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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1901, p. 3

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HERE is ,-. men, more vN ~subjeettoali jUeîls the1 human fiesh is, heir tf0 a than farnn. ers. hr causes them to be out ii ail kinds of e 'weat.her, consequently when sick- riess overtakes them they become great sufferers. Rheumiatism is the disease most prevalent among the farming classes. Mr. C. W. Trotter, Cushendil, Ont., a most respected farmerof Pittsburg township, suffered for two years severely was he affllicted that for threc rnonths at a stretch lie was compelled to rernain idie. Being induced to, give Dr. H-all's Rheu- matie Cure a trial, he is now vcery Uankful lie did so. Before thtî eontents of one bottie lad been taken dus pains disîappeared, and bc. was ableiso resumae bis work. lie took onlv ouâ bottle off the IBheumahoi Cure 3ani one box Of pis, Ibot aven that small qaantity completely ci:red hin.' Rieliasfnt been troubled wjth îlte pain since, and is now as strong aunI healthy as ever. Dr. Hall's Rhetiniatic Cure is punt un iii lM cent boutles, containing toen daysI' treatnicnt. PFor sale by ail drugisasu tlr, 'Il medicine. The Dr. Hal lledicine Ca, Kimg. Stani. Ont. ti pataafl coinpound imites with thse 1 cisa of harrawing and drilling will1 THE FAR1V~FD i r:h beîng soluble, passes away in TH PARME Tue drainage if the sait ha parous. If L the ground be ondreined or ündarlaid TABLE POULTRY FOR ENGLAND. with hardpan, thse chlanide remains The Dmintn Daartmnt of Agin thc~ surface sali. lu tho first casel Mie omi,,onDeprtmnt o A.ri-tire sou lta robbed of lime, in the Second cuyture ,gives thre ffllowing informa., the clarie acts as a, plant poison. Thec tiare relating f0 tthe breeds off poultry new potaair compound i,% valuable, but whose chiceos fatten moat çrofitabiy. it lias been acquired at the expense off ýWu are nleas'ed tantes thu eavu.e-,o,- mnt woff d aicie ffang in Canda, where th, sou l swall supuied with andwoud avie al frmrs nted~lime and ia weil drained, immediatel ing to fatten thir cdhiekens, ta raiseldanger ueed not ho ffeared, out wheu tire suitable breeds recommended by thîlU Si are defficient in lime, espaci- Prof. Robertson. aîîy wlîen poarîy draîned, the loas off Sinice tira praferencea in every market ime s emd ga yapia determine what sort off grodasai most; tion. And thas shouîd bc the prac- readily aold ou thnt market, in caher- Lice off tire grower Who la campelled ing for tire higLh-claqs poultry trade off foir economic or ailier reasans ta use En,,Icnd, the qualiies sougbt for in mutriate off patasir. Tli conclusion! th-- best table poUltry muai hae care-imuai( not be reached that suiphate! ffully considered. Thbes e qualities of potash acta in a almilar way. Fo are :-pluuîapniess off brLat, Whtelless' the reason that it daca fot. h sho iii, orf Skin, fînouLSA off grain, Snmlallness of -bouecn4aliba sneeof f iai.ý Breeding stocR, wo sle ehiceens fat. ten pi'ofititbly and are suitabie for tJic bas t English, markets, consists oa fo \ 'ls 0f a square shape, with long, broad breast, and straight keel, The wings off largo aize, andi the' combs a, smalf as possible,.icb'rds must be active, irealtby and vigorois ; the cliikkens sbould bc bai dy, mature early and fatten riêadily. Heavy-boned and h.easý-îrgged poultry must be, avoid- ed. With, regard--ta thei breed off fowl ta bia made use off, thre barrd ply. no.ub. rock bas futtened, Xery satis- factorîly ai. the Dominion (iovernment ponlÉry ffatttminn, stations. ALthte Bondville, Que., 'stautlon, Mi. IHillhou-i fatueil a auruber off Barred Roc]. ýcorItcaLrli5UU ujeArp.mu OHU susa nPta pack bta the cases, 'evgeîd igli V Epond eaccn. Some off theýscikn tîcre exhiabicd ai the fat stock show Véry valfiable Rernedy in ail earccLi chickeu 'etas peniectly white. affectians of tihe flac cosos-off the cksn îa duc to the tec-d i ng. Not one off Éihe acerai thon. THR AI or LUIGs isaud chickens shippLd ta Engiand lasi Large-1olte ie>2c, jear- froma the poultry falîensng stsî- DAIS& LAWRIE OCO., Li.miîed, tibon0 haît a Yclia'e'-cesored akn. Legs Prop's off Perry Da;i3' Pain-Kiiler. ~ mm o atsko sai ncln i Luaqitieis, 'oeîng tiquai, a yallow. TRe aMil Iable remedy fer SpeIne !gboeee, Splau Cria .11aifores, eoftesraras. SIt ure8 uvtotabîh.. ucanun hdocsnseut bhîler. North P-alonri, Ont., Fb. 10, 'S9. Dr. . J. Kaduli CO. Doi e- Wt sapleaus give oarrr.ud fhe-re,. h- .uv mre'flut le afliced. I luir 1loomr e ntaing that I eutreS a Curb o!'foar yerr ot.i.,lg wItIh y r Kualui'a Sie. 55 n-g il u-]y onr'nlthen Pplyi.g urthot iudlnSain C.re1.uSdKaiull'a inurluu, niable. Vey truY.-, lrO$1, SIx lue $5. A a lniment fer famlly iuse ih basn o uqual. Ask ëoue druggst for ienal@ S l"evi, ure, aisa "AT¶reatine on fleIMorse,"I th, book free, or address B J. .. KENDALL. CO., ENOSELIRC FALLS, YT. yeard on.Te at ter paitr n u e hn Every lamly shouid bave one ready for an meir- Dewar* of imitations DR. WOOD'S w hegtsoicketi orurgatue saime price in Enlgland as one' having white legs. lis brcuding Rocks for table quality, sceect a maie busd witlh short legs, and at ~ .smash 10w comb. The EngLial this is only possible with stubble land or land free from sod. A side-bill plough la a good impie- mient to use for level ploughing. You can cogmence at ane aide sud thirow ail the land in anc dixrtion, ýSome off these equipmcnts are very simple,and the mnoldboajd can be changed fromi right tiiiefft or vice versa while the tcam ts turning around. To level1 up an unequal surface, tbey are juaft tce STARTING THE PRACH ORCLIARD. In planting a peacbh orchard if is welil to set the irees 18 or 20 ft apart cach way. One acre set 18 ft will re- quire 1,34 traces, wbtle at 20 ft only 108 will ha required. Thec land for a peacli orchard sbould ha well drained, s-o th'af water iiI not stand on or near the surface. TIe soil should be WHAT THE IRISH PEOPL E ARE DO- ING DAY BYDAY, Ilusy People or the Emerale leieOceus- Mr. D. MaçAlee s, M. P. f or North Moniaglian, la dead.1 ,uulEtjt.is mue a-to zot ga a- ing dock, at a coat off MS0,000. The emigratian off Irialimen ta Great Iritain for larveating les beau steadily încreasing for fhe pat lhree yeana, In action under new ect, wbere &s ivas claîmed an Irial judga bas ne- fused to ailow mare flan la per£ on money lent. T'he Presbyterian duarcI suffered a severe loss laiely in the quite unex- pected deatli in Belfast off Bey. James largin, off Fîrat Derry. bchi given th p pefarene when price is wcll cultivated before thc treas are Fallier Mathew, the Irisl temper- $eteaandt-_ __ _ bor---n1Th-_as stand ihoroughl ug up for a space dOdwn. ouptayon Dct. 10, 1856. l AÈPLE TIREES. off 3 or 4 fi. A Littia, boue meal, about Oidwr u nDc ti 86 flA gentleman -wlioae applea woni pt, work,.'d into the soul for each tree T.brec out off four- sons off Lord a fra. rî~ t tc ars xhbiion 1 atvisable. Dukferin, have been tn Soutbl Africe a frt prfzer arethemmParisaExhibitiogn tIo ot set the tracls too deep anfdrbr duxvas the wardu and oee LordLAva: si_üreilta spread the roots aJanditli. 'e 1 do Dot be ifeve in cutîng out a great siwilaogtem onn The Dublin Queen's Bench bas de- Samount of wcod ai. ana time, but go' in a psu 0of water when tle hale las cided that, under thse Employera'1 and yover tire oreblard eacl spring and th-,,heen haîf ffilad will serve to, settle Workmcnes Act_ a barber la nat a d SO the lighât'cao enter aoc, color the îthe soifl aboutf the roots, besides giv-l workman, because lie must use his -fruit. 1 do not blileve lu cuttiug out ing tha moistuire necdad by thle free. braina. ail the centra off the tree, for when the After t las seitled away fi up the Archighb>p Walsh, iu an addrese tree La lieavily loaded with fruit the haie and caver witli leaves or strawý at the opening off a uew dhurchisnl -'îhe sun wiii aImae on tise large iimbsI for a muidh. Befare tranisplauting, Dublin, referrcd te wliat he descriled 1and injure them. AIl fruit apura 5ailways eut back severaly ail off tIc as the prcsent scandaha condition t along tir large l.mbs are caneffully branches and the top off îhe main, f lcDaunsae eleft on and Irere 1 get my largest and! atalk shiouid ha taken off. Train the Wet, colO wcathcr las lad ta tise - bet fuit Sa anyorcrard yo sa tree by pinchîng off thc ends offtle, appearance off a poisonous fungi lu k ith long limbs, with ev ery fruit spur' new gr-owth occasionaily Ouring île îei'rligdstit nlcad cnet off for spverai feet. Wb-ien the cen-1 firsi season, if tboy do nlot seena f0 "vit" the resait that several cattie have ttre off the trac gets fao thik I1 eut, off ha growing compact enougli ta make Oîed from eating if. sthie shoots witb my shears, instead off a well-formed isaRd. Af ten thc trae c b- lire broke outinlithle premisas off cul titing thea apura off, gins ta show new growtii appy tle John Gray & Co., drapera, etc., Sliank- à!'to tle spriug île grouod fa hirrow-1 fertilizar, which May ha oretall Rond, Blfat, the result being cd and caitivated once a Iveai with' Of' fha comn1mercial fertilizars for thai fwo girls hast flair livea and mev- fa spring tootir larnow outil the lasi,> graivili, naf for fruit, or it may ha cral persous Were iujurad. of0£ August. Should a rain corne aftar ashes and cottonseed mccl or weîl-. h aeD.Toa nod f illta archard las been lbarrowed it u5 rau-ad stable manure. Dublin, waa about thelalst âurvivor imîndinelyharowedegan. nimon1The muich may ha used again aftier Off fli associetea off Cardinal Newman t royer or ryo fa usuilly sowu ta piow' îhe tracs have been ffrtilizad and wiîî in the audeavour, to fou'nd Lu that 2 ndeîlu spriug. The orcobard la thor- serve fa kaep the sai,mait. Paach c--- cîty an Iriah Catholla university, ou-s y payed with bordeaux mixture dhards should ha weii-culiivated dur- _'dJ as beau discovered in île west suad paris çrcen, usualiy tîrea or four iing île growing season. Dorera are bas ela nd. M, Cva, ff est Cork, limes. i1tise a atrong pump and îigî sOmretîmas trToublesome, but if care lahi baumknsxprmnsin a pressure as 1 cao do so mucl better takesu tiipull the diri up around the foda en off quartz yîiding 15 dwL. off galO f0 fhe ton off quartz, woî k. TIa firsi spraying la givan jusIt ree early iu the season and allaw Be.D. cGvnRmnCtoi las the, trees begin ta show green,tleiftieauultlqiele nleEiioofDrorddat ery second before tle blossoma open and' fali, tIen level if off until île nox 1iâa. oeag off 72. e lied aid lisy thir4d imme IiLy ftrtc bso spring, there îvill la ircry littadm lnrn-o c' , poultrymian, rememner, buya tire aave lahîcu,. age donc by them. Encli ycar duriog laaa-d and legs of Éle chiicen, aid paya flic winfer fIa trees should be pruned, lesa peî- pound for cilkens wvihà long, W/liY DEAD FURROWS ARE NOTIcuifing bac,.k about oua-iliird off île htavy legs and large comba. Do flot VANTED.1 new growth. W/len tlay cama juta Id cVlop) these uselosa, qualities. IlJpon tle diaracier off fIe sou and bhaanig-thin île fruit while smal fc Whlitt- Wyandottes fattencd well at lay off the land depands île mannar luinmrprove flic qualiiy aud 1hlp flic tre, tire, WuutLY, Ont., fatten'ng station. which land sîuuld ha plouglied ta give aL supurior ta tlie Barre tckhe- best resuat as regards production DFIUT NCIRIG iu that they Lave less offal, . e., small- and case lu cultivaîhon. B3y fanra During coid weatlier oue off fhe er combsa and ligli er lone ; they do iiot imany farmers do not give tlese ira- chief difficulties in' butter malcing ne- howeîer, fattîcu b as lceavy birds. flic portant maîters sufficicur considara-! suifs froua lard fat granules and ciikeis mature qa.ckly, aud ai-c lion. Some practice pioughing naarly creana witfi a ligh viscoisity. Thesa plump brijer.. ai aimost any C ge. 1all e land in narrow strips, leaving conditions ara more common in the lIiugliani. C naJta, chsfuken fattei-1 deep, dead forrows about 35 fi. or lesa aaniy ointer Moniis ilian ai any otl- ing is devedoping ia an important spart. Wl-an tIc soil is naturally waf er rime, and wbein cows ana someivîci brancu off Agriuliurél. The abovo anid heavy tlis proves isaneficial, as it~ advanced Lu lactation, fIe character breeds off poltry, Barnad Racks and givas good surface drainage, but it' off île fced also lias aomething to do \iitc Wyandottes, are recommcnded leaves île surface in an extremely wiih this. Tbl ..iUfficulty eau bc rame- fa' fauseinorpojossbyli m-ba-acodition foi- us-e off crap gathering OLad by using feed off a marc sufficient ion Derimirtm ent of Agr.ulture. 1mnchinary, as the jolting and wear -claracier, dLluting tIc creama wifl Toasl.a i i-hat thL!y suit île 11gh class ad teer off machinery and jerking- wanm waier or n very weak huine. English mai ket, 1 quote tIc folhowing about off teana sud rman are waanisome LIane muat ha takan in dilufing, not icîlter frona the agent off île depant- to say îhe Icast. Besides, when auY Ilta. carry tis fao far, as fIe cr-aam meul af agri cuture -n Landaun Eng.. portion off tle caucp f alis info anc Off i ivill ha thin and lard ta churn. Wara- "Chickens ware in good condition; il'sue deep furnow«a t is difficaît -tui ing of the creena graduaily eaveral tic cases mai ked "A" <Whîtby) parti- secure. horhfracun gwilasad cuiaii~- goa, as brigitand twe s aOfat requireadeep, dead fur-inl the co4lection off butter fat. .It possible auJ in splendid conditions. Tic rowa for drainage should ha thorougl-! sometimas happeus that île cream wiii deaicra. tÉbat bandled tlease gOoda saiO I nudaxraLucd, tIen dead ffrrows' have touhab etad as higli as '75 org tirai tisey wcre as fine chicena as tlcy would ual ha requirad, and nine timas 80 deg. ta cliuru well. Do not licat any4 ever iraudlcd, and wouid oniy -iet thair iu tan t la ouiy a portLon off tle field more flan ha abaolufciy ueceasary. customera have ona on two casas ai R Lu whiècl dead furrows are .ueccsacy.' Othar flinga haiag aqual,tîe iowcr fIe urne, as cley would seil for hast prices FHoweven, uniesa plougled in patches, temperafurea t wlicl île crcamn can ta parties tirai demandcdth very' the wîaîa field la cut up witl furrows, ha clurnad, fIe higiser flic quahify 'cf hast class off goo4z. Tirey w e pre-r resulting lu a greater ls flhan iftfIa île butter. pared and peekedinlutîe hst manner; ivlola fLeld was plouglad level. Bute-- cases tire rght size. These chiekena Iittia grain oir ofler drapa gow i, DFRCLS compare very favorably witir tlia est île deep ffurrows, and wlat doas La Up t-oana yen-r off aga, colts may EngLislir fowls.t' usually sfunted.haganaiy rinttIamut Mli RIATE 0F POTArSHI-. The whole field %hould ha pioughed af 3 lbs. A large part off fIa shoulO Thever geerl ue o cmmecia ýlevaI or wLlzout daad furrows. Wlan ha onis. Wlen about iwo ycars ord, Tiraver geara us of co mci a anowing and saeding bas beau cana- Prof. Henry isuggesia about 5 hîs daily ffrtiiizer,à lia dcvelopcd somne :~ pletcO, fake a oua-hanse plougla and sud wban froru two to ilîce years bleuis in agriculture tirat demand afllwaagteloetprin oradleaotmahancas a thotougis Icowiedge off thc possible ne- tise nwaurai wterouse. fxIos oiii 8 he îWlhthiMga osinfexed te culte off application hafone sudi ap- tentrlwtrcus.Ti i 8b.jWhti$ganfdtee plication ha made. One off thesa la flic provia effective sud you will hava ouly muait la a lIberaI allowanca off hay, affct ff urateoffpoîsi upn tsaOneaîhallaw furrow to confend wiil ho- straw auJ corn foddar. Do netf show soil, independeut off ius fenilizing, stýesd off a perfect nctwvork off flana. the colt fa lave ah h twll eacfoff flis, affect. . Onia otliexrg-est mistaka msuy faima as thare La a iendenc.y ta overlocd tIc 1lMuiate of potasir confiaina about a-rs make La to tî,row fthe furrows sas'- digestive tract. Rea sure fliRt phauiy 50 par ceai off cilorina and an equal aneal years in succession taward fIe off outdaçr exercte ta given wheu île amount off potasir and ia usad main- fence, ofien lcaving îhe soil Rt fIat ffeed is liberal. eI-v---------------------------------- e-1- ý'îfI" U: te relativeccast, pauud for Pound off potah. I im rafercd also to other formts becausa tire is-leag labor in ,) ~sitive cure for ail Throat, Lung appiying it titan lu aspreadîng momne aaàDironcial diseases. alliai compound containiîîg e smallen I Needbng anxd aoothiug lu ilsg action, percenlage off potashir.i uai, low. Plcaagt ta take, prompt and (3ffec- ee- auciwti atobcue tualinlifs reffuits. vr eue tlcaiobag,1 Mi. Chgý Johnsan Beear River, N.S., iaf akon 0h naoai wries: ', 1was froub19d with hopisenes,ta certain arops for example, tobacco r and $oie@flîroat, whinea the detçihro- and poiatoes, second, because is con- siouned Bnue1hs and raomnionedme tinual use wll produce, unden certainI ¶atyDr. Weïid's Norway Pliea yrup. canditos eiuefcaupnrild- I da o, and affer using Ilirc eInties ~ foa elu fet pnai e waa eatireiy eured" ficient in suie. Perirape fils action! la tIc cause off fIe trouble witî tobaccolj àke a axa -Lver PiIl baffe refi - anpoaa. lIn . 'T will woriiu whleulaynslee p w!tis- adpTiatliesw halfrmln.cu cul a grîpe ai pain 'aurnug bllouness, T iewhc i amlnscn]' eonsiipetlon, siek leadacle and d. nep- tain is mainiy mn thre forn off tise cen-1i shg, and malte you foiel latter lain L boncie, an insoluble compound, But marnag. uce 5e.wien murial.e cf potashin Lu olution,1 comaes in contact witir ihia carbonate, 1 Digitycontat ua -t pa~asiugolemicci action mets up and île car-i honora,lut L in consclousnessa Iýtbon.,îate un tes wifli tIe potash, fforming ".va deserve the-cm.-A--istoticler seof potali, ILe lrne 0off point a foot fîgler flan wîare tise, fana isL5locailcd.TfiLsearl la usunhly tîïro4yn iu so fan flat it esnnoi ha turn,-d back witl fhe phougî. fTie aniy true waý' la fa at ona plaughingj tur the furrow fa fIe fauca, flan ai the next pluugling turn it ail back. Do not cLrowd eofauce a to O loscly, If inkes yeaîs ta ag-ain get a field, lavai Chlajt liaobeau plougîed Lu this lit-1 aud-miss way. If a field la ncarly square, or twa sides are parailal, it is lut lit fia trou- bla ta commence in tIc middle off fIe field, fnrniug thea Sou i ahi lltimes fa- ward tfic antan. Tira next ploîuglLug, tlirow ioward fhe fonce by going arouud île field, cammeucing at tIe ide. If if is alsoiutely naceasary fa plougî Lin stripa or lands, make tlam ais wide as possible, sud affier plougî- inug eaccil dad fafrraw ai once, tur back two liglit furrws, ou-a ou n elh side, itta the dead furrow,. fIbe pro-1 NICE WAY f0 SERVE PORK. Au appntiziug way off servingpr La ta boil a sanl lag for an bour,re- --J--oe-"-:l"-' ..oe.mi ana flac *usu. mental Lu renovaig Newry CatIe- drai. In fIe Rotundca af Dubi , hoîraca Plunkett, vice-presideut off fli Trial Depantmcnt tof Agriculur1 n 'f-cbuioalI nstruction, was eutenfained at a banquet, preeiuled over by Ithe Marquis off Dufferin and Aga. 1 Lord Oraumore and Bru wn off Ceeuee Macgarratt, Claremnorrîs Ca., Maya, La dcad, at the age cf, 81. aue w'as tic second holder off the titie, and lad been a représentative peur for Ireland for the last thirty years, Mr. T. W. Russell bas iegun hiX caýmpaîgn in favouir of forcing Irish landlords to sell their propertieâ wvlether tliey wish to do so or flot. le lias declared that noi couintenance would bu gîven ta disorder or ille- gality. Two brothers have been remanded et Helffaot on the charge off killing a eister. Tire three had quarrelied about ablalfpenny at a game off carda aud after a figlit, it is alleged, de- ceased was kicked in the stomach and neyer recovered. Iii Dublin a builder hbas been award.. ed £1,600 damages agains 't a firm off carriers for severe injuries which he receîved tliraugh being koocked down i ue cycling by a, lorry heionging ta the defendants, which was en the wrong aide off the road. air Mr. Henry Manne, Pickering, Ont., sfatea :-'Il usad thîree boxes of Dr. Chasa's Ridney-Liver Pilla for Con- stipation a nd Stomacis Troublas, and neyer found anythlng ta compara wýith them. I had suffered frona thesa dom- plaints for many yéars and inkan many kinds off ruedicine, Lut it remain- ed for Dr. Clasca Iidiley-Lîver Pilla to cura me, amn noW Weil and ationai." Mr. Patrick J. MaLauglilan, Beau- liarnola,,Quje., statea:-'Ilw-ns fraublad wiflt Kidney Disenseaad ZDyspepala for 20 ycnrs and hava beau so lbad that 1 could nat slaep Rf nigbf s on account off pains lu thea back, but would wallî tise floor ail nîgîf and suffarad terrible agouy. Dr. Chase's Iidney-Liva P!ils made a naw man of nie, and tise aid troubles, sapa f0 le dniven ouf off my One pll a doea, 25 cents a box, al Castoria is for Infants and Chidren. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrupa, Lt contains neither Opium, Miorphine nr other Nareotie substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of hiothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething 'Troubles, cures Constipation and k'IAnene. astrmassrmat s teFoodJ>.trI 1gu1nILV the Stomiacli and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the ChUlcren's Panacea-The lllother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for -Castoria Is'sa weil adapted ta ebldrea cluildren. Motheis.bave repeatedly told me that 1 recommnend it as superior ta any pre. of its good effeet upontheir children." seription known ta mne."1 DR. G. C. Osooon, oweil, Mas. H. A. ARCmER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER., We have sold piles off Boots the iast five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of vet, and very eheap-first-elass goods at very small rinces, OUI carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,eolored and ï .itek at 81.00. M1en's Caîf and Cordovan lilms, sewed and rivitt,ýd, from $1.40 to $2.50>, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blmns 25e, 50e, 75e, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' ýand Youths' to correspond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is in each and- every pair. The reason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now in stock lu every ]ine. The public is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. 'rrunks, iiags, Satc.heles Shawl Straps, fancý and plain ; Dres!5ing, the very best that eau be bouglit. Checap trash dressing is dear, it Wili ruin the boots it is appli, ed to. Repairing doue ln ail its branches in first-class style. Fine wor made to order, sure fit- or, no sale. Thanking my customnerc for pasý favors-and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. Beaver Block. Bowmanville. e Ha i ton General Stor e, We "Ibid a vaster stock than lias been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothîug, Dry G-oods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothinig. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Su its to order $8.00., We hav e a very large and well assorted stocx to select f rom, in Serges. Worsteds aud Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture. We are bouud to SUIT ou. Groceries and Hardware. iu our Groccry and Hardware Departments you wiIl fiud our stock well assoruîed, bougltitnl the best markets at the closest pnices, and wil be sold ut the riglit price. Some people want quantity others quality, we eau pieuse bolli. 1-ligliest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cati. llnoeTON. ..ieuuTo'ôtO P-uoostn aruu însg , ive years ago my body brok-ýe'- a, and onion stuffing. Rosat for an oti ht on nWiewatery pimples, FOR baur and a hlf to two baurs, basiing r which grew so bad that the Su-W A consiantly. and during tIe Wstlasilf eigwsam tun aab lour dredge it with two ouncea. off riaLi ofein7wa7amot7uberale 1 took doctors' inedicine and ~ oL fineiy powdcrad crumîs rmixad wiil a rou remedies for two years tablespoan off powdered- sage. Serv but they were of littie benefit, witli good iel grevy and pleniy off _______- wheflever I got warmed up or apple sauce. sweat the pimples would caine These pis cure ahI di5eaiss sd di(;- ni.. f~ 4 n 'Oa4 aderas, tisirig from weak boan, worn oui Ook's ttn oo OMPaLAhaout again. nerires or' wstaî-y lood, such " Palpita- is sýueccssfuliy usad molthiybty over A neiglibor advlsed BUrdoek 1 flou Skip easts, Throbbiîîg, Smoilering, Pain-Kibier cures al sorts or euf-te ,'0Ladies, Safa, effectuai. Ladies ask bruises, huma eand airains. Takeu n in- g~ yonr dnuggi frCesCicu elc- Blooôd Bitters, and 1 arn glad 1Il Dizziuess, M/eali or Falot SpeilisAuaenmia, Taenaale s i Mxursnpidsdfolwe isavie frforb t ervOusuess, Sleeplessness, ÏDrain Fag, ternllyit cresdiarrloeasu iy-imtations are dangaroun. Priea, No. 1, $1 per wdhs die orfU o- farnauly if cures - - - box,, No. 2, 10 degrees stron ger, $3 par box. No., ties oompletely eured me.GeeaDeityudLkofVtlf. sent ery. Âvoid substitues, tIeré in i or 2, malled ou racipt of pri ce sud two S-cent i 11ev arca-atruc learttefoul, narve food. but ane Pairi-Killar. Perry Davis'. 25o. stamps, The Cook Comnpany windsor, Ont. That was three years ago and, sud hlood anîrielser, buidhag op sud anId 50. f&lNos. l'and 2 sold ana recommeuded by ail there has neyer been a Spot or rellcwîng alhieficwon out and wastadi - ~ esaniblisugiss l Cnaa.pimple on mie since.. tisues tif île body and _restortnig perfec(t Eîgîf aoÀd1er-s arc locatcd in Ire-. Noi.1 atd > sold'lu nowmauivulla by HîcîsJaesLaho eheaitî1. Prise 500, 4 box, an11! for 1,2j5, BO M& Soit. Si-on & Juavy; Oîono by J. GîtJme asos ' ai l rgàss land to oaaw in t3otiand. F1Lii.c t; Newcastle by DR. FÂARcomsa j BrGcIin P.,O.. Ont adgisa y- Ilý VIULLbULL LU LIULU tjiu auvanue-1 i 11A linq- i Belfaat is tD bave - 1 i -t -f tr 1 u -L -L L- j White Watery Pim,,jJ7ý!és.

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