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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 3

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THE W.ATER HRia tHERsame whic usullyattaks eploees of U otligwrk, n hes had *~jt~arms on accou tnf the havig tohand edsutaces sande danbe sincofd evatail th merlyull tak employe JeHns' Of:bottling worrs, KinsthneOnt., was g aherer n thsubsrest Rheumatism affected hirn in the arms and shoulders, and besides the pain experienced he suffered pecaniary loss. After having triied various treatinents without obtaining *relief, he was induced to give Dr'. Hall's :RheumatieCOure a trial. Less th&n baîf a bottie gave ihlm relief, and before t.he entire eontents of the first bottie were used lie was freed from rheuma- tiim and iii has not since troubleci him. rre àid not look fer sucli rapid resuite, and would have been satisfied with ob- taining relief, whereas the medicine lias effected a cure. Dr. flall's Rhentmatic Cure is put up in 50 cent bottles, containing ten days' treatierit. For sale by ail draggiists and dealers in mnedicine. The Dr. Hal Medcine Co,, King- &ton. Ont. M l ubiG anisyuÀ O P!TING E rITI DiEmlnIy, the benefit% of this artàe ar'e meat manXtfest. llY the ad of The D. & L. Emnision, 1 have gotten rid of - h.cking eough whieh had troubled me for over a yea, and havo gained consider- abiy In weight. T. H. WINGHAM, CEB., Montreai. 50C. and si Per Bottie DEVIS LAWRENCE Co., L1mited, MoarRÂB e Cures The mnost chronie diseases of khe Stomach, Liver, bowels and Blood. Thousand s eoftestimonials from those x, ho have been permanent- ly eured by the use of Burdoek Biood Bitters speak of its unfail- lng eficacy in Dyspepsia, Bilions- ness, Sick Heaciache, Liver Cern- plaint, Eczemla, Erysipelas, -Ser-- fula, Seres, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Hives, Ringworms, and ail biood humors. If you want to be eured to stay eured, use only B. B.B. CUIe,7 ALL YO-77 PAINSWIT Simple, gSafe and IQUlek Cure fer W CRAM PS, DIARRÏHCEA, COUCHS, COLOS, RREUMATISM, , NEURALCIA. m 25 and 50 ce-nt Bottes. REWARE 0F IMITATIONS. IBUY ONLY THE GENUINE. FERR Y DAVIS' TRE OUIIEST BODY 0Fr SOLDIERS, The oldest body' ai soldions uoîv existing lu the armiesa aihs ciiltized wonlla is elirnowiby namo, St, al events, ta mast people, wha may be a-urprised ta leama fliat the, proud dis- tInction ai being eble ta dlaim that honaur blonga ot he "Yeomen ai he Guard." Thiey une men with a histary, sud au interestiug ans lu ý ~veny auns, tisse stur-du vetenans -. wham one sees on duVy et Buckingham Palace on St. Jaroce's whenever Royalty' liold.s a Dnawing Roor or a Levees an when same State bahl or cau- cent takb-.u place. Mst ai theun have sesu stirning imes sud dueds ou Vie sceus aif battis, about which, tbey culd tellIany tales5, for no rutired soldiers eau be admittsd laVa hs pri- vileged rauka aif Vie "Yeomnen ai ths Guard" al. ail unless tiey "have held coMMiss-aued, warrant, on sengeausts ranir in hsa Army, sud bave also bený docorated fan service lu Vie field " The pnivates geV £50 unauu-uly, bsties VtjiirI pFýW 'ou moneu' for fta mn aerrIees, The 1.mossungerýS. aud siimdanrana e £75 a Yeq r, asud Vie 1lweau, afficen gets Oas hua'dned pounds f ai ivbout j weigbs auly 671b. aLlier noastiug. On fthe Farm. o WEEDING- OUT tINPROLITABLE COWS. Thia tas a subject that sbauid lie carefully studied by ereru' persan -Who iu amy way bas auytbiug ta do with oattle, writes Mr. J. F. Rasa. Whetber he L inlaths boutor Sairu' business he raust sue ta it'that every co-,.v pays for hersei Ln corne way or else get nid ai bier as saan as possible. The question I shall dseusbais ta do wiih tac~ dairu' cow. Thers is me, use ta dîvull upasi he part ai Vhesusbject whLch relates ta weedLng Cut upro- titalle ccxvi. Fon, I bLlieve svery one irnaiva euugh Va noV heup a cow that hs noV profitable iu sainie xay. The part I wait ta brnag out is Vhseîxay Lu xhich a caw eau lie treated, As ev- ery farmner on dairyman knoxyvs, saune 'oins give more murk tha others, sanie nicher unilk. Now 1V uns'bu pais- ,sible that the cow giving the more milk is hs more profitable an vire versia. One mau' satmach mars than anaotien and stiLIische mare profit- cble because s manufactures wliat s'lsalatsinto products fan hs use ai It la thensiane uecesaay that Lu on- der ta maire dirying a incceas, a man muit uuderstaud haw ta, tell whethur ar nr eaci coin ,that lie -awus Lhpsy- Ligfanrien board. Iu orden ta do this there are s gnad manyy points that jmiust be cansidened. 1, Con.-tîtntion o! coi, and ais, ber healtb should lie looked ail or the very finit tbiug; 2, ths amount et fond saVon; 3, hs amo unt et murk given daily; 4, Vhe number oai days ilu a year lu whieh segJves milir; 5, Vis amunofe per cent ai hrutten fat contatned in Vhs milk; 6, îvbethen ar noV anse bings a gnad cali; 7, Vie temapersunont ai the cow sbould always ie considsnred. Betane discarding a caw se should lie giron an oppurtunittu' ai proving. liber gond qumo hties. Slis should ho given s goodchance,, ..e., she sbonld bave pleuty ai gmod feed, waten, sud shelten, and save ail kind treat- meut. 'Thon[IasedoesanoV prove henseli capable ai payisig ion food sud sielter snd cane, with u profit besides for bier owun, hs quiceo asecan bc grtten id of hs btter. Foa cow that does' pay for berself is la ke a unrtgage an hs fanun. à Te, netumna again ta pointa. Vo ie cou- esdened, I will eau' fan Vis firat, that without s straug constitution sud gonid health a caxv can net be expect- ed ta lie profitable, theugh ihabsmay seun o lbs, ft5 ths igie bsinig. For if lier constitution la wuak aseis lhable ta break dowin lisoneshabs as paid fan bier naising. Then, second, hs amunnt of food varies greatiu' îith differnt eaws. Somne eowa can digest faodunuch more thanouiy, sud thus are ails te use mars oi hs tood for unaiag mlk. Third sud Fit th-l'be amanut ai mi]k and hs percentage of butter fat hse caw gives I, the huais on wbich a cow muat les Vsted. Fourth-The numben af days aie gives milh ulse couats a great doal tawards success or taLlume. But if s coin gives eaioagh uilk ai sufficient qualiry I believe aseau lie made ta give milk hs greator part ai he yesr. SixVl-A cow sliwild brinig a good osîf every yuear, thaugh asemigitble prafitable witinut it; Vhse auf would juraI ho that muncb mors. Sevenh-A caw musut lisTe agood nervana syatem if s is going ta stand al tua sund nenain lu goaod heaitb; sud haviug au abundaut eup- plu' ai nerves, sic may lieexcitable under mismauagmeut an cruel treat- meut. If-a caw has beem spoiled lu tuis vay ifV h neanlu' useluas ta tru' ta bireak iroitabu goad again. Now aiten giviig lber a faim trial La ail he ways meuîioned, if aseaili continues to elisnuprofitable, there la no aýse Vo hoep bier anu' longer. Fat- gives a pail ai uilk nïglit-sdma i ,but knouv that aseylelds-yenu butter compansd a wbst food ahe eais. Concunt yeun Sairu' on business pnIineiples. Test sverytbing sund houp notihinis that d'ies noV yiel1d a pro-- fit. Wtsed eut the unprotitable coava andi get .Same profitable ones ta rs- place thimu and yaMi are bquud ta lie succestul. POULTRY ROUSE MANAGEMENT. A tionir'bouse sbould face the South, for th'-n lu winten the wanith Ls rýeceived asud the iowls strengtli-"-tfle germs are happea lu about lunch inas, who -- _____-- dead; youhave kiied them.Yo wauld like a'ery mucli Vo inrite -tae Otf oo~op'.d da; o haekle hr.remain ionrs a ip 1aiftes, Is:cPook' ue C not yom er 1.OLle.Safe, effeetuai. Ladies aslr If y ou have nottried 1t, send Farmera' wave s Uslly hiaresa fuli oreidruggis t fan Cookas Cotten Root Cons- for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oid fresinpe isareal ane-ggeneofuts etesd otiier as al Mixtures, pillsansd for reesampey ts areeble ardr-eýgs, caned ruis, matsand mittios augerons. Prlee, No. 1, $1 per astes wiII surprise YOU. vgtbebtarraeaialr- box-, Nc. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$o per box. No. sco'-r &BOWNelutavn s, udr ltaîaa n s w ieli I dr 2. miled su reeeipt of pricesaud twa -eat SCOT & OWN, i ton ad ar ne alayssa ellstampna Thse Coek Comspany Windsor, Ont. Ohemita, epplrd maytînd hs Ns. land 2 soid ana recoonmeuded by ail Chrltoront. geaioe helpil.theiallawiug aug. reaponsible Drugglsts in Canada. For iasunepeeemi usa aîayaNos. 1 aud2 solS si Hoîv'OiaV[lle b 15' tIGr2 50a. and $1.00; ail clruggîsa i -e nxtdgestB, as reTAM & 5aX. S, TOT & JUR; OrorIo y J. (uO kesp 0ou hancsaai ofsame igaod sop ILLN;NeWcreà ObY lR.FAadCagflo. mnade more comfortable. This Lg a and oseveral cana of vegetables, these ereat point'sud bas much ta do with r xîti a variety of crackera tht carne winter laying, us exposure is sure ta aIII lm II il n daiinty packages, and bread aud but. cause roup, and frcsted comabs wiîî IAuJA.eAL O ter and tua will make a lunch good stop the lieus tram ugg production un-~ encugbý to invite anyone of ahare. til they are completely well. TheTU HOME DOCTOH. Yaui ray have cg~ baud 'soine 1sf t nesta are best wheu made roomy and The fumes of burut campbor will re- desscaernepackange barnon-dofo placed Lni the locations suitable for tIevs a cold ini the head. Put a piece gelan r ine tapicage ofuîckly seclusion and partial darkness, as ai campliar the aiz&, afan egg Wi an ceonereminteapia i pudding northofuga lnuce a , muc i a heom- aid saucer, set it on tire, and aftei During the coid weather a jar of fot f lynghe a fedon rouburuine a few moaments blow eut the bàfetati laarayt rpr di-sturbiec. -.For the gake of cleauli- ilion a and inhale the fumes. yourf xrtia dlwcios rcup o!taouilon, nEýss and econerny the nuits should be V'flen ueo makre a hot lemouade for tiaus vrery wa eloes u ppftboillng. covered with a wide thard and the a ceîd remember thut glycerin instead tA tt i eryc e ganed on crxikere roosts made over the boards. This of sugar xiii make the rernudy more Andittbrosvu e i theovn racniest not uly protects the nest, but by valoable. ase rwned ntes su e s uin. a catchîLng the J]reppings admits of Sage tea, uý estmeal gruel, aweet- sev. l!ti toek fepe ihae gg. l greaten facility ln cleaning,and leaves ened witlihobaey, is, good for chapped EVhs bouse ukegg r ibed witgbacn the iloor clean for passiuig ont in or- bauds or auy .sart af rougnse. tand us d da n tily ssr ed l awi tacn- der ta celîset uggs. Thu whitewash OLitoi wiuter green sud olive ail by. brush la as neeessary to the fowl bouse ,mxed in equal parts and spplied ex- If you happen to have milk and Vs he cua-nycomb iu a stable, and it ternali> have been recommeuded for h t tabebueaiedesr should noV rernain idle long at a time. rlaeumatism. choat aesiny the.ueanc esr Porcelain eggs arecfltter than rot-. Lt La aaid thai. s drop or two of Cam- cMk c asregomade.ntacicu ad tua anus ta have in the nest, and a plier added ta the water with wbich akxe atemklar ragttircemad t duitbali eablî Vs fwlsta eanthefac is lised preventa theS kin bail, melt saime chocotate iu a boxai or tbunselves fram dint sud vermin. The firo m b-com.ug ahiny. sauce-pan aven the tea-kettîs. As size ai the cr.#p, provided it is neot 4, gaod gui gle for sors t.hros Soue as thecoru stareh costard la made, tao, all ati, iothing eoropared ta made oi oas tubiespconfui o! cayenns turu into it the melted chocolate, i~i cleanliness. au4 ornament. should noV pepper, half sa cup ai boilin.g vitiegar e noau 9 chocolats ta mala ta ofa a ilark, be pansmount taecomfort and couveni- and thrse teaspoonfals af sait. Mi% rida celor. Then glavar with vanilla. suce. Any breed will give satisfac- well Vgether and wheu seted strain. A -ht costard wiII takre more flavoring tion provided the t armien i not derelict Gurgis the tbroat every hait baur. ta odas orjt utr iu bis duty ta theun, sud funuishes As a remedy for an obstinate corn t au atm id ne.touscinlti e ip- theni suicieut matenial for conver- biud a Piece aiftsmOn lupon it, reusw- cpscrad takefutorem the ltp ai he sion into eggs. ihie heu is really an iag every xorning, for tiares or four talit. This maltes an appetiziug des- egg-f ictory, suad must have mateniai days. Thecorcarua then be removed. sert, eaten with eplit suad buttered ta work upan. The construction ai the llFor a cold, hot lemonade la a bouse- crackera9, that have been kspt lu, the poultry-hause depends uipou the elim- hiold remedy. Put the juice ai twoavnlgengiVbnw thm ale. Same are wuuliug ta bave an lemons in a pint ai hot water. Bail Have an "unuxpected guest aheif in outer aud imuer wall, with sawdust onle mauVte, swxeeten te aste and drinkyarpnt. eptspledwha and ashes between. Dry dirt,roal asales as àot as posqîble. yîsr can ai soap 'su sgtales, sta or chafi wdll answer as well as saw- WVHOC0 LNGCOUGIî. beefcxtract, crachersansd other things dust, but wood ashes absorb muoistune The- following remedy for whaopiag lyaur taste may 6uggest, sud you xil and a'hould be rsjected. IVtla noV ne- cougi was brougiot iromi Germany, neyesl be worrisd and, auxiaus whviaa cessary ta haye a dead-air space, sud its effsct has, beesus goad that frLeudl "drapa in" aui lunch time. howeven, iU the poultry-hausla cor- those wJua have used it hink it *A )YOÙMAN1' 'HUR. ered with arred feIt or waterproof nmarrelaus. Take four large Jeada of! Plestate Va the court exacti~y paper. The paper shonid be aplied on garliidaud bail Vlem iu a piut o a 5-wa o i eteu8ad9'lc the autside of Vhs houss sud painted, er, leVVîng tih ivateri bail down cou- o enaaymr!g' adalw neyer on the inside, as iV will then noVt drably. 'Add Vwo tableepoont uls aio enedymrig' adalw only ksep ont rani sud anow, but pro- lard ta Vhe wa ter, bail again, strain yerma te witess stand.itl tect he boards as well, yvhile the uast lsud while hot add ons easpoani aiof ai nthIine sad will be less. Saine put ths paper on urpentine. It should be kept ia IlWellb" alie said, aiter a momeut's ths boards sud then shingle hs sides, cold place, and used Voe pply under th reflection, III washed my two children anly allowing a amali îap for Vhs arma, inside Vie bands, under hs sud goV thena ready fan Schaai, and shiigls, s tey asiy sed ate knesat he lbovl oinsunder the Sewsd a butten on Johnuy's coat, sud wheu tbey are perpendicular. If the bcttoMof e!ths eest sud arouad the meuded a reat iu Nellie's dresa. Thea rooi is flat only roofitng-paper sud ueck. Heat iV sud rab t on weil before I t idied up my-sîttiug raom sud wa- paint should bc used, but if ths roof Vefn.trdm as plants sud gl'xucedt ta sbingied, put paper under Vue shin- -- ven the mrnuing paper. Then I duet- gles. SOME TIIINGS USEFUL, TO ed my parler sud Set thinga9 ta niglits ------ - NOW AROUT LAMPS. lu it, sud wasboId my lamp chimnsy Princeias Charles of Deniaric, the 'First, great cars alouid lie taken lu sud cambed my baby's hair sud sw-7 youngest daughter oi Vhs Prince sud fillhind, VenanoV Vo spili a drap ai ail; ed a button on ans ai lien littie aboas Prisîcus aiofWalus, Fêpendg imua 05i On Vhs Outaide, as when, Vhs iamp ilansd then I swept out Vhs front su- bertim lu Eulau. Apleonlighted hes mel la abominable. tny, sud bnnShed and put away the Hoause, where Vhs Princes sud lier 1 Be caret ul aetteVovaerfili Vhs ail'chldren'ls Suudsy clotheïs, sud wrate husbaoid are staying, is a very de- receptacla; Vhs ait should not nome a, note ta Jabuny's teacher sskiug hbur lightful, thougi uupretentius-look- w±hi4 bha nhaiVstp er; taexcusehLim fianent beinig at sehool 4 ioug, group ai buildings. Prince and ,iln ieVsluu ih5faulou Fniday. Then I fed mny cauary bird Pxiniceass Charles are baoth veny p.opu- amsnit opsd as.sd gave the grocenylan an onder, Iar oes Vhs Prince of Wales' Sandring- Neyer add ail Vo for filuil pa lighted sud tswe Pt off Vhs back paroi, sud bai. etat, te me s tratunlkelamp; Vhs ne la always fear ui Vhs vapar then I sut deivu and nested a few naot adeu aug cupes thy bocomoag ignîted. minutee bstore Vhs dlock struck 9. noV leavle their 1,aame aiten; iudesd, Wicke shauld neyer ba eut, but rli- That'a ail. theyv4_ry arey pa ccntr-hosehed tilt amooth sud even with a poee---- v 'it.The' Princesa takes great in- ofI r a rvn helm I - ACranMetbod for curing ciýamps bouskeepngand ;he ing Vhe wicks should bc well scaked lu! dianniosa, sud dyseutery ia by using texrut lu ber h, epnadacstroug vinegar sud dnied befouis Vhse anKlr Tismdcuehsss us, neyier happlier than Nwbeu enter- taiu-led Vhshii ei netasonufa ltiing at, aneai oasy f n n uaeer. ic a uphn dered PuI aven 160 yeana. Avoid subaritutes, there laVins a lnch r dnnu.Loto the ailxvii give a bright, white' is but ans Palu-Killes-. Penny, Davis'. sudd ateady light. 2e udSc When lumps are clogged witb ail the ----s burnonrs ahould be boiled in atrogRTBTI . 0oda sud wster sud allowed tagV thoroaghly dry betare usiug again. Mam-Wa ddyon learn at Ta prevent lnuup chiaiucys tfram co kiflg soýhool ta-day ? eracking; put thsm ,intoa,, pan ai cold My.Tesws' n esu o is destraction of lung by a wster, wti hsay betweeu themn ta kesp day ; teacher wag sick. growing germ, precisely as t o ra snug u hs ixater bail, M-mmae gnige sppose. tien, let geV cald in hs water befare ' idgtan inouldy chçese is destruction rexuariag ths pan outsiLe. ---- » of cheese by a growing germn.I SUGGESTIVE. If rcu, kli he rm ouDOMESTIC RECIpES. Eicheuýsteiu-Haf yan reVt t'at book, If oukil hegr, YOU i.. Meat.-Ous plut sach of ch'op .De Light T'at Failed a stop the consumpti on. You perd meut ahd apples; ons large cup Corestein-No, but 't rnemints ehapped raisins; ans plut beet bnoth; me ut my iasatfine. canor can' t, according to large eup ai sugar sud synup each;________ ______ when you begin. an9agçu aud eeiarp u pint boiled eider; Vwa dessertÈ spooul s raif lFa l Take SCOtt's EmulSion Ofofa ginger sud one eaeh of allspice1 analu.Cb Cod Lver O : tak a litie loves. A amall bit ai butter dropped DI~ G lu eaýh Pie befppne Vhs top crust !aI s0fVsmtco esy as a&t first. put ou iriniartaspîaan ra r.. L.nuyfdtheaMstl ie maningsalD- APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Tho evrBokSl We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very eheap-first-elass goods at very smail arices. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $100. Men's Caif and Cordovan llms, sewed and rivitted, fromn $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50o, 75e, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in1 prices. We will tell you what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every line. The publie is invited -to inspeet our stoek; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satehels, Shawl Straps, fanec' and plain - Dresa5ing, the very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wilI ruin the boots it is appli- ed to. Repairing doue in ail its branches in first-elass style. Fine worIk made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thauking my customerc for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. .DAVâ Beaver Block. ]3owmanville, Hampton General Store We "H1old a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains ini Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents, Ciothinig. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. Wýe have a very large and well assorted stocîc to select from, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, looîh Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are bound Vo SUIT ý ou. Groceries and H ardware. In our Grocery and rlardxvare Departments you will find our stock well assortad, bought in tA ebes t markets at the closest pneucs, and will be sold at the right price. 'Some people want quantity others quality. we can please both. Hlighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a caîl. HAMPTON. It will work while you I sleep, without a gripe or pain, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Slck H-ead- ache and Dyspepsia, and make you feel better in the morning. SIDNEY DISEASE FOR TEN YEARS. A Gion Miller' Man's Terrible Trial. He Feund a Cure at Last In Doan's' Kidney Pilîs. Mr. P. M. Burir, wbl sas well-known resident et Glen Miller, Hlastings Ca., Oni., wss affiicted with hidneu' trouble for ton u'eara. Sa pleased is hie ut having found lu Doan's Kidneu' Pilla a sure fan bis ail- monVs, whsh hlie d hegua Va thui n ere incurable, that lia irote Vhs, iallowig stateunent af bis cae s8o that othera aiali- larlu' afflicted masu profit bu' bis expeniense: "I bave bheen effiited ' ili k usroubic for about Von year ansd have trieS several riemedies, but neyer received asmu' eal bensfit until I started aking Doaa Kidusu'Pilla. Mu'bush useSVo coustantly ache sud mu' urine was higli coloreS snd milku' lonkiuIg at times. Sinus 1 hava fiuished ths third box of Doan'p Kidnsy Pills I arn lappu' o tatae tlat I su nuai bothered witli baokashe at al sud my urnle laear as cru'stai. I feel confident that these pilla are the lest kidneisepecifie lu ths cauntry2y Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorie, Drops anfd Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of liothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teethin1g Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healtliy and natural sleep. Castorla is the Children's Panacea-The Mother's FrIend. Castoria., Castoria. 11castoria is an excellent mnedîcine for "Cëastoria lasa weladapted te hildren children. Mothers have repeateçlly told mne that I recosumend it as snperior to any pro. of its good effect apon their eidren." scription known to me." DR. G. C. Oseonu, Lowell, Mass. H. A. ARkcHER, M. D. Brooklyns, N.Y TAHE FAC,.--SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F 1 1

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