f r- Toilet Soap. * We have just reeeived a supply of Cleaver's Fanions Transparent Soap, Cleaver's Glycerine and Cu- cumber Soap, made i n Great Britain. A spacial lina of Tailet Saap at a special price. Cleaver's unscanted 10c cake, 3 for 250 cfJ~Glycerine and Cucumbar SO)c cake 3. Sfor 25e Cleaver's extra glycerine, 15c cake, * . 2 for 25e Taylor's Oatmeai Soap, . 25e box Taylor's Clamatis Soap, . 250 box Infant's Dlight . . 25e box Taylor's Giant Tar Soap, 10c cake 3 . for 25e Olive 011 and Cucumber goap, (We >hava sold thousands of cakes of this.soap-TRY) IT.) 3 cakes 10e Moring Dow Seap, 3 cakes in box, 10e box E.SOmTT &JURY, EM.CÂWKER. J. H. H. Jun. Fore preserving the bloom and beauty of youtli. For making oZ' and wrinkled face& soit dýd Velvety. This dalîi ghtfully refrashing prepar- atian is a perfect skia food, Excellent for chappad bands and lips, rougli skin or rednass of the face caused byaxpos- ura to wind and wcather ; soothing, haaling and dlicataly perfumad;, cau be used at any tima. Il is entirelv free froni that greasy and sticky feeling and drias ln readily. If you ara not satis- >fied with the rasuits after a f ew appli- cations you can have your monay back by raturning the bttia. Large Bottie only 25e. egP'Try it and ha convinced.-5Si-k STOTT & JUR E.M. CAWKIJR. J. H. H. JURY. GRAND IRUNK RAILWAY. 1,COWMANIVLLE STATION. GOING Wla'T. .....8 1a . 1"Exprez... 5 15 a t5fpres.. . 10 17 a. ru. ILoal... 815 i Passenger .... -3 48 p.m. Passenger.. 1 40 p. in, Local.....655 p..Expre8s.. .75538 '*txea8.:*n125 t Daly except Suoday. STOTT & JURY. Town- Agets 1 BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 13, 1901. St. Valantine's Day te-morrow Oranges and lamons, somethig extra fine at Tad's. Mrs. £.F. James visited relatives la Oshawa last week. Homemada Hum-Bug's, Saturday only lOc par lb at Tod's3. Miss Bertha Osborne is visiting Mrs. B. F. Olvar, Port Hope. Did yout find a smali broocb? Ra- ward atSTESN office. Mrs Rab!tWids South Monaghan, lias beeni visiting relatives hure. AlLade Coats seling off at haîf ,1c1a ouh Johaston & Crder- The aninual Conversazoine of Ont- aria Lad(ies' Collage, Whitby, wiii ,ha haid March Sth. Mr. Robt McDougall was la Cobourg last week attending the fanerai of is brother-ia-law,, the late James Payne. Mr.Jo hi Chubb, Winnipeg,Man,has been en aing a visit with aid acquain- tances hecre gulest of Mr. William Hamlyni. 1 Mlr. WV.C'Tale, druggist, reports salas lq&fOzone very large since colds and gyrip) became pra valent. Rend advt. on *team whe n th-y won the cup in 1896. E lis act of thoughtful kiudriess maerits a ppr-obation of aIl our citizons and *emeceiaily is t aprarecinted bv the ratla- ftli'.sand friands Those present ware: Mi', D.9 Bain, Mr.C.H Johaston, Mr. Fleet, Mr. J. C. Armývtage. Mr. E. Bz Wood, Mr Samnuel Gerrie, Mr H.Lock. Wa seli Bisseli Carpet SweePrs-7L. Morris. Wadding cards and tüauragô licicnsas at STATESMAN office. Tny Tad's Homemada Maple Creani and Chocolate Caramels. Ilomeae Hum-Bugs 10e par lb Satunday only at Tod's Mrs. J.N. Mix, Warkworth, is visit- in- bier fathar and other relatives hera. Mr. H.F. Huntan, barristar, attcnded Division Court at Werkworth on, Tues- day last. Rev. Caleb Parker, Coîborna, preacb- ed in Cambridge St. Methiodist Church, Lindsay, Suudey. A fuît lina af Ganong Bras. celebrat- ad chocolates just arrived at Tod's a fine assotment, Ondars taken for 3000 diffrant news- papars and magazines at the STATES- MÂM office at iowast prices. Ramemben the Havai Tampiers Drameaon Friday Fab. 22nd Admission onlyv 15e. Resenved seats 25c, Infants too yonng to take medicine mnay lao cureul cf croup, whaoptng cough and colds by uing Vapo-Cresolene--they breathe t. Two unfurnished roonis wantad lu an occupied bouse witb respectable faîily. Apply at STATESMAN office Broochl lst-a small roun d brooch witb grecn Stone settiegs-at Memorial service in Methadist church Satnrday or on Street. Rewand et STATESMAN office. A. J. Reynolds of Scarbora Junction bas hed ta resign bis position as asses- sor of Scerboro Tawnship, in conse- quenca cf getting bis baud crushed in a cttiug box. Mn. Gerneat Trewin of the~ Chicago Collage cf Dental Sangeny Hockey Teani which is teking a tour of tha Unitad States and Canada spant Sun- day et home. Supeinteudants of Dalîngton Sun- day Sehools who bave noV sent tha report of their school wil please do s0 eit oceanad graatly oblige the Sacra. tary, H. C. HeAR, Bowmanvilie. MIr. MeCanius, father of Rev. D. N. McCamus, Cobourg, died Feb. 4th et the advanceaeaof 92 yaars. Theb in- Vrient teck place et Keene wbere de- caased bas speet mast of bis lite Mr. W S. Roy, son cf Mr. W. J. Roy, Dariingtou, another West Darbani boy bas secarad promotionu ta the rasponsible position of Chbief Engineer tot hs lger- soit Por-k and Cheese Packiue Ce. Mliss Hlolland, who bas beau visiting friands un Winnipeg, Mordan, andl Ragluat for n year pnst, bas retarucd o Toronto. anîd is steying with ber broth- er, Mn. W.H. IIalland, of 46 Dun ave- nue, Parkdala. Mrs. Yo-angý, wifa of Rev. W. J. Young, Metbodist minister and mother of Hev. W.A, MeKin Young fonmarly of Tyrone. dlied et 71'amworth Thursday munning. She was tue ldastdeughtan of the laie Arcbibatd McKim of Napa- nec. Tha uaw Metbodist cburcb in South Baniigh, which is undar the patronage aiBey. J P.Ferry, Apslay, was fon- merly dedicýated, Feb. rd. A gratiti'. ing tenture is that the entira daebt et the cburch is wiped out, aed there is a surplus et $60. Mr. Robt. Bith, ex MI. P., and Mn. D. B Simipson, KC., wereaemcng the guests et thie annuel dinnen of the Can- adieu Hanse reedars' Association iu Toronto Thunsdey night. n. Bitb was lected a director et the Cii-des- date A>isociation. Tha wholasale pnicaetfWetches are Up and gain g un ait the tima-Rickard's pices ara DOWN. Ha lookad aheed and. purchased fer youn banafit. Its yoar owu teult if ycu spend mare than hae charges fonra timôkeeper. And ion will naed te bay et the rigbt tma as well as the right place. Richard kuows wbat hae cen sal] farnonw wbile bis stock lests. Look sharp naw. The Toronto Star says:. "The tourth clase of lHuron street sehoal, andan the i cana of Instructan Soloion Ja ffary, had a sligh driva lest evaning throagb, principal stn<'ts, and made a stop et the î-sidance of Mns. Page, Admirai rond, when refrashmantk5 were sarved by Mrs. Daggan, and a mest enjoyahîs social tma was spent. Vocal and in- strumentai music was induiged la, Mn. Jeffary favaing the party witb seveaa !wall executad songg," Mn. Jeffery is a son of Mrs H . Jeffery, Welington St., Btowinanville. The Designer ton Mancb supplias a tamptiag erraY -et iodaIs foar garnmeuts for adaîts and juvanles. The' ing et shirt ivaists for women is lucilyeplained iu "Points on Dnass making," and miilineny for the betwaan season is cffectivaiy picturad la black and white aud in colons, "The Flewer Garden un Marcb" is the snbject ef the floriculture article; "Etiquatta Hints," "Nursery Lare," "Hoasehoid Advica"l Sand "Coker"' are ail mast interesting- aud heiptai. Standard Fashian Ca,, 32 Wes 14h St New -o1, FrInfants and Children. Ifu of places whara intoxicating liquors ware sold 25 years aga0 and the vary fow to day To tbe vounger anas who havc rocontlv taken the piedge of total ahstinenco hae entreated neyer giva up Hae had takan it whan a boy of 16 and kept it aver sinca and was stil a mam- bar of the Division ho then jonMed. Ha tgv' a d votinr prohibition bof ore party. I ha speaker was warmlyv applauded. 'T'hte campany dispersed before mid- 1ýiý ht woll ploased with, the meeting. rdr, T, C. J ewell accupied. the chair. .Mr. Merwin Worth left on Monday for Vancouver, B. C, Miss Jennie Fraser, Toronto, is guest of miss Laule Andrew. Miss Evie Clemence, Kirby, visited friends in town recently. Miss Florence Clare loft Monday to visit her brother ini Parry Sound. Miss -Lottte Darch is spending a month at her f ather's, Mr. Samuel Darch, Bowling Green. Messrs. £ber Foley, Wm.' Hamolyn, John Dickinson and Fred. 1Neads spent Sunday in Oshawa. ",Captain 114cketl' is a most Iaugh- provoking comedy full of fan trom start to finish.Town Hall, Feb. 22nd. Florence Nightingale, 1, 0.O. F., re- union of. aid members in their Iodge room this (Wednesday) evening. Mrs. John Welbourn, Raglan, and Miss Stephenson, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. A. Buckler, Wellington St. Mrs. Wm. Binius, Cherokee City, Ark- ansas, and Mrs. Atex Hawthorne. Zion. Hope, are visiting Mrs. Philîp Tyler,. The Misses Moorcraft and Mrs. J. S. Moorcraft gave a very pleasant At Home to a number of friands Saturday aftarnoon. 1Mr F. M. Hawley, G. T. R. Ticket Agent, Cobourg, who was here with the curlars Friday gave TiuE STATESMAŽN kt fi iendly cali. Why nlot order your papers and magazines at ya ,r earliast opportunity? Dont wait titI yaur paper stops. Sea eur new clubbing rates. "Uncle Obediah" in tha laughable umbrella act atone warth the price of admission Ro «yal Templars drama, Town Hall, Feb. 22nd. Sae Cawker & Tait s adv and notice their window this week thay are sound- ing the praisas of their teit. Try tham and yaji wili do likewvise. Do net be mislead-if any one tells vou that Rickard has net the "New ýYork Singer" for sale, don't yeu give it credit, Ha has the samae machine as is sold throughout Canada. The Township of Darlington and Bowmanville Sunday SchoolAssoeiation will hald their annual convention at Ekbenezer an Wednesday Feb. 27th, Reserve the date and prapara ta attend. Rev. J J. Hae, Oshawa, will preach Missianary sermons in Bowmanville Math odist church Sunday. Subscriptions and collections will ba takan in aid ai the fund. Rev. W. J. Jolliffa will preach similar sermons in Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa. 'The Primary class of the Methodist Sunday Schaol enjoyed theil annual sleigh ride. yesterday aftarnoon. The littie folks w*vith their teachars, Misses Veale, Banner, Mason, Jolliffe and Me- Lean, had a pleasant rida and enjoy ad ta in the school-roam on their raturn. Messrs. Thod Binghamn, D. B. Simp son, e R. Loscombe, W. J. Joncs, M. A, James, Bowinanville, Evan I. NcLean. W. Rickard, R. Cowan, New- castle, W. H. Raid, M. P P., and J. H Davitt. Blackstoclr, attende the West ..Jurham election trial at Cobourg. Wa caîl the spacial attention of aur gentlemen readars ta the fact that the The Mason 'Ca., have recaived their 1early shipment of new spring styles in ilats, direct from the malir. They ara sole agent in tawn for the famous Christ.v Rats. Yeu arn invited ta in- spect thoa. EVEux MOVEMENT IIURTS-W 7han you 1have rhaumatism, Musclas feel stiff and 5ore and joints aie painful. It docs net ta sutfer long from ths dis- easa when it mnay ha curad sa promptly ;and perfectly bv Hood's Saysaparilla. This medicine goes rîg-ht ta the spot, nautralizes the acidity cf the blood, which causes rhettmatism, and; puLts an end ta the pain and stiff ness. CAN'T YaU KEEP WAtM ?-lf net ailow ;us ta remind yen that we hava recently .purchased 20 acres of first class Beach and Maple from Mr. Thomas WaWé'on 1an lot 3 concession 4 Darlington and ara now prapared ta furnish farmers and othars at r.3asonabla rates aithar body waod or limbs. XVe will-until ;further notico-deliver anywhare within 1the tawn first class Beach and Mapla 1 plit body Wood at $4.75 par cord. Al 1 Mapla at- $5.0) par cord. and limbs at $3 00 par cord. Orders promptly fllled in rotation as received-First coma,flrst servad. MCCLELLAN & Ca., Bowman- ville. 4, 4w. 1 The now famous Booz hazingç case Is the, basis of a, thrilling storv by Col. ;Prentiss Iograham, now rnnning in the .New Golden Hours. The story is an- title "Hal Ilazer cf West Point; or, Catling a Tartar nt the Famous Cadet Sehool," February 9th. Ia the Booz casa it will ha remembered it was shown :that the young cadet wvas compalled ta .dtink tabasco sauce, and by su doing causad an ulceration of tha throat, :resulting ultimataly i n consuinptioii and daath. Ask vour newsdeaer ta show von New Goldan Hours or send eau sit la their coiùfartable country 75> as homos and listan ta lectures or co ncerts, E VÂts-At Yeiverton, Manvers, Feb 7. Toi- ks te ca;e av b gien i ()ýr rMnhert ILvans, age.d 88 yearg,. as te caa ma begîva in ur Twn CCÂMUq-IJe Lakefield, Feb 3tb, John Me- Hall. There ara hrighter 'days ahead Canin, aâged 92 yeàrs. Father of »ev D N aven iii social lita for th" fermer. m~ chnr ___________ Ren]i#~At Listowei, Fob Sth, 2i.,rmi'% I-oliAdrlic f the late Tiiomas BradPn' 4omeWork-prefltable-Ooflgeftel- Da, g"ion, agi'd,82 iars. easy-On new alan. Se ycur cwn workmaster in your own home! REiRAKNG.-I ami preartd Vo Sous oura, on post bard mndwe wffl, en('you pa&iev getsw"gythdaartkb ftan. =,Opt C. IOYog. ..Toronu yte a r aei - - ,s . ,iled P 1-a eas~,ohibe ,eave ITS S o ploasant 'o t,'ke that w (l',ncd- tLN7,1! 11illing's eti-o 5u',or Mn' rfit; bat lt's dent l wrrc f lC es , es']Or drap a eard ili s kndls. DIt. LOW'S WOIU.[-SFYRUP, Offie, e u Lwu HANcecea, Coui w PrIee 25c. Ail dealessr6- iETEA! TEA Nichoils salis cheap. PUBLIC MEETING. Nichoils salis cheap for cash, Our Unes of cheap f urniture are cheap To ha held in the Town Thal f bars- -L. Mrris. day avening Fah. l4th at 8 p. in. for the Sea aur odd places in Parior Furni- purpose of discussing the advisability of ture-L, Morris. establîshing a Canning and Evaporat- M. A. James is Govarnment issuer ing factory. Let every ratapayer ha of Marriage Liceuses. present. Mrs. M. J. Redman, Detroit, was J. B. MITCHELL, recent guast of Mrs, M.A. James. Mayor. A lot of dress goods seling off at about hait price at Couch, Johaston & Cryder- Miss MeSorley visitad f riands in Balla- man's. ville last waak. 1Ask Mayor Mitchell and Principal Mr. John James, Columbus, visited Gilfillan if they evar got left at Mr. M. his father iast weak. Burk's. Mr. Thomas J. Lammiman, Curries Nothîng sncceeds like success and Crossinggave usa- cail yestarday. success is certainly caming aur way, A. Miss Frankia Jewell entertaiaed a L. Nicholis. numbar of bier friands ta a pleasant Wo. hava a large stock of Quartared party Mondai' avening. Oak Furnitare la Antique and Golden Mrs. Richard Pliilp accompanried by finîsiies. L. Morris. Miss Maud Wilkinson, Toronto, is visit- Ladies, yon are invited Vo cail at Miss ing bier daugbter, Mrs. A. S. Tillay. Medland's Milinery parlor and se the Miss Veale, Miss Waolhouse and Mrs. iatast novaltias in haad wear. M. D. Williams visited at Mr. John People Iook on and stare and wander Treleaven's, Newcastle, Monday. bow Nicholis salis bis goods se cheap. The hast protection against fevers, Spot cash answers the question. pueumonia, diphtharia, etc , is in bud Ail kiads af Furs and Mensand Boy 's ing up the systern with Hoad's Sarsa- Overcoats slling at reduced prices at parilla. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, A meeting of the Durham Old Beys Mr. and Miss Roberts, Cabourg, Miss interested in Hockdv was heid in Tara- Auînis, Courtice, and Mrs MeLean have nta Monday night for the purpose of beau visitieg the Misses Clemens, organizing a teani ta play ia Bowman- Centre St. villa. Raserve yeour seat at once at on"s at A public meeting wiil ha hald this Big 20 for "Captala Rrekat" Town Thursday night ta ciscuss a proposition Hall, Fab. 22nd. Admission 15c. Ra- frour a firm respacting works in Bow- served scats 25o manville. Every elector shonid attend. Tait & Co 's large gruup wili ha made Town Hall at 8 'clock. up on getting thie rest of tha business Thay make oua feel as thongh life mec in who hava, pramisad. Kîndiy was worth living. Take onea tCarter 's comae right aionz. Little Liver Pilîs aftar eating; it wil Daa't failta hear Charles Townsauds reliava dvspepsia, aid digestion, giva latest play"'Captain Racket" presented tonae and vigor ta the systoe-i hv Royal Templars Dramatia -Club lu The more illustratecl newspapars Town Hall, Feb. 22cd. thare are. the hetter the public appre. That tired, langnid, feeling and duil idates The Illustrated Buffalo, Express, headachha is verv disagreaable. Take It was first in its es;pecial fiald, and iS two of Carter's Little Liver Pilîs hefore still easily first lu value and interest. retiriug, and yon will flnd relief. They caver failta do gaod. IIUNTINO IIEER. Mr. Alan Williams drove ta -Port Hope Sunday with a pal-tv composed of ODSEsNI OTUO Mrs W. G. Glover and daugbters. A oDSsNINOTR. Gertia, Mr. and Mrs C.Arthur Cawker, Thay wera guests of Mr Jno, Curtis. The deer huatiug seasonl in the pro- Sick with wormas. Mrs. J. D Maya, vinca of Ontario is cousiderabiy shorter South Stoukeiy, P. Q., wrete the foi- in duration than any other of the lowieg:-Oie cf mv children took sick localitias whare deer are found lu with worms and af tar trving aver s thiiig abundance,the close season being fromn withoat getting relief we procnred Dr. November 16 uûtil Octoher 31 of the Low's W orm S.Vrup which acted prompt- vear following-, ailowing culy fiftaan ly and effectuaily. days for the hanter ta enjoY hs grand Ie strikiug cactrast Vo the deep rich sport. The Grand Trunk Raiiway caiarings of pnrpia and black showa iu systrni have givan this mattarconsider- The Mason Coy's icemorial windaw, in able attention, and the districts. reached honor of the Qnaan, last week, is the by its railway are the finast hactiug ana of pure uwhite showu this waek dis grounds in the Dominion ef Canada. ptaxîng a large range of fancev, tnckad Throagh their ceurtsay wa are par- and insertad apron lawns. Thase are mittad ta giva semae information which prtvgoods and range in price frani will ba of intarast ta sportsmen, The 20r.ttv ratures are not quite ail ie, but those ta 20e, up.data sthow 88 licenses wara issaad ta The next Iligh Schoal lecture will non-residauts, and 4,200 ta residents cf ha deiiverad in tha Assembiy room. an the province of Ontario, aisa 105 moosa Friday next at 8 pini, hv Prof. W J. tireuses wereissaied. The hunters dur- Alexander, B. A.,Ph,D of Toi-acte ing the 1900 season have noV hean quite UJniversity Froin the lecturer's known as csnccessfui as thosa that went up into ability and bts papularity as a lectarar, these districts la previaus.yeais. which thera oug-ht te ha a crowded boeuse; was acconnited for hy reason cf the had Subjeet, "Tie Naval: its Oririnal use. weather that was exparienced durin- Silvr colecion.AIliuvied.the lest openi seasan and doas not mean Extcuseanme Bob, bat yeo oV necd that'thora is a diminuation of dear, as a ne w cart eue liait as bad as, Jacun iie thev ara iecreasing iin numbers cach docs a sewiag' machina. I sac Riekýard, successive yenr, awing ta tha very Jewelier, Bowmnanvilte, is seling nma- stiingent regulations which the Gov- chines right (and lha is ta ha ralied on ýerument enforce, for tlhe ouality cf anv article hae selîs.) TÎ_pnsasnfrta hoigo say we surprise Jaunie with a machine, Thopnsaifrte otn f and stî-aightwnv they lef t for Riekards', moasa îvas opcned le' 1930 for the first a spot whare the -%vise do deal. liime la fiva yaars, and is new closed for 1 three years. There wera taken eut The Banner won by Tyrone Home during the open seasorn by the express Circle at the demonstration la Part campanies atone 1,621 dear, wighing Parry lnst Dominion Day and which in thea a"gregata 176,312. porinds. Chief was recentIv presented ta the socicty unae Waîdan Tinslec statas that noV lins beau on exhibition ini Messrs. L. less thait 5000 deer were taken eut cf Mori-is & Sons, Farniture and Under- the nortiieru country during the open ta1hîng store, during the past week. It season, as he namber carriad by the is a very handsomaeue and a splendid express companies (large ns it mfay ba) Souvenir with which ta decorate their canuot be taken as a criterion af the lodge roam. total number kiiled, as thosa killed hv Mr Jas. Cola, Red Deer, IN. W. T , te sattlers are not shippefi, and a large writing savs . Wa bava beau laving a number of hunters tram tawn and vil- very flua winter s0 fur, scarcely a cold pae daetV h ntn rud or stermv day all throagh Jýanuerv. bave the deer killcd by theri takan te Thera is jast enoagb isuow te make flue thair respective homes by teanis and siighieg. Our crops bare were verv other canvayances, good last season bat difficuît ta barvest owing ta the excessive rainfeil. Wish- There is ana clause in the dear bunt- ing youan prùspareas year at the bagin- ing reguLIations whicb shouid haai- ning ef this ucw century. ineted by the Ontario Governîet, and Mr. Charle Nunu, son cf Mr. J. T. that is allowilg- the dean intue water. Nanui, G T. R. Station, Coiborne, bas This is censiderad a brutal wav of bea ppoiuted uigbt aperator atBrigh. bunting by any truc sportsman. and bY ton. Haeivent to BellevilIe te ha tried cuttiug this clause uut, it wili neot onty as ta bis efficiency lu taking massages hae a means of still fanther pratactiag and gava sach pruof of luis accuracy and debtwl arcgîe sa i abiliti' that ha was placad an duty et portant addition te the gamni laws, by, once at a gaed salary.--Colborne Ex- every trac lever of the spart. There press. Mr. Nana is a grandson of Mrs. bas beerý,cnsiderabIe talk lu cannaction Mary S. Nunn, Buwmanville, wvith exteuding the open seesan, but àt You eye tooed ponaur aneed s te ha hopad that the Ontario Govern. So nevw hookhas so latety passd 'ment wilI not countenanceaeny sncb a a2i if you do net hava yoar eyessugtintthpreatesth proerl fita wih sectcls yu wllpreseat open season iprotects tac deer 'A rfea that lias a flavor which is smooth aud pure is th-, kind of a Tea mostly desired. We ask your attention specially to this branch of our business. We pride our- selves in the careful selection and bleudin,2- of Teas aud after testiug the same feel safe in recommending theni to the most fastidiouý,s. We keep a fulll hue of the vory choicest Groceries the mnarket affords and noue seli cheaper. We do busi- ness ou business principles and the public like oui' method,' Wiarrners corne and see us ande- *M bring your produce. . We wilgive youthI best, prices going. Be WMANV ILLE. 0Z> 'When yen want a Pipa corna straight hare. We can SSuit Yeu. We have a splendid choicae f Bant and Straight SStarns, bath in Brier Bowis with Antber Mouth Piecea and Sthe eheaper lunes with Vulcanite Mouth Pieces, EXLSO - SPipes in Cases. . We hava a big' assertment of handseme goods in this Slina ranging from $1.00 te $3.00. You wili ha sure te find Sseiiething te your fancy hare, TE 'OPLE'S S REI t i.=Yeare_ We are- showing this week-; Sthe choicest assortment of «W SFine Whitewear ever shown Ein Bowmanville. The success of our White- Swear sale, last season en- Ecouraged us to inorease our Estock of these goods and we Eféeel confident the Ladies'will A aappreciate our enterpri.se. fý--