INITED, pnes cmn ae -u nntiy scical book i -0, ceapest in the long run. ThesEnegarce ce aaidti o cnsume as anS in accort-witi s'or'view-s acdti e-tic- flua I I -Yo"Oneacf mes'esonse w-ase 0 My sontendhgrass as six Shecp. Thers are ci-e Vo icor ne wif s checks. Tianking Yonr son bas a veny Nintapo Co. ogeaîdTnxe-aceSe. li mapteh e faSnis coi boSwOl i hfsras -s ns-l tai bou 9000cfson fer ah pasf valueSdcommnds, like- ite. Yes, Pimaseashamet of lite. He te IT O TO b oI i-cal n ny c f ui- Seis ' oihi. We cound l artl' sov nstraiabot 0',0 n'fi,é tiese In anticipation, witi sour ap- awtsoeet we ebv o -f sOO T .bo fOrSna ic-s tlite mn lima. The tioctori fIs thse funs' animais. -pieciails respence, w-e arc, mnuain u rmi i-~seoe-set-e - iv en scloiOOi LbraieifthfiE Viicouni-ry ueti a cd4, blmuno gçod.lBut one'ooteleoýf sr-a -- - -- liesseS l CrecMinandotieni evat.pans'.:Tist's fthe onis' chance 1 e-en lo f tuig-sthyen anti Ve nfusseiteCher 1 8rpstoa esa h.m ad, t sait the terrible iefanV.u iic--J a-disbs" C..auoussBE L NS FA E E R D S E . Ambition 15 Ve roséd that le sts Vogw rey u e r in lve1d otIi ef a strent ji CrsinW-ut'tIse Doetor. If s'eu have ay In Beilin Vhe ve.getable dealers fane, but yeu ca't traseel o0em if on a Hc-arling e-ensb yernkceeni love 1Isa Tic -octF.cflailkoe ef.e el- t4r otaplabat -whate-er aidesire tIse acicea naew tricS. Taey dip iai ~~bfr.ScT efakwihyn io e - . P l s S .bee t m eti l a i cI i e, w iite h s L ec- G o g e ,Irn c tice i- m n' t n r s NO tettr qw iagebl me- Ireteins agaîn: (>neiune 0of Sabit- ti- -eî.Atdreg Oveorge-,_I hors_-ebe-en- maiy tiOs- -o t tay b e le aiw-as,wats a Little moi-e sciol atieacces-Ohle, thi-cugh an la m s .AatLw hs noa nliudsV gv lt i slctr etiefi es f eles wcI e beV euwite -. a briglit plukS int, and thns aots te suifer tie coceequences oauif1-veor efnoaII pliug. neet imneag. icmaonht tethein seae fresh. rm-Acasn(lce, sf DIL . PeTTRER. ç'y j ffles andresidence,Church St. ,oppesita TrIity fI UI 8csgregatioial churel, Bowmaniville. 25-6m J S LF& U1LL MORIS,18 ten a areg ,that the liver le H E WI MLBRE TAT FIT. MlS~ETHL MRRIS __________________torpid or inactive. More serions c Là IAIIZ R RPPDI '~ L t s t itTISi'. lest ctiovîs glvenien PAINTING troubles rnay fo110w. For a prompt, FIA JUNGLES. il01,Water GtianiChina. Sketching and L.'ss s(-ou.efient crsof Headedlie sain,_____Ne medicalisiccvery for years lis proveé aîIng î;cm nature. KILN on premisee s(eu arlIo e j ve o ne lve rube, aeGoltiberg's iI.'sst 1lethoti Treatment. I at usuel pues 51.6m v.A.Hunterm FeasflEpresc ih yars or experleuce;iL vitelizes the syste lgtic, remnoves ail dbstrutions, consequentiy fiT , ~I ED aPacis Of Hyessas-Tlse Goilla Salit recrignizeti as a speetiy and Permaneet oure L Stri ture, wthout use cf kelfc or loscft Y DB R. JC . T HE lL, IIANSG o o A d v c .oe, e the FereeaSof A l tie W îd Wormy condition, alsefih stricture, stops th j EBRO OLîGEF HSIINSn V-,"7i.V hietcynn- Vslie, .stre CeauesIi ic. e tri îohre heey teetenc Iud Surï sons, Ontario,Coroner, etc,_________fu______ al, regler ac.i-n ci Vhs bowei, the bacli, anti restores 105V powers. esiiee. Eniiskilen. A7e4ate cu\ahi goa ;a5 e th es 5oîljl ie C Uvch s d r Y ti ot grp o ai ont ine hi ichet Ath r Spncr celiooiPoso eaily yile o t lS A despatÉ froýlr iWashngton sys; bc, the bet petal, oln teaceurhesanVernalateorganearc 'theenberrveetrgavilc, animalvetroiperanije tesntis e atesthepoieeooifnromtheseystem;; if y th ave a pos itenicetifcût. 25c. vewdlaslcubtligwtiVe patchles oe tongue or mouth, swollen gis A. E. IIoLAUtIHLIN, Rev. Dr. Talmage prencicti rom the tliey sornetimes are but choira tt t n i, heS n s eal or by n-ai ih fl, o!-lotches ou body, itching skie, or other sig rrjister, Solliciter anti Coeveyac.Offce:- fllowing text:-",An J Jonthan gave'sleep, aud lauýg-h, anti write notes dur- C.Icd& eLwllMf etocicus beasts anti lives hie teliflic taie se , youufiiSd the.Latest rilthot Tra Bîaey 0onareaebletraees Bowmanviis rlr it i ad"lSi-îgti ervc, n a( anie L hsougi strataget lie lias always suc- w-tliut Mrury or Potassium, Monytlonaea oeaieraes 4-lr, is nriler uno4is0. a ndin tic sr , an tigoycui, antis ufe Possfully ov ercoie brute force, altiugl ROBHT G, ul, atdvnsdgoi nieaufl h bas dasseti thsougli experfencesFa t Fo P te RBRYONVS.Jonsathan, with a boy, went eut te Vlieir f cet, and rattle tic hymo i ooksý ~ Wihc htsevawcseogit Ê'FICE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS wr ai o i agr he r nitlrbe1 aekijlia malcf ortiiear-y nom c. 1. Dr. Col lierglias 18 Dipicuis Certificate Block, whem-e iimsesf or hie assistant will wanDvdc i agr leaea noesl 3 a~ a~jles suif iut geai actes as t0 bis standing and liefundfoma. m. to 9 1. ni. Night celanaa hoigo oswtee, tc mbrp ~e fiktt n u i tell y~oU wiat tîuye Vie ru iwilil isc -Yes, 1 arn in an intcrc'ting PeOtts- ZEcineoosloscDrGde sica tinvme beeo afrrows wi iashat iror- .EetmoalYuscDGldr sion, wiicl isl not generally undes-stooti , sate anti Blccd Poison specîijîits have sou; recden, directly opposite Drill Shed. Celle iy signal. Tic information having bicen tien. IX"Thif ycorcsba n reonaanttso. ie deceatovnse -hs telg~raph or telephomie wli recels e ; oîetat . i--blaVer, o . -h bo lcî' (lotianti liWSO ti tî tell ..- tic people," saiti Mr. Spencer. S.lcTh Ltet Mootoryou.tdiso lent on. 171 - yr. gýVe, cnthnebascne moretise frtr racor hclýoGdadk r w n jsi itth et uring umo~sstianti permanetcure for BlocS. tic wcnpens, anti se lie gives them 1h5dmiutt 15 ht it-icgt yca w-Lt itegir t will is p i.tosc i elaka i il nmi. audpotency. -VaricocelestiStrietuee IR -E.-ade wsh .gh i n charge cf tic bey te take lome teie gratefeL-. (But, if m b eia seolAt luiýt Via rigittinŽv the lui bursts blut they noves- ialize w-bat patience i9 .0mmcr~so lr csa ue i oseove, elit:lslçcasos. ýl11îg requli-e andtihfebartiships gene through 5. H e accept ne iîîesmable case for t-cftnv doove arbo t gan At Jnanntedvmt s ~ ci tupngonp"pc l tic leaf uîîfuts, sit yt thtýre 6. We are the cils' doctors ni eursepeciait est anti Cor cf Oteri catch tic be. 4-f aai. "nsJolehn theire bi nuativef landf :rowe eopeteaatlecheoevin n hei ntiv lnds ycomeonilote cureplpe urhaa amtilery ente bis ladi." Wecl my ý acie effeýc$. pen chidioen. areti'ious s ifp,'oplin cour Sun- Ianti bring thileate America. autiste. CalliDr urî 'forbistforlieme tri ~,ARRIAGE LICENSE S -M. A. frientis, w-e soce w-ilail be throagh 1c I e t will nciÉ kecp step wil a i ssdcuc-s.wh r Awit unticths ist r M tJAmEs, Issuer of Mrriag4i Lieeses.Iwith tuîs eartbly cooliet, anti xvare _i-eth l'dnrc.Lrcvcry Is 'g îe always lx-hinti. If ycsîs sh nIqid apentic wayscliigcuihecaatr- Hers-a-.te 7.Sed7 1 .m Resideece: Centra street. I - I tics cf tic animais he le aftr. Fori-- gting te bnc e ur c uns auctuo van-'d quhick Ek a a itltoi Vo- floa prcmt npii-sy crne oce -tance, a mcckey cun ever lie captureS I SIMPSON & IBLAIR., tic chidmn.Tieuwil k uil- srî, I cci lier voie-s linger anti asùýu i y ioul I îhiuik il a plenosa- Uliss yeu klowlion' te go about it. A V lD.B. SIMPSON, Q.C0., CH-AS. P. BLAIRH, pits, oui press, our offices, or siopeo hldVii'song bock, anti iang un be- eon; ycýrsvouiti iaste to loch ga,ýn mai) can'f scianicle through tic tops cf __________________ Bamisers, Solictors, Nctaries, etc., Moris' or legisiative halls, andtiatedo bat . led, cI-sa;ng in Iiffc-cnt traý,ins lng1n,0gknl t5iw-reanp ita d- lf tree aint get within a hundreti Block, upesteime, King Stîseet. Bow mamvî. gadaa e twr ncr1ý,Id-feot cf a nimble meonkes'. Tic way we Solieltors fer Lhe Otaric Bank. Pr.ilvat is Viefr tie eternal Gti. Who are afier tlay are duc. 1I iiovte le le lusion. Thl" foot w-as îihev svvre bh mntae 'misecryitoicuge mcesoeeiaoetîtsItliey svho are makieg Butdiusm anti s Cilo -n vaI2n we w7ý.il meafize dthto laVte;, andti iy Will -'i big gourticf fes-aenteti rice jeice. Wben DENTISTRY. Molammetiim blanch ani 0w ci? tt antt air o l ~c -ic ta ' lte, and tli.- v il got op jeste reaci a re whiîcb le tileti with chat- G.. O NASTE. DS, .Sboys! W/ho are hey-ho are avn iigoati Sïiabth-ae u tne iirsreton o aei tNtering mrnankes, w-e open lhe geurd anti G.0 BNYCSL, .D.S; .D pretenti te drlikthe liquiti. W/e tien me- à ilcorGrduIs n eoismy f ornt U i ttiiîg bigler tise tt standard o o n itr atan au rpsil o in esepoe e treto n safe'distance, ant fictue sesys, muire.pi"onrtCnuc ny propu or ie ,îetii-e TARTLING FAc-re F0 vryeîsity.escaore oncisJesten aut i hisinscmied the lritisliliion ii er-re m'-lon rop tlh eitir imitative s5'ay, coule dow-e fie ___________________________andthtc Iussiae beaiu ;he more glori- Again hlilice of &Sabaiiscrlgtning, but prcmpt i Vie close. A fice anti ail fîeely drink of tic liquor. ~. -eu isiglocfth Lal itt akei aivncoSVilh hrcu~ iapati i iseon!fit nsî nom1VA - fhou boumlaVer we con corne liocksand H. F.RUNTE, ousirisinia o the amb tat taeth ava lae wpickbafieougittieovefen-lowsbatipchas. Vbeylaliemoaboutn CURES GUARAARAN n w ay tic sin tie w-cid? Our'trtlctli53. Ni/Q ha vve a gresi uanyantuad wtymuesijrsue here naduknst IbARIIISTER,SULICITOWNOTA than h ni- aed wurty ithau serof ne feIee es mesc por. nrv~ 'sud anideepontient; B PuhbeCcnvsevarer, Morley, Privats andt boys! Anti yet tfic Saibati scico] Cccrp'tsÉýnt mec anti wcmto tihroingi i lult nilu-stc a f '4A balicon is faken len a similar manf nU-brn-ifosemec- Company Fundte, Vo Ieiet iow-sel current rtsraiesy uîtbge t wc-k1 bciutyonaeite iïbvjes C--s.Clliragt -ieOtatinmbtI ae oerkow m 0scss knrtiat O F F C E S R i g S ., p p o it e D r. il a c ti n 'sC h r i s t i a n w o k e r s g e t s o r n c t . a ni t Ir o u g i f e t r ip o E u r o p e o r A m e r ic a . R ss;a r e s - toiss ; din n i s e t r a e tb st ElecLa i orne, Bowuaevîlle. 13-GM-1 proposeo Vo mai-k out w bat 1consider but thiýy aict-gcI ta liauni-oi en- an ygeealv isionmybad bfoensrgyadstinurinenn dCAf CURE shall ha the lice cf Sabliath seheol peteet. Ni/ai do' ye-u say ls tle fisV Viey aie usîfit for fie cîlier duties of w-e got 100 miles asvay fi-cm ti conet OUR-- C.5 %dd-t 00 TO LEND ativance; qualificatioin? Yau sny a nana musi tie loly Saibati day. Belgjn prompt- They eltier tiet fi-ou seasiciseeo R-TRD OM N ~aU.JUU~IU on gocti mort- l'a a Cliristlan. 1 do'utar iîl' at tie riglt inas. Close pmomptly front flie effeets cf a change le climats. ID s P urîty1t rate Pli-s J; uvllilie theoug impre -o ailit he i-i t ti mr . Y ae aba 'i consider a go ila flie fiercest f JOHN A . M ANLIN. JOHN A .SANLIN. 16.-m Af. uletrBwucll,îteti Sabiati sclool narchitectur', e. In ahutzt t I le c O cv afAfrican wiit aeimal life. In efforts te th sa -bbtSm.c oj, eahhour o n ert ote okfo al onr Saibath scîcel rooas lot lhys 'dySbahshîiîaî ulovt oVesokfrget hic ive ai-c coupeiledtVo pierce ie 1 eflutern,,kny. liver scworsodithth erofjnlshe n tiers ho pleety of liglt-iight oison ors anvd theilrclassas. 1i sv uIdna tritclcmsotil i fi on- fjuge wbicin itday it ll~.iHlhIiI~ [~dL3I. ).8anti boautiful, osteblas God pinrsenut eTyValrme-Iadanehi.Iat alalsioYou oceot catch chhu- le tusis. W/bec w--c edtenly couicupon ý of 'lis.',8tenwiiti iaia f sorvs the gerilia family, Vhe mother sentislier DENTSTa.cthVe Sun eery n1a vo-t ofmsV e an indji3p2essiîo roquisi. dotent hum. The oIofta malsis IV; ni icw-iimdih-arough fumal xi-of i aijir cibilya aia e eyou iay icat-h flou w-lt iGospelYoung one scampericg up a fi-cc, n'lile ticws coivebliad anti stainoti, lut in antiUpriglhteaclor eûmes h ~ oney. Let yosur fbaVures ail sune ont standing ce bis mca;- legs, beais his cbeit Y Wilil e at Blackstock on he first i nyo ihscha lt h lcilianfihat cf ,ticlion. He the. cocues 'Montiay cf each month, et Orono fi-cm pethceiîtulia ut i heShii - ll tbeugimle l i ce appy- uti "Reliio las at m atigiesa -cr utr nt nc trrbl 10 a. m te 2 p. in. andi at Newcastle on thîe geutian sud' the goiti on ticeCYestiuule svii 11usdhomocîfle tic 5ppy-Theigionw-lu1mue yeu appy" yu hue flash f liglscicg. ic onl fi-cm 280 te 5.80 p. tm. on the second cowslip, anti spots Vij' pansy. anti pati cf evraîcîa lifo. It laipi - Oh ! my fri-ents, w-e alneedtilcter pro- îiing Vo do le Vo waiî eîitil lie l ie but zckenris, sl aAMi Mondy ofeachmonh. snds 1he .ýýsts f th v si- tfîta iaraî mac or womse to paration for oui- w-cik-j for Vie puî- on ycu, tien shoot hlm witban explosive âO NAMES OR LIGISIMONIALS USE[ M o n d a c f - e a c l i m e St , s e n t i s V i e m i s i s c f t i c v aalc y i np i t , a n t i y n f o r t i c c l a s s . L e t u s h e h i . I f y u r s o t m i s s e s , i V l e a I l v e rJ o n . f OFIC:Tepe-nc S ~ ..whirling cous s p'Lglory sky Iall M, a cb~ ie f ire rteonhnûVA IC CAE. Mesai ville,rear ef IHigginbothama's tr-, store.u itatsietpll stetc oildîcu, try1ng Vo' -ao thetalVefskucel dowa before (lodto-t-ýy anti sk wîtb you. VtianCELEtieisefeal v bq J ~~ W/c taie al lago animale in pis.If1gv pi, bar o hevIn lntl te iglt f te athof Iie iËh,ýutgetin l h-rfoi a ne- tv itsra cf Vie Heîy Glost. a man ile careful, tflie net noV m aciEMISSIONS serà eakeuing na self. Whola.-re Ihose four- pý.nsteeo e. ep i sdu Ith I IPOTIENC ' lre. Myennedi oV7 clestial svrld strikes tii-mugi Vie il -nea sciolaiac -l i fsogielattank, ichlehfoscinf y C RED ras. ened J.UN .e I S 1 R. .1.,1Iclout-rseks anti ceaies dripinz oyer e r i- o fetdbfIeYu Oi! you aay, lt more - - kcc-n ses cci- Is.recotinpitios.- amîeati subi Vie batttement, le pompie asud-saLI-un tbey are byc-tyai girls. 1treg uli e beavy nef, Vie top cf uvhic isl fus- spcialists to auflted follnwmev."- go u:rh,ýr nd aythe ar i A greaV many people of m-y ecîriOh ike enedti iti moliior. W/ion a roe whlch C. I.ARND N, .D.3. anti oransge a~nd! Tien, glfiîvr ~ 3 i-O mciir s S 0 1 R DE , D Sesltsu -om ewehveittt allaý, anti atcte uri cas ttt - t the -naY Sselool foronereason ; [t le attaclied le puiied, it closes anti foi-ms ;1CURES OUARANTEED OR N fîraduate of hs Royal Coliege of Dental u ot tie ioîtleti-up air of otier Sun ada t-_eutls ense il al ouiesoteiose lg t ic pif cov e netbisliooetl and"Thraie.$aismoua ary Ufs" asdthexpeenre I geons, Ontario git a ih shl aelenswet eogt alwhr tk athegi-ace 555aboerh n in aero "a i5"aidepset days kept glitfeîrut nigît teillehav1-grassesp The nope wihcoe hent isae ouplstsed hs wrok. lied all the syn tiy et vuIcu ekVowek ff hy Vi- Almightys hi-ati as Vie 1 esp on Su.cday afteîrucoa. TIsy have le ue a ltl N h ervous Diîlît,-snnkeiseyss, crissions,tnaa OFFIE.-Oposio Exress0 Me. 1 s thFugh lik littietimVo Viey 1wintinard cf Vie pît nervocenese, weak baclr, etc. SyPhilis eaussd O F AIC p p s tE A R es r e . h a l u l ik - u , I m r v t y sm âIl st5 V f a h res in g f i-o r, finse n e id e s th a t t uis in stitu tio n ta k s h b id t o-t a second pit, w her c VIe an im a i catch erfe ou , b n p i a, i e s lu m ti n VITLIEDIRagi-; lut fi-cal air. sucli as cocuecas bwlotîc-hes Visonir fau fi brcntley, etcu.nîlehtien Wlie o ec Ve ieefliek 1 îinbaiy ec.Itîn grE~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p n îî g c f h o e s m o s' n g o w n I nov e, a s y u a k o y o u m p la c e e fo r e n en u f a c t u n7i eg , li V cl r a r y , p o litic a l s ud 1 th e -c igl e, a d c ve s-a n g i l ! e cpif. l e p ol e i i c h i î s t i s , a w e p n g n p t h a - o a t e t , l- a a l < i t h 2 y- rn d l uii - bG U e n o e , a n i V I a n i mlfl eth eu r i y li l dW e t r e a t a n d c u r e V a r ic o c e e . 1 le i oe, et 5 nteosi cftuecountry. ctiii help arrives anti liecan eali lifte- Weafness, Gleet, Stricture, syb/uiZis, ONTARIO BAN ~< of svole acres OfPrediclover Vp.flave yn tniiTerhei ateisf y do nt uo-,vtint this institu- Vohils cage witlivVic net sti11 abloit hsu. KdeadldeDsae i h ro bIhtadcheerfuL I--o n u scdn h net le only pullot awsy afier tic lionyan ldeDias. otnetaufo do e GoesîsîBaakîeg Business at todo f-c ie"mrie e is n-orwiaevranma o apesfohors 1'A N ETOT.2 Bouanville Ageocy, r c 5 te"udroftei- oQIga ah ft feanation of freiman or-slaves, Tiey do -seru-cs' iet nia e. - ______l_1 EAS N EROT.2 DEP SIS ocets Hanve te place higit lvknga ac fVe ur oyn;DER! AreYeul a Victimo? Have y., DEOISWithic yomvself; "Inimonjtial! suimor,- nef i-ealJz- Viat tiese institutions ai-e "Thse nnly daner to flic catcher is fi-cm RAgs'!,yuBio 5bilawlîi;a-aa-y utaioisp~ iepictureti. carpeteti. Ticlice cf Salib ti- Vrmketc hnkr, tcwmieafi iccan g f i wld.Afe hepi ewMeioiTesuntwsicrm ye j ecessed lu Savii gs Beank Bepenimnent amid bath scol ativance sialiliec suit isbentn ni:iietae i CONSULTATION FREE. No iatrwoi; r pîctureti w-ailslantiatvsr cotpeeeof B- puriciuL A listefocIe.r makceg t, i i-trtic býasvyei-s, tie Pasf cfen tîug dle iba ehig fplaCei--- (hargsressocabis. BOOKS FuEl Consena o 11iesir.AI eost a l it -- wa1santi ivte ocmanpt Vo-laVe diss. A. punctual eacher tankeg physicisis, and tie clei-gymen cf Vie i i- on through fie cjunges, f V e ie usa I oAMon. lse Ustae ents.THO le rad1Iietecmmn o iiculcas Wt enýefh ad snoV on tic winlwxart site c ie VATE. Ne medicine s- et C. 0. D. EXCHANGE ay; Colasi,, W/wirw Drntieofthe Goati. dlebas cnshii n h opes. Evemythlngcoenfldtentlal. C tortht oid-olaiýDrafg isaday; urC le rln, a. îach Ad eguîai-ity the w-cilt moivslunedts G n nigather Vhs chilire, Tley pi. Tienfte abanseeshlmanSfie ment, FREL. Stgtsd oSatilaî "s;t p aEic -1Waus Fl.igt aci n ie ntcccmn e-aiihacise fumu e, mallint.The only 1 d ilî ie e s-dC; d CoI-iGlti vevr ps1S04cf ycara hefire, iastroeo, vi o i nmlcfoe ism i ,ibd Stales Gîssî;iaecks cane-ut alati oiS tire : nearmy Viat pan standlie- I sigt of S.aeto h nmlcace i i COfLLECiIONS f VieTsp res cfCyeumioluroliesehusieg île rifle aflithe proper flme. There COLECTONSfi-mo en.Ticocwrti xvi IyatthfeT kncev nemoi-c of G(lo i rlaau otti acndunearfiîy feeling le shoot- ?roMptly malltieuri-enrtîe;ipoial parite st-ioe ialepa. ni weiaveu Vian if tic-y lad lise eme rieg a lion n'ifi a biglly explosive choul if Gi-et Brtain. the CoiteS States andthle tie- lave le Vie Uniteti States anti in dng- il eVa fia octat ai snclias w-e use.W/e watch fis lion ___________________ inilomi of Canaeda. i- kinti of Sonday scicol ibudn oadu ihbsm hoe andeti iugît 3 r thete in,'antiwhie you are biesas loeigtwndu wihismuio Teerp rusesanti ils cye lise coals of tire. Sutitely WNE RNLS T e l e r a p T r a s f e ~ m e u s , w - e - t i e u t l a v t i c r i g t fi i g t i s s u y e n , y o u r s e l v c s w l l ' ce b l e s s - f l i c r e p o r t o f ià g u n e o s , a n d t i e e i Cale.i, s îsspeebsll onsdal]atsof 's- f 3' ayschol.In every cougI-ithere à et. '"Oh ;" yon sny, -- îey ai-e ncVjneocleinsigbf. The lnitroglycemie in tIe He-Has your fathen any objections i sce ubîmg l Msîbebs o le ostoIroa-,VP aet-ua -.w-slst." Tien w-si Vieru, Christef tb sbiatpieces, andetfire le mashes tc edeabaeet once ai teile Aiaicolavneinti trs lk ruhn plae flukslîe acruchngnet cvee enough bide lIsîtVo covertVi e Vomy cailitig On Yen ?She, an heir- A ni pas-ment. dyshelnew-e n hl ontyfer, the probabilities w-ase.thVe disc-iples' feet, acti you seat of a chir'.liini lesliees-No, But he sait yen coultin't cali - Fo nte aribulars cal et the hardi. wilil be tlrcugh an iuprcved SundIsy 1- 0f consimpîioî. oaiw-asli theise cliltîren. "01h'" ou'il bave hl ot ylesbokn y hlm. A. J. MCCLELsAsu, CEO. MeGILL, i sie-ailiteratume. I e-ta amaxedti tey hy reucobd"Te rb ae nadmysulli ueb -allg - Secs-atkeicl ok a noVeThe îhroat a n d eaMr.Vleyareunomati" ieni-ieoseetle nt cx euasladaiaieig Isecntiny scice bovksiies. Sntmtena - ug eoi comi thelrl, sud biccme in tic higi- ateg csefi-cm w-lIt liones. The mest fi-y- -M.Sir-yniho a Sunay chol 1braies Sntientl lngsbecme ngclrucoustances oceni-reti w-len 1 w-as a tiog tînt w-e are ail afraiti of. Whlit1Y RELABE lvestries bigrphesofgeerlsroug î and in- -esV scuse Christianu mur-tir esers.boy le 1879. 1 w-as lu Afi-ica,anet a par- do yen ativise? Lasvysi-Get a biggan RAITEL) ENBE lv tris igahe o eeas- flauned f r 0o ni "But," yau say, Vieux apparel is -noV y fy 70 uf us etartietiouf ou a bruit. I1-oee. Five dollars, please. MII ~ . MN W-li e sv ve-ay brave, but eeteogfrarelglu Ie esi-y lccaity fhi-ough Canada te introdnce -wb wec lS roes ar coughing a n d l e tensg ernrliin ssuma- was a liey'andt ficS casier fis e ie i-S. IGy-al ofs i Iho soon stopper, aùZ e ieeaf i a fice, oxpccfieg SiyGn-/ll otmitl e < ?rgod, aeitg i)sljw ars n rest egemsof bn-. 'hen beg or uy propor gar- iai-i-ytPPe i-c lon oaSdats n capire Oc 11055 storios. Oliver Optic, accounîs cf - - e ermsVo andt chl up w-tîtie pau-fy gi-est flatterer, isn't le? Dolly Swift e st alis- n sn il ad e t in ia teco n su m p tio n m u e f r t e e a e y u li c n a e . Ifel a leep, ow eve , satd w-bn 1 1 - O, ye , le alw ay e t nks as if lie Conmmissbon cor salai-y 160c0per uonth and boy,5 anti girls mm'eondeiful tise " find an easy .y-rotdie~ ptrfsîo i ii oaise if w-ns ]atee ie affernoon. xedcata neiap e a' 5uiPlsymliit Voisccdihonndt, rlissbile ise.oN exPenses net Vo exceesti$2.59 pes day. Steaty 1 ee-un liveti-licks i lai i-ave % mi-ea nîrnc. yd eV f ixei p ae-inebomS lars lugfanirtouit V -a e-lYett odhnsrlal mn oetac.Take eued-forseye couifxd pa o c 0f t ahrd-s' w'i baSnrefi-neht te omane exp srinisc sued ful Ni/ite for fu l articulars. religion in th ons t isu "H Lidi lras" Oci- o c h a n c e sw ill ir-e, t ,bin t ha ceiling, saying, -" tins e .f the p m ugi c am l e t y r s, Ah I om s i e .m a e i - s s g o e V e Empie Mdicie C,, Lrdo, On "GiliEi' avels." Theie poei-littho with the clan- - w-senaketi anti ye cotîetirme"' N/W nieen-aioeesor ett a'sieeimw-a asliIs-sstnk ______Mediine_ C.,_LodonOnt._nd,____________ a sodtovldtg goce home himwheiti sa1e1 wl a dai-ye gerous fo hm wtlibe lb y0e. ftk isgimtc isi'oîi jyPacks cf lyeeas ccning fow-ard me. It 1 Yet sIc coulti blame ne oaa lut lhan-w - lce ihnkng im la lne-n nde eFor 60. yeai-g amsethtire-w I5V ty foe-t, O Lc;id Jesus' svas useless Vo eshoot, for fliey w-Si-Sf00 self, for she w-as ne epring chicken. lie rsit, lbuti i VIe lime sIc bas i-nad tee1a be apr Thou hua seu-e iestocmonaJtio frticas' ulS w-at o i Om e Bo-nS eneuysrifn eo MC ~ I iositseatîyo ue.Wa-arc weiiigf eou-susattuhVi i-ntfioie-auîic1 peet-Atiynw-rnotieIebc,- e Not as big as a maW~s hant, in-. terrupted huskily, I enl'y hati about tur fingera%. Badlelcr--,So yo.uve ma-,rnied, ehi? Suppose yoar wife saves yen ai oo deal of trouble. B a d ct W I saves every Ilitie trouble thiý o tc her-dgrtiug-the day ,;9 thi may bther me with 1$ wh im1 oâ home ate4 4 t. ,d as sucessf ni as Dr. It Is the outcome of ~m qualizes circula. ln'Y k- the only method ffor Varicocele and time; it absorba the e smartig sensation, tho parts as well as- lence; it thoroughly you have sore throa t, ands, hair falling cet. gns of this awful ds- citment will cure yen DR1. (IOLDBERG, nts. DILSUOVERER 0F le ntS. THE LATEST METHOD TIZEATMENT. tes and Licenise.s,which d abilities. erg personally, -while aillother Chronie Pri- idoctor inelhrge of their office or hav'e an ,red hyD.b oder srecognized as the PinChronie, Private. Nervotis Debility eol .1 withoutcuttingor stretching. an ail other epecialists coinined. lent. ity who are williiug toe-wait for the pay untIl as been establkhed. If you doubt it, tii' us tr-atmien. Book free. 291 WOODMWARD AVE.,- DETROIT, MICIL M DISEASED VIOTIMS. rTEE D OR NO PAY weak or deblltated; tired iMorangs; go nýt- 30cor; essily fatigued; excit le al i r ta")le; urred; pimples on face; tireams anIiglit bone peas; hair loess; nicers; sore tb %, n ôl; ditruotfui; Tant ei contidenos; 1ock YOu I ÎOOD BY DRS. K. &z K. -CHAS. POWEOS. CHAS. POWEItS'. BEiFORE TRZATME5T . A TDU5 AEN~T. ED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTe anlia Bay:-"I wsas c f the conities vie ignorance commenced et 15 yearB of sge. 1 meedic l irms andi spent $900 without avail. idespBir. The drains on my eystesa wr yi Iellect msewelvasmy sexua1 and physica pther atviset me as a lest rescrt to consuit t& Rergan. 1 commnîsceditheir New Method. nd in a few weeks was a new man, with new itien . Thias wgs four years age, and uow 1 and happy. 1 recommeati the5e rellable N'O PAYe >CONF'IDENTAL. ýtien of my ,-o hicooà dl- SvnhîjusEmissienis ,d y Vaarte hâ cele, CurÎed. on Venge, Jrs. Kennedy gor anti happiness." CHAS. POWEÉsS. L'rissions, Ne, vous Deblity, Semînal Unnatural, Discizarges, Self Abuse, !00,000 CURED. NO RI8K. en disea eiss e waus? Ouri it bias 1dns for Others sV wili de fer yon. reated yen, write for an honeigt opinion Free z - "The Goldôn 3Monitor" (illustratei), on )UT' WRITTEN (ONeN.PI- 0NO names o oxsor olivel. Questlon lit a-nc cost of Treat- e No, 148 ý'MICH. 1 wLsh .to see a bonnet, saî,id Miss Passele, ag-et 40. For yourseif, mi-ss t inquireti the French rmillinier. yes. Marie, rmn down s'tairs rand get men bats foir ladLeLq.betweer 18 ani 25. Bonnet solti. He, in his wrath,-Whecn 1 married y'ou I had no idea whit a fée! 1yen were. She, Ln her cqgianitity-Tlle -f act that I1n'as willing to Iuaarry you sbould have removeti ail doubýts oin that point. Her Father-You have-been payinig attentions te eiy saughteir. You have- s't -propesed yet? -s Lc Lrdship--Not yet, sur. Her Father-Now, Jet us corne viglit down teu business. What ivill you taire not to propose ? Mrs. Fijjit-I'm afrait pýoor George i