East Toronto, has been guest of Mrs. Littlejobns. Mr. H. Gay and Sons are rebuilding the towcr on the Woollen Mill Works, Oshaw a. ... Mr. Herb. Rundie is visiting bis uncle, Mr. Fred Courtice ... Mr. j W. Fotbering bam bas placed tbe D U. C. F. in the bands of a competent cheese and butter maker under bis direction and bas taken a situation witb the Toronto Dairy Co.... Revs j j Liddy, NI A , Mctcalf Street Church and Davis of tbe.Christian Work- crs, Osbaw a, assisted in the sîecial ser- vice at Ebenezer last week. . .. Quarterly meeting at Ebenezer next Suiîday and Monday. LIFE-GIYING POWER AND VIRTUE IN EVERI DIROP. DI TUUI Ç flLVJ1ILJflBlAIU HlA8NEVEU DISÂPPOINTED the s1Ci it Ever Retains The Cenîidence ef The People. WVherever once used, the sick and suffering of ail classes of- aur Canadian people are made ta realize that Pain&'s Celery Compound does not belong ta the ordinary patent medieine rauks such as îierviies, bitters and sarsapar- illas. Paine's Celer y Compound le as. far beyond tianse ordi-nnry-preparations [as the diamond is superior ta cheap glass-. Paine½ms Celery Compound posEesses extraordinary virtues and Powers peculiar to itself, for heaith giving and anîd lengthening lilfe. It has saved men and wamen-youngand od-after ail other mediciues failed. t has so astonisbed physicians by its curative pawers that they 110w prescribe and recommend it. Professar Edward E. Phelps, M. D., gave Paiae's Celery Compound ta the warld as a positive cure for sleeplessness - 1 ---. - - 11111V ii tu ig0an& a ong Au. a ni, eaitii Trulibave been visiting friends in Orono a bettomhoallb is youm sure rewamd if - .Mrs. F Guy is recovcring from ber you use tbe medicine that bas cured receýnt ilinese. ... Mrs. T. Power is suifer athers. The usci af one buttle will can- in g fruom an attack of bronchitis.. .. Miss vince you tbat there is power sud virlue Alma Jennings and Miss Lizzie Spencer lu eacb drap. Beware ai subsitutes: have la grippe.... .Rcv. W. J. Jolliffe, B. see that your druggisl gives, von C. L , beld a Missionai-y meeting bere "FAINES" the kiud tuat curas. last Tuesday evcning for Rcy. S . _j____ Wilson 2h is sick... Mrs. Walter Oke R S0 is very ii... .Miss M E. VanCamp is OO O vith ber sister Mrs. J. L- Dîckie, Oshawa. GEv HATYou sicFou-henyou Mr. Thos. Martin, Preston, le visiting GE, WHT YU AK FO -Weu "Ubis uncle, Mr, Wma Batten. . .. Mm. Neil ase for any af Dr. Chase's Remedies Reuwick, Ottawa, son ai the laIe îDr. lok for bas portrait and signature onl Renwick, les visitiug relatives... Mme. the box, otherwise you mav gel nu 1nî1 David Noble bas returned home irm tain.Bwaeaite cggist wbo tties a ldeayou tahe mehigBowmauville where she enjoyed a said lo be 'jusi as gaod " If hoe subti- pJeasaeuteviei.Mm. sudof Mme. J A tutes aedicues ho will subeit ta dugs Jemo e eutmtaied a ew ai beim lu precription. Insist au getliug what Young med Wdnsa evig you ask for aud xesiaomber tbat Ibeme a position lu Cleveland, ...The follow- are no family emedies ta be campamed in r he new officers af OonoLodge, la those af Dm. A. W. Chase, author ofai OUW .. .G olv;M the_________e Bok W., Oscar Scotti Foeman,- RobI Foster ; Overseer, e. H Allun ; Record 11~'~TON.er, J. F. Wiliamson ; Financier, A. J. Slaples; Receiver, Robt. Marnant; Mies Eva Saundeme, Oshawa, le guest Guide, Levi Edwamds; I W., Colin aI Mms R. Averv'. . .. Miss L.Reeve was Staples ; O. W., Wm. McLeod .... Aller called ta Fart «Hope. lasI week by the a long sud lediaus ilîness, wbieh she eath af ber si____M Lucy... Me. T. bore with fortitude. Catherine E Ruth- Elloît ile vîsitil.e-Id-ir moîber wha le erford, aged 19 yeaî-s, died Jan 21. The vemy iII at Woadbridge... Mr. G. L. funemal toL place fmom bier father's Wilson, H. C. R., will instaîl tbe nemi residence,WedInesday aflernoon, Some- officers af Court. Archer I.,,O. F. ibis ime ago she caught a seveme cold (Wednesday) e aî, ...~krs Thom- wbich worked on hem vitaity ta sncb an as canducted a vea-y inieresting mem- extent Ibat in spite af ail that ekili and anial service 6unday evening, referming loving hearts conld do, culminated lu ln feeling terme ta the stroig clristian deatb. Kute bas been au great favorite character afi aur natt deceased aud wilh aur citizens 85e was the second IonitdQi~~, nS ,pnlrlino.fcr deughtem ai DrRtVîrforsI. who bas 11t, * s K.gth ,isnf fhie the sinceme s, mDalhyofthe community. people -with tîe tsme lervencte witb Rete. J. A MeK-eeti, M A , conducted whlch ttey bat-e been (ffered lu be-ialf the services.... .The Jumîlior League of j ïf-tbwPQuëen .Tiw ser -'Pe -as-ed w-t-- cors are.: Pros.,' -P-crTBee67vice the national inthoîr. iýcd Se-e thse Fres., E. Tiîcker; Sec MI. Leggott; King.'Alae picture af the late Treas-, B. Rickaby ;'onveflers ai coin- 0lor'qbeavil dmned occiini-d ni Prom-, miltees, Loakoul - R Doncaster. lîit pitîl ibu U pie-s n 3dpaC. . .. i iiuc aatcmMeeliig-E Dssbson ; f'Social- ïned s11)Ie !Epworthi League intend F Honev, Tem perance-C. Ba'rettI s iitig edclt t.cburcb, Osbawa, S SchcooI-E, Edwvalrds ; '1is5ii-nc% Fivc.eng.,Mr. Jamnes Ta% lbm L. Noble and N SîhVstn.E aand wJie elîne bToronto ai 1er Tuckem Floral-V Cornsih; Omaniet viti ie m1ches 1-MreD. Taylo(r who -R. Thomuton;-,Ase, Oranst-V bas beusem ouslylCom ish sud Neya Smitl. tawn, were guests af DrlMitchldl., The enecial fservices at Methodist church have been withdrawn this week on ac- cogunt aof11ev. S. Crookshauks flot being lu gaod health. -... The Quarteriy meet- inig for this circuit will be held Sunday Feb. lOth at 10.30 n.m. THis IS WHIAT THEY SAY-Tbose Who take Hood's Sarsaparilla for serofula, eczema, eruptions, cittammb, rheumatismo or dyspepsia, say il cures promptl.y and permanently, even af 1er ail other prep- aratians msil. You may take this medi- cine wlth the utmost confidence that it will do vou goad. What it has donc for others.yau bave evemy reason to believe it will do for vou. Constipation s cured by Hood's MAPLE GliOVis. Miss Laura Ileal lias eturned from Stouif ville, accampanied by Miss Nellie Scott .. . .Rer. J. H. Tumubuil, M A , very ably occupied the pulpitan Sundav lastinl the absence af the pastor who le ing nex t a seven o'clack, quarterly metifng aI Ebenezer in the morning, SundayIýv Sehool at three o'clock P. m... Actl.ýve members ai the Division are ta k- ing steps ta increase interest ln the work hr...Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Woosl, Vigibave retnmned home afler a pleaauît visit witb friends heme. Miss Ida Steývens aecompauied them.... .Mr. J. D.ý Stevens' son Lamu, is well again after his severe attack af fever. . .. Miss Nellie Scout. Uxbridge, is visiting iriends heme...Mrs W. C. Frank is visiliug ber parents, Mm. and Mme. S. Cole. A. treat is pramised Iliose who attend the concert given bv the League an Friday Feb. 8th. A bigla class literary and musical programe will be gi-ven by the best talent from- Bwevranvilie,i Ebenezer and elsewbere To com- mence at 8 o 'dock. Admission only loc 5-2w. A SUSRIuSE To EVEPYBODY-TIsO prompîness with wbich Dr Chase's Kidniey-Liver Pille reguilate and iiavi,- aate the action of the kidneys, liver and bowels, le a surprise ta evervbody. Tbey are tbe peaple's favorite- cure for kidey isese0ivCoM PliRRtjnD4 . Mr. W.Pickard allended hie b rother's funeral at Cleveland, Ohio. . ...Mm. Johrn Rickard sustained a fracture af ane leg Saturday by a biock ai ice failing an il ...Miss Mary Sliggens visited Miss Darch, Bowmauville ...Mrs. Gamme feil sustainintý a compound fracture af one- arm.... Mm. Arnold and Mise Edna Jackson eutertaine.i about 50 ai their vouug iiende Tuesday evening .. .. The funemal af the late Mme. Eliaabeth Munro, widaw ai the late Hlenry Munro, M.P., for many yeare a resid- eut ai this place. took place fmom tise station Saturday alternoon Deeeased bas been living with hem daugbtem Mrs . M. Garvin, Hamnilton. Besides ber dlaugbtem she leaves ane son, Henry, Bruce Countv. ta mouru ber lase. Hem son, Mr. M Garvin aud sou Fred Garvin accampanied the romains... Mm. snd Mme. John Rickard gave a vemy enjov- able party ta their frieude rrcay, evening ... ,Rev. T. J. Edmlison con- ducted a memorial service lu the Meth- odist church Suudav evening. A Sieger The matrons of the Edi- son Orphanage at Lowell, Mass,U.S.A., wrote they had a siege of whooping- coughýI in their institution. Tli- ,y said that every case was promptly reliev -ed by Vapo- Cresolene. Its value in coughs and colds was so great they always kept i- ready for use. You know-howit's- used, don't you ?' 'Tis heated by a vaporizer and you, inhale it. Write us ,for a book thiat teclls ail about it. 2 V-apo,-Croinene ia sold by druggists everywlîre. Th, Vapos izer and Lnmp, whiçh ahould lasl a lufe- lime,, aud a boffl' of Crealene complet,$.o extra supplies of Cresolene 2, centsaand1 5a cenia. M , siratcd booklet containini- phys*icianis' testi- moiLfret npoia requs. VAPO-CRESOLENS co,, 13,-, Fulton St., New York-, U.S.A. wore presani and a good progrsm af sangs, înstrumentai manie, readinga and reçila. t-loue given. Newtonvile andi Newcasle Councila are axpected ta vieil Bowmsnville on ¶aesday euening, Feb, 51h. With the new centery a new venture iu Canadian jaurnalîsm haa been under- taken by the Moutreal Wltneaa. Lt la a sixteen page weskly called '-Warld Wide" and anjoances itseif as giving "ýa weekly reprinr, af articles from lesding journals and revlews af bath hemlispherea."' The firet nomber falrly well austalua the lafim and World Wide wili cer.ainly be a mst valuable belp ta those who aeek ta knaw the trend af tbougbt in the great journal@ af the world. It la only 75 cents a year. aud the enviable reputatian ai the Witoeaa ia a guarautee 'if the qualîty.ôf the new pablication. PA RMERS'INSTITUTE. Extra supplementary mee be heîd asf ollows:- atînýgawill and 7,30 P.m. Umon, lburstlay, Fela. 7rh, at 2 p m. Newcstle, Tburaday, Feb. 7, at 7.30 P. in. The3e meetings will be addresaed by Mr. G R Cottrell, of Milton, Ont., an "Poultryon the Parm." He will eso Rive a practi cal illustration of killiag and dressircg for Market. The Preaideut, Mr. J. M. Jonese, wiil also speak at Salina aud Orono, an "tGoad Roadas," and at Newc.tsUe, an "'Butter making an the Farm." la expected ta be preaeut sud address the meeting. Mr@. J. L. Smith, lu bebalf af the Wnman'e Inselînte, bas alsa been ln- vlted i.u ýt'end. -H. C. LIosu, Secret. ary. J. M. JONESS. Preaideut. TOWN COU NUIL. Council Chamber, Jan. 24tb, 1901.' Special meeting of Council held ou abou od-ate, called by order af tbe May. o-.- Membera present, Mesors- P-ercy. Moved by fJoon. Worth, aeconded by Coun. Tait, Thot Coun. Galbraith, the Mayor and Cierk, be a Oommittee ta draft a resolution expressing aur grief aud aympathy ta the Royal Famlly,witb power ta forward ta the Governar Gen- oral, aakingz the samne ta be prcaeuted tlu the regniar way. The following ia a copy ai the esc. lotionent : To Hia .Excelleaacy, Lord Minto, Governor Geneî'al of Canada: The Municipal Council af the town af Bowmanville, Province U0 Ontario, on be- bal af the citizenF, isba are true and loyal Fubj acta af the Britisb Empire, are deeply aff ected by the death of aur moet Gracins Majsty and beloved Sovereigu Qosen Vie- toria, beg yonr Excellency ta fotwaid tbis exprebsion of profauud grief and svmnpathy to their Majestiei the King and Quesu. sud aIl membere of the Royal family, in their sad bour of affliction, sud îesquest your Ex- cellency toamasure Hia Mrajeaty ai aur loyal. ty sud devotion to hie throne and person. "(Sigued) JOHN B. MLTCHEL, Mayor, JOEUN LYLE, Town Oierk. A communication wais recelved frrn W. F. AllE;n, aine ai a Committes frona Agricullural Society, asking Ocuncil ta appo*ot a Commîmîse ta aci with the Commuttes appointed by the Agmîcultur- ai Soclty ta considscr the, pochasing ai Dew Fair Grounds Movad by Coun. Spry, seconded by Coon. Wortb, That Miàstra. Tait, King sud the Mayor be a Commitiee toacso with the Agricultural Sclaly'e Coin wltb a vIewta securiog larger grounde for Exhibition sud othor roeee, sud ta repart ta tbs CObziCIlCèrried. Maved by Mr. Tait aecouded by -Mm. -Worth, Thut the charolais and citiz -uns be reque2ted by thia Council tao uille lu a Mem- anal Service ta bts held on rho day ai the Staie Fuerasi af aur late bts. Inved Queesu, and tbat ýbe Clerk be me- ql]pftesd ta natifv tbe ministere. GCou- rls.d. Council adjoumufd. In accordance wiib 'bIs r querst, a union service wilI be held lu t>e kleth. odiat (Jhorch at Il a.m., ou ýSaturday, Feb. 2nd. Boys' Overcoats and some odd Suits also at -HALF PRICE. ends of Dress Goods at IALF PRICE. Winter Goods, such w wear, Jlannels, Blankets, llosiery, Fur Caps, etc., ail at 20,f' ju.st now. Boots and Shoes.. In this department we are rushing out a lot of odd lines.20 aIl Our Higli Top Bcots, Grocery Dept. s à We are prepared to take any quantity of Butter, Fresh Eg Potatoes, Dried Apples and Poultry. We venture to say that, present prices for produce are as high as they wiIl be this season, you will gain nothing by holding back your trade just now. ___ O c -m "I OUIR BELLVLD DEAD. Gad calls Our loved anese.lut WBelase niai What He bath given; ['41011Y They lave an eartin lutbnugbht aud deed as As3 in Hlig Heaven. [truly The followlng h tlae.liet ai lutermeuts lu Bowminnille cemetery for the year 1900. - __ _ - - - J 2 - Win. Allun, 85, Heari faîllure. 2 -Jua. McSorley. 55, Hleart failure. 9 -Jamea Grant 11eatlie, 94, aid age. 13-Mary Bounsal, 83. senfIe decay. 28-Shodrach Ba2kerviile, 71, pneu. mania. FEBRUARY. 5 -Elîza Jane Edick, 42, cunsuptiaphn. 4 -Harold Oke, 2, ecarlet fever. 5 -Rayîuuad Martia, 1 yr. 4 mas. water on brain. 8 -Jane Brent, 83, expasure, lacir cf nouriahment. 4_1-Alice Piveot 73,eeadeliv 3 -Mary Hambly, 42, brîght'a dizease 9 -Thomas Tnomae, 83, aId age. 13-John Allun, 77, general debillty. 14-Henry Hetkethi, 83, aId age 15-W. G,. Perry, 63, bright'a diaease. 16 -William Keeley, 67, astbma. 27-John Terry, 2 dye, Inflammation. 29-Sarah Terry, 38, Inflammation. APRIL, 9 -Frederlck Horney, 29, consumption 11-Dvld Fisher. 78, chronlo cystiî. 18-Thomas W. Davîde, 49, pernitioua a nena. 24- Elizabeth Davey, 86, Dropay. 24-Stephen Wright, 66;, Dropay. 29-Thomae Dickinson, 19 cacnannption 30-Bridget Botteral, 70, paralysie. MAY. 4 -Francia Raynea, 73, stomach and liver troubles5. 13--Vancanip, atili hnrn. 22-George Bandera, 20, conaumption. 2 -Joua Vodden, 43,hemorrhage. 4 -William T. Lookhart, 60, bright'a disease. 6 -Sarah Flnney, 85, old age. 7 -Jane Ranton, 80, heart failure, 17-Elizi McDonald, 72, bronclîltîs. 18-William B. Polsod, 73, bronchitîs. JULY. 1 - William M. Bahusd i phltherla 1 --Ellen Maria Allîn,3ldr -' 12-Jo. oColoula,85, seca 12-Thos. El. Skate,, 30, ý Offla. 19-John GrAnt, e app , 20-AGçtrey Ma.sonl,11cnuîpi, AUGUST. l7-Go. B ItoeG6mas. dtarrhles%, 2l-Cornelius McGakmîgle, 75, dyaeii,.y- 28--Eh G, Fiascos, 45,2 eryeiples, .1 SEPTEMBER. 3 -Jua. Rankin, 85, aid age. 4 -Rueben Besnnett, 68, paralysie. 7 -Rlebron Wilcox, 68, dropfay. 9 -Elizibeth Cnu, 48, tobueulu' laryingitli. li-Irma M. Gale, 4, tliphih-eria. 20-Chas, Hutchinson, 79, para'iysia, OCTanER, i 5-Us ndal Gibaon, 3 moa. fitw. 4 ---AliihIn9 jauoai- 71 - Harold Westèco t, icnu 7 -MIJary Allen, 78. ;eaî- w§es 17-Jeau Galbraith' Î,l abtï 26--Roy Robbin, .2 d. iel o] 24-William Bill, 78, IV aYsî. 28-Elizabeth Bradleýy, 6$ ý ance 5 -001e R. Adair, 24-, coflBum 5 -John George, 75, pnieomonii 9 -Charlotte Hobbe, 4y 8m, .dtýph 1l-Lila Branton, 19, cnupl il-LavInla Ruebottom, 62, pnE! la and plueray. 14-James Birch, 40, hemmorbag 20-Slizabeth Bond, 13, dropey. 27-John Stalnton, 46. tuberculei 29-Mary Robinson, 105, old age Sinoe the batmunicipal electiu ia expected that atacue labor a. dons to-day, will be abolished pro n forty or more towrîahlpe inlO au fifty townihlp coancils decidi take a vote of the ratc-payersa poils. Thia will start the balilr and in a short tîme there isanoa the old.time sy8temn willgob board, and à new metho d a htrn whereby country roa da Il improved w11h gtavel it44 exa th% n ia necepsary t 4dy- GLYLON AND, IN DIA T E To get clean GREEN Uea use the machinec=rnade T Ceylon and India. It contains no adulterants, Swiilow leaves-=it's aIl Tea. ýThe same is true of BLACK. ç 0 0 to make a clearance. -L -L -L

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