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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 1

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OUR TOWN AND OOUKTY PIRST; THE WORLD ÂYTERWARDs. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. DOWMAN VILLEU, ONTARIO, WJ!DINESlDAY, F~EBRtJARY 27, 1901, 77~ About, the end of February and during this Mouth will give Greater Bargains than ever. Ail Furs will be sold AT OOST. OVERCOATS of ail kinds AT 0051. Ladies' Goals of Ail Kinda at Halfit Ne. Vinter Uoods at R<ecuced .krices es of Dress Goods below Oost. ijust what we say. Our stock .ced and goods will be sold ex- lrtised. 7 A USEFUL À PRESENT ~kJ L FOR YOIII HOME. We invite you ene and ail te corne in and inspect our of Furnîture and see tSh rnany useful and inexpensive artil -înes that we have that will make a useful'and beau tiful Present. Our prices- will be made as low as possible Cete miet the demand and requirement of every purchaser. *W- Wàre offering a nice Rocker, golden oak or mahogany, at *$:2.25 and many othier lines equally as goed yalues. Cal and tsee them, it will be a pleasure to show you through our Swarerooms. mm u. WILLIAM S & SON. Z BowmDýviLB,.Undertaking receiven prompt and personai attention, Wiliams, White, __ _ ~ Raymfond, Standard and Singer Sewing t ~machines For' Sàié at T. N. RICKARD'S Sanie style as this eut. at HALF IHEIR, USUAL PRICE. An agent who does nothing but seil Sewiun' Machi ns canliot potsibiv touch usg in Price. For instance: Wecan give yeu a good Drop l-lead Sewing for $21.00 (twentv-one); but wc are sure of this oni; while our preseat stockiass. MINUFLICTURERS' PRICES ARE GOING UP. If we have not cal led on you send us a card. J GMa<V~UXWatchrnakcr, Opticia., and A MovodIs!Movd! 1 amrn 11 going oui of the hamnes business as some would have you be, ieve, but have move3d into corner store of block kuowu as Bounsail's, opposite TÔdl's store, whore yen wil fnd a cern- plete stock cf Ramnesa and Saddiery, Herse Blankets, Rugs and ether uines tee namemoas te mention. Also agent for McCormick, Bînder Twine. Corne il Old elustomers and Bring ,yonr Friends, JNO-* S. RUNDLE Raruess and Implement Emporium. HOME STUDI. inp Bk keeigBsns om rtmtc The cost is bot a trille and our circulars will give younffll particulars. Write for tliem. Correspondence Department, Central-Business Gollege, -TORONTO- W. H. Shaw, Principal. A trong 1 ool-wth 1 egular teachers. splendid ,n=me1tand wel.pt,.ni"ze d.by students from every province of the Dominion NEW BAKERYî 1 desire to heartil-y thank ail the cîtizens of Bowmanville and vicinitv, wbo have so liberaliy patronized me and ass4sted la building up such a good trade. I arn prepared te furnish White and Brown Bread, Relis, Buns, etc, and e-er3 thing usually foiînd in a first- class bak ery on shiortest notice. A trial order respect fuly solicited. Will visît the eountry as far' as Haydon Tuesdays and Fiidays. D. allceDOwe Xellingýo i st., Bqurnnvli ISANT R W"unb'.te 1~- Co-Oporativo Pork Packing. Westz butlharn parrme±s Qtite Enthusiastie Ovef? The Seheme.-kooks Lkike 3usiness INoWx.. Saturday afternoon thc Council Cham- arc making hI ber was packed with farmiers in respunse bcing increas( te the notice in this journal. -Mr W. J. that tell of th, Bragg lwaa voted to the chair and addres- tiens. sed the meeting. Uceivas strongly in After discu favor cf cstablishing a ce operâýtive perk posed inidustr, packing factery in Bowmanvill1e.R og. day, W. Lai raising was profitable and the pr pack- P.Werry, AI, ing factorics are ail doing a lpr-ofitable Werry, M A business se far as known. Hc had made John Chaplir seme inq uiry about tic cost of s5tarting'a Sopes, J Sueý packinghliuse wîth necessary accesseries. a committee Estimnates varied from $25,ee0o1te $50,000o Messrs J. D for stîch buildings and cqlipmecnt as Souch, DJ would be necessary te begin operatiens J Brgg te c here on a moderate scale, As much possible on th more meney weuld suffice for working to an adjouruc capital. ,Uc suggested that each farmer Town Hll,1 invest $îoo and he predicted that it would March 9 at 2.1 prove a goed investment. Each 100 the farmers acres could turneut 40 te 5o hogs a year. Cartwright wil A saving of 5ec per head, the amneunt te hear the mel new paid buyers would bc 2 on the yeam's output on 5o hogs, which weuld bc a big dividend on $ieo invested. , Uc weuld consider iee hega5 a day a lîfli vemy modemate beginning. This would be 31,300 a year which at $8 a pîcce weuld bmîng ever a quarter cf a million CON of dollars inte the pockets cf the farmers OT of this district Uc feit sure this number Of hg can bc raised in three ecr. four on Feb. 18t twn1sips. Theme are 75,0()(-.acres in mient of the ac Darlington township or 750 fraOf 1ee te be paid ait acres If each ieo acres pmodncied 50 Counties' Coi hogs,' Darlington farmers could snuPPiy a revelaion i 37,500 or 9200 more than 'vOuLd be me- money is spel quired te killiote a day. Wýhmn we in- eld council(o cinde the adjoining townships cof Clarke, where they Ca Cartwright and East Whitby, surcly -Ive a stateir there need be -;-afient ne lack of a sup- the Counties' ply ef hoga as seen as the farmers got and G. E. R fairly started to breed them on a larger tares for go4l scale. institutions ai Several other speeches weme made Gaoi and the The opinion was expressed by anman who accounits are possesses. censiderable knowledge cf the giving the tir business that if the farmners organize an interest STA' exclnsively fammers' company a-idevemy what is indlu fammer agmeed ce supply a stated number supplies fer cf hogs there could be no doubt cf thc with boue, Br succescf the concerri Farmers hold- Pepper and 0 ing stock would be more likely te reniain or steaks. 1% loyal te the company. The stcck shonld mnan's electri( be held only for farmiers XVherna stock- for the Poor1 holder leavei thc district, the1 stock addition t,, t] sheuld be hcld by thecman for his Japan Tea, S successor or some other fanmer. Specu- Brown Sugai lators muai not get control cfan stock. Fresh Eggs, Others thonght it wculdn't matermch Best "B" Ri( if tcw'nmen held afewvshae-es. Anether Wales T'obw estimate frcm a practical man ivrcsted ed Valencia. in a parking house in Wetr nai A'Syrup ih ivas given as s7o,o00 fer a comph teý faci- thi ne cmy. with celd sterage and fîizig axrist'Ie equipmeît, Such a factory and pant littlo liquor. would have a capacity fer han d lng fromiutance whe 2000 te 3000 hcgs a week, wic!iî wculd -,- Son appe be much larger than at fimat requîred it la for whisl heîe home expressed doubt us te the stimuflant. 'T snpply of hoga beirig adequate te the me- the fare for1 icîirementa et such a factcmy as liad been good ý_. vai 1descibed; ethers claimcd thiere -,vcnld heocf a weul-îo-d tico lack by.the the time the cencern gct Rere is oni iveli under wvay. Mm. W. R. R. Cawkem supplies (Th( gave great encouragement te the seheme. cd $1900 ext Hc claimed that Vý est Durham tumcdXt cnot the heathega inCanada. Other parts could beat us with beef, but we iead with R. J- Sne hoga. I-e said if the packing factery priscilel' had been started -ixýhen TisE STATESMAN W. J. Collini formulated the achemne thîce years age, Field & i3ro. the factery wculd be in sucesasful opera- Wti. Burnet tien cciv as sevetai other imuilar cen- Geo. E. Mite cerna are. 111 tell ycu farmers. " said he do îvîth eniphasis, "1yenhax e.one cf the M C. Fox, beat paying concerna in the wenld if yen Wtn. Burnet go ie this cempany as a body". Men Saut. Clarke engaged in the perk packing industries Hlart & Ridd Almiost everybody remembers the celé. bratcd advice of the London Pyinch, "tro those about te miarry. Don 't." T'here ia iu that advice the expression of the feelinig of m.sny a mother who says, %tt hUiep xy daugliter 1 ll nover marry and suffer as I have."ý lu niuety -eight cases lui ievemy hua- dred therc's 1no *necd for this sut- fering. Doctor Pieyc&a sFavorite Prescription cures the womanly dis- esswhich cause wifely nsisery. It dries enfeeblinýg drainsý, heals in- fianîniation and ulceration and cuesfemiale weaktiess. Ih in- vigerates the womnnily organ- ismi, -tranquilizes the nerves and gives the meother stren-th te give hiem cldren. Do net nilow an unscmupulcus denier to el di yenethistg in place oft "Fa- vorite Prescription," claiusied to e e juat as goed." T'lhere isa notlîsng juat as good for womeu us "Favorite Prescription"» il 1ain se pleased whydur instruct'ons, i hardiy know what tha-nks co give yson for yonr kind favori" ,writes l'rs. lMilii Bevant, cf fLots, St. Iho1nas Co., Ga. "XYou ean poblish my few statemner s to the world, hoping ýail suffering wsomen wil kî'ow- and 0ehecai d. I suiffe d an mcuci with gîeat pains ini mv iack aad the iower part cf nmv îIcmni c a Di .tioc cf the litast, that et timesI1cuii ary lie down, and coului ardi, gel. up iu thc moi uig, ut Ialter tuQîlg tcuree occles cf ';, - FosOlecrîp- tic:,'a-i ctwovials cf Dr.Pi r- e l -'rt Pel- letsIfer11 i knw 510 k Dr-. Piersce's Picesnt Pleu cure sick heapse'f moey. Plants arc ced and imprevements made .e succesa cf these institu- ussing ail phases cf the pro. ry in which Messrs M. Mun. w, A. W Foley, W~illiams, Ibert Rundle, J. D. Hoar, B. A. Jaes,. J. M. Cebblcdick, n, D. J. Gibsen, G. W. )wden, and others teck part, was chesen cempcsed of Heur (chaimman), Ricb H. Gibsen, Frank Allin and W obtuin ail the information te whole aubject and report ied meeting to be held in the Bow manvilie, on1 Saturday .30 P. m , when it is hcped cf Darlington-,,Clamke and il attend in large numbers eport. ties' Couîïcils. 7ES' EXPENDITURE, 3tb, WC published a state- eounts passed and ordered the iast session of the ,ucii. It was somewhat cf te us te sec how freely the ,t and how asîxieus the lrs are te gel positions au spend il. This week -ive nent from the last report cf ;Auditors-S. J. Williams iWilson-cf the expendi, , supplies. There ar-e two nt the Counties' Gaol- the ke Poer Hbuse. Separate 'e kept for both., Before Ianciai statement it rmay &TESMAN readers to know ided ini "supplies." Goal ýprisoners include : Ment ead, Potatees, Pense, SaIt, )at cucul; Beef-roast, chopa Ivry bar aoap, and Ding- e bar. Indizent supplies ,Rouse hranch inelude ia te abuve iist : Uncoiored Standard Granulated Sugar ir, Canadianl Cheese, Coffee, ,First Cluas Butter iu Rls, ,ce, Briar and Prince cf ace, Choice Prunes, Select- Layer Raisins, Redpath's al onýe gallon tins, anid ai- mnýticaeüd amno theýr In the following liat for trever the account of Hooey ears, the supposition is that kýey o'r some other hiud of 'lie inspector stîpulates that tise indigents shahl be as ried as ils found on the table -de farmer. .e year's account for Goal e salaries cf officiais exceed- tra) JANUARY, Igzreve, conveying sB.................$ s, goal supplies-.. , do t. do ... theli, d.4) iad't. sup ... e, goal supplies .. leill, beouma, goal .,.. inuu o Ai -éu uîcu upm MacNachtmu & Co., gaoi supplies FEBRuAR.y, R. S. Gowans, cota, etc .. Dr. Moore, livery ............ Hceer & Son, indigent supplies. Wm, Bumnet. de Gec. E. Mitchell, goal supplies,.. do , id, do W. F. Lilâton, liVery ......... Sam. Cana, cleaning cess pit.... Brown Becs., livery for miaisters M. C. Fox, indigent supplies.. A.- R. Dundas, sundries....... J. O'Neil, lîvery, ............ Jas Gillard, paint, etc .......... W. R. Whitelaw, sundries.. W ni Roberts, wood........... Bell Telephone Ce, rent... MARGE. Wm Burnet, indigent supplies.. lmC Fox, do Geo E Mitchell, do do gaol supplies-.. Hcoey & Son, indigent supplies. S Angove, repai]s ............ APRLIL, A Chambers, filling icehoase..,. M C Fox, indigent supplies.. (Guillet )rcs, (do do gaoI supplies... Wmi Burnet, do ... Geo E Mitchell, do ... de indigent supplies Field & Bro, gacl supplies.. tsoo Thempscu, wood ......... Samt Clarke, supplies ......... Floeev & Sois, indigent supplies. MCaRiIui & Son, supplies....,. "W J Collins, coaul u. ...... Barnuîm& Co, ceai........... GiltBros, indigent supplies. Gec E Mitchell, do ('e0 guol supplies... Hlooev & sou, iîcigent supplies. M C Fo-x, indigent sutpplies. M c Fox, ic' 1 t; - poe G,'Lilet G"40 -E Mitc Brown lirea, 1iiveir fr aîismers, 59 95] 15 00 79 87 23 92 77 32 17 56 24 93 101> 19 183 82 8 16 2 70 2 23 12 00 3 00 5 40 66 70 12 25 65 97 1 00 12 0 5 50 28 95 2 90 3 00 9 43 9 81 55 81 21 o6i 7 0 24 82i 82 41 2 75 29 88 90 63 64 54 117 92 5 40 5 7(, 612 9'l 14'2 77 26 2 70 22 61 IW R Wbitelaw, sundries.... McCallum & Son, supplies.. R S Gowans, cots............ Maurice Jaynes, painting .. Jno Haydeni, wall paper. A R Duadas,sudis. .. W L~ Allen & Co, hardware.. MacNachtan & Co, do .. "am Cann, cleaning cesa pit... A Moore, iivery ............. WV F Linton, livery........... JULY. O Jlns; drugs, &c .......... RîooeyJ On, ndigent supplies. Geo E Methell, do do goal supplies... H J. Saeigrove, coaveying Guillt Bros, indigent supplies.. R J Sueigrove, gaol supplies..- Guillet Bros, do Sam Clarke. do .. Field & Bros, do .. M C Fx, do .. W J Collins, ceai oùu......... . Ilooey & Son, indigent supplies. AuGusT., R K Wîchsted, architeet .... G En Mitchell, goisnples. do idgn1 sple. Guillt Bros. do M CFox, do llooey & Son, do SEPTEMBER. Bell Telephone Ce, rent cf phone G E Mitchell, gaol suiplies.... do indigent supplies, M C Fox, do Guillet Bros, do Thos Mitchell, repairs..... Ileoey & Son, indigent supplies OcroBER. Geo Thompson, ceai ..... ..... 3 R Bentley, carpentering... LE Mitchell, gaol supplies. do indigent supolies. 1-ooey & Son, indigent supplies. M CFox, de Guillet Bros, CIO W J Collins, cea i ou........ Guillet Bi-os, gaol supplies. . McCallum & Son, do ... Field & Bro, do Sam Clarke, do NOV.EmBERt. Hoeev & Son, indigent, supplies. Geo É Mitchell, do de gael supplies.. Guillet Bros, do , M C Fox, indigent supplies .. DEOEMBER, Dickson & Ce, inuber, etc.. John lasden. hardware... Western Ass'u Ce, premium..1 Geo J Brown, livery.......... do i ivery, ministers.. W R Whitelaw, repairs, etc.,,, Geo E àMitchell, gael supplies..-. de indigent supplies W L Allen & Ce, hardware.. 0 G Johns. drugs, &c........ Wmi Bu"Irnet, sundrIes......... A R Dundasý,tiwetc J O'Neill, lvr...... ....... 1-o0c0 & son,' indigent supplies. Guillet Bros, indig-ent supplies., M CFox, de VoLumE XLVII No. 9. 47 90 TRE LAT.E JOHN SPRY. 4 30 1% 26 5() Another well-knowa and respected 3 55 citizen passed away on Tuesday last in 7 89 the person of Mr John Sprv ia his 7th 10 70 year Deceased had ne particular ail- 4 15 ment, but for about two months has 88 47 been graduallv gettiD.- weaker. Hef 6 00 has been in the emplov of Messrs. R. '2 50 Beîth & Co , as foreman in charge of 3 00 their thoro-bred horses and breeding stables for mauy years and was always a quiet, honest and trustworthy ema- 19 85 p1o ýes, one ia whom they had the ut- 2 70 inosi confidence. Ris wife predeceas- 127 ed him nearly six years ago He 51 64 leaves a grown up family of five sous8 and three daughters to ýmourn the lots 54 00 of a kîad and sympathizing father. The 66 02 funeral on Thiursday afternoon was 7 50 largely attended. Service was conduct- 18 00 ed at the house and cemetery by I&ev. 7 25 W.J.Joliiffe, B.C.L., his pastor. Messrs 1 79 James Stanley, Isaac Tabb, J. C. Van- 18 86 stone, W.W.Allin, D. Davis and W.R. 9 0R. Cawker were the pali-bearers. 2 70 TELATE MRS. ELLIOTT. S600 5u. 99 12,ý 60 53 44 18 86 5 40 21 00 55 02 12 60 18 49 54 50 28 75 2 70 366 75 28 20 59 47 12 60 2 70 18 21 74 68 8 600 20 10 12 60 5 37 14 93 5 40 12 74 57 32 64 05 18 50 30 81 16 701 102 0 2 00 9 50 29 08 61 71 Il 55 28 94 18 50 2 15 9 60 2 70 67 74 20 35 Total.......................$33985 46 t SALVATION ARIiT Grand meetings were held at the t Barracks Saiurday night Suuday andt Monday when Col. Jaeobs and Major Turner were in command. Saturday eveniag this address of loyalty wasý read by ex-,Maycr,.falbraith and sait- abiv acknewledged by the offleers : Te Colonel Jacobs and Major Turner officers of the Saf ration Army Hlead- quarters; Toronto ; GREETING :-We the officers in charge I cf the 27th Corps cf the Salvatiou Army, Bowmaaville, tise local offlcers,soidiems, recmaits and couverts in connection witiî the aaid corps beg te tenîder yoa a mest hearty weicome te Bowmanville. We assure yen we are a loyal lot of Sal- vationists-loyal te our esteemed Gen- erai and loyal te the Canadian Rlead- quartera We can assure y ou also that amen g the good people cf Bowmanviie the Salvation Army holds a warm place1 and this corps as a whsole assure you t hat the officers ta charge have since coming amongat us doue goed wcrk and our corps lias advanced materially in a spiritual way since their advsnt amongi as. W"e aisa assure yoa of a kziid re- ception from the good peopie cf Boiv- manville and are thankfal for thia visit feeling confident that ycur presence will tend te the uplifting cf car corps and to the weifare of our cîtîzeus. We further trust that tbrougli your labors beme manv wiii bc turned uto God and iet the way that lead uto etemnal life. S igned on behaîf of the 27th corps, Salvation Army, Bowmanvilie. JouaN K. GALBRAITI. Bkig Powder Makes the bread more healthf ut. Safeguards the food agaist alunt Ajznr Iiaki-ng po..vders are the gieatest Mnen ~st0 iîeaith of the -present Clay. ROY'AL EAKING POV.Dq O PWYO Tise Toronto Junction Leader and 'ecorder says :-One cf car oldeat resi- lents, Agnes Reeves, belcved %vile of Mr. John Ellioti, of Woodhridge, died Feb. 5th. Deeeased was in bier 75th year and was hemn in Devonshire, Eng- land, iu 1826. She came te this, country with bier brother, Mr. James Reeves, in 813, and settied in Port Hope. Rle n0w live4 in Port Britain. In 1815 she was married te Mr. Eliiott, whe was theu in business as a biacksmith at Newcastle Ia 1818 they removed toi Voodbridge where she bias been a resi- dent ever since. On Jalv l9th last year Mr atnd Mrs. Elictt ceiebrated their fty fifli wedding anniversary. She 'caves a lîusbaud and six danghters to muamalier lbas, viz :-Mrs. Freeman, Hamilton ; Mrs.Jas.Rcwnitrce, Thîstie- town ; Mrs. Thom"s Bîliott, RamD- cou ; Mrs, Jas. Geo. Toronto ; NMes. D). Cameron, Ememy ; andi Miss Maria Eiliott at home. DISTRICT DIVISION The annual session of Durham Dist- rict Divisions held at Solina, Friday, was asucceass Ninie Divisions reported 581 inembers ai this session. Mr. J. O. Mc- Cartbv, G. W. P. and Mrs. Alvin Peters, G. S. Y. P. W., were present and pre- sented Solia and Enniskillea Divisions witit Officema' Embieus and the District; Division Trophy, given by the Gzîtnd Division. Tise troph'y is heid by Solina t being tise banner Division in the Province cf Ontario. Offleers elected for tihe eusuing ysea : J) W P, Benj. Powell, Enfieid; D W A, Miss Laura Hlogarth, Solina; D S, Sulas Werry, Solina; D Treas, Wfm. Jeffery, Bow- mna'lle; D Cbap, Jantes Bingham, I'yrone; D) Co-n, Miss Ida ekeEn- ni skiiien; iD Sent, ï) . raot Cur :ie DSYP ,MsL P ars ton. Iu the evjening this prograire was rendered : Chomases by members c-f Solinx: Chairman 's address, Benjamin Powell - recitatien. Arthur Westlake; instrumentai, Miss M. Pascoe ; recita- tion, Miss Gertie Ranton; speech, J O. McCarthy, G. W. P. ; recitation, Miss Wottcn; dialogue, Solina members; recitatîcti, Miss Ethel VaniNest; chorus, Crusaders cf Solîna Company; recitation il Argue; recitation, R. Pascoe; recita- tien, Mliss Leuîe VanNest. God save the King-.S. WERRy, JD, S. NEWCASTLE* Recent visitera:. Mr. and Mrs, John Stapieton. Neîvtenviile; Miss Ida Walkey, Lindsay, guteat of Mrs N. B,. Alin ; Mr. Norman Allia and Miss Celena Ashton with friends la Bow- manvi1lo... Mes John Douglas and Aïaster Roy visited in Toronto. . .. Mrs. Eiswortiîlhas been very iii....The Gaiid cf St. George's church gave a pleasant social in the sehool roem on Monday eveniug. .... Mr. John Rickard who had his leg broken some weeks 9go is mecevering... Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jase are attend ing bis mother who is very ill ...- Misa Valley Francis, Bowmaaxille, visited frieads here .. On Tuesday the dancing class bad their last dance before Len', after which. cysters werc served by the ladies.. Miss Ethel Scobeil, Bowmanville, visit- ed friends he'e ...The Epworth League met Monday night. The Pres- ident gave instruction and encourage- ment te the workers. And Mr. J. W. Bradley gave a profitable talk 011 one of the books of the Reading Course.. Miss Fligg, Bowmanville, visited hier father Mr. Selomen Fligg ...... Misses Ceiiaeott visitkd at Coaneillor George Joli's .... Mr. Solonien Fligg la laid up with a fractureci thigh... Mr. Blake and Miss Aima Stapleton entertained their friends Tuesday night,... Mr. L. Barrett la home froni the city, for the suimer. . . Misa Iva Rutherford gave a danîce Friday evening-.. Mr, William Piekard bias la grippe.. .. Mrand Mrs, W, H. Pearce entertained a large tnni. ber cf friends Friday evening ...Mr. David Amîtot is vcry low. .,..Rev. J. S. M\eMunliit, TYrone, was well liked here .... I . H. McLean atmended the XvebtDurhîam election trial iii Tomonto . . .. Mm. Seymour Samis drove thse huas for John Doug-las while lie was in To- rente attendiug thse Royal Tempiars Granîd Council.. . Miss Oliive ileaningm lias congestion cf the lung .,.. Mrs. WVin; Riekard lias been shipping bis apples to Englnd...Mr. C. Jotas Theoton visited as Thuradar. ... . Ycung people wesît eut te Ceuncilior Millson'a Friday eveiiing aisci had a pleasant ime.. Herbert Heclgcs visited frieîsds in towa .... Mr. Reade cf Toronto was homre sel- iug usurts for the Toronto Bisc-uit Ce ..,.A social wus lield in SI Coie's Suisciay Sdclvfi MoîsiuyR.. , Jý K. Allen -x i.. 1mTori-oh ecî! m ChaBarrîth-' u mpîP. m FredKî'Aht' fae ~,' h ilc i a tikt" rca .e bs t TERM-S :-e.50 PIER ANNuM. NEW SE-RIES. Ail kinds of"% and some linE We mear must be redui aclyas adve CouclJ(

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