g Qualifies Count * In Drugs And Medicines particularly. I believe that you realize this fully, and wlicn vou hand me your prescriptions that you expect to get the best, It is my one aim to build Up and cstabiish a reputation for the quality of my Drtlgs and the quality of my wrk and 1, therefore, take no chances of failing to attain to my objeet by giving 4 you anything but te vcry beat, You will make no mistake ln trusting me with your prescriptions. 4 THE DRUGGIST. The same New Store-Phone 49. flouse 41. l - - is wnat saould ae expected andi demnand The~ audial Sateifin, objections" which have ta be decided be- cd of thon. The laâadan Sttesmn. amotion eau bc made to fix the If they wcre allowed auy latitude i ___________________________trial. Tbey are simply delaying abject- this respect there is reasonable grainc ions which have no ment. for tearing that they miglit mucli af te BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 6, 1901 or ignare the pravisions af the law te The Judge gave leave accurding ta the perpetrate injustices than ta preveni News repart to Mr McPhersan ta move tbein. If Mr. Thornton la logal VISIONS-WEST DURHAM ELECTION ofl Saturday las tot fix a day for the trial entitlcd ta a seat hoe will get it ; if Î of the Bumabain petition and Mr. justice manî la not lcgallv entitiedt t a seat ir PETITIONS. Street la made to say (wbich hoe did not Parliament no returnîng ofilcer sbaulb say) that any dèlay ln the disposition oaI bvthe psa ouder tituvehln. Sr It would be fnnny if it were flot that matter ivoufd 1oak extremnelysbad for the Ytiisasuiattde the matter bas a seions side. We refer parties delayiug, and Mr. zMvcPhersou at If the laws are wrong the remedy to the references to the political situation the ITamy caucus held in Bowmanville ta, ahould ho fauud, nat lu the ignoring a1 in W est Durhamn whîcb appeamed last raise moucy told those bie was endeavor- them. by electian officiais, but lu the week in the columns of the Bowmanxille ing to, induce ta put up tbe coin that hie amnnding of thein bv Parlia-mu.nt. News The scribe ludites words, sentences intendedtet waive ail abjections, there At the outset tho rctnrniag officor lu and paragm aphs without anyeam o were no technicalities ta be appused, West Durhiam pratosti-ti agailîsu the facis The puibliciuy given an« becr everytbing was ta bie wiped ont and a foein of Mr. Thortiton's deposit, but cumstantiaiity dispiayed scein ta debar trial held and the matter settled. Ac- that gentleman's agent over-rule th te one froin making a charge of meudaciuy. cording ta The News iMr Thoratan got pratest and put lu the check. If tiii We tbink lu is a clear case of visions The bis maney ta carry ani the iaw. Whbat returning offleer had ruled out Mr. scribe has visitations, pi ohably in the then happened ? Did M. Thoruton by Thornton's nomination as irregular and nigbt. 1MfayIial) he is effected w ith soin- bis solicitar mave ta fix a day ? No, aoflîad dcclarod Mr. Beitb elected as hc. ndmhulistic waîîderiugs when bie unloads coursenfot JThis money hadtobe spent. ing tbe only person naminated inlucea- the stuif and places it dow a as capy, and Causidemation led hlmta thlnk that dis- formity witb law. hae would have prc- the matter sa apf_ eams in egtîiar course cretion wvas the hetter part His solicitor sumed too) far ia interpretiug the stat We would recammend a cessation fron simply gave a notice by letter that he ues. That course ou bis part would business, a change af air and a goad w oulti mention on Saîurday before the have raised a stomin af rigliteaus pro- tanic. Iestoration ta a normal condition Judges a certain paint tom arg-ument. test. Tho election was hcld andi the would pobably follow. The repart lu which ho had previously argucd la the facta reparted. The minority canidi- the last issue af The News cf what took Thamnton petitian, and on getting before date was nat, as, lu the Qnieen's N. B., place ia connecuion with the trial of the Chief justice Falcoabritige announced casc, declared electeti. The twa nases election petitians befome the Jutiges is la that be could flot move ta fx a day for are entireiy different. If the West the main a Dure fabrication As ta muat the tri ai the Burnhamn petition as bis Durhamn seat heoaga la Mr Tharuton of the incidenits elated, they absolutely littie ubjections above mentioned stood the courts will git*e il ta lin:. if the neyer bappened. A compamisan af the1 in the way anti had ta be decideti first, courts do not give lut a hlm, the fault report in tbe Globe, tbe %1hail and Empire, but hie had pandeied and bai had a vis- will ho primariiy witb the law gavera- the Wald. and the Star would indicatp ion which told i hm that a furuher discus- ing deposits, andi accontiarily witb Mr, at once that something was wrung. ion in bis lti case wuuld be productive Thora toai's agent. The anc lasting ofgod ta hlm The Chief justice thougbu rmedy is ta do away altogethr with if w auld n tý It must be borne lu-.mmd election tieposits.- TorontoStar. The facts are that there are twa petu- that Mm. Thorntoii was ircýsent and saw tions pending, onue hy mTbomnton ail uhis by-plav and we mýust take lu for against Mîr. *iga clainJing that irres- granteti instructeti bis coumsel ta act t pectîýe ofa ay iri egularities in the con.- ot. We kncw that the Liherals are par- eteuemgedduhrbyaeea duct of the election and withaut tbe ticularly aiials ts g et inua the Bunhaîn u-eudthemoîaynersg0-cdieebotuagree es uecsaiy o th Juige dcidng hem peitinwherî evidence will ha gien Wairauted Syrup cf Tam if i t aillato cure tbe ludges sbou'jtieclare that tvir Bing- showin g huw the big m'en of the Tory 1your t 0,1cho crcid.- We aiso guarentae a hainhad no mght tfa sit lu judgment oun party carrieti the lasI election. 't 's fot 25efnt tedt ioeststeoyo aa the regularity ai ube deposit of Mm intendedt t waste time xiîh the littiet fél- ~HGIBTAÇ&SN Thorutua or any ouher act, but it was bis Iaws. The, hig l'sb wili he given an op- STOTT&JBTHAM& ON sale duty ta îetumn as mnember the candi- pomunity of figuring-._______ date having the bighest numbutr ai vates ' DARLI.NGCTON.* and that Thorntoa shouid ho seatet in lAîîtheî effecu uf vsin- - noiedi P-aliameat. leaving it ta an attack from aiepor o a meeting of the Taries ta Mr. Frank Mann, Windsor, le visitiiîg bis a n epoust r nirregausaeo tt a aiidstosupport Mm ,jhornuaa and. fattcer and mothem who are very sick ....Mms. heîng n eoi ra reua eoi orie$1500 ta carry on the protest Griffun, Columbus, le visiting frienda heme.. o r a t b e g r o u d a c a m u p u r a c t c e sM i s s T r u l , P i c k e r i n g , i s v i s i t i î g h e m c o u s i n Them ttnd an pplictotn was id afix tatte meeting was large andi enuhusias. Miss %Winnie Trull....he Christian Endeavor firs an anappicaion as iad tofixic aluhough held ou a oue day's notice social Frlday evantiug provefi quite a succees. a day far trial; this was cansenueti to hy cnd Ibat '.several proinznent Liberals, Proceeda e9.2. bis oppanents readîly antiwillingly They aIe ludaes seirn strange tbat Tories had anly anc desire, namelV, ta get the are ersaîfdwihtê onepc- HAMPTONX. questiou decided and kaow if the R uhiF. The have ta canutract for the sale and purchase ai an aId tinte Liberal Mm.C. tubain oses heesfo atran itob. Mr Thorulan or if a uew eletion wauld ta hoe a candidate for thein, hargain iu a ..- Mmi, A. Moore le quite ii .... Visitors: Mr. R. lake place, No techuical or delayîng little ouside cauntry tavema aver no Martin, iDakata; Mis. R. Clarke, Oshawa; Mr. objection was entered, aîthough lu was dauhi the extraordînamy influences, and John Cnlwilll, Oshawa; Mr. W. W. Homo. Tor-j quit opn tahav don so and asmesuus equie fic dcuienu mnaentei wtîîonto.. . -Sieciel services are being ccntined havte eoped wlthave foce, , as m justiceulitre teaosumenthoat ewith h ie-each eveuina- this week ... .Mm. and Mrs. James have del9pe with orceas MrJustic the ittle ed sels sotCrydemmath Lihare metumamnede tramne Osham ahawa...AA- Street on bis awn motion bas held that al calars il mav hé oreaiendunýg. They tend Mauntay's saieHayaîîThursday. the Thorton petition canncu succeet ho- bh cause Mrasitno m reeea amt talu yanid pay for the man quite irrespect- îng hmwsntmd at ei theirs. Now tbey cannaI halti a mecetinig for sncb an ncansequcat purpose as rais- Mis. Jua. Stewart presented liem husband on Compare the conduct of MmI. Thormton ing a paltry sum aif$i,500 witbout ring- Erjday last wiib a fine baby girl.Messrs. onu the other ide They are airaiti of the uag imb uhe report that aune Libemals Jackson andi Comîuock bave a vemy large stock Burnham vs. Thomntan petition, wich were prescrit. No frientis, lu is ual a of logsailu... Mr. W. Morrow visîtefi old friands ? fct:it as vison" aain NoLi rahere lait week. ... Miss Campbell, Part Hope, asks for the voitiance ai the elecîlan at au i a iian aai oLbera conducîs a musieciasa lieue.. Mms. James Mc I in any event andtet have iltioeclameti that was Ihere; no Liheral -ubscribed a cent. Cormack, Oron, bas been guest et Mr. John Mm. Thornon hy eason ni comupt We will forfeit a barrel ai lour la the Stewai t'a euh Liie ... Mr. E. A. Wilson, Ferry town, bas beau buying hoga bere . -...Mr. Dun- pracîlcos matie use afinlu is elecîlon is Home for the Agoti if aur canlem-porary1 cao MleMillin af the town lina diedaof pueumon- deharreti from holding bis seat. Ail sorts can namne soveral or any prominent Lih 1 la on Sanday mornina- ast. Decaased was the oi trivial objections are raiseti by Mm erals Who suhscrihed a "substantlal ihird son ufthue laie Donald MeMillan who came Thornton la Ibis petlîlua heing Irieti. No amaunt" or any amaunu. Visions !VIe this counnt-yftram Argyleshime aud aettled -a neer the town lina betwaen Hope and Clarke douht Mm. Tho ton hnows boit vetbor In, eaofe am.W mglai ane6 er g. Decaased wes a volunteer ho bas anything ta bar. To give a sample that the report forgot to miention the fact for tha daienca &'ai s country doina- the Feniani eraid in uSes andh ad the honor ta weam tha medel r of the abjections raisetihy 11r. Thorulon of prominent Conservatives leaving the receîîîy prasented. Ha was wall intormefi,a againsu beaing the Burham potition hoe Hall sa soan as they faunti lu was monoy Liberalinl polties. and a Praabyiarian lu relia says that Buraham was net a voter in Ihat was wanteti, ostensihly ta gelt teir iou. Ha was buried with Orange honore ni wbîch bady lie wes e loyal mauîbam. Rav. J *u M'est Durham- anti thatliho is ual person- cheque books which strange ta say got MeKean coaductefi the services and the e- ally aware ai the charges hoe makes ant iniaplaceti anti have ual heen faunti siace,« mains wara intarraf inf Oron cematary on has thorefore na ight ta ho >a petitianer, The case ivas furîher atijourneti Iran Toesday, The uller ahsurdiîy ai sncb objections Monday to Saîurtiay, by requesl of Mm. mst appear ta every man. There is ual Thorntaa's counisol, butas Jutige Street tTory in Bawmanvilîe wbo doos ual wanî s ta go away for a rest, Mr. D. B kuow that!Bumrrn ati a vote andtiaeti. Simp son reatiuly consentoti la a beari ng A i i eG Whateartly snsethere can ho in rais- tomorrow. ung such an abjection excoptîngtoadait cosîs we cannot discemu '-' e undemtanti thal these are whal are caîl "preîiminary SWUNG TO DEATH. Mr. John James received the particu. The Jars last week of the accidentai tieatb af a relative lu Mariposa township Croup.Wm.James, jr ,who lives on bis father'a farm near Oakwooti, waa awinging on Iî's a terrible tbing, isn't a trapezo orectet inl the barn While il? Samebow, that awful under fllu swing ho abat ont of the cough, that bard sîmuggîe opon ularway ant inlufalling ta the for air, eaunover be for- granu stmuck an bis beati anti abaulti- ors, was pick cd up in an insensible gotîcu. Be a litile fore- condition anti carriedtiat the hanse. b 'à'ý anded and prevent il. The Dr founut the skiill fractureti anti Keep Vapo-Cresolene in the hanse, collar-bone broken. Hie died ti u id- anti wben the children take colti lot nght wîuhaut regaining cousciausuess. tbembrethein be apo tuingtheA wife andt Iree young chiltiren mouru thembrethein he vpordurng hebis unexpecteti deatb. evening. It goes right to the ibroat, Mr. Wm James, father of deceaseti, just where the croup lies. Ah uis fira't cousin of Mrs. Thos Power antid irritation subsides, the congh quiets Mra. Eti. J. Power, Maple Grove. Dar-. dawu anti seions trouble ia preveuleti. lington. ______ Ilu neyer fails ta cure whooping caug.îi Apbi1etn2iil ahlil Vapo-Cresolene la sld by druîggists avamwerI A W ubliem etn ilb hdn A VaPo-Cmsolenie onifit, inciding th aporîzer ad hib, amcb 9th ta consider the es. Lamp,.wbich shoulfi lait a lite-lime, and a botle i tablishinent o! Beet Sugar anti Butter Cresolgue, complata, $i.5o; eaisupplies f Cresn- making industries. Prof. Sbnttleworth laeil5centsand 5ocents luistaedboklaîccontaîu ntiM.HH eno!OtraArc lng-physiciaee latimnoniatiseupon çquest. VAoeo-anMr . D nofOtioA icl CRFSOLESSE CO., zio Fultn St., Nuw York. u.S.A. tural College wiîl atidress their meet- Fur sale by Stott & Jury, Bowmanvllle. ing So far as Is known there is no> other treatinent for piles zo woaderfully prompt and effective as Dr. Chases Ointmcnt. This preparation bas neyer yet been known to fail to cure piles. It stops the itching at once, aad posi- tively and thoroughly cures piles of every form. Rev. J. A. Baldw"n Baptist Ministes1 Arkona, Ont., writes :-"For oviar twen- ty years I was a areat sufferer from Itching and prtrudlng piles. I usedl inany remedies and underwent three very painful surgical operatians, al withcut obtaiaing any permanent benelit. When about ta give up in despair, 1 was told to use Dr. Chase's Olatinent, and did sn, flnding relief at once. 1 used three boxes, and am al- mnost entirely cured. The ltchiag is al rgone. I have advised athers ta use it, belleving it would cure theni, as it bas me." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a box at all dealers'. or Edia.nson Bates & Company, Toronto. Dr. Choase!'.s OU ntmosnt. THE WFST DURHAM CASE. People should net allow themselvE Sto be led away from the real pointi the West Durham case, whicb la th. tbe election law needs ta ha made mon reasonable in reference Io deposits- until the wise course is pursued afIaa olishiug deposits altogether. In ou SProvincial elections no deposit la rE quired, and yet we have noue of th evils that many profesa ta fear if ti Sdeposit'is donc away with lu Dominici There are manv high-aoar'iug view Sbeing expressed in regard ta Ithe We, Durbamn case, but wbetber ire consid< the view taken by the Globe or tha StaLon by the Te!egran. it la found tha Sail ciiticisin of the, eturuing office] for the course he took involves the corý teuti'on that ho shouid bave iguored th( Iaw wbich defined hs duties as return ing officer, Ho did not interpret the law; h( merely reported the situation. If ther( la na obstacle in law ta the declaring o -Mr. Tharaton elected, tbe returning -officer bas created noue. If there is au obstacle iu law ho lias not presumed tc *over-ride t - There la no need ter theatrical pal. iug lu reference ta this case, nar fai making comparisous witb the great -tyrannies oi bis; for the facts are as we have juat stated thon. Returuiug officers bave alwavs been, and may be expected ta ho lu the future *trusted party meu, and if the people find thora rightly abserviug the law it Try a package 0.7f -"lerhine"' for your SLN stock,, people wh1o have used it recoin- Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Gerrow, Port mend it very higtily. People's Store. Porry, visited at Mr. D Montgomery's Try 'LiÏe Buoy" Soap for Sprinlg vecently,.'.., Mr. T. Baker, C C., aÏ)d house-cleaning and destroy ail disease Messrs Jas. and Will Leask, atteuded g crmns, W. M. Wotton, the People's the Dominion Sborthorn Breeders As Store. sociation at Guelph... lteresting de- Mr. and Mrs. J, Haskins, Saginaw, Miel'i are bate at Division Friday ni-lit ; "Re- visiting Mi,. John Iloskin. .... Mrs. Flora Virtue has retcried trom Toronto .... Messrs. Robt and solved that women in this country Archie Arnot, have been guestslof Mr. A. Arnot should have the franchise.". Messrs J. Miss Horne, Neweastle, is guest of Mr. Jas. T.R dlanAL se cpiis. ;ye, . .. Mr. F. Rogers is visiting in Toronto. Rude.dA.L.ace atlî. Mr. Martin Lee, Mrs. Remmner, Pickering, .... Mrs. Chas. Rogers and Miss MaLel have been guests of Mr. F. Rogers.Mrs. S. are home from Manitoba aud Dakota, Gilbert and family have removed to Oshawa,. . Mr. and Mrs. Wîll Clarke, Litde SMr. Jas Moautjoy has purchased and taken Possession of property oecupied by Mrs. Gilbert Britain, bave been calling on frienles1 and Mr. Jas. Clîapman bas rented faim vacated hereabouts..Miss Eva Branton bas by Mr. Mountjoy .... Special services are stili been under doctor's care ..Mr, A. ni progmeess here. The ever increasing popularity of Washington shipped apples to a Mont- LUJDELLA TEA makes it a necessity real firin last week ......,41r. S. Short- in the home of ail tea drinkers.-25c ridge 'S moving into the village and per- lb. at The -People's Store. Mr. Sulas Werry will succeed hiin on We keep the old original "Family the Wilbur farin.... Mr Jas. Stainton Safety" Coal Oil. A trial will convince leaves shortly for Manitoba to go into you of the qualitv., The People's Store, butter and cheese making agaî .. Mr. Chas. Branton is making a success ORONO. as well digger. If water can bie found hoecau do it. Doos vour well want re-i Prof. John Squair lectures in the pairing ? Call on hlm- Town Hall o n March 8th under t h e auspices of the Public Library. . A O0 T3 UJ. W. held their At Home Tuesday evening .. . .1ev. T.J. Edminson, New- leD .cu~ A vc castle,preached in the Metbodist church Lod lMri. W. F. Lellar, of Williamport,1 Sunday morning... . There is some talk Ont, te use Dr. Arnold's loxin of a Post Office berng established at PRIS. Cowansville ..Mr. O. Scott, Master -Workman, represented Orono Lodge More money la spent evcry year forS at Grand Lodge, Hamilton ..A sub- medîcines for these diseases thian dis scription was taken of about $20 for the eases than would buy out half-a dozen relief of Mr S.B Dobson, a former res- millionares. And yet there is a curea dent of this townshi, who is noir vcry simplsre, permanent; one that costs 'Pl fIl at bis home in Oshawa, .. Mr. Hlerb littille and produces au effect that is ab- il Barrett is home from Toronto. .Mr. solutely unparalled lu tho historv of 01 Wm. Seymour is visiting bis son Mr G. medicine The medicine is knownA Seymour . .. .Mr. Rl. Shirwin, Harwood, througb the Englisb speaking world as visited at Mr. R. Hugbson's.. .. Mr. G. Dr. Arnold's Toxin Pilla for weak M. Long bas had la grippe.Mrs...epl. It lias the effect of permanently Parker Smith is visiting bier father Mr cpleansinlg the systein of disease, and it R. Hugbson ..Mr. and Mrs. W. H. bas this effect by killing the germn that G1ddy, Port Hope, bhave been guests of cause the disease. Besides killing Mrs. John J. Gilfillan ..Mrs. Isaac the germsaof disease, it counteracts the Jewell and Mrs. E. Beliman, Bowman- poisons (toxins) they croate ln the vie, were recent guest of Mr. D F. blood, it braces the nerves, purifies the I Walsh. .Misses Clara a nd Kate blood, and revitalizes,the whole systein. Hughson and Mr. R. Shirwin visited at Dr. Arnold's Toxin Pilîs are prescribed Mr. C. J. Tbornton's a n d Mr. M. N. by many of the most successful plis- Powers.... Mr. R C. Cowan accompani- ucians ln their private practice. ,d bis brother-in-law, Mr. Carscadden, eei aeta hw h oe )o Detroit, Mich. .where tbey vîsitcd the Her is a caethat shinoste pwers» Ltter's brother ..Mr. John Hall bas aod wthis woderfl ediie vrtehosi 1e cantract of building a bridge acroas atigdeae ;e ba-v to tbe park at Port Newcastle.. "I auffered for months with nervous. ui1 , On the 6tb Line, Clarke, there passed ness and general debility. J was utter- il, iway at the residence of bis son, Frank, I. miserable, unable £o sleeD, and con- b an Monday, February 25th, Mr.Thos. tinually lu the most depressed spirits. si, 3heppard at the advanced age of 83 Mv nerves were twitchy. 1 had splitt 80 7ars. He was one of our oldeat resi ln headaclies, and wam as weak as aPoh lents, having lived ln the township of cbild My familv phyaician, Dr. -- ai ) Clarke hall a century. For maîîv advised me to use Dr. Arnold's Toxin ful cars hie held the position of tol gate Pills. 1 bougbt and used three larne (of ceper at what is commonly known as boxes, wbich, 1 amn happy to state cureed i 'rickev 's Corners. His remains wore me completelv. 1 amn now hale and mi nterred ln Bethel burying ground be. bearty, strong and vigorous. sonnd lu Pr, !de those of his wife. Deceased was every muscle, nerve and 1imb, thanka f ýfa genial disposition and respected by ta Dr. Arnold's Toxin Puis." Il. He lbaves two sons, Fred and Wil- W, F. LEFLAR, Merchant, trn lass Jene B. and Master Willie A. Dr Arnold's Toxin Pills, the only iîedieineth raddle bave b e e n awarded t b e made that cures diseases V killlng the germns iploma offered bY the general Assemb- that cause it, are sold by al druggists at 75C. a yof the Presbyterian church of Cana- box,. sainple box 2.5c., or sent post pald an recelpt nf price by the Arnoldi Chprnieai Ca., a, fur mamorizing the 107 questions o!tLlmlted, Canada Lite buidillg,44 King Street e short-er catechisia perfectly. West, Toronto. Booklet sent fiee. 1m JE vi w ed to lai .I am on Si ye du y, ke Ti Sid of all lia del ly'i the ARE YOU INSURED? New Conbinatiou-Hlealth anti Accitient-issucti by the Dominion o! Canada Guamautee anti Accident Insumanee Ca. Every business, -o s. every man shault c ari-y anc af these Newv Century Palicies. Cost -liltie ahaner. HARRY CANN is the, Agent Notice to Crèeditors, Puisuant ta ehapter 129 af the Revised Stet- utea ai Ontario notic'e la b.hereby giveîîi that aIl craditors aund other esn aia aauo the astate ni JOEDÏ MSORLET, lete ai 'the Towyn cf Bawmanvilla, lu the County ai Dur hem, Cabinet makar, deceesed , who diefi an or about the 2n d day ot Janiamg, A. D.. 1900, are raquirefi ta senfi by post prelpatd, or deliver ta ohn Paker Thoms et the cîty aif elevile, lu the cnnnty ai Hastingsc, Solicitor- tor John George Frost cf the seifi city ai Belleville, Mer- chant , executor of the asiate and affect ot the seid John Mcborley, deceesed, on or letore tbe 15TIIDAY OF MAROR NEXT 1901, a staie- ment ai their naines and addmesses, a satement of their accotnis, the fuIl particula aio their dam ndluaile nie sci t ialeb athe Said exacutar wlll proceefi taeuistiibute tbe as. seus ni tue seifi deceased amnongst the parties entitled tliemeto havina- regard ouîly ta tbe -latines ai wlicu notice shahl have been given as boya reuîuimed asu hiall net ble able tom the aseti or any part tha, osoa distmituuted ta any ueraan of whose dlaim the icaid exeeutor lad cnt notice at the time ai the distibution Ibereof mr any part themeot, Dated let Belleville ibis Stb.dayoai eabruamy, A. D., t901. J. PARKRIITHOMAS, 7-4w. Solicitor for the Executor. Nuotice tb Creditors. In the' Mlatta- of the Estate of CHARLES HO WÂRD GILBERT late of the township of Das-lington in the County of Darhamfarme-'s son, deceased. Notice la hereby givan pol-suent taec"The evisad Statutes of Ontario" 1897, Chapter 129, bal aIl crLditoms and athema baving cdaims rainai the estaesoaithe said CHARLES îOWARD GILBERT. wbo died an or about le 21,3t day ut January, 19ou, are raquirad an ar ufora thae IRST DAY OF APRIL, 1901, ta ie by mail pmepaid or delver ta Massrs. .mpsani & Blair ni the town ai Bowmauville, c1icitors for the Toronto Genemal Trusts Cor- umraticu,' the adîninîctrators ai the pmopamty ai ai setd deceased thaîr christian naines id surnamnes, addresses and descriptions, tbe Ill particuhars ai their claires, tbe, atatement 4 tair accounts andi the nature 0f the secuifies I any) beldi by thani. Anf tuther take notice thst sitar sucb lest nenined date the said administrators wll ocaaed ta duatribute the assets ai the de- eased anua- the parties antiilad thareta, bey- a-raa-emdauly to the cdaims oi wbich they ai ensuhave notice; and the said adminîs- ratoma wllnut ble hable tar saifi assats, or auy art thereot te auîy perSan or persans ai whaose laima nattas shal nit have beau mecaived by hem et the Utiss Scb distribution. Deted the 5tb day ai Mamcb, 1901. SIM PSON & BLAIR, Soicltors tor the Toronto Geuemal Trusts Corporation, ad- mintstrators ai the propemiy of 10-4w Obarles Howamd Qîhbemt. deceased. icflw the Beet Sugar Iaduptr'ý us Growing" le the subjeet of an info-rmna-'. honnI article hy Rav Stannard Baker ln the March éview of Hevuows, OhilrenCryfor- CASTOR 1lA, Children Cry fôr Lady of the house looking into the, empty flour barrel said--510. 1. C. U. R. M. T." "4Well, I am glad as now I eau get ail my Brad, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Lattrell's and savo al the King St., Bowmanviile, Telephone 97. Pretty Things. Are what you will fin inluMy stock for the holiday seasa,and at lowest prices. Christas anti New Year Carda, Booklets anti Calendars. A special Christmas Endeavur Calendar, 25c. Also apecial carda anti Booklets for Suntiay sehoal classes, Poloubets Notes for 191l. Big range o! Books for aIl classes of readers. A yery spocial bargain lu clotb bounti, popular authors. af ý.5cts. Motiy's, at 25c. Meyer's anti M-,zýri,'s at 35c. Photo Albums, great value, 50 ets. upwarti. Bibles from 25cts. Gooti value lu Teachers Bibles, Toys anti games of every description, unequalleti. Fancy gooda lu china, glass, anti celluboiat t please every taste, Liberal discont to Suntiay chools purchasing libraries. Suitable presents for father, mo-tiherl brother, aiter, everybody. Pl -TREBILGooK, 7e- let e - leH ___le>-Th etEdbsela pEte tcktng ndwefid ha i mn deatetaursoki oolre hra>- ehv dcddt edc tadt dotiailsl ayhe AtRAL EUE ICS ThBorwigi a>- fsm o u peil o ti ek H 14Tie; We atsEn Wil be s omld te tk-aigndw n ttinmy i4 dozrtensadiestoibbdVs trelar.phrfe 0c; hav e e , , 430ceitan t 300 yards white Canton Flannel, regular price 7c; this week . ,5c 5 dozen Misses Union Ribbed Vests, regular price 20e to 25û; this week 5H Eoots and Sboes - ____When visiting this store don't forget the Shoe Department. Many cases of New Boots anci Shoes have arrived and this- season you will find everything up-to-date. f ~Ail made by best mariufacturers. See our Ladies' Dongola Button and Lace Boots at $1.50. Gtloceeies I io Snaps for the Week ZI2 cans Peas -5~;2 cans Corn 15e; 2 cans Tuînatoes 15e; 2 cans Beets, 15c; 2 cans Squ:ash 15c; 1 lb. pure ground Coffee 25c; 2-1 lbs. Sel. Valencia Rlaisins 25e; Hilz tickles 15e per quart; 5 lbs Prunes 2,5e, 10 bars Fine Laundry Soap 25e. Highest price paid for ail farm produce. rty W'.- 1 1 id n- to nt IV a y Df le n e 1 i ý E.Xperîencelm