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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1901, p. 2

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m ARIRIAGE LICEN'SES,-M. A JAmEs, Isssuer of Marriage Licensep. Rteeldence: Contre street. SIMPSON & BLAIRI. D. B. SIMPSON, Q.GC., CHAS. P. BL AIRý Barristers, Soltors, Notarles, etc., Morris Block, up stairs, King Street, Xoiarivllle. Soietor8 for the Ontario Bank. Private mloneys ioaned at low~est ti DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S, Hlonor Gi aduate iu DeîtistrY of Toronto Un]. versity. OFFic:-Over Coen, Johnston and Crydermau's store. Bowmauviiie. !9-lyr. Il. F. IlINTER, InlARRISTER,SOLICITOR,NOTARY C-ompiiyFundstoiend at lowest carrent rateï OFFICES: Ring St., opposite Dr. Rarnden's Derntal Rooms, 1ioivmanvîll'ë. 13 tmn* on goodmort ý~ge perriy at3irderate ratesofitrest, 16 -6m. DE NTISTS. Will be at, Bltckistock on the first Nfonday of each month, at Orono froîn 10 a m to 2 P. M. and at INewcastle froîn 2 30 to 5.30 P. M. on the second Monday of each month, OFFîýC:-Teinporance St., Bowman- villerear of Higginbotham's drug store. C. HAýýRNDEN, L.D.S. (Ji pdulute of the loyal Cleeof Dental1 Su 1 VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continues to do a General Banking Buisiess ai BOiYMRnvlle Agency. DEPOSITS vrceived ln Savings Bank Department sund i tei et allowed at curre,ît rates. Natice of 'X thdi aw ai net ecesary. Ail depoits payable iL deusand - EXCHANGE decrght and aold and Drafts issued upon Euro. Uild Siates and Canada. sîso GeljS ilver a4îdà Ïiaited States Greenbacks bonglit and soid COLLECTIONS rr'MptlY made ut crrert rates opon ailparss -f Gr-eat*Britaîni, the Uited States and the Do. initiou of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Meefor lai gc oer mailianms on all parts of Caliada.Ts sspeciahiy advantageousito par- ac iinnMantoao hîe No, ni West- it makes IifUnds a aiable ai once at the plae of paymeut. For other narticulars cali at-the banle. A. 3. MCCLEsAaÂa, GEO. MeGILU, Accouritant Maniager ~AIA Ir~'~..RELIABLE YVtNITILJ. MEN In every loeality thronga Canada to introduce oo1 ooa taek irg up aslw cardî on trees, 1junrs, aic;ng rcads and al conapicuous planes, also disributing amai advertissng matter. Commission or salary Ef6000 pner mouth a-id expeuses nst te exceecl $250 per daty. Steady empînlyment te sîood, ionet, seiable men, No expierience ne. dfui. Write for full partieniars. Emoirp NMedicÎne Co., Lonidon, Ont, PRDMPLY 1 EÈUE i rite for our interesting bo cks lnvent_ý Send os a r ugh sketch or model of yoor lu. vent'o oiprovenieut sud we wil tellyou' free lour opinion asice whether it i3 probably> patentabie. Rejected applicatiorns have oflen been successfully prosecnted by us. We1 conduct fully equipped offices iu motreal ýand Waahiugton; tis qualifies us to prompt ly dispatel work and quickiy secure Patenta) ý funislied. Ma Patents procured througla Mar-ion & I rion rece ve specil notice without charge iu over 10o uewspapers distributed throughout the Douminion. Specisty :-Patent busiuess of Mannfac- ï turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION ~Offices: - NewYork Lite BId'g, r1ontreal jAtlanstic Bldg,Wsahisxgton D.C ananuvaa ar c roirwnsn 1 55~ c, xx4mdush b tgass ecarnest eceker alter tVic truti.' - oiaPam. te 8 p-ma. SuaS1 ..V the bauds cf t3olorae's merchants. Ha tLhink thla 1th e Ipîca she brought, Againe 5my iLuhj2ct impreses me blnda h ha mre onidece291ui nnmed thc fortress Tiapsacus at tha and aILil'Cý talnyu tracs whiih werc with tic fant tidi. rligion is a sur- Sel and Luhisdrvenndlaet so ciief fooed cf the E uphratas, and put 1iutntuidd te îaa turned, jute harpLs and prise te anybody' Litigetsl IL. This hkcly ta scare ait anythiug lha sec e 7 paLr'sand jute railings for L,' story o-1 thiinewi religion in Jerusa-. hlne him, or shy at thingd e h aît_ ____ ____ under giuard avrything Liat passed caus..eay botwen tLe temple sudtithelm and if tLia gb-ny cf King Soloru- aed o cer aida. No iorsa wjth tiare. Te thnac gruat products of pilac,_, and Lhenoe hundred and e&gb- on, wha wa20 a typ2. icf CGilst- that CAMEonRA PalesLine wine, prcssndl fromtiche icci- I:y-t'hiinuaand dollars in mcucy,-sha atony relisý on and reils on, and, la Loid o ndei oLnal inigsl 5L',,,T nAedSiS x7a. estcbuter an ceabrtad ah tic. ins Le tLiiuk that ail those pres- by erenry traveler ccmiug bick frcm ghoat9, or shyiug at bicycles, baby fo~r si,hî,,n eenboflaîeeese,. estclstrs ndceebrte altecaits amauut te notihiug ,in aueh a Jer us a lcm. Tic newe goes on the cabs, read ficrapars and tha likQ. I Usil go peuiio esr y. ¶Wbey arc w{>rl.l ovan, cil, whichin t10 ho :place,,anud ocial a st asiamed that, win-n cf «,1rry ihpaadwt very know vfrom oxperienca that onecuan h Oti cIt f1bDyPaeausC 1evI ~ p ig ccutiny, ivatic cutira subtituta for a;hý,ha.S"biauZlit-thom, and she says ara,vn, anti yeu nkols-a story en- etahestby tmd aralpoe skg.SioreprndfI sctt.t105O butte Lr ad ar, ndivs rnse fca ithin hirsolf: -1 icandi a graat deal iargezý wa'i i le rtoiJ, and by Lie time gLaisa ccsoa oriroad 'oas. el S,,,rtuo eon,,odot ornns o about 1lits place ,and about thil yewn- 1i't t atey goet dijýVainin Lic1 south- trains, raction enginee or thrcablug 'Elliotfi. IeIatCeoii iesi.- Li civ banha uti ccr rckluder-fn1religiona cf the Hehrec., but 1 L,ru part of Anabia Fauix and thc machinas mirch quickar Ùy using open tic country Incare na ail wclI, and find ItLisfartbayo£idmyiighnast antii- Qu 'i-n cf rhh',ba hea'm IL, it must bc îriffla, cr whrn haie au saec plainiyB j icey wio wsti ctia ubt- iptin.. IL axceedgl cverytht-ng A TREYLENDOTJS SfOEIY. instcad of haviug two-thirde cf bis : p tute.for sugar.-Lhese tirce great pro- tiat I could buaes oxp'ýciad, the hall, And yat, thLs Qu'ndealarea31lunre- vision oh-ma._________________ L'h-' hall w'as nett blà me." ____________________ ductLi af tiecocuntry Solomon expert- Learn finaL frn; thi% srhj'ct what gard te iL, althougli ehý had ,hourd i cdiand reccived lunturu fruits, prc- a licautiful thing it la whin social saO muc ni cul d h ranticipatiean'ýI t is truc Liat a horse broken svith Ianpcae od i id cloua woods, and tLinmottais't'si.-.n-dceelbÎheandr h'ut:- aasd -ikgi i-'hlLh1af csb !n.bidi -l cilc.iwhna - animais f evcry lime.s. ven a'l acteGo . Wlitn' arligion comes flet tcld fl.ojr Sio r'.hgiona1aiways a change ILS macle t an open one. ile - - ifbccerpaig.Od hes anmiso eey lme 1 tea a iibrecth--fin-st xv-îore- srrs eayn e ea IL. reason le simple; it la 11J-obraaking o bcyle- 1iin. - -hel dowa te Ezion-igeber, crdaned a flaccoa L r Well,,thera b rcmiug a greater iqar- un animalinluthc first place. \Vhen il i veyCrsin- rae hthduinfa fhern hthoroughly rcnovated and newly ofic sceripissiaoanraterhicbctu, islaovfeearuhti cf hip ceaircie ,cvrsaw te THE V EN surprise tian auythiug I Lave depict- rumbilîng or ratLe cf thc wagon or -- s- .- werkcn, vatccd La danciig cfAustere men' ay lit is iccausa Licy cd. 'Hpaven-tila an id iiiYry. Every- Imachina behliud hlm, lha scS IL foi- efanle.Nw hesmdet tic fltilla whici vraa La go eut on' ara, weak mindnd, 1. eay îtiL l bocausa body taiks about iL. Tiare la hardly i owiug ciosely alLer hlm. Ha vil P more than a year's voyage ta bring ii-'y haven- :uicker perception cf whut a htýinu uinte hymn-book Liai don prebubly try Le geL away fromt iLt t <', -. ra. Ai o urned Lin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i walbc i in -oavnl iglt, mura. ardeni affection, and lnat refer Le il. Ijildren read aotfîrst. Lt tak,4,sosma lime ta etai brOtyu' he nnows st the ealh o th thn Lnow wold.capacîty for cablun.'r ".motion,. AfLn L tinhir Saibath, schIaolbock. Aged ws acde Snexv sarroundiugs,-but if Ce -rwolinnws st Ha heard Liai l gpln esstcvoa aarce .tsr"pe, men Put on ticir tpe-tachas te atud'y ha is carafuhly handli'd h'accu ngeLs avoid the rush. Grinding of all wene lange, and avili, and ]ong-mnan- tLL'n ai li' 3distrcss'-d and tLi pooraricfiL. We seay iL lsa ahrboun Inom tic down Le vork and la very mach more en \i cd and nound-himbed, and ;'e rcsolv- Loti sexcal-thos,,e wl,>have ne ir:cnds 1sicnm. 'W~e coei ILdur hoin.me, sVc'ay Itractable f but evaî-h'd of erskinds. . l -accopt Jean0. Las, s I ail c'.uý hý,"it- k lathe )ieuse cf many mensions. Ve ~knwc u n ldc cs e d Le purciasa Lhcm, Viving ight3- p2igpIc c î f alInce and higi ;social wcava togetier anil a'ct, icautilul, that wcrk-s baLLer vith bhinde: Lian five dollars a place fer Liem, putting 1positicn. Alas! LiatitILtlasoi!'1 tic-e dcaia, exhila rani wods-ve ,weave 1 nithoint Liem, and Liat is the shag-. Li lstcfthsaboac l bs arc those h-'ne ce .n'git wio bave lecn tn ueltatau iuv pî ard or nagular sik. W .iLh Lic -'l s~alls, ud soîîi Lie suplus Le uored of fortune, on as I migiti k eut in rose and lily and amaranit. lind n a eicciftlrvr , s4llan olin hesrpu t ledusne no bthol gtbte,-r putil, ïav.orted cf God, suar- 'And vol îlt aplace is lgcing ta e haahkdcs nt k-ne boL h muy gi a e H1e heard Liai Liere vus tLie 'ai of pect ic te h a e oLord swio blessed Chisltian. Like tae Qanencf Sieha and k-caps up bis end. WiLh tic- op- luniban on Mount Lebanen, aud lia thia Qacees ckf Sieba. Cerlaaly yen report bas come a s tem Liche r e __________eani t% no w arc noticswhip , tanbticohandincfhtic daiv- sent ont a hundrcd aud cigîty thoti- anounetyaand ad.ytefbuslhavd luaihj theuniry tondnrtenybcfdusofavaestant qu -anlis cempany. I arn glad t1tLailc. IL la a dasant mearci, but vae urge er and go- clns hiaehf accordingly.I sand men a Le iwdovu Lie fr Ct hrist ha-s' iad bis imp3rial fricnds on the caflsl. Wlol.thougîs car lenet 11k-a tehave harnasgas, as -vcll as tain gorges, conotusncti t jute naIts 1 1ibc bO -a' ed w t Le way lse are bas-Ste11_' .,tkr11 'eeOfor sa A~imy su"h-j'ct e.eeae me 1 tecing tiathe,-'p-sl .a'_V ok ai aL for r cncumbsrance as possible,! 've o aIne oni .5d-ocbortfir finiod te, ibe fli.ated te Juppît,anod.10 rn vu iL a 1 trLiccem.ent>flLs auj ticuce drawu ly o-e-as twcuty-' -. a(aneicsl i-sao flvscdhpsaJ'iioambunu- mal. Wa esheuld give tîils; matter ' 'c i.l ,Ore tso le eSlk s. trut. Doyoukn-v hr Sialions aslra-nk-incaneo ann.Imyrrb and raaet . hyslI o &es. mile.silacrfashLicstbaude ad iuthde Dwity aici"lloic -.mmins Lveil, rs h, aJarIu- , Lougit as we go aieng. 1 hean ai gWe toopao îp i vitot 00,05, iso.oolt,,odrwt saeoî. Hoear ae.vna'aI I rat i hysal, or saiecassi a te c real 'king. 'XVcmuai, beuLlu lovnslut eat]rcna asyr iebaun atc rîuntrai W uinthilegood deal raid agalusi tlic- oveJ--chck " eosotoOoooCo5î tcspa.oi"The,, iesaaiTos'tsxto seaut ffeir erin. paundLum O m Fhi. n Ler c a ILca a reur et.NVPug n udiintsala' and iL la ail rigit as a ruhe ta diacard'_ ____ n 's4,iL, but I weuld fer tia same reason l ____________________________________ civ gndusuu l Lu vryday seyoftflrcm J'aýrusalam. Ta gai fnem ouinc lu ie ,:d)sat. rge en the( lci Lia biinds goLie eanme 'ca qllfflCutîhisad.out ' Lier aa beras ;nî l Le uia hre te eo imyen bcd La cro-a cmai.1Isac t' -d(enaagalýIsat ticheIIliiauddouswis CO cf~~~ Lî1 iysc saeL ebndaca r uetdwiibnits, sudal k-y, d4i, o~- fLebanen, and State whether yeu h wien 's in e eie pai f PleLin-' tia o eo seing doesants. SSjydid lt te mples sud L' ia ga [esSec the SOWINL. CLOVEP. ON SNOW. rAGnir.r L.,dies. Bicycle, heighîrof trause icldscnat f Lic van/t 1fi -'net tLia Qu'an tcf Sheli ta iy et ho-me, lourtains dance ilu1tic su,sud 1 iea A Mcign311e iittuele-you this 11gb Grade 1901 rlodel elsiL luSIreigupove Liae ere, an aeattua s' rele t n n o0pirra u i odu etuner, exys hoiebcd a successfuI catch I ct teexantintionTo ct thti oegagae hr ec-have Lie de",g'atc.s report in-regaril Lia palaeatiat 'se ara comlng sud cf choyer viere Lie saed vae sown on po Ofc examine itthorouyatyoyar Ex. lirds cf ichest voic(,, n'l moat lux-'e ia 9iio u1i vch fuLsaacwayc ia ec fsebpr~Lrebt ap ed-ess a ca ernie oud, AHIS rftîsats1901 ollE uriaui sing. HaetIent oui people-a LeaKing Sol-migo> n dSilo svantedte cc i iht dean.lea-ing of iie mrec faL ovu LiathrvayscîîaetdeepLi ede suavGiliNrepreAGe YCEd,paH1G to tise MExe ou ici tbcm' sud bring thieno tiare, lmn -ewn - ar e h dser. Te ig wilcoeAgent tihebalance due - $29.00 - and Express an'd haitnrifsue'rfe e-'l.Se1u a, cemcL i plc;and keepsa1 alvyg bclcîv Lic surface as Nos, 45, 50 ansd 51 Charges. Thse expccss charues are oe1y50 te 75 C ýýS coalti neL do hits 'vork- Ly cenamittee. bathe Lintes-e Ionta ins ; res'line o ce esforeacibSu ries. No extra charge forLadies Bicycles. EVERYONE KNWTE Ur-"EDU & PUT THEM JYTIKO IIS CG S si-febt oie had a s'ont avrti ton tiese lunkaTtnka tuis clunamogn and- iaheanowrmaîLt. If Lia anoLv goes iTheyeare the lighestGrade wheelsnnade: nBicycle bas a better repuistion; snu Bicycieh's-ee morea wideiy advertised by tlise nokers; big favotuuiies with best Bicycle Clubs; thse laigwelw r3tand leck low sud sec tuis long, Lau theasand kingdem-a 11k-3 Siebla, Iankincense and yrrni sud put IL iviLi a baavy rainfaliLi'te seed xilie bo I essioaaridera. Built on bonor,fusoints, finea hanger, hubsind bearieg.i'bagadenp tran o f casba ocming up tLeLi ansd ehe svuwnteda roba icb'n tian 'an a ceuser snd Swing IL haforo Liee wasbed into channalg, but aven Lio n tl. Fitted withVictorsingle Tube Tires. $250 exrafor Morgan& WriglîTires-8î00extra for kLng's pute, and Lie cx trains Irom' a-nY w'cocac L'y Oriental usiai îlea, sud sîtan. Anid yat. ny friands, wvînu inet muait ham la dognc. Whcrea Sulcti Frs Henigiiscfhfane-M agaent 20,22a 24 m-Lads' 20 a uendamifordABeacs' Jcp,,gl n sle n rcos si-vted a crocyn setxiii Lb'jew- 'heaven hurats upcp us, iL yl in al ]Discounts. ihendaichtancedg,cdagsnîineacbcown . feCîacuOuDa&ONrAe)s saones, and iesis nI cvory 'hool, suds greatar surprise Lîsu tîst. Oh nain Ioibo-vs dlnectly alLer vicat or 1-eue Agency ae nce, l3No-nw DaMr ST..MNss ioi,", cf avcny viug an il iaI cI evary I_____________________iwbLaLnli tpure. Jasas t n caL barveet seed eaui, ha,,scys, ha sown . smale. j3ce tie peacocaksstrut ander lCh t îcansd te made 11k-e binaon Lia aiubble sud barrowed in aiLi___ tlW cedans, aud Lie bersernon ru, r - '- Al car Chisltian Iglaindasarrouuding sprlng cthi-harrow wNiti aimest aud Lie chariots vical. Hark-ta Le i -us uinglery; abi lorrows sud tears certain saucceas. 'WVhnrp-,oyen is orchestra. GazeLipar i e dance. 'Net o '- 4 --su sins gene by foraver. Tic tison- h sevru Lu pning tuis wnitan neyaAeR IFLr stoppîng tLelbock-into Lice'condana cf AIR-sna fLosus1Lneeiunc aRIsale aset T aaar eeao-ci ilse empl, sic nigt ouLe Li caue- -and Ierty fcuv thua, Lin great ,L ve iln "cisLacoa~ncachc -eeontans a plendid aiotceeorfthie mtfra 'cly a'nsd pasa top te 'Solornon's palace. -'---asho- imultitudes tat not, man cea uamber waiLi a mo-ing machine carby cengi toetei'tcrsîeOtstîtnned Hao'e liud car-salves amid acolîce-- -u - MaIIY t , .ld. wstoonianletcthe ri, StieSetis. Sollhems-oîu-n a =n wihl -end avcrld w tho enad. "TiheIsaif'L atadyngevU gt 1 tLoucf Luildings on vlici Lin og li adt i al vsio 9 c rsix ruches and silîl icie enongi a i t lge pardwlittstock, andshootssteo:51ific force adgtac bacd lavîsiad tLin aeuti cf rany cmu- - jprevent wead sead 'ipcning. Oue SiofE s Tthe saon fer sclneedsla shor, zo ader atlace., soed Mupply C e.,Toron,,Lp. pires. Tic ganus cf Hiramn, teLice aY n bis nieiglihora', ha scys, gec a s fan as chiteci, aud, cf Lie ciier ariista s i s h i f t 1 e s s KING'S VOICE eARBIES WELL. Le s5ay tiat a mautS vwifo sioubd neyer banc accu lu' Lhe long ine cf corrido-leb-_alioecd Le walk-iLu bih ever spring- 5 per cent. huiLer fai. Tiare bas recicd, tic iamp black la met meededi. aud Lia auspanded gcllany, sud ticeSls Earîy Tr.lalîslukseElacutiesi ani Hîs soc-v cover. ntsc beau an ovoînticu cf tae qualiiy Ton cents' ivorth of. biaciigwi porci and tic tirnu. Tnacaniýedwcind- doesn't deserve .Gera.i acet.of tLic produets cf tiec ccc. Especialby cever Livo harnoses. lave days 'is d opdositeuis bunsinginte otus aue n - e ieleast bit o i. t- Thc follosving pariagrapis are from EVOLUTION 0F DAIRYIN3. noticeable ibabeau Lia evotution of isnally enonglitaLe pt Lie cil vel ed aorrientsbursing nto otusand hees andbutter making. Evolu- scaked Lu, Lien rub viii. old *pupens'. My ad pmeganae ;chaites 1u-She c an't study, ea a J heLon.don Daily 'Chronicle. îî msy EvcluL.ion applied ta dairying rmecus ien, itas given us tic separators, If a I inishad job je dcsincd, go &ver lily sder yne-rs of laes in alls asleep, is nervouS 1 la of inieresi Le ad(d titat Mn. Tan- devcbopmani sund progreaS. First churna, butter ceerkerg, sud otier im- UIL viii assile soap or Milhcr'a dress- roaucd byitatton vork-tcf eve usI i. h pt vilci ima in frits bsetcdsua- .-,d tired al the time. ajver did net pet id cf thLia nce,< tiare sya lie evolution cf Liaecv. Ipi amants Liai bave beau broughi e talc aent leation eau be poudýýe a s bang elgsbaskct nca And what can you- ex- JGermair accent, -viýichislaStibl pro- Tic primitive cccv did met give muchir ite of erfaleon,'rgs ivli telothgitd p ynsug Ldry eiinea sud brnhssclpuedo h mrl a etHer brain is beinz ueunced. Evan tLia Duke cf York's umibk. Evolution, or deccîopment, pence and skill and devaepq tie ma. oua. dyslida Linalutnd suittu Liai even tic leaves fed with impure blood accent is not quite firee Ir.temLe ama bas beau broughi about iy environ-------- sccused ta quiver ; a baver capalle cf at ertoe alint: ment sud change cf food. Tic beaf RPIIGADOLN ANS H R FSIPMKN- holding five huudrad bcrrcls cf 'ca- an ewbl systern sRPINCADOINGH NSS TEATOF OPMA N. sufe"gfompi ng E verybody hcanug thc Kiug's o<icvlaone of Lie eaniies;t typas. TicI ikngsu lw okn x head whih guhedwithwate andSuc girs ar woner- speeches durlng tLie past yack-s bas deiry Lpya la cf modemn davolopment. hinsg. Tae-cont ailLia strings, 'tractsLtahefaveor anl Lie water, iceda 'c'iici gsplbce vi tar aoond uh ilsae ode remerkcd ancsv - ýLitaisîavoica carnes Faeding Lie cew batLer fod, mak-- ans ei u hau tlv eushO'ald. net b'salLed until mccv ic h I:llad Lin l. Te viuse of pbalerapose liiirtaceolnduesed uad crst3len tblîtesa a ma i- ul hle nt raly rmrkbyvli i es fingbrnrecmota ad rc-usa- inLucasas cf emergency, sud bave endl of tic pro(-cs, lun coek-ing cnes col plai. Tantablescisesa hwlth chafi, -by taking Lords la eaaily cs'thin Lihecommon Lug fer miik- have reaUlted L 0 h i va rboe lcspcel nl ons ,cao- ii epia chariot svheel sud ien and cierubim. i owaltewa rboe lcspoel n ons oeeahg epr Sebomensast on a Lirene cf ivory. At range;,liaitheLia ing's voice s laeaof cf Lie dairy typa, thai can give ru Lhe sitting place cf tic tircue, imi- Liefwvi bt cala maka Lîemn- eue ycar 10,000 lis. niiik cenîaînîng mcnded. Or if Lie harus is au oid ture rcndeors Lie gelatin soluble sud _______________________________oua, £liILyourseîî cvii a îew riveits'i. iul.b cd sLe aal taLion cf Lauds came eut IS e eive ithevsbad is -tgpii ue-IS tie utritions part of Lie scup, king. Tiare avera- sic ýstep tisai IUS e te No. 8 coppan rivet sud -hure. thi is important. mone ateîite nec n eyno ad ;ýiyo h leti lthey are Lie stroupest sud cepper-4- cf eci cf Lie stepa a irazen lien. Hait. Tua notatimgcas s nodees mot injure leatior a_, deies iron. WIIL HAVE HER WAY. Whm red. nta aaete u eel aaý)ildn ult fj Have Lic haras§n epaircd baera put- Mis. One-Hecv wde yen manage ta trimmeddt ucr condîca viithsnuîfcns voic-It isl tae reiataiso or n greatinadrpoalont.Tk at cf ýgeld, sud Lboy cul their frul'cidaetrnigadhbr. A wga rio ilo L ekesatk-cep yonn ceck se long s" knives f goldýani:Ithey wshed teir del of tainingand laos. tub of îvarm U avdaptrin Laub ofs.rmloti-en-etEasy Tenousyi.nc dia-i koies cf baidns tsey vantscoLp-irH.AO S Appil bcuo tcPic u u ucharge hem cvcry morang, and aie ras lacs u asnscIgediî teyscop u r.eds otuousands ILisoin- unili LiteedPrinctants casily. fusathei Le bsave. cd eut tLic-asies vii thevels cf geld, of sehoolgIrîs have taken caught young. Tiare la aitsclutcly Usets'oap o seap pecvdntaWaui ccc un-I tle/t-stinred this ltar liras aviLi it during the past 50years. nothing clerical tL,,)ut bis intonation. Croup la Lhe Lrron cI ovary metias piec(,-'until dean, tien place lu such IHUSBANDS TO BIUIIN. Longs cof gotd. Gold reflectad l ienayo hstgrsnihLesn-e isrtmser aLansd Lie cause cf frequenutdeailths psIio s -haili drain. A sali Itrs. Crimsonbeak-WbaL de yon ,Waiter; gchld fllshig Irons Lie ap- Nayo hs grsnw > A hesmhsfrlmse nteatnong amail cidrau. Dr. Ciases i poitons-i parai; gobd blazung in tie cnc'cn; gcld nave homes of îneîr own. acIvieprdton' oC5 Snpc £aucdsu Treîe gcld, gld 1 0f course Lie nec-s ncf rm>'br h man, Mn. Trvr.iings prompt relief LtaLthe loi 1,ring-aLestant te.diii noîn. Lie crossas. iy pokers tateiin b s ? Lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wa nluuecuLpicasntet- T'y any aois ivem crrent in tLieeing coogi, ucakos breatiing n.yatheLbc ime Lihe ast pi'ca lý a susd, thc Mn. CmimEou-ak-Ti'-y musi Liint avenyîvierc, by -evary caravaand cvred them, andt, noigr days-storics wiiien bcd tLia reeand preveocia suffocation. IL la ýmothera' fL parie ara recdy tLe ýb' iacked, Liey've pet itsband,.ç te barn. iy ic vig c eenysii, nLi 5015î'the gie he am mei- un-Stality qaaLdity cf haing credlîaiia favorite remedy fer ceagisi coidasiple off ail sysor. Isaeone strap, Liste iais ofJene sem un crodad c i e to heown ch itn. Le hLiplipil sUd masiar. Oua croup, iroucittio, whcoping ceugh sud a L ime on s board sud -cati saiiOltOVFlt FIOsY Y EAIS. ithe cunitofli saesm it Laie wdd Y o if ord memnnp, avun ils aereucc said; sLiia sa'b give bid sides s poing c'er, al- .wtheuioity.se.krs ýha itit mrnng 'e ýils Royal rs. F. W. Bond, 20 Macdonald ion cyhici aipe Lboro'uglîly. As sau !dre.Win8low'a SeothiùgSyrujc liali been uosdby houp procession approaciing Jenusa- Y 'can af td-o rust a 1 G r. utsu , Higî ies.nlîliott of nioteerafor nhetr iiilî'en arlîle mm I iik fouati cfIL ia ben iti fna elaua bascontinued Street, IBarrie, Out., neya - av es c5 aci picce La biack-cd, lay iL Lu a tentîiiog.If di-tcîbeSatitightanS bîoken cf lem ? 1thitikfrcm th plompof it arsaparsîîla ta'ba L t e Lehis cà ýý,i-irepliad:il tiî'd yocn maedicine, ncy fithilas'ae' eanplace. o-adcYi r ceaîscmust..tc, 1gb lu iLs poasers cf curhug ceugh nd A hbernesshould ha blackad sud ael- hesipain of cniti-g teeihooand an ence ang Liera muai1 be est-tIdfor haîf a century. shan't.' Mr. Tanauîr, bociug grsvely, ru.M iiagr e ia uie dhlr Lbs iat e cydyf5 inows' Sooting syrup ROYALTY II'fTHE TRAIN. t Es.0 e lusîie. Ahi drug..igs. leIt Lie roomna. axi dlay Lie Prinice 1 Lecou ona og iasd I1 rClld.ruTetLlog. viiaseieveihepeL e mal Lie breatit cf Lie s escavici If ycur bowels are consti- $said; '.1n. Tar-yer, I1'cas vcry rude te - ounfrsbnge erahat fogve ra ta avatar ep'-ns Lia porcs cf Lie ltin aufferer ai cace. Depeiiti pon lîmothers, ireinagi 15 resnt, uJ iar Paed .Itgk-avie r's %Pil1a.Yn i you yesierdaypoerraî Lmate sp)ooie'a'Dr. Ch"asSr f i a d u a- leatien sud Lic cil "dries Lu" muci tIoes ine miotake about il. fI cures Diarrhoea A a

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