DENTISTS. seceed ln Savings Bankr Uepartment and litteest ailow e lat Crrent rates. Notice ef luitbdyawalinetineceSLary. Aldeposits payable CL demnd EXCHANGE jeorght end Eold adflrafts lssne d upen Europe, , njted Statesan d Caada. alfie Colo, ilr le knlted States Greenbacks bouglit ani"id so l COLL ECTIONS~ Frmpi matde aterrent rat's upen all parts3 i ra ritala, tis United States and 15e e. iniilo of Canada. TeJegrapli Transfers %fade forlarge or- Small seins on ail parts of Csada., This isf3,ecially advantageoi te per- £Cr$ living ln Manitoba errliai North Wý1eit, it inakes the funds availalile ai once atibe place of pay ment. For other vartiettiars catI ai ibe bank. A. J. MCCLELLÀAN, GEOaMcGlLL, Accoiutant Macager WANTED.. ME ln every loecllt thrcugh Canadate intreduce 0cr geeds, isekjni, u slxîw eards on trees, fenees, a neg c d nail censpicieens places, aise distrîbuting entait advertising inatter. Commission or smar t00c per meanth and expenk;seDot te exceed $ Qper day. Steady employment te good, hene4t, seiable merl, Ne expeience needful. Write for fu partielars. Emoire Medicine Co., Lonidon, Ont, HP01OMP1FTLY S ECDU RE Write fer our interesting books 1ine1V Send nis a rougis sketch or model of yeur in- vention orimprevenent and we ivlll telli cen trac our opinion as te 'whether it i3pitobabiy C aentable. Rejected applications have often en isnccessftlly -prosectited yn.W coadui fefy equppedoffices in Mnra lad Washingtoi; th isrqualifies us to prompt-1 13 lydispatch wok dquiclly secure Patents as broa s ivnto. lgbestrefcfrecces firnished. I'Patents proca-red t1irough Mro a ovrowperra distributcd thronghenot SSpeciity :-l""tel]tf busîrness e ý1t auc- MARlON &à,-MARION Paten" Experts' and Solicitors. nj New -York 1.11e Bid'g, llontreai Atanici3dg,Washington D.C. new Great English J? medyt. I2Sod and recommecded by ar, r, -drggi. l Canada. Oniy reli. able medicine discox-ered. Six. ~orms et Sexua ges Mua raeeed te cure al \eakness, ail effects of abuse or rosaMenalWorry, Excessive use ef To- acOcnior Stimulants. Malled on receipi cf piceene ackae $1 six $5.Oaswill ple s ~ ~ ~~~pý it1e~Pmhesfrat n y addres5.:'j)ý Th eti (ioucrp &ayt Widsr, fý UIfilma N~catle5vDr. Fre' of Je;sua Christ. 1 want, before 1 geL ibreugli, te point ail these Chria-tian men cnd women tt seastyleocf xxrk.- I do't heiieve tisai a maincan bcan chiid of God aed bave ne cnxiety about tise redemptien cf the pople. Many of yen have S'wern hefore higis he-iv- ones wh srvs hewold S mnartas to thi- naiden inIL e Scripture: I o OLî;i1:, - W. v. rFil nLE Ldlri, yen wil bc dead before this ya a DisiJsyuî hn rs. h tice la that in yeaxs when severe l ' Market Square, Bowvrnail ville. ended. 'What thy, hand findcth t hti ih h ietaconng drotiths occur the coarse manure, and 1__________________ do, do it with ail thy mighÉ, for there 1 ofa Majy qi il, as t'hg garlanelofs trw 8 tf.ull ûnais we is ne knowledgc cor-wisdom nor de- GCôd coim- dmna ipen the, brows ofmiditoteal snurostth vice n the grave whither we arc al tbesa dearyoctng pýocrop grd ino the 'fha hst way I. totep __________________________________ hastccing." 1 hear &jne say, -j amntoo cti.11crpiy th manuret sem ,toa n plee utha Bu nw heretofmyre~r~ hshew ldar ho? evntlfield, spreadfing it as evenly as pOa-iandsend tou , aU ara e th loe whe profess net te ho Eig.hty?- ihat is net toa old. If oer IStewehxyuwhMcs Isiblgaoe the ground when drawe. o ais iyý,bih fr Christians. I do, net want to w he s a iit not do any mriore than ?..,. rud bu oi - AII rad~ iylhegi fttt ji, ,,u runu wiou are noto-n g-ht, 01 our cüý1nIng-ten, d n"s i. ive; "-'% jvsbaiat itxsai ep cale to ie 'a "nf '? ra ntin;y Itive tit lbrought yo e h tr i so-igt hic ar; "I have no pîcasura je b ler untiliber years of usefuiness are are flot called te he genaral le an j h-hryen like my preaching or the dahc 4mttdih T ary;bu Gd asjieaye L te cciîis Lord Ced Almghty this ont-h &f hlmdithat di e. " uaYe: 1 over. He dees net inquire about hier highet ahnour-ise bas put jute your -Bible Chat the -leraelitca xý vero alrcra ercraaekp. I handat lha keys etf the kiegdom. Be surrouncded ; titere was tise Rcd Sec does net eccur to the dairyme;n that thon fajîblul ýunto death and Christ ,. befora rh'ea and mojairtico, on cithe-r itisere nicy ha- a great difference je wiil ýgiva thea a crown. :7 id'c, and 1Plaraoi's hast rigist after taidvdaiyc heisrd tisus ilc re tise deaconis of tise church. 21 tienm. Yca area as thoroughli ccured, a dfiffereece so great that They ought Le hc familier with the surreïundedl-ete(rnity he fOrrc yen, dark laeus cniirotten cLsairs and tîthe t y hb( d .-ie"mu3~ somte individuels enly xiii yield a prftun1ter viih zept at a damp cella ra, f thes.e alies. There arc the ri-ht baad an'd ctemnityprftadohs ilbL isuidreda of Émffertng, stretching, out on tis e left h.endatriyatebs If this question le raised, net their bandeý for bread. Cive it te them. l- rhaVe t r? ycî, eternity heetsyen. Oh, eter- onea dairyman je a-thousaed takes the Do yen ier the cry of Chat freezioîg ' Then we CJ't citY' What gioy and dcespai,. trouble .te xveigh -ccd test the mille Goitmc (egiVe cpned tLe yenr feet , e!yuay' Whrtileuah udiintl Wis-t "of eaci cet-vine erder te aatisfccteriiy yio3u huy hier ceai an.d'p.iy lia' -gitteiag cf crewes m, nd1 rattiing cf anawer the question. et mnd telilierChat lend xx bre -. l hn aot cleý7tant hrL xvi xve IFour years cge wa secumed a herd Lhey nover freeze and nover starve. th e m. Y Qu spce.d jt?\-W hoxvii 1ba our comnjia- f 25 coxvs. Note cf tisese coxvs hav- whct a beautiful xývrk thiat is. Oit, knîhw dr ons? Wiset viii hau car cercupoto? - e records, Lhey -,vere purcbased'on the reovard of thoea vhe are faithfni Eerety EtrcLy' O, sisrcck the judgmLient of the mon whe salectcd to the outcat and the sufferîneg and -,leverything looks Ooh, interminale r'aet:othn.A omTtersf esntesaire- ih pnrd how youarabolut I nnding y EternHi W xho' , o! rs ýentlt is fouir Jres eteS Tison, here areý the trustees of the I( 'I e[tl u Xi-HreadýèrAr church. Let Llem lok cIter the ready to give up. Some- cutth oalxle c oî hstas wytre ter.eoya e fou r churcisiaucsas wel a hy ok hoyucan't throw oLt1iadter rde.Sm alLer ths cvibusiness. Lat them the terriblede ssoff TH LIE. ras&d. on ithatre cd ohos pur- ac'x iat od backs tiîom n etiseir depessi2L hcbead. A ceeraierecodnwprkep wverk, aoîd isi viht tiey de for the - Are things reaîîy s o moeprdutîetepo f tis he.ard. Ecch iindividual coxv was chure h iuy- rie for Ced. la Lise naine ue? s'iyorevs portion te hier size thtan cny animai chaLrged xih'the food abse coesnm.ed cf iim vjo xvii udgatis qucleend afîe ls'tiyouneres, On the farm. Tise average wroul ed at markeet price, acd in addition xith ise- deed I hid you ronse up tO tisai il ha'slirecnxiii iay Irot 100 te 150 aggs je tis eoctst of icbor eaxpened ilier i xxorký' Lis importance eft wisich yon h trouble is. Your a ycr, eàcclocee cf w'hich xvilweigis case. Creldit xvcs giveix for the but- wiil flot cjea t netil the tast day evsaebinpioe, t cne rmr, hsyedn ertomproduced and fer tisa skimmilk. nevsarcan pio e w une rsoebu ildn nThe vaiationine tise individual.ity of crefrom the impurities Inl solid matter four imes her oxvn these cows xras ahown hy the ¶ecr's AND TIUE BOOIS ARE OPEý-N. your blood. weiight in Lise tweive miontha. At theý record. Ie the production of milletise Tnd_).scisool sma rate of produt, c cew xvenidrange -,vas lmom 8558 Iba, te 3141 .Ibs, fieid- t s n mmeiise cengaegaf ion yadLtote fces c utrj butter fromt,509ls e165-lb~.j in itsel. Oh, the ,ork iL la isdoing, yed w oso heeadbte L' Is lwxaiting fer mm"of 3vour L heip. in tieseane yaar, aed this empari- lak earith ie 1tramp i f these ison shexvs censpicueusly the rarlativeu e lifiefco te inrg gen- irériuperiority cf tee honnever tise cow.Se re P ns n erations, cnd ins h hsana tis 1at his r 1ji Moeiver, le addition toee octri- afterneen rang jeto tmpen butine of eggs, se vii rar a hrood hear anot1ýi e oan in the bel- ,ac a d H pi livaen. h', hrcf tenor txralvechlicis.ancd carea fer letjaie c have. O, centise until they are chie te bob cf- Mr.Tantes Clark, Conseconi Prince yon clos-e yu ae ey elest heUý làoe, i or Lèm % cf -hbilutisa 00w mren ýa r lCotnty, Ont. S ae n- Ela i de~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yebe rc erilnneIîtI prfe h lo n uit onea duplicaâta of herself yearly. years cge I was taken with pains in in tliaciurcis aed state. Tise Iambe ean subEt I f the han feuis ine doieýg.this. t i !nty. back, seiiling le my hips ced'ex- ea Iecod o nis are waiting g e pw for ircet of bier exvner is cae, and teeding np my spine. The paie wcvs for yen Le siehrd îLbin. eýn t h evs t ae rm Lee s m ,s maa g em e tL ,xry severe, and ci tintas aimoatarien- j sc Liey re otiingbutBiLe at-i-' ealt an ~ - ~ b dvers sccaa fem er xvndurable, ccd rmacy days 1 wcs net chie say druecedarcn rat cocetnet? e hl, sdrertsîî,atîv-lierwistutedo, an bour's work. Theugb 1I bcd lit :eosea sLeping fer yen to o ity and cheerfuiness. OiiIOttt-dmthryCe.osle mfyir-ca psien there'? Thet ahitd bas eovlcred tir) iii This is what "Ayer's "adLresvoaadrtsdmica, ,ie tiab ascfbis hody a spat-',1k of r will do for you. lt's the 1 TILEES AS PURIFIERs. tibsim a-yahe-nawo t iotrntaltwhixxii btaa n wth oîes Srsaarll .~ he Thare la kothing bUtea atrac Le keep -nLe totry Dr. Ch-ase's Kidney-Livor LutVý0nd, oga iertese adetSrprilnthe Pubs, cnd said lha knexv thay xxonld basdîe ofoldcgecedailLs cent-r l th kid tat as air pure, remarks a scientiat. Itscuira me. 1 secured one box and -rant basa werlds LisaL gitter ct nigbt leaves decompose carbonie acid. Thisa n-s my surprise 'aien 1 bogaît te bai citait ho swept off by tise Abmiglity's old before other Sarsa- vou e oftarboniec cid exiscbed- by a, battes. .1 cociiuod their use untit I breatis as Lise emaîl duat of Lise parillas-were krown. birmnan îieig le 24 Ibouars la sougisly miade me a seund mac. I bave recoin- Lirsbing floor. Tisai seul et doatis This , lso accounts for estimated at 10') gallons, If a siegb e 'anded tbem to anumber of my fIonda xiii spcd quickeor Lisce Lie agla, ,, * f,- c avgee- e ib secs sxiter tixen îigistning, sxiter than thse saying, " One boulie trac cf modemate siza trae gee re grbend hav ne t r m eet with ne d-s Lisonght £croyer ced fbraver upwcrd of Ayer's is worth three wn he pa dozgao tiomn oxrs era 5bePsuca My daughiar,,Mrs. Chas. Phil- f leglostha Goduorifyinng actiil-noule ofLte bavearylips, bas aise iseen cured of e savere uo nllest le (edo pleedewnl-i olsofteodingri would insure tise air heieg leept fra5is. atomnach trouble by the use ef these wter d ha lgo Yenaredecrdiwng 4 nd) - -ItIIs." One pilb a dosa. 25 cents a wistrd $1i0aîl go upAlwcrdluorGdowc-AMkFOR, et ail deniers', _,r Edmensen, Dates ward Q olte* M dfflh~. OOD AMEFORIT. & Ce., Toronto, Ont. Tison, Lisare is tise preying circle. IwN. h, Uecrop. Ma-at kind of pcintings dbd yen Say Erory Friday cight yen cee go there Ir jou have auy aomant whaWevr tbywrFaessdemoerer. h e' andpine cnsersof Ieferyou m posiby rec:ive, wmite tise doc-ti a seiail d-augister wbo ,',as describing cire seul and tise sesuls of etiorsý. Haa ý frely. Toll will reive avîxprtomptcbsh bd ac i- anIne e er b ard y u ra ? I il, p1 , 1 ou r st A dr sz ' viad. wt e heh sý1 e p re in e s i d- pergr, uimiar or cba of IJaeis <taetna mrre - I itbat oubave no e bac isard1tiserap e toss, 15 te 20 par cent, et tttie or ls fxa -rsn ti nte ie no profit, whilo Lise renacinder ocly i s.tay und-ih osith o ag mcdeba yield a profit suflicient te nieake up treouwihïahrbganpl, tise lotsa of tiseunprofithble enes and Tit i' xvrtcwendered ho har o etart- learea csmcbb rorultic.g profit. I d b'ýfo-re. Hie purpese, isarever, wÙ4 Dairymen eay correct their judg- nett Leiseip bis foîboor coliector teu lie- neont aed socura bettur coxys by keep- ing records of Lise mille giron by eacis1iiss thset-orbk.-Lnstead, ise stcmtedj itadivicuat ced the a-acunt ef fat iLt 'v-bora tisaotisor bcd bogue acd pnss;- cocteins, by fermacg lentiscir minds cd tise 1ag tu tiesaicne people; ced a butter Conception of Lise fore cnd ev-ary one dmopped ie a coin as laith- outlinaeof a dairy ccxv. She sbould fullY -as éha bcd dana tise irst ime. have a long. deep barralinje rd"r Le Nom tNv-a s hiý th0n. end, for tisa sec- store ced digest a barge amounit of Ond collecter bad ne seeuncr geL a [food. Sha sheyuid have a goed udder, ýgood etart than a thlrd toi:ppe)1 euot se tisat Lise feod trccsferred Le tise 1 from tise Pulpit front triti hegand bbood mcy lied roe nte ho alahojrcted Pole, anîd ucet as Idemosybe into mille. 55e sbenld bave ligbt tise greund as tisa tire o tier:s bcd - ront_.ced rear quartersacnd carry 1i dOIt- .Re vn-s juet as succassfuli cý ittte flash, shàxvinDg 'c'disposition tLe r hic prodeceeors. tramsf ore baer food lotoe mle ccd cetI Thing.s were getticg jûmiotUs. The leto flash. lstrengexlisad put SýIlrm t Lisefimet bicxg, but fearixng tisat the cuileotlia FOROER Fierl 1771US. mi-gist continua iiedefielitL]y, ho drop- l5~lt VE FII'T YiAt~. Iped copr Wcoi untise econd andi lIr.Wislo'sSoo-higsruplac bennedb Itiird baga, cnd t-aq net c litbere-_ mIllions etf moihers for their chelilda-en xlîis lke -buhsati h2 o teelhirg. I dist-tirbedai i xighit aîsd broken o! o vdo acia-Lstts eLe -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n p0rrs ya Ieeiisfeit e rrinoLis e men in. tise elders' sects leapt tiseir x-ttu a-epain ef outtlng (ýte 1 ,sd ai once assd places. -gel abtleoetM m., iVisastowi' othing Syrup r Lae ha ec nd t e s cet of ie for Ciidren Teetlting. If wilb reliai-e the poor ,trhlendteserfOte lit-île sullerer at once. t)epee-d rpupeniitothers, pr'cese.Tise fîrat m=n collected, for tbere la ne mistake about-il. lt cures DlarrhSra rtLhe minîstr, Lise second for te, regaîlates tis ane and bewel,3, cures Wa-ld churcis, tise -tird for Lise peor. As Celle, sot tees the g unis, redutces inflammation 1 ' andgve tone mucd etergy t-et-ha wbele systeint.i aci member off ta congregation con- Mme. lestelws' Soothlsg Syrup for eblidreïn ri'b'uted oneo Iolland cent toeaocis hag, test-bing is pleasaet- te the t-acte and la the p, e it eeeneed ag if c jittie ceiculation script-ion et enset the oldest and best femel ' ~,hyâeians and eusses ia tise United St-aiea ctgist bave smved munis coilecting. rie2ea Set-le. g)Ild by mil drnggiata t-Smo' gloTise sut, off tisa tisea depasits %vould eut thbe world. - ie sure and alt for Mrï. WVIN - in our maonay ha about onecnd oe- scow' Sethita Smuefiftis cents fl ac eprson. At tisemomentwinetise Kiaga ho- CHURCH COLLECTIONS IN HOLLANU. gan te pesa,;h- Lis' neistor gatv-eut a iy.;but tisacncigrea in iis h- j'd ingieng IL long 'le,re tise cellec1iies ThÈree or f Tie,,. Were Tskes, itU15iciii;w-a e-r. Titare did not, isowerer, Sîieeçslmcu.ensue oso off Lisose siianiis during Sucday among Lise staid hurgiser5 th-ht-obyou can itear pins drop accd flio'ý cf Hoilacdgev-o iVr. Clijton Jobinsen istz7, fe-r tiseministor istro Ls'c-, ari ppatunty- oýse tzeecisurcis lactors,, tv-bete Stilli mackiýng isair an epprtuniy te sc tisca islting, progreng., Ibrougi tish cais collecti Ons -taken up jen rapid sucOces- and preeptly 'hagan hie serwIorý sien. lo ia--d ask-ed te lsa dimected to acaeactariatio countr-y cisumeinjeI EEFUTATION. an outlying nulage. As a reýýuit ho îIrcent ben t tellu me aandtdly >h~ tv-nt by train fret. Lu--yden te a lit-'tiser youivaw:nt to eemry my dui- Likpac -.t-usan emoonaai tamfr oem eeeLoey, name, htv-oe tera tvea 1a cisurchaus 't Cetainty nct, ceswered Lise Litled severa e i!s asimnîlicity a.itise me-et- 1Young gentleman. I sýcore tise sus-. in~liese of cencal oirEnîa.d. pýcion. -As-I iandeistacd tise situa-; for thora tvas ne attemtp at xvaa-ming it, and tisepeople -tre de- pendent upon foot-storee of tisa old- ffasbioned type. .- $ev-erai scorceof Lises-, ELtle baxpe steod lenLise oburcis cntry, neatly piled against tisetv-ail, ruady to e 'ilied mits smeldering pant c nd supplEcd ta tisa tvor-ipers ce tisey cae in. %tVison 1 lise tCille fe'r th coetia arriedc mc atrtl etit frcm Uise rl'ciie-eIfspa 'ara tsepuip4t, whbcis pac ias ccup1jieI by tiseci cjý,and tritis a 'Incle pIcleet attise' r t-on, your ocugnier nase-t imuci NOT GENERALLY. Hec ycum en'gagement bacen rnourn-.t cd ? - IIieiy islrmaliy, tb a fetr nemies, -v, aW,]AS' pakY ythaIetccdbe r