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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1901, p. 5

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at CUT RATES. Évery ArticeGuarantced Qenuiiie and FuillSize. 1aesOeey C pon,$1 sîmz' 75e; -Burdoek Tlood Bitters> $1 Ize7e oo aspi1,izeze75e; Ayer's a Vigoro îa i1a 1sz e 75e; C aa Jf Srspail tebest in the m7,ark&et. 1 el fr6e e~t~ mlin 0 ~efor 40e, ,nd $81 size 75c; S .Emulsion, pleasanùtto take a-Cd the'î best kind maIIdie, $1 size 7e Beef Tronid Wine, $,ý1 size 75e; ight's 7emtcRmey 1sz 5c> Kelogg's Asthn.aRedy$.sze7e The foiowi,7ng 150 articles are as urn teed genuine and fuli size flodd- Kidey PuIls, 50e size, 2 for 75e;, ýDoan'IsKife Pis, &50e size, 2 for, 75C, Dr. williams, PinkPuls,50e size, 2 for 75c; leindPowdere-d Borax, 10e a ond; Rfndsu-b- limed suiphiur, 5pourids for 25c; Cme3clSupur eper Pound; Setce and Rimless Eye lase atSpea Prices,' STOT-& JURY, B~WMÂVILLJ TheRefiable Druggists. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAYO -BQNMANVIILL8I STATION~ Golu EAST. ossWs' &r pressa. . n.I Expresa. .51 9. )m P5.8enger .... 3 48 pmI1aeegr. r4 . M, Local..... 655 pin. Expes... 8 'Expgýrs.B. . A 5 1 Da"Iy except Sunday STOTT &JULV. Towu Agen-Z BO WMANVILLE, ARL 24.1901, Veer 'the LAIv -Lsv S-ee CGawker & Tait's advt this week. Cawkoièr& <Fait's china department h up-to-date. Seaforth council n iI -spend 810,00 ou a sewer si stem 1pacIýets fiower ncd gaPrdoni seed a ,icýholi S, for 25C. Don't miss Col. Saui. Hughes' ]ecture Tilursday uiit. Apples of 1900 growfth are becomiug scarce Lu the stores.ý Ceuus nv.eraersare well ad.'ane 'drwth-ter 'TakinUg."l 'esise îs W. C.4Colo . Straluer puls at Nichlîs.' Sec hbis for'AmateurMnsei'c- Cakr&Titu i hs butter ine aix, 12)- lars aI M. Mlaye's."' Mark tic date Aprii 0 90-s sterm fliowed by m-in Mlr. Samuel Aliný, blte Shor West, bas about 70 'éOac.res uw ecT. U bKuiil hetoe buying 3 our earl potteesfer spr*ingpaulg Tie Misîcs Tm hanbuv ecu gunats'votMiss Kate Faster, Wýbitby. bath ant i,tot ole'Dgstý'oe, Ii yNwl a1 tvlish', 11iaI or Cap eau ut M 1. :Maver'sfLe !haSIllteuot.1 Spriti-, coinca, Gra;ssgeWur runs. Niela aM sis înaecep S.-ofula curoti livMillerý's w.nefft mron Pi1Lla Solti ut Tole's idrug sýtore Everv trfeehloldoýr who has ticewn TheicManu C. have icet!- ýCrange et wasi geods tbey oer iad. Now is your chance. lIave o von seen the first spring robin '.01 ? X clsec tue tiU n autNcils wiLleCyen wait. ma(ichinphtosou edne1ýsduy ýS F 1Ud finislies-. b, Morris. Mri. I.1.7, ibtba-t3d1eiL ~'o1innxrLiJoaruaa Ijanîorj: Cbathum w-, ýiil bons crag snig "T'icXVarlu eili fia yCcl factery ,by way e O nf t 20UO. am uges TwuHalTo'sà Mr. itchinson, SupI of 1B.Oý.RRngt.Amsin e speut a fow v days ut. home IasLt woe ic. Noict ic chanzige in tic Ailun Linoý >Mr. Chaprlie Hutchinisou has secureti a utivt. Tic S. S. Panisian suilet ou, ,fie position iLuthe Pittshnmg IrOen wemkS- Thursday tom Montreul. Grand chance te, buy bouse an ti let P-emote, your owu fiancialitois uat your own price. Soc auctLon sale anti give tic Iewn a lift forward hy notice. -voing for tlie Evapoérater By-law. Al l I er antLId Stomuci troubMc les cred 1Ne W_ýorm Melieine acta se nicely as hy 1lthle's Granules. Sot t01e2 ilc's Worm Powders ne pirsie drug store. -rcquied. Solti ut Tole's ru toe Don'l hal te heur Col. Sam Hug-hes Il has been suggested that a niew, Lu tbe Town Hall Tuesday niglit, Pro haîd wooti fleor ho put in tiec Metiodist ceetsinL aid efthie Home., churci anti tic carpet ho dise artieti We carry tic flne,3t stock et dresa Ladies' aprnug coa anti capes aise gootis ini blueka anti eQieurasiown hy ladiLes' tuleor matie suils uow showLng anv. heuse un tiese counties. Couci', ut Couch, Joinston & Cyira', Jobuston & Cu dCommun. Call antisoc our sock et Ladies' anti Mn. W. C.Bluckhuru aniamil have Chiîtreus' sailers rungirlg ILu'price re moveti tro -nitic town i, ino tegicVan- 25e. up îîey are splendid Vain" ani Camp furm purebýchsotivh hL utDanl. t will puy yen te sec tieni before yenii ngton.. buy. Tic Maý, son Ce. 1 'riTe uew pavemuentsý have auffereti. TIne Len)rgregutions et Pickering anti budiy frem lie winitcr's troats, tiozens et Brougham PreshytLerian churclues have t h e squares huying cruoketi dean invLîeti Rev. Mr. McGregor, a golqt treugi. medaiLst et tic Freshylerian College 111 STATSMAN s ste grow Lu Monitrcal,îo become their nastor. Tî avn estnty New subseibers are induction will lake place Apnil 80thb eu 1oie lbog iaLacuLl cred lic off'iseuson. Tic lecturero he icMethodist ,churcihabeen se imueh improvet by Mn. XV.i. lRtchî,,Lnson îaq -Sertary-, Messrs. Hollunti, Maynumd & C., tbat Ti-casuror of a niew erguizatien calleti tic trustees have dlecideti te have tic, lie Winnipeg Implement anti Cgriage young men's rom andtihti Leugue, Dealera' Asseciation. rom cleaneti anti calsomineti tee. Mm rmuel, AliLuhas,,,datite is Short Hern bord a flne Young Lmprted Our routiers kue w they can al wuya bull. Wo shahl expect te heur et bis tiepenti ou wiut M. Mayer., ays about awceping tic pizo ring. tic gonds ho sîls.His new spriug MmMnyR.Cyimubareg- styles of bals, caps, hes, coflars,, cuffa, M- al .Cyemnhï glovea, shirIs, drawers anti otior artie cd as post office assistant. Hoie is ex. les for gentlemen's wcar are uow reutiy ceedingly well liketi heinZ very ohlig-- for inspectionRIS priiodarue O.îÇ. ng anti ceurîcous le lie public. Tie newly eleeteti officers et leienL- lie White Stan steamer "OccBanie" tenusetiLle Base Bail Chib are -lion. brouglit over 1575 passeuigers on bier Pros., J. B. l4liel;Prosident, Gialuas vygeatimaiitctn1i dy Bounsal; Manager, Frank Morris:;3 heurs. MI. A. James, agent. Cuptaiu, Rd. Weoks ; Secetary-Troa- Be aune te go down to Freelund's anti urer, irwiu Hamhly, Tie club would bave your photo tukinLuyeur new like to e boumfreo ethr clubs te arrange Spring ctils A look Lu eut wiiow for a gume. -%vill cenvinco yen liaI oun work la A 1. BTm.î-m-Bines, Taîsen Farm Bridge- Wbeu bu,ing a readly-mude suit or ~rule, Devooshire, Englanti, wmi-nu' TE ýeroty, a tiltes.Iecv S'IATESMAN under date et Apnil 9 1ca,1cs sr vrotynwn ie latet tye ati We are lhaving a, very colti -At c u ea-ai ut o o niby witi het seeiing.-1Ver'.'utilecern Cyemn (grain)'-L s een put Lu yet. I th11, iukiISATS otir u'ny prt et nover saw the )andi so wc aI tua ime tICanada or Unitedtiues b1aviug riBd tic year. g oing te the O0tiCeutywilloliebv Tic -- ~~~asking M A. James.somlîpaet TeCeihomue Methedti churci, Rev. l'fer rates,. bebots te go by &atiseou . ~.rarsier, pasîor, waas-tu UL5IIýU .DUI day Apil 11.Tic ciuUîb cý', tisohlc0 reom Lave been hrugl envtt atmeteetantfiis nou e epï o.thle Most convmeint anti up to4te builti- Luge in thoia t uno oteoc Total ca e 76.7 twLh 4,0 haheen poiteifer. The ucw Vite Star ste.%amer "CelLie' wiieh la saidt t be lie laégesI vcssad ever built, was tauneboti ut Belfast ou, tic 4th insl. Tic, "Cehlte" bas nine docks, anti capaeity for 2,859 passengers, Sic wtll carry a crew of 355 mou. FRer ton-nage la ,600 greater than liaI etf tie "Oceanie," anti nearly douleliaI o t he Kaiseýr Wilýhelm tier Grosse, " iant zedisplacemaerdl La 12,à500 grenter t'hani tiaI ef tbc latter -escwib erUis- t ia ï, e t thIç G re t E a e The breati of 11e punes is tiLeai o!f lite te lie&cOnsu1mplivo. 'No0rwa 1,y FlineSyrmup cotains tlie piuevLt anti cures cuiclibeef~ hoursenesa, anti eïaiîL rli)oa anI Lu truubles wiich, Lt(nea'tI udcd e bo ho coAUîüUmAon 0or Cebeurg a P olpe exelia ges migit bu theroutiers 'ticreutt tic !rial utCeorLucunîiuwt lie loati et younigibueks troun PortHp wbo weul eut te Bewtlcy and t i ll saiti dispeuset i piita te tic natives illegallo' for whici Inspecter Bulger calledthemn te acce.unt Wiat was douec ho hem? As we dfepenld on bem for the ncws -downliaIwwcwish hem -le report sucimaltraSilence is oois qoden, wc mou,but live j-oumuals muaIus net yheld t a ofatet e entiment. Vote for Evaporator By -law. Sec the latest lin StLff and Fedora Hats at M., Masçr's. 12 A ful i ue of fancy gooda always Lu i stock aI, Miss Martîn's. Mrs. f red Cubitt and daghcr flda are ,sitïing fiednrono Mrs, E . T. Phillips has been -visýiin hier brother, Mr. F, H. Mason., Rubber gooti in great va seyad at reasenible rates. Toleý's Du store. Là Ldies requIring haïr donc ovorý should eu ouMrs. heinenring MNrs. Albert LE, Young and snhv ceu edte heirhome inOrtou Can't caî? Tak;Mhier's Crnpound Iron Ilis for a fw aysad observe tie reisits. South Ward Tabern-acle for sleby auction next Saturday evcueying. Se notice -and bis. Don't forget the Amter instredls Lu Royal Tëmplârsý' Hall, Friday, May Brd. Admission Uc._ Miss 'Velm.,a Tyler has r-eturnedti t Collixiswood, Phlade-lia, Pa, te re-1 sumoelier dutica as inurse.i Believing lie Evraporatov wlI prove a boom teolOwn -andi couLtrýY, we asI every freeholder te vote for, thie Bydaw. Rev. J. Hl.-Turubuil, el. A., pastor ot: St. PauI's chure.h, Le ecnjeying a mopthls vacaticii at Portage la Prairiej,,Man. If I 18aslflma&, 13onvçitin.- croup, -or-any suci rube use VapoCrcso1ene.. AllDruggisla. Jus', imperrte-d by Coucb, Johuston & Cr3 dermcan, au immense yariety of lace curtains-newest desiguis Lu ail quali- tics. Mr. m. £ Nolon, oronto. '1rs. T. F.' Ja mes and Miss Eiva, enî ville,' vsited their uncle, Mr. El, Wilk- Ls, BcthcIsdu. lmrLendSpirits" wîll hoe thze subjeet o .!e et t i u mn ut the- Disciple clinreh ivudaîy e\'ening by 1ev. B. H. Haydc1, M. A. Tliat u esalter imeals promptly reIleved bytakig*eu etMilet"s Cnm Pound Iren Plilb att-e aui moiti. Soiti at Tolo,'s (Ilug store. Childreu's Fiannelette Nigit gowns reduced te 35e during the remainder of March aM MisslàMarthn's., Now is lie time te secure a hargain. Da) , uwaut &a ýcarpet,,if s) cit a Couch, i.ohnstoiî & Crylermnan Te ha%,e aàbig ussertmeni anîd ivl(sou vouG; a c0rpnet as Cheapna 3011 eau eti AIl cases ef weals or lamebc.bc- ahrheuînatisîn, wLll finid relief by1 vweýrîiineeoe Carter's Sinart Weed anid telladonna Buchue-he Pllastersï Pr i e 25 cents. Try them, ,,lus-s Mc [avîi ,hannounees liai the balance of her miliinery stock -will ho sold regurdiess et cnet ut Miss Muýlrtîn's falicy store. A lotet tashionably trim-- med hats. lips, wiiîugs, etc. 17-3w. Al acceunits owing D. Wýallaca, Dow- noy, tormer-ly halter lu this. towi, or paries havin.g accounts ugainst hLm ]wIl o-bige byhun-dîng theim te b is Gond 0(jheuitlî! mpssbl itheut regLat adeucf ho owes.LaXau i i~- Pir±, .,,el',5h : ho-,l ,rA, cens tLpution, -dy spepsia. hiliensuesa, sick heatiacie ai-idail affections fthle ofgnse digestion. PrLce 25 conta. Ail druggi8ta., Mr. F.ýMuton, agot 2.5 veurs, a son etM.John Mttono thietownsihip ot Camahe, was killeti Lv au explosioni in <a mine lu BritisiCtlumbia oin April ari. A hi-other, wbhi locatedin.Lutle sanme place Lî-otig-t.the romnains home anti tic interment took plucà ut Sui Clanke cemetemy on Tuesday atternoon,- At a meetingeoft hie'Freshylcry et rJhitby, on lie 141h Lst., Rev. J. Ioige, B, A., Rev. Jas. R. Turnbull, M A., anti Rev. Rugi Crezien, a., anti Me-sars. Davidi Galbi-uth, John Mc- Cullougi anti Johin -DZvidon-Eldcrs -Wero eleteti Cemmissioners teOlise Gecnemul IAsscmbly te mcclaut Ottawa Lu Juiy. ,ColSaus. ugies, IM. F., Wll dCouver a lecture Lu the Town Hall, Thursday evcning, Apnil 251h on "Tic Wam in Seti -Africa " lie, lecture xill ho illustruteti ho' stereepticen '7iews, takeii iy himselt and otiers, wiile on lie hate fieldi. Admission 15c., ciildreu 10e. Proceetis Lnu id efthle Home for Ageti anti liniu Mn. A., H. Gibbardl,,iBA, latiepro-, prictor oeThe Cirenicl, ias accepted l un appoîntînoul as iligi Scîol eu i ut Kemipvihle, thc position formentry lelti by tic late Alox Smith. XVe f(oot sure- liaI, Mn. Gihiord wihl give satisfaction, as his uLlies as a toucher hïve -becu ps-cviously veryý higily recommeudeti. Ris muuy Iientis wisi hLmn every succesa. Ou Suîday anti Montiay, April 28th anti 29îi ai lie cS. A. Barracks, lie, Junior Soiers Annual will bhofieldi. Clilîdeic vill take pntamiuieut part Lu the meetings, goLng Ibrougi tic quart- enly roview ýSuuday ut ternoon. Monday nig-it a apecial domonstrutien will Le coîîInete(d,. siuging, musie, roadinga, musical drilla wvill be givoîs ho' tie chiidren. Pmzes Will ho distnibuheti. Mr. Geo. J, Cook, Bagot, Mati., for- merlyof etBowmanville, wrting '11E STATESMAN undor date et April -12 sava : :.jI latia -faim roèp, ton tic -season but weuld have haI twice thlie ld in a, geeti year. 1Ii&veotetaord-et ano' turmers getting'No, i ard w boul pmces butlie milieu sare making tic higiest grade et fleur as usual." Hew tic poor Manitoha furmera are treatedi, sure The Canadian Workman, tic officiai orgaun et ticAncient Order et Uniteti Workmeu etof trientereti upon Its 22ndycrwii1 i A 1l tîuer M John Curran has liou idItor anti puR- lisier sine 1882. lie 35ur3uLbfas nowv leating tiatenuýl iot inLutic Do mînion. ils ioditu-Ll 0 prînet etieti Lv oue b W,ê,emetimes t au tcmebrae ie . prnmptyand a &eanlTclfi netLng tic movomente eilt hieofficerw anti prom ncu etubers would ho au _intreslltng fuue A columnu or two ef biet anicrisp nerws items rcferring teý ice pors ai lRite or aclivities wvithnic Ortiee uigit be ntrotiuced ýTiesc o w irtmeuta couilti hosup- antiletieeordeï ra ,ïf luprlelu ii Bro. Curran anti Tic Workmau c stnut uccesa I I e e The members to Florence Nightin- tend St, P'aul's chureh next Sabbath at Il am Memibers are al requiested to in the s rnz the whÏOle system is elogge'd Up with impurities accumulated duigthe îintu . Take BLurdocai 1lood i Mtrs this spýring and Lt will purify theblood mkiLýg it rich and rend. and wil !ýgive yo stengthand Aouurg Ar T ly Ail7 te lstofMaotHe w.ife of grQv, n a sou. FAiiOBÂXN-On April lGth,ea Brantford. the vïfe noflRhys 1D.-Fairb'iiru, of asn WDs.CýG-WMÏEH-At the Methouist Parmon- agfe.Newton'vilie April 3, by 1ev, J. CLewis, B.AMr. letragg and-Miss Ellen Wauig.s PIED. Caossen-A ou , prl 8th, Margaret Jane. wiulowo-f the late James Crossen,Cobourg, and danghier of ithe late 14ev, William Hayde, in her 69th year. IIOOEv-At Cobjurg, A prit litb. lu ler 74th yaAnu Jane, widow of the-laie Stuart He.y. and daughter of the tata Cîpt. Wilson, 0. E., of Cooiebill, aOC nieee nif te laie 14ev. David Coote, of Dublin, Ireland. WILeI-At Cobourg, April.19th, Ceorge Wil- lis, Esq. Born iiu Soumersetshire, Eugland. March 1, 1810. RlcîbtAnisoN-At Lcwisvie, Aberta, on April Ilîli, of pneumronie,, John Robinson Richt- ardson, îormerly nf ibis town. Meaw-In Oýshawa,- on Monda-y, April lt, 1901, James MCCaw, u hIi's G7;îtb year. WAUGH -IL lre pi OtiI i sl Sho drssig O. abotieSaturda Vote aud gel your ehr te, vote for tic Evaperator By-law MendIay. Corne and, hear tic Minsýtrel Quar- lette lu -the Royal Templars' Hall on Friday May 3rd. Wond ertul value et wersted Sra Tie Mason. Co's bath Lin u' adbeys' -86e those belfore yebuyba,. Cushfion tops ut rdcdpie tMs Martins. Tako YOU ctieheoec _î-oîv is li lmetebuy utew haIs. Au M.r. NorminJ i-u.uîîgs wh in hen lerking mun Woodstî,ek bas relurneti te the West End Il nR-Ž. Welceoh ack, Normai We bhavean cxc-cilent range ot wah gootIs co)Inprisiii ,- g,ùighams, nulinase m ecerize(l gonds. ie. Caî ad e these ai the Maseà Ce. SAre ýnu aI ahl titcul'; ýabut tbe cut and fil of Nxeur clohes if', s e love your orI i Ceuch elin ston & Cry- demnsandi 'ou shaP b.ho ,sieti. Evoî-y ,ladly LlietheuuJ5 is ivitcd te' the 6cîtiîti lio te Wmuuslustitute ou Saîurdai, nextintic Royal Temp- lars' ilail at 3 p.m Mrs J1. L . Sîniti, Wbitbv, is expecte,1tito present anC Mr. J. M. Jone,ýss hapomstt giv anaddesson "Buattermu king." Everj, neuner iS expecfleCJt teCeeand' brig ic- rieutis. A fo icsine Tic Amateur Mnstrls wll appoar Lu ;n1ihoRfoyal Templars' LDHll ouFriday di;recýtion et a skillful dmanaerandi is c cpo ,t e aanuLrof 0liecrcugart-, b-st localtln.Tiygaa tt give a fîrst-cluasf ee-aue te i very otsns setch1%:, dialogues, mnission C., -al] parts e(i C11 oCie early to secure a gee((-d seat. C R D . The latest catalogu1e oet'tic seed bouse e-D. M, Ferry & Co., ef Dtroit Mc, e rendrigned iirbyorei îs a remidrta huiï1 ffr-Nfond t1je moriey on a 50-cent bottle of Greetiels z-eiudr tat houand otfar- arratcd Syrup ni Tar 'aifkfails -10 cure er sin the United StaItes and Canada youir enugli or coiS. We alan guarantcc a 'have pitîned their faithi to the reputa-1 25-cent botie to pirove aatisfaictory or money tien eft tus 'reat firm. D a husi- refundeS. JUMIGINBOTRAM & SON, ness oui-cor approuching ba1111faacentury ISI2OTT& J U UY. Ln timo,_ Feuryv's seeds ha%ýve îwon an______________ aunual i>nceuse Lu opuarii ih is perhaps the best oieneth-t tbey QBVN11 WANTED ut' once for gtow and *givo satisfio'ýCiin, Ferr-g's S922e'î1 hou - ewrk apply 'n lire. A.- S.FIL- in selccting seeds, for th-e furn, the truck gardon and-tho l or -atdo. BOWMAN VILLE -MvAVKETS.ý L Ls sent free'on plcain Hein o WLkrvll, u areLuaFiouu, P 100 lbs.......$81 70 te $2 50 cireular lettes' te TnsSfAESACIHoW ATÀ, Pull, bush . 0 û) !f 0 65 gives i s'itenrasnbs n qoa ' Spring.......Oco Il -065 tiens frein auges rtnsagis Red Fife..... 0 oil O8D our accopting b, is enfat.ns...r.IGnse0 62 0 Cil is one quotation.referriug -ý-teourlaeBARBUT, P bush, No. 1 ..O040 0O43 Royal in hrciln.n2 .O.,0 043 her people canuot 3elduc.tos0pprt Q 80 ber own hidendrig lf, reven I o t Two rowed- O 40 0 O43 bury them 1cniya1eai s ogas i(JATs, white il.............O0 25o O29 the pubic au ho ut'ei bld." MrRYE, n........O47 JIO050 the naieîî oIffse-ts tomuygiaI 'Canadian Beutis O69 il Oi7- rceîv ed Mumney cO60 6*0 ----Ji Smnall O6 ' O6 TUIE EVAFPATOR -LA. n Bite ' 0. 0 65 BUT-1R,'boit tbe I . u o i0 O16 --EGGS, P doz,............000 îOi l L XVe canuot DAdinucli te whit we PoTAToEUs,- Y bush.....O00 JeO 0 -at wowes ago in t aior of the HY o........... 9 00i 10 00 sivaptw-ate, IpoA-1e9e eteu suc hcre ho' Mossrs. Gmahan & FPLukie. We Lave every confidence -in'ticemen antiJ in tic indnstry. Il la pashtlic xeri mental ugo-il is un Psu Xt u 'Tie demanti for the output la sure te grow as thc articles hecomne mono wide- -ly kuewu. ,Ibis is siowu by lie splen- did business donc hy lie Belleville factery. 1 he demanti ton canneti anti cou- Cou seC vegetables Le enormous in tic miring districts anti Lu South Afnica.ý Frous neliable stutist, os publisheti in Englsind il La stateti' that lie moutlu' reqiremonts et Senti Africa alono arc as tellew: Meat, 1h tins..........2,000 Biscuits, iu lb tins---------------....0... Cauned anSdeî,ndensed ivegeiabtes,in,20,000 000 Ilay anC nais, tees------------------.100,000 Bran, louis--------------.0 Clheese, lbs. ....2,000,000, Bacon anS Iluains, ls..........1,000,000 Flour, tons. .,.. ...............10,000 Sait, Ibs---------------------00,000 With suc au imme3nse quuýnlitv et produice rqieimnbyiini -hAt- nica eu wouti magie lMa Canada asý Lu mýauy eýt thes( e;os sic a agrOat noirconJilLo)n liaI ofrna i tewn hik lioniavill La al ih îl poolte elao'mrvrylgee 4ýyindus- tries.'f Te, wcetiMse cure al! ýth we cuîu gel. Our ccil LaýÀ11ýs heeu berateti long aintitirng' . tor net eueiing eut felore( ind ustriesFý. Atfter oumnest endeavor te secure li vupo0r- ater on as faorabl termes as p3o)s8!ble surelo' cilizens wil baCktlieus Bp ho' supporting tich -ae obeiv thev will TMq La tee ýg--euota chance te !let slijp, aswe sec i, aidwe hope toeec a Verv la1zrge vote in favor e)11t.16 Lby -law next Monuday., Sale 1of Faimi-anld Vlage Lot, MICHAEL CRYDERI'IAN ESTATE. G~~anfld TAITO. 1901 Map1e Syrup bas just airived and the qualitly is veryv finae bu the suppky is bumited, Don'lt lelay in scuor- ing whiit you wiant, The finest is as the 'best, I S.,,eeds1, Ourý You We.have.a. fulli une of Field and Ga-,rdeén Seeds. aim is to secure the-best; this year is9 no exception, rinnno riAk in buying from us. Ca od fSgr ohnd e urpieyeo' Oranges 20c, doz, Fancy Oranges 40c', Fanicy Lemyons 20e. Extra Fancy Oranirges 50e. Bananas. Figs, Dates. NwMaple Sugar. Gr~~andoCetm>1 HE 11E EOP'LE'S STORE. Thi Immense variety. LY"DI1E8' BLOUE Cýl -Newm-e -,t Designs ~~~~!~~~ LaisJpi as -~ ak,. .1J D LRa w- ~ ~ elc a-iuiis..atUEI.,Ni1lJk Gloes HoU1y ad verthLgullually - Nex Eentadou-to adate5ank BôWMAVILLE Under înst-uctions froin the AdininistratormO SE LL OUR SPRING TONIC anti BEF ASTRAY- 1 ewes and a lamb of lie Esinte nile 1 .M Crydermnan laie ni lie .LFamily Meadicine Cheit. Permanent bus!- KJtiat camee bu Febrnary. Trne oi thce wesý Towns ni, oif uvitéb County noDr-naeOne hundred per cent prit.Wa pro- bad nt IambeS. 14'au:cNleueaa,Cotirti-e 17-ti hem, RetireS F ýarme r, daease, tîwn fntlow- leet ynu andi ynur custonuer. Chancee ni your ______ ing putopeuttas ýarereb-1y nfre mSALE BY lii a. For maci. 'rman, boy or girl. Sent outTO S o RN 'w tro TENER u sparte arclu.car a396, LondoCn da. Cem s nBox -L:t brick bouse coritainîng 7 mis smmer Fîcar-The farta ni 10i acres more or lais ' odn aîd.kt'lien, bard anC. soft watr anS 1 ansýe of beîng the South Ealf ni Lot .20 l in c Cli Con- gaerden, Apply on flie pr-omises te lias. R. ession eof tia Tow-nsbb io fDarlington in bcCconthggetBwmî ile 1 f saiS Conoy now occupied by Waller J. Cry- SVOCK WN- eAn qa ttyo hearmi ad. hv bu 6 c - s:pring Lamnbs, Veal Oalv,-s, H OgeanS ail QINGING LESSONS--Edouard Bar-- der cltivation, te bave excellent pasicre anS kîndeni Raat stock aeS ti once. PartiesW R. "on, Vocalist nnd Frofessnofnivotce colIis.a- runining streain, a litie tibter, an orciard nof .bg an it laeîîli y aS .ii.i n hbs vacauueles for one or îwo pulils oný about 200 Suneapple trecs in gondeondbtin andSR' CAWKER, box 18.9, Bowmanville. 10 lin Sibardays at Bowmaciviile. i tf is eonveîienty situaied about One mite froin Hampton andS i mile firomn the Obeese Factnry.SA.D On the lands are said o 1bchareebed a tw-0 *yAY- oie n atGimua stnray fraee ouse 25x25anS 16x28 and barni, XANTED-Good mîlable, salcaman A% Celebruteti Higi Clasa iiore fe straw shed, puggery, stable anS ont-bousles, etc.: t7 atVmlteln ilbramu îs iIucenwms e r ani 22x48 iolwn iesosEiO 25,5x Greases anS Pabt.EpenIen e nncecasary. E building?, If se, telephone o an 24.Excaptunually liberal ' r Spaciai iidîra'15 NewIsadn- al"eprt Rie farmlus lassaS te 9Vlter J, Cryderman menîst atie* wh s z'Tln6 - thtndngM rp-ýt anS Frank J. Groaýt for à years froin November 'ING Ce., Clevaland, h't . .o hie COntraro W-e are alilIsI q,1 r_ and ybe1ds 90 a year payable yaariy oui i t cî ooe cacyfist Novaer._____________ gant i R1 W seli iSECNat-Vîllage lot ni aboutï 3 acre pleas 1basi Bns, Mouio.ir, Piokels ani antly lneated tn thse cotiernspart of the s-iîl- 3 01kinda eirsedantid rsc eoa ni amptosi on the Wast sida ni thse Seugog STOCKS ANDBODSý SALE -alumer ntieecetnalyrcev doa and immadiaiely south ni the Cametery ciae"tili d anat b i n 'q lots 121 and 122 'a riy's 'Plan, On tLe saiSd lot are saiS te lue aboti1s1, nuit tracs. Iieoatri..t ~ 9traC 'et e plni TENDERS for these pnoertias will ha raceiv- îwanty yaars 5,uSN.1C" i imu' edbyý, A. E. MeLAUGIL', of thuesabditownnof nfthe -ILI -Y -~e' r i va uont Bowmeuville, Solicitor for the Admnistrabnr, bhec w-neyi utl 12 o'conk (f MONDAY, MAY the lîtîs, eau salitr0.- 'îYaygaee 1101, ait tesa siS TowcnifBowmacvbfle. saine annpay, 1,- ï a lii,s' tousaI sbcho 't-e bigluast teuider or auy tender for aither ividenti aniualf etc ný. epie..Pif pareal willl cnt uacessartlybha aceapicd. -Ail iniormabion -- At -un îseilohai Ma P. Taaio'-d' For conditions of sale, inspection ni saiS Beoker, iomnieo qatcu jg0 rla lea anS furtier parblculars apply to W. F.-Combacam ntaI Allen. the RaiS Adminisîrator, or toe e ndin raes t vo or ;Sajtî eigned.iv 6a edataSaio1w-manville the 22nd da i7 W iti9-'ati-VaCemeuin taý l wy 1p901 O. mriîelc: isok. upe our stocký A. E: MLAUGEFLC,i Bwavlec - eat rî0'Jt*1ineyu rea Sollitor for W. F. ALLE.N, ithe Adminlstratýor of. adý," or onwi c. ,ew3 iano ,r-epeFee ni the Estaaeni!Mi:beulCryderman, aesd bft ttan-rcgal,4CXL.t oBwavhn ' 1i -5W o A C. FRITS purch asing. Land andi Barrel Sàitawasohnd CASHý PAlI FOR ALL FARMK PRODUCE. BOWMANVILILE. <9 LýLas T(3gmacfj, tuu ý Fjuwjlý, cure -V ýi u ;_-i- 1

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