PnR. L. POTTFR. Offie sd residennce,C..iirehiSt.,opPliSiteTriflhte Daitgregational rhurch, Bowmanville. 25-6Gm MISS IITHvEL sMORRIS, ARIT'. Inistructiois giveninuP UINTI.( 1pl, ii.W ter Cler and Chbmn. Sketehli 'g anj rpiig fi rn nature. K11I1f on p eanies, t'r 'e gat iscnal pnieus51i 1DU. 0. C. MITCILL, M FRMBEROF C0LTEGEOFPEIYSICIAN'ý and Suiîgeons, etaîcCoo c, e Residence. Ri3!kllen. 74 A. E. 1WLAUG fLIN, Barrimter, Soliitor sund Cauvey sucer. Offce-_ Bleakle Block, hi g s .etarU mnvi Mo'ey taeau ai ressouiabie rat&~. 4Slyr ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. --âFFlCR IN WEST DUTRH-AM NEWS O Blocke, l'iiiiualf or hîs as8istaut ini', lîefour.dfrem8ta. îu. ta p. m. Nght cexl' l, rebidexeca, direct] y oppoite tDrill Sleed. C'llsb b tel g iali ortadlbanc -nlreceie e pript al tteion. 171 - yr. [r-TAIR WOIIK.-Ladies wishiuig Iait .LLdone avar, cad t MaaDc-sssaa East and Cor oi Onario SL Eowmajivillcý 3-1 t; MIARRIAe ICEaSESeu.A essidence: Centre street. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C, CHAS. P. BLAIRý Barrisiex s, solectors, Notaries, etc., Ïýlajrusý Block, upstairs, King Street,. 110eni evlle. Soliciors for the Ontario tBank. Pi iv te moneys loaned at low~est i aloi DENT ISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. , 0. D. S, Hfonor Graduai iuDeitislry of Torointo 1bid- versity. Osac:-Over Coueli, Jolingtoea,2a21d Cryderman's store. Bowmanville. 1-lyr. Il. F. ilUXTER, B --ARBýISTEIRSOLICITOR,NOTARY Company Faonds io lent se lowesît urreaut rts OFF ICES: King St., opposite Tt. 1ilarnden's Dental Rueams, Bowmanville. 13-Gm ~g-~fOfL TO $150.V"0.0 on11 gl mri- ge s ecuity ai moderate lrates (,inteesest, 16 -6m. DUENTISTS. Will be 'at Biackstock on the first Monday of each month, at Orano froni 10,a, m ta 2 p. in and at Newcastle, from 2 30 ta 5.30 p. m. an the second Monday of each montb. OppiçcE-Temperýance St., Bowman- vilersar @f Higganbotham4's drug store. C. 1HARNDEN, L.D.S. firadoate of tbe Royal College of Dental Sm geans, Ontario OFFICE-Opposite Exspressu Offie. VITALIZRD AIR ONTARIO BANK eninetodo a General Banking Businegs ai ewes1v01lsA gsecey. DEPO8ITS secelved lu Savnagi Bank Deparimesui aut in tr st aluneat c enstirates. Notic-e et aiitranel act receseaey. tII tepesits payable u demand dotsght aet soît anîd Bsafts issuet npýon EceOpe, à 1at i dse Cantada, alt; o Si aber andt CJOLL ECTIONS Promnpflymade at curreni iraes upon ail paris -i reai Britalît the Usited States and th(- Do inialon of Canada. Telegraphi Transfers lade for large or smaîl Hums on ail parts of Canada. This ia specially advau tageans fa per- sens living in Manlaoba or flie Na-tb Ve8t, if xnakcs the fonds avralable ai once ai tbe place ni psy mentL For ailier Darticulars eall ai tbe bauk, -A. J. MCCLELLÀN, GEO. McGILL, Aecountant Managser Dir. Tairnage Dîscourses on T h o s Who HaveCione. A &dm-paÈcta fraoWashing-ton seys: 'dat'. ])pJ. 2alnaîgaprc'ched t;am Ëtic aillowing texi:-Thou shait rb e î,- - becturie t5y enat ia eerriy - S-i toaI the table' the catl.e r atdthe' e based stver wsare of the palace, fati Xeng swueî W11Âi - aC r,îe tn o- y. A dsigwhdpýý4îcalakýýPt al netable fo'r tee soniti aVncet bmaitet wa rar, Dvit hy ra. Tin. gua- 1ý5. jeweled snd plumred, nom" in aned Lte,'their p'-î - ,. Whsn 'dia peo- leara invieldcitoa aking's banquet they ar' vey prta go. But h"fore til" Cave-ra are l.UteLt-frona the faast Sa 1lu-e-c,. crc,-,ci sand firein ea veocan tt h-ev iap. That waýs th' ,banki w'I e aie~ li ,ur harts arse ri.-what a ýhall that ' n'asljer t frcotthofîatb"- 'nàIer, etw as endrîr y -fferent. Yiu- - 'ýw 1-e , v camintelli; but we Jr ~a c-ff'cŽet. ParLaps ther( wa- ua onh.- ch air mac regaimlencs-, i mre',.ýregrief whcî n - il-m-xtîn. W h_-n ave werc evar- Cd, father "scoId, ' bailt jî ïj'4" et ùràt. t w& a very waliu- lui aïe ir, la ohýý'LeJk day &of.chii- leon, I,'er chLaie-s cndno tke -p i, waeka,, that chair always kept awake, -kpii, asly aako. lhat char 5-Iý'w il te, 1-i llabce and l ,l If yanr liver is out of <inter, cainn Biicousuess, Sicit Heatiache, H-eahi buta, or Constipation, f ake a dose o, On ratiring, and tomarrow youn di1- g- aura organs aili ha ragulatat ant you aill ha brit1'.-f, active cnt reeti' foran ssi' [nt afmark, This bas beau the exparionce of othrs; il wsil ha yours. 11001)'S PILLS are cold hy cil medicine dealers. 25 ec-s wabt a m"asc ai gasce ta the montd, h ce innalit chairs. On abat fiedtc' human suifeaaug, the grace of Got lte ici vicùrri. But wheu aiea ucý ,hase invalida chairs become nacantl, be-mw suggestive ir is No More- cf liahefteriag up of the, weari' eat. No aura changing faom site ta ite to ge-t an easy position. -No mie s of the bandage ant the c-taamis axa S-1ONGE CAKE. The most delLciOlus cake ail, tISa the one maist perIfect in a dietËý 'tcsense, cal1p for na soda, creamOJ ý-artar or baking powdpr ; neithar doe. t' cati for an extravagant nunabar of ý3ggs. The racipe is as foliows: eggs, onaenlep pulverized t ugar, a pinch of sait, ane teaspoon f ,'mon-extreeýt, and one up sifted tfihil. A v'ery economicai cake, as wil bec sean at a glianca. The cggs musai lia perfectly fresh, andud nness puIver- zcd sugar ie us-ad, the cake will ba le s J.elicate. Tihe mode is as follows: Set- arate the whites and yolks oif the e!ggs and heat the -aLites unti.i sa itiff that they wili not feu from an invertled bowl. Beat the yalirs ntil athick froth. Add a pincli of sait ta the whites, and haif thie suga-r, whip sat ettha tabla. fHoesays a'ithir h-c; 5l, îo.anc test heprescriptin hi nate hi igntiuy ina, ont do narstar, tenud a wh'c moher tio. Tatinva;ids cairthe te-st of the sungar ta the yolks hinaeaf, or peahaps audibly - "W bat -.aog teï-r ,Ack ctildran sngs ni may ha foldet up- qvr taken apart, or Ltesm anr hnba ok tacs this nmean ? \Vbeae l my eon-ira- wilach ail pi(y and (compas,,ic a tnd stat aavay, but it wiîî neyer loec sin hsroamnnr ho et ek law '? Werc is IDav idthe gacat waa - yuapitLotlc influances ara e co-queniy pcowar; if will always preacb uhbtstgte eyqiky t rîo? 1iri hin; 1expcte hi, brnd. lla, od cairhaý stc; utdoftrust in Got and cheerful cubais- the flaur, bastig iL lunlighiiy, aud rior f Iînnitadhie-a ; exphett hlm. ona . 5Lr -oit cue h-tastipp - Wbai 1 a vacant chair ai a kn:rg'-e rockiag formony years, itmay Le cian. Suffering- ail entet noan. Withteemonater tei. utife baîrr wil banquet!"' The, fart was ibat David, set up ira iL' loeft iv he garrot, jbui respect ta ibat invsliithîe' wrts of frro the aven a masit eliccate ant te- the avarrior, bat boaera ceatet for the e hli a qu'eniy paver ynt. When my taxi Lave been fulfilied; 'Thon liciius cake. After - te flour jsehast- Irtimeat ai Licather-in-iaav's tabla, ut mnlnigbr you wcatntla tiL-' grog chahLe c miset, hecause ihy seat willl puîemitrmaabte- The clay hafara, Jonathan bat coaxet eh ip to e ga, ch' liaxicoting Irairght.bc empty. et spouge tae paite n baebuttra- David, izra the watts of mny iaxi, "ThonfiLii y ,ýrncicr hear a v'oi-' that sait; aIt pair.n tnIiint hghcancmre ILrac- aquick cven., wilt ha imiisa't, hecause îby seat wilii -My sein, why go ina tharal" anilourd- sDcar.Ioea ihcaih e not open the aven ton rfor ai lie errpty."e The pratietion wae fuifili- er e han cýh' ,bLieriarus encore ai the tLe chilt's chair. If that chair ha oc- leai seven minutes, air until the cake etd. Dvtdaras misset. IHie seat was e haiti, a aice Sýayiug; "My Soncupiaît, I think hilc Istemeros i patent baS badtiure ta forin, then, if if is empty. Uhai ana vacant chair spoea 'tot etCyou lharel' 'nt whan you chair in alîL e lonsehot. Ah îLhe browaing, put aL thick paper gently louteïr ban ah ithe occupiat chaire ai Grant inira ch'ý horQýcc af air, a ,.oice chairs wait, an i, ail the chairs are amer the top. Open ana close tLe aven the banquet. saylus; 'Whar î,ult yaur niauler turnadt awart "it. I meane more dooir very quickly and gently, for ifi ,Ina amosi erery4haussa the articles do if ishe kno-w yau ware hbore?' t>d ihan IDavit':s chair ai Saul's banquai. the cake i djrrtif aili ha cartain ta of fuiniture take a living personsliiy. yoxlu were pruaoe atta yqurseli and At any rata if makaes more rack et. falý, Do flot opena it ofiener than ne- Inta itw ,srne ol otYT hr'd[cný,1 il sprt- ThL et ta astrange hanse thai eau bc cessairy, tend whera yacn do solb sec auything remiarka bic, ither lunlira tinoon ri naricuea, andt Cur ]h-ad tuli wi th a chilt sn ft. Thare is urs- quite certain that no colt air can design or executian, but if ij mare ta gai bot aaich your awra tbangbts, -nt tbifig ta arausa and mliteand a srkeîe aeAmiue rtw1e you fLan al the pituras of flic Louvre ani dy ix. weu boarate, sud you wna teta s ni lika a cLil heaice.Butfore if is toue, with aasugar sifier- ant the Luxembourg. Yon remamber tis b', aune oýsoan"r ibid you ranch- wbni ec roayu h ihsifi a, littlg pulverizet sugaraver tLe IL iaugtsalla W ho at edatif. ai n L t t'bdhan a noe aid; Wlat char i bacoeatinalbigLrouchatntp.Be careful not ta remove tLe Andtihai Lynan-bok-yau remeaher a prayealpis pilli e1"I'A ycumeg lman oeeiedsltonalaon ietcake fr-om îLe aven bafore if le toue, acha Sang out of il; ant thai rtia- raynt oJ o nd bricko bs , mthr'p YOn 1cannot spaeak trame experience, for if tLe cooler air strikas ih before h1 rateni'h a aa rmithank Gat ; but an ibree-founthf <of theiteprftybathjeqtsc- you ramanbar Who racket *il; sud hat n lý,, ewî wyfami spefcl aei sqiecr thai Bible,-yan rememberet sho read J9ilaS' b is moithus 'lad, and th' raie- -Iamv fmyc, 1,aea heeisatain ta fal. ou o f;an ha bdyo rmim raph-brcu,Éte vn idI3cmacant Ligh chsa. Soni-ahoar you If the aboya directions are carefulliT oui 0f if ant tha bed-you emam- grpn hromibr cha- beru, nniboncaine lir Who clapi in if; and that roOna- iju)te r a nwL-'re Le'lay, and looh- nvtgtaeri.Teeisn n afalicoaet, a cake exsctiy lilas the teli- You rinemer Wo die in t. Eput ta bedatai niglit, no ana, 10 oaesk cialus penny sponge cake, lu ail but yo raamerrhotitleif ut et up a iher face, ant ha arieet 0cm; stranga qtnnstoatî, aur GoeIdntsix-asoit bay tLe- hast canfectioners, ihere ic noting in ail yaur hanýse so "0 a' cher, met wahat you.r liteanthae.Owa îe e <if vl ath eua er fe e eloqentandso iýgty-vice ai th lýcounId ý,t o t, yonr deteh uchofli 0ii0he es, I Vr utanre vcount cai.ud sps e ig ta eet a-a tha - mi menIrf1gis ,ýmy beort tic Gelbga hirl t a al - Lg- cipas sutmateriîs$ are bl'met for vaclandchir. [ u,,gspp u osaib thafare f ar. Wiaat a tirilie. Atrthrawing upwrt it must failures in cake mnaking, chan the Sani nt hp gucetsgai n froa rbs tit lte k phI pants An iha ha -ebave chiltren lu bnanen. With tobele oi angecigafi banquet thare w,,s a ig eai clectar cfi e etDcera ,,tb-hýc' noeu-chair. Witbi 1rseta i auLr 'chili, the t'orts of ;mtroubwediretion cinreful In aboyafre- avina ,pitehere;-1but al that racket wae rf- r-o. taoi ycîr motLer, th"ewoels exrlhave b"en tulfiliet: e,"Thou chah cipe use a scaut cap of flaur, cnt a trowed tut y th vace fn cme i la' tai wae flfile.i "Tbn Lît imssad ec'use Ly Seai will hae slighily mare gparons ana of sugar. urp frana the vacant chair ai t tcetable, be at 1,s-'tbecouse rhy seat e bcîl ha I Firsi, I point oue ta yon the father's mey îLaa ea etn ernc ti mr r Songe cake shoult ha beatan rap- braenchir.Oi ~îîwy"lia'1a igon alt a aeh'er ant h Cao ais -siz h atittidly, ase sirring make if siicky sud ir'e h Vî echair. w t! L iwinbcue1' alzth c hac Itlas light. The quicer'the matcnials sit i thesaknk, Pace nd te sam liog hvcý, ý:1U"Oh j th daywil' C()M:,arel put ptogetherr pusutgete n ad henavenoenta chair. Toeay sari eiaw feci m-eata i uw nLe <h Oh il lie empi'. Prom -ihl5's!'paint Lowb emoeeranithcket hoean wenya ae n - bv3' L'on 'tck con, tcveiy, thiriy OÉr ýdofit orfc,ý ake, che oecrani h aet home tan cor-eiiaes whc youare n qsibl' ? Whit aor i iolsLabf ao u a ehaperfect. No athe ar ni' aiofcake, fLair piacis andtîhey carnelace-othe 1- -Ihava ceea a( gacat nii tiesriful -tpnss1mc pncrestgo- - C, a&rYcf an luranc - fb--e aare l dpnssimc to aeadgo fier, yofjath u, ans ur chair," saa a l aali im cnr. ntthrilling sighis, but neyer any- judgmneni. Yati i t a cake that is prb airher la an aaeourchir for 1gL rof, IL-cýee invuii chairs. 'I e-iag ta eqaîl w ta ailILhave aitnecssed i l Worth sttuiuing perfection in, as probbiliy isit i an rracaitfor upans 'Df thm LhýnJth'- vrhea, in t hec schair, h baie looket off fe-w otherc erg St one su econumical cupis nttso ftroeu asohie oceohas. ya- d on ant: ceeiairu ise- for the daxologi.5 aiyatqiel ae u ad hai o esarga aoc m.leg ns, gaootin the ivorîn; LuEthat oeslanqukyradndod- ant hae neats a litîn upholies. The ieaL'-d en Ëthcs nair, cana-eim's1h!liaveaioswrfnictas tia hait -s uitile faosiy ; thea guas a littie ginnalits chair i tb' naihoy pulpitud - ronsi hh y hane L'an preachin,.,c goly ko nica isegmliu raa dopresced,; for in hise aurly tys there slci'eyse rs nGt h aat aand, thon agalîs I have!- Ip. Fo..-- - f-ar ~ ~ ~ rescr MOn Wuui Penn F-FF Vrunx.M-FýPI-ýlZÇ-a anlniaiai.fashtoned apparel, fai' th-ugliy"u maa'Laae -uggestet rume improvenemnt. fathar 'tocs nai wint an of yeurnnnsne. Grandfaib r nover bat naichaamiration for ceai- fagledt aioîns. I scalt the aable ai ana aof ay paricshianiers lu e farmer cauregtira.An aget tman -nas aiý the tabla, ant ia son -amepresiding, an-i tLe f ther soeoahai ahrýuiily-ad- dressedtchaeao,at«,s-iel, -My son, dan'i, noir, try fa shaiw off becueathoe aiici'v is haro P'otijr fethea un'r likc',d asey n'în vcustanas ai mannere. Ha ptsîferredt ha ald îayo ai ta -e-r iags Stictiha neyer ioakerl so bsppy aas en aifiLhi-seaycc classat, he a et luthe arma rchu le in tLe ctorner. Frnm arin- kle4a bro)w tv t he r ip ai the ilippers, îleat îai-cirity !Tne waveoaithLe p at yïccýof hi Ls lufe brokor ai the foat ai ibai chair. Peahapisaometinuses awac a 1110fr impatient. ttil sotînacatait' cli ila S .S trate your ~And arc I/ you wor- H ried f'or ~ fes5r YOu re a9 -on to bc bald? Theni cese worr- ing, for uep s a,, Il . ouneed ounefi.g t-h at w Sput new life ote hiir bulbs. Y-o- tLe, gospel. I1aaonter -was baciis chair PAIS asI i t sti a' ach a I Lai e' lai i ofa O n th e stree t, as else w h ere, a vo- the ieist time ? Wil iftelil ai a usef ul mnan always banne or speahe firet. Thie lie, ai an eaanet menistny, o aie Cgivea ban tLe painiege of ackaoîývietg- gospel r Gat pianc i.[he- mioat ing or discoaîtiuuing, au acquîaiufence. posa rf ul sermon ihart iseneer prceh- 11ev salutation je propaaiy rai urnet by et e b ib neatt cher i aputtarlifting the Lai clear off the head. tha Setchth aftei Le -hmus been ýcarrebrit js moýst improper ta stop a o- ail îhaag whi bIs vahwhn tantae man friand or acqusintauce in the bsec ebakan Lenht i ld nd fo îe istreet longer than ta hniefly exemange lasu t Ue, aial anachairs lu tLe rgreefinge. Thaeaomen wbo make a boa" circeecnt in tih- outaita worîdI practice of stopping to talk ta mns shahi b-easai, may wt e ha-w aship- in public are not ihs kind a gentle- inGoti in that 'place frona auich ave man aconit wish Lis friainds ta sea shaLgo ui n moe fr-ve. Tankhlm with ; much lese woulisha eeîre so hai go ont n iie fvaant fank cinto maka his iroen friandls targeis for f l o a x a a i l a n o v c n t c r a T s c b c o m m n t , I f n o i w a l i h i n u t h e sme direction, se ihat yen may aven- faka, tutu and ask permiesion t a s- Iun soxhing sica is tLe ablicence of~ inthmace frieutd, leava wben you have gpiod manamere so apparent in tLe pre- said what you desredtet,unalees ash- sentday slu con versation, Thei- stid to ga furibar. Hare, and for al fahe-d-codeai u-lc ahieh ma-hec cesa, let- ina eay thact- f-riandehip=eaýVer- - r have thena accepted. Bayan thiis hea bcwilderiag array af glagms and sh-ould remain silent. 1s ilver, to know just ashicli fork or knife ta use firstits disconcerting ta AT TABLE. :ne ,wha la unaccustomedto ta air-gant Any nPise in taking saup should be dining. Hawevar, iif the novice is tact- avoidet. fui she will watch what brniho TLa- butter a slce of bread je ta show doeas, for 1 ne s l suppose-1t t cxf an nnfotrtnate iack oif knawlaýdga in mence eating lantil ail or neryal ibis regard; the bread ehouit ha brak- 1 are served, and there is fno neýessity en iosinall places aud buttared ~a f liar commiencing first. irfa'l , u 1 eantet. bearing and agreesa cnvrato H-ici rails and seone are brakan avith -fili cover lack of knowledge oni the the Lande, not cnt. part of the novice. It le onîr the tact- Ail the meai on the plate aliould tess womsn that makes ridiculous nect ha cnt into tiny places before cao- mstakes when placet under new con- I-ý - -- ditions. I LI MITED, Car Vcnge and Teinper'ance StE.5 I IORONTO. PETTIOLELTM AS FUEL IN RUSSIA. The Russian minietry of communi- cations býas decidat ta adapt patro- leum for generating motive power an thse locomiotives of ail the railways. She Lii crs erauy car-sasneut faublos I fa aýta tfLaf 0 mont have rockers. h ramember ît weli. If avas an oit chair uanidiLth-- k 'a avre almueot werrn cntr, for I was tha younger, and ftie charLad rac[ýkedthLe arble fani- ihy. itmýate a cracking noi-e as it muretd; but iL eewas muasiuithca gsOunt. Ih wa just hbigh euough fa aller' us chilu:rema ta puti ana eads feril. IlaLan gia ire mctoaia Carateesatisfaýction n luMy bsi- Max eh 22, 1899. Kansas City, M WP'fE10thse floctop. -YIf yen die net etatin alt theb e-saits yve exexted tram tih es&@of th gowrite the Decace about 11. Aderese, DR. J. (i. ÂTRE, ruiedthîe country for ber son, Prince KE-iniSung, ssuet a tacrea la tLe year 17M forbidtfng sny avoman ta appear upan the Chineee stage unter penalty of instant de ath. The. Emprese Dowaeger batf beau an actrese, and, suter tLe teath of the Empenor, ehe wa8a consumedt vilintahy and sait: "Af tan me no ona." Thens anc bo this day no iranen setrasses in China. ant heaatiiying prapertiîes ai Cura- ci-cIA SOAF and CuTIcualA Ointment, pureet cnt saneeteet ai emallieut sL-ir cures. These geutia yet effective alla piarifiers cnt beantifiers have mate thonsants <of homes bappy bhi' ua-ing tortnnîng, tisfiguî-îngbumuors, raehes, tend irritations ai infancy atnd eblît- Loodt, tnd reiieving tiret, wori-oiit parents of cre tend axiefi'. Sold by ail Coloniai Chseitx. Ferres DRa e us Csax. Coup., Soiel 'x'ae., Bexton, U. S. A. to reae te tblecW th sthfor Ij- Thle Great Raplita Ramedp. or spon intinnic a iaco f brccting. c ol-- asnd r cocaniiiended by al At a dinnar avhare guesgte are bld- - tugitieCaad.On91mi aa mdieiîîe duaorea. SIé dan the gestlamen'ascisc in eeating fhe liartaupat gaeraeeed ta cnrs anl foma cernai Wetelnese, ail effacte of abuse ladies befoe -e a-afu themsecres, the or cxcess, e intal Worry, Excessive use of To, lady -o hoLanr sitting ai tLe rigîiti of bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailet ion recelpeI r, i piaae package si, six, $5. Otsffts6 the basf nt en saret inetwith sxalier.Pamphlets frcfa ax'y.atdrasS urse. This ta the no' vice naay The Wood Companiy, Winidsor ,,, ;t ha a tryinig position if she will shlowI Woodts Phosphlidiae salditiiD5wmnaiille b1 iSiotisa Jury, a±gginocilam & Siiu; Orona bl it ta becama sncb. When seatet before jJ. Giltilîsa; Newastal b Dr Farncamba-. Is the precedent establisbsd by Dr Goldberg, consequently yen take rislr, as Yeu need' eayoohing unLil a permanent and completecr a enctbile.F ii o jil o01 ses Dr Goldberg pergonally. who las 13 D1PLOýMAS, certificates and liccoses eoived frein the x arious colieges, hospitals aend states, winhas sufficient guarantea ta is standing and abilibes. Thcre- are thousands cf yoa troubled as a result of eirly indiscretions or contracted Bloc.d Poison; if you arc flot toc roau yon should hca; if yae feel tired in the coornang, or troub- led with exhaustion, nervousiieas, desponden y a fcegy, -eeak, aching back and; kidneys, frequent painful urination, or -eîmnt in Urine, impotency, weakness, or othier sÏgns of nervons debility and preniature decay, we will quarartee'van a complete and permaneut cure by our Latest .Method Treatament whach 58 recogniÏed a most posi-: tive cure for these conditions, and yon, pay when cured. Read what aur patients say and be convinced. Thte original sworn eaffldavite; and testimoniale can be seen atour offices . $500 fer e ny -we cassnot show; at request of patientS we pUblisia only initiais. To Whom It May Concern. Jan. 13, 19041 This is ta certify that 1 bed been a sEnierer froro Nervous Debility gh lose and seminel weakne. s for a long terne, had been doctoring hoth ;,-lan ad'a ud De rai, without reravang îmy benefit, and placed nmyssîf -unde cr jr S1 lergha care Dec. 28.,1898; I uoticed an impravement î in eiy condition a lesan c veek; Nwas discharged satireoyi ired.April 29, '99 rand bave 1a no raturaI of said trouble. Sig-,ad, A, E. L. C. Subscribeet and swarq 1to before me this l3th day of Janoary 191ü. Wm. Aý Smiah, Notary Public. Wayne Ca,, Mich ~'Our Latiest Method Guarante*-ed t- Cur Bloot Poison. aise Chronie, Private, Narvons, Tmpotency, Variv.opplý.tr treMKdney,' Bladder, Liver, Stornach, Female and Rectal Troubles. Cori, - - - - 1 -Ll- 1 xrite for question blank for home trcatment. Books on diseaseof insn frcs. Hlours 9a,.ta 8 pm. Sundays 10a.m. ta sp.m. 291 WOODWAR~D AVE.jý, 7: -LG 0 LDETROIT, MIOH. i LATER EXCESSES IN M-ANHOOD1 MAKE NERVOLJS, DISEASED MEN T H REU LT<i~Ignorance and f.ily ins youth, overexertion ofmind and body incxac- i.hsppiuess <i fusand-eafpromfi gyongmnen. S0ofauLantdit ber at au sarli' age ai the blossom o f manhoauh, while athers are foroedtot drag aut a weary, frnitiesa aurl melachay exstece.Others reacl iatrimony but find no soiace or confort there. Tht v ctiros are fun in ail stations of life:-The farm, the office, îles warkshop, îles puipit,t îLte trates andt le dprofessions. $RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR.S. M. &X K-J oWu.A. WiALKE1. Wx. A. wALxEB, MES. CHAS;. FlERRYi, CHAS. FERR_ 'X£FB] REI'MENr AMIE TtETM flivoret but onitet agSaiii tzi"'NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALeS ISED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-"1 Wm. A. Walker of lOfl Street scys-"hbave suffére SYPH ILIS mtait agonies for my "gay life." 1 ars isaulsret aches young, and ignorant, As "Oue <of the 1Boys" 1Icontracit; EMISSIONS ilyphilai...t o ther Private disases. 1 bat nicera In îLe moul nth ,iroat, bone pame, isi.kar lbse, pimpies an STR ICT U RE face, linger nals came off, omi~ssions, became tim ndn( despontent. Savon doctors trr5,Mde me wxitli Moery, CtJREDPotaehb, etc. They ho!pet me but could not cure me. CUREDFIla cfrie rnue ta try DrsKenunedy & liergan Thir New Moithot Treatint cured me in a fcw waeks. Their treatmenü 15 woaterffni 0ec yonrself gaining oer eardy. 1 have neyer lisard of their failin. aor xaige teCURES GUAI!ANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED CaD~t, Chas. Ferry sys :-"I owe MY blfe ta lire. K. & K.: A141learnet a bat habit, At 21 1 set cll the erroptomsoru 1%M'» of flamnai Wealrnes sutn Spcrmretorrhoea, L'issions ns wcerc draiaing ant weakening my vi'tiiy. 1 marriet et V R C _^24 under atrice cf MY faneiiy doctor, Lot if aoas -,ssd experionce- Ireighen manths ne nere divorcsd. 1 EM-IS-.ýNS thon consultet lDre. K. & K., arbo restared me te manhoot '55bytheir eVsee atorai'eeunl. ifelta nawlite thrill through .R- nnerres. Weavre uniedagaisa antd errahappa This ne __ six earsago.lir. ,& 4. are scaenitacc specis?ist ant1ha arfily racaoro udt hero," D SWe trera an cure I/,ricaee, Emirns, Nrrvous DefuiZéty, Semifnal5 Werzkness, Gleet, .Strictur-e, Sypli.4s. Unnatural Disc/lrzs-ges, Sdi Alb2e SKidney and Bladdar Diseases. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT9 200,000 CURED. NO RISK I ;EADER Il Are you a rctim? H1ava you lost hors? Are yen confamPlating mer- îage? 1-as yaur Deoot bondaseased? Eaeyau eny weakness? Oui ýecw Mthot Treatment nl curerau, What it least dans for othcrs if Çgil do for ron OOSNSULIAT1ON FREE. Na matterachoais t reatat rau, write far an hanest ôpiaion rc( o"'f Charge, Charges ressoatahi. oOu<S FIJE-"The Galden Monitor" (illusiratet), or. Disesses of Men. laclose postae. 2 cents, Scalet, RiWNQ NAMES USEO WITHOUT WRITTE-1 CONSENT. PRI.- fVATE, Na muedioîne senet C- 0. D. Noa i-ames ou hoxeq or envel.. os. eythîng Coflfldafltiinl. Queatîon lest wact 0 2a Treat- SNo. 148 SELBY ST.'m 4-- ý i ý 1 i