's' GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STATION. GONG EAST. GoINseWEST. E-,presse.... 8 1 a. m. 1 *Express. .. 5 15 a. m 'Expres... . 10 17 a, m. I Local ...815 i Passenger .. ..8 48 pa..1 Passenger... 1 40 p. M, Local ....,6 55 p.m. Express.. . 7 8 'Exprese. . i1125 * DaLi. f Daily except Sunday. STOTT r&JiRY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 17, 1901L Vote for the By-Law, MiIk parts at Nichoils.' See Cawker & Tait's advt this week. Cawker & Tait's china department i8 zip;to-date. 10 packets lower and gardien seed at ~Ncholls' for 25c. Choice varleties of early potatoes at T. H., Knight's Cash Grocery. Bread is the staff of lhfe; Ozone is lîfe itself. West Eind Drug store. Miss Vera Carscadden, Toronto,spent Easter holidays guest of Yiiss Eva ilan- Soli. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cryderman, Hampton, spent Sunday with friends in town. Have you selen the first, spring robin vet? Well sec the tinware at Nichols' wýhile youwvait. A firo in the residence of John Drobill-poster, Cobourg, damaged th neirof his house to the extent Rev. R1. Seaborn,-Retor of St. John's church, arsistcd at--the marriage of Mr, Edgar J. Needham and Miss MinniMe Dewett in St. Martius-in the-field church Toronto, last week. Cail and sec our stock of Ladies' and Childrens' saiors ranging in price from 125e. up 'lhev arc splendid value and it will pay you to sec themn before you buy. rUhe Mason Co, In our editorial on the Evaporator Bv Law Iast week wc should have stâted thlat the extra amount of taxes vearly on $1000 assosmment will only 1)025e, and on $500 127-c for 20 ycars. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wood, Nevada, Iowa, are having an enjoyable visit with ber cousin Mrs. (Dr.) J. MBra combe, "Grcencourt." Thy had inot seen each other for 36 years. Mr. J, J , M ason was elccted District Cotuncilor, of the Midland Disiriet R. T. of T, and Mr. Eber G. Foîey District Secretary, at the semi-anualmetn lu Campbellford Good Friday. Miss L. Miller, Oshawa, was prement- ad withi a purse of $40 in gold trom St. George's church, also a gold watch ehiai,u fnd other articles from friends beford'le!ýaving for Victoria, B.C. A dainty littie blue and goldl invita- tion to the Bell Organ and Piano Coin pamyn rivte opeing of their Piano Art =om, Toronto, April 15-17 bas beon reccived from Mr. R. B. Andrew of this town, Inspecter of Agencies of this company., Our readers know they can always depend on what NIM ayr says about the goodshe sens, His new speing styles of bats,, caps, tics, collars, cufs, glfoves, shirts, drawers and.othor artic les for gentlemen's wear are now rcadt for inspection. His prices are O.K. Mr. Walter Dickinson whîo bas been lu the employ of Messrs. Cawker & Tait, Grocers and Provision merchants, for the past three years, bas accepted a sïimilar situation with Messrs. Michie & Co., King St., West, Toronto. Ris numerous friends in this town wish him the success due to faithful service. Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., will deliver a lecture in the Town Hall, Thursday ey-,ening, April 25th on "Tihe War in South Africa," The lecture will be Ulustrated by stereopticon 'views, taken eb, himself and lothers, whle on, the battie field. Admission .15c, children 10c. Proceeds in aid of theý Home for Aged and Jfflrm. The regiains of the late John Lee Porkin were brouight hore Saturdlay from Pickering whcre he bas beeu re- siding with bis daughter, Mrs. Jas, Richards since the death of bis wife in September 1899. Deceased had reached a good old age being lu bis 97th ycar, a good many of which bhs spent in this town. His Sons, Messrs. Geo. and Jas. Perbin, Moorefleld, were bore attending the funeral . At the annual meeting of the Bow- manville Football Club on Thursday night the following officors were elocted. -Prosidont, Mr. F. H. Prost, B. A; Vice Presidont, Fred Downev ; Captain, 'Dr. J. C. Devitt ; Manager, F. C. Dixon; Secretary-Treasuror, F. H. Kersake; Committos, N. Heatlie, W. J. Inch,1 il. Wy. Clarke, A. E. McLaughlin, Frank Spià at CUT Every Aricle Guarant( Paine's Ceery Compound, Bitters, $1 size 75e; Hood's Su: Humr Vigor or Sarsapanilla, $1i the best in the market, $1 size size for 40c, and $1 size 75e; S. and the best kind made, $1 sizg size 75e; Wight's Rheumatic R Aslbma Remody, $1 size 75e. The following 50 arti teed genuine a Dodd's Kidney Pilils, 50e.ý PuIs, 50e size, 2 for 75e; Dr. W! for 75e; Reflned Powdered Bore limed Suhphur, 5 pounds for 25ý pound; Spectacles and Rimless STOT BOWMANVILLLP. Sàaisapariffa Iot y boy 'wlose blood 't5s work ansi bd a horrhageocf the -AS hiei ..... . t e5wold,0j29t 0etsbbhein Canada, w5oeAichi) îew3aepeae t urj n %o poor. He vas 'rery 'weatk, coutdnot keep lungs. Ho was earried to the office offaDerang-ed'Kidaeys are nesponsible for 0AT, w IlO'.......O s"02 ainelS masny. Aloing iy il s pSrockenstise wC nuarep cpsured bsupir any gatei - umost alftho trouble thut ceme 1 Rt ..............c0 47 'ilc0 50 nit mecomy ySed ngtwe sraS. er stk sm.uutrc se ts 'war'i, and suffered from paini his Drs. McLaugblii & Beith but expired women la middio ife, and ne womaa UKRA n....... 0' 8Aliinfonrmatin y mailsonoui application a tsc u traosbepie.PiIm stun a fewo minutes. Ho wusade5hâyear of au afford lo be carobess, wbou bier inafwmntsPEAS, Blaekeyo, P bush., O 69 s0 77 MR. P. TREB5LCOCsK'5S tucr. J. iH. BAENETT, adgnadceiligs a spcciulty, li.1 stmahHods araarttmd eug ad louves a wife in vony porkiduovs arn l a lrateue1 'CndianBeaufies 0 69 sl O 77 lîroken,,Bows-menville. 15-if, quartons aise for Shinglos - Bii$hl sirong andvweltt" &ffrs. W. C. Stration, beahth, and grcwnup ffamily cf thee y waytheaend, qi Mummoy o 0 O0 il O 60 ________________Columbia No. IlRed Cedun and iii 7'omas St., Deseroillo, Ont, sons and four daugbtors. One brother, What cured Mns. Hughes off Ibis -very il Smaîî s 0 00 i O 6 grades off Pine andl native Codur S , Mn, T. Tapson, and îwo sistors, Mrs. bad case, wiii cure any case. is Blue " o coo s' o 65 Wanted-99 iïoulng Men te buy IPhuster andl Portland Cemeufaialvýs W. G. Gover and Mrs. Wescott, hivo Dodd's Kidney Pis are the Ouly BUTnEn, best table-, e 1b.. 0OGOc9 0 16 manniiage liceues fnom M, A. James, 'usock.Cî nu npe ortci hebre. fils moîbor died about a montb remedy thut evor cured Brigbl's Diseuse EGGS, P~ doz...........O O0 s00 il 1 Bowmaavbhle eau furnishi the best chuss andl rrices before placing your o-,',-a ago. The fuacral fakos place ou Thurs- Diabetes, or Dropsy, and fbey bave POTArOES, P1? bus........ )(o ilo O2o off ladies for wives, New-Ontario 1lu ,s8 eélsewhereb eBemni dyfrom bis hate resideuce, Liberty St. nover ffaiied, HmY, e ton, ....,......... 9 Oct 11 10 O00 plcuty cf fgrms-f '0e gra. t .(M, 3NzffZEw_ýMiller'S Grip powders cure. Sold at Tolo's drug store. , Shoe dressing 6c. a bottle Saturday 0Y onls,, at Nicholis'. Sc holtst~nStiff and Fodora mu&Wr atvs at M B rln eenl.191a2 h egled lu groat - v arit', a O a gei0e d zvryfneb0 h splyiîIritd0D 0 eayi ~~~ed~~ fenuln reas nibo rates.Tos Dugstre and Fuil Size, JohnMTNand MCoiborP. ele as aFa y~ a g s -- .il htyuwn. Tefns sawy h et $1sze7e Broe lod Ldesrequiin grai rledon i Orr anyg e 0 oz eonsebu h20e. î inîe.Do" elyi scr ,rsaparilla, $1 size 75e, Ayer's should euhl on Mrs. Dickinson, King F n y L r o s 2 c size 75c; S. and J. Sarsaparilla, Laies'ercus n apsstE5a ,, for 65c; Seott'sEmulsion, 50e cndeut ut gCoh, apsutE r a cyO c & J. Emulsion, peasant to take derman's.Joson&Cy ' Y ar es '- *e 5e 75c; Beef Iron and Wine, $1 Miss Edua Couch visited bier grand- Bananas. Figs. Dates. aemedy, $1 'dze 75c; Kellogg's niothor, Mrs. R. Thompsou, Port HopeW aeafi n fFel n adnSes u Mr. Garnet Hughes, Lindsay, was aim îs to secure the best; this year is no exception. You ies are also guaran- guest of bis grandfathor Mr. H. W.,% ,,d ui szeBurk hast week. run 1n0 ridk in buyigfo s ize, forl 75e Daus ideyMrs A. Davis, Woodstock, visited C e n t fra 1us size 2 or 5c;Doan Kiney hersiser Ms. . Myerandothe re- c 141 tA car loaci of Sugar to hand. Get our price1 before lliams' Pink Pis, 50e size, 2 atives here last week. ax, 10e a pound; Refined Sub- Cushion tops ut reduced pricos ut Miss purchasmng. Land andi Barrel Sait aiways on hand. ie; Commercial Suiphur, 3c per Mu:Nirtin's. Tuko 'ou choice before the Eye Glasses at Speelal Prices, ewspilgosarv.____________________________________ Ladios' taihor made suifs, the very _____________________________________ AHPI O L A M PO U E Iatest styles just received ut Couch, I O L A M P O U E - & JU YJobnston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. William Gi spent the Pleasod to see Miss Edua E. J, Field- The Reliable Druggists. To cure a coM Iïn a nlght-uze Vapa-Cresa- Easter boiidays lu Port Hope. ing able to go out for a drive these fine l oý lene. It has been used extenslvely during more Mr. Lewis Chapple, Detroit, Micb., îs days afier a very severe siekuess fromne than twenty-four yeaxs. AU Druggists. vssiting bis sister Mrs. F. M. Souch. plcurisv.tua w k e rl _________________________ The North King wili commence bier Mrs. Geo. Eastman, Toronto, bas Mr. Wmn. Ledingham, a welh-knowss Straier puis utNichoîs.'dailv trips between Port Hope and been visiting bier sister Miss Emmerson. rosidont of Myrthe station, wus struck BWAVLE Stranerpais a Nihols.'Charlotte, N. Y., on May 6tb. Miss Mary Gi and Mr. Clarence by a C.R , train, April 8th, and died omxiLc Cawhtcr & Tait soul the best butter "1Twrelve Thrones" willhob the sub- Mutton are visiting frienids in Port in about an bour. 16C. tb. ject of Rev. B. H. Ruydeii's sermon Hope. If your child is pale, peevish aud doosé The lutest styles in neckties and col- Sunday evening ln Disci[ples chiurch. Wonderful value of worsted suits ut not thrive, a ,dose of Miller's Worm '-e -,P wNif r lurs ut M. AMuyer's. 12 The subject cf 1ev. W. J. Joliiffo's The Muson Co's both in men's and boys' Powdors oceusîonally will cure. Sold Mr, Philip Forsythe visited bis home discourse ln the Methodist cburcb next Seo these bofore you buy. - t Tole's diru&r store, at larmon reenty, undy eeiiDg illbc vý'iel istheWe have an excellent range of wash -o' uist CaeotrcnlSîdyeing l o"bihi h Miss Annie J. Mollon and Miss Gert- gP, Eu'snggnhas usis ~~U l Mrs. . . tevensnlotHole.ol rd ru, ootwregct fmecerized goods, etc. Cali and sec viitngMr.3.. aBhl.Rev. W. J, Jolliffe, B. C. L., one0 of Mr. H. Mollon over Sunday. ths tteMao o ________________a________ Dr. G. C. Bonn atevsie eu the Board of Examiners of the Bay of Nwi tho iet usowbt n Ane 0f the frseds f MrCo. tives ut Campbellford reccntly. Quinto Conference, is attondsng the excellent assortmeut ut The MAaon mrs b.C ewcf he suried tfM.n chrb eeboro, theis weekr JhnAlin If the children require pthysie, noise thoir residence and prcsontîng fhelent Sehoro, nih arbveiin r Jhî un. Cildren's Flannelette Nigbf gowns acf s se nico us Miller's Worm Powdcrs; with s.,-verai choice pieces of china lun p SecT.H.Knîbtbeor buin yurreduccd te 35e during the romainder cf very pleusunt to take. Sold ut Tole's remembrauce of the twenticth unniver early potatoos for spring planfing. Murch ut Miss Martin's. Now, is tedu tr.sr fterwdigdy ev.. Vilth adoilet Amoni Du stfreigfrtmtoscebran. The many friends of Mr. Ben B. pleusunt social time wus onjoyed. - bah ndtole. ol'sDrg toe New carpets ln two and fhree-wool Cronvu regret te bear cf bis seriousfil- The Georgetown Ierald contains a Z Mr. WV. White, Oakwood, visited bis and unions lu ahl qualities, ulso wool ness lu Engiand. Mrs. Cron'.n saili ver' cosnpimentary addrcss presented q- sfe orMiss Emmia White ever Sanday. squaes su ail sizes just rcceived ut this week to join ber butha d-31ail. bytoirBigdcfhttouf0 r. I If yen want a stylisb Hat or Cap cull Couds, Jobnstou & Cryderman's. Ter aemay othofnreusS F ooer 'is of vit ong t e-, ut M. Mayer's li1 a h aet 12 Mrs. (11ev.) W.R. Youngwaprescrnt- debility lu men that yiold te the use cf manville. It speaks of faithful dis- ~- M SprngcomsGrss rosWatr d ifba Iememerbi cft OCurter's Iron Pihîs. Those wbo are charge of duty cluring the many àeurs4%- runs. Nichohis sshls tinwuro cbeap. Women's Foreign Missionary Society, troubled with norvous weakness. nigbt ho lias been connected with the brigade T i Mrs R Cok ad sn ac, e-Port Hope, and a suitable address. sweats, etc., sbouhd try them. and best wishes for bis future welfare 41kn ns Àri -v.- bourg, arc guests cf Mr. J.O. LaBehle. Now is the time te louve your erder The Globe suys . The engagement cf and success. Mrs. Isaac Jeweih bias been visting for a perfect lfiting suit ut Couch, Johîn- Mr. John Eaton, of Lowtber Aeu, 1v.D Ligsoemdcamis-M. ber duughter Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick, ston & Crvdorman's us tbey are show. Toronto, voungost son cf Mr. Timofby soarwio lectured lu St. Pauh's M The Mison Co. bave the besf range kinds. is aînouueed, Miss MeCrue is a.niece people and uffuirs cf South Af rica" wus à-11 cf wusiî goods, they ever had., Now is Backache is almost iustantly relieved Of Mrs. Isaac Jowell cf this towu. greeted by a small audience. The II > your canceby wearing oneocf Carter's Smýart Weed lu the spring the w-bob ytsu 1ubefws of ueetîgoe n Mrs. Brt Britten, Toconto, lias been and Beiadonna Backache Phasters. clozged UP wif h impurities accumulated was wcl l andled by the speaker. Miss £ ew t visitiug Mrs. Jos. Brittain and other Try eue and ho free fromn pain. Price during filic winter. Take Biirdoc,, McLaughin and the choir contrsbutedde w st Dîg . relatives bore. 25 cents. Bhood Bitters this Spring and if will appropriafe smusic. Unt il furf ber notice Tait & Co wii Sîrs. Thos. îirbv bas refurned fsrom purify flue bhood îi if i rich and The newly clected cifficers off the _______________________________ muke chic photos on Wedaesduys and Georgfw hr h a ensend- red, and will give y(eu streugf h and Mcthodist Epworthi Loague are :-Pres- ~ Safurduys onhy. ngto wntere cco lpaicdby M. ud agy idont, Mr. F. R. Foley; Conveners cf Mrs. M1,Burk, Sprisig Creek Fana, Mr-s. 8, F. Hooper and Miss May wýho A private lef fer te the Editor from cemmittees Chnîstiais Endeavor, Miss wil h A Hmeon the firsf Thursduy wh nfuuorsd oe Mr. L. T. Courfice, Liver~pool, Eng., Young, Missieaary, Mrs. T. E. Hliggin- ~l says that "Tise Commonwealth" cf the hotua:LtrrMssSel aos oeermethMr. John A. McDoaald, for the Pasf Dominion Line on whicb ho cosd~ Social, Mliss Beacock. Secretary. Mir, -_ , %ý-Î W~ av a aro soc cfQurtoedtwenty years connccted wifh the Canada a veritabefoais plcS.dte t Scott: Treasu'rer, Miss Lily Potter; OakFuuiureii Atiqe ndGolenPaerCompany and coecf the most tention by tho ers twrs t. PianNIt, Miss Eclths Johliffe, _ fluisiies. L. Morris. pplur paper travohîcrs on the road, was frst class. Pressure? of business -__________________ Miss Anale Cbapman, Kir by. bias ro- hbas been uppeinfed spocial agent for prevents hlm writsng abte for TuEBR _ hse yIa e te t turned home af fer a pbcsant visif wifb the Impenias Life Assurance Company. STATESIMAN a t prèent but our rendors Oaa-Ne.trEnntskïllecn,April î<t5he wife of Mr. Miss Siabel Barrctt. The 1lAdies cf the Qucen St Mefhiodist may expeet one btor on.tesyOe iasn Mrs J Downs, bias returned from obhurch, Lindsay, have reaiized 20 TeSxiayof h oe' o ARE. 1 ili1 1~ Rochesteor, N.Y., wbere she bus befo mte"0hCentuy20u0bTiheiauMisionry ocety beld tFor îiusiR-Rns- WIpEgaMr18 .S Jl spending the winter Robe" and hsave pres ented if f0 Mrs. anuual Easter Tbank Offerîug Af Home by Rev. HritiWgSamuel Hughes, Mrs. Thos. Osborne and Mr. Cephas Stnike, wife of 11ev. H. A, Stniko, their at tise Mefbodist parsonage on Monsdu anfosd andi Anni, Mab 1, eldest daughtkr nof Osborno, Audley, visifed bier father Mr., popular pastor.. The robe is vulued ut April 8th. A goodly number of ladies Wlfl.Atcikins, Barnt iiver, Ont. e l g n nd p t - a e Wmn. Celwelb over Suuday. $5 teddan ceknl rcie b id'spreN-.tour, the residenc .of tili, 0 ateddadwr idyrcie ybiepre ntApil10, by 11ev, J.S.MecMullen. -_________ Be sure to go down f0 Freeland's and Geod holth is impossible without Mrs. Johuiffe and ber daiighters. Duriag Tynone, lMr. W. J. A. Wilkinss, and Miss 6R-:iN have your photo taken la your aow regulur action cf the bewels. Luxa- 1the serysng cf the refresbhments bv tho Florence L. Prout, both of Darliington. T ~ ff~T T f Sprng clothes A- hock bu cur wsadow Liver PUIS regulate the bowels, cure ladies a musical prog-rum wus rendered IIENR.Y-SOWvDEr b Hope, March 27, Mary 4ge wii covine ou hatcur~vrk s A1.constipation, dyspopsîa, bilisousness, bv Miss Ruby Jobiffe, Yiohin, assd Mr. Ahmeda Sowclen, daughter of Mr. Jo. Sowtien, ~ We welcome f0 towu Mrs, 1R. Colla. sick headache and ahi affections cf the Nermun Joihiffe, piano, Msss Carscud- Kexny, Canton. ,~ cuf t and soni Mr. JohnuColiacutt,Tyrone, organs of digestion. Pnice 25 cents, don, and Misses MeLean and Vanstone. STVaatsoN-Mon-At the repidence nf the 1fi 42Tf fl+ b T who have moved into the bouse former- Ail druggists. Prcceeds about $20. An, excoedinglv bride's fther, Mr. Jos, Moore, Oshawa, April Sele c and . ~Cat-J/J.&J( ly occupied by Mn, James Morrew o h lslnBC, ie' otbspicasant ufternoon was caîoved. 8, iiy Rev.' John, HaniMn. John Wesley 1 Blous King street, ait Mn.o-rit o aoneand-Atrewha amqupniMoore.Lace Curtains, Dress Goods, BoueSlk, HoskinKe C.L L. B., T otea r on bas rnchW.T. Oliver, SManugerof cithe JOhrPLLRO. JLOVEi R -Ae ît he, il nîîow, ani Weki are .,pLeused.f0 ot tD ohnbans acont f grndfurweh hsuet mBosiery and everything usually . cftebunk ot Brifisb North \hs,4Ida Jare love' Ait of East NWhiiby. love be eccdbocecfthe Outarlo Amenica lu that citv. Mn.0 .r WEIiTrs PoLING* Iin Oshawa, Apnil 4tl, by kp nafrtcasD yG osSoe Law Society for the sixth time bn succes prsented with a maguilicent case of ev , ioHanny O. Weekes adMno sion recciviug 834votes aad standingby .. mi TV ~ ofMeldesrt daughter nf Wm. Dolling, Es. kp nafrtcasDyG osSoe fiourh iug8long oesf fanlsandilegl 1vrware bfle ic cfîens, and a band- The Happy .unuîig ofa very KLINGMA-BENNTT-1II Centras Pn'eSby- rz A LNE kV AT POPULAR PRICES gentlemn.aln ito rlin ea some silver feu service from the Curling Seriosad anflC e, tran Chnneh, Rochsester, N, Y., April Sth, by ___________ getee.Cib ermým oLn[nOt eiosadPiftlCs. Rv.D.H .Stebbins, lins, Mary L. Benneti ____________- The hreath off the pilles is the breath CuH ooe e ocoOt -danghten nf Mn. fi. Armour, Osha wa, and in of life f0 the consumptive. Norway The followbng article uppeared bu the Ms uhsavr IBotdadi o.A iU 'hi'ii Pino Syrup contaissthe pine virtues carrent issue cf Canudian Music and sMns. Hugeis wc eny til-ninat ureti a rscn-, 7ain - MrEdouadstant n, Iief , eheSd offeneidnour X asii and cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, Trudes Journal;, EoadBro, bfoehueDdisKinyil-hi IEM. boarseness, and allîroaf and luug cf the Toronto Colege off Music , !S cou- ilow \Vell anti Happy. auexs-s Mn%2pniWLtig troubles whicb, if acf atteaded te lead tinuiag bus Chasses bu Bowmanville for MORILEY, Ont., Apr. S. îSpeciuh)- hamn,ageti 67 yeans. s te cousumrption.j the second terni. Ho wilh give bis Nelson Leflar, Justice et the Pouce cf PaRiNcasAt the residence nf lus daiuglten, , TheExeor duxatcsay: Te rg-second recifai thero affer Easter, assisf- Ibis place.. vouches for the truth of the lIns. Jas. Jehantis, Piekering, April llth. Jon TheExeer (l;octe ay: Te rg-ed by bis pupils. The first concert was followiag bntercstiag story,told by Mrs. Lee Penkt,,, fornierly ni Bowmnanville, agcti96 The P'eoples' Store. ular meeting cf the Wonsen's Mission- a roui success, and Bowmunnvilbbans rfbosIHughsesCLe-O aeh1,aSAie i,'Jrno ary Society was beld ut the CLResidence13 5 Alic arotg reie eare awiting n1opesant xetto eicain oeewl o eFacsrlc oh aeR.PCWiby cf Mrs. Jas. Cobbiedick Easter Monday h bl xettc eiiuin oeewh e oac8 es ein ith al CakWiby Txt Door to Standard Bank. 5, und~~~~~ ~ tfeh edpoga ir.Is e coming necitul. necessary te those who know Ms.ae8yers. 1 'g Hughes, as thut lady is eue off the mosf MfARK-Tfl Cetiar Dale, April 10 .H ari 7ý BOWMAN;îL1E. « Jewell, President cf the Bnwmunvilîo lhighly respected residents off Gncry Co.i ageti58 years. %eMW Aîîxillary spoke bu a very plcusing fr.Hges y -ARET-At neulali, Ca.,rl 101h, Aiie munnr, ouchng-upo thewor buyonnesichili n lis. Ait.Ankitae 5