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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1901, p. 3

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p scmetising was donc, and doue speed- Co l not Pull .,y, tewýouid ail bc drowned. le ElECESSAItY CHANGES IN THE AM brotisars and sisters were al lu thse t C IIr 'LOPFGiiEAT BRITAIN. iveter. Tise fcour-year-old twins wr t-- te ciunging te a floating chair ; tise otis- Whe a elilegenlemn lkeTihe an.saesc sd XNeclasassrv'or tisree oidren. vere holding te tise ai lI ea lefiableSigentlemanr sly USoor'bedsteed. Mr. Thomnas Simmons, cf Chaf- 11ecsneîy Siâsggseac-A Scaiaet 11lugîs 1 She quickiy lifted tise twins and de- f-yG. Hales, wrldliadn. h Lndn posied tiso-m on tise bedt, taelling tise C, Ont.,' tan A. Hlswrîn nteLoo, others te cîsrnb up tisercalase. Tise bolnNwso ieabv ujat water rose iigiser, and darkness ivas boat eni ter, expresses himself:-oomlng on. Thse littIe one-stery bouses cone fwrd Tise ouiy tising to ha donc et tise could not long stand against tisa S on is own ac- prcsent moment, as fer 'as Ian s ec0, lood.. Fronietiser bouses Margaritaj je te ould hear tise voicas of men ealling- count and adds t sweep away tisa abominable syli- ta tisair f amilles. Tisera wasi no mail 4M;2 his testirny îem whicis bas igrown up lu balf tiahere obd ut ,herself te cave thu te thc Value cf regiments lu tisa Britishs army in re- uthaer fiee, a redizaicur, ,gar t~expnse tiai, arcecrowded Margarita had te tisink quickly, for S1 eia tuehe oexp thse water rose fast. ~Sis soon declid- tepublic haS upon ayoung officer. W'heu tisa pur-edwateo.$streasetn assurance tiat I saau omsin a ocan trips and fastenad-aliltise cildren MR- OTz.s S'M.ONS. tiere is serne'- a great refornivas anticipatedl, but together witis it. Tieusai he pulied 0hn cerigOfl ifeu short of anticipations becaus se h e otedowy oktedo tigdsrigattention. a oillawwseaceaGm u ite hisages, and traoisferred tise adon, for the past two years, he e'oili vwseatanegachiidren te luis improvised raft. %ad- and Wealthy and privileied clas, vvhiclis ing througis thz coorwssy, se pusis- expericnced iitcn'e pain dovn the -efctually crushed most cf tise good od tise precteus load bera. sciatie nerve. So sývere wvas it tisa abolito ipuess roî e Steps, loge, barraIs, dobris of al at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.to ofe hth a nbl o ia a a hurebse nd or yeers;descriptions fioated li wid confu- at time that tiwas ngie t edo.Tatgood t-ay ihave bd frea bs; -si, and. sha cd'to steer ber way handIe tie tirottie cf teegni o od ody aebe uytisrsugis. Tisawater iVC5 Up 10 her and would bc ob1ii'dý to lay off a-ver'sinca I bave been lu England elisows, and stli risiug. Sisa wai for days. "1Before tie first botîle hunting up fmots i onnuection iithl afraid, but sý'weetiy ito her heurt of Dr. Hal's Rheurnatic Cure had tItis incIter, and 1 have arrived Intihe s tule tisernmory oi soea riords beard Siýn cocluiontha th syteri Iefe tethe' Sunday beora: "Tise Lord le my been drained," said Mr. Sin-cnlae ia is ytasIoe 0ielper." 3Sbe strug-ped onward, aim- men, " culdfel tc eneificial bas bcd more ta de witi tise inferior ing for the greant. irmly founded gev- inon, - êOud fe h d cla secf cur army officers of to-day erimeut building. effects; and by tlie tinie I tiusd snaytsnas. opt1ie a- Once se thrught ail was lest,- for four I ý was compleîcly cured. tacpî'nî smîyamsnt e aiisebl i- ice of drif tweed crasisad ýer pa.ýny itsimpl amoagais -1 ear'dooir witis tremiendeus Siuce last sDing I1av been en- r arnsy ring existe, just as muais as1fr. Margarita wvarded ocff tise next tirely free from pain. Dr. Hall's rings exi't on tisa Stock ,ExLciengi' or Iblo'sv by réeovins lt upon bar leit, Rieurnatie Cure did it." eisewvhere. If a yeung.ster jein 1131.Liarm, Thse arm saved lise raft, but 1 citerwsard il bung limp aI ber sida, Dr. Haiis Bheamnatio Cure je put up goed ragiieîst hie lifa le simply made srokan tby tisa violence' et tise bie'7. la 50 cent bottles, containin.g tan days' uisearable for hlm ufleOss ha bas a Fer n iew minutes more tise strong ta'eatment. For sala by ail druggists b,,kigi accoonn of suf ficiant strengtis yeung right arm guided tisa rait, tili Mo eae umdicine Cc., ingelc, Ontte support ail kinde et nensenscei Margarita fait tisa stops efthtie gev- MediineCo. Kigstn, nt.erument building beneatis ber feet. It ______________ -fade. iras rne toc seon, for tise watar ivas oMýr MONEY ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. upte ber ohin, and sisa ias wek ýcOo'G Cottons Root C0 U Ha may bavealal tisa brais andoid itis pain and exhaustion. Wili tise la isneoosfiully usad motbly byove z onargy of a Welington, a NxNapoleon words tisaIisad aiseerad ber yet up- ýl0,OLde. Safe, effectua. Ldis asOk on ber lips, tise brave girl tried te ynur druýgist for C*ka Caties Rot ceas- or a Roierts; but unlesshac enu put clmb those stopg. eand. Take no ether as ail Mixtures, pillsanaid fmîtatlens Aredangercus. Friee, No. 1, $1per bis hand ite bis own, or bis ietissr's Il wec wall tisat strong arma were box»,No. 9,10degrees sronger, $3 prbox. No. or bis metber's. or bis aunt's pocket tisera reedy te entois ber. for tisaI I or 2, msstjed ou recept cf prîce and twe -cent Samps, Tis'e Cosiokaopany Winsdsor, Ont. te tise lune of ibig mooney fer tise pur- effort wec beynnd ber strengtis. Tiey 82"'Nos. iland 2 soid aua reeommended by AUl littad her up and bora ber lucide, and respbosible.Druýgglsts la Canada, posa cf kaapîng up a ioal's raputa- tison carriad tisa raft sud ils living tien for extravagance, ha lis made lu burdon bodily int tha building. Tise Nos. laud fS soiS la Bawmaýurille by liteoi ' aOvoiAîsý& SON, Si-arr & Juay; 01-oio by J. Gis feel in a million ways tihai, tisa sonner children ss'ere uuinjured, but il was s-oa,~; tcwcati by15e Fxtiossa bis packs up and cles osït tisa botter long befare MaLrgarîta recovered her ____________csoas end realszed that ber brave *for hlmr. No one insulte hlm, ne one figbt witi tisa flood bed beau crewn- gives hlm a isandle te catch bold cf, ed wlth success. Sbattecd Nerves and H e simply irozcn eut, eand ellowed te feol like c parisendeg on an avs I-ISTORY MAKING BULLETS, elled yStel isaa.p, aoid hy this means tise places' are S-ept open te tise oion cf thirdl-The <tseeu KIept a Ceillectlen or lise ciase braisa ndiStwenty-fiftis clase Deazc1,3 sllvEii... E ertergy aviso happen te hcablhe te wrIte THE E FFEC.TS OF LA GRIPPE, m2:-4 a big cheque for a mess ball, a polo Many cf tise hulaIts tisat have posay, or a regimental bana. chasaged tise whulo aspectscifisistory NsEW FIlA EECINNING. arce tUl presaîved te catil up strong Haie Yon HadTisieipletTa is e einning cf tisa reign amotiens li these wýho loek upon cf Edward VIL. te whem tise whola emp-r-piLre is lookisa. for great and glor- tisen; and firsl aisp amongst ions doeds. Tbis King wiso raîgois tisea eisa fatal mnissile tisaI SileS If It dic1, read what Mi. F. J over tisa greateet empire thsa world Lord Nelson, ferinerly lu pessession' baýs yet L-nowoin ay de many tlb*nge etofeur late Queen, as wora caverai gropliy, ofMntel Que., lias te baioea is sand uSe olw litise glass. -,y of tLie oo M;Ibi<rn's Heart but I k-saw cif few that will go dloser more le bc reierred le. and erv Pui ~ lmte his paople's lisarle thas tise use Amengst tisese are tis a 0bmes- cfis kirigiy influence ia regard te seîgars tisat struck devin General army ratom. Wby sould tisa young Wolfe at Queboc, a isuge ae~ lumber- Ificia very severe Iablei, isteiiertual gallant anSdaserv- He W r'tes+ ' ing 'lads whe happen te hoc cursedi tng ,chot tisat le, in tisa strengeel con- He~X rie : tlack of la gri Pe, sy the, bans cof poverty hbc orusied! tras ailis ltenoesacsdeedly missiles wlh-h left me ail ru d.swn, very ncrvolus out of lhe grant IKing's servica e: il-a.Tii ieaple els aud extrems.iy we.sk. 1 couic1 net sleep at niake wsay fuor-Ifer lar meunache have nigt edira tosiuld its rofuse per.LttIle t e rcosmend tisom outsiute: fragment of iron tisaI brengist about sinhand Wsc tiý1e iec m mclp ae tiseir basaking acceunte ? To me il tise Sentis cithat replendid haro Bur- cf is godeffct ~MI..soams an iniamy and outrage upon goyoie baera Ceeunni. Tiseo thrce ance. Heaing ch g afecso il Iethale noble, chivaîrous and gond. hullets, witisnothr Iragical relia, ara burn'a Pilla, 1 began talzing theni, Mucfiste Wisy sisould a ttarie cf wenlthiy Muygratification tley braced me up, iuvgor- dandies hy chie te rot le tise very i centelied li glass cacas witis magni- ated my whsle s$tr1a _dmdem ~~Cocae an esopire's Ç, aeat s? Tieyl ticently-cre ie iaymnt lis ancwnan, Id mademmeuiif - ntethensslves are of littîs use aahen il luge anSdlise missiles tisslvas rsI all sîffein as I diii, foes. Wby, lisen, shenid they be al- ue idn vsîestn ll e _____ _________________ lowe d le bar tht- pals te istter mon 'daceS tisaI ne 3iiigle, relie lu tisa laIe Things are erderod differantly ln ui' Quoen'.s possession meved hber sol SOLO aetlethbeatlsdSoldnavy. Tisare tise expensos are usader Sdeeply, or literected er 1isa GssauectsiarbypropercurltShna v a e iaNelsonen eawiicia wac presenled £iflIor cod toa pand inca- tehave ~'~ o.lylseiParî5aOsai-lise finest navy-ou tise face cf the'so ler as acocosequenre of e requet tyl,,atseast.Tsuaiear Swaters. Tisa-camne claIe of afta r ubrcs buwriting. 1eissed in goi d S eral, prtti àil'yi e n L n cnrra1,"'adsetlycarded, thoîto ceu d Ssheuld citaîn lu tis aermy.. Anotisar bullet tisaihbcd a parlicu- c W~~%ARRIORS NOT WIE-BID13BRS. 1eraineetfrisQenleieue Senduat5îsdvrssueasCs-'v 5thlst ~din-Iis thisa r1-y hicis killeS- Geierai ScGogeCts "il 1l' fawPines,,sali thea. r'- - weuîd ncrl hbefere Inkermann, ail his staff zsisrnhs,11-(111it Hslsooi. eceme unpopuler wilis ca Ousciidsld5,îgîsiteeyosi lil? el-taini dace, and ise senior tise bbt ei,-isig illed around irisn-analet by -oea isu,1-.ssl!,1Y -1 4'l iL »eszsioleta orelly(.~,, ~ Ca., iC Èutue;, foiti tcleeS 3ýuopreeted ocrrnc-tr e Box~O TO'OttuCas.are net ue bulwark end our sday Majesty lenew porsonaliy Ibis-fine cf- - av i t cornes te reail figbîiug, 1latnur 'ficer li ber lyorng days, and taiSeSj lady nevelisîs says aviat tisoy may le av-itis hlm juels before bcseta forth. Am- lise cenrary. Every offleers' mess lu' ongst her relîes, Ine, lise Queeu par- Itise kingdom aants pruning down.ý ticulerly cherised those athiais bear j~Colonels want te ha judges eofavarupoil tise "Six Hundred" Charge, and T t pec oorturewie kllo o h To t r of net cf vines. Subalterne want te kflow,îCpeec hha-sc iIdpo tý how le face privations, net te play- Captain Nelan,- ,ýho deliverod tise fa- FCZE .A on toavis itsolf on a silver tripeS, lu imitation e kep tsa f lroe cîceked carbines. sisould bec Il la a bIaasiDg tiiet ~a creliable î-emedy s for tisse tetureS day s aitit terrible skin iseases casa gel sao relief from visci App!y if exfer-nally an out tisa ireancd, itai cnt tise htaling procees. niT,sit oinernalfvan lies tise bic o f il tisos, aniics re tlis o'oc f urcaof s arad ail Burnfr true-you can get it froni Lson fIlood SCOTT's EmisioN of Ced t tise cm-I Liver 011. eaw je Whatever else it may bc- it isa vacationfo tmcan allier baS anSdlber partly for bowels. is ad gvj J t feeds you a littie -ithout' t of ber! any xvork at ail by the stomach. reat Gulf j That littie may bc enough to aves ise, ooked liset set your whole body going ceet. Tison agalîl;- for it helps you morej i anooden : "4 _7 5Y.vi tV , r tI r 4. u ) u ! e . ', elSoorway anSdi furnilure 3fl.1cýj' Powley's Liquified Ozone Cures Lewis Gleason, Esq. of Cast1etor On, ,of this Ter- rible Disease. -%heii the system becomes filied w;th Ujrie Acid, the delicate muembranes of the body arc irritated and infi..ned. The naturai cils of the joints are eaten by tle acid and regular tortura sets in. The onlly way ta treat the discase is tc, remove the cause. G ernms produce the poison- ous acid and Powley's Liquîfied Ozone kilts the germa. Ite.d this testimonial. "For the last 20 years 1 have been troubied with that dis- tressing disease calcd Chronir Rhcumatism. For day s and weeks I have been confined to m', bed, my joints stiff and swoiien ; my h-inds 50 bad 1 could not use themn. I couid not Eleep et nights and liad palpitation of the heait.' I igo± inedicine fiomi leisdig physiciens aud tocbý ail kinds of patent medicines, but got mothing that did mie any good. I purchased two bott!ea of Powlev's Liquified Ozone, beiieving froml what I iseard from others that this niedicine nsight take hold of tny disease. After I had taken the two botties I began to find relief. 1 plirchased six more botties. After taking the eight hotties the sweliug ieft mny joints, niy bands uow are as liniher as they were twenty years ago, sud I feel like a new man. Rheu- matism, stîffness of the joints are ail gone, sud I consider mnyseif cured. It aiso cured me of the worst L-ind cf kidueV trouble. Anyone suffering f rom the ahove disea se write or corne aud sec wha, Ozonie has ,dnc for me. Iu faet, I cannot say ton shuch towards the value of your medicine. Sge IITIIS CLA8ON, Castieýtoa, Ont. Powley's !iquified Ozone is $î.oo a large bot. tic, 5ac. smali size. Ail druggists, or fram the laboatories of thie Ozone Co., of Toronto, Iimib tri, 48 Colborre St., Toronto, TH1E MOST EXPENSIVE TOMBS IN GREAT BRITAIN. For'Osasea spaot li reparlsoig ast Itegllog I'Isa ci cf eo îiVlis Lotïof ef aus- neassitri'îl 'epi-skres. Sinco lise far off tlime avien lise ricis EastiIndien prince sacrificed isundreds of humai liree and nîmost impoeorised an empira te builS lise Tcj Maisal, aI Agra, tisa world's cost- lies tanid muaIS. arlielia lomb, as tise mest resting place for lise asises of bis beloteS princees aid consort, tise veal'isy and lise poe-tenales of carIs. havae sown aimosl as munis cencersa about tiesa tyle and qualiiy, cf the graves lisoy are te eccr--sy aller deatis as thay have lu arecling paletial and luxurieus ioa for tiscir onicyment during hife. hIEnglendpejýrLaps ess ecmey le sIpent --n coslly torahs tisan lu many 'hias 1ounr's-net ably lise -ULnited SîIL Les, FaneanS Itaîy; bailfor acli tisetlisera maay be sean coma aery beautiful anS coslty septîlcbres witb- cul searahîrng hcyend liseMe tropoli- tan canateric-.3 eey:the London Dniiy Mail. Ia chat ailisMr,. WoDd, cf tle Art Mecmerial Company, XWest Ner- w-cd ~ssilytie largeet Erra et designers, scnîptors anS medellers in lise United Klugdcna - lise writer learnt tisaI WcVsl Nerwend Cemetery, prebeisly conleains lise meet epnsv tembs ef any ln Great Britain. 1 Tils iS doubtless lnrgeiy owing te! lise facttisat il cantains tise Auglo- Greois buryLng grenS, lise Groales asý n aaiole being particulerly lerishin l Ibeir ercti)iof ni ceslI iy asc laums. Tisa Rilu' faniily, uoariy tisirty years age), erecled, a temple lu tise Deria stylc.,aI a cecI of about,£20,- 000. arciiecl, ,aiho, e conîrived mnat- tere lisat tlse centre ef-tise building miglit ha u aas a mortuary chapel by lise enlire Greek commarnity. lise aaing buildings oniy heing resarved as i catacomhus for memnberd aIoflise Relui famiiy. Tise interiur of tisa-building Le rish ly deccrae dO, anSdlise figuras aviicis adorn tisa padiaîl trepresent lise Re- surreclien. VAJIJOU-S BIBLICAL SUBJEOTS ara siseavuilu lie metopSei fthtis triaze. Another to>ry ccstîy tomb, lu West Nerveci Came-1try lis at of lise Va- guiano famti.. ibis wae rected lu 1898, by tise prosout bead cf lise tam-. ily, le tisa mcmery of bis faîber and motiver, anS- prespeclively fer bim- self. It wac designed by MIr. Woeod citer! tise Temiple'cf lise Wluds, aI Atisens,1 and il cost ocrc£2,000. BuillI of whiite Carrera marbie, il centaine a stained-glass arudew oethtie Resur-i rection anS tisa aault Le capabl of accommedating a dozen coffins. Tise temb of John Ilîlli, also at West Noravood, ariicis cost in tisa neigihorioedofe £12,Q0O, asas de- signeS by Edwaad M, Barry, souni tise famias crebhiteot, trem avise dravings tise lieuïes cf Faclilement atome bailli. IP la a Demýie building ailisa mac- b1ie dmand tisa pedimeute are beau- tifishiy scu.-lptureS. Inside lisera are lave mamýbleý angels stansding over tisa aller, and tisa cniilîerior ic gorge- ouciy Secorated, ailiscoleured, mnar- bloc. lun 1882I John Ballil, a premineul memnbar of tisa G('reak community, oracleS a niegniiflreent türmbh at West tor ,oo , te s of t is tatbeî,, 1Xenopbu E lias 7Balli.Il enset £,5 -'nd (lir. Weod ( 1amdelleS ilC nuapime iy o fIue eigcter tisepet Tise bidig-ntiea san 'An~gelico," tram iFlorenea-; L piso Misiter thie isesrt eot',i2eof tisa w -~ famlly who died and wvas buried abroad. Tise Zarifi tomb was ercted by Mr, WcIiod abolit f ive years ageo at a coet cf £,000. , itla oe of tise finest vaults ever buiît in En-land, and hi led down to by two fligisaof iar- bie stepSý. Acietier vary beautiful tomb is that built for bis family and himef by Mr. Sachiari. It consists of a (ireais canopy cf wisite inarbie tover- tug an lsm tl cross, whiois, in turn, lias ou a merble baserment. A comparatively esmaîl but very effective gravestoeai,, that erectad £or hinaseif, by AIr.,itodocarhi. IL wsva finuisisad early this year and is of Florentine design. It mnst net ba forgottan that te aIl tisa approximnata figures of cost givan abuove a very considerable sunm may heaedded for "grennd purcisase," whirh is invariably heavy. AT THE BIG STORIÉ. Tisis aulsPer'severnnce Was Yery 111 Rewarsled. "Wisere are your razor strap7?P asked tihe costemer. "lnger strops?"' said thse flaorwalker, stroking lis aide wisiskers. "Fifth aisie te thse right."' Tise customer went te tise f fth aisie te thse right. "Razor atropN?" he asked. "flazor rtrapsV tise girl beilnd the couinter said. "I tisink tisey must be lu tise notion department."' , Where is tise notion department?" "Next section. Tisree aisies back.' Tise custemer hunted up tise notion de- partment. "PZlazer strops-strap7?' ho sesid. 'ollfind tisem among tise housebold goods is tise basemant," respended tise girl ln cisarge of tise iairpin suhdapart- ment. Ha went te thse baaement. "Wisere are your razor str-atraps?" ho inquired efthtie first salesan is met. "Lest cnuter on tise right." Hie went te tise lasi. ceunter osn the right. "I'd like te see some of your raozr strops." "I tisinis you'll find those In thse notioni department on the first floor' "Beau tisere. They sent me dewu haere." "Neareat we can cerne te it la deg col- liers. Suppose you try tise razor depart- ment." "Wisere la tiset?" "Firot floor." Tise custoiner isadn't thougist ef the razor department. He went back te tise floor abova and appeered a tais moments later nt a counter presided eyer by a girl witis large bsangs and a lisp. "ýGot any razor strapa?" ise demanded. Hie was iscoming reckless DeW. "Rustior tistrapis? No, thir. You'il find tisotise In tise leatiser goodth depart- ment on tise tisicstis floor." He took passage in tise elevator for tise aixtis floor. "Wbere's your b1amced razor straps?"l ha inquîred cf tise sixtis ticor walker. "Elgist aisies ever. Leatiser goods de- pa-rtment." Tise weary pilgrim traversed tise eight aisles. "! want te see yossr razor stqraps," ho said, witis some fierceness. "We don't keep 'em," replied tise mien beisind to tiectr,,> Tihe IFamily Skeleton. J3caver iBlock. I3owmanvillc. e am pto n General Store, We "b-Ild a vaster stock than has -been," and are as usual preparcd to gv bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceriesý and Hardware. Good Twveed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $,0 W e have a very large and well assorted stocîç. to select from, in ~e~a Worsted;s and Tweeds, %)oth Foreign and Domestie mnanufacturelI are bound te SUIT ý ont. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hardware Departînents you will find our si~ well assortý-d, bought ini the best markets at tise closest prices, and ), be sold at the right price. Some people want quantity others quali we eau please botlî Eighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a caîl, 74ÂMTOI lJohn J. Barry wac iricSeS te deelis in a street tigist at St. Paul, Minn. ____________________________________ Au elepiaîl eseaped fromi lie "Zoo" et Indianapolis aid wceckod a barber Tise lin-oantrust bas iseen imccc- poedSiluNew Jersey avitis $88,000,000 .Donlt- capital. F H. C. Humphimis, leader cf a Bnp- - tCet csumois choir, St. Louis, MIe., sisol and kUieS iuseli. e a A landiord i Cicago ramoea J "Sor. anS %vindeans" li ordor te drive e îYnar nul a gsicS touant. I ' vnI o r I sproposeS teunulleacli coal oer- ntrukale andt ators of liloi undrore manag--Bcache an mont, ailisa capiital et ,75,00000 I notabîcto at-ye& , alentine Boi z ni Buf f ao, avIe hi.% tend te your htiebldSties. If p Ticosise ottecalen eaisalil heen bliS fcr 2.8 yenrs frena lie cf- yon have n'et usýeS ea' Pilis YOU be edviasbie te keep a botlepcf PDr. fuel of emnilpox, iaS hise igîsI mstoc- can bce absolutely cared by them. W eod's - Norwsy Flue Symn-p loitisle ed by an 'operalion. _____hionse. J. P. Morgan & Co., 'Newn,'Y Ynr, cons- pRO FR01O E ÂN '~It alîcys ail inaflamsmation andS mn-ý firthelse tory oetttisabasorption oetE FI N1ý tetion cf tise breating ergens, andsý Rockefeler steel interess hy tise I MezîizAc, Que., & I 26 cures0- ecugis and cîlds cf young 9anS biig steel trust, necessilaîing Q10,0,-jDCAN'a KIDNEY PFmaCo., Torosato, Ont. oSMûrc qnickîy asad effectuaîîl1ic 000 increase lun'lie capital cf tise Dean Sirs,-I bave iseon enffariag for 12 ~ syeia aey t r ust. recre, frein Sidney troubla. I lied tarribla 1tI rs. Arthsur Moiaslite, Wsic' aaheanS waseatroublaS witis dizine-s. Point, uesC. NB UI be ekae aamnty, iihly coloreS and l"In Qhesas Celu, -Bwls Torovo e rl sutSpyicesaiisn oy5wOySaS ii wL-lois lee w-,l abc tie anfatuor hv guarred. Stes- cr nSIcn ted enyhesioi iTepî t.,,,,,,ie01 eu tn-dnvlYs-,în-iD,-k -c1 .C ge our mener acS ifnet culreSl. PSOc c bnx, et Dan. illa anS maIsay tisaI tlîy TtdI ucl)n i aScc sl cr. cil1 dealerse o csscsBr s&CeTcnL'e, otrieS syaib-ettfe mm Ide la not aold in bulk. ]iou't allow atsycne tû faej yrou aasything eIse on thea plesa r pzoxr.se tisat lit la "jeast as geoae, anad "wlll anRer every7 rXAÇT COPY OF WRAPPER. 2l1.l Tho euaver Blook Sle We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots di spose of yet, and very chcap --frst-elass goods at very sma~l rsric"s. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black %4 81.00. Men's Gaif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to 82.50, Worth $2.00 to $3,50. Children's Button and Bînis 25c, 6Q0, 75c, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', B3oys' and Youths' to correspon~d in priceb.1 We will tell you what the stock is in ecanad every pair, Thoe rceason we do that is .because we know.* Latest- Spring styles now i?. stock in. every itie. The public 15 invited to inspect Our stock; 110 trouble to show' goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, i3ags, Satch374; Shawl Straps, fancy, and plain- Dress5ing, the very best that eau be bouglit. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the botit is app-1. cd to. Eepairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine woi'k made to order, sure fit or no sale, Thanking my customerrc for past favors and hoping for a continuance of, thc Lame. "I suppose yec'Il be telling peeûple that l'm a tedl." "Ne, daur. Tisea o"c orne tisings we must keep teoutrselves."_ Thse Erigli-2 Sida. "Oh, how bieautîful aise lai,, crieS Marie. "Ilut very likýely aise is a aiced ad-' l'eunress," urged ,Kaîbryn, "and tison Who Snans but se ,is paSSdeS!" Mamie lceked up wislfully. "Hoar 1 aisis I liaS your facuity for loeking always on tise brigitst ide ef tisingRt" se exclaimed, fieaving a great igSU '-. 1 ., ,

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