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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1901, p. 8

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BLAOKSTOCK. IPLi lP MLITR1ýA mny irienus wiiî rejotce to learn that mam ab%'bitrie "' ira a she is reeovering nicely from her recent native of Cornwall, England, and came, indisositin. font to this country 15 years ago...., D- indiposiion D. G. M., Bro. G. H1. Linton, 12th - LÙ oit should not. f eel tired ail the time IMasonie District, officially visited Mount 1~ L BRO-0 jj S./ïeaiÙhy-peopte- clon't-yotiô wontifZjn -Ladge,-oklan msie TelehoneNo~ 7 yo tae Hood's Sarsaparilla for a Lodge, Whitbýy. He was banquetted at TAKE VOUl CHOICE. BY MAIL 7,'TPAID. GUARAîgTEED FULL ZIZE PAC~KAGES. MONEY REFUND'ED WF MOT SATISFACTORy. ~~ETA~LE~. 19 L.ETTiJ E, Noopareil. FOES Oý ýER B RUMER. 20: LETTUCE,Denvet Market 21. MUSK ME.LON, JEnrly 41. ALYSSUI , Sweet. 1. BEANS, Gaolden Wax, Iic~ac.42. ASJERS, flixe. 2. BEET, Ecli :e roi nd 22. WATER M ELON, 1-Prly 43, BAISArl, fliXed. 3. BEET.Egyp ,%n, flat rounad. Canada. 44. CARNATION, ixel, 4. SETL ~ iiOthfi 23. GNION, Large Red 45. CLItIBERS, 1.xede 5, ~BBAE, Wnng.AaWeteraid.S* 46. EVERLASI ES (Helî- ô. cBAE Fou ra ru 24. O SýeON,Y Y.iiw Danvers chrysum), rlixed. wlc . 23.O . ,Silverskin. ..7 A~~ G! .~Dn .S,, M... 47!e . MIGNONETTE, Sweet, ~ 11048. PIORNING GLORY, ni'xed. 8. ~ ~ ~ î CARRO ,olo G o xhar 2: EAFi 49. NASTURTIUT1,Tail,fI'ixei' 9, XLI "VE5R, Ea Iy 29. Se5. NASTU.RTIUII, Dwart ~ ,30. PEPPER, Risuby King. r;.d 10. ELEY, ii elf-r 31.PMSN Larg Cheesc. 5 1. PANSY, 1I-xeý1 b cLn.32. RADkbO., Resy niu. 52. PETUNiA, Tàl'ij,71 CE r Eryiiinesota, .33. RAASI, French Breakfast 5., PUNKS, Vi-~ , s lLxed. 14. kng. 36 ~QUz;4. Lon etc(e,c s St% e.Fr le13 tiERB 55.~-~ PP.' Fine~~ DwriseMo EppGreen. 37: 'su i x !1~l<f38 35Njoreu Alat 8 ZfUfm Il co mah ~Llca-id may halp'mx INOOI D Cl(tule(t ocenu, andi 1 ueciuea to continue the use Road the statement made here by a of the medicipe, Af ter the use offi1f - reliable citizen, and if you have an teen bottle's I arn completely cured. I ache or a pain go at once to the nearosit feel so strong and Weil 31W and have drug-store-and get--a-bex-off-- Dr. cn- scbperfect liealth,-.that-I somethues ord'à i Toxîn Pills. Tlsere ne-ûe-nothik it is too lio-tehetrue. -For-tise doubt about thair efflicacy for alf rms benefit of thouSaàndsof poor sufferers off kidney troubles. Here is the(prof; from disease and the deadly effeets of A ~ ~ rru,.. ~narcaticIliye m t4m'tmn m- onto citizen says:'I arn willing to surance uat aine s Célry ompound answer ail questions, by letter or per- will cure them." sonal a bout Dr. Arnold's Toxin Pills. No one can do ht with more cortainty YONE for I have tested the medicîne and - know what I speak Of. I would not Mesars. George Lane and Wmn. Chan- receînmend Dr. Arnold's Pilîs, ner any non, Oakwood, visited friends bore other medicine,-if 1 did not know it to recently.... Miss Kate Lucy, Gralton, bc good. Now, 1 do know Dr. Arnold's i guest off Miss Floence Fraser "Mil- Toxin efuis te be good. 1 have used burn Cottage"....Miss l lattie Clemens them. I have used other medicines as returned Frida.ý, after a pleasant visit well. I bcd kîdney cempiaint and with friends in Cobourg . -Mr. Thes. bachiache for three yoars, aîid took McLa'ughlin, Gorrie, bias heen revtisit varions remedies iu hope-s of f ofecting a ing the scenes off his boyhood days. . cure. 1 got no relief, hewever, tilI 1 Matrch with its ever chanig-hi- moods off began using Dr. Arnold's Toxin Puis. wind and weather bias favored us Now hnI"tred'ie'te Iwsduring the past week with the be-st ln severe pain, was very nervous and iiie'fthsaon,..M.Atr could hardis straigliten myself- I hadSoc lias moved inte the bous,-e on the difllicety lu urinating, and the liquid Cosster place east of thevile..,.r w'as off a brick red color. I toki thre-o aed Xrs- Arthur Annis and Mr. anîd boxes off Dr Arnotd's [oxin Pilla, and Mrs, A. H. Breet participatr-d in a nrîw ar complctelY ecnred I mean isocial gatisoring Thursdns evenieg cf what 1 soa -1 amscure-,I M back hi» tite home of Wc einnsEoco strong and free fr"r-n pain or ache:I1 sùne1, r. Leiinni.ee-w r cian Gca and sleep wc.ll, the uli'ifary moving to the f crin Uow occupied bv troulbios are ail gene. and I feel te, vcsrs ouî"sr tan di s hr 1 o-lîr George lleiring-ton who ha' our did w4iro bcchased 70 acres near Coîborne. . . we g'aî usiî' Dr, Artiold's Tovxin lils, W(ecOnme triOur village Mr. and s Aovn§ ssnc~ fertls ri'fornctnWaLliace St.cples and farnil% who ha ma1% apîp]y to nIe sudl'il cheerfulI renteid Mr, A-nes Hàîris' piropos'tv, i~'V A Ml ~, 5ACa~'S' t, .. Mi. ;P P. Waish, Or iiso Sti'tToaîs,' nd r c cvM.f i;pnm 13aC lN.A ono box 'ii bo c O. ' o ~av n I e OtO' e tlitof game wýas played between a team flrom the Main road and Base line, ast week, at Mr. Cam. Trull's, resulting in favor of the later, score 75- againat S8i points ... Rev.' -f S.I. Wilson has received an in-'- vitation from thse Flesherton Quarterly Board, Toronto Conference, te become' ordina.ry interest Mrs.Elizabeth Broo-ka was for vears a sufferer with Kidney Disease. She is a lady well-known and highly esteemed, and ber story of recov- ery-- baÏs causect --gonera[ satisfaction. She svrites: I-tfeir mnîtcr for next t .iRev. T , goa n1 ave OMinej trougn thlise,18 tie SoùthuDarilin'gton Circuit, both gentle- nien have acccpted subject te higher authority..Rev. Mr. Wilson gave an intcresting talk on Sunday night on Mthodist Hymcelogy. He ivili continue thse subject in a few Sunday ievcnîngs.... Solina Division paid Mt Caîswcll a friccd- ly visit last w eck, w hen a very pleasant cvening w as spent together. You've tricd nlros, cvery. S thing for it, baven't you? And we presumne yen arc about discouraged. No0wý, vîhat do yon thiriï of1our ', dca of breaLhing-in the A <Stie, bringing it right up to the diseased part? It looks ceassonia hi, dneýsn't if ? And it's snuczes0f0l!, tr o. When yo.,- s Y"c Vs tio-Cresolene ynur hie t '. 'c beasyl thse ivhezi C v , ' ou drop te siee. If coop I . 16îng For sala by Stott & Juryï Bowmanviiie,1 very valuable remedy. I have been a sufferer for ovcr two y ecrs; witb Kid. ney Disease I emplo,,ed aq- doecr, but did not sncreed in gettit n,;vbotter. I heard off the wondeýîful cre-,s Dodd's Kidnoy Pis wcro würkrin lu t Island,and bougbht a bo)x off thons, Af tcr using the first box. JfeitthtI a getting botter, so I bouglît more.No I cau truly say tha-t I arna well wm, I thiek every suffericg wjýOîuan ,slroi: know off the remedY that wl cure ber, and se I aie gîving îMy experionco for publication Mis. Brooks' stateriient *--ýly one off many eqnmmlv strong ca cred by Dodd's Kidney Puis iu t o ,neiglibor- hood. ______ HA-LIPTON. Mr. Jos. Ward -is confined te the bouse with LaGripp e.., . Mi s A. Lý Ashton la reeevering but flot et able te beave the bouse...ý. Rev. H. Fh~Imas was confines te lied S3uusdss with a severe cold. Mrs, (1e-v.) Thoma s wc.ýc ssciptcblv conduet- cd fle nb ro'nwise"'chere ..âr. J-as. StnibbePos , b will cenduet the evessln-, 's i s next Sandcy 1Mar. 24db, , hje Ion.>if offChrist." Miss it -z ., 1-,,nrn-,is vîsit ing at aîýG )hAàs rs. Oliver; was secý(retary. IT T

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