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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1901, p. 3

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.~w - Pw 'sLiqllÎfled Ozolle Cure-s jon W. Moyesi, Mana-! ger of the Meti:op«cîtan Street Raîlway blay people tee s-on dosen an']tise; do not know wieat is thse eatter. Titis-aee trçetijuuco Z îth headacises, ttred feeling, ha'] teste bunte . e- ieth ou vstng, foot bre'.ih oa']mue; t." distressinig nymptesas. MeTw tise wortt t ssi'ti- tblng te 'doeis to fai2 rituga or medeclues. Titi, nnly create a faise stimulant ahich tou utýý out. Thse cet; way te treet discase ta ta remoe ther cause. Ncw germes are tise cause ot ail stek- nees and Poseeys Liquifie d Ozone, tise new systeni et tretirnent his germes. Thon- nands et testimnoniale bave bhein recels-e']for Posrtey's Siquiied Ozone. Tarin testonial ca eauusinvstigatet I Tufart, investigation s in- vite']. Reati teiat Mr Joli W. Moyes, Tiere ParkS, Tas-ente, says " Tise bot tle et Ozonse yen teft me le doue, an'] T weui like ta sec yen an'] sisit you wosld 'risa, me anober bttis. 1 arn crrtasniy feetig machsbettes- tissu v.-i'1 nase you unid pus-oece gis eng tise mc tîcbne et-es-y chance ta do me gos']. Tlieseaime preperetien as sebatSIshad fsor yo is coneasroent oeefor me, as brios- away 5 rn-i-S, T Ies nsr;y e suit- able qusnity witls nie as"] use if et auy place 1i me; be fer a saral. Signe']. Vous-s traly, JOHN W. atevES, Tes-no, Ont. Ms. Moyes suffered fsosa stantacit disos-dees. Powleya Liquife'] Ozone ta $500 a largebat' tic, esc. emati size. emm ruggtcts, as- fs-osathe labovateries of tise Ozone i-o., of Toronta, i3 - Tatue St.'t -aoun.. kimnw shat à OU'rG uiasrii COUNTIES' COUNCIL MIATTERS. 1870--C M Gould, Cramahe. 1 -1871-Samuel WXilmot, Clarkie. Vers- gemeral concurrence i' the 1872-J M Ferris, Seymour, viows oxpre.-sed bythe THE STATIESMA 17 limIh'opoBwTavle about publication cf the mnsutes of the 1874-Jamfes S Foultis, Perey. Cou-nties' Council is manifested by thee 1875-W F Aliman, Clarke, ratepax ors and the local Press. Foi lf187-John Clarkie, Sevimour. eeofthe publishers of the sdventeen 1877--'W lH Sowden, Cat-ani nrewspapers lu thosé Unitedi Counities j1878-1 G ai eBrdoýn. Bmlowmnvi to senti a reporter to Cobourg to write - ,.-ulBtoe.Bwavle e report A tfie proceediugs la cut of the 118- -E . b ochrane, Craiînahe. ryj.1881 i Robet-t Colilmle, Carke. question, anti the cost of a stpnog~rapheri> -îbr Bcfr, e oe ~ti frficss is t afsLîn se attor Bdfrdîlemur anmd coul i nov s casotiably e o! cei cxEllioti, op .-t an,.,ie i-c e hi, i a g-,retctrunicipal -rWilbcugZhby, Coîborne. corponaà) collecf;og- frs so the pe5oplo V George C mpbell. Cayan, ant - .-î 31 g ots--î'îg -,î'o cd (8 charti Clarke, Crarnahe. 8t : ,rint-olvant t olse ft.-rod198-J i-obson, Newcasfle. few ý.jowhowfor iiatand o w 8m 8ýC A Mallory, Percy. th' Isaoneti hù Th pope a fteia c i~ clci1,- -James Parr, Carfwright. fla moseygoo Th POPIOtsititf O18 )-J L Paxvite, Coiborne. kow, thbave a perfect fight to e ý- eguoMlbok kncw vandt hev shouoi umqoestionaîuîv18-AFruoMltro. 1lI ase the infornmatioan prescnfed 1)>XJ1)xera h. thiori, ilbo,'t men dcoSiot objî'ct f to 81-Cl Cp Oiton CaBmollfor. ha-. iig f>-pubte actmonîs publîsitlLeCmbelod for the î c' î-ai thois- cois tifunît.and 133- 'W flmderwoodl. Clarke. sqdcotiii ts rire ves-t.willin-k w 189(j -lR L Wade, brightou village. fee ýýure t!: 197J J PeoMeSvers. $10 a session sbiould bec mae for the 18903 oiis B Carlaw. Percy. purpse sate. 189-JH Devitt, C'artwright. pus-osedelc. I1900-UGeorge Spocce, Cobourg. WH1-AT CUNTIa'S PULLISHERlS SAY. 1901-'WiiIiamn Rickard, Newcastle Th fe plait sug-gested bv Mr, Jaines O f the forfy.six mon Who have been andi suppo-rteà hI Mr' John Mï!ler' electoti Wardens eue, tise late Jlohn slîculd havte the heaîfx- approval cof Fisher, 'wa4e leetedtfiîree finies-. Threo et ory citieinc l th' Umilfei Counîies. othors, the late Jamies Sifh, Port There le ric reason whv e-ery publi. h 'r fope fhelc bA Adrew MeNaughton,I slsouslo v o provided with a r-eot e iNwt an sd the late John McLeod, te proceedimigs of timo Coutîcil an5d tfie Bw-iivl weve electeti tw ice eaeh,, gnierai pub.lic tsouldthotltn bave aniiOr- antd al the others for onre eer ooily. n~~~~~~~~~ tunf fkeit-horfeuee-s Previoutîf0the passin- of the late me coductoti at egt-h session of the Counties Acf, tht-c e wre f'ffteeo own- Couneil -Coiborïie Ente-prise. shipt, se on t Plages andti ls-e owns W e are fliooig hlyin msympathy wiih co;eetd imi tite Counicil c f these, the inoveint of Mi-. Jamnes. The rate- tire towmnships, anti one village séeem payers ofNothu-emhr]esnd andi Durhaam nos-or f0 have hati a Warden. have a righît fi-k tiw hosvv their bard[-f earmîod molle su cngsi ont, anti wo The Orono Ntvs cava Division No 4 are sure that lime mintues offtho County! t ou1,ci1 wouîd bh of nteres t t ehes jtst i eason obchoproud ofetfheir niejos lix of the lîtforte of this district. copresentati-es flu the CountiOnsConnecil, - IVa-kîc , icual. Meýsss V.Rickatd anti R, Cowan, fboy having pros cd Ihenssolves gt cd couu.l lor-cand ti îcd shouilder f0 qhtouider in Darimugton T'ownship wps the largeaf lihe'ost loterests cf their District, anti confribufes- b thet' roasuirycf fiee the Ccurities ot'large. Jo Meflicliard, UriediCosutîiesf ct ar as, will ho Who bas been elot-iliche t\ artin's seonby lic ollw-img- ehedbo: chair. flicsbat-o a prc'siding officer cf Si-tîcucît. itorgY anti blitx, andi cre whc will MUL1t1iility. ctîfie ii-ae. Siukbng Fond, oct (711îv (do credif b the District which Darling ton.. w618) 90...$s204 4la (ho rcpî-csî--îsbut te ýleCounties'Parlia% Clarkie......... 2839 0...240 85 ment eser which ho prestoce THE DUKE 0F DEVONSIIIRÈ. dauglifer of the Rixili cari of Fo lS ulcesnor to,,Lor-etSasany a. )f Carlisle. Hie 3uccedeti te the tiLles and est -ts TOWN OOUKbTh. Speciel meeting hCld on Mondsy overung last, Mayor Mitolhel preoiding, Mc?ýriere ail prerient eicept Oôn. Kffl. Minutes cf ]at meeting read and on motion confir.moed. The Mayor explained that the meet- ing hâd been called for the purpo-ge of receiving the Report of the Com , who were appointed at the lat meeting te# go to Bellev'ille and interview M-eara. -Grahami & Finkie in refoernce to the etbl(mehmant liere of au Evaporatîag Establishment Cocn. Spty, Chairman of the Corn Pr3eente4d tht toilowing Report: To hîs; orsi}the Mayor and menilers of the fTown cou??Cîl. 9IENTLLMENXVV, yûur committee ap. p oîed te oiOf-r w-ith Meeers, Graham & Finkle, ofI-oilo'c the estatiliehirg a Vegetale Evap-ratc,' bimthi twnbeg to report as t,lbowoV: W6 wero condueted throug4b their Eýt'bIiahment on Friday 23rd mest. by Mr. Finkleso that we oould persan- aUly ee what Lu one they were doinv. There were 70 '-i omen and gi-ls, 60 men anld boyS-45 cf wh.-m ere mon. They were evapnreting polatoeg et the rate Of a car load a day, The drying apparatus being rues at uÎLht ae weil an day. Another gang of frein 16 to 20 men are employed br c ght in addition to thonee lresidy mentioned., Wr, aaw a quantity cf potate peelig, and we found they wPre gold 10 farmere and othere for cate feed et 10e par cwt. and ail gour and oljctionable rEfuge le carted away te the ferme fer manure. No objec- tionable Emel wasnonticed in connectuen çi'h the preroisen an-i fui'erquiriee woere made of di fLient ciizce, wiso frankly 8tabed that there wan no el j.-tionabl,3 emoli came from the premieR and the onIy notieable amnell came 1-hon they were evaporating enione, which only lents twelve dave lin a neamon. We find al, the homes in the neighborhood ecupied and next door bot one in a large Botel, about the e ize cf the B3almoral lin thie tow; se thet we, your comenittee coneeder no otiection te ite eet&I)îietement on the nid B, 0. Churnh property can be raiked undor thie hbead. We alpo beg to report that we uged every argument wr couldto induce Messrs, Gra- ham and Finkle te nmodify theAr dercend, but thse only change% they wouid coneent te were te accept thse property and $2000 te- wards making thse neceeeary changea and additions to the buildinginsteed cf $3000. 913 Cc 0pay $4000 a year in wagon ioeStead of $3000. Thmo amounit te ha paid to thse employeese tse [managers eaiary mot bi sng included. Tf oy aiso imformed na they propoige dcing four timon thse &Montotf burinons they agree to do, provided thet' eau Wl-AT KING FDWARD IS, iR(vîeior ef is figis Qqs-liltica Now On the Tietoa s mor tise "Cmrt ieil bte. Whiaf are Lhe quailiications which the King brings, to bis arducus task? asks the Lendon Spec-fafor. T'he tlrLt quallty that tha King beings toe cfuitillicg et bis great functions as e cousfiîîalional 'sevor- cîi&n te Courag2, Smoral antI physieal. Like al lis rie, lie is a mac ef atout heart, and tva mny 0e sure that lie ttill netcin publia, effairs qua i or en- coura ge im-iooua ceunsels in bis Min- jestels. N-'xt, hopoýssases eavi-ry romark- abble.înot b-tge et public .-ffaîrs. Ho Lt, ou aIl poUital quescions, tteth at home anti abroad, extremely well in formoti, andi we doufit if thero 1" any muan clive who untiorstands ordinary English public opinion botter Lthac he doosý. As Prince et Wales ho h-- ocp- pertunLtLeuis fer studiying ifs nature 'ivhieh are wtbb'ld frocu the sover- elgu, andi we de 'nec doiabt ft flith leassons thus loarned sxl std l in geetIi, tead. Beon ti s knowledgo ho h-sta he LnctLeuctivte giftf etacf-the postertle de anti eay the right thi.cgftthe right ramcu-at, and to look forw-arti a ntI prevont the occurrence et unoce- essary friction anti aunoyacce. ýIf ftie hLstory ef the lest twecty or thirty years- coul'] b3 fully told, it ivoulti bc founti that on ceuntlas oc- casions a timely werning tram thc Prince of WaeQ- prevenfed fthc occur- ronce cf tiioe prpîoxing anti dis- grabu situations anti incidenta tshich grise tromi the nelef et oftact-i fuineýse. Nexb, the King Le an excelleni Jutigei of mec., As regards the public mon wilb whom ie bas cmrlne contact heha lias shown tbli quality again and agairi, anti hie atiice in regard f0 ap- poinbnieus s as cf ton -P R ()rrs -n uîl QT Y T-Il pr seconde(] hyCocuncîllor Stossu anti terestiug si-av-lling flronsa 'il ',oa EEPi"OLYLD-That tse, fuît Municipal and the roadti owkecu M ofteil -ssi Cottiicil cf file Towsblip cf Damlingfoi.), Toronto is especiacils bea'tifal thmg le Specili &laIItaçes ho roby ec e ur'heîerby appi-oval cf,- Sf. Lawrecerve." ______ fhe actioni t-ton bs' M. A. James, Coul-clos' Cocîseilleor ut' bi on Nýo. 5I yo UR BODY AS A TIMEPIECE, Are Offered by Dr. SIocunsi n i-leg t 91l1t.-s c1thf h Those Whio Desire a positive' reimtsîleratlelaor thoin Coliiltbes' An-itors - and Permanent Cure of Gonsurap- e b ai sisetit MQcý-(h o ý pointcî t ow Yeu e- Ia lcr~Cil emr s Watie ie tienlii6li Foma.the cjimk to epcs-rt the' pI îciings cf' You cen Measýure lima, la the ab'- fis Counîijes' Cintil for prnî- ition i nce tawfh ytobaigc Good advise yoit ey. uho bw eau sesdoI tl h oa ftl-Uie oc fawtcb h etrao one eîs u 'it,i ise b s.7t.cd ite I-mneties, at ae a1ar.y co, 0cr-ed$ your hoart. In macit adulte flic linDroeemenrt orhopss et a cuis. Q IOres Iforfthe tsses, l¾leising thîst the rate hatbofpbut7 i epr min- Score& ef' suceerisfronta ait in']ae ofi c-mOire r aou 7 tm hia0e ieen a marie fer ar ues 4rlruas- c Yocifis vrI ilmunicipalitios aie utc. If yen are beMag an egg, mak- ~J-o seo nverlotu']d t soe 5ts.Di iorms dnftle oa si ides- diffusoic b kas made aho iïoi.of tConsoumptioan'] Lssg *ictiolisoft flîir r rIesei ifat ivesandt iatligtco ecLga13ir a~ Troubles ties tedy e.1ltsilite, and]thimezr..- oet j mt w-X -ts iae ae b0uoal you have te do i1 te puLt our ieu aad -iveennlite&l art s of 0anda art ruady emneudtae ra I t estify te the marveteese curatie-praeetlu eorprobonofe S-mi e igisîatiomias woul betinl jfinger on ynr puiset', anti yon ha-e n ei Siecasa eyrtame. Dr. 8ucun.-i s r-dy qia et e ic s s -t intfi-tsaof Ille m-tpave-s tirst.-rate stop wateh. But tLb ýpo' 5lw esM ta tiivons-e caie ficy o e t eattis , nt "' if tht-- y tthte -pi-tf ct Ibir t tii-stt %a% n o sit-tioln tu ci rlsg It t Yen 1 uet s is-k I je p1i, ,ad hlsne',the sainieinail peple'. nino n5ea5t-hYtEi. T'i. s, ardriSb j toslti e s- îillrttas sît flnoî fie 'Cru mai tLtha 5e Sxonr yst-ni ari4jusae for wc recrîniî-id t-iic-thie mal ni ,l-r asoî s 3t b as' e1onmeett eerardiogt5eh mesIts. a-ahni imtroticec t t he Jîîîe session eI oem,ati as tact as 75 'n ot'durs, FREE R~A~-~EN j t-b cm sichope tc8ee if unîacireously ILtvwouldti heretore ha necesuiry to FR E 1 -eN N dopteti. knocîr t whaf rate your pu'ie nual- 'yen osr yens' el ir fise; -8 a 7E Flyecrse il ae il f adcircrdora-~~b of Treatisnet:. beply w -it te Ata v Le.St'7a j-pro-t-ilof tiseaceti-on ofteCierpregeufa oulleAle -CID, l'imited 7Ee tWa.Trti tises froitht is licîailii thei' et > Anethor wcy eo masrngîtme tg, rr Liin ortomiefb lcsaiae tt G 6i eIih-îgcitit--oceîîf in- sibh telerable 'tccuracy Li by the te-free li eiait. ibjiCue)Wi ieotaorncf coîctwfim'bbi usnss1 prmply bnt, th, maner f cn(hitin,,ý he bsines hreaihýng. Ment pnopb- broacLi-1 Wlsec ssitissg fer tkias alwas Mention tels Of CouI1fues -, ti îscii tise past fouir seacs imnes ip-r minute, or once every 4 pal iel CnS îeale ier. ee nti te eduice tise oxpet-iure, bfelle-I Amtriratpaes-Ysi: i,ý enti or ampiesateiug Llîat fe their action a ert- laro-elu' is seconds. Se chat in boibiug an egg thse oeistoe aoais. iduc the large sediefiomu flaf has beenlifer 3 minutes yen weulti cout 45 -acc,împli'bed as showmî bu' fli repos-fs breatU,,i. et the audifrs-Carricîl unanirmeusly ie ît ocexrondbig SOLIO) G.Ll Rhib tI'eiOd -sTh rtu ne xaioc-i en el st"'.istr Pf-WARESconfineO Ln a ced mine for threc aiys Fnst -.a-tsst. rhe-aPhiît f W REN.in coasequr nc ot an explosion occur- det5ie'] imt -1etnd smOe uStttlye iring while ho was atfeinding a batily grssn ad etaly e Ild. arceate - - ognti'shrofrasri iaini tenemt' ss aa cbmscru ots njumeci werkmaa. When hlitswatch wllefnS aii'rethmes: tu-'t-e/t 'Tiii ilioxccSst-at 82 -oepet ibe bcd nemeanas (ol tlibng __ ntemoly nthýbtt-A fwtest-stok at e gate a lief (Of hais-theflai lmewas psin. em - iutisiccairtitlabgitIstse j jJY the Wardens cf (lrthumnerIand anti ig Delîin Novait.y 0.,t ,cs-e.- uet.cait int-e_18191.Thtis week we bern Lbatba lie d a clinicai licsr-, Box 6, Torontîo, tese. give a compiote Eîst cf ail Ihase whc niomoler with him, lie wae, however, __________have hi-en 'Wardens sMccc flicfirsal!chie te count bbc daye. antieven to 011tciies' C01tocil ivas eloctet in1 181. tel]l t, heuir et day or night svibh ti Prn esTablets tfsttsGoereetapiei.t cable accuracy lu the toîiowing way: Are wha't ccc want f or aiu faorims ofelecuce Ci-imbuWa e s 'fiee-average temaperature or the S fie[ale .troubles; an ial2!ibbe reraee 'ett hi w adn -~dy discevererl by aformetfernae 8184 --lon Wailtor Bosweli, ap- ts9.dgee. Btitrcsai apcilia;eeepoe sit uive i pttuif -iiýàfesalilih fa llr, ut certain houris of thsesday witb cure; etisscressinotly OsituSl nos-iua .easn;ueamotyb 1 8-9-11 S Reidi, Bîsycianvilie do j perfect regubarity. At about 6 in ,oVer 50,000 adie-s; f or sale ai deug. !850-H S Roei'. Bewmnaîîsîbbe, electeti. !fi enn lcbeprfr sa L gtsoent on receipt ofprccfe .81onABsr.atcthehoero- rhesg te 98 atr L thre Aetna iDru:-, o, Windisor, Ont. Can. '852-I M Gros e, Caitb. lowe.sf, b- gonly 98degreca. he - 8!73-Sidiley Smitfh, Hamsilton, Iheurs affr es'h kfaet it touches bise 018e'] -James Se-moll, Portf Hope. Itman or average peint. At 12 0000 it 15 t Sf-I-I J Ritf an, Cobourg.i ittviaaaFrI ' 7RMButbeCaae pte 98 dgrecs or a litie oves-. Al lied 8-James NMeFeetors, Bowmalîvlle day id continues to rte, adit kg at trerM35oe89 -John D Armour, tcbhurg. ifs very higliat et about 6 o'olocl ini t issa j.I' lcderMNutaîiccsl.[the uven'ng, or tressa fhat to 7-name-1 '~ ssis aesaaa.-~iat.-I 1-i2E SBaii-c, Hlelnîcti.îl., 199-5 tiegree. Thon iL graduai- s- 5 siîiissntndinton aS j Sc-Iloenri.Squînr, Bt . 7-t illage. ytslafrogeu'lengago-- incs tgm fliCtii etfait 1 Y i litru hu h-ng1,g îr- an eet50 i te es-,Siif-Jo"hn Fisher,7> H -il titit.i ry low about 8 a.c., whien nsat aOetiisdss-î. aîst~ds-ettlfrearCb' -'~O iit.n e-oo. iowoamsile. deaflis occur frem Ibis caca, i- rit 18s7 8Joh lices- Halimati ouchlag bhie lowezzt point botwei nsitseltshee.~eeisiairC,,J esoso S9 __ i t lutkor, Clarke -andi 6. m itire seeo oes', tuai Mr, eLoti wemuîd Mocît tho-mranToron, ason Thursday, Feb, tati] !ia ciamme cf 1 ' sm'Iavil e ci Me"r. LUt.11 Meeri. -lis IsenlMKyer etroungi epre e"] ce irn',r Loud tfis, i-tri etiy f Cos-ocratIrs; 'uscrîsn te put. fis-ir reeîctceindstresce n eqe bainwith es-.ber rnanufecn.urieg tsb.ince in the Yorcommnittre dî -CuqFeerithe question us ýrogby wifhMI. tend, who afttr cen- siderablo argumFnt expresoord hîrself ase bieg di3pasdtte at. 'lastown in a talc rianseer asuditfted a iettor tethe b.- t -Abusc in Montros ,ask 'iîq that an En-tîneor ha sent bore ai once te ok oercthe sround olreport on th.-e Rt eaibe route. Yeanr censritteOe 'o vois.' kirdsa seosis-st by Mer Lt u']ft cd have ne' touht as sceuas 'bc Tr gira-ýHsreceL t ivceived ti lit sati,4- I eîsy aceeemoi sil se matie for ,,U, s>Iîig fhha Spur lino atI once. Teurtim 'mi'r-c asis- c.-lilsdat the C P. R. titisca fi erqulve il cime orreugemenle erÉ 's O a mde to nî '-ct te t'sn w ýh the P T ambr'u - ian 13-sD&rsa-edaon aa t. esalit ttae-n1s'lIch -rn6 l ire the'n an oJu'et on I Th'e r~ Dtriet tsi~teOtotîetl Vn ae!er Io-y sîîth hie fiseiierant, st-b> racc3 ai the i-.l"R. ha'] tise bu-mois sf tht îrtt under coidtra' tien fer terne liiirMacti rus'ttd 1hat Wr r'ut D Proposition bka ttinin lu eeece t she mnator anti tieseame ssrnld roceeve revJ conidersatjen. Yens carnrnitteo r.tso ce'1 ]on 1fie Psri- dent of the 2îltroP-ltlau -Barc Railrc'at anti diýued euhquse ir ioho 8 x esnon of tiseir reei ' eït. rie '"f,, en info-mcd tise cormmttee rha t fîmes'lied'abill brios-e the Ontario Le iietîve eh'Icl i rubt ne doubt ho p&aiýdtiis sei' o; îbey Clen purposo'! visttng liesenanville tloek os-or tie greunti wsith a view -te meking iEewmsanville their terInus mYaur commrittee discunseet the probable effect the construction ef anuF.lrc- s- trsioati vouit baveton the mercisefe8. M1r. Weeaon etatoci tisaIir e tistitrict norti ta ewmraket if hati improed t rede andi given ani mpete te business AIl of which i repecifisiSy abaitteti. J. W. ALEXANDER Joca lxbcKmr JOHN B. MîrammEs.. Moved by Coun. Tait, mrcînded by Coun. Spry tisat the Eport un recalv- be adopted. Cars-ted. Moved by Coun. - . ecundeti by Coun, Tait, tisat a O-î. of Mainte. Galbraitha, Percy, Spry andi the Mayor b. a Cons. to draw up the tsoceetaay mgreemeot wfth lMeses. Grahoam & Fînkie, for 1h.e eatablîâhm,,msof ga Eveporeatlnq Factory, man t Lprepare the Bontgo By-law teo anîeen te tise people. Carrleti. Coumn7ll adjotîrneti. .-siftinlKing. The Queo lias fix-O on-c -tnt fot'ver chu pesitiona anti fuclona of cha sowsreigel in aur crowded republie, anti great ani' i- portant anti plen-li t lise fscecns ara. Th - Qaeen, f0 us$e a metaphor, iadc lier. if the Pe rmanent Uctier Secretary f0 the oction. -Sho sias th.- peor aTb-lnd thu Prime INiniater syhîclini-v-r changeti. Unoosr viow the King wilb 13'3able te carry on tht. mefoseenawork dl crifi'iasing hic Mini-tors w-ith su-ese, foer hlas ju ýt tb- ab'libi c si-hich are requireti. Re-,s a aman etthe wcrld, helias judgment, tact, anticommen s-ns-ý, ho lins c greet linesleOgeof etnta.anti ho haLes hlundering anti muc OI ug. ltne wu ciet- "xp-'r from h m ienrt-si ct-fil) vîgila nce whicli je ni-ode'] howe'iý - ý ahli- ta; b ha hKe es iit",andt boa 1-ir much tbey miy bn O-s-a o te thieir 'dutips. But et one îhing sw-, are c iure. lb - KLng syll oc ho ssant-,ng ln the trua-t and dt..-eret pcut-riobis.-r.. her - lie may b alite- lucals rus ,andtihle natse may roi; ivitheut misgiving on hie vhole- heartstideotion te hiei country. Net es-r-n1 the Qn-en ber- oIt ivas more et-rangi; peatoic. Andthe iasaune ny rhaeacitiofethebonets'Quýen-Qub&en Alexandira. S-b' long cge n ne the bosîe-- anti octet-m et the councry, anti tlaay may bail ie ber a trut' Frgliali woman. FOR OVER iFLOT Y YBAIS. i4r.W-,iplow'e Seothmt'gSyrup bas bacc esîedby millons of mothere for tisoir dut']; on wse teethiug. If ditutrise' et oieht and r'] okois af Yeuxrsstb; a sie c t'] trn.ie irig andc' ryieg ,Wbfh thse paieneof us.î iret d t oncoandi got abuettie etbr-. Wie':lesr ' Seathirg Syrnp fer Ciitron Teetbt'îg. uf i-i 'eltve thse pi-v, ilite f es-es- taonce. Del, cradtiipoms tt,mather' tissels ei2 rnistaeai ut Ct.h cras Tiarrhe regulats the soerac-h nd']boels, cures WîiA Colle, neffene the garni, redeesilosnrnaft-t: an'] gîrcetour Sas'] oiei gy tomthe whse lysteiai ils-s. Winstovssî' Sootbiî;,g Syrup toc chi1Ot, ma-hsu apl'îeiotise tastoah'] leothe r e %crtî-îa .-ue of th iseuanasd best iomile iota:.oa u-trses lu thse Unitted] Stai :50 a itle. Sol'] b; att drus-s-uts tbroî gis oui ihenoîli IsSu-O asa for t-ra, \kN BLOW',,>' Is yrue Teasutsscripien for mure nation-ai1 ]wetiting ps-osent to Qucen Wilhelmina Stueeas or Sxty eara-Thi la1h1-s now #140,000, andt the gift may heaa 'reco rd et Pers'; Da-s'sl Pain-Kilier. A - pesv raOs' suire ceuesordiarrhore, dysentery anti---- : ail bewel cemplaints. Aval'] subati- Tisebgins.-oofhbilars-d fis-st CaMea tuiLes, cherre is but r,-n Pýain«Xiller. i into .-ashiinleEnglanti anti France Ferrisy Davis'. 95c. an ýi -U~n thoe sxeeatb century. ~'his is the machine that talks-siniga--plays every îinstrum-,ent--reproduces Sousâas Band-string orheo. stra -Negi-o Minstrolo, Churcli Clit", etv. It reproduces Lb a vie lin, pianîo, tinte, cornet, trombonie, bzUjo, î.iandolin, piccolo ai-id every othLr inistrument. 0 The Berliner Grami-o-plies' is I oner- clearer, simpler and better thon auy other talkingp machine at ai y price. It eligs every kind ef aeng, sacrcd, conic, sentimeniel,' pat*'ictîc, "oo songs, Engl s, Fetnch and Scotch Scngs, select- ions frein Grand and Cornti Operas, -plays cake w(o waltzes, two-steps, miarches, lu fact averything thet cen hi- plao ed on aoy instrornoot or ouimber et instruments can ho reproduced on the Belariner Gram-o-nhonie with the wonderîual in1destruct- ible record dises. ILtalla fuinny stories or- repoats a prayer. It cao entertain hund1reils et one time iu the largest hall or churcli, or it can bc z Moi-O to s uit ti , aflest room. The Recorda are noît .-t' they are 1 1a 1FL'at, landeatrusetible Lîscs, which wi le st 10 yeara. Tie Berlimier Gram-o-phoii le mMmace; n C adI,,iis agnaraiiteed fo.Iîve years. The Grani-o-phone ila naed andi endorsel by the lioading clergyman and others througliont Canada. The Berlinr Gramn-o-phoos' rec'e-ivod the only moedal for Talking Machines et the Toronto Exhibition 1900. Pt'Sce, complote The Berliner G-am c-phono lies beau widciy îm'itated $50 $5 O antithe re-cords con utorfei tetier. forebeware of machinîes witb 'niisloading names ns tbey are worthles, ncud lIthe Borlinor Gt.no-hnel not for sale in ycur a 16 lnch hosco, teoi, write to ne for illuAateti catalogues andi ether 3 records infomtiton, freo. ai-t FAcropnv: 237 17-1 Aqueduct St., Montreal. concert ýoîU id box. EMANU3î'L LLT,0, Ge- uîocl Manager for Canada. E. BERLINE-R, 2315 St Catherine Street, . . MGINTREAL For Sti-ie by L. MORRIS, Bowiiainville. f cnt ihis ad, out 0 asdsendtUWt4 ý State whether yen -,-h YMern ~~or ldes' Bicycle, heighm cf tra-e 4ý' yen thta igh Grade 1901 flodel LEsubect t exaisraî'.VnG examine it tisesoughly at yeur Ex- h.-'press Office and if fieumd ptrfectly satslactry, exactIl as represrnted, A HIGN GRADE 190 MDE GENUI E EACLE BICYCLE psy se the ERxpt se ç~d \ ~ Age the alsnce due - j29c00 - and Extp-ess Non, 4j, 5Q andt 51 Chbarges. Thse exeres charges are oflly 50 to 75 orts for.chi500 l-'.art,-hSs gfar 1dias- c-oEVERVONE KNOWS THE EACtF BICYCLE,). Tbr.y arr the Higist tGrade ws made > n-,' o Bicycle hasea battrrecutation; neoiscycle lhas bte mort wideiy advetisd by the msasersi - biz fàvouries with best Bicycer Cashs; thse leading wheel svith i;r0*ssieral ri ders. Bui'î on hoeor , juint-- finrt bassger, huis, an d hearin g, highest grade rquip- sert Fae'] smhVcte Seir ube Itra.$2.50 e-tirs fer Morgan & Wiighit'Ties-i5 0 exira for Lae.pircs, Hug!hes cf frame--Men's Il,, 21an'] 24 ts aIlSan']21 ine -en-sinelle']Bîl,.k 'e, _ OFFER su'rndid chancer te a g e 5 agent is each town. Ses'] fer Cataua' xdsalefor Agente' lfbseuse. lselaghtyeaedbOî-t2~00T. W. ByD & Ls ON ý ficrrgscyat one,.'16 orr3m r~. r-- mta1RRi FLEý Th, c 3 itoyl OsPoçleeeeustçerotir Sa', jot ie, t, ~aîleagreaa aaYr'tt'st. a't5j iîf LePatvalae asfo eait n , 'sh, i .g. f 1 Prlmeo f Greaet Britais,. oî3 The Duke of Devon,$hire, who is- miontioned as the probable siloccessor SOMEIYN11-T COSTL'r. of Lord' Salisbury as Cons.erv-ative tskili timel J claimed the f ai leader and premier of the Brittsh gev- young girl, as gllse gazed out of thé ernmeent basa been premnont as a window on tbe a oftly faLling feathery ttatesman in England since 1857. flakes%. when lie wao tirst olected te par -lia- Kilt time ?il rplied her steady com- ment. Many vr ago ho vws con- pany, inquiri'ngly. ispicueus as a aimbes rofthLb iberal 1Yes ; seigli it. party, andi was bced-,r cf that party 1, le liad te de it, thougi.- it took alî dnriasig Mfr. Gb'] stonae's C flperary his accumulatien ef poif since Chuist, withiirawai Ln 1875. in 1886 he. jolu- mas. eid the Unoüniýït Liblals and has __ gsince that timeeoely iantified (hlm- FOR BIIS BELIFF. sefwith Lord 1aibr, Te'dk cannot etand yeter indifferenoeï, je the cilest aurviving son 0e:tDte lato lie e aid. eeventh duke. .H. mother wasl a j 'Bave a chair, se. repH#,esi. Bic(Zycle ep .---air Shop.~ Tamn preparedti t do ail kînds et bicycle repaiî-ing. Old wheels theroughly renovated and newly enanîelled. New whecls matie to order. A 11 w o r k guaranteed. Get your wheel in now so as te av-oid the rush. Grinding of al kinids. W. FISnHLEIGH,, Market Square, Bowrnanvilie,

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