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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1901, p. 5

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Toilet Solap. We have just reccived a supply off Cleaver's- Famous Transparent Soap, Clcaver's Glycerine and Cu- cumber Soap, made i n Great Britain. A special lins off Toilet Soap at a special pries. Cul-..er's unsceeted 10e cake, ~~~ . for 25e dleaver's Glyceine aud Cucuspher 10e cake . . . 3 for 25e Cleaven's extra glycenine, 15e cake, 2 for 25e Taylor's Onîmeal Soap, . 25e box Taylor's Clemalis Soap,, 25e box Inffant's Delight . . 25e box Taylor's Giant Tar Soap, 10e cake '3 for 25C Olive Oul and Cucumher Çoap, (We have solJ thousauds off cakes off this soap-TRY IT.) 3 cakes 10e Morning Dew Soap, 3 cakes in box, ][Oc box STOTT &JURY, E. M. CAWKER. J. H. H. JURY.1 CRJ2AM 0 FVIOLETS. Foýr preserving the bloom and býeauty of youth. For naking -4sdand wrinkled faces soft anti velvety. This delightfuily refreshîng prepar- ation is a perfect skm ffood, Excellent for chapped baÙds and lips, rongh skin or rednsss offthe face caused by expos- ure to1 wind and wsather; soothing, hsaling and delicatsiy perffumd ; can * bc used at auy time. It is entireixY free from that greasy and sticky feeling and J dries lu readiiy. If yen are not satis- fied witb the resuits after a few appli- cations yen can have your money back by returninz the hottle. Large 7Rottý -,,- , 2 5e. 2eTry it and be convinced __ý STOTT & JURY E. M. CAWRKER. J. 11. Il. JURY. GRN rRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE SI'ATION. J GOIp EASr. Couse WEST. Urliregss...8 .a. m. 1 *Express . .5 15 a. ms ~eUxpress.. 10 17 a. m, 1 Local... 815 %, Passenger .... 3 48 p.m. 1j Passenge:... i 40 P. M; Local . 6.... 5 p.m. Express.. . 7 388 5Rxpreu il 2 *Dalr. t Dally except Snnday. STOTT-& JuaR. Town Agzents eht 0anaiau. 5tatc0nUXa BOWMANVILLE, FEB, 6 , 1901. Slsighing is fairly goDd la town. 25 flnest Envelopes 5c at Nicholîs. 25 gejod Envelopes 3c at Nichoils'.' Oranges and lamons, somethiug extra fins at Tod's. Correspondence arriving 1 a t le i s crowded ont. ilomemade Hum-Bugs, Saturday only 10e par lb at Tod'8 Did you iud a small brocch? Re,- ward'at STATESMAN office. Mrs. Win. Foiey is visitng relatives at Peter.jbore and Cambray. Mis rtire Saunders, Oshawa, is gulest 7t Miýss Ethel Reynolds. 12) sheets WTriting Paper and 50 Envelopes for 25e at Nicholîs'. Ail Ladies Ceats seling off at haîf -prie at Couch, Jobaston & Cryder- Mians. Those who bave lost friands receutly will appreciate Dr. Talmag'e's sermon en an inside page. Miss-Mande Perkin, Moorefld. bas has been visiting bier uncie, Mr. S. H. * eynoldîs and other fins Mr. Wý.C.Tole, drnggist, reports sales off Ozone verY large since coids and 'rpbecame prevaient. Read advt. on inside page and try il. At the Saivatien Armny barracks on Monday night, Feb. 11, a- Lantera Service will be conducted by Ensigu Ferry. Tise views wili illustrate The ÂArmy's Pioneer work in the Kiondyke. This service wili be iaterestiug and Corne aruJ sec. id1es * A great opportunty.-As will be tsen by their advertisement lu this issus :e-ueh, Johuston & Crydarînan ara sali- 4ý4 goff their Ladies' Coats at haîf pries. Tjhese are ail uew gcsods and were good value at their original pries, but being detsrmined te clear them ont they are offoriug th.eml at exactly baîf their for- mer prices A special aud iuterestiug service will bc held at the %alvation Army barracks Friday nigbt Fcb. 8th. The programei will consist off selections by Brass aud String bands, solos, duels, recitations, etc. Thirti flye cblîdren and aduitsj will participate la tbe meeting. Coffes and cmko servad. Admission 15c only.1 Evesbody coma. FREEFSEE D GAs-h Central Ex- perimeutal Farm,Ottawa ,w!iltdistributet ýsamples of oats, spring wheat, barlsy, fleld pease. ladian cern and potatos- weight three pounds Qnality off seed wil bc the bast. varieties true t nainse and packages sent free to aepliants, throngh mail. Onlv one sample of oas sort sent tn each applicant Address Director o f Experimental Parms, Ottawa. auvi. tus 0f ore March 1. Letters mav be sent free of -pôstage. 19 Mentionu tue STATESMAN and write at For Infants and Children. r au-i The lac- F., Meet me at Nicholls'; 1931. 59 Envelopes for 5c aI Nîcholîs'. We ssii Bisseil Carpet Sweepers-L. Morris. Trv Tod's Homernade Maple Cr sam aud Chocolate Caramels. Jiomemade Hum-Bugs 10e per lb Saturday ouly at Tod's Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Knigbt, Wiek, were rrecent gnssts off Mrs. Arthur Hardy. A full lins of Ganong Bros. celebrat- 5ed chocolates jnst arrired at Tod's a fine assortmeut, Orders taken for 30 differeut news- papers aud magazines at the STATES- mIAM effice at lewest prices. Twoi unffurnished roems wanled in an occupied bouse with iespactable ftmily. Apply at I3TATESMAN office Rev. W. B. Findiay, Claremont, preached ni St. Paul's cbnrcb gsymng excellent discoursas at each service To cure a cold ln a nlght-use Vapo-Creso- lene. It bas been used extensîvely during more thian tweuty-ffnur years. Ail Druggisis, Mr, aud Mrs. W. L. Allen, Cobnrg were guests off bis father Mr. W., Allen, Beecb Are., orer Sunday. Rer. J. J. Ras, Oshawa, aud Rer, W. J. Jeiliffe, will excbauge pulpits on Suuday Fcb. l7th. Sermons will be preachad lu aid off the missienary fund. Brooch lst-a small round brooch with green tone settings-at Mernorial service in Mthodist church Saturday or on street. Reward aI STATESMAN office. Any body ean guarantse a watch but a ganunu article off that kînd eau oniy ha given by a man wbo understands bis business. Rickard's guarantes wîth a watch means business, The more illustrated uewspapers thora are, the baller the publiceupprec lates Thc Iilustrated Buffale Express., It wxas firatinl its especial field, audJ la sti11 easiiy first lu value aud interesl. Say', Aliles, wait jnst a minucte, 1 waut totel Souye semething Sain said a lima ugo that when ha couid huy a Sewingi Machine for' $253liswouid get meinaue.1 Well, I wiii have eue now, sure, ferj Riekard, Jeweler. Bewmaurille, is salli- iug a $50 machine fer $24. Just thînki offthat! Cawke.r & Tait certaiuly Jisplay great taste lu window dressing. This waek they are showiug a weii arranged cigar and tobacco display with catcbv price tickets settiug torthutise price off saine. Ia the othar window ara niccly arrangad1 a pinuacie off Pure GoiJ baL ing pewderi andJeJcly Powder. BotO wýinidows are certaiuly vsry striking and raflects great credit te the dressers. SFlorence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, 1. O, O. F., have arranzed for au inter- esting meeting on Wedaesday Pcb. 13, wheu a reunion off "Old Memb;ers" wîvii ha hield. Ail aie expected t e saond le t0e rail el aithan verbaily o17 hy latter, Ligbt reffrshmauets will ba saru cd andtih1e ue;regalia wil ha weru Evsîy -suamber shoulJ makeaua effort te ha prascut. The Fehruary Canadian Magazine is an attractive issue. "~The Passing off tOc Coutingenits,"by Norman Patterson, is a deliglitiai sunmmary off t0e part played by our soldiers. The illustra- tions show the celebratious lunIHalifax, Metreal and Toronîto, Manjory Mac- Murchy writos off Gaspe, and Jobît Reade ceuntinues his articles 'ou thie Progress off tOc Centur 'y. The stalles and departmenîs ara up ta the standardÉ off our natienl publication, The, last off "The Bine Rivear Story"l is publishad in t0e Februarv Ladies' Homo Journal, aud "TOc Story off a Younug Mati" is neaiiug ils conclusion 'Ila the Newspaper Office the Place for a Ginl ?" is the theme off Edwvard Bok's editoriai symposium, whieh is made psculianiy cenviuciug by the opinions off edlitors aud uewGpaper wemen Caroline Leslie Pild writes off "The Probleni off the Boy"; Helaît Watlerseu Mloody, "The TrOnig Tme Btwecu Mother aud Daughter," "Wýlhr Oua Man Succeada and Ris Brotisar Falis." The usual attention is Jev-oted te fash- ous, the household arta, sudeonomies aud home making. -Curtis Publisbiug Company, Philadeiphia. Oua dollar a' yaar; tan cents a copy. Prof. John Burwasb, M. A., ID. Se.,, off Victoria Univarsity lectured in the High Sehool Priday night on the "Woudersoff Science," The perfectly natural expression and î7ivid descrip- tion byeewho bas mada a thorough stndy off t0e subjeet and who recoguizas tOc baîîd off thc AlmiZhtv in the works off nature, coatributed greatiy tewardst makiug an otherwise dry subject lu- r tenseiy interesting. Rer. J. H. Turu-à bull, M. A., eicead the sentiments offc the audience lu a well-wardad motiona off thanks bto te speaker nbly socondeda by Mr. D B. Simpsou, K. C. Mr. W. 1 B. Condi macle an excllent presidingf officer. Sereral axperimeat w0 giren hy thc pupils at te close off'hret lecture. Prof. W. J, Alexander,B 'A., Ph. D., wiil lecture Pcb. iStit on "The Try our Mapie Syrup. Cawker & Tait. Mr. Arthur B. Cornish was homE over Snnday. RicO, warrn bealthy blood is girsît by Hood's Sarsaparilla nnd thus conglis, eoids, and pueumonia are prsrented. Take ut now. Why not order yonr papers and magazines, at yonr sarliast opportunityl Dont irait 1111 yonr paper stops. Sce our new clnbhing rates. Do not despair off eurmug yonr sick headache when you eau se easily obtain Carter's Little Liver Pis. Tbsy will effeet a prompt and permanent cure, Thair action la mild and geutie. The Township off Darliugton sud Bowmanrille Sunda Seheool Association wiii Oold their annual convention at Ehenezar on Wednasday Feb. 2710, Reserre the data and prapare 10 attend. No oeskuows better Iban Ihose wbo have uscd Carler's Little Lirer Pis wbat relief thay have giren wben taken for dyspepsia, Jdizziasspain ini the ie, constipation and di;ordered stomn ach. Riekard,,the Jawsler, is selling a ser- entasu jswellad Walbam Watch fer iess rnoney than many country jsweiers sali tOc lower grades*for. Oniy a limit- ed number on hand, se lose ne lime if yen wish one. Ropresentatives te the QuarteriY Board offthe Methodist church TOurs- aay aveulisg . Messrs L. Marris, W. Trswîu, 1I1 Rie, P. A. H-oar, J. M Brimacombe, T. E. Higginbetham and T. C. Jswal. $1 ,500 I lsGîSs-For ten weaks'h Nsw Golden floars wiil print a gif t coupon. Duniaig tIsaI lima 10e publishars off that papcr will gi.,c away $1,5 0 worth off asefai articles.. Offar No. 1. 110 gold filiad wntchies, ladies' or g-eulle- meu's sizO. Offer No. 2. lOirty $7.50 Columeia Grapisophones. Offer No. 3. sixty $5.00 Kerona Cameras, 1 expeet net mauy yaars wili bars basa countein lat1e century just cern- iuenced are aur country rends will ha lighte aud 10e lalephone wiil ha lu cocumon use la farm hanses, aud when soeawbo ara ini active tiffeto-day shalh have grown oid, they eau sit in lisein conifontahie country homes aud listen ta lectures or concerts, as the, case may ha givan orTown Hall. TiserearcnebnigihtoeridaysUahad cran un social 11f a ffor 10 frmer. A iemenial service n'as held lu thc Methodisl Sunday Sehool Sunday afflar- noon focr aur laIe beioved Quea. Short adclnaoses on hien life ani raiga siens givan hy Mn. P-. C. frehilcock, Mn. T. C. Jewohll Revs. Wm aundNr. WJ. Jollîffe Misa Kint' racite)d a posm aud Miss Jeuess, gare a readiug. Dr Tilley, supernatandent, prcsidad aud with suitabie music thc prograim *as quita la kaepiug wibb thc memorahis occasion. AROUSED AT LAsT-To the terrible mava£res off censumptien iu Ontario, the Govarrnaunt la pebitiomîad t e stahisb hû,spitais-for censumpîlves. As a pre veutaï -va tle msuînutiori theo is ne treatineîît ta ho comtpared tolD .Clîase's Syrup off Linseoi and Trpeistine whicO premptly aundclffectually curas avery ceug-h aud cold It bas the largest sale off auiy fer tenat aud lung troubles. 25 cents n hottia. Pumily siza 60 cenîts. Ail deaiers. The Fehruarv namben off 10e X'u emau's Home Companion centains scierai foatures et ospecial mfert. "A Pastiv-alinmu eaveii," will appeal te ail t1hou,4htfui readers. "Home aud Social Liffeoff the Japanes,' "and "Ttia Woînaia's Papan off Littla Bobemila" are a f 0w off t0e ieadiug articles. The fiction is contributad hi such wribcns as Mrs. Spofferd, John Keudnieý Bangs. Prank H. Soearman aud Sophia Swett. Pub lishad Or The Crowell & Kirkpatrick Ce., Springfield, Ohio; one dellar" a yenr; teu cents a eopy; sample copy fras. à1ethodist Magazine amnd Review for Fahruary coîttains the fsrst off a sanies off weli-i)lustrated art papers. The Nina- baeth Centîîny raîraspact is contiuued nder tisa ,iiits,"A Catîtury off Acbieva mnent," by J. 11 Covus. B. A. ; 'Nine- Ieubh Century Thaeolegy," by Chan- celier Burwasii, aund'"Tlscology aud Bîblical Scholarship in 10e Ninetesuth Celury," bh'y 1ev. Joseph Rilson. "lTie MissionatY Outlook for- the Twantieth Century" is Jescriheci hi Dr. Arthur Piar,,on aud usauy otbar intenestiug articles, -'i'iin Bnig-gs, Toronto, $2 00 a year ; $1.00 for six momîthq, C.îN'v You KEEP WARM ?-Ifnot aiiow us to e inil dyen that we have recentl y purehased 20 acres off finst class Beachb and Maple from Mr. Thom-as Weidoîs ou lot 3 concession 4 Darliugon aud are now prepnred te furnish farmers aud othens aI reasouable rates aither hody wood or limbs. We will-ntil furîher notice-Jeliver auywlîare wîthin t0e tawru first class Beach ansd Maple split body wood ut $1.75 pan cord. Ail 1 Maple aI $5.0) panretîrd, and limbs ut $8.00, pan cord. Orders promptly filled JOIINSrON-At Caiedna, Jan. 28, tu her 83rd year, lirs. JOnliston, reliet of, ch, late Fobert J, htnsil and mother o. Ml-. Arth, î Siiistuîî. G, eeu Wood. BEALL-At l3rnOkliil, Jîn. 2C, Mary S., bet loveS te iSamuel Bi;l, ag' ci 7o er D 11I'iz~l KlNG c-71 un pp 'rd to go-Oursewî"g -,by tih- dsy . ase, w or kas ile s i:e, i Oce ev iale L order St Mrs !jt 1, ',O ar rMrs Ndc iesNL sHÂccK in vil e. tires. I lowett o sbSzt es iuder rte lieavy igtawl pr~essure of the tcarria--e the'resilienueî and vitalitv off t,~ rsthheis la leiîad. W ban net in 111 nl înhhar tiro,. -houId be relieved off in '-,essar- .gii, The Dunlop 0 11 fi ene q*.i g ont a simple de.ý ice tb apply to carrnage tires when no t in use. 1Miss Allie Dingman is vis-itinir frîends ln Whitby. e Our lines of cheap f urniturs are cheap -L, Morris. y Sec our odd. pieces in Parlor Furni- 3ture-L, Morris. 1.Ail goods redueed to'2Oth Century prices at Nichoils. cl Gloves and Mitts at greatly reduced prices at Niehoils'. M. A. James is Government issuer off Marriage Licenses. k Mrs. Jas. Wood is ývisiting hier sister nMrs. Jno. Fogler, Canton, *Prof. John Burwash, M. A.. D. Se., was guest of Mr WV. B. Couch. d Mr. M. Chubb, Winnipeg., Man., nrecently visit-~d Mr. W. Hamlyn. Miss Mildred Grigg has been visiting LMiss Hattis Merrifleld, Port Hope. 1. Mr. James Pearson, Rossiand, B. C,, ois visiting, his uncie Mr. Geo. Pearson. 8 A lot of dress good s ssiling off at about aif prie at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- eman's. We have a large stock off Quartsred Oak Furniture in Antique and Golden finishes. L, Morris. r Ladies, you are invited to cail at Miss .sMedland's Miliinery parlor and see the "latest novelies in head wear. ,Ail kinds off Furs and Men's and Boy's Overcoats selling at recluced prices at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Farmers and others requiring good stock should attend the farmi sale off Mr. R.O . Short, Courtice, on Thursday, Feb. 7th at 12 o'clock. 3 Tait & Co's larg e g'roup wiil be made up on gettng the rest of the business 9men in who hav promised. Kindly corne right aiong'. Miss Ivetcalfe and Miss Nellie Wil- liams, teachers, Ontario Ladies'Coliege Whitby, were guests off Mr. MD. Wil- liamns over Snnday. Mr. Hloward and Miss R. Walsh, Starkville, and Mr -W. J. Kelly, Port ilope, wero recent visitors at Mrs. 1. Jewell's, Scugog St. Mr. D. F. Burk has been elected President, and Mr. R. A. i3urris, Secre- tary of the West Algomna Agricuiturai Society at Port Arthur, Peep into the police' office and ask Chef Jarvis to let von. see the pair off mooseheads %with horns, one pair off which wonid be hard te bsat. The D. & L. Banision off Cod Liver Ou îi nay be taken witn most beneficial resuits bvý those who are rau down or snfferiug from. after effects off la grippe. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. Wanted-28 Dollar Bis, no matter how dirty, for a Bran New Drop Head New York Singer Sewing Machine at Rielzard's, Bowmanvlle. From aill ever Canada corne letters telling us off the great benefits derived ffrom. the D. & L, Menthol Plasters in cases off nenralgia, rheumatism lame baclc, etc Da-vis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. manufacturers, The Sunday Sehool miem-irial exer- ciscs for the Queen at the Disciple 3 church on Sunday eveaing wsre vers impressive and instructive. A large number of boys and girls recited poems and other selectieus on the life, reign and Jeath off the Queen, and suitabie songe were intcrsperscd. Sick with worms. 'MIý . J.. Mavyo,I South Stoulcelv, 1-'. Q., 1neth~l lowing: One cofîny elde eks iek with worms audi~fter trying cvsrythingî without getting relier we precursd Dr. Low's W orn 8S'-rup which acted prompt- ly and effcctually. Abont 38 new mnembers ove r csived as members off tihe Msthodist church Sundav morning 18 by letter and 25 by confession off faith. Ihe pastorR1ev. W. J.Jolliffe, B. C. L., addressed the, new miembers audJ Rsv. Wm. Jolliffe the parents and adult members off the congregation. A very large numbert partook off the sacrament at botil the merniag and evening services. llow ARE, YouR NnnvEs ?-If tbey are wsak and you feel nervous and easily "fltistrated," can't s1leep, and risc ini the miorning unrefreshed, yeur blood is poor. Strouginerves depsnd uponrichi, no-arishing blood.IIooJ's Sarsaparilla1 makes the neryse strong by earichingt aud vitalizing the biood. It gives swcet refreshing slecp and compictcly cures nervous troubles,- Begin taking it te ýday. ______ ¶11E CiINADIAX 1>11) V. The ffact that the fforward ptnt taken by the Canadian troops at the battis off Pýaavdeberg was largsly instrumental in forcing General Cronc ete surrender1 has now becoine accepted iustory. The Weeklv Globe is presentinig its ycariy subscribers with a picture off that mcmn orabla scene. ?bcir correspondent, Mr. Frederick Hamilton, and others, who wcree.s wituesses'et that memors oble battis, say it gives a most intellig- t eut idea off their position and that off the r BIer-ca.- Acpyofteuesena Sons of England. 'At the last meeting off Wellington lodge, No. 19. S. O. E. B. S., the.ffollow~ ing resoîntion was passed: "It is with a feeling off the most proffound sorrow that we bave beard off the death off Gur beloved Qusen Victoria, who, through- Lont ber long if e, has aver been , mighty moral force te work bier people lasting good aud usher in the reign off peace, justice and good will amoug the nations Ws moura for the greatest sovereigu that ever beld swain amoug men, above ail as "la ruler off hearts," a soversign wbose death will be fait as a persoual grief by ail Sons of England and by millions offlber subjeets in ahl parts offlier vast empire." A. L. NICaOLLS, F. R. DnNnJAa, Worthy President. Sacratary, AN ACKNOWLEDGMVENT. His Wership, The .lMayor, Bowrnanville, Ont Si,-I arn desired by the Governor Geneî'al te acknowledgs the recsipt off X our XVorship's communication off the 24th iast., exprsssiug the profouud grief off the citizeus off Bowmanviils with their Majasties, and the members off the Royal Famiiy on the sad occasion off the deatb off Her late lamented Majesty Qusen Victoria, as aise their loyalty aud devo- tien te lus Majesty's Thronc and Par. son. Ris Exccliency will take the earliest opportnnity off forwarding this dutifful message, that it may be laid at the foot off the tbrone. IIARRY GRAHIAM, Captain A. D. C,, Acting Goveinor Generai's Secretary*. Ottawa, Jan 29, 1901. 1 Capital Lecture. Env. C. O. Johuston, Toronto, lectur- sd in the Ilethodist cburch Wednesday evsning to a vaî'y good.-natured aud- ience. A short prograîn was given be- fore the lecture: Organ solo, Miss E na Trebiicock; quartet, 'Cressing the Bar" Misses Tamxblyn, J, MeLean, V. Tainb- lyn and E. Y. King; recitation, "The Martyred Mother", Miss Lana Mason; duet. ýGood-nigbt", Misses Tambivu aud King; reading, ýTributs te Presi- dent Grant by James Whitcomb Rviey, Mr. L. T. Courtice. Mr. J ohnston's, subjeet "'[ha Irishman, Setchman, Euglishman and othori3" was an inter- ssting thame anJ ous lu which a rnixcd audienuce suclî as theone preseut-Jes- ceudeuts off these three nationalities- was much initerested. luslisrst refer- elles was te the Battis off Waterloo whau these three unatioîîaiitics ffought sida by sideans Brltains aud by their combinced aud detarmiued effort Jeffeat cd the French anti Wellington won ths victory for Britain. Rlis delineatioDs off the Irishmau whom halieikencd te the chilit natural, opeuhearted aud ganer- eus; thc Scotchiman--cautious, steady and reliable, aud the Eng-lîshinaL-sel- fisi, loving power and dominion, off the German and Dutch-wcre rani aud with cousiderabie humrnoI hrown in were made very entertainiug aud instructive. Mr. Johusten closed bY paj ing a bigh tribute te Britain-her lovae ofiiberty auJ justice te ail baer subjeets, and to out laie Queen whese i,tseful life and glonieus reigu h lad accompiished se much.le ,aid as a O accu she was deaJ but as a women sOs could nover disý A unaîsimeus vota off thanks was accorded the speaker aud those tnking part ini thc prograni. QUEEN VICTORIA AT REST. BoWM.AN~VILLE OBSERVEaS THE DAY. Ou Satnrday ail business was sus- peuded aud a Sunday-like stiless and a nourning selemaity pervaded the tow. Sopsware draped aud flags coutiînued to float ffrom mauy buildings at haif mast. The day -beiug bright and pleasant a very large audience ffregathcred inthe Methodist church at il o'clock a. in. te take part iu the union memoriai service hcid bv request of the tewa ceuncil, The large cniurch was suitahly draped in black with Union Jacks on cither sida of the ros- trum. The pastors off the principal chuiches teck part. liev. B. IL lay- Jeu, M A , Disciple, offarcd thc open. ing prayer. 'The~ choir off thc church, Mr. IL.'J, Kaiglit Jirect,ýrsang the anthemn 111e Giveth Ris Belovcd Sieep." Rev. J. H-. Baruett, Congregationai, raad Psa. 90 and il Cor âth chap. Ad- dresses werc giron eulogizing tOc liffe and reiga of our laIs Scoversigu aud re- eountiug incidents ilalber hif e by the pasçtor, 14ev. W. J. Joiliffe, B. C. L., 11ev. J. IL. Turahuil, M. A , Preshyter- ian, Rer. XVm. Jolliffe, Methoditt, and Rav. B. H. Haydeu. A saxette off young ladies sang 1'Gene te Rer Hast, " aud the congregation joined, heartily lu siuging a "Tributs te Our Late Qucen" to thc air off tOc National Anthem, cern- pcsad hy Rer. C. T. Ceckiug, the first BoWMANVILLE. ar- WhnyuwntaPpcmesr-- hr. W a sutyu ehaeaslni coc f-ntadSrih Stmbt n re ol wt me ouhPee n th hae ae ihVuent ot lcs ÀRL- Pipe i-Cse. :'- "- aeabgasoteto adom od nti lin- ragn -m$.0 o$.0 o il esr of s omt-n toyurfny-ee [a--~À t__ _ Ba-- -a-LE 'à _ _ a--a ~ tyn e haeaslnd choie s offBent oStraght , Fin thWhaerhe ith VulaitevuhPecesho 2-- stohaveaofighesrîdntoffhds angods u hî - Thi lis anig ro $,0 o 3 a0 Y o n iib ute fn ,- sometbing to yeu fancutbers baac f itr-od n Odd- an-nsal ve h haus- SpM é h Poisp-ioe Ni.tDort tndr-ak is haing wideliv complimeanted ou the splendid n'ai it reperted and tneatî'd off thiesa two important avents. No other paper on 1he Americati Continent sien approached 1he PamilvIllerald aud Weskly Star sui the completeuess off its reports aud profusensss off ils illustra- bleus. The circulation off the Family Herald te increa,,iuuo- blempsandîu bounds. It is ne wonden. A paper that is s0 superhly equipped for aIl emergen- oies deserved success. Stock-'takî n Specals, 1Af ter completing our stoek-taking we find some lines that have neot sodas rapidly as we would like and as we carry no goods over, have marked them at prices that wili ssii thern quick. Capcoe Toilet Soap, regular 60c. doz., for, 48c Snow 6" 6 l1c. cake, 2 for 150 Cupid 4;"66 13c.box, 8for 25C Pure Castile with Wash ]Ragreg. 10c. cake, 2 for 15e 1 lb, ean Baking Powder and Sifter, reg. 25c, for 20e Fresh and Sait Fish. In this department we keep a fulll une whieh are arriving fresh every week as foiiows :-Fresh llerring, Hladdock, Codfish, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Tommy Cods Smeits and the finsst brands of Baltimore Oysters, Sait British Columbia Salmon, Lake Ontario White Fish, No. 1. Labrador IHerring, Cash Paid for ail Farm Produco,

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