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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1901, p. 7

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thani passing intere rnarkable cure of Titrougitout the autumo and andi sîy." winter of 1897 he suffercd rmosi "Ho toscribedttens as about île aiz àëessingl1y frorn rîeumnatic e'nytus. "Ilaven't ceeu auy."> pains. His constitution becamne ,Wlth yeîîow lînca access tiecir bacb se weakencd and the affected parts aundnsany fot"' se painful that lie was rendeced 'i"llavcu't hearti 'cm singing aroung -perfectly helpless. His appetite hee. ' But they sîngoil net,"l proiestedthi 1becarne impqaiced and sleep for- £.' ing. "Instoat et a song thoy make1 sook himi. To mox-e unaided wvas nos a t'u- Is-s' an impos ihlity and the help of an "~Andi do they semethus light dowl attendant was censtantly necess-i on a log?" any. A friend whom the treat- "Truly ihey do." '~ beefitd d ~ 1Mc. 'Andthîe man who suts dewu ou ong N. ient îîau eefdadvised r l1 a ic lhe as a bratawl foc a cuat ;>Boyd to give Dr. Hali's Riteurna- i ton tic Cure a triai and the advice1 "Now yen are iiiing i. E-en an tii was acted upon, and 10 Mr. Boyd's iltie icaveler relate. Let me sec îlesi great ar--c and joy, a cure n'as ! birds ai once" cffected aitcr ahi other incairnus ladi "Yeu'il futd a nesi ef tIens over b: faileti. "I usedth îe centents et five tIai gooscbeccy huai," sali tic peasan, 'lattie," le n'ites, "and the pains lofti as a grin apreati ovec bis face, ',lu, ime euîirely. 1 arn non' enjeyîng tle i't leave a ten' young eues for setd if1 vcry besi et health."lwus yen. A nest ot eus maires il( S Dr. Hell's RheurnatiecCure la put 11P lu 50place acensa bomelike, yen know, enÉ pent hottîa. cor t-niug ion days' Ireeismnat Ito cae al drugyisss anti delers tu i b bites keep île boys trous gttiný seticine. 1e D.Hall Modhcine Ce., King- îz. ston, Ont. lz. Thc king clîmbadth îe tence and iwadedt ilougi tIe gceaste the spot -~ I!anti lis yeiis eut autica ceeu proveÈ o , ,. .~.1 tîat le lad toundtihîe birds. Afti A QUICK CURE. FORCOUGHS and COLDS Thfe Canadian Reniedy for al THROATARD LUNG AFFECTIONS JLarge BottIes, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRIENCE CO., Lirited, QProp's Ferry JDavis' Pain Killer, New York. Montreal Si. * - "~ fr0 Oc c, *~'1'. e.. - A Terrible Cough. i i galloping ilirco urnes aceundth i e ead- w ~on anti relliug oer ih once lie got nid ofet iiein coînpnny, anti, linspiug up to I J tle peasant, lie sait: I "Heuh a naine for tiose bictis?" "They are calleti bumblobees." "And bow long are udor teoil?" e- "About thle bgtb et a crewbac." "Anti, kun-wiug ibis, you stili ict yonî king place bis lite ini peril! Ctitif, tle ex et inly exocutiener awvaiis tliee2' - - "I ltiîe go foin-aid, O king, net It Iknowiiitai thu e conking, but lu- If people wonld ouly irsat nouglga dst et ofdeserving île cx thou shouidst ncolds iu Oms wiih Dr. Wood's N orwcy newnrti me n'itli a big ot geit." pîne Syrajs, tîcre wouid la faweî homes "S'tieatb! But liew se?" tesolate. "R;ecauise, Oking, ilion hast neyer Tle saverest ceugis anti coltis, bronchïtis lied c'rc aud croup, aedth istaistages e, consump ba .a ires wiihiu ihy îealm, iegl tieon yietti caatily te ibis pewerful, iuug- of en lenging foi, eue. 1lere is oe lealiug ramedy., I naty mate. Lot thy suit of a buntreti Recti what Mca TIns. Carier, Nonilponi, toilon' thee eut bore toniereo nd ct Ont., seys: "I caugt a cavera colt, which wliou ail are essembieti seudt lesm in settieti on my tîroat anti longs, se tîcaticmno't it1I eiig. ceulti ecareely speal cloeacwhsper. 1I aloo bat a terrible ceugh whicl my friands I B'gesli if 1 don't do hi" exclaimeti tbongt woulti senti ne te my grave. 1j1the king as lis fnown disappeareti anti tnieti different reaneies but ail failedt t do a balmy coic esiele oven bis face, anti me any gond until 1iolk Dr. Wood's Non- ncxt day île performance came off as way Pine Syrup, ent the contentsoet eue ativenîlseti anti nas nepot as an un- -boue oaspatal oua e."pre-cedeutod succesa. M. QUAD. - - He'es No Interruption. - Communication wn'hlthe cîlior pla cis aid becem a ot iey "Say!" excainsedtihti man aitich iulonplanieiary lonug distance phie, Pt ~jJf1l~"yen clap ounleicuiy, quit tnying te STlji~Leut on! l'sm"us aiking te a gentleman THE HARVEST 0F WAR. Auserlca's Ca'seaiiiy MAI lui ithe llý)i Tle losses &of tha- --X---treopai t1ielhilippluries 3since Augusî 6, 1198, cieo as folle iva-J lCileti.................. ....... ..... .711 »jet ofet n'etas anti accidents . 44CI Dietioet tirsease..... ...... ...... 2,181 Tntel deatîs .............. .....3,U1i ................. ...... ..... ... 2,578 Cu-and total ......... ...........5,919 These totais are aiucady many limes brger thn uero île Amroucan loases in île r rgnai Spanish-Amrei- cu n'war. VERY PIPLOMATICi. Cuiterer, icying on nen' liai, te aisistent-Doe't yen ihiuk tleue's a litile to nmchclfet I Assistant, in inne et abaniate con-i vIction nith a- note ef admiratiion lu ii-OIh, ne, ma'arn. With sudh a pro.,- ¶11e as youus, yen eau stand anythlug. OF SPLENDID REPUTE. Re-. tMr. Mcek ings la a gond fol- ion', is'î bel Yes, Tley gay le la Èîût onfly a fitîm golf player, but a- 5seI nnting. t was with thle utinosi caution tlat tie fox ciossedthet hliglîc-ay. "Yen see," lie oxpluet, "tiene ilaa bunting club efthile sn'elost soit lu this vicîîiiy, anti1 i snchi se extrensely 111e an anise bag ibai i bave te lie veî'y careful inideA" A Tes'ror. "Yen tiitu't 50cm te gel on witb iliat Boston girl" -Ne; aie sut an ticetidge ot ber chair reedy te mun anti look Op m rnyonuncia- tien lu the tictioïaany.' Truc Enough. "Every barber, h cseoins in me, talla tee iituecl." *'Oh, n'el, yen coulnut xpoct a bar- ber te aliave a man unlesa lie bas a lit- tic dm2'. Disobediessea Punnshed. t INC E TA KING'S ERROR, nie Was Demirous of Findfng nirdi attracted more1 and He Found Them. -est was the re- [Copright, 1900, 1b' 0. B. Lewis.] Mr. illam1 One day the king ef Persia and rulE Eoyd, a m t ftihe arth took it into bis headt Boyd a mst îi1ider eut into the country. atone an honored resi- hav e a ci e t l soinee of bis houie, dent of Wolfe subjects. Corning acots a peasant Island, ont. wovlo ln his ield, the king haltedt Mr. Bo ad' Boyd's"I have heard a traveler say thati health huadsuf'- the tields whero the grass is tbick an fe red fro m taîl thore dwolt a specios ci' bird whie frailtv, whieil mado and stored uni hey. 1Ilath see led to an acute a flock et sucl irNds around here?" attackof rhu- 1Idon't tbink 1 have," replied th attck f re-po'a'sant. "The tale of a traveler ma 1-atsm. bo truc, but the blrds are evidently ece anenalogirls, and healed ihe bing. i Thoreal a st ene country lailn the a outhab Dr. a ei,înrvu a aa-ibat a eeIntc~ and'reFstered te fulhealili, se many WCrId wherahesis nthig o da.i Cte' Ointraentioh a certain aud giving lieu plysicai strengili bayond ia C-hange fun thc thousandis in the first stages of soer tihe canions et Swizeriand ai] nd !souecufr et lci our expectationa. beiter adb l Consmpton.île icai, iel s neU s pen, ra urlei beedogen p îr piles, Thcy arc a splendid rsrnedy, and te any urne 1 lad finiàhed If1o, 11venttie1i, edfo re ai the public epnse. tIc ienutatrira lave gsiaranteed ht. etoi- aneSsuffering frein weaknees, orha0a1îo ats yl lis greabl Oute lllaqîuseycs bes ~~tiay hilk o'ï Yne iretobeauIns. hi sudy wasnerisilu t 5'ZCiTT SOWNK, ixertist, Ai Wlkaresvarewa New' Zeaaet acyier m"7rbecfoî: c. w aloat hiteYf." -uei~uis ~Ip tis-"n" geysers, ndot -spni~ e Ëg, r - TRAINING BOYSIN ERNVANY. TRAGIC GHRISTMASES, ~ fhattheIflillal rsllîi ~Woir1d's Grentest Holiday Haddd Sifte1 lîlE hii o Been Reddenmed by Blood. '~" Chri,itnis which shenld ho and nsaally Awrîter describing the nietheds of iith, merreset day of ailt,, erla tor chools in Geinany, statos that the sem thues been reddenoed hy bloodshed d mna aanin-sbolinG-rmany and hlacin'wed hy tragedy. ie esvpecfiaiiy întended for the clasa Oneaof totho Chrosfthe aple- FEEDING A PYT'HON. oh boys who idle away thelir time ho- gun hy Diocletian on Christmas day, A. The Biggent snake lu Ceuptivity Rad ___ toifore sud atter school on the Street. D. 303, when a chureh in Nicodemia, ~ ~ Fre oEt Th'- regular %egsLon cfose« et hait filled with Christians, was ordered hiH T H inu paýït tire e 'ock la the aftorneen, and iihlm te ho set on fie. Eveîr u ay of The East In dian python, 27 foot 6 id aLorthi tiie he oyswho eih-.egross was barred, and flot a single wor- luches long, the biggest captive snake ori theg i= hertyoye ndifo, eit-shper escsped theflamres. in the w erld, was fed at the, zoolegîcal F C SM L ch e hog oetortediCene yniotide ii 1()e6 was a melaachely gardons et the Bronx last Prida to et o parents, aro net properiy anti tirne in Engiand, which norerthelessal1 yate behalh f uiiy employod muit attend the 'scys celebiiited it 'sith theue mmost a hard fight. The suake, a fomale, bas a1Ppralfr-SGN T R I idusrie ~cioo fr te rat f te agerness, fer Harold, the last et the retused toeuot volnntariiy. In the don -Y id.usra col o h eto h Saxons,-lad talion bhore tle Nermiau with lher are two ether ptos 65mltrgUeoua~eua cydy ouiqooiror, and on Dec. 25 et that year foot 4 luches and the ether 23 foot 6 ~0 In îhe, summcer-tme the boys, di- William the Ceniquoror was crowned iîn lce og n u tteesa e vided ino eclasses, oacI under ýtbe sup- ýVestMinster ahbey. The occasion was sig ncelog yoeofts Sas 'Ilized by the slanghiîer et a lunge crowf ceutid crush and kilI an ex. ero~sin e a eacier ar trine ~ f Angle-Saxons encoide et the church Jute this don Chiot Keepor Suyder tematically in ail the branche&o ethtreugli a mnistaken idea thet thcy lied outored, accompanied by two assiat, rmtsieto~hef1 Sgardeulng. At other iseasons et the risen lu revoit. -ants, The smallest python, which was en~d -R,_;-Oitîl aneltc dyeax the bey,,% are engaged at varions E.actly two years leter there wasaiau lu a water tank, was covered by beards, OimMrhn nor lioera ig u orros c suprising ofthîe malconent niatahîe north- O TH lgtcrafte iuncontio wlehepd tethre efas.and theoether was coered atter dan- INOT N.'01 O VTIC. 8 O TH e I mekiug of bagk pta, brusées and Norman yoke. William marched lu per- gereus manouvers by blankets to pre -____ a aroomis, and plini carpinniry, wvhere son againsi the rehois and directed a vont h t rom seeing île figlit wlth its the use of tenta are taught. 'Type. universel laughter. fis mon surprised luge cerupanlien. à .,d s m ,*VAP E several garrisens and put them te the Keeper Snyder threw a blanket over BeeiFIso SÇd- n iittiu audbeebiadug ae tagîtsword. Neither age aer sex was spared, tle head et the biggost pythen aud re j0 EE- tb thetI advanced aad older cla,%aes. and every bouse lu the diaaffected re- ireated te the amati donc. There, o VR 1 Eadhboby receve a seaei romun- giens was raze7d te tle grennd. It ;a awaiting lis chance, lie gcabbed theJ eTeation for his, werk when il i'qf tli- said ît«e 0,0 wmnad hooded mouster jusi belliud the ead ' " ' tui adobeiety ofomd.îechiîdren perisled ou Dec. 25, 1068., I T L7 .J01 iul adoeinl efme.ah ILt was ou Christmas day lu the year and jorkod it tîreugh the opening. id mneey, hewever, is nt paid te hlm 1170 that Thomas a Becket, the great- Other keepers wore vçaiting outaide, ee dLroctly, but Lia-put itt a savings- est English leriofetils day, aacended and as oacli foot or two efthîe serpent J Ap)erfect Reme for Cons tipa..'Y beul for bina, andi frem in ue te turne the cailedral pulpit ai Canterbury and wes pulled toril they grabhed It lu tio, Sour Stomach,Diarrtoea, ly le receive,% bis certiticates of <de, Preached what may le callidl is onu turu and pulled ht fartler eut ef thie Wormsý,Convu[sionsFeverish-, funeral sermon. The words he made cage. Thagilsar tugh kitin atiuse et se angered Henry Il thai le let Wâhile. ibis waa being doue the two fII hs aa eda I nhd ee keepers stililanthse cage tlrow tlom- Tc5nI Signsature et Sail kindae o sewing In the saine sys- sue, he wolId rid me eft thia turbulent le timati inanex. t.,,selves uontic massive moving colla1 ý tattemnui. Eivery legsson lapresi. Pour kuights took him ai lis word, and oethte groat constrictor, aud, thougl u in -IOpt p la oe-s bottbos eisly. 1~ made a claos drill. ife dlilîdren on Dec, 29 tley slew île prelate beforeI peril et bieng inwrapped and crushed, le nto seIodt l bulk]a'talOR@ nyas work by dictation, ail Lu the, reom. tle altar et St' Benedici lu île norîl-J they successfully guided île squirmiug aytlgesoni peorpms.t l dong tî le auewerIkai île came cru transept ot Canterhury cathedral. 1feOlda steward the exit. Wleu flually I s j ist as goed Ilsad diwill ênswer eswyJmN 4n.O e.2,18,Jl ylfde utside' lu the corridor behiud tle Adps," 'Seo that yen get C-Â-SJ-T-O.PiA ------- 010-- as le waaahbout te preach lis Christ- cages, h teok'île utuisai treugil th f1iTela- A d ~~COAL FAMINE. mas sermon. -e gsI tlYCF'l1i ls On tîesdeiCrsmases kue mn o te ld île Snake, wlich weiglsOneof te sddCOPChist0F W200 ouPs, I aîiatlatielIsTor - ~~~~lu Lendon was tiat efthîe year 1663, vr20pudl oprivl aus.ia lisSidTerli_-gl'roms a Serlous TIc great plague ladl stricken île ity, J traight lino, tb-iigl aided by pressing ~C i'etYJ155 NW.and île people were dyiug ai the rate ef h ligainat île wall. Russi is sufforiag frei a 9,carccty 1,000 a day.-London Mail. Anether keeper by île aid et a long et ce, which tîrea'tena te ievereiy Iambeo pole pusled feur freslly kilied_____________ lamiper severlal, ef ler industries. PHOTOGRAPHING HORSES. rabbis dewu île pytbeu'a ibroat, andJ- ___________ The deeuaad for ceai and fuel et al] Little Trjcks oit the Camera to Gel j> waaeypubcklîe kindacousider, biy exceed the Supl the Best Effeci,.> cage tait lirai. A atreaus ef water frem ply, and île ,aca coity Ilal wesulied in a Plotographa et herse show prize wîn-, oewsa ne rce nolsTh le~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,y sl ue.Tcciwynn ade esaweeenc siemouil te preveut île anake trom dis- tersad fhess s ownerspie gFer 0opai h ave had furter ceuces- ohor are ingeed demand durinc;lsma, u en aal e horse Show urnes, and phetegraphera wlý île cabbits were cai toril again.________________________ aiens grautedto temnswith a yîiew enake ilet branch oethîe business a spe- t was decided te, repeat île opera- te evercenuing tle crisis, anti aise te ciaiiy have a husy urne, tien, for anakes et, snch sîze are tee We have soid piles of Boots tle iast five or six weeks and have iots h ave l their terni for irnporiing herse picture," said one pbetographer, cide by starvation. Again did tle keep- toreign ceai &duty troc exiended fer 'aihougl every amateur iiks himsel crs enter île cage, and afteroiuother Out carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîered and black at equal te île task. A herse muai lie takeii struggle wecse tIen île lirai île oper- 81-00. Men'S Caif and Cordevan Bms, sewed and rivitted, froiu $1.40 anohe teivemoth fomlat 4p frm heprpe'pin o hs wnr ,-llaion waa repeaied. te 82.50, worth $2.00 te $3,50. Children's Button and BIms 25c, 50 tiomber, 'anti h appeare that île per- net recognize île picture. If thc camera Tîl ', ---à iodl wiii 1ba furiber increae.ed. JILj s istoo uear thc subjeci, certain peints Tistlewith four rerbUts, i i75c, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', _oys and Youths' to correspon g otiaxet iatîleoupu fr lewill li exaggerated in île phetograpl. was succesul, fer île, python con- in priceb. estLate tht te ouputforthe "The lest reanîts are oltaineti îy pîe.cl uded te retalu lier repasi. Wheu ce- We will 'tell you wlat île stock is in each and every pair. The curont year et Eurepeau Itusailng the herse on a slgît incline, se ilai stered te îleetden, lotI île ether suakes iceason we de that ta because we know. Latest Spring styles now In ceiwiji ha over 1,600,000,ions e, ho tIth fore fee t arc a trifle bigler ilan ti1 wece lu a nervous, ugly mod, and po- 1 ki vr n. Th ulci nie e npc u tc;n of the demand. Russ,,ie during re- bind feet. This position tlrows île lead ticemen kepi vIsitera away trous île itroublieve .Te sowgoubwedoie with lesure, rns, Bagurstch;lno centramnils las been _a heavy plur np, T'hen snappicg île fingevs or rnak' glass front o et cae e e h ae adpii rsil,îl r etia m b Coal lng eny light neise wil cause îe cul TIc231/efootwl Straps, ao ndpin;Deîigthvrybsta c e chiiëT ofe Englial criai, bp#thîe beavy suaI te rick up lis cars, anti at île me lun like manner fer noarîy a year, now bought. Cheap trash dressing le dear, it wili cuill the bloots it le appli-, îu ,inprice ofthîe English produci mien t ç~en le is lu ilis position et aiten- has prevoniedtei euppiy bcing con tien île plotographer makes tle pictureraiyei i eioîî el !e e tiue. crg t mirianceI "Wlheu herses lu harneas are to e l chicheus witheui, persuasion andti la epaicing donc in ail is branches in finst-class style. Fine werk phetegraplcd, they muai le posed on':gcowiug Inlu lou gigril and avoirdu- made te order, sure lit or ne sale. Thanking my customerml for pas tlas receutiy be'ou deiivered ai Cren- level ground or on a sligît incline. T o iOS. The 26 foot 4 inch suake, whicl fa-vers and hopîng for a continuance efthîe tamie. stadt, ai a freigýhit about il 2pr inake tlem look alie a lai or a card ilshan mule 10 indles lu diameten and 225 i on, andtihilis statedil tati nqulries semietimes scaleti in front of ibem, aud pountis lu weight, wlll le ted lu a tew il e n matie rcgarding îl e cestif etaitîe moment when they look 9P the ticys. Hc la tbo> weîst o,,Qtomer et ail sihlPpping Amrica ei iOdessa. snapalotislamade. te bandle.-'D "Wlien pictures et herses lu action are ________ Beaver Block. l3owmanville. Tle deaiba frein consumpîjen lu madel,we nsually place tle camera noar;1 EtrayI iey Phiiaeicplia are now one-tird bs île greund, anti by ilat means we get MaorCoftFerdzyinand onery. ' lIeu iley were 16 or 17 years ago. tle lest hoof positions, wîicî cannet le MaoCenFrtindvnWsu secured wîeu île camera ilsa ld or plac- Esterhiazy, wle figunoti se promineuntly ed ai île erdiuany lelght. lu the IDceytus case and who was de- I"To niake pictures et jumping herses luounced by Mathieu Dreyfus as boing îleh. amne metlod ila employeti, anti the jîle wiier efthîe fumons liortiereau legi tîl upD emtre xg-, wbicl lrought about île twe couvic- H arn t n l n e -. .' ~~~ .~ geteti ly placiiig île camnera belon' tiens et Captein Alfredi Dreyfus ou thcpoee er l S o e the track level. Au excavation la matie charge et treason, bas sunik ie utter î. in île grounti fer ilat purpose, end i lmicy sdvrctwfesuiagns uarnt ematie f re neae a p bei' mother, the Marquise de Botan- l We "Ibiod a vaster b t-k than has been," and are as ssat prepared -~~~ - - p~~saeleih tlnis nimk jumpob aerneting remarkahle."' court, for an aleowancecrin thc greunids te give bargains in Clthiug, Dry Goods, Groceries and Uardware. itiai aIe la lu protountidistresa anti un- 1i abi Ciin.ele te support or educate bel- Young Genlts' lt ng A young insurance mari necoivesi an lu- daughters lias bieugit forth the tel- I rodticin te some goti people e ton iowîugleiter, wnîîten by flhc major te Good Tweed Suitste erder $8~.00. Gool Serge Ssîîts te order $8.W0 days ago lu a manner whichliho wilI net lis wito anti dateti London, Nov. 1: "1 We have a very large and veli esserted stecic te sceet freminl Serge%, soon eorgot. The frinti wlo tidthîe bon- bave bcdù unalle te write te my chli- IWrtcsadTwesboth Foreigna nd Demnestie auacue W os wl sosewhat et a wag, lut n'as enq deceetly, net buving thc mouey te, eto these quiet, seo, polisîed mon wloni buy a postage sîamp. l uai îl te lasi are beuuid te SUIT ou. euernetsocasonaly.Upo tu OC5~extrcmity of strngth. courageanic-r eis and Ha dw re ssien b a sgaeanti dignifietia asources. 1lhavc eteatou for iwe r c re n a d a e i -~~ durcI teacon anti secmingly pertcciytay sutlîsmeinlutcwk- - - fi sicore Ho aid:In our (îrececv and fhard s te 'partaentns von. wili ind our sroek - ~ "I would like te mail you i'q'îîinteti bouse. 1 lave ne cloubes, arn shivering' Mn. . icennecmmeti lns e wîî oît ani an copoîet e wcm ell assoctad, bought in the bost le riel ts lie closest prtc2s, and wilI t your geed'gaoes, baviug knownn otI lIt mysoît îy elcrn churcîca anti mu. be sciti ait th righi price. Soîne people wauî quantity otl quality, L n tbislfally for years. 1ILS athe :19sun'ettite en..sit -e eau PI ase bath. femily lsanau lti eue. Theno la enly eus! Why 1901 Scems F .amillar te HM. 1i î t price pald in cash for prodilce. Give us a cati. - man ,iIhave lways i- istet-ilat 1eoF+eepec--"but-îl- __tIl1901 eema

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