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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1901, p. 5

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RHEUPS IN 11011E CLEANING. Eïoiisehold Ammiionia, with funll directions, large bottie loc. ..,st Refined Borax,powdered zpeý_r ponnd - I Oce. Frniture Polish, inakes furni- ture look like new ; large bottie - - - 25c. 'Tupetielarge-bottie - 10e. enzoline for cleaning gloves an Yd taking out grease spots 10cE Smial Scrub Brushes, - 2 for 5c.t aans lil colors with brush 20c. ý7-- 'ITopie to help yon do the ýý, large bottie -- 25e. This last article is worthy ofyonr atteDtion, We 1liave sold it many years in lùhe Lindsay store and as a s-pring tonie there is notli- inag better. STOTTThe Druggists. If so why not get the best qualîty when you can get it at thie following special prices. EPvery tin absotutely guaran- teed. We 1hpave *sold it for yoars with sneh satisfaction that we Will eheerfully return your muoney if you ean get a better paint even at a higher price. Small tins with brash -20C. Smnall tins withont brnsli 15e. Qart tins withont bruoli 35c. SPECIAL PRICES FOR LOTS 0F 5 GALS. OR OVER. No painter can mix paint that will wear or Wear as weIl. It takes thousands o f dollars worth of machinery to prepare and grind this brand and it is -Absolutely the Best. Stott & JUry, The Drnggists, GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. BoWII&êN VILLEI STATION. (lâx. Ts. GOîîNa WEST. __~es.,~.8 si a. m. 1 *Express... 5 il a. m 5Epes..10 17 a. in: 1 Local.... 815 . î &ssenger. .. 3 48 pro. jassenger.. 1 40 p. M, Local .....55p.m. IExpress..., 7s18 t D.afly except Suuday. STOTT & JuRy. Town Aprents BOWMANVILLE, MAY 1, 1901. Mîilk pans at Nicholis,' See Cawker & Tait's advt this week. Cawker & Tait's china department is I0 packets flower and garden seed at :;Nicholls' for 25c. Màr. Thos. Conant, Oshawa, zave us a auon Thnrsday while in town. M4r. Jacob Pollard was guest of Mr. Asa Choate, Port Hope, last week. t Mr. F. H. Bounsali visited friends at LWdeýn Valley, Mariposa, recently. Tnper cent off at M. Mayer's Rat -ami ap store _for cash customers. Corne earl.. WVe carry the finest stock of dress Igdsin blacks and colours shown by .anv house in these connties. Couch, johuiston & CrJ derman, The( annual meeting of the Bowman- vuille District will be held in Enuiskillen Methodist churcli Tnesday and Wed- nesda9y, May 21st and 22nd. 1_,aving a large stock of Rats and have ecid, and in order to reduce it, ,~ atW.L.Benuett,Napanee, x~aî tî'~golden wedding April aenlago they were married 14n .,noao ,lhey frs sttlod in Bow- ~.~inîîk 11h "n to Napanee over 80 ~hùouidren are stili living. e b ~d en eented them wîth a ptne À Rtemany other remem- !ranücIs.' Mr. Bennett îs a brother of Mrs, Johnu Prýkin, Rorsey St, and an Mnl of 1 Mr.F J, anig, Strainer pais at Nicholis.' Soo bis for Amateur Minstrels' con- cert. Cawkor & Tait s el tbe besf butter 16e. lb. $2,00 at McMurtry's buys 200 cents worth of bat. Miller's Grîp Powders Cure. Soid af Toie's drug store. MXurtry's $12 iool suits did nof grow on a cotton bush Ladies see the nico varioty o! white geods af Miss Martinýs- Violet Toilof Ammonia,refrosbing for bath and foulet. Toie's Drug store. Spring camos, Grass grows, Water us. Nicholîs s2lîs tiuware cboap. A large sbiprnent of uew boots and shoos jnst arrived. Cati and inspeet at the Mason Co's. Have you seen the first spring robin yet ? Weii see the tin waro at Nichails' while you wait. lJntil fnrther notice Tait & Co wil mako chie photos an Wodnesdays and Satnrdays anly. We faIte subserîptions for ail news- papers and magazines at- club rates. See Our club lists. Wc have a large stock o! Quartored Oak Furnîture in Antique anxd Golden flnisî,es. L. Morris. The West Durham eiection case will ho beard heore the Supreme Court o! Canada at Ottawa May 7, Ladies' spring coats and capes also ladies' tailor made suifs now sbawing at Coueb, Johnston & Cryderman's.- Luttreli's bakory cart bas donued ifs now spriug dress. The skilful brnsh of Mr. àjoO Mayuard bas made it look very gay. Messrs. Geo. Gîifillan and Arthur -Morris are homo !rom the Dental Col- loge, Toronto, having comploted the term. Mr. J. J. Mason was lu Hamilton Mouday atteuding a meeting o! the ex- ocutive o! the Dominion Cauneil R. T. of T. Mr. Chas. B. Jeffery bas completod bis, second years' course at Victoria UuiversitY, takiug hanors in a number o! subjeet s. Be sure te go dowu ta Froeland's aud have your photo taken la your new Spring clothes A look in our window wvill cauvînce yen that our work is A 1 . When bujing a ready-made suit or o,ïercoat yen waat the latost styles and aur ready-made suifs for mon and beys are ail new goods. Cench, Johuston & Cryderman. ' WVe congratulate our former teacher (at Cbateaugnay Academi!> Hov, Ebon- e;îor W. Panton, Stratford, on bis eleet ion as Modorafor o! the Synod o! London and Hamilton. We were n)leused ta recoivo a !riendly eall frot Mr. J. Lester Davis,>Editer o! the Beacon, Newcastle, ad Mrs. Davis who havo recently removed !rom West- ern Ontario ta this vicîait.. '---Ttte-Sazramonit oftbe-iord's--Supper - will ho administored in the Metbodist ehurcb next Sunday mrnring and evoning. Receptian service lu the morning.' The paster wiii preach. STATESMAN readers lu any part a! Canada or Uuîtd States having frieuds going ta the Old Country wili oblige by asking M.A. James, stearnsbip agent, for rates, best boats fa ga by and 50 on. la tbe, maruing you feel botter o! yonr sick beadache or bilions speli if yon bave takon a Laxa-Liver Pili the uigbf beforo. Theso littie feilows work wbile yon sloop witbout gîripe or pain, Mr. W. L, Spry, son o! Councillor T, H, Spry, bas accepfed a respensihue position iu the C. P. R. Officers au Nel- son, B. C. We are sure bis fitnoss for the position and prompt attention ta business will Win.fthe confidence o! bis .employers and ousure hlma god salai-y. On Wodnesday May 8, Edouard Bur - ton, the Englîsb Baritone, will give a vocal recitai at the Higb Schaol,Bow- manvilie,assisfed hy bis pupils. Invita- tion wil ho hy programme. Those desirous o! boaring this musical pro- gramme will ploaso write or caîl a t Hgh Sebool ou Suturday next, A joint organ recif aI was givon at ;the Toronto Coilege a! Music Tnesday week by two pupils o! Mr. Torrington. O! Mr. Perey Reok's part o! the pro- gram the Globe says: "The program .was varied and seÏrved fa show fho faste, skill and uhility of the organîts lu ail the numbers Mr. Heook proved ;bimself ta o rnost efficient." 1 Mr. J. M. Gurdhonse, Higbflold, was one o! the snccessful horsemen at Toronto Herse Show, winuing- on CI-ydesdales und Sbires. If rnuy inferest aur Darlingfen readers to learu thaf theso stailiens were shod and trimmed up geerly ini the foot for showing at th mtyo! Mr. Geo.A. Watts, MaIton, .farmorly o! Tyrone, Mr. Gardbonse stated thut Mr. Watts is the best shoor ho ovor met. A verv iutorestin-g and timely pro- C'wýAST OR IlA. For, Infants ana. Children., ne la.s<4J'<~c6 Nl Small pricos on big values at Mc- Murtry's Furuishing Dopt. Ladies white goods just received at Miss Martia 's. Reasonabie prices. if your toug-ue s coated, try Milier's Granules. Sold at Tole's drug store. Rubber good un great variotY, and at reasonible rates., Toie's Drug store. Ofte n iitated,- never egtaled-me- PhersOn'S $3.50 boots, at MelWurtry's, Special. Goude n Net Sai mon 2 eaus for 25c. for one week ouly at the Masoit Co's. Ladies requiring hair done ovor shouid cail on Mrs. Dickinson, King street. Miller's Componnd Iron Pis; only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold at Tole,s drug store. Dau't forgot the Amateur Minstrels lu Royal Templars' Hall, Friday, May grd. Admission 15e. Onr sailor nats are seling very fast. Corne early before they get picked oyer. The Mason Co. A vol-v nice and new assortmeut of eildreu's Headwoar just received at Miss Martins'. Give lier a cadli. To cure a cold ln a nlght-une Vapo-Orezo- lene, Iu bas been useti extensively duriug more than tweuty-four years. AU Druggists.. Just importod by Couch, Johuston & Cri derman, au immense variety of lace crtaius-newest designts lu ail quali- ties. Pale cheeks rapidly become rosy whon Miller's Cornpound Iron Pis are taken, 50 doses for 25. cents Sold at Toie's dru-- store. Do yen want a carpet if s,) cali at Çonch, Johuston & Cryderman. Tbey have a big assortrnent and wiil sou xonu a carpet as cboap as yen eau get it anywbere lu Canada. THE STATESMAN wîli introduce au ad- vertiser into more, first ciass bornes and wili reach more o! the class that demands the best wares than anyý other two newspapers in this district. Miss MeTîavi-h aunouneos that the balance of!lher miilinery stock wili ho soid regardless o! cost at Miss Martin's fancy store. A lot of fasbionably trim- med bats, tips, wings, etc. 17-3w. Florence Nightingale Lodgo, No. 66, 1. 0. O. F., turned ont Snnday morning 80 strong for cburcb parada under cern mand o! Bro. E. L. Walsh and proceed ad to St . PEul's chnrcb wbere Mr A D. MeMnillan, student o! Queeu's College, Kingston, preached on the snbjeet the Vine and the Branches-a real practical discourse. The musical service was ex ceptioually go-nd, the organi solos being a rnost pleasine feature. The choir was under the direction o! Mr. A E. McLaugblin, and Miss Tilley presided at tue organ whieh she liandies wltb flue SUI. Tho fierai decoratiens were pretty and diti bonor ta the committee's taste. After returning te ti,.e lodge rom, the brethren passod a vote of thauks t0 the Board of Managers for the use o! the ebureb, the choir and organist for the splendid musical service and the preacher of the day for bis timojysermeu-- A largo and entutb: ai e àadTen groetod Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P. o! Lindsay, lu the Town Hall Thursday ovenug. Thie Coi. is one of the boys .!rorn this cunutry wbo risked bis lil!e that hoe miglit reador valiant service for the Empire by going te Sonth A! rica. Mayor Mitchell and the Town Council ,preseated Col. Hughes with an addross on bebaif of aur citizeus expressive of their approciation oi bis volunteer ser- vice during the war. Mr. Norman Jolîîffe sang "Greetiug-s f0 the Kinîg" and Capt. W. C. King "Sons of the Empire" and were londly applauded Miss Ethei Trebtlcock, accompanxst, played a nuinher of familiai airs dusiAg 1the lecture. The thriliing experioncos, .daruxeg attempts and hardsbips eadured ,by tbe brave mon who went te South Africa te fight for King and country were pictured lu stirring words, Ris lecture was pro!nsely ilnustrated by views taken by himself o! places and persans in that country. Ho was fre. . guentyecheered duriug the evoning. £he proeeeds wbich wero lu aid of the Home for the Agod amountod f0 about $25. THE PARLOR SHOE STORE, This is the namne that snggosted itsel! to TIHE STATESMAN'5 fresb air reporter as hoe dropped into Mr Fred R. Foiey's now shoe store in'the oid post office stand Satnrday marning. Truiy, the transformation in the shop is very great The window arrangement is also Vory attractive and ad ds artistically ta the west end. The taste shown in fittiug the store s certainiy that of an artist, for wthout exception wo eau Say that a prottior shoe store bas nover been seen in Bewmauvillo ia our day. We do like ta see a neat and cheer! ni shop. If draws custom, tae, other conditions hein,- favorable. Ladies especiaily are atfraeted by the geod and the beautiful. Indeed woe 01 ai-e -mou and wemen. The othor favor-1 able conditions at the Parler Shoe Store tien is extended teal STAiE.sMAN read- ors wbe eonveuieutly can te drap lu and see bis goods and learu the prices. Den't buy if ,on are net saitod. Cali and ý on wili ho wlcome fýkCP11FI LiD. We, the uudersigued, 'du hereby agise to refunti the nsoney on a 50 cent hottie of Greene's Warraateti Syrun of Tar if it fails 10 cure your cough or êolId We also guarantee a 25 cent botle to prove satlsfactory or iaoney refundeti ý J. HIGGINBOTHÂAm & SON, STOTT& liT. ------ *.FRUITS* Oranges 20c doz. Fancy Oranges,40e. Fancy Lemons 20e. Extra Fancy Oranges 50c. Bananas. Figs. Dates. New Maple Sugar. GrandCi entra1. Stawberry plants for suie, Apply ta G. D. Fletcher. Shoe dressing 6c. a baffle Sturday anisv, at Nichoils'. McMurfrv's $10 Réent suit is the limif o! clatiug excellence. Mr. Wm. Quay, Part Hope, is vimiting bis sister Mrs. F. Bleakiey. Try ane order far fruit ut T. H. Knight's now grecery. Cbeap. Do not buy y our sum mer dreasuntil you see aur range o! wusb geods. The Mason Ce. Cerne and heur the Minstrol Quar- tette lu the Royal Templars' Hall on Friduy May rd Canlîflower. Tomato 'and Cabbuge Plants for tîrasplanting uow roady ut Gardon D. Fieteher',,. Now is the timo to bny new bats. An excellent assortuxeat at The Mason Co's. o! both Ladies and Geatlemeuýs. Affer the grip, or othor serions ili- ness, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi- due o t tee te restore the appetite sud st rougih Are yen ut aIl part icular about the eut and fit af your clotbes if se louve 3 aur order at Caueh, Jobustan & Cry- derman's and von shah ho sutisfied. The White Star steamers are makiug quik passages across the Atlantic. '['ho e1 Oceanie" crassod la 6d., 8h., last tripuand last week the "Teufoule" did if ia6d., l8hrs, hl. A. JAMES, agent. If is muny years sînce sncb a chance fa bny geod furniture choap was offomed as the Jessop Funritnre C., affer by their lasing up-business sale next Fril-ay--and--Sat-r-da--at--Port -Perry._ See adv'f lu this puper. Same evil disposed persan or persans girded about fifty plum and cberr "y fr00 belengiug fa Mr . Gordon D, Fletcher. Sevon yours la the penitentiary is t ho puuisbmenf. The enîprifs are suspect- ed and muy ho beard from soon, Al accaunts owing D. Wallaco Dow-P uey, formerly baker lu this ew, ,or parties baying aceounts against birn wiil oblige by bunding tbem te bis futhor, Mr. George Downey, Bowmau ville, whe wiil givo tbem prompt atcen- flan. Dr. John Roskin, Ký C., Mrs. Raoskin and Miss'Carpmael, Toronto, left for Englaud Monduy. Mrs. Hoskiu and Miss Carpmuel wiii ho absent until the end o! Angnust. ht Dr. HosItin will probably re--turu eariiei. We wish tbem bon voyvage, and a plousaut visit in dear Old Englaud. MAXWELL MACHIINERY FOR SALEP- Huving takon the ageney anti ope;ned up shap ut Asbton's Corners ?, mile north o! Hampton, where 1 curry a sanîple se fui-mers muy see for fheèm- selves sncb as bindors, mowers, roup. ers, turaîip soers, scuffiors, eburns and other articles, will ho uat shop eveoir Saturday aftemnoon. A euhl soliited aise bée supplies for sale cbeup. JS. G. BURNS. 18-&w. Rev. Dr. McKiliop, the prolhifian advoeate sont out by the Dominion Alliance, gave an address lu the Town Hall Monday evening lu f avor o! tom. porance. A collection antd subseriptisins wore taken lu aid o! the work. Revs. W. Jolliffe, W. J. Jolliffe, B. H. Hay- don and Mr-. P. Trebilcoek spoke brie!- ly ut the close, Mr. W. W. Tambivu, M. A., oceupied the chair, Fruit BORN. DAnC,-In ýiarlington, Aprilldth, the wife of Jaines Darch, of a daugister. Mor:s,-In Bowmanvilie, Aprit2î3rd, the wif e of Thoinas Moyse, of a son. Bo rTRAiÂ,-In Bowmanvîlle :Mar ch llst, thc -wife of John Botterail, of a dsangher.ý SHIORT,-Near Hamupton. Aprit 24th, the wif e of Herbert Short, of a daughter. CocSIRNE,-Near Enfli, Aprit f4th, the wîfe of George Cochrafle, of a soli. BRÂY,-Near Enfleld, E ast Whitby, April 27, the wiffe of Samuýel Br1ay, Offas8son. DaNçiKE-In Haveloek, April l4thi the wife of A. 0. Denike, of a dau ghter. LITTLE,-In Oshawa, .Xpril 25th, the wife of R. A. J, Little, of s son.. AîtMSTsON,-In Oshawa, April 2:af!, the wif e of Frank Armstrong, of a son. Lacwis,-At Scugog, April 2îrd, theg wife of B1ey. H. T. Lewis, B. A., of a son. MARRIED. SrORîE -N2OBLE,-In Orono, April lîth, by Rev, T. W. Leggott, Mr. James Storie and Miss Eliza Noble, noth of Darlîngton,. SANER-ALLEx-At Port H1ope, April 24th, ~yRev. W. R. Young, D. D., John W. Sauders, lq., Town Cierk, and Miss Minute J, Allen, ail of Port Rope. VÂNSTONE -EOLT-At Brookla, April 26th, by Rev. John Harris, Mrs Robi, Roît and Mr. IGeo. Vanstone, Lindsay. BARROWCLOUGH-BENNETT-I11 Oshawa, Apr. 25th. hy 11ev. J2. J. Rac, Mr. Wesley Barrow- clough and Miss Bertie Bennett, ai[ of Oshawa. Mn.aLS-POGSON -In Ea st Whitby, April 241h, by »~ev. J. Rlooges, B. A., Mr. James Mille, Oshawa, anti Miss Minnie F. Pogson, HRRIS-ROUTLEY-At Ashburn, Apil l7th, by Rev. H. rozier, Mr. Richard Harris and Miss Eliza M,, daughter of Mr. Jaines Rout ley, ail of West Whitty. SIIoiRT-GIESON-At Oshawa, April 24th by 1ev. J. Hodges, B. A., Mr. J. W. Short snd Miss Eliza Gibson, both of Oshawa. TOWER5t-BRFNT-IR Toronto, Aprl l7th, hy 1ev. Newton Hill, Mr. John Towers sud Miss May Brent, both of Oshawa. DUED. MCflti~-,In >hlty twnsivApr-fiï- E. A.,McBrieîî, agedl56 yecars, LoîînkSI). -lu Port Hope, Aprii fsth, William R. Lonsdaie, ageti 62 years A native of Dlar - linglon. SYEELE,-At Vernon, B. C., Anril 28th, James T. Steete, formerly of Bowmanville. BuRRows-lu Hainpton, April 211h, Thomnas But rows, ageti 77 years. RCnASon-At Lewisviile, N. W T., April lith, of puennoDia, JohnRobinson Richardison, former]y of Bownauvilie. WiLSqox-luOshawa, Apýil 241h, Eila, ouly daughter of Me. Win. Wilson, aged 2 years. RITE AT 0 NC ý-To P. 0. box 396lî, Londion, Ont., for the easi est selliog thi.g n thîe patent medicîne business. Y ouanti your estomer i ttç One hundreti par cent profit. Perinanen t businef s.LONDON You Should Knowl *That ta ten days preceding April 26t1h, we I 6sent ont direcît f romx our sehool 1yonng Imon-14 young woflifl loto business offices in this city. This work is goinz on e vcry moulh tn the year. No vacations, Vou can enter any tfine' anti prepatre iii a short tuine for a gooti situation, CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE. Central Business Coliege, TORONTO.' W, H. SHAW, Principal. GREAT Auctiol Sa1e Apples, Cranges, .40 Lemons, Bananas. NW FRIUE A good idea strnck T. H.li NE U IT R . Knight, grever and provision J dealer. Ho is zaing te beep a good AT PORT PERRY, stock o! fruit o! ail populur kinds, Yoîî eau depead on gettîug if good and Ta cose oui-. Business Suie wo shahl fresh. Seo what a nice dîspluy ho bas offer by public anction ou now. Cal uand test it. Ho souls eheap, Ris torims ai-o cash. AUCTION SALE. SATIJRDAT. MAT 4tb-Mr. A. H. Stott wiil seli bv publie anetion, la the vil- lage a! Hamnpton. a numbor o!fbai-ses, caff le, buggies, waggaurs, derneerafs, and 200 good Codai- polos. Suie ut ono o'clock. Sco postersý JAS. Bissaii- auctioneor. LAWN MQWERS. Ï The season lias came again and al who have Mlowrs wonld do wel ta place ther n lmry bauds for sharpening sud rouai-s as the highest festirnoy o! my abi lity te, put fbem un fi-st ciass con- dition fian my numei'ous customers. Thunkiug ail my patrons for pasf ;fav. ors, .t would solicît a con tinuanceofo saine. Oid rnowers bouglit and sold sud ail cutlery grouud lu gaed order. W.H. WILLIAMIS, The West End Smith, King St , Bowmunviile. 183 w. Chîldren Cry for Children ry for 1 CASTO1ýRIA.! FII9R o~ ~1II9IIm 3o l 4 Oui- flac stock o!NewFurnitnre arnount- ing ta $2875. Iligb Grade, Medium aud Cheap Furniture in Drawiag Roem andParior suit es,Bedroorn suites îaOak, Mohogany, Asb, Bu-eh, sud EIrn, Dm-i igRaom suifes lu Oak, Sideboai'ds in Oak, Walnnt, Cherry, Bu-eh and Ash. Extentian tables in oke, walnut sud ash. Desks and Socretaries, China Cabinets Faiwy ebairs o! ail kinds e! woods sud npiîoisteiing,Mahcganv Musi-. Cabinets, Dressing Tables, Hall Racis, Hall Mini-ors, Oil Paiutingsuand Engraviug,4 Fancv Tables in Solid Ma.hogany, Qnartered Oak, Bu-ch sud VaInut. Couebes,Lonnges, Morr-is sud Columbia Chairs, Mattresses, wire spiings, Brass sud I-on bedi 200 foeto ffine Amerlean rnIdings, 300 frames, 1 black mare Oyais old, 1 set single bamuess, 1 riur- unreýý wagon and sieigb, 1 buggy 1 cutfer. Ouir stock is se large and weli us.sorted uht any ene desiriug ta, fur- nish their homes with New Stylisb Fui- niture wiii do well te attend this sale. Every article wîll ho sold ta the highost bidder. Parties frian a distance ouv- ing ut this sale should corne prepared to fake their purchases borne wif b fin Sale starts each da- ut 10 o'clock sharp on the promises. Terrns. Cash. 11 G.Jcsn, Jse Fumniture Ca.,, Anuctioneer, W. J. NOTT, Mýanaer., 17-2w Port JPerrY, Ari21, 19,1,. GAWIERand TAIT. 1901 àMaple Syrup has just arrived andi the quality'is very fine but the supply is limited, 1Don't delay in sectir. ing what you want. The.finest is always the best. We have a fulll une of Field and Gardlen Seeds. aim is to secure the best; this year is no excep)tîon. run no risk in buying from us. Our You purchasing. Land ancd Barrel Sait always on hanci. CASH PAID FOR ALL FARM- PRODUCE. mEI BowmANxviLLE. 'THE PEOPLE'S STRE. ~This Weeki LADIES' WRAPPERS i el-kImmense variety. 0 *Ladies'SrlgGasI The vc-y latest eut. - ,.Ladies' Costumes. E Elegant and up-to-date. LADIES' SAILOR HATS Select and Catchy'. Lace Curtains, Dress Goods, Blouse Silks, g,& Gloves, Hosiery and everything usually qg kept ini a flrst-class Dry Goods Store. *..ALL NEW AT POPULAR PRIGES. . @ The Peoples' Store. * Next Door to Standard'Eank. é-BOWMANVILLE. POC WA?ýNED- Any ntty .o1f ~ lE SRA-4 ewes and a ]anb kîd f fat stock wanted at once. Parties h t a 'i) d i eray'Treoftee '"havi.g sains will please notify by card. W. R.l dot lam ed FRED Nîiioa.as.Colrtlcc 7-tf R. CAwKERL, box 189, l3owmanvllle. 10-lin STOCKS A14D BONDS FOR SALE. 9EBVANT WANTED at once for bn,,ealhoseo,nrir 'nir t,. M.Ac,. q I hava a Iimiteti nurnber of first mortgage twerity years 5%, golti Bonds value 0in o Ouai of the largest steel shfpbuildiiug coinpaiso the worid. just estabilshet int Canada, whlch oI eau sali at $800. Aiso f uly paiti up Stock in the sanie compauy, yfaltitng twenty-live per cent tilvient anmaliy sd other ticirable stock. Alinformnation hy mail or on application at Mit. P. Tî,xrnacocK'S store, J. H. BARNETT, Broker, Bowmanville. i5-tf. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. CorrecteIby J.Mo3lurtry ocdiT nesrlay FLOuR, V 100 ibs ....... WHEBAT, Fail, bush. tRed 1ifoe ne Gnose BARLET, l bush, i'.. il Twî, OATS, W BUCKWEAT l PEsS, Bîsekoeo, Pbqi il CanadîinBimu BTUTTER, '.,- '1 EGs, tPdaz ...-, PoTÂ'roEs, V'bushý 'HAT, r ton.. .31 7 ta $2 50 0 65 i62 - 64 40 n0O 4 0 Q,INGIN(O' LESSONS--Fdouard Bar. " ÊJ o, Voc-ibst and Plrofessor of voiteacnltivaL- lion has vacancies for one or two puptîs on Satnrdays at Boîvianville. 15-tf *7 SAY:-Do von want Glnî' r Celebratetiligb ClassiVoors for that nice new house yon are 4, building? If so, tciephone o 15. Notwithstandiug ail reports to the coutrary ave are stili soul- ing iwid going to soul Doors, Sasb. Biinds, Mouldigs, Piekets and ,i kinds of dressed and uudressod umber and arec ctinuaiiy receeving fi 'sh stock to meet ail the demandsofo hoe trade. A ceusignmnent o! splendid .i,..~. î, tedfrxýnte ior ~~itorv '~ilntwdy g m tO F ,'nv~~îeOf tonth(lt lr o I wbere. elso ~4CCLELLAN & CO., Bowmunvlhlo, Cawker, & Tai t. 1 ý

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