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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1901, p. 3

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At 11ia comrnnnei(1Uia o! thei Trans- ýMiaa '%V ia arr te Bugle-Iy îs au onc coun f tIIc c'Var the MALL bai- t!tera criestaion! Hiere. 1 reth- etm prMde mysel! a-pn my anisltocnatic O.~aantua',an! I aluvays drc"-s nathe1(r # 4eIly therefone I crac nol muai j urprlrsed uceben the cantry otn guard mndalocin ma for an officer uic! salut- rcd mc as3 I eniano!e thc banreaing. O! Iourse I loio! unconcenne!, an ne- iirmue! thc saluto in au official, off- laen! nianner. Tbetre w-as ini the saine office as rny- nel! anothor colvilian cl"rl, a rery de- -cent cent of a feiNur; bput ho croul! iîsiot upon meenring e tumu-doan coi- laiT. I ecverlooke! ,tic,-hovvcrer, an! w-e rabba!t' aieng very 'ureli togotber. 1, o! course, !-ain te! eut te bine the uny adrantagas of cercanng a ligi -coilar, tellüng hlm leavr I bu! been infetakkon for an off icen, au! ha! 9 been salule! asg oe on sereral occas- Hoe sai! tihat if auai c-re [lia case tue -oui! lry one, an! the Ix neimn- Ihag he s-how-c! up, caing e co-lan- ebhout 2 1-2hie. higli. lIai ccemning lice 'iras -e-y qu4et,-a und I tbugîLthai -S0Metbing rnusit bave upsel bim. 1 iea'nt ut danntrowlth15 w-ag. lappoar [lot irban lie ha! coma af bracle ia tie mroning, aeclo- dtren o ha! b'en et tie depot fox zscvoral year2 ccas on guerd, an! just us lieu crus cemlag Lu the gaies thes o 1- &Oret lied put bia ban! up te 15f lie!d te innocin off a f ly. Colluàs thoughl -th«t lia iras aeluliýng birn an! scate! tu c-alurn. 'Tic celdier burat oni itaUgîing an! t-el! hLim Ibat ha, tic -«oi!ieîr, ocras not au officer. Colline 156emed te thàni t w,-as, my fanlt an! W-as quilc. naiiiy about il. %VIen the dancing searson commone- e! Cllins an! mysol! crere invite! to -a bail le ha hlt La a neighio'rng toci-ra, an! o! courLse ira iront, 1 iras in cvening dres, and, tiough I say lit mysel!, I oe!maire aristIocmatic Ilian aenz Thiera cc-s oe girl tlere] rillu cvicm I danice!, a very ca-paer girl an!d tc-k1 tgi hbi ut on1c l! been ci li taI eli a5u a MIse Mtyeoa an! ha! ant bicorn i o! about 2,{0a year. Noir,ý 1 iholugbt, IÀf ~a nca I ra clien clrcane- ieg abut, £75 a y-aar,-.ociiaur laly treuat ec11acranaon cf~ ~ Idifrne oi.glCline ulo gai!ho eoirberquite creIL, te mutre- 'duce me-- le ble n a LIeutenant Bate!§, e!îeEacst Raninelitre Begirnent. Ho -cnet!to do 0o, but remarine! lu [brat nusly sarcasîloç meaner c! hie [bat ! ut net W5 d'zappointe! if Ëia d.! cci baliere it." Se it cama, abut that I wc-n in- -[roda-ccd te hier as Lieu tenant ,Balesç, ) an! dance! alîl lier cavraL cimee. an! apen, leaoKng d'e expresse! w-elh tiret ira âboul! mcci ugala. lit croc about ibrea creels. afier ti's bail ihat 1 agein met Mis5! >ýlyers. lit w-us ut a rýecepulIon, an! Ia ha long tan -ivit han, ra!d creraI iront borne îiai nigit I oc-s desýpcrutcly Lu love wltI hew, taut I tloughi LIaI my quit -iras Lepehoass. Foir w-us ehe net au ¶er.sara! I a miserebl, domr?, 1 iras, l'il confLes, altracle! by lac for- tune, anu! lo sha b2en 7pi,-n I iglt have ado!d d'ffucrntly, but I ha! ai- -ways sal! ibai I lateude! te marry a girl crith morney. Sih, actualiy ar- rang.e! te maeet me on lice Woduosduy theoîln iceception, ceo I bouee! t Ii i e aet a- ina! me. aJalir met un! 1 get lonegsa - 1rLigy I noir regrette! reryrnuc.h !eelrig a as regarde! my position aPn! crIieras ha!t 5poken about île the Armiy 1 coas an a terrible fix fer -fçea' ' ,sh aul! asin m11 sori ueto tiret 1 dliaci net, biu ail te no -r -She cotnA tej inno,m, icacrýer, ams 1,LIutenllantles an! I dame! nit -Weil, tuiags ci i n ne his for MInimae tîjen a meilL, dul chicil -One uveel:ng imbu 1 left lien sha Ici! me îlot isba -w-es caLn-tag te Bingley on thI elo1wîng Wednes!ay, an! if 1 9 w-labo! siaý cvoîut! nact me tiare; -'thut ais," i a!!ed, "if ye'u con spore thea Irme. 1 inourv yeu hacarelve go urli to (Io noirv îlot tIlt airful w-tan à5e an." I sel laI a. iinliro! irans uvau te my, lodgings au! aAle! rny land- lady te rarnove tie tirea « stniposl frore île arm o! tleï mnie. 1 lied arrange! te meet Miss Mycre et tbree o'clou k, se after bcring my dinnar I meut ad te the office forE ai heur. Sud!cnly a biiliaut idea( occrn! e m. u ledopotL tiereÉ cc-enadosonso! recuice rouel du nligfraLi opn;xi net ge L turo on !Ireeý o! hema teiai ai Éa cerý;n e r an!l ,, salte mei as ireps- <&d 1 w-ct am='n ta un~ asuica an! CI picked out three raw recruits, and supposed to bo vary rauch like her, asked them if they would, like to earn and 1 thought that I should neyer a bob. qhey were only too glad of, see you again, s(>-wheu yen mistook the opportunity, and 1 gave them in- me for Miss Myers I did. fnot trouble structions to waît outside a certain to enlighten you. I suppose we can publie-house, and when myselif and a cry quits, canot we?" youuýg ld ap-peared to satute me_9as For severaîl minutes I did not spcaki; thou)igli 1i wecïGan ofce.Thiey Iwas dinumfnned. wineandf, putting Iti- shilliffg in l ut ,vlai cou4di d1c)buit nar ry lier? their pookLets, ga)ve te aatrsi Hvrgeveything arrnged I nt A ROMNAN 1BATH !N LONDON. bacI(.Zto '1y lodingsand.gotintlo ie unifrmitfitd e îk go oe- Thoisand Year, O1i-ibtsovercd by and I1 was quite p)r,,ou!o m 01,r ~ c' s~ appearance. Punctually ai Iliree o'ciock 1 was iIn tha f'id,5t of b'u3y London is a at the station waiting for M iss Myer2. bohi peifectly preservel, which ig About thrce minutes after that trne bier train arrivcd and sbe stepped suppod by soea to have been con- out, and ber face quite lighted up structed ,durIng the Roman occupationj when she saw me. or tbb-C ity. One mas' go into the " 'Oh! you look-ever so nice in uni- Strand without finding a trace of form-perfertly sweet," she exclaim- Ù dLnadptý!l h ,hp ed; "but whlere is yourý swordl 1 ai- 'randLnadpui1 h h ways thouglit that officers wore keepers of t>e neighborhood rnay not swordsl" knawilt by name. A writer says that "Oht-er-no--.yes; t has gone to '08 slic Iod to inquire hither and yon bc- sharpencd, on accounit of the war, foore obtaîning the dcsired informa- you know," I answcred, in confusion. tiom.. ltwae an old dama, seated at Things wet fairly smoothly after nwpae aî,wswaalet this until we approached the corner ý,nmpprsal h a bet wherc i had told the recruits to wait. dinyol rect me to the Strand They were there, sure enough, but lýanae?" asked the.yleitor. they were waiting with such tecoksof "Why, thi.s % Strand Lane,"' said the expcctancy that 1 feoit sure iss old Londoner. She pointed down a Myers would sec that *t was a "planit.* nairow passage, which could be eas- "Whatevcr is the matter with those 1 1Y oveolooked, for t is entered nun- soldiers at the corner?" asked Mies der a deerTway, and causasi no break My. hl « na cninoslina o'! building!. "h"Ireplied, 'ihey .a re only re- * etumot.ofthe ra cruits, agd' are -tr'ecndously fright- Itlioeo'gfare, and in a tontuous -line oned when they ,eanU officer. SoMe oofl0(iou ,one find's aà inger on. of tbem have been put Lu the guard- the, walI indicating 'the way to the roorn for flot salutieg, and that miakes noIm bathË F them' very-careful, yeu knowý. Sýtrýnd Lae 1 folou-athe Une of!1a Wa reached the corner where the litîla braook wýýioh, ilàold dy cr reriawere standing, and they rikd 0off the water f romn the hlighier stoed tu attention land saluted. I re- lanid aoato Strand bridge or pier. turne! ie sbaInte in a çasual, off- 0niLsit uide yon. corne upon a small hand manner, ns though il Nvas the d'ngy <hlouse, w'hîch i,4 thL>'ojct of Most commun tbing in the world for y'; cri ig[eraybd me to ha stluted. and presently a man appeari an! "'How vnice ilt must bea to have, socseo(rte yout tbrough a vaulted paseï- much respect sbawn you," scid Miss ego inta a vaulted ebamber, aixteefi Myers., foot long andnine-feet wide. lin Che "'One gets sick of so mucli of t," midsl o! the Linon ig, thla Romar4 bath. 1 replied. "lIt is a beastly nuisance "îît's t"» thowua,and ye.ars old, this tu keep constantly touchiug One's ýbeth," say4, the guide, "The Earl of helmet to every soldier one meets." d'seovered t w-hoenlha w-as main- 'D o u kuow, Mnr. Bates, 1I bave tug a bath fer hmsl. neyer notiçed the soldiers -saiute Lt tha futrthar end o! th3 bath iA a you wheu we have been out before?"I ledge of w-itUe merble, nndoubtedly "N;that's belccuse I was Lu erdi- the-rematn.s of a f liglit of steps lead- nary clothing, an! not having been . 4~' etawtr h ae ing Ont h atrTh ae long et the depot tbey do not yet is supplia! by a spTng, witli1out the 1 was simpîy perspiing xith ap- thrïoqgh the ground, fis the bath, preýhension. lhc:ever question passes into thec'bath beyond-that of weuld she usin next? What I di! sec Locrd ERssex,-and thenflion-s into the whe wc mmcnd the corner made me Thernes. One visitor scys o! a visit, tan Uies arorse, for there stood the to Strand Lane: sergeant cxho ha! lent me the uni- "It Would b3 pure affectain t fi-r, the man -whomIa lia! toI! that prete-n! t hat, as 1 ,t04od gazinrod I equired tlrem :nfor sourni theetrIi- I the velte!Clambe'r,TI W-asiaute cals. Before I1ha!timre ito mk yavision o! oa ole n -r corne ecuefor trnngb c le oos iiLu toas and ba tlte. lt caughltsiglit cf nme. lic, stood e tili was, oeu bb,"c cou1tnary, o!:ficuýLtto re4- for a momtent iie asto)nislimeont, end lise haro, la ili1 he r hf usy 11n- then pintre! over his shoulder Lu(1,don, thet tho laiInd uro heC, esars ha [le plic-bo1lus, as-mnlIi -as to ca"y ,ny-on eci wiAi -moidoxun 1 e, " 1orne and hve qflc." I ha!the ihin fwyards er adîeýs prseeo, n mmd tu touchj my fore- omiinib)iu, Ùtravelling to and !romn helaas though hoe ha! saluted, and the casi and ove3t end. Near at wc passe! on. Ihand w-are thcaters, newspap'r off - For an Icour w-e werc shopping, and ces, in courts, theunderground thon 1, cuggcated that w-e shoul! ra'-lw-ay. it w-as ;handlyposl, -cm tothie next stationi on the line, tiroiugl ai] this din, to catch a a distance o! about four miles, and. glimpj-eaoil anciont Rome througb the th'ct shie sho'ald tako the train froin miste! ot nineteon centuries." there. She was delighted with the proposai, and weaocordiugly start- col. Some "1arrocv o! outreýgeous for- THE DOMIN lE. tue" smeed to have made me its_____ mark that day, for scarecly lied w-e William R. Moody, a1 son of the evan- started bef ore 1 saw coming dow-n the; geist, an! the Bey. F. B. Meyer o! Lon- road one o!, those wretched recruits, don wiLlmake a tour ef this countrv tu in e pitiful state o! intoxication. Ileld revival services. Tlic shilling that 1 bad given hLm The First 11ethodist Episcopal church had been responsible for this. .1 pray- of Jamcrnstown, N. Y., and the Mattbew-- cd that lie might n.ot recegniza mie, son Street Methodist Episcopai churocliof but lie did. and bacvled across the Providence bavebe se lvtr o road:- several ycars.vabe sPelatrfo "say, guv'nor-you with the sar- gcant's clothes on-is t ail ight for Ballingion Booth eays tbe Volunteors ano -ther bob, for another touc ho! o! Amnerica bave raised $80,000 in the the-- yca jusipastan! have'attracte! 1,113- 1 hurie on copléelycruhedby 83 persons to 30,000 indoor, meetin's this latest exposure. I keow- that A muie moiwiuew asbenpac!i Miss Myers neke! me something about t A î'cnuia!T! E bapee l9di w-bat ha meent, and 1 adce 3som_ sorý t, iiscotpaichur-cb, P@ters- o! reply about "tekip, ng maifo r bs omia- _birg, Va., in 11) -ory-of the laie Bso e:Lgficld 0f hen nofrný, 1is eue aise," an!, I shoul! "putalmje l rtcrnianifoniawhoc the guerd-reom iu the mcorniing." firelt rcctorship was et Petersburg. Thc J coul! net go on like ibis; 1wa 1beto![ jwno s h oneso sure to be foun! oui, se 1 deteri- %Df Seul. ine! te do a very bol! thiug, teteli Canon1) And(erso Nvwho ole nM0entreal who ireaîî waszho ther dlay, w-es thaeldest Anglia lier evcnythia!gy clergymian o! Cainadai.[uc was the ls a u ! t hi e n t o p o e t e b eý, r .. We wa io!elong tfor soe munein of the ownroctor-s" lenthe Dominiioni silec-tfe. 1I was terribly Cemibar ratsse!, 1au!11lied be rector of Sorel, a town eear and evon i iý-l Mye rs '3'efledtu be Montreat, silice 18:"9. Uc w-es eppoillted --11-- ,-1 -1 -j1_ .ý,-Itohoteeery t osnnn f C'hu-i't C'hure,'61, u dare! cdif sic would 1b: revry anigry il rlet oteli 85 ny decccii. Ica tic vision !£, 001] a yea r dis-itppoaiug befoýre m HOUSEDHOLD Htr"TS. eyes, tien I Lhoughit thi, if slic-real- Iy cane! for me, sci ,w-cl! net mrnd Whnaonh a low ci]ing, put tie Mny posilLon, ýlCurtale polos as higi up ces possible aau! Su!denly I plucina! up courage an! lei tie curtains bang straigit dow-c te eernmene!, "Mies Myers, I have [ha flor, If tic polos exten! e foot ou comethiug vry serions to sa-y toe alier sida cf tic win!ow,[lie curtains ycu, an! really-1-!oa't inracir crea *'ihl draw'rigit lad lby day an! nec! ne te begin" i oping. "Oh! Mn. Bates, I-I arn sorry 1- IF imsy sîlin [bat lias gene luto a multi- I really di! nol ien! to-le-I cean fade cf cge wielfles înay bce ernteeta sec tiat yen knex--". out an! reclored to soliething jic ,,ils She liereaeciuaaly begen te cmy as original fî'csiness by spiiugingi wilh tlooghi il ias ber liI as te ileme. - arbl %aler. Spoîtge tie riglit sida I did my lest te consolaelier, an! wlih'2n of the cl ccd crien iti l aret dr'y se. as w-eomeîc-ioi calrn I began 14ç>n the n-niiug sida. "I -ir dceie!yoa, Miss Myers ilNaiogeny foî'niture whidi Tas bicenie iy telling yeua b 1ut aI anar f sr.Eliiy u1leda 3fey hae ils potliclhm 1 am rnereiy e cirilian clarkcmr- sole] ytire -ise cf a dî'essing nîndýue b) ng abouf £75 a yoar. bat imy love mixing four- tabiespofuis no' ti'pen),tine for yen ba tie excuse for my con-! iriti foui' e!swecet oit, eil ii unetea duet. Yes, 1I bic 3o--tnd-1 are poo fe!lernnjuice ouid tee drops et sure w-e coul! ha ver hippy togeti- ancoonie. 8mb etioro ugily beforL ap or; and-cm-i minityo)u lteho rny wife. [plytng. Do e iltinin thol an ,itepe!b any -ecnr a1ilmto~ fer W-rc yue a"s podn as--"THEIE N'SGtJt)MEMOTIY. lier' lie! w-cas e rtg on iy sioui,- A feî methebefo -e tie Queen's der au! a!ie di! ne aneron.I iasillsio vujsyiras soyi1g it encorag!, ni! crusaIeottlu e meoî i my rutesto-iiou, Ô!oflovecvwlienI 1feu ba IpIiglen ere B or1a1. Sbe ber sliainng. At !irsi I tiughLtsie w opnt teiieil an i.ol!. iroman, ae- ivos ciiibatlic n-xt omen f an liey h! en pîiioi oet I fouu! îiltil wcr a g.1er liai was aor e ui le crhile tic Qu eencea! dausing ii. "1cune ryoc gciug te cPebolirata y "Oh ilMr. Batos. It Lese ofunny, IJhla?"cVell,' sci! iýý l' oý!w-on , ver-y funiny indcc!. 1--" "Icas jusl ibinin' e', cskin' ana or "ýYou may fie! il ftouuy," 1 nus- I laa o' my freen's ile get a cap o' w-rc!, "butif yc o cîy inea boa-" tee an! ic drink ycar Majesty's "lit is nlot that," 'ce answcred, "but bealti." "ol'rapiel il' Queesu ail the, urne iliave Icen deing te tic"lat ilviibhani 's teidrink rny lialti saine thiig us yen. I bave ieeu de- Lu a clip e! tee.,, Ou tic JabiAe dy, civiug yeu, an! I arn se serrY, lu- bd s île feelivilLies mct lve hbeon dca! 1. cm, buit let my love ble i n fuît scing, a a no e heng excuise foriy, tcwod ~Ieigyoa anauliaiving -a "Wbteccdeyou mi? sn!.'irp e eriy , w-ce andod -ýin e "\VlI" icaneer!,"Iam nltic iiil ighlatn! otae ril le Mlies Mýdyre ah ll. U irm ly ia-e ,o!cromanis holdighaprms -oi.Yoaur friand coul! ctiothave e! ite drinininlg. The SlonYw-stl kumuMis ycre (mach, but 1 a,,, ly tlic ol 1ývmmanhersaIt. gîtclera! lier charge. -One o! tli telc, crac Mn. Frank- Elcyoe!, son e! theNoir York Ionni,i cf Liat cerna. Hoeiras ise strucin cithi lie girl'e cooluesse liaI lia oeventuel-1 11Y propose! te, an! marcLe! bar. Nocr chi leiLtrees o! a SPlendid mapsio in No Yei'e most aristecra-tic se -FiLti Avenue. In a Dorsetshire village, ne girl with re! bain eau hope te marry creil. Tha peeple teusider hein o! tuis col- our as great a ilomisi as a squint on clulifoot ils theugit to le dcas-, cylcie. Mary Fletcher fa! liair o! luis unlucny -bac, se mien Mr. Von- 'non Ilarcyce!, -sina! bar, ai bis un- oiea tonanl'e hl l, w'by ia iras netý daoncng,seieoniy hlusbe!. l'ill fln! [you aE parte," sel! tic yo>ung felleur, au!duvont an! ecie! Ceuni Faloni, an Italiennoucloman, aie cr,,ac îtayiug at the Court. Ticý ceui, ire ia arcec ondnces togttie cd!banadorable, accd noirM'ryFlicien adugitar cf an lEniglisli canton, dresesira ille an! sais u! aderne t :Ii e!o! tha alai'l na Aor ihi lump accident inm c Glas- goi lneautone!in le eaiof oee ýclii!un!in aeirmciii an j50, terrible tIlltce, -itldotr !e~d tiee w-us !)Ut"u vyo «' ial te ihut. i î"askine laI- anr ester, cric suce! I)y trembLig -an!, soiliing. Skin-grafiting," replia! îhe decter. "Imcan,"-seing the puzzle! leok on ian fsca-"cttiiig p'eces o! lire skiei cff comcoe uease, an! makiîng tiem graur oziu ic misurfaces." 'iLt frein m,~r"si! idte girl ernacstly. Shp, was erly four- girl a!brquicio- ne ir cn lie'. als a nurse. That wv!s -as oatean piyiiol cndiion te tiLt unàqueý praclice. Ttey dcli glti laIethe' \w.atcn rauneng tLe flooting ice an! scocr van! ocj.cy ilienýeoîes fully as muci es tbhounti it crmabluzing Au- guet on! ttccuatear lukecrarrn. itE ea _peculiar fart that aftar [laiý men coa oucf thIc vatenî-tiareis ne- shivewna eil sb'aiing or chaltening c! teetl h ia' r's'es arncng ttc unkiitiate! euinîte middle, of Dr. Cracleit saiyXtlIaite obatha la ,ce-col! ciatoîr In open air in cinier is il' besi thirag piesilI3 for a man's healti. Aftein tainng scel a bath e mon canu-ot, foc] thI dol!. H cres eut cf thI- loy cualemr ahi giecirgo an! cva sciver. Sirange te day, ha fae'Cun-mer than ho creal! in sure- BOTl MGXED. In c suburi c! Plideîpbia lires an ci! German cople amie! Sin- m"ola-pf. l'CeL huan!, ritz, baýs ire doge, cf Jililais vony ,fond. One iLe c pap, vw-hiile tie culer is quile- olId; but, as ce-' unes oceune crti dc's c! diff-'reni breoe ils ci! lddog Lemuliaaden îioa: 1h,ý' x-monli- ý;oTnLV-'lgsfut t cromasile ti:r of o!evory retinull tan! w ssiiim!them.teiaid!nîienzthe-rd! eua!,w-cepuliuga fining pgJsJ.II'vin1g ep-'ned LtI rau ke50as te ad- flic.iIkmmlp, rcalizing tiat " ltihepaddag'cf,,th2 suppo7se! comb- lin ýrhu3bo'ui ho!not made the point egc b'tcree-1 tlim, tic instructor or!- 1 're ccc! til' m'a te resi on iheir arme cu ýe tr iur, tuit haladboîerreverse!. Ilion by w-oy cripracticai C-ci-' ne he elkaseslwlyrco. -Ynmust eggsculse minle hushan!,epadinh raie lwl ov c" d. tD' EnSlihlonguidel lieîlhe loue forme! iy tic tiore roul, k-'cus'ro gau. Vot hL mea's Le eying as lie di!dcio Nom, inmtie dot- y3 geit!agvas de el aet. cenlrce; pay attenti*on. 1 aring reache! îtLeeon! of tic TIIEI' POPE NME patyb'turne! rocuiýd,.regarde! th mi st1 iycrt -ucnzn yeo fr a Lnb tni ' late apafnil!SIcV- mentor 'tire, au!ilonremrnI e!, ia- Paîor'onI DtalPerera an il a mcci s'olerme tvou ! oibe: Your clýIL lb":iotir alr?'ee!s Le n-igbt, an! yeuir 'odeisigit; Ycs;espoialj entl Prles. ioybutye'aýVeni' t ellUIai bofo!'e- sIc-idhi ,' iedDcariu R OflC. rotyenough, tote 've!  OLE VER SW1NDLER Lie ome THE VALISE TRICK HE WORKFED ON J tel! at a nrew-ile tîero-,oi ! igit w-hec the drierw-ctove-t' fer sliieing dans-%itnili lettercd «-ides mc hile rinie I lcrveî'cd areud ne 0tc lad- ordaJy.gioce! Ian! w-nIche! lis mevernents. IHie Bakmng poirder dansmoine excell1en t 1trick w-ns simple. He swipe! lis cai reoulde for'-,ain nceda! n! pud- 1grip, crhihl coemparatirely easy to dings. If the dore ra o! these cons do, considering bie always lied thc cx- are kerfdrated, tioy ine goo! fiouni uîrcasman Ccii11[ele.i'h e eDng, 1 or mcci drodgeres. Drive- a srnaH w ira hur-îied ocrnte tic de-pet 7aea! o! bire eail tineugi île covrn rorn lia uppar I o atc h He antime poceedieg. As usuel side le rcgular ra. jha iJ>iccvmiea terrible rage w-bon ,tic . imahi baking p6-,vàÏr cens bbc liai! driver reporte! Ihat tic grip w-as los Peunn!d 5 ara jusi igit te mac-k Iaud demande! satisfaction thon an! for spicas. therc. Tien 1 stepp)cd, up, an! 'in less \Vberuthe double windecre are tain- tien Oive minutes J. Colline ha! bece eo ff, put tic scrs te a eau au! consideî-ellymiser. marin it, thpn an! tiare cii be 1les j"'l ougit te bcbngye n mie court,' sci! seanching next Lal lfr euee ro r 1, 'on! make an exompla cf yeu, for,[ niea ces. ,don't dccii [lai thora are ciier dean- A wmndor eracuiL ofien need2 beale w-rling the express companies the long hefene it Le urne -te bave the sanie ic-y, cnly lliey ncay net d) it se sereen deere put up. Especiali; irn frequently, but if yen pay me cc-aI yon bIedroome te inaep tic muslin-cunt.li n5s sabe! me an! my fniende fer l'Il lot yen frein i lecvîg cuido-Ds ns a priutg g,es off.' te scîeep the crindow ' îoge>an! eut-j "J.Collinesiras incline! te s1low fight sida mdll, ce! t Le a csaeucti o t bfis ut lhasoon 'na!. I lie a screen je ge-od ondon te Put'iaren't get tic mceey home aiffi me'ih in cacb rodm w-eia Lt le îane!. cci!. *-- 11 "'Thon gatith,' sl! I. ý'You crout't fHEU EXPLL_-SIRN-vVA %VR -bave this [ocre til yen do.' IHEI EXRESIONWASXVRNG îlesaw I w-es ijie onmuesian! dive! IThe !nll-Lcutor-onie cf ticnc!dom iD i l is ob l e!ferle! ovel stamp o! martinet songeant- cre b mcey" yeý,s, cm" se]! iàte man w-liew-eu îi!Ng ili oce foot ou. tIt wagoe boib, ic-nasîcair, "I' lede'gi!tiat felier is goin teora ciiintc' [licplace. EIe's tee sudck. IH maIes me ueaesy." "Siîtîp lieu! et a bat-gain, ai'!" soi! tic traveling mane. "Sharp he neocerne fer it, Why, oe tirne lie sel! io ha! c uililmare, an tlîe w-l o terîgot agitato! anCoo101te cr0n- deie how ic cc-s gem te use it se ns te gel the best o' coma eee na hoss iracto, KbaeolLeilc> is1 eut c fsbon ii 1,1ly neorîedc.'H >!asu't thinik lâ>e LI years g a. Now Êhe is the wife cf Il TilE SOCJIAL LIDI onii~ ea o! the greatest Scotch secialists, an!dlias ha! the honoun of being prcsented ta o cyelty. REC04D RUNS FRON SHOP COUNTER 'Few gir1q ever auffene! more bit- TO COURT CIRCLE. ter disappointrncnt than Ethel Mac- gregowr, wýhcn told et Paris, by t-he, gtat autiherity Serti, that lier vo"ice Marrte a WeKne~y DtpInii1ii1theugli true anid srawoul! nve Tlaoagia Uy er C~II,-Uer i l istnd bard traininig, o cuie' 01d rEngilshli Eoilse WMh Ur. iLn oa Gi~ Ni0çTO BECOME OUWORTHI (1t e on flic, li cî ta taeor in opera. There iwas li -a u o h bg1vne slsnoting iton t but 1tego boute te iva9 tÎÏ,1- ý wîn c a .3Scotian!, a!teîl lier parents tîlot Lu an Oxford Street draper.y shep t vo thaý hardly cave! rnoncy was wasted, yaars ago, rcys London Answ-ers. A an! that >diaE woul! turn te dressrnek- tiuy girl of t-hnee attracte! by the iug, as lier mother ha! alw-ays wisb- glten ro!f Mme tinselle! Bastaru-) drap- 'dAgs hu vas leaving the Academy of cries, ha! wandere! acvay £romnlber. Music, an el! ýlady, nîchly dresse! lu mother, W-ho w-as bus>' et another fuirg, was siiting lu a carniage5 outside, ceunter, an!dituddenly nealisiug [bat accomparie! by a girl about Etliel's she wag lost, hegan sobbing quietly "Thati hmoer"vbpre In a cerner, One of the s>hop)girls, full the, latter, aq Ethel pessod.* Of PUY for the' mite, lLte! lier in lier 'Th e ,ol! lady celle! to lier. The arme an kisedawa th tersas-Scotch girl, nurprisa!, iront Up. arm, a! lssa aay he ean, 15" "My dear," seL! the ol! lady, "my suring tle little oeethat mammina w-as daurghtar hear! Vou sing. She cvas in, net really lest,, but coiuinsg ool to tbo ucixt roore. Sbe lias tainen a great' find hen lElsLe. rj ý 1;fancy te yoo. Will you coma an! sec lIt appered that et tbat moment, Us to-mornow ci atwey Mn. Victor Nelson, thew-cl-k ' Ethel weuttec adclress givon. It n wnwas a magnifilcent mansien. The old diplernatist, w-as passiug ibrougl the lady engaged bar as companion te ber shop with his sistar, an! sew- [la daughter, an~d Ethel fLoun! that sic PretY litle scoe. Te gils w-as a muxniar o! the great Hirsch prety ltti Scne. he inls Ihousebol!. Shli s a mernier o! tie SWEET FACE AND SOFT TONES family new-. Last yaar sho marrie! i Bk aron HumanuHirselih", anebe.o! iroulitbacn amomry ! bs o0w-fl,1th, great phîlanthropist cvho dia! lest,ý dea! wfc. The idea, flas9he! iLhiougli year. bis min-tlat girl wouI! taina goo! cana pOf My M ttle girl. I~ TRIgTDAD9 PITCH LAKE. .Very quietly Le cause! icquinias tefo bu ade UcLend' that tle girlI] Paelflc,4Ie hi irisSI whosa name w-as Rose Easton, iva ey cf A-1paetIlm. quiet, a liard tworiner, an! espeut cli Thc mciiiintorosting pice' hi Tnini- ber srnell crages on ber mother, Whbo de! the largeet of tIc group o! Win!- w-as delicate. The uPsliot w-as that wir! tslcn!g, or Laïsser Ant«ltes, is the twve were nuietly marrie! e Lew- tha famoum Piteli Laine, from w-bLd menthe Cge. fconlsas lange part o! the w-el!'g. sp- The heir te eue o! tle eldest Englieli piy o! asphaitum. it covýere ninet3'- bacanimes L going te rnarry next ycaruine acres, an! contain5 millions o! [lie girl w-be tw-elve menthe ago-w-as tons o! pztch, -hicli ncusr gnowEg bis motliee'g 'ldY's-maid. Yeung K- lesEt in amount. Mr. V-. E. Cu Lis,' in ha! ceeu thc kirl dozens o! timcs Lis bok on V.en'-,thu,4descii"s but neyer theuglit twnce about lien ibis famouq laine, th3 subject o! so tîlI ene day iu Januury lasi yoan lie mnch inte1rest jusi ai prescrnt. cama la eanly from liunting, an! w-cnt KIn thengoro!o hsSy 1 gian pool the air le heavy witb sicin- straigit te jUis motliar's ýboudoir. Lady cenlag oders, an! theasurrouuding -w-as eitt .ing in a chair, au! ad! country is corere! with its overfioW -mlning a levely saalskin jacket w-hich 'e o tlth carîl i li as liard' as 'thie showd o te geatst dvatag onpavements o!foun cilLte3; but neither sho-e!te he 'retes edantge 11the stcam an! fumcs lIai arse Lrom the slim shoulders of a taîl f igure W-ho tIc piioth noastiug Ln th3 sun, noný the sto! bafore lier. aspbaltum lna Ic dil s'em to injure "ait oea Moment,'dean" ai! Lady vilaî n lcorsan rutactu- R-te lier soni. tantryiugti ipinaple ae tboe-roubttLIh affecýt ofiy ne jicieton Bh. eaeup-econ DenI't you thinjýit la n" Tc~ak seflcai-g msso! ns- "Indle! I de," replie! thie younpg phia;li-rn, ceorne! by nar ane- Man. Hia coul! li-irdly hava believ~ el o!fc-n acter, w-ih a LowiraFg- Ibab.At the centler, foi<!un~- A IBEOMINGGARMET I ain of ailt a LaFnss' the piio i s cuul mae, ý muh (Frexuce o ay-et boilîng li'at, an! cocrea! iti yel- Oul! Heaku ce mucli diforenete CirY. low- an! w-te. sulphurouý fearn, up- onu. Ho tie!,tees i, fo tevisie ou'wich iarefloating innumerable witlieut a cep w-as a lovely golden- ube Udwiàgs breanr. Also lier ernbarrassrcnî lia!'Thesuppty foin hipmnenl is choppe! brouht sot pik ýnge to i roru the surface, w-hýýre it liag, been breuht coL plin tngete ier hitrdemod an!d die! by tho evapora- cheoins. In ire minutes be lha! fali- ùion of neostura; but luneLc on tho- wa iloveostia.o!ourshe, [lra ofponds o! thec frozen zoneq, tie quan- w-e a i, bite upption e on Jthn p _a e! eut aw-ay !uring the, day Le al- tha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a. fanÉ;btth o onK cesreplace! durLng the niglit, for lias a w-li o!, hie eîvn, an! Berthe coma action of nature keepsç forcing bas beau iicnt te n firet-rate schoel,, tIeuc gtysbeneoto h w-laeeshe le Iearning boa teo adore nihl ustneeto h la f uture a po>sition Lu the rery lest ert'cPtl aieL ytoywl:l Society in lEnglan!.Th !cLaeiamytrw'c Anoter at! ti daghtr o e cio.ntiaýts Iiave discusse! foîr rany Anoter aLdthedaugter -f à yeac7s. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote the emnalgrocor Lu a Woncestershire vil- -firsi accoui o!t iLu'1595, -aiea lie lage, 0w-es a great advaucernent te e lande! Ilie on bis, voyage in searcli bull and a dreyer. Sie ivas wieeling e! ilce El Dorade- and. the lan! o!f the han ristress's boungest chil! iu a Amnons. Humrboldt gave a goeod peramhulaîor aleng a pou by tlie dent o! cludy te the plienanmenon, an! RLver Savarne,arien suddenly a bull, de laipýe! that th-, Piicli Lak -a Le "a onius w-ay te Worcester Maninet,broine f cnstantîy agg'-egating nas form- leoso, frorn tie careless bol! cf thea*cd f'-om the cosmecal gascons fluid"- man -bew-as lcading it, an! carne cvhi2ch sem.d te seutle t. rushig deawn upn igirl an! bier chatrge,. Tiere w-as ne chance o! os- cape, a higi iran fonce ruueing aloeg TAKES AN LOY DIP. tie otier aide o!fic peuh. Buithtce girl di! net aveu ccreram.Qucs thoutgit, -chuha! ihe cuil! eut o!"icjeBoston PfalrtandsiFrlandiTake Ilium% Paramlbuletar, au! turne! tic litie ti ii , lreEvr-aroMrnnz rabotaacrss ic ali Thn, ith Dc.W. . Cochtia oston pby-1 the baqby inle r armes , ec:an, lgt"w-1 ihseoral fniends, SHE TURNEDAD A. hprJasaaLmntke a dlip er- Two nmen1ini- a beai4ot11 ti'c ram-el ymonigo! [a yerbuit espeolj-i curage ani a -e redntcing tîle baby- TLhey cnj'y ILt rresl.a!car -4- rA NCY RAS iscenpaeutire1ly Easy For Minm Baie!Wafîe-No- iatner ia- to H~rt its Sharp Schemue, Rbut PIC nyrup i,3 cem-iag ie m rina i.3 Ilie ried It Onec Tee Ottelis o11the, fie Unefor ivafflçeý,s, Sal! eue an!d aeEp'smn tbree,-quartels cupe oo!niI, ~ e, "Thene le no end- o!firys for beating love! i)[one!sli ealevel tat- [he smlllexp)-2Sn"nnabout ton, seid blespoon o!f butter, atand bohn i uk-c [ho ai leiiîle peekoep.d l r ad a -arml, a!! eue-quarter yecst caine 1goo! many dorver trickse pleyed ou me Ln dissolve! un eue-quarter cap ot laine- Imy 20 years' cancer as an expi'Ossmel, iverrn-iater' an! tare cupe of fleur, but [le emootheet chap that erer 'nomk- bat risc over1 nigit ced Lu the Meoru- cd me fore seep -as J -Colline. 1 sew ieg e!! the yolks o! tac eggs -,eill Colline mest three trnes Lu my lire. The boston au! tIc w-bitesof! twe eggsi first time w-es w-hon I more! hLm !frem beace stif!. Cook on a hot wvaffle j For[y-fourth street up te Ninticil streat. iron a n! serve îvitli majple syrup. Tie Iwc cp-e to yau expresscen ivafle on msirit 1île top O!ftic i pay iose place e! business w-as in store; h teat oee aide, fthon the other, ý iltiaçiie-adwe oli.3cm Heatthe ron etwen eah fring.,unoun! te tie office an! sel! ho w-unte! A ivaffle cho] r~ciqp. pajrt gra-i us te mlore a trunin an! a box e! boks I heau!an part fleur makes excellent w-as sont oui te do tIc job., w-afLIes. "Collins w-as a, li te man witi bulging Cof!ce Çaie-Scaid eue cUp O! blue ee; ae saudy tuoctache au! .1, mole- milin an! wlien lukearama!! tw-o On lis chie. Ho mwatche! me lune a hawin fyeast cakes, :an! as scee as dissoi- whie I ,was carrying is hiige deIow e ! ! ! e u r e g y o i n e f o r g g s 1 w o - s t a i r s a n ! l o e i n g t l e m l e t i c w a g o n . I odmik neronequata cu ofsu Whcn 1 got roa!y te drive off, ha sel!: I a, e d-liaI tec Oepoon o! lameoasu- 'Oh, by île way, 1 haro an extra rls garOnehal tespon o leon x-'hera 1 w-ish yeu' put in w-il [lhe other tract an! four an! tvo-thirds -cips[linge if ht isn't tee much trouble. I'! c! Incea! fleur. Beat for 1ý minuites carry it myself, but I'm net going straiglit bel nsa sx homr~,uplthle bouse, an! I haie te lie Io-tlierýd_ mith liehan. ith Iloggieg Lt aîoun li ilove],ow. -kieep inlu the ice boGoe inigh;, turn ",New, il w-os agaiesitihc rmIes cf ihe ente the meoul!iing boalrd ori, a fleura! cornpany for tic dr'iver te haut auyiiýt1iiu clouroîleue-qarte 0f a mcifor a custernar net liste! i ticoh c.e lhick, eprea! w-tlice!tene! but~tetl! Colline se, but lie di!n't give a centi- an! LoI! se s n ak iirelayons. 1nenjtal Ïfor' lame an! regulatienrs. Cut Off p)eiceebra-qarîrso! au n" 'Oh, pslïair!' hiesel!. 'Tlat'l ho al incli tiicin, shape3 mb ocake, Lot ntscrigît. Nood u o nw-nything abouct Put corne distance sýpart inLu ia pan h tbot yen zce! lice,. It'Illle a groat Laver au! haine 1J minutes. Cool on! free3t te me for you te mkin îl grip, an! l'Il ilili ccfeciLoners's, auc 0ec e m I hw-orth yý,ourwhl. wilh boiling Nater. "Clear ap to tlic lad ucminute my joidg- 1-oIt Buns-Pour' oe uap o! cca]!- mont argue! liai iecosee!ofwisdom e! mlin ovor crie-quarter cap o! su-- mas te percýsîs lu y first refusai, but gar, tac lae] tailuspeene o! butter,, Colline' Lsstnefieally woen tle day, one-hlf taspon of alta ndwhenan! 1 conisente!. te [aine ,île gip. Collins r enaliai teasoon ! sal, an mie w-ont do fotehîe sîncot mil me, an! lukcaarm, a!! une-ici! yeast cake jusi eLreI imoonlir! te lie coat ho dissolve! lu one-quortor cap of laine- presse! l a bl! dollar ihue my han! ais a wrrn w-anee egg ivoil boaten, sedative for niy uooasy cons(-leoco. 1 t incaue c f [leur an! thrco-quart-du-ove direct fÏoia Foriy-fourti istriat Lte crs teaspoon e! cLenamlon. %Vbe n Collins' new bcerding lieuse, but w'li 1 tbenoughîy mixe! a!! oua-quarter get liere tle grin wis gene. Collins rais- cap of raisins stene! an! quartere!. e! a terrible mo-about il. Ho înaiiitained Lot risc, chape Luto bans, lat risc ie tînt it centaine! edds an! ends e! valua- thc pan an! haine 2,)rnnuto.s. hIc lnho-a-brac, au! hae tîreetened te hîing Graha Popveru.Mixtw-etiîrsusoi agaiesi tle Company for $100. The company acte! wonderfully whlite vvitI culp o! gnahom fleur vviti oeaan!d me. Aibogi [loy cool! le lie]! i. ýne- Oe-bal! teaspoon o! sait. Peur on irise guilty for a violation of tiair raIes, sloxly iw-o caps c! miln, bhast tîve they naturally dislike! police ceai-t note- cgge antil Iight, a!! te fînet mixture rîety an! !neally cmrms!w-lu Cot. an! beiat ain 'am-atc juiite lins for $50, Cf w-nid tioy gecemocly bol lultereiî--gm ean! hiak in epadon' ltins letîing mIle off w-tha e bof oven 3 iue.Miss Fo,'ýrlmer Iipuniient foc of ily $25. prafiire tic round ia gripaýns au! "Tirce meonthis afier iit ai I cf[thc fills them neanly fui?'. -liglhtI- atreet coudern an! w-ltontew-onk. FrUiÉ EisnP_[0ujýfor a COmpanITy 1up on Colomnbus avenue. Fru1-1it icui Lt-Pour ena-li! 1c- lOiae veuiug shoî'tly ale Iw-as ,centLou, cd,-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u -zik v- wot-i sors f~s--to--fil, sverat eordersithat hlait co)1in i gar au!o nle-quario' teepon!c 'altllat1ie l,,oartemnioon. I w-es liaI! deati willin u-rn a!! oni'-baîf yaasi tliet cigî twilh tooinacîie, an! mly cern- ca'kýý ds:ýovàd n -vpaîcion, e geed nature! sert o!falloir, did cauka dv-,r.olaelra1n tabîepo1e O ost cf the w-erk an! atlanded te all o! l'uewatr catr ad liec-quaniers 1ftic deteile o! the meving. Se in1tnse w-as cap, o! flourr. Let riseandaieon a!! my pain tiat I gave scarccly a tiengil te tW'O tableýspDoonseo! mollo! butter, Ilohre w-ow-ena or w-lai w-a weî' doing enao gg -n-oil 'alon, tliegraea!r,*n! unlil I hear! ýmy mac nntiug areund cf eina Ilmerairue!enouglu flour te an! sw-caring 111e al pssss!.'ren 1 innea!. Let cee, tns ccOn t [ane! got ap spunk n cough te ask wmm w-as [lie olaiti oan! truî lO ena-quarter 'mclimotter. :ntîcines. Brusl i ocer aý,illi malt- I 'oy emeke,' le cci!, 'tilt gnip 15 e! butter, cprnki witi cc-tim! gene! Tici fellea Up 0on Sýevcnty-hfil eUP o! ltoue!raiin an! txVy table-J street insiste! apon my bninging a valise gPboonul cf choppa! -d tran. ROI, aud aleng aitI bis [runk an! boxes, pai! me cul -.n iirce-quarter Loch pieces. Lot 50 cents extra fer doing il, an! now it's Iri-e 5in Pan an! bakLs La ,a 1bot ci-en gene, l'inlena protty fdx, I1na-.' Gi1aoathe tcr111 irli wite of egg di i"Inisteutly My tooti ceesed te jomp laIe! c1irtl atanr. und!n'y bean took- up tic tampesiaous irefrain. 'Was ticerman's name Colline?' SMALL SAVJNGS. 1 asIze!, "'Yes,' ..al!Îhe. 'Di! yen sce hlm' lie Peu!d cffea tins moka gmod me- w-ns monkeying areun!d betiyeen tic mouse ceplacle for Loap greass'. Wlien tic and tie wagon ail the trne4 lbut iL w-as can s fllclaifyandputon he in! cf dai-i.ncd..you lied yeur face all cen e Lu], laniy an pa ou ic undie! ip on! ceorne! te ho more dca! tiglit tin caver, tien the grosa cari thon clive, an! I di!n'[tilin yen uteck la put inejthe cller sofa Lrom mica any notice o! hlim.' Ountil ire or six pouxudâ are ready te " 'l didn't,' said 1, 'but 1 innea loir lic illake ino soa'pls<.' Thon 1 descrihe! Colline te a.T. makeLut eop.Sure cnough, Lt w-as 11Y 0ol! friand J. C. Wasl tic palpur labels fnor thI ieldmtiili esn!eanle Lins, dry an! aith a chil!'s peint got damiges for liric-a-hrac w- ibd brucl au! a -six-cent tueale o! hcinbevi au pea!ilu hiegri p. AtÉt In t I begnui paint, marin the cane for isola, tapi- te gel suspicions, an!('lw-bn -n elt imbt business for mysel! al few- ralsIter I oca rasis, annnt an may esolve! te ineep lau eya e pen for J. CGl- groanason put upen tle chaires , lins.1 I idn'î bon on ibis cer-ler tw'e in pape n Ulegs , f 1eue lias ltgac W'eeheS bfomûe I1Lfullfoui clfGI olne,11o caýna te ee Thase tin c;lae vauated toe i ore! again, this timie tu 'ie ade[jot., Idepe! uno! lyme mn te !ne ri,,6tlfs -a 1 -won taj:"iýf-u vai ueý- 1-narri a gn Il ý 'lý 11, -- 1--- .1 -1- -e inateh ý es, ýeoùtent3 ctnA-ieýl _ -' , -- - ýi - , - ý - ý7 -WPýd' -,ûï-d the thcv &me tlte-'a' iculiv "; " -ý "" --, -l ý ý- 1 11-1 1 - j -r -VI -L -r,

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