DR, L. POTTEZ. VI)fe ensd resideaice,Churcb St.,opposlte Trlnity Cogragational cbureh, Bowinvtlle. 25-6m' MISS5 ETHEL MORRIS, AIITIST. Instrectieus pven in PAIN TIN G Ii Gil1, Water Color and Çhina. Sketehlng and fslnilegtrom nature. RILXN on prnmiges, tir- Ir e*t ugoal priceg, 51.in. DE. J. C. MITCHELL, m EIMBEROF COLTEGEOF PH1YSIOIAN1S anU. ed Surgeons, Ontario,Oot*oner, ete, Itesidence. Eniekillen, 74 A. E. 1WLAUG IILIN, 8arrlster, Solicitor anS Couvey ancer. Office:-i B lekley Block, Rleg street, Bowmanville. Money ta bas eat reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, RIOBERT YOUTNG, V. S. O %FF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS " Block, wibere himsecf er bts assistant will tefçsuedfrem5 a.. te Ep. m. Nîgbt esîls ai ssdne, i atyopposite Drill Sbed. Cels hy telegrapho ~ibaue wlilireceive prompt et eution. 171 - yr. Î AIR W'ORK.-Ladieg wishinz- bair I-dose ever, calet Mes. DscKiNgose'ssng at and Cor et Ontario St Bowmnville. 184 if M ARJ,'ITAGE LICENSES,-M. A, Jx , las ofetMarriage Liceuses.i Rtsdence : Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D..B. SIMiPSON, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLfAIR, Barriste, solers, Notarles, etc.. Morris' Block, upet'atrs, King Street, lionmanville. Solicitors for thie Ontario Bank. Private monaya lociied ai iowest 1tatas DENTISTRY. G. C, BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S , Hoser Graduete le Dentistry etfTorento U:i.- verslty. Orssec-Over Concb, J'obunston aed Cryderma'stsore. Bowmauville. 18-lyr. Il. P. IIUNTER, B ARRISTER,SOLCTOR,OTAR OFFIC S:King St., opposite Dr.,llarnden's Dental ïItooms, §oiwmauville. 13-6m, 'b(~(ChTO LEND $ t5 0000000on geed mort- ie cUity t moderato rates or lnteirst' . T.xîtMcÀuGeLN,î oiicitor,Bow manville,Oni. 16 -6m. DENTISTS. WIil bue% t Tlackstoek on the first Mouday of each month, at Orono fromn 10 a. m te 2 p. m. eud et iNewcast4e frern 2 30 to 5.80 p. m. on the second Monday of each imouth. Oïs'îc:-Tentiperance St., Bowman- ville,rear of ligglInhothams drug store. DENTr"I Sr *TRY" ip 0. HIARNUEN, L.D.S3O firaduate etf the Royal Collage of Dental Soi geono, Ontario 1F FICE.-Oppostte Express Ornoe. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK cotinoatos ta do s Generel ilanking Business ai Bowmauvilie A geucy. DEPOSITS 1 eelved lit Savîr-gs Bank Depariment and ilîteresi aiiowed et Crre-t rates. Notice of iillbdrawsal net necessary. Ail deposîts payable cm, demand. EXCHANGE igugt sed solS and Drafts lesuedu-pon Eirone U isedta utes anS Canada, aIse Geld. Silver -mt olteiStbleus Greenhacks bongixi and soiS COLLECTIONS Puo(,mptîvr 'rade ateuirrent ratastapen ail pait4 -if Greaabrltaln. the UniteS States and the Do- tinien of Canada. Teleg-rapli Transfèe Mlame for laîge or maîlaus oniiail parts oel Canada. This lssjýecially advantageouste par-1 scinimîigiluMaîitcoba er the Nûrth-Wect, t m akes the funds; availabie et oece etrme pis.es ci payment.1 For otherriarttîulars cali attise baik., A. J. McCS.x-en-',, EO. MeGILL, Aceuntalit Manager leevery ,,caily Ibrougli CLaraile tg tutro ,duce ..r g.detaek Ir g up S"," e"'di on trees, anajý ilou'r os'nSl àcespicoosplaces, ciodsrbting s«mail advertisignatter Commis2sion or salary $t0OL e per month and expensesqîîet te exceed $2.50 per day. Stsady emplox meut te geed, honeet, îeliablp rmou. No experseiee needtul. Mrite for fa11 particolars. EmDjrp Medicne Co., Lonîdon, Ont. er's Hep"' and «' Hw you are swndLd.½ SenS us a rogli sketch or maîel of ynr in-t vention o r improvement and e xvî,ll tell yod free our opinion as te whether it li protublyl eiiýnsuuccsfulî prosecuted by s W IOcnduet fulIly equipped ffres ie Montreail -and Washington ; thîs qualifries us to prompt-I ly dispatcb work and quiely, secure Patents~ as brocS as the invention. riiîghest references 'furnished. ~Patents procurc'l llîrougl Marlon & Ma-1 lion recel ve spçciol notiCe withôut chare in, over soon uwspapers istributed tbroughont, ~the Dominion. ~Specialty --Patent business cf Manufac- MARON & MARXON Patent Experts and Solicitors. ~offices. JNew York Uta B'ld'2,rkmntreal tAtlantic B dg,Wash ntnD sew Àe .woodas Pooî The aGreatf LnqtlsEmtt druSol and reconmeeded by ail gglstsIl Canada. Ouiy ral'. ibliegmediciiie discoyered.Eh pc7gara iteed te cure ail Ïormatseuel Weaknass, al affecte et abuse or exces10,, etal Worry, Excessive use et To- bacco, piu or Stimulants. Mal]ed on recelpt ot prlc,)eepackage $], six, $5. One wlteaj25se, seWt m.pamphlets trac te uyaddresH. J.oltS ury.Higgtnbotbham& Sn; ' root'y (lila;waýý1 t'.ey r auiwe v e THE -fi VINE 1VEHÂMISM. The Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks About Christian, Character. A deepatch ftrm Washington eàys* -Rev. Dr Talmage preachaed trom tha- following text: "The' spider tak- eth hold with ber bauds aud is ln kingeg' palaces. "-Proverbs xxx. 28.j It le net very certain wbat was the parti cular specis et insect speken ot in the~ text; bat I shahl preccecd te learu from it lu the first place the exquisitcuess et the divine mechan- is, The kinge' chamborlain cornes into the palace sud looke arouud aud c,ees the spider 'on the wall, as s:h~ "Away w itb that irador," and the servent of Solomou's palace cornes with bis broor n sd dashes down the insect, saying, "What s loathsome thing it l." iBut under microscopie inspection 1 finS it more wondrous et construction than the embroiderias en the palace walis end the uphols- tory about the windows. Ail the machinery ou the earth could net make auything se delicate sud beautiful as the preheusile with wbicb that spider clutches its proy, or as auy of ite eigbt cye. We da net have te go ba fer up ta sec the power of God, lu the tapestry bang- iug eround the xiudowe et heaven, or lu the herses and chariots of fire with which the dyiug day departg, or te look et the meuntain swiugiug ont i s werd arm from under the mentie of darkneqsenutil it cen strike with is, scîmitor ef the ligbtuiug. 1 love btter te e3tudy GoS lu the shape of a f4y's wing, lu the formation of a fisb's scale, in the euowy white- noe of a pond ly. 1 love ta treck bis footstepa lu the mouantain mess, sud te bear hie voica la the hum ef the ryc f ide, sud discover the rus- tie of bis robe of light lu the, seutb wind. Oh, this xouder et divine powver that cen build a habitation for God in au apple blossem, sud tune a bee's voice until it le fit for the, etor- nai orchestre, and cen say te e tire- fly: "Lot there ho light,- sud from holding auoc 'an lintebelole'-'etfbi,, baud goos forth te find belgbts u depths and bcugtbs sud broladths et emuipotcncy lu a Sew drop, sud dis- hurricane te cress ever on the sus- pension bridge et a spider's web. Yen may take your, tosescope sud sw, ep it ecrose the heavens lu ordes' te bebeld the glery of Godu, but I shahl take the lestf holding the spide r sud the spider's web, an.S I shahl briug the microscope te rny oye, and white I gaze sud look sud siudy sud ar nfuounded, I will kneel Sowu te the gressuad cry ; "Great sud mu rvelous are thy w orks, Lord God Almighty 1 Agaia: my text teacobs aur thut in- signiticance le no excuse for inaction. Thia spider that Solomon isaw on the wali might have said: "I can't we a vO a web werthy oetiisgreat palace. Wb' t eau I do amiS ail this gold sud emhroidery ? I amrn ot able, te make anything ftt for so grand a place. snd aud se I1xiii net work rny spinning jeuiny..r Net ce saisi the spider. "The spider taketh bolS witlî ber bauds." xvhat e lesson thet islfor yen and me. You say, if you bed coma great scr- mass ta preacb, if ýyeu ouly baS a great audience te taik te, if you ouly lied a great army tei marishal, if yen oniy bail a constitutiote write, if there *was 'some trerueudoas thing in the jworld for býüu:te do-thon yen weuld show% us. Yes, brou would show us! What if the Levito lu the aucieut tom-- pie hed retueed te snutf the candie ,scosuse ho could nec ho a highpriest ? What if the lsummiug bird shauid re- fusete cring its saýng into theo os r of the- boney rsuekie beexuse it cannot, likc Ibe onagle, tissh its wîng inre tihe sun ? Wbct, if the -rain-Jrop ishould retuo~todesend ocase cenet- a Niagara ? MIýt _1 _ýý spider efthte text 5bould ref use te mnove j us shuittie ecause ih dasnot we x a Solomeu's robe? Away with sncb ftlly~? If 'ou are iezy witb tha one tlent -you weald he iazy w ith tise ton talents. If Mile cannet lit the caît bu noever will bave sûrength te lift the ex. :La the, Lord's army thora e order for promotion, but you canat bhoasgeneral antil yen have been a lieutenant, a capiain, or a col- onel. Itle s§top by siep, it te inchb'by loch, it le strokr by stroke, lb-st aur Christian characior le builded. There- fore ho content ta deoxvhat GoS cam- mands yen to do. Cati is net asharned ta do aýmall iege. Ru e net asham- cd te ho tounuS chiseling a grain et sanS, or heip ng a licuey bec to con- struct its cii xývi b n.thematicai se- curacy, or tingeing a sahlu the stur£, eh îpîsg thebih etf e chaffinch. -Wýhat GoS SoecshaSdocs well. (What yen do de well, ha h sa great work or a i-mail work. If tan talents, ernploy ail the ton. If tivo talents, empley al the tire. If an;a talIent, eorniy the ose. If oniy the thioti judih part of a tal- ent omploy t ihaýt. " Be _thon afaitul osto death an Iid 1ilI give theeaa crowu etlit."1 tell yen,, if you are net faitbftuii teGo in a smail spbeî e, yen 'ivouid )ho indolent aud inssgnifi- cent luna arigo cphere. Again : my text teaches "me, that re- pulsivoueüýseaud iceibsomenesse viii someimes limb up ie overy cievateS place. Ye, perbepe, xvould have trioS t thelibo pider ihat Solornon ea w, You w'ouid 'have saiS: «"This le _(e place for ît. If that spider je de- termuineS texeave a xxeb ici it Se se) clown in the cller et this palace, oi- lfl me dark Sungeen." Ah! 1 The spider et the texi could 'net ho dis-- ecourageS. It_ clembered ou, sod clîmbed up higher sud higher sud higher, ni.tter a ixhile' It roacheci the king's vision, anS o saiS, "The, epidr-tkot~ hW-"i"l) ber hane su Sa u knge paace."Ant.si! hofiten is5 nelw hat things that are loatheoma, sud repuisivo rot up into very elevet- ed places. T he Cburch et. Christ, for instance, je a palace, The King of heave-s sud earth ivos ilu h. Accord- ing te the Bible lier beame arc se cedar sud ber raftiers§etf fire, sud ber windows et agate, anS the fasintain et salvation dash a-rein ef ligbt. It ie e glorieus_ palace, the cburcb of GoS is. And lyet sometimes unseem- ly aud loathsomo thing,% creep up jute îr-cril sp&aking sud raucor sud sien- der and 'back-bting sud abuse, crawl- irsg up on the wells of the cburch, cpinuing a web ifrem arch te arch, 1(and from the top et eue communion tankard te suother. Glorieus palace in wbhich thoraj oug>touly te be light sdlove sud pardon sud grece. Yet a spider is lu tbd palace, Again; my text teaches me that percoveranco wil mesint into the kiug's palace. It muset have seemed a long distanc~e for that spider te cli.r n uSolomc'n's splendid rosidence int it started et the very foot of tbo wali an~d went aip over the panels et Lebanonceucder, bigher sud bigher, orutil it stotod bigher than the bighest ibrone lu ail the natious-tbe tbroue et 'Solornon. Ande God bas de- crocS itthat lnuny et thosie who are- dowu in the dn.st et sin sud Sishonoir ýshalI gradlualiy arrive in the kiug's palace, AnS GoS bath decided that thcu-,gh yen mny bho weak of arm sund ,sl.w etftanueo, aud ho struck througb with a groat manly montai sud moral deticits, tbat by- bis almigbty grade yout shahl ye.t arrive lu the Kiug'es palacce. Net sscb an eue as le spoken ct in the text-uot eue of marbie, net ç,nc adorued witb piliers of alahaster sud thrones of ýivary and fiagous of hurnisbed gold, buS e palace lu* whicb GoS is the King sud the angels et beaven are the cmp-bearers. The spider crawlinig up the wal et Sole-- muou s palace, was n-et worth ieoking aftter or considerîug as compareS witb tise tact that we wbo are werrns of thi, dnst may et lest send intu the palace etf the King immortel, By thre greco of God rnay xve ail reach it. Oh! heaven le not a duli1 place. It is net e wocru-ont mausion with faded cutrtains and outilaudish chairs and racked wnre. -No, it je a fresh sud fair cnd beaneiful as though it were cornpletedc but yesterday. The kinge of the earthi shahl bring their bouor sud gliry iute, it. A palace meaus spiendor et apariments. Now, 1 do neot kuow w bore heaven le, sud I Se net kuow b ow It looks, but if our bodies are-te be resurrected in the lest elav. r-bi, -f --- If your liver is ont of order, causfng Ilillousuess, Sick Headache, Heart- buru, or Constipation, take a dose of On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs wiil be reguiated and yon wiii be bright, active, and ready for an y kind of work. This bas beau t he experience of others; it ivili be youre. HOOD'S PILLS are sold by ail medicine dealers. 25 cta,- tion. The poox manu, the outcast, cannot ,gIFet into the" Tuilieries or Windsor Castle. The Sentinai of the ]ing ors the queeu stands there and cries, "Hait!" as ho, tries to enter. Bat in that palace we may ail become resîdents, and we shail al ho princes and kings. We mtsy have been beg- gars, we may bave heen otteasts, -we may have heeni wandering and lest as we al bave heen, but thure we shal take on regai power. Herk! the chariot le rumhiing in the distance. 1 really belir've the guests are cem-ing uow. The gates swing open, the gueste dismount, the palace is filling, and ail the chalices flashing with peari aud with jet and carbuncle, are lifted te the lips of the rnyriad hauqueters, while stand- i'ng in robes of suowy white tbey drink to the honour of our gierioun King! "Oh," yen say, "that le tea grand a place for yen aud for me." No, it le net. If a spider, according te the, text, could crawl up on the wall of Solomou's palace, shall not our poor seuls tbrough the bieed of Christ mount np from the deptbs of lUs5 sin and shame, and finaily reach the palace of the eterual iGng? "Wbere sin abouuded grace doth much more ahound, that whereas sin reigued unto death, even se may graco reigu through rightoousness unto eternal life hy Jezns Christ our Lord." lu the fer east thora le a bird caiied the Humna, about which le the heautiful superstition that upon wbatever bead the shadow of Ihat bird reste, upen that bead there shall ho a crown. O thou Dove ef the Spirit floating above us, lot the sbadow of thy Wing fall upen this cengregation, that each at last in heaven may wear upen bis head a crown i a crewn! and beid in bi$ right baud a star! a star! FOR OVER LO 'lT Y EAUS. Mrs.Winslow's SoothingSyrup bas been u'ed by millions of motherm for their ebjîdren whtle teething. If dlstorhed et night andbokne your rest b4' a siek rhiid suesring adcyn with the pain et eutting teeth send atocÎ m get a bQttle of Mrs. \islows' SoetingSrp 1er Ohiîdren Teething. itwill reieve the por littie sufferer et once. lJepend upen it,mother, tberele io mi3take aboutit. It cures Diairheal Mre ulateî the stomach and boveIs, cures Windi icoife etns thie ur,, redr,..e ,ilammati, 0 US ! niOLLD#A, GIETS FOR INVALID FRIEND. To those 'ichose wvo idi is bounded by the four wai1s' of thoir roomn, any kindness and attention from their fxieuds cOrnes with peculiar pleasuro and appreciation. The simplest remin~- der. indeed, of the oute5ide wvorld is refreshing and brings joy to the shut- lu one. Thero are ne, many things that wili brigbtý-a the life of au invalid one need neyer be at a loss when desiring to give them a littie pleasure. Flower5 are always acceptable, e s- pecialiy the potted plant, whose beau- tiful bloomn wiii brighten the roem for many a day. Those who live in the city can easily suppiy themselves with fiowers frorm the green-hou se, but oe living remote from the cityausn for bulbs and seeds and raise beautiful plants of their own. The delicate cyclamen le one or the most satisfactory of bouseý plants. Its bloom is generous and levely and the Iplant requires but littie care. Give tdlicate cyclamen t. your invaiid friend and it will be a constant source of pleasure. Oue invalid's rxoom luto which Ilef- ten go le to me ideai, writes a corres- pondent. It is in the sunnniest pleas- antest part of the bouse, and je daint- iiy furnishad thiat the burden of al- ways remaining in it may_ be as iight as possible. Thea flour ie of hard wood and cov- ered with a few pretty rugs. Dainty muslin curtains are at the windows, and eeveral easy chairs, 'ber favorite bookg and table for fancy work, with a few regtful p!cturee complete the furuishing of tfisa room, except what every invalid's room sbeuld contein, a three-quarter iron bedsteed painted and giided, and daiutily furnished, and a low dreeeing table and ivash- stand. On bier bookcase is a dlock with a large white face, whose fig- ures and iiumbers cau be plainly seen from any part of the room. This ie a very wielcome and inexpenqive gift to oee Who"Se ight is growing dima. A ecreon. to protect the bcd from drafts and a strong light ie almost a necessity in an invalid's room. A cerpenter can aaslly mnake the frame for one, and it le then a smaî mat- ter to finish the ecreen with siikalene or Japanese tnattiug. Pretty covers for the istand and ta- hies are also acceptable gifts. j ~A subscription to a good magazine, xiii give our invalid frieuds eomethjflg~ to look forward to eacb moente, and books and p!cture3 are always wei- coma, to the shut-jn ones. Ta he eceentastbiihedbyDr Goldberg, couseqneptyyntien ik s~une -pay notb ogunetil a permanent and complete cure bas be ealse.Lahtm ô euyen sec Dr. Goldberg personally. who bas 13 DIPLOMA8, certliftoateEi and licenseýs r celvad tramn the x arieus codaeges, hospitala and states. which tas sufiient guarantec te mis standing and abilities. ý,YOUNG, OLD, MIDDLE AGED MEN Tnere are theusands, of yen troublaS as a resuit ofe trly indiscretions or contracteS Biood-, Poison; if yen ara net tho man yen shenid bha; if yen feel tired te the morfîag. or tronb- 1 led with exhanstion, nervonîness, d espondency, ls of energy, -seek, aching bacýk anS kIdacys. frequent painful urinatton, or sedimentl uin ,!e, impotency, w..eakn , or ether signe o f nervous debiiity aud premature decsy, vie will gosUrantea yon e coinple aý,nS permanea't cre by our Latest MIetbod 'Ire tes~whois la recognized a Most posi-p tive cure for these conditions, and yen pay wben cued. Read what Our patients say aud bc convineed. The original sworn afftIavits and testimaonials can bea sean at ourJ $500 fer any we cannot show; at reqUeSt of' Patients we pubial oni y instialeý To Whom [t May Concere. 1JIl. 310. This is te certify thetlhad beau a sufferer froseNarosDhltuei -losses and seminal we akness ferae long trne, baS baendectorjnglbath lunmi ada anS Dieroit witbeut recetviug any henef'st,,anS placeS ysl underr, Goldberg's care Dec. 28. 1898; 1 noticeS au Improvamen t l min eiin less than enetweek; wes discbarged entlreiy cured April 29, '09 f, di- - no reture et saiS trouble. Sigued, A., El. L. Suhacriheci andseworn te betore mie this 13tb day of January 9. Wm. A. Smith, Notary Public, WayneCo,,MEL, Our Latest Method Guaranteed to Curo Blood Poison, aise Chronie, Prix ate, Nervons, Trmpoteecy, Variceeie. St"ictu-re FKidcaýy. Biadder, Liver, Stemacb, Female anS Rectal Troubles. Consultation froc. Caû or Wrý,ite for question biank for homo treativent. Beoks on discaesa of men froc.. Heurs 9a,m. to8Spm. Sundaysl10a.m. te 3p.m. 291 WOODWIARDAVI Bicyle epair Shop~ I arn prepared to do al kna of bieycle repairiug. Old wheel, thorougbly renovated anS niewly enarnelled. Niew wheels mado tc order. AUilw or k guarautteedi. Get your wheel in1 110W so as to avoid the rush. Griîîdiîîgol ail, kinds. W. FIS'nHLEIGCH, Market Square, Bowmanvillo Lu bi d. out I0 e andsend tositb$ _9sJ State whtr yu ish Meo's I mur o Lades' icycl, heghîof fraipe ceLE ad gear wamted, and we wii send yen this Iiigh Grade 1901 riodel Ei I lCsbe c to l elamiecn. .Toms en examiîne il thoroughiy at your Ex- piess Office anS if fud efet6 isat CENUINE EACLEeI1YCLE pay so the Express Agent the balance due - ý29. 0 - and Express Nos ,50 seand 51 Charges: The express etarzes are on% 50 tse5 ceeu for eacb 110 miles. No extra charge for Ladies Bicycles. VERYONE KNOMSTHE [AGltE ICYCLES., Ti'-y are the Iligmest tGrade xvheels made; ne Bicycle 1ias a hetter reputatior; ne Picycle bas beet. mrie widely edvertised by the makers; big favourites withbtest Bicycle Clubs;- the leSn 'hee ibj '~tlssienal riders. Bmilî on bonrr, flush joints, finest bangsî, hubs and bearing. bighes rd qi - - ' - -- - ~ ~ and ,, etllvstnaeanerpgy ltothie whlOe sse.8id tegf afi aai-Ïgi Pop Tires. Heightsofframe-Men's 20, 22 ansd 21 m-Ladies' 201 and l2in.-enamnieli, ak tonl siedoraswel se a spir iul bm'.1leios Sotimg-Sru fr h L WiFFER splendid chance tesa goôS agent in tachtotwn. Send for Caîsiogne sud.asic frAgns grader.~Wat vii o he eoc- ltingi eaaf ttetseodlflse;1 gea ehgt.Vsconnts. Whecla slightly Used, $3.00te $25.0t0. T. W. BOVD & SON a rosurrected foot if there ho nathingssiton9ne ofthe aldest and best lenîis WhvVIatever gifts xve give te our lu- Secrre Agency at once. 1683 NOTREtDORME sT.. M05T55AL treadon? o et resurectd bau pp4scianl, anS ourses lu theeUnited States- aliS trieuSe lt us net forget tisat ___________________i_________________ ta raonoroa etLrce rce 25c a houtleSold by aildruggists thro gathebs its L Sr plac thetae no hd lu , the, o1 ng'tplae? eLwSorthinr Syrnda rMà of our prescuce. h je xvomau's mis-' monde with oua lb sugar, aud tbree a Norwegiau ta ho either butthor o Oh! xx at .grandeunr of aart. uî - -Sien te " seothe sud te solace,"eu a gndi!tee hrugl 5 îç marrieS, as one kuxvis au Enghish-s xxhn ha dvin hnSxvie- punos SAN AD HESUE CNA. voywhere taemoteosaftering. x lobetneg sdhi uprc vman tii hu a wifo by the p g,1l then ses ivine hsud th touag jte ADAD H UZ AA. -We canuet al ho s Florence Nigbtin-1 circint on the fourth f;iuger '!Llier th sa no lu ndth flag -t gala, or an Elizabeth Fry, or Wear cream. Beat ustil perfectly iight. left bhaud. But ho is net c,,t en t green, sud sets the sconset nfi jA ln That Is Prevanting Samnd aritise silver cross et the "iser fe Linaý a cake pan xvith very thin peste mrl ewa iga yble etl eath araudsibrhe e, uS when I Flt1,11111g Up fiem(atlmelsç. Fo Charity," ispensing comf ortntud f111 early full with the almoud pro- hebtohl oauncstetc that arr w hi-ch litteS tise pliers et Osnet the probiems which bas giv-1 healing, but the cpportunity le otten paration seS bake lu a sloexv 0n'5i.te the vorld iu general by hetviig auth mnaemntotSuz ;ani urI te belp in soute emahi xvay, sud Wbau coel freet witb s ight freet- hie fianceo'e neme- printoenoa,ieith Alpinie rock sud bout the arch o et 1 the maaeeto uzCnl this w-e ihould nover feu ta do. Li nd sriEtrewx with fineiy eut al- bis own on bie visitiog cercle as sky, shahl raise boferre oui coul the1 much trouble le that of the saud mouds. as the engagement is au accomI. eteruai arcbicectnre, sud that heud I wh.,chhia wt los ffie h cr-ithat blows înte it, adding te t" EW MAPLE DAINTIES.i Orange Drops.-Tbe rnS euS juice et oS tact. winsh f mba ing i lh ic p repatre the dur- dtbe1 Nsw teueetmonîg ha pepreih u- regîgexpenses. A ceusidcrableî mu, orange anS a pincb of tartanie holstory et our kingiy residence. A numbor et plants have been trieS su Ma-pleMas.W;poepn acid. ASS contacîioner'es ugar until PRINCESS WITH AN OIJD HOBBY. palace aise means spîcu-Sor et associa-teofr efx h aS ota r eamt dry, add te this eue ccp maple il le s -tiff eueugb ta form minoemalli ___________________________ a orpariial emliqutntiy voldsyrup asud cee tebleepoon powdorad. halle the Size etof rahi llmarbie. That or Victoria ni Emiglsmud 1;Illeoklndî ba owu maivelthe cnai. qAnil o tesesugar. Fiavor xith veuilla. Beat al' Ducks' Eggs. arc, btter fer pie S trsîlSel mitx'u ni. plats avafeuS ocop an, xhic, -togather, put le a coverod moiS anS' than hans' oegge, meking a firmer fill< rnes itri fFgad h hileno bline, vii o uie ff pack tlexxthai.ereu lasses. îng. Three oggs niake a large pic.umrcdSubo tEwr I. -Ji tilu leeg th1 e anSi c- Mpia uarCko-Oecu utter,'Best thoraughly je e quart basýin,hane bas the, mcst-curions hobby et n tivhin lare panteisanthe pca e. eto aegranniated augar, oeecup oue plut boîiug rnilk ready, peur oner ynatml htba aea esa 'Ytroc.it thrives lu the seutheru hemi- sxvaet milk, three oggs, beat the thebeatais cggx, thon suir lu e tiuy fta Oi. She i epyineetdl ephere, anS broxvs weil on the sanS vhte haS eks espraoly baireasasladqatrcpsgr - P'ianyàaschool- i anke that lhktrt the Suez Canal. Ih cupe fleurtrcespnsbigtopcuatnSqreripssgx bock binding. girl s saii to net oly suvive intese Srugbtpowder. Biakcî lu iwe or throe laye re. Haro a deep pie tiu, prick slighLtly the : ovfh smpne ecîoota be Iay and but aise excessive humidity, which is Filling.-Put ose lb imeplo sugar m otmcuepu ot custarîl r hobby nebody seet «ýimportant, as- thenntherupart of steve sund bail tili it Spins te a thread. a lo, grat uutmeg overftr foaming particule eecae i8 Sjette uialosbai h Mbieofoe gsdy.Rurfaay cufaeeaS, ae etabannc.kux, utfr aeri ersLena 1 Bee t the I sema perine e SronghtsRetoth ast sud sîxittese atc alw ays e n c5 cvoted a great deaL oet1titue ta learu- h et mnaenerfrmoiresu ofrîiîtheS l ookugotega.ing isaw te bu au expert bobldr 7 '-5doesn't deserve orsesou e th yar.I SjThe reots efthIis trco pn-îateb egins, te cool; do not lot it go te Pork Chovdr.Teke oneansd a hait snut ailst bas becorue eue. the least bit of it. e t n sanS eoply thiby tep euh- sugar. Thn addSloxxly te egg anS quarts greencoane, eue quert pata- A tacw moni hs cge caverai a cn S he can't study, easily ~terrancan sources etfivater. Mauy of 1 three tabiaspous canfectiouery cugar. tcs sliceS, sud txxo ceinjou.Fry ssal-cseft ea xiiio utocm fail aseepis ervos thagotreise plastedrxventy-tivo year, Sprcad this betxvecn layors. For ijlc sl artkaoith cansd ors sM t ta xhisitinxvere fc ane fa n - d ti r - e - a i t h e d O i e . > a g h a v es a t t i v e s wt i nt hey- r icv - v r-t e - -t y - -t hes x t o pua 1 d a t m oeno - i f r - y l p tir e u n o n su tn t h e f i l . p u t - b o f n e - M e d hsf l s s 4 u gev,, e ec e i v e An watca yu x->,fct in height. Ai who have stuýdioS jMapie Fadge.-Threc cupe broxvu ru- cern sud poietoels lu the icaîtle w iîh ecnorc prizes. Nobody kuewn vbo the tha prohlom et sanS fixation are cor- -grsdtn fmpe lc ua n asnu ullr hl ieossexhihitor xxae unLil the prizes xvere pe ýpHer rainis bing tin tat tis tee, wLl ofoeri ga and wo o mape. Pace sgar n' sasonn- inwayeded.h tThonios aw-sed Tdiscoveredicov thati pect He brin s beng ~ tin hatthietra xxii tternîunt tia lat cibail, rstirning censtantly sud fat, sud eitileflour spriukled' il xxas the princessVictoria. ed th impure blood anst resistasce te the movemcut of until if ggame xvhGn dropped luto colti xvsrm for tbe latter. Make a "drap" j The, Priuccss, takes ber bhbevry ndherwhoe sste ~ s anS alaug tho canal. Steps are bein1 an erwol ysefi takan te plant it exieusively. xater. Ose cup rniik, hait eup ws- Iteran sd bhel loxx-y 29 minutes., Mix seniausly. Follaxxing tisa lea et b ler suîîrîn PoSOfifl. 1 er nS uttr sre e aneggshold tilre tables pasfleur xxth a ttle moiher, Qucen Alexandra, l-,hoi-s Such girls are Wonder- THE MOST RESTFTJL COLOUR. bu. adS eS Iltaeougar sud al boileS ta- nsikita add, eue sud s ha it pur ie daly utrest lu Veictia u getmer-. hen rail lugtfrontilingmixturespliaiaxkerkspl-t and dVctoriabe f 'iiy helped and greatly Grecn le populanly suppesed t ogto.We cnvu rmtrHv i rosehtaanSbipp ta estudy nulsieg same ycars ega. Ss th clor xic bstpotct 1tesir luinse cup hickory or Englishj colS instar anS put thons lun. Put on took au exain inatian la theoreicie - changed, by tak'àingte worwic et rtcs h ainuts. btir ail ihil it bogies te su- the liS, bail once sud Se rre. xvork anS inhen she passod an.souuc- oye, but n ieman prafossar doutes Igar. Than immiath eradldfa jaher lîteuticu etf becornuga bas- thti bas any beneficiah ecffî'c ,, ýi wa- -Itinb âwhich bave been xx clbuttered. ~pisi nurse. ever, anSd dclares that gr9eolnenois- Frrtters witlt Maple Syrup.-TË s IEROHLtI OWAhwas curre,--L gcassi uLutne papers, green glasses, aud gren m-,tha tirue that the Prince sud Pria-- brela ae al mstke. Ri te-ara, a doUdoius ubstitue for pan- - ry lea, ae la menete la sihi'.h l akswhath p0an reb otizag Cousple Irxehanmge Ili~as Soon exa.4ceset Wales had great difficuUyyilu theat eacb ditterent colou6r' tires a dit- mLm for the, letton. MSako a "drop" wiseRcnet:gt'î ovîcu e ht ixointh fornt so e n nns e vsin, un, aitr t u: Y ls t cx g s m i TuNorxay, it le u toary for al ivi a fr er to do ssa d th t i- îe'eftsofe eakiueaiOfnsonpart d,'uar oton hs o1- ý toria submhtted euly afet onmau ears coîcufr se eue se t oet se uIrves i. i". , add liait cup miik, oee table- young man aud maiSon toetxcbange ---- i lundreis of thousands expenseofe another. Th' haest me- spoon butter, eue saltspoutul sait anSd gSredl te hcmaegae. THE SULTAN'S EIUTE chaS, ho peinte eut, 15 te Sun ail the oee ot fleur. Whon resdy ta use,s(ddd o-httme owr ahi S ! cn-ooîgîrls have taken raye et ighi hy emokeri orgrey theinhites et the oggs, boston dry. wa-arS the Ocirciet xxhich prociaims him hxvuaihyfoSltnîsct itduringtheppast5Oyears. ,4giasees, wbich rosi. ail the oplie WVith a large r-poau, drap ie oto e honlnerfee his li audiences alxîsys b'id g cmx SMai.-y of thesQ girls now nonnes. Seo,(p lard. They xii farns balls. s universal euetorn, but amoug the1 the tho-ror.Aaietabs. ~~~~-~~ hvhoeofter -------- ---Leare iluftitil broxin aud therough- .a tion ? saîi tha -ýl uilWiohol ixvy ~~~~~~~ Thy.mebrwa AIR TORPEDO. iy doue. Test by cpeuing eue. Serve peer, ms ised tg so msAsking Unexpectedquetos cued thman nw A tew ivar torp2Sis for tise iu the hoj 1Oh, ne, re1plied th1 c WeCar- tle.ix h medi- --- Norwagian weoiugs are oppareutiy Socs sa hecause bha wisbes to ho o- thyýiV te am sameabengstrtdbyaoingd gnthsiarted byCPE. apybu teyartorpedo gunitet.Th Sliu aibisti; Scie to theirown children nanel projectile thi"s by s force cas- Siî ODRCPS ap.btte n etil ln;sset h utnbcsotc SYou can aff ord to trust a < Sh a sapln ro l This gas ANi are aa.Toce a-a-doiug," for su engagement thatgoa ay trant inkieît, youLýid is generatod hy a slow-burning me- nad salmen, tino caus cabbage, chop- lests but a year on twinj cousidered Ikuein, sud ha Socet ic om Sarsaparilla that has been <ý tenda within the missile. At trjais ' .ienpoos ~'tetd o hîfacetry aS s ante aw areo a gn ped fine. Dressing: Que-hait tea- short. hudeeS, Nenmegian engage- 1 Mebbe, suggosiod the Practicai '. $1.00 a bot!. Ail drgetzi. a distance et 16,000 feet. The inven- spoon Mustard, txno oggs, eue teespoen monts froquenUiy hast for e adornsbeh iaotem ohtnir I fyour bowels are consti- ton is a Su adisb Major, Mr. Unge,and sait, f our tebiospoans ninogar. oeeilea- more, 'while oua18etfSevon yeare 5poeto tth oa mrla ~'pated take Ayer's Pis. Yen teore oeumn epynue spoon exiger, four labiespoons butter. cOusidreotutemdaolegh can't have goti eaiîh unless the exporimouts. NLS IG7, ~ yenhave aliy ction~f ~i~ - ~ - -Soparate ogge:; beat ýyehks. Blond mue- The reason is uqt that Noreen areEGLIUK GS bowes. 5 ce. he. HAN'TOCCRRE TO r:R tard, sait sud silgar sud add ta yalks. iaggards in loe, but that their lawxs Edmnard le the favorite smce (cfEuç 1->y-pepsIa" LBD. CARDNVILL, 1 Mns. Newe1-There, h have just fin- in doubla, bolier Ltihihck, iben cool. bOebxoAyrsPil uehyTe d vngradbte.C o o al ouceaomdar.ta aî n aIlseIfrhe onq erkor.gtelit'aec 4 Jeuý.12,1899. __ Bath, N . V isbaS a 1letter te mamies, bat I can't Beat xvites tub stiit ; add te mixture, WFHue eoofoe. sol pcfo ubr 1 fthm -6rsCien ;i1 Ify mi lare amy cemul A,îactwhOa5,ver .tiink etoan thig eput lu the post- catting the n lighlîy. Mix saimonPpor.aite uyeSecfe ub r t 110 anfthe Wiellsiameai xn acd, sise temtoa', advice you srp.- anS cnbbagc ml anSdstid dressing, dxalings te ho built upon a;ny place cglaniteWiamaSGego 'j ýo&t1 eci p rethre. r e40 hnmwentaeagi sxigx il. Sot ilu cold placeetfla, anS la s tia1nmbonisavydviato oor xvhfur ac P -&wii aress, t le . no ocsontead, i oua et cli. ll a siie pf one nSo, rtie ei tla tbatne-4 tbre hade, sincJaes s Cnu tW P! Co -ut ioit. liii ready te serve. Ail measuremr-nts ernaile lu propohrtin b -3the ienh- hoa avahennante douueo, 5>a.J. . AYRRLewellM~ms. lrs.5Neied--Tba 'e se. neyer ary mariaýges 'are aoidom 1poýs-sible,. 'hre' nymn igbsb woldhaethugt0f 11211. ~inieCk.Cuhel.a-b ybknignema ssreykow anseSJob, sud nl in te1e 1-mounts !rom the GharW of mý(1n;eht aqyý iieav'en must have a ma- llglý,,,lInapon. 1 io one wno Pnjrbyg 1-he singilig of; M =e.t Fit-d Victor Single Tub J- R 1 1