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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1901, p. 2

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DI. L. POTTE.. Vl fce and rei3idence,Churcb St.,oppoke Trliïaty -ngrega'tional eburcli, Bowmanville. 59' MISS ETEBL MORRIS, A ItTIST. Instructions gliv nPAi-NTIFNG JE 011, Water Color and Cli~.Sketcbiîîg_ nCCd pintl1ng fromn~ature. KIL on Pl enik-ea, tir ùî~ nt usual priees.1.m Di.J .?ITCRELL, M BUBER 0F COL',EGE0F PHYSICIANS and Surgeoni, Ontario,Coroner, etc, Resideucee. Enniskilien. 74 rreeSoicitoi, anti Convyeer Omele -- Meike Block, Kinîg sýtr1e1Vt. Bowmanvilii Maeyf'o&n at reaEionable rate, 48-lyri ROBRT YOUNG, V. S. O Y3'rïCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, wbere imiseifor bis asistant wili belountifroim5a.m. to Sp. m. Nîght cabis a7 reeideîice, directly oppositc Drll Shedi. Oeilsbb t~b1ah o i kpon vui ~ceveprompt at ter, n-171 - yr. TAIR WORK.--Ladies wisbnm- hair Jkdonc over. cali at Mais DCîiO ,{ Kapt andi Cor of Ontario St Bowmnaivilie. 34 tU ~ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A, JâmEs, Issuer of Marriage License', ReBIdence: Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SEMPSON, Q. C., CHA-S. P. BLAIRý iarsters, Solictors, Notaries, etc,, ori UIDoek, up-staîrc, King Street, !Brwinanvaille Solicitems for thîe Ontario Bank. Privai e moeneys leaned at lowest 1 tteà DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D3. S., D. D3.S Heoer GiaduaSe in Dppetictry of Tcer'anto Ui versity. QFrîcs:-0ver Ceech, Jolinsto n d Cry derman'gi store. E antuille. 18-lyr. R1. F. RUINTEJI, I v g ev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of IL-, Wealth and Song. 'A despatch from Wasiington cays: tiaswerbd, gt ne idea ofth ie spblen- -iRev.-Dx.-Tahsaage preacisetifrunrtbxe ýdurs--f lgvn ®r ie u-i~ felbowLng text :--"Eye hatis net stece, scribe thint. He sayc; "Tise twelve, ner ear ieard."-l Cor, il. 9. gaies are twelve pea37is," andti ti Thse nlty of Ceejrimti bas heen caibeti "thse fottedatiens ofthtie svabbs are tise Pari,$ ef antiquity. rindeed, for garnished witi, ail monn"s cof sreclou- splendeur tise wyjrld isebds ne sncb szoe'. As byie stand beekep.-c wendes- te-day. hi stood on an itis- throui htie teiescepe e1". St. John 'xc tans washed by taxe esr, tise eue sec, set a blaze e~ ameihysi aed pearb ced b.xemgbng tise commerce et Europe-1 cmerabd and sardonyx andd bryso- tise otete nncexentrce Of Asa. tirent prose andi .appiire a me-naib cf hier wisarves,it, tise construction of îigisht, aataract ex caleiur, a sea CE wviicis whobe kindid,ins bcd bien ab- glas sud ac cty ike tise sir. j oi s serbeti, war-g-iileys, witb three bcnks b'ili u-ý bock egain.seldaxe sec thro-nes; et oars, pused eut and confoLndled tszu eiýthe propisats, ibroes of tise savy-yards of ailitise as rbd. Huge tise pi îriarchs tbirones of' thse angelvs, hauddlmacbinery sucib s c'- dere ein- hrue cs f tise upc-Jus,Étiscîn r, of the voniioûn cannt equ , hlf ted chipsl martrs, ibroe ut Jesu,s-1 urene of ftem Ütisea, ea ccee aide cnd tratu- 1Cod. Andi w' irn arourid te Cee tise petcd tisent on trucks acc"ss thissth- gin rx andfitis trones! ttbrones' mus, and i sett tient duwss le tishe sai iiss cis oa tise etier Ëaide. Thee sevensue cr- 'F - dis athnoît aen il, car bath'net cers of tise city weîs ceaxas tiscougis huard I," Skim tfroumtise summer Olive gi-oves tisai lieed thse beach te e-et 'r" tise isrîgiî et sparkl.- ard ycc', colfect tarif£ item ail nations. wiils g ý'cneidec of the sheen'et tise Tise minis o ail b pccp'e s ra es. Pile Up tise spienl-. cýdin beier llstismiasa games, doute c "crthly cities andt hey would andi tise becuîty et cil laeds sut ctela.-îpn-tee5y bci Are prepared from Na, ture's mild laxatives, and while gentie are reliable auJ efFcî-ent, 'hey CueSick Hc adaýche, B'- ious-nless, Sour Stornacb, and ConstipzaiJn. Sold every(whcre, 25é. per'box. Prepared by C.I,îHocd & Co,Lowell,Mass. orn ta pieces at tise inquisition; dahis- is t1 h Irenio et s"great Je- hoea"h-thLps is Jesus1" Gis, te stand n-i hiI-presence 1 tSar willh bece- v"e 1 Oh, te pial unr hanti in tisat hî-nti wlicis was axeunded for 'us on ris" creeýýs, te go crend antid 'aIl tisý picupç et tise redieercei ed a hake àbanda 'math p-, aphets 'nI d apostii'andi .e'trsandi avieiour cwzi dbar be- ior.n-cl eues. Tisai will b' tise grcat scusion. We carneot imagineit near. Our leu'ed one ee-ta sefar aavay. ,t hec we are ile*troubandcc loerone, tis"'y dot-seem ate coeete us. We go on i-b'- hounka ,of lb" Jondae ced cadl acroca ote h-nt Set they de't sýeem t thear. t.lfe say: -Is it well wth tise chIsdA i le hw-ll witi tise 1oe d ets andi wo listen to bear if eýy vioice conto-es lack oser utheaxaters. rJ~T ~rp"I~ Fi-cm t[Lac rage et tise cunL a hi!i crose 'Lnd r mn tse ic'ps- doxc boit-v. anad tise seeptres c, f cbarity uni si-'- iii~,ilLlsr,. u'i-i ru' -.--- ~-'---t"'. .-"e'"""Vji esc ir,-i ou'> -Si a 5 ù~4'oi-î I ~.'NI IV, t ' t'. '-r ' 1' I r ' - - i - - ~ ____ ~'issrllya~rtaîaît5'îdn.'e~ s~trvbr~ ~ecae~ ~ me iii a te-w wesks. Tistir ~raaiaeat lis c geea-iag-ee y --~-l..-a -va Soi tisanti sha-eïxatu aiQx onthrinol c-a-nerh'-ar frou ibs te tisat, anidt-e etorliedvtn tts Oainte otie Roya 1Collage o! Deintal nWwl 'sarruiry ant i mako tisepeep i i sf- -ao h aanti a citd'l So izhe1cugIsl-y 50eW5wl OFFICIL-Oîpaulto Expreuso Offie, iscp et sand cempsred -wstS Hoýw mi uny et eur 1oa'e'd onesi have al- neoci ~ VITALIZED Al Î it. Amid ail tisat se'engeis and r7eead3 entereti epoun tisai blest HjiL,- ,n £-Rs s, if mus ï-tet1 M ngaifie-e nce Cerinîb st,!ot cuti t..Place? If I &hiseatîiiake paper andi te1 wewc ili el sa. tieti tlic Pose p'jl r'le vo-. ink 1I0c,1,1d put tj Tieailnlwts tunre there. stad wmaeavlllel' ha Aandc Asib TI -S jNT G ne rd'a r 0 ae ron tiasey oi" eale tisia e p p ay ri eth il ,ç unr coutia es to do a General Banking flurinese ai ari, e yn The.se eunds tisat cerme test tise whbsc,ý ris"ir gre-up la augmenied, . j aat itiieS, geîng tb acdiii te tise saOng DEPOSITS 1snI- i jnn-, ,- ~ ..,~a'i--as ,-- 1,-ù an b,,nrg 1 of' Misrc andtheii Lambi. AIl tise best EXCHANGE tbrengi tise toton," saiti be, "for evsery ture nme." Tisere i-peP t liseS' ta dark, gbocmy. disagreeable day. "This is my chance," saiti Oppertuni- ty, "for fots people will be abread tbis stp ie sLarteù z1dug tise path twbicàh Fate bati decreeti ho must travel. Etc long he spiedth ie Pessimist cana- ing toward bite, Hil e bod was bowedý anti ho was nnttering ta bimseif.. bin-fPyrene- arenot ae.pre. ihese show it tisa woners bf -tisaiblessitiof patrLarcissl csbirs et apesties 1nifrwir av eln ensec ofe- e Ba-chus anu4ý Mercury are place. Tise esher angal sayq te tise Merrng stars C-lepping tbier cynt. ig. He wbll surely never venture eut in Ibis hastly aveatiser. Woe le me! à experie l-seigtes minC, e -wsaers divoes. Dneno l r - 1 O. b oereti me te m nisn Certves, w a er udagaiu sud are iiap 1li u Lrears ago. VrsbK. &, K. are oientillo cpeciarista and 1I ieartlirnr nendtes. 4-, Êtreat andcr'e Varicoce.le, Emssons, Aervoaîs Dbiiily.&minaî éf£I L & laintf,ý Sv is UnaturatDicharni, JSe'M4ut 17 VEARS IN D ETROIT, 200,000 OURED. NO RlSI< vCetlm? H-a-ve yen lost hope? Are yen centemnplatln mgr. ý£A.DER 1! ageen 'asgeur Bloo n d a sed? lava yen cny vreaknes s¶ Ou w !Methcdt Treatmeat ali cure vois. VIat 15 bas dono for otisers i wsDI do fer rou VATE. npes. ment 1 sent 0.jj.. 0 DNO numea ors )nfî dentlal. Question Lîst an, Y. A.- a N4E LOST HIS TEMPER. WIOIt the Rteauut Ticat He Fonudi Juu% What He IVas Âfter.j UL1 The fur salesman was holding up on bis arm a very isandsome specîmen of wbat 1-1 J'-iynae ieio bb ipeietdepn o lad itiour Latest Metod ce-cn is a guaraniteeri. cure frbar!ericoce e witboui useet kof eor lbec 0f appeared ta be a Russian sable, says thse ure, ih.bsàc the wormy condition, resteres thse parts, thereby bringing back lest pots- Washsington Star. irs; If inn ta'e Ouir treatmenr, Yeu ip hwan ued "Yeu wouldn't think," he said, "that S'TRICTUR'.:Thousandsof ohavestricture and do not knats k; if you bave been le-ý 1 iscreet, or imPraPerlyý trented, or notice acsmarti g sensation, unnatural di&-barge, wea that color was indirectly due te a loss of organs, or backe nervous deb~iity, or if Yen are Coet the man yen souldi be, il May be tis tmewould Ye? causeof ni iCture. If yenuare in doui, c&1l andi see us, as we wii ex-ineo you free4o tempercharge; oui' Latest Motiiod 'i'eatment abi3orbo e stric ture, thereby maklng outln o "I didn't know that thse Russian sable strctcbijn, ueec'_ssary, and y-au pay when cured. bcdl a bad temper," responded tise cuis- 7 tomier. "-ýYoUr knowledga -ic o-a est e relieti on," laegisedth ie salesman. "This Don't cgle-'tthese importa Si organ, asyn will regret il: EaveYou adullfeellng ori is net a Russian sable skin, h las a red pain ln the back, frequnet desir eui adPosits in urine? Our Latest Methad Treat- fox, anti thereby, so ta cpeak, bangs, a mient 19 a guaranteed cue, for arin conditions. taie,, l'ha crig'7.-dawan r flldav:ta or te3timnonisis cao Ibo eena t Our offices, $500-60 reward Thse onstomner asked tisat it be un- lOr aoy we cannol czhou: e t reçuest of patients we publisis Offithtie initiai$. foleti i our Latest Methe" Treatmient acet edth Ie say yau saidIt wou d; my strictures "ln Nets York city," respondeci tise re cureti, sud thse 'ricoele entirely di',appeaàred, and 1 f cel stree gerti knowing a ever y bladtb'r andi kidneys do net trouble me any, 1 ean stoop ail day, d- salesmnan, "lires a furrier whio, oig a bad day's -erk stitiseut My kidneys treubling me as before I1 00 yoyur a gooti deal. nbout thse dyeing of sealsitinS LaLE ctlMethGd Treatment; Ih bas cureti me aiter otbars have tcad; if I bati and sis~ fus, ougb fe yeas ati' .--nsuted you tonner, I axe :ld bave saveti a greas deai ai maoney wlich I and oher ritssougt forycar and asted nu i or dectors; 1 amn your grateful patient, P yeass te ýnd a dye that weuld transforrm Dr. 0lbrbaopAcriiaeadiecseeefotea a ted fex skie ie a Ruscian sable as f ar 'iian "s lhospitals andi clates tsiscis tctify ta bis standing and. aiities as appearances went. Ail bis efforts '~ ue u rne d were nugal:ory anti void, as the lawyers I ucl'oi rioOroel, PiaeNrosIctey .iOaa tbtrNd ssy, butlise would net gîve up tise seacs ey2c i ve Ler, Siemacis, Female anti Rectal Trouble, oadain rc alo One day lhe wabusy over issdry pui iietO --.eio lnsfr on rcîei okonosue iou rs ur a set ling tise delse aieisemy. H-e tbou-iut mtipm. unaea..topm tisstime lie bcd it sure, but bie was tis -~ 9~~~D appointeo.ince more, and, 1 am sonry tae s.ay, lie lest his tenîper andi acted ln a mecst inneeiy manner, FI.-. belti in bisý handi a bottie with a chernical et serne!- kinti ln it that lie had intendtiucing lui serre otiser dyes tisat bie diti kuow about,, anti in hic violeuce lie knocked tise bottiee' against a box aud breke its neck, Tis' matie iim matider than ever, anti, witb a bcdl word, lhe burîr- th ie broken bottle, ant-its rernaieing contents inte tise dis- à appoieting dye pot. Tisen holieet tise' LATLE îEXCjESSES iN A,ý-,OOD_ place, andi wben lie caine back, much ceelet' in minti, licheN, ibere was that in'M iA àV U ,DI E SE E tise dye pot whicis causeti bis special won-.______ 1 49,111,

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