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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1901, p. 7

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ag. the tearg cbesed each other deywn IL, Tragedy of St. MîrC ber thek,;" nrsmtigm £1In vain I arguad and cliaffed, and Steeple.len et lest I tone myscîf away with -- a promise te run in in tlie avening, slie ceverad ler face niitli ler hands 4De lyon Innon, sir, I tan neyer leok and stood knotionless et thle doen tili itt that steeple without tumning cold I waa ont cf sight, as if shntting aL veaithougl it'di mearly forty semae herrid epectacla frein lier eyes. vears, since it liappend-end tlie old .Jack nias 1ýpec_îally cheanrful whlin I -i pinted toniarda the~ distant city, ondh -t gy1tou ta1 seniw tlie racless liglitî lais oyes, and nieethe tail, slender spire of St. ilion-glt lie lied been ýdninking. Maýrk's, iing iiighor Ilium the rest " You luecky dog," bo 5aid, e- lio was silliouetted against the gloni of slappcd me un the shonîdaýr. "-Yeu've ibeau te, sec Rath, I know;. and lier th3e settiug-dsun, wliose lest rays made kiee s lar~am on V'our lips. Ah, niahl, the gilded vane t>n the, sueseit bur I shahl have my tomn of luck soe ns withl ire. day-maybe sooner tlian yrof think!" It1's forty z/ars- since, hli centinned; I liope eo, tee, my lad," I said, sympatlietically, as. nia set -te niork; but it miglit bave ýbeen yesterday, s0 "and the Mooneir the btter." sivid la3 the liorror of il ; but cerne in- A f aw heurs later syae were suspend-. bide, and 1'il tell brou ail about it. ed, one on each side cf the steeple, a Sa ies broung eneugli than, and couple cf giundred feet aboya the pig- aa ýç,,nya erl s terewasin llmies tliat niera crawling beneatli us. as b~nyn grl s tenewas10 il We icre both bn',sy as nie ceuld lia, 'warwickshira, wiicli 1 den't thinla gilding the bail t'rom nihbol the vana thiere -;ri e plainer, more ewkward sprang-Jack on one sida and me on lad than 7rn-.ysclf in the whola. ccunty. the other. P.tI lcvad 1.ex-as a dozan othars did Eacli cf us nias standing on a tiny But plelfores, litIle langer than the seat -oeily I don't think they ceuld ever cf a chair, nith e sheer, dizzy drop bave loved ber quite as I did; and, if cf nearly aavanty yards beneeth us; I wamn'I a baauty, I lied muscles ci and eccl, fer edditional safety, wias îrm nd ervs ofstel, nd "teele-attaclied te the, steeple by a life-line ira an nara cfstel, nd"Stepl-.runnîog under lis oris. 1 jack J; ',"' we§ knownn for fifty msie8 Jack lied net ýspokan a word fer round. nearIy an heur; but 1 thouglit neth- i3lie 'would neyer let an that shje ing cf thet, as w-e wene niorking r(ýdforme;sh-ewas to - ,a against tine, and thie dcrknass nias ire fo me sh nis 10 atmn abaginning clrcady te craep over the pusfer that, but I thouglit Ihlid sky. Yen know wlien you'rE5 werk- a chance, and 1 niant fer il> fer ail ing at that haigît, removad as. it niera Iwas worth. She used te driva me frcm ail the wcnld, and nith nolli- ron nitlijcleuy, iirin ni il ti ng but eilence aboya and around ycu, Yaa wih ealus-,'liringwih tisthe sfiglitest noise sands a shocla sncn and smiling on that, tuoill Jcould tlirough- a man, honievern trong bhis have iitd±e slaalt.But-J-uer-- -fn-vej- may-le er let lier sea, it; 1 nias mcli tee deep 1Yen cen imagine thon, boni start- lad 1 nias whbpe ail at once 1 hearnd a for that. loud sliniek cf lauglitar, almost as it Only let e ýgirl kn3aw ycu'rc jeacens 1scamad et esy vary car. Thare nias and slie'll make z/car Illfa a-weil a ton- somaething uncanny about il, too,that ment, juat fer the love of teasinog and set my Piaart thuesping and my flesli cneepL.ng as they had neyer donc lie- silo%%wing lier ponier on (yon. I ainicys foire, or rince. coman up smiiing; and she couldn'l un- When the laugli ccased and sul- derstand it; bot it conquered bar in ecc came again as ah awxfui relief thec eid ; and fer naarly ferty ycars, I sala: -"Wlat's thie joka, Jack ? Don't keep it te zourself."1 bless Ilien, sha's liacu the swatcst,mest -"Joe 1" lie said, "J ýliould think loyal %vile a msan aven bcd. i t i vould bce a jolie. J nias fancying PiBt this la an oid slory, yeu say; y'ou shcotiiig donin like a stona te audýi ilis bu sillits awas nw-the pavement donin thene, and nihat and~eIt a,'et sîl its lucysncr~Ruth wculd tliink nilin ie sai tlie awid P'U pret on te the tnagedy quita pieer,., soon anegli. "Wat a rurnmy idea 1"~ 1 ansnicred, The oinly mon I nias really cf raid cf _Ivitli aftacted coolnass, theagli my ivsmy panînar Jack-Jack Hlarding henrt ni beatiog faster than aven, fine a ycung felloni as yen aven and se,.ed as if bt niould suffocate, ý-i% ho Vor Ilile, tail and straiglit as me. "But I'm going devin a littia a latli; and nithl a face like a yeung e 1loner than that as soon as JVve fin- god; but lc nias c bit inclinad te lie !shed thla bit cf xvcnk. Buot pull ycur- wil1, andt tlit's a fatal thing in my sel f togethen, Jack, aod;get your gold linoc. Ruth nias fonder cf ýhim than on, and than w'l isoon ha donin thae of ail the others-nihat girl cculd halp onl oun tnie legs." it ?-and if Ji'd cnly p]ayed lis cards "No, air 1" Lic shouted, " I'm geing 3tvpll, ha mgît have bcad ber, iithoat te hava a race nith you te the liot- giving eny o0f us a look in. tom, and nilieaven gaets thana finst Buflt jealou sy 1 Wby, my nvorst ni- Ruth cao hava. Coma on; neni for rtecks niera mldness itself comparcd a junp togaîhen." witl Jack's-and lia ceuldn't conceal As lia sala this le cnaned lis head theni as I did. Ile bail sce Spanisli round the corner cf the steeple te blocd i ila civns, J alniays thcught-J gel a look at me, ccd -a singlë -glar7ce Lia lookaed like c Saniard-and if shiaet hie niild eyes showed me that the aven smiled at enothar man bis eycs man nias ravine' mcdl, and that J nias flasliad as if lie would stnike thai clone in nid-cr nith e maniac, niho botli daad ; a.nd more tien ocae ciated me and niouid certainly kili me lest býis teîper, and said things te if lie could. lier f>c' ne girl niouid slandlaast I nias poNverlass. If J callad for balp of ailf XJ.tli J migit lie board, but niho could coe Wall, te cerne te the point, I scen le my assistance poisad as J nias et sani. that the prize rasled baîwnic hies sncb a giddy baiglil aboyal the niorid? and mec,; and theugli 1 thouglit my And in e ingla moesnt J miglit lia chance ni5 emlnougli, I niasn't go- in 4h2 lb eýs of a Iic-a~nd-.daotl ntrug- ,o lese lier for niant cf esking. gle with a ma-n quite as strong as ïlive te. lie a hiundrad J shahl ai- esysaif and mnade tan times stronger .ways rememban that eveiniliwen I by madnasg. es-ked lier if I bcd a chance, and if 'Ha nias illonly and surely wonking rhe conld xarry a clumsy, ugly man roand toniards me, and there nias oct like me. "Chance?1" isha ceid, as sia a moment te niaste. Somatliing' must looked ýup et me reguishly cul cf ber lie dons Klnickly, and evarythhng de- bina- eyos. "Wliy, Jini, you donkey, panded on Iceeping cool, Jo e moment ,yon'va get evary chance, and if yen J lied eased the hitoli cf the lina round bad't licen blind you'd hava sean il esy liand, and nias sniinging round to mnnîs cgc," and than sha laughed, mecet him. Befe lic lied tiese te pre- a kind cf iystcnicel laugl, and bld ber tact himself I bcd saizad hies by the Lushas on rny shoulden. thnoal and lied foread hies denin on 1 ,Well,si, if she'd kiiockad me down his sadla-board,.frammnfr itas ail se, suddcn and uoaxpected; strong as J nias, my strangth nias as but I lied the presance cf mind te a chhil's ccespancd withl bis. Witli a pot my ana round ban and te drani nranci le nias free, and lied flung ban face up te mine and kiss it;ý and bis ponierful anms areund my chest tle-iysir, there niasn't a man in and nias isqeezing tlie v-ry lifa out E, Eiglanid hlli as happy as me. of me. " But nilat about Jack?1' I qaïd, Jo vain J strugglad, as nie sniung nilihen I'd ucorn te o bit. "About Jack 1,', licejaard and fonniard against the alie said, archly;," neial, nihen yensa face cf the steeple. 1 tricd te oel yo'e iedc na li hgn 0thn out, bal my voice stock in my tîroat, abouit hlmi-if 17 live long enough,." imny cye. fait as if, tliay wera being VIWien Jaicki heard of ifli hanent mcd ' fcad eut cf my liaad, and my linealli -delan 1asnon lie niuld kill 'ý ns cama in convulsive igasps. Ail thie bc>tlb, and flang himea(!£ift -ba wild! lima. eesid the horrible silence, brek- orgie of druink and dissipatLion. 'I -sawv on cnly by the cracking cf the rupes naxt te) nothbng cf hie for niaaeks, and tle gnating cf tle saddle against anid nilian nie met lie passed on haIh steeple, bis oyes niere glaring in- otîler aide ef île rccd, without leek- to mine cnd lis lot lireelli nas o n My ing et me. 0f course I nias sorny fer, face. hanu, but il nias lhea mcl of nier, cr 1 fait my secnses rapidly lcaving me, b".,bt meýaLucrning, e bnîght, fresh willi great diffieoity . nias c5afely ion- lii ~ -iy ,wn v lI ln everything-my ered denin and camnhad hoic. d Led- emed bo dance fer Well b tliara's litIle more to ell. ,v c ahi~-nd loving. I feand lime Tliay buniad, poon Jack; and tîrea srovnd rexu- e 0e my 11111e girl lia- moontlie Inter the niadding-.baus niera - beUnong v, erl, and feund Ian ninging for me an-d the sniaetest bride î» <'tar-fui. liaI ever breuIglit a moan frees the li4o' dre rot thfe previons niglit gales cf ileatl becli te a lifa thet hecq - -s amw iïe f iglting- nitîl a man been ail euoshine. - - uam bn ail et ononL I fell ýnin, -ind ?,trucki the eartli wilh a s/knnglu t lier veny Icad. miles5 Lu tlia day i! the record ientgo te-day, Jis"Scýlre e i.ing ý,hip, 560 for a steamer. BURNED MANURE. Erery farmer libas liad more expani- en,e than lie delsired with "firefang- ed" manure. The cause of it, liow to Jrev.ent the lient action, and how maých damage the manure lieap act-ý ually suffeirs fromit., are questions tliat must fanmers have lad occasion to dis-uss% sonew haere along the lina of their farmini.- experienice. The hay-like lightness of fire fang- ed mianure and its mouldy appearance naturally give tihé impression that it ias in it but little of valueî as f ood for plants; yet, as an offset to the impre-ssion, made by the appearenice of the article we will at timesi find fenmers whe declare that tliay had juist as gcod cirops froni it as from the best of barn manure., Who i3 xiglit on the question of valua? To. discuss il intelligently, let us begin by dete.rmining the cause of firefang, A development of lieat alwayrs acciomrpanies it, andin point of fact lt la the béat wliich produces it, but wliat pýroduces the béatI ]t is caused by the ga:s oxygen:, wlicl is one of thée lamants of tlie air we breetha., unitiug witli elements flound in the manure pila, producing'slow combustion, wlicb develops, the liéat -we--ftnd lize- aV-Uni hedurkvclsnerred±- eppearanca eacli of which are tlie natýurel prcdcts cf combustioýn. It is this sanie osýygen that by tlie sanie sloiw process cf combustion wlian takain into our own longs com- bines wjtli some of the f oo4delements that digestioin bas given to tlie blond, those of a fatty nature, and so deveops that temperature necessary to keep up the union between tlie seul and body whicli nie oel animal heat. EFr.om manure piles. where there can be no combuistion thoere cani be ne licat, and wheire there lis no air there c'an lia no Combustion. It ýfolio-ns, tharefore, if we can keep tlie air froLra or manure wo ceau prevant it beat- ing, and cnsequently burning or "firefanging." Thare are three ways of doing tliis by keepliîng. it se xn.eist as te extin- gui.sh combustion at its incip.ient stage, te panik it close ejîLiar by kcep- ing cattie or hogs traimping it or by biaving tbe piles se deep that tlie pressure will ýexclu, the air; and stili a fourtli m,'dlod is sometimeis prac- tiad, tbat of lia-ving the pile so shal- low cer small thiat tha temperature is kapt beluw the, combustion point. Now, passing frise the cause cf fire- fang and the prevention of it, let us consiidex a momeont the effeot cf it on lic valua of -th- munura leaip. Tbe action of the oxygen on the nitregen wliicb entons into tlie composition of tlie manuro practically destroys it in thé burning prccess. This is raally ail tlie essentiel loss our mianure lieap lias undergione. The absence of nacisture, wbîcli las bean dried &at by the lieat, la in reaiity no loes, as far as its plant fond value goos. The only vital change, tlien in cur manure is tliat it has lest nmachicf its nitroygein, the pliosplionic acla and potesli contents bcbng the sanie in qu.antity aftor it lias been fiýrafan:ged as they were liefore. Now iva arc prepared, if ar reason- ing tbus far is correct, te determine tlie value of this variety cf manura to the fermer. We liave net a table cf anelysis at liand, but it ig safe te say tliat tha nitrQgein constituent cf barn muanura la about equal in value to the pliospliric aci-d and potasli cie- niants combined. On this basis cf value baidly fircfeoged menure is, cerd for cord worth about lialf as rnochi as tliet which bs in its naturel condit ion, If it lia aske-d, bow then, can any fermer find the sanie velue in it as in that wbicb lias neyer been burnt thée enswer ls the samie in kind as that te lie nde te those wlià etata thot on thair crop, ieached wood ashas bave as good an effect as deotlie un- laacbad. Il is in betl cases tbat thie crop did not need tlie absent element; in the one it wns9 nitrogen and i0 thie other petaish. If the- nitruon liurnt eut coutd lie raturnad, then the mon- ure would cf course, lie as valuable as liefora; thiýs con lie donc by adding fisli wnsta, niglit soil cr some cliemi- cal ricli in) nitroen te the mnanure lump, sucli as nitrate cf so-da or sol- phate cf ammonia. land witli a t'urnipy flaveir, and as a rasuit ne more crders came from tliat source, A second speaker steted lie coaulai net feed turnips and seli butter te bis usteme-rs, and lie add tliat turnips were ot nesssary as four quarts of buckwheat middlings wo-uld g-ive botter resuits than tnie hochais Mf turnipis. It -miglit be wcrth wbile for tbe Experimental Union te take 1thhs matter aip, and see if tlice e any d ifferenca in the resuits, froni feed- ing turoips et diffarant paniods of!TRI ITE TI'fN[NiUIWTIUNL M StQonfg. ,ý1SOI ,O H H OI!A ORWT N A BEST METRODS 0F CULTIVATION. I cm very mach intenasled in the idea that deep cullîvation cf treasý is vary injonicus te them,niites Mn. John Chamelain. Ail stirring cf the Pcàiiis 10 ilsaîf calianafit te a crop, but il la easy te disturli île roode cf e plant on trec if the plowi or hea gocs dowin dec-p and ec de il bonim. I cmi sure liaI callivalors de not waîcli cd things et ail carafuily as a rxuile, and so tlay fiay lie destnoying a greal many sesahi reets - iuîlout knoning il. Thera la a greel mis- apprehension among farmars as te île rani thing acccsmpIcLiahed by' culi- varion, ce liaI, in many cases Ibere wouîd lie very liltle cf il done5 if il nieeanet necassary te kill the neads. Practicalhy al cf car comesonast niaads arc tep rooted and if ellonied to gel a gcmd sit muettlia torn eut deep doi'n tc kl-l thain. On thae ther bond, cil cf car ganden, vegelaliles and field crops are vary rýliallow, rooted, niitli the exceptiunon f mcl crops so îlot deep cultivatiOýn is injurions tb them. The obvius iay eut cf Ibis diiemma le le cuitiviata venry shallowi and oflen,. Any niead f.reinsesed' is kiled liy merely breaking il 10 twio, if donc before it gels past ts- first stage cf, gronilli, se lIat shalloni cuitivntioo ainsniers every purposa. Lat us pioni anpianted souls deep, but cultIvoa t thasurface çcnly, SHIP FUJLL 0F TAFFY. IH WIT Wl lTHE KINII UET? ABOUT BER LATE MAJESTY AND1 PERSONAL AND BUSINESS NEWS ARRANUYflIP hAii-'eITIES FOR THE BER SON KING EDWARD. ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. KIN AND ROYAL FAMILY. The Vietorlin Era in gre-trslo Relations About lits StEnjeiy RIng Edivard-Persýonali tenta. Tbie Victooian Era lias takn is place ho histoi-y, lb dawnena t lienty minutes pasi ti, On tIc morning cf Jane 20, 1837, and icLcmsdadt hotf-past six on the avaning of Januiany 22, 1901. Itlaisled 23,223 days, 557,386 fahll heurs 33,443,170 mioptes, a-nd 2,006,à90,200 seconds. AU but 546 1-2 heurs cf Il naiera thîe oin-teanth century. lb leImps us te reoalize tle importance cf the VicIai-ian Ena in history nihen ne rememier biat cnIy birly reignis cf bhc cause iength nouLd tlake us iacli le Julius Cher. SAID 511E WAS DEAD. Foaur yeaans ge oeaocf the hast know-o papans in Paris cama, eut nilli the stcrtling 5tory blet Quen Vic- tombîanias daad, and that slhaid lien dead for cigliteen yaarslIl it as ns- serta-d that the Queen's dealli lid lican ke pt isecr et fer rea.sons cf SIa, and biat dnly bnio on tînea pan- sons bin le EmpiraebnwIhe secret. ler Maleasy, il nias sala, nias par- conated on certain occasions by a woman of humblaenrgin niho borg a &trikioneae(bhni I ler. Nelio!erly interestI IM ItS fa>g-i ters or Miaient and i Mrth tGalberüd Frein "!SsRecords. Marhla is aaid toeaxist in nienty- four States. According le a bulletin issued by the cons ocicen bthe popuilion of Alaskaie le63,592. filjlie bandoned ferme in Rhodea Je- land number 349, accerding to tia Slate's officiai catalogua, Tha output ef coal ho Weshington Stale for 19O0 nis about tnio million Ino bundred blieusand Ions. The retired iist cf the ragalar U. S. army incindas 761,effîcens on hlcf pay averaging about $3,000 eccli The namber of saloone ho Ohio lest year nias 10,348, on increae o f 4776' ever 1899. Thli bense recaipîs niera $1,864,61 2. The Presbybanien Board of Foreign Missions lies in centemplation the foundatien of an induIniah school in the Phiîlippines, Raports f nom ail over Nothern Wisconsin mdicate that Ibis niuî ha e plionomanal ycar 1n tle ihibe pina lumbar industry. Amanican exporte of bicycles niera more Ilian $77,000,000 in 1898, enhy $4,820,000 in 1899, and a Inif le er in 0>O~b1900, A large bronze statua cf JeIhn IntierestiiglBUS ofailstai-y Abaut ProvfSQ tans31ade for Eagiand's Relzcàn 3lenarch-What Gladstoe Saisi. ,Within a fean wvaks Panliamoent ivili bce cchhed npdýn te arrange e a ni Civil List. If the relations liaineen tho Urownnand île leuse 0of UCimonO7 niera net liermonions, the quastiexf miigit prasent a serions diffi culty, The question of Cronin lands and cmalI branchas of beraditery revenue nias made by tle laIe Qoaen-fellcw- ing the exenpie cf WiliaesI.-f or han ile cnly, the considarathen givan Panliamant in exelimoge being an an- nuel grant ef £385,0i00. I Since that the Crenin lands and small leredilery 'branches of revenue hava gre>ýn langaiy ho value, and il is a meet peint with the consîilabional lawycrs whather lhe new -monarch mîglit net astahuîsh c igit to e neava thani instecd of c fixad alonanca froî Porliament. TO BEMOVE DOUBTS, The property tle use of wnihlna% "surandarad for Ilia Queen's 11f e" did net includa tebbc oce of tie Duely of Lancaster , ibot he possessien cf nihiclitheih ien King imeecialely dn- tans. Tie obecf orfilimnlst aveBronin, nilli drawn sword, holding ,An accipas9sed a etbbcliginning Of Thtrangeat Evef Corfoid-J.ostt - ha e anegro ciild, is te lie arectd n n-the reig ocf George IV. wnisentitiad Chsarg o llars for Owters, jlt bean obligîed le coule et himeof in coin Park, Chicago. The Cli C f B~ -is-cap i-tr3"--dictn-tooe--to 'l-- _d-sThe arny endney-epanes l t a Teharsng Crous, 1nom osanio, of ýngland on lia mailler cf moauro-. United atessice'te egnnýOfdoolits bahir as tb tle conlinuance Argentine Bopulii, racantly landed H bs eeSte awta Spai ae amo cf c f ticlicrcdttary revenues ii SocI- et bcbonondocs iuli hastrng ig.leasba a wlIonien for semae ne1i i pi ae iutdland." An Act passed in the first esb cahe avedn dcks wrhad the strarîed years, and is eisters niea are his te more tIen $400,000,000. year Of the reigu cf King William et crginely nih31,00 i-stacf oly feminiue- advlsere, iaaîong le a The population of Phiaeaplia is IV. liad fer !ta end "terepeal certain ont rignaly wth 1,00 bgs f goup f ldie wh oberv, o reîg-1,293,697. Tic populatien ln 18990nias cf the- dallas on eider in thea United sugar and 8,000 liags ef lhinseed. Thegoupric ldes niemoserv,oakr-e104,6,the incroase bin nycars Kingdea, and on beam and ale ho Great vassel, lýdwaver, was myslenicsasiy lu nniis n l tqae-iabeing 246,733, or 23.57 per cent. Bnitali, and te maie ollan provision cenverled in te a ccody factory w-han plinness Qt dress. Il nias considcred liai cotton niouhd ib relation ihereto." The axplanalio et sea, andl ndlody ineni enyîhing WIJAT TH1E KING fOWýNS. net gnon norli cf Teas, During the itai these dubies niera penquisites at ll bou it Itis ndes.tod hattheKin wil yar astOklhdm'g ottn copof lie Crownnnih ion the othar lend, et li bou u, I il anenloo tht Ia ingnulyeru pee ali 60des oloberp ed te bear certain charges scolac lier cargo nias stonied aniey in foui vacabe Malcogh one nlbroughl neahy 0,000w3 b berPao-scieries of Amiessedors, atc.,of wnih difrn od ftesiadtewiiellie lais' bo'n su long associcted, Pieil nas tu lie relieyed. diffeent hids o ha ,hlp, andanltiat tle building nl lie occupied Texas lies non liecome the "Empire Theaegreement hy nihicl King Wil-. nOon cf aIoadsng' ceemenced on the by th,3- Telr-Appari-nt. Buil cn bic Siate of bbc South,"' having neariy a liaxu IV. gaveo up varions ensoloasenta_ day f ollowing lier arrivai. 'fie slip cite cf lie oncient phaasantry cf St. msilion more inliabitanîs ilion Geen- in faveir cf a fixaýd income ýgranted andl dock iands raphdiy ciaarad tia James' Palace, froi desiîgns liy Wren,, gia, which lias lienebofore ied bbheliy Perlamaut nias deconoosiy steîed for the grecs Daka cf Marlorough, proud tille, in the Adc s enisiog froni "e dasire fixsl, second and forli hoids nui- D i nis rt occapiad lu 1710. The Canadien French ara said 10 on is part to keep hIs expendibura Onat expcnioncigg eny difficnity, bol The King ila prOpnieter cf thelelida opieoe 3prcn. fh ihndelmt whe'th- y cmetu nlad o. tey f ll riish tialrivr,, schas hepopulation cf RhoeaIsland, and f nom THE QUEEN'S INCOME. foanal Ibat the cugar tiare liedlie- Thames, the Mersey, thie Tyne, andl 10 ho 12' par cent, cf lie ocher NewnItit l curions te notice liaI ni'hen coma one solisd block cf a demi bronin othenis. lie aise aone thal part cf lie1 Engiand States. topooa aahlr i os clore alh arouo.4 tle coast lino nihiclih rpslcmebfr h os Saistanca-12,000 legis, equal te 1,000 les boînean bigliaal lon nicher Thara are sigos Ilat theimmi- of Lords for fixiog lia hale Quaon's ts cf sugar, lied baen cenvanted ho- mark. gration cf Nothero familles lc the inoomaeon the ternms, montioncd, Lord le, taffy. Tle micsvas as liard as WHY NOT XiÇNGDOMSI Southi, wniiieiblis bean notabhy large -Broghm nered a iengîîy niitten mamhble, ami il nias fourad impossible Queeco Elizabeth nias commonîy îforathe past five or six years nl pretest againat il. Hie contention, t'Ounua i i, te sul ay Th sukinofas ueu f îrini. ir folr bbc * vier. hici lia ldhoumed over meny folies be aheadil u li usul ny. Te spiencf a Qucn c Viigioi. Vn- ~r Ibs and, n wlthliadmirable phrases le an- liard substance nies firesly atlacied1 giclaeand Caroline Wore kinglomnie un-~ Plans bave been adopted by tbc force, nias that the agreement cught dan the Stuants, Massachusetts nias 1ieîparance Commitîca of bbc Gen- te li e mnenidllafroni lima 10 uoue, homhic aidas cf th vesanled n- aegie- se 1isa knace"'jaal Assembly cf île Preshytenian hecausa if tic ý'oung Queen's lifo niert csmpssdevryhig01e nite Cromniell's Pàahiau. Nova Scoie ,clionci for a nat:o-ial campaignocf le lbe long, asbliey aIl hepeal anal cx- grip), s0 nobhing coulal lc donc but nias ais ekingalc, ii.Ilissuggeýsîot deaetî dig-im saf cl.Abeidy of 0 mn, i lie Londen u t-s al Canada, tiee--n. 4mpraa q< eu- pc te-croia nesliyt.ons asiog picks anal shiovis, nias amploy- Ausîraihe, anal New, Zeelaod shoulal 50 vmbmtnîiy edi b-raki,- tp te afy brg i rase t th dgnty f ind ie ihlhargest amount peid for ascm- ýVOT1NG ANNIJITIES. lie bold of lie slip. and Kfiog Edniand VII. is the flst Bni- gle crop of collon during the recent The lest occasion on ihthIe pro-. .AFTER 35 DAYS' LABOR tilal monarcli sinca îlhe dcys cf James boom -is Said te have beau paid le vislons cf the Civil List niera discuss- IL. w-lelias taken a personal intereet JosephiIH. Smitli, a niali-lnenin plan-. 10 inPenliement, nies in île sessmon tle ian cI lengîl cucceadeal in cleor- Ln golf. Rie Majasly bas isela île' tan of Alliens, Ga.,, nio received 8100,- cf 1889, w-hea proposai nias esale ing aniay lia test bib cf tcf fy. cpleincy cf SI. Andrewis; lielias 000 for 2,000 baies, for ca pecial >,,rant cf £36,000 c yaar il bcd Icieni aigit uio ouiy nina several limes taken part i0 a gaie jleBy ila ikGlii isfer the Prince) cf Wales, for bis con- days 10 unioallie othan tinea hastch-jet Cannas; and le lies eojoyedagae vad soit ps ft ehanclu thmrakiog aonicos.c bis neye. cotainin4g the major balance cf on oe or lie privete liais, more par-laomd seib etrc b aiy h esn fcusbb the cargo, the minimuma rata at nihicl i tbclarly on. Ibid cf lIe Grand- Duke Finst Presliyterian cliarci ef San liaI is cons bcd tien neacheal an a shiplecal cof sugaz cen lia disdliergedt Michael, in tlie home countios. lianca j Francisco. lielias been a protege cf cge nihan lhey roquireal a considor- hehng 50 tous par àday par aiglit mca. 11 leIl-tat île proposai is clready lie-. bbc Boy. Dr. Mackenzie, pester cf tic chia incomne. But the comhineal efforts cf 40 mon bng made liai et c siabhe moment dhurci. IThei young preechen is e Panhiemenl lad meny yeas bloe engageal in clearing oalbbthef fy pit bis Majasly sieuld lia askad te essoci- gmcndson of bbc famons Dr. Thomas veteal te the Prince of Wýales an co- in the clips iclalcoulal 001 luro eut jaIe hîmsesaf nuihIie gama bu tle must Guilie cf Edinliurgh. naily cf £40.000 a year, on the as- more Iban five tons e day. , 1distliguished îouorary cepacity p -.ý sumptiesi Ihal bbe DucVý of Cornwcii The dabermi-natiun cf the congtal-î cbbîe liee ncome of wnihcama le hies as 40- m m o esttlheo ibaliaki NE4.LofOSTRIhLeEBUILDING STONE. Ithe aldest cea cf tlie Soeaeign, yieid- 40 mecstresleisthe onsag f NAIlie cI LFE m-q d hlm anothen £60,000 yearly. about ue n he iren tools of all A Paris correspondent relates 4 A Gerîîîan i'roe&%e by Wtîtels n i][àsMade Parliamant bldaise vobealthe Pnin- sorte, includiomg wedgases measurnogcuin poeinteleofKgleOdr cesof Wale an annuity of £10,000 three feat long, wniul geb nilsleà anal Ediard ilion Prince cf Wales, nihici hsmkn h ubi noeo h lient luke co menyiesp iwax condleis; but for e providentiel circunissinca, An establisémant fer menufactur- housenolal f tiec '7Lir..Apparent op te pici-axas, niîce peints gei laettene, neuhl hava re.suhted in bis deati. Tic ing building atone iy e neni anal pro- 1889 lhea pumesrf £110,000 yearly. 'The opal; chains, the cbneo1g birou uis cf Prmnce lied enggead a box for -tIc mlsang prccess bas hagan operalios edaition1a auioîy fur £36,00> was which snap- -mnla bic; greet iren evenlng et île Odeon Theatre, and in Genmany, nibi evary prospect of maesde te the Prince cf Wales instecal belle thet goi, splintered like cclthes eoeal dinnen for bimsaif and a t cf biachidren le aveld a necogtil- page, anal huge cnonibane litaI got boni friand aI lie Resaurant Foyob, nihicli success. Tic pirocese is excaadingiy lion cf lic Ibird ige neralo. to ti like haïr plis. If bliose 12,000 bege cf le situated et lia liack cf tle Ibeatre. simple, onl- limea rnd Sandal ling axteint. Specl voles bcad, cf course, cuger lied net geb cenvired beiy a Tic houis liefore the play, île useal The proportions ara from 4-t t been pasad in regard toe ie mers, mysleriîesasgen-cy loto Iaffy thir me-I Prin1c£ e neived a vieil froi the 6 par cent. cf lime te 94 te 96- par cf ihth ale Qeen'c oniýn famiiy. im.oai froin the slip nieulal havaeoult Pmnea de Poix, w~hc svas se ful cf RIS GREAT SPEECH. oly $165, labu iîte presant instanceI praise cf e play nihicli nas te lia, ne- cent. cf canalThe, malenials having Tic debate on the grent for the the cosi cof di-gging ontthIle hardened prasentodaltb veniog et tic Opera bean mixeal lloreugli and siaped in- idrc aab fbcPic fWis staff coist, 2,350, that île Prince cf Weales rëouniced t lbocks cf tie deshrcd siza, Ithe latter femili lamamerablin10Pcliamantary gocing fte the 0Odeo,, caotermanaled aea lrustin mb e bolier il-at is subi-annea5boceusa cf lie grecb speech M1'HE SUGAR MARKET îile dinne, anal dinad at bis hotai, dlivereal ly Mn. Gladstone in support bas leost 12,0100 lige cf "fly fancy," At lie lime wnonhbbcPrince nieulal sequantiy cieseal hcrmaticaiiy, and ode Irpïl eepaie h as suigar le calledal t thie docks, bal 1hava beau saateAet bbc Restaurant solijeobealtte bhe influence cf staes prncipîe liat Minisalers nieraservants coonfectioare anal liriniaea Foyel a bumb exploaoa liunalr blhe aI e pressure cf frees 120 te 1501 cf île Crown as nieli as servants cf liesgl t ,île teffy, giviog $35 e ion jtablaenihci nias meserved fer liim. Ipnde l e ich.ciThis oeaaion> the people, coaïcluding nilticthenords: for il, cm lacs thon bal ils original! Tic nahi-inownn uthQn, Laeurent Tail- po'"*Iamntsh ed oayhtiny value. Altegoethar bbc making cf! hlida, w-Ire nas setedal ethle nex least.s about Ion boume, île consolide- c o see esyla nm olal age 1 rejosce in aoy eppcntooîly Ihat blicusioal loue cf lafly neecus ajltable ivs setridluity ncandeal îy -a thon cf lie lima andl canal la affect- nhc nhsm elsly tc bass cf 03,000 Ln lie aggncgaîe, but splinlar, and l be île siglil of 00e aye. cd noit cniy ly meol-aicel force, but I nhetever may be bhought of my cpm- île hip ias i e famoas , for btha Tle cniesinai w-as neyer aiscovercal ceucl cbn Nonr la this ions in ganeral polities, I dcoct fcr- Ciarliog Croise is non referaed leas ianal se fan ns the Prince nas condom1 - ciamical- action tia camene a litaI get the i.rvicc ih 1 hI ave berna the "taffy slip.",, ed lie police judged it advlsalle te widcocura ho maklng monter. The'fonrse0esany.. yeaes te the illustrions île t cus o iere transfoeur-aionke ieccalcium of the limeunoises nilîl the represantetîve cf tle Bmlîisli mon- ceoet ie lhîcovrea. îe sgarnie ~silie cf île Sanal bo fonm entirely cen achy." loadeal in tropical neallier, anal Ilose NOW THE CON8?RACTOR IS SILEINT. oopounde. Thasa ara cf a flînly-----0 partie-alan legs nihicli ient ninng Acnenni-ni cliy clanacter, anal giva île at£one e GOOD CAUSE FOR GRATITUDE. niast lava c,tiaý,ienalsugan nihicli nis Acraij l-nw riwycon-, peculian handocass. lici an ebonmally moisI condition. Tle tracter lias lie epoletion cf leoking 1Lt je claimeal Ilial a graier outpulto l aykclsolsaolbr hlin h whiehitil nostoruedl la juslIaller tle miner ade tailî cf bis greacî cf senal-al-lima éstone then cf lbrick Brampton,, latter remmb-n-d las'Sir cuft thie englua omo-n, anal subjectbus esnult a keen aye. One mmo- 1la possible vilh the semae bnvsimeo Henry Hawins, ihere hs appaenatiy toe greac heal. ilie subsaquont buiesicof capital,. Dnying shedls anc net no enal. change cf lamperature, fren bornial sng, nihia ,ouI inspacting île ivoni -nieeiccssny. île plant cao opemaee liliHera la oe. On c certain day ha Le £rLîgi-d latjtudes, hlpeal loibdify liaI nies beiog done on e rail',ay la the yaar roinoal. iT-astene is barder bappaneal te arrive ait a nailway sta- tle mais. Ipiokeal rsp a slmay boit iyiog liy tle lien brick ai'd lisera la neoivasla Ilon, anaelowv wetonce accosîcal by The men nIe, asshsted in digging,1 ide cf îelnTe i iielt hro-gl breaiae. Il lias a higherregiflonesemaveyux ont the Iaffy lad te li a creful of1niarthe fi na hnien ke on îeionstle csisl hies 10 andingbils hag- themelve whie a wor. Ifthe whee th menwer woring n e "mpressive stnengtb. TIc granulaI- thmeivs usa t voi.If ihcîj .ed esoden frees hast farnaces dan lia gaga. ctayed lcnigar thian c minute i n o10ee b ald u enaosal 'n-bcad f canal. Struck nithlbis frlaodlinass, Sir position tie surface cf tIa laffy lienglbclaehacialot1encfu e Henry scial, You sean veny desiros beïng ce glutioos, île-ygol sînteli bbc orkaen, hlie ilbthab I final of lelping rme, esy frienal. lIane, goal ceulal only ho bakan ocff belsIilg dliout nestad ? I hava to Tiat's nibel1I cm, sir, rephical the agaîn niti lie assistanceaof four or pay for Ihese ihL'ngs,,yeu n on. SNAKES AND BEASTS. man. Yen sea, ir, once you aid ne a lhve mon, anal lIen the cîcles ocfjboots JWhynd ile1111e iyup Ithalina Daniong île yaar 1899 ne haese thait goal bru niera fraquolntiy lefI bal-led. 14,621 'bumanahainge niera iutheal liy Yes i asseal tle jualga. Wben ai lare, ni461 unnbinswr ile ywera pmay i ------O, aid yen i cnica île niokmen, Pies bue bilas cf vnoosncakes i10 bda. IXVcI, scialthe feien iwnas w-bon A. FAIR TEST. j mmci obligoal le yen, gin, fer 'V6 h, umbar nias langer blian in you 'ung Creokeal Biily. Me an' Billy i lnn niefrta otaltesavaral prece(liog yocns lieccuse, il s ool necpals, bat ne fal out, anal 'Agnhminecnýýce jLeng lakan fonencon, anal nisteal e moraing's 'dr11evel Billýýy s ysaS -'o-jeX t lime ,'a d'JiOppeal oear an idiot asyhues. lie ased anuet- icrîli cf breun moeay. IbnwIliara ilougît, cf îhe fîoas, wLch 1 c3 yca o me 'a'd dc for ne iitl e tenantiov baykue nan n aid nas oea iscing. the snakes tu thc higli lands niera huila. 1 ineneal Billy, anal inonoal'e'd tenanthoo.v.heykne whn a idot The- ougust contracter coneludeal the lomesteadis are situcical. Wsld do cle a~ial; anal se 'enoulal, scr, nies considereal te le ufliciantly ne-1 liaI lia couhl give Ihet nioriman ne beaiss dainîgthe esanie yacn aestney-I if yen 'aan'l 'mng hlmin uima. Se stoeealte isanity le lie> discliargeal. Ipeots on aconeesy anal lef I in sul- ed 2,966 lumico livas, tigers lig ne- P'd ie to-, do brou a geod tur, teeo, Oh, safi the attendant, Il is easiy once. sponsi'bic for 899 cf ý thie viclimi, bSir 'Enry. roanegeal. We icalIai m ie a yard -.- rneves foir 338, iecpard!s for 327, nulle niera lIaeeare caverai Inouglis. We - -- tise reminin-1,402 niera killealhy ---- tomn on bbc tape anal then give te For evary 19-t Ganmen familles niwhe beama, elapliants, Ibycum, jaciais, Caucda's fixst rail nwy, ûenai in 18A1 la tsbckeiq 10 baie oui île ,,a-' kept Servants 10 years cgc, oniy 173crcaha and otfitr anima«is. The nies 16 mnues long. Sic; non bas ovein terand nempty îhe 'rouigis*.Many cf 1dou$se non. 1dastrioctifoat f caitl'ele eouýntea te .16,000 nl. ilein keepa beiing aniay nihile îlhe baps A man g3tcnding on tic mea beach 89,238 kilbcal by wild lieat.îs, and 9,449 ý A million poundlsfe iii syary wecch kmeps monning, bollI teai blet is'l cees 31-2 kies cul to sac;, if ont a by snekes. Threastet1stieýs anafroies lin tlia ris the vnl' ctl pro' idiots clope ilie teL,. ,chif f 100 featlihieha cisae13 mile5.1 thle gveonit ýreport cf Iodla, I duclicO.

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