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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1901, p. 1

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IMLD-81-50 PER ANNUM. NEW SERIES. T~~~IT1 - *~ ~-S m-s-- a - OUR~ TOWN, AND VOUNTY PIEST; TEXM WORLD AFTTERWÂRDs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAItCI 20, 1901. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUIIE XLVII No 12. PORK PACKING INDUSTARY. It is now about a year since th-e Farm- ers' Co-operative Pork Packirng Co., of le,~ Palmerston, began operations. Not- withstauding the extreme price of nogs bas been able to hold itsown and place ~ 00101, Joinsoil Gryd rifaziou the English muarket as good a brand «- 1* 1%30 0 S_0_9_0_4,_ki_-18-_$1Have______ou about $49,000, the capacity of whkeh is ___ ~about 3,000 hogs per week. On account -a o f hogs beiug scarce and dear, thle con- e% à% th buk ofther Spingcern bas neyer been ru to its ful 000 j te blk f thir prig * capacity, but the dire:tors are non, NEW PRIN UUO U a -* taking stops te increaLe it8 capital stock i@ Imp'ortations . b. seit tksag deal more capital te run an institution of tiils kind 4- 0 441 01-0 ie 0 M#-:1!#*011 elE 0when hogs are six cents a peund than t oswhien they are four. The share- show holders are delighted with their invest- They s o a fine lot of- Dress GoodS tment aud are increasing tbeir stock, Swhile n.any more farmers la different parts of Western Outarir, aroubscrib- j.ks, Prints, Foulards, e c rz d S t ensy iug quite liberally, and from thei present appearance of things it is quite possible Embroideries and l overLae in white, Bl just nweilb ae i îh cream and black. asfiinu mber ethosmese LADIES SUITINGS in ail the latest A gentlemen connected ýwithi a pros- 'aXL~ ~perous perk packing busnes witings Smaterials, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, also the Editor ef THE STATuESIYA,, encluided bis letter with this sentene : "I'fr'yen iiaie lun a fair position te S3cuL-re 500 te SLadies' Spring Jackets and Capes and a 10JO farmer sbareholders repr."eneting -' $50,000 capital aud a kifima-- sto k ~farmers will subscribe 100 acbc, the $50,000 wi be raised. aial kinds from the chapstup t the * gra es.We shall be pieased te eciv intst gra es.ivo i twn, villages or ilist i s rorfinformatio n trm uei-a esrs wheY there are perkpcinlndsres.oAr ~ io boteuail lyw lr.unfavorable il be acceptab]ý.1e t is ae bi undertaking for any com-paniy and and we want te e sure the enterprise is right andi thon go ahead ,with al spe 'd. If it is net likely te bo aý suecessp ng~O u chI ere we want te stop befere wi begia, f O U Uuhas it woro. Write THE M'TTEMAN t feyanybedy,pea. SThe proposai mada b ï Me'. Franka J h n s tAlonf ecsteatte o give tliOfarmers whe tako s(ocý,c lathe o ,~pork racking ceucera n aii vautage over those whose whe are net is mneet- ing witih great favor. 11e sggst * rvL3 Ld n eI± that they lae0given a bonlus 61 S,)cOc o eVery hog tlhat pasEe,ý,s he ispctras, slaughtered. Weight (ýîi- be'_"'e,,; 2-0 preduce whea p repared te itquai-' ity of bacon and pork siutbla f or the Brts mre. hsbonus i ivrand abovtheestrirpaid for týîs class lof hog.i Every farmer so dwant m A USEFIJL LPRBSENT FOR YOIIR We invite you one and ail to corne in and inspeet our stock of Furniture and see the many liseful and inexpensive _ Sarticles that we have that will make a useflul and beautiful Present. Our prices will, be made as low as possible eto meet the dernand> and requirernent of every purchaser. We are offerinoe a lice Rocker, golden oak or rnalogany, at $2.25 and many other Uinesequally as good Values. Cal *k_ and see them, it wiIl bc a pleasure to show you through our Swarerooms. M. D. WILLIAMS & SOuîN. BowmANILLE.Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. For Sale at T. Ný RICKARDIS WillamsWhit Rayffond, Standard and Singer Sewîng Mc ine R l Same style as this cnt. at HALF THEIIR USUAL PRICE. nuuvu. uuve i istock -on1tiiese C-auditions. _________________A great advantage thefaer wili have in beienging te tPE ew peck I am net going ont oethte harneas packing erganization is tht hy piac- business as seme wanld have yau be "lmg it sehîdly in existence, 0 1cV offset lieve, bat bave moved into cor~ner store net oeuly the oppressive cxistý in-carn- et block kuowu as Bounsaii's, opposite hination af ehernents, but d(istrer the bod's store, wiîere yen will finti a coin- posc3ibilitv et athers of a similar- charac- piete stock et Harnesa anti Saddlery, ten, cantemplating formatior,ý that wili Herse Blaukets, Rugs and other linos cortaitnly nat improvo the' present tao namerous te mention. condition e f affairs bTho unite d Ais agnt or cCemic Bîderstrong-th et the fariner as the praducer,i the manufacturer aînd the d'îstributor bwine, direct 1a the consumer. tbraugh tlis Couic AMI 0W Custouters andi Bring mnedinum, witl thon forma a tolo'ssal self- ,your Fiends.preservatian consolidation thiat mnst' 3'eur Fientis.brin.- profit direct to hreetpeif l A0.O S. RUNOLE, Uarness and Implement Emporium. S PRIN Into line on April 1 and, spend a few moniths from tht date in one of the departments of our School and> prepare for a better position in life. Education opens the way te success. Try it. Our Scbool with a staff of Ton Teachers and Ounest equipment iu Canada is worthv of your consideratien. Write for cati- logue. No vacations. Spring term from April ist. Central Bulsinless Co11ege, -TORONTO- W. H. Sl1AW» Principal. I desire to heartily thauk ail the citizens of Bowmanvilie and viciuity, who have so liberally patronized me and assisted in building up such a good trade, I amn prepared te furnish White and Brown BIead, Relis Buns, etc.ý and everything usually found in a first An agent wha dos nothing but sell Sewing Macbîn-,s caniot posbetouhl tiiaio scci'socir. us in Pnice. For instai-ce: We can give ycu a goti Drap Heati Sewing tocrA $2L.00 (twentv orie; but we are sure of this only wbile anc pres-eut stock hasts,.~L ii le onr sfra 3ANUFICTIJRERS' PRICES ARE GOINQ UP.finydon buesdnys and Fridays, If we have lot called on you send us a card. D alc o l. i - oiigtnSt.,B0 E lu'and É U eliNsSTEI-7 P-i1i- i3ewWo~vîLL, Wati-hrnaer, Opioiananti eweller. AC?~ ODR.N dpesn I have been instruments for 3'ears1 1 depressing and contrelling the Cana( ian mnarket on pigs and precludîng t! possibility of this mest Importai element of farming being, maiutaiu< as a profitable Canadian industry. Paisley Perk Packing Ce is lucrea ing it.s capital stock from $8000 te $40ý 000. "Goed water and seworage and pleutý of begs are uecessary te suiccess" write a Marshalitowu reader. Palmeorston Pork Packiug Ce 15 in creaBing its capital censiderable ,bavin, had a successi ai year's operatins. That was rather a ludicrous slip las week where the types matde us saý "raising 50 boys te each 100 acres, instoadoet50 hogs! They got the laugi on us badly, eh? The Gea E. Martin Co's pork-pack ing business, Troute, bas incereased sc mach that thiey have resolved te formi iimited cempany with a capital et $200, 000. A charter bias been applied for. Anether authority writes:- 1 egf since Jan. lst are fromn $1 te $1.50 psi cwt. bigher thai, last vear for same peried. No mouey fer packors when hogs cest over $6 per cwt. Farmers anE makiug the money now" A reader living la a western tewî where a De-k-packing factory is located writos us: 'Dear Mr. James, I have been very mach iuterested lu Ieariaing that yen are auxieus te establish a ce operative perk factory lu Bowman- ville and as I arn weli acquainted with mauy et the farmers et Durham 1 trust pou wili have success crown youi efforts," A westernu pork packing company's prospectus roads: This company lookF for its main support te the farmers of this and adjacenît counties, whe aIenc can assist la maintaining its prosperity bv their encourage(ment and uuited loyý il infhienc, a anstitution orga.nized almost soloyV for their liheration from the monopoliqtic contrai and dictation of ether existing pork,-piackers,'drolvers. Tao the Farm)ers etflPeterborough and Ianplied o sec thle intorest taken [les."orratorthe biog rcquiced te nake "Wiltshire Cut Bacon" fer the English market. bThere bas been con- miuons writing and taiking the last five or six y cars amng farmers and packers on this subject, -and I theuglît ast fali that the farmers had succeeded fairiv weli in propnring their hogs se *hat the packers wouid he able te make an article et "belect" bacon that would be a streng rival ef the ceiebrated Danish Bacon liitue London market. Iu the moniths of September, October and November of hast yoar we recelved alarger pereontag-e et begs suitabie f r the hest bacon trade than we had ever received botore, and as n resait he packcrs were enahied te send tei heir customers in Eagland just the quality et bacon tbey requiî-ed, and aise ea take centracts te supplyv themn with ho samne qnality each week ail the Sear round. p ti t] b D th 3( tel i 1' th u i peu ILad Bat alas, what a change liascaine cuing wbh pa ssiblv us 'feliriy, well ever the business during the last thre. iuictd yth eatbe teexsin-months. We are stili getting baga pock packcrs. Fuyther it w'iît rceas'e frein thie saine drovers anti I cxpect thein frein the Iran hanid oft those that frein the saine farmners, but the hogs ivili net make the sane grade et bacon ------- as they dii last tati bbc bogs are about the samne weight as tbey were then, but iîîstead et Ping leugthy lean bogs, thev are noe prnaipal- ly short, chunky hoga. altogether tee fat for the Englisb tradeThe bbehyers thece wili Will de mauch te tieveiapj a ninlscalar net take the ides excepting at greatly body. But the strcngth etf the P;ody la reduceti prices, andti t day the bacon net te Pc measured hy its buçic ut by matie frein fat bogs. weigbing frein 160 its blooti, If the blooti is impure, the te 200 pauntsisl selling in London at bodiy, in spite of its hulk ai hnwnfalîs $2 50 per 100 pounda bass than is the ai' easy piz-y te dis- bacon matie frein hegs et the saie case. wieigbt, but efthte lenigthy bean qaality, Trhere is no mcedi- saine as we receiveti last faîl. cine eqaot Docter New, what can he the ceas-an toc the Pierce's Golýden Met- great change in the quality et the hogs ical Discevery fer antiaise efthte bacon, se groat that the purify ing of the some et our customners refuse te take Pleati. It cýaries off the quantity tboy contracteti fac, bbey the poisoIEIs which say,-"bbc aides are the righit weight, containrate the life Put the nicat is tao fat anti we won't fi.iti.1 increases take the bacon unloas yen cau sent it the activit y et the as bean as wc receiveotinmyen wiîen blood-niak-.,ig glandswemdtPcnrat If yen cannet anti gives the body supplv that quality we shaîl bave te an increa -1isupply bnDaaish bac-on a et pure, !body-Puiii- bny even Pigher îng blooti. t uitis prices. n p te adywith We thon lase a customer for Canadian 1 Soundi, he lfesh bacon, as wo cetainly cannet malre instei of labby fat, long, I.an ides tram short, fat hoga. - prarnotes -te appe- Who is te blame for the change lu --tite, feeda 5 he nerves, the qeiity of Canadien bacon? 1 tbink, anti se givra 3,ta weak, tiiere 1-. but onc answer anti that i> the nervosw >pop1e vital- man who teeds the hcg8. Tb-e pac-Xers --ity anti vigo1 r. are taldng heav las>'os on fat aides ju->t There is ne alcobel now, but this i8 not the wnrst et it. cantainieti .n "GColdlen Thiejjurv to tie repactien et Canadian Medical D)iscovcny,"y bac-a n cetiè Ens-îil h market wilreat andi it isabasolutely free fi-opiuman th6 w-hoentradt-, on farmens as iwe1 cocaine and alailier narecat s., as p ac-kers. Bath farmers anti packoî "lI feel it my duty to write tioyeiofriiewon- iai-e iîînrns'elin inaiîjîîo a ence. ,s e derfti curative pow'e-s of s'eur 'oldiiMed- Itii e eîj-sTepcosb icia Discovers'." " writes Cee: e Hrder,-, , , , i!s'liepcr h Esq., of Denaud, ILee Co., r 111i: "hiad aIL(k "a e' >11217 6>-aiOf et nqne in ba buie u nyrIhe-,r u d >:b ied was fibl ti >> lk>ld u ' 'île t îem to 1I bai ot o rdr -ied ivîe~du tees, but noricuars uunee sdson ise or-qir I e- oc'Jwcin tare . Fro athe i ite r-ea.t e b ra ie c 's C mn' S ice M dia1 aii- - - t> > i iet iCi-rt he i reptecu 3 ti-1nit "1.tTay-[ t- teo.Di -î h ex1- e o dî~îe. o. t ".1cbgau o -y. tý1 o 'u, a l e f aA-. t Dr. itrc's R.VMiec, uflo . ,a t P reda bg va1butrgt 'e t es- y ;11 't t 1but new whien unhoading cars ot liv( hegs wo, sec a very great difference br the qaality et the bogs as cemparo( jwîth those we receîved hast fail., It ià ne trouble uow te pick eut the York- sbire and bamworths; they are about the only hogs at this season that wii] mest hogs grow fairh- leugthy when bchave phcnty ef exercise, but when tbeyv are penned lu and ted well mest et thein get very chunky, but the York and Tamwerth weu't a-et tee fat wbilc grewing ap te 200 ponjîda weight aive, vreviding a little care is exercised lu feetling and handling them. The great mistake that the average farmer makes is in my opinion, that wben prices are geod he forces the feed te the hog. having but eue alim and that is te get the animal te the desired wveight witbeut proper regard for the- other essential qualities, viz: a ieugthy hog, full of fiesh but net of fat, In conclusion, I wouhd advise,-Don't try te market your hogs lu" five or six mouths, give thein longer time, food g-ood deund mixed feed, mako them te weigh from 180 te 200 peunds each and market them just, when they are fin- lshed. Don't hoid them and make hoavy fat lîogs because the mark et appears -te be against yen, but stay ini the business. Keep severai lots comiug on and yen wiil find that the market wiil be la your favor the majerity et SYours faitbtully, bbTh Geo. Mattbiews Ce..,LIMIted, il Ge. Matthews, President. ePeterboroagh, Marcb 12, 1901. COUNTIES' COUNCIL NOTES. Respecting the quautity et iquor used ln the Counties' Indigent and iInfirmarv section at the Gaoîlu 1899, -we are assnred that, "liquar n'as pro- iscribed by, the surgeon and Mas dis- Spensed in strict accordane wilb bis rerders and the gaol regulations"'-a point that was net questioned ln these columns. We are net aware, bowever, that there wcre any special ceusîdera- Stiens ln 1899 requirina- se mach intoxi- Scants. Rad ut heen hast car (1900) wben se mach cetuplaint was made about the water andi seme et the lamates hati typhoid fever, the supply might net secin se lara-e. There have heen sevoral old, feeble and invaliti persans la the Home hîcre tlîrougheiît the year and we have,net beaîd of a lollar's warth of wbiskcy hcing bought for thcm. We bave alto known bundreds of agýed auod infirin peaplo whe passed the sudown etoflite without eertasting i wb1îLikeV. vt niet a t at ooucg require$45wvr bayer is j atilI, oniuspan o ius~. editoîlal remacrks ila this journal on this subject W -ien l any way ou the management et the Gaei, we must do the Governor the justice et saying that ho is net referreti te ln any sense, foc wo kuaw von- weil that the reg-ulations cequir6 hlm te carry ent the gaol surgeen's directions in aLU m at t rs which ce me witbtn h is jurisodictionj iwhich we are satisfleti the records wil show hc bas donc faitbfully. In comparing the York Ce. Hanse et Relugo witiî the Cobourg institution, a correspondent writos that wben aun iîîrate o! the former is tahea 111 ho is1 irnînediatoly remoe d to the pauper ward et tho General Rospital iu Toronî- te, while the Cobourg institution is not only a county gaei and tioase et refuge but a bospîtal anti asylum ail the year reundi.t At tPe last session othte Coanties' Canacil, Cane. Donaldsea hreughit.up the question of the Ceunties assumîing- joint central with Peterboroughboetitho bridges on the houadary lino reati bot wocn the two coîraties, and it vias thon asserted tiîat the Township ofI- Cavan had net fermahly, notifieti these caunties that the township wouid net take any responsibiiity la koepiug sncb bridges lu repair. At the last meeting et Cavan Council the follaxing resohu- tien was passedi:-bhat the Cieck be instructed te write te the Coanties eft Peterborough a n d Northumberland and Durham and notity thein that thîs council ahsolutehy refuses te accept any liahility or respousibilit 'y rogarding the bridges on the beundary line et read s between Cavan anti North Monagbhan as the saiti bridges are Ceunty pcoperty andt as sncb must be sustaineti b,- said Counties. Carrieti. On Satnrtiay week Mc.,Geo. Fisher,c Chairman et Ceunty Propecty Commit- i tee, andi Mr. Gea. Mitchell, Commis- sicuer et Ga ol, opene th te tenders tac "Gaal Supplies" anti "Indigent Sup- plies"l andi awarded the contracta te thea iowest teadecers. For gaul suppliese there weco twe tenders, that et Georgea E Mitchell. Cobourg, being the iowest b Fac indigent supplies thec were tbrea I tenders; the ccatract ovas awarded ter IW. Burnet, Cobourg, being the lowest. tý bbch amaunt paiti te, the sevecal c Waïdens sinco 1890 turing the 3-car et ii secrvice is showu by titis statement: Si 1891 A Fergusen............._$807 30 1892 WV J Doý te ............ .. 1.95o 1893 W P Prower-.-.....------.895 88d 1894 C LOwen--------------...54940 il 1895 b W Underwocd.......... 411 90 a 1896 R.M,] ý We--..---...-----511 80t 1897 J.J Prestonu..............610 2,) i 1818 bTBal -------365 92 I e; 1899 J Hl Daîlt ............. 96 181 p 1900 Gea pIl --..... - -.... 44 2,) e Ta tlis aie- -uer "e must bo added P. the $200 a*i. Ca Th'Io iast 'U îwc yeaso--' owîkbereduc- le.Of l'.-" '.p' e ast yoar's 1 M'ai-on, » >"lu tbou o ethat the 'S per ieuaid 0--. epa'd ,t>) the others- whentbc- tî-~ ' te (Countios' bus- 11,0" 9- ' 15 '.0 76, in d PAYMENT 0OF LIFEI INSUÉANCE CLAIMS.' 1 Section 80 of the Ontario Insurauce Act provides - that every lawful dlaima bagainst aiu insuralice company shall fhecome legaliy payable ou the'expira- tion of sixty days atter tuie aim papers bave been fiied, but the Insuranco Cor- po= ion may at its discretion pay the dai aay turne betore the.expiration of the sixty days." Ait examinatien ef the Royal Templars for 1900 shows that tbey act nnder the latter clause of the section. 0f a total et sixty-Oee daims for lite insurance fii witb them Iast year, fitty nine were paid on the day on which they were fihed and Uthe ether twe withiai fort3i--eigbit heurs et. filing. Sncb promptness in setlement et df caims cannot fail te, be appreciated and must net oaly ho a Source et gratification te Royal bemplars, but a1so, a streng recommendation et the order te the insuring publie FÂItMISAND)FOUI4TIY. We have been greatly interested this weok lu reîiding the Poaltry Number ef The Farming- Woi-ld, Toronto. Ilore is a paragruph fi-r its flrst editarial Na branh of ariculture is receiig more attention ;iat the present turne and jtustly sa, than pouitry keeping. la peulti v raising the fariner lias an la- dustr »v whicb, if properhv looked atter, and go the saine attention tiiet he gîves ta. the other branchesý of bis b)usi- nesp, will be the ofnsetgrceatly la- creas:,i:1 te1-ý evenue ýfrc-m bis farm ing- raises dam iatdte frmrcail mîike as mach pler hcd rm i bons as fromn bi1s shoep'if bath are ,,iven equai atten- tion. Whether this is se or net wo do net ln tend discnsgsieig ere. It la suffi- dient for ns te hknow that many tarmers and Utiers, who have ina d peultry- raisina-z more or less et a Fpeciahty, have ohtaiîîed splendid returus frein their investint. bbc industry is capable et immense deveiopmeat, ande instead et sending cggs te Great Britain te the value of twe îmillionî dollars annually, we sbould ho sending fivo times that amaunt. With the egg and dressed ponltry ?Ëdustries deveioped ta their falhest extent Canada shouid ho receiv- in)g annually $20,000,000 frem, these branches. Canadian eggs and poultry nover steod hia-ber la the estimation et the FEnglish consumner than îî'ow, and theretore' the lime is opportune for pushing the business for ail it la wartlî. KILL1NQ DIiER IN TRE WATER. Durîeig the presoat session et the Legisiature au amendmnent ta the Gaine Protection Act wiii ho subinitted, by wbich it is praposad to, probibit the killung of deer in the water. This practice bas heen a suhject et consider - ition for manay years,bat the apposition to it bas nover beon stronz eaeugh te effect the adoption of prehihitory legis- latien, except ln that part ef the County of Bruce knewn as the India peninsula. I'here accordin g te the prosent provi- ies of the law, "ne persen shall take, 'lcapture, waund or k-ili auy donc while 'ln, er immediately atter leaving, any "river, lake, or ether water, or with "latent se te do, hut or pursue the "ýsaine " Atter the season ot 1898 cir- culars were sont eut te ail] dcccbunters in Ontario whe had takeineut licenses, askina- their opinions ou bennding deer and killing thom lan watcr. The replies s'ere sont te the Chief Gamo Warlenr and it was tound that except lu the eastcra part of the prevince there was a rnajocitv against the first, and now- bore were there mnany wbo favorod the atter practice. la tue dopartinental report of that yearit was sbewn that tho express caînpanies ccie'd 2,32 caî-cases et dccc, that 8 559 dccc hunt- ing hiceoîses wcre issned, and that 2.065 settiors teck ont permits ta hauit. I'here ve,,e, accordingly, about 5,600 deer 1,1hIl"rs in tic we - pal-mg the fitteea eaoplaceý,s ihe ambxr cf dcci- killed i'---6ý, Tue ,figuLres ai-e suiiicientiy "1"( te o ,ar eît the adoption pf ad'iit>cîîI î-ct live diausus, and oeue rovutîîg uebutchering et the anri Ma 1,q irn tiPe ,wÀl*$.i, î'ainst wiîh pr e .icot'ie ("i"i- V Wil be I.'~ ~ ~ ~~, fo ~ '-dv the.Lezis- *tu, i t tru dcb.c~în h :0 >' ie ~-ot c cho Melî~be ----I 11# "ii ho ï.di , Ba ki nqPow der Makes the beed more healthfil. Safeguards the food against alum, AIum baking powdTers arc the greatest mnenacers to heaIth of the present day. ROYAL BAKING YOWDFR CO., NEW YORK. 1 - -

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