"Seeéng is Betieving." NEWCASTLE. T W~A he over Sundav; Messrs. Lornp e', 0 0B l Great demunstrainheeMy 21th. * * Hillier and Charles Brown, Bowman. When you sec peopte cured by a Mr. Jos. Bridges lias a new Dominion ville; Mr. Norman hlundie, Hampton, remedy, you must betie'ree i ls po'rver. wheel. p lein ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~and Mr. Arche Campbell, Oshawa ...Lotaod o.Fids eie, MsEhlRikri viinfins A number of Mrs. A. E Aung'er's Look aundy i ou. Frfendsaretives, i s telRicadinvstnerins.I friends have visited lber to enrnua e B W Mat aytaiHodA araprtt, nWecoV hier on the birth of a baby girl .. Mr. Amedca 5 Greaîesi Medicine, dteansed the Our football teamn commenced prac- and Mrs. Herbert Siemons are moving btood of fiheir dea" ones and îhey rise en tice this week. Cephas Mountjoy having leased bis ing friends in Oshawa. f e , 1*L i lfarm ..Master lusl uge' colUe li h w.-dt uithe 7Zd 0dir A fulil stock of the best Blood Purifiers at CUT i riencis are pleased to see biîn able to patitta, and 1 did sa and the sores are Mr. Neil McNau Li tan, Dominiono zpE RAT PIC S.be out taking the air. no'w aft beller. Whene'ver 1 do nal feel Bank, Cobourg, is borne. veliI lke loods."~&is Nle L Mr. D. Walsh, Orono, was, guest ofD TTU aDbottleTofToT1 Mr. A. A. Colwill Sunday.N Try a bottie of our A RT FA AILUM La~w, cRichmno1d,Qebc Mr. John Rlkaby, Orono, vsited at B S he Mr. WH. hpi' udyZ) But net Fatal this 'lime, for Timely G serge ln o f r rn l Treatent Sved.Mr. Albert Waidon, Toronto, bas ContanîngC.& SARABTJRD CK ad CE ERY, or Sx Yeas, aNewfondladbeanguests be ofgMisso MissMuigan.u Conaiin G SAR , B RD CK an C LE Y, from Heurt Trouble- Un a Suferk, ndTE IIORSE SHOW. Miss Maggie Ballagb bas returneci tgtherwith other valuable remedies for the Blood, Hlm, Mr. 11. Beitli ws a veryNsuccessoflfront visiting friencis in Orono. bigofqi Dodds Kiney lUs akeu NewMan f --Mrs. H, Sanford visiteci town Friday. Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Nerves. CAPE LA HUNENfld.Apr. 29(Special) exhibitor at the big' Horse ho' oSb Msswi returreabo the NteslwThs refo telaYsorkoy nCnaa -Manv tlîink thatat Disease is ronto, winning these prizes MisM-aWre tteNwYr have Ofhtor lots from well-known iaesadyuw incurable,but the tact that it is curable, SqQ.cel s o geisalo Hospita! is bomse for the sumnmer. $10 sz fr75 .is proven by a casie that recently came Mares 3 vrs and 'under-Hèrmia lst; Miss Mollon bas returne-.d tram a flow find we have a grand assortmen fsaoal o $1 .00 size for i 5c. ~~toilight in this place. Mr. Thos. Bart:ï Titania 2ud; Helena 4th. 'pleasant visit with Bowmnvile rns waTukTlsoeVlss lbBgt',o >,Froe ers ufrc Heard visiteci at W. H. Pearce's Sun- tensely with Palpitation of the heart, Sweepstakes, best hacknev stalh'nd. ndbc ogive up work. 1 coulci not any age and Sweepstakes,best hackne3y da.L;l t J. H i ginb tham 80wdo anyting atailuntil 1 saw in an stallion or colt, by an hnported sire and hMr. Simlon Baskervile bas bolln lo h n BoWMANVILLE. DRuGGisýsý would cure Heart Disease. 1 sent for Riekcoîl. improve it. aeliotfrqiksleas calprh seven boxes, and 1 bave used five of Sweepstakes, best hackney mare, any Mr. Albert Waldon, Simpsoii.s Dîug heavy, strong Suits. -SEE IC them, and arn now completely cured. 1 age-Hiermia. Department, Toronto, speut Sunday at hsSutar woh50/mrel ____________________________________________ au do my work agalu as well as well î- Dr. Farncomb's. hs ut r ot O! oeta eakfrte ais everi could, W"BIDER TWINE. Mr. Charles Brown andi Miss Fisb-Ou special value Worsted Suits r elig fel 'II arn not inuch of a speaker, but I leigli, Bowmanville, spent Sunday atOi hae trieci to write my story as plainly Farmers, bus' your Binder Twine Mr. S . Baskervîlle's.pie 65,75, 9 1 td$1 as possible, and arn cOing so because 'I froin thse Farmers Co-operative Co., 11ev. %N. S. Wright, of thec Presby- believe that Dodd's Kidnev Pis will Branttord, Best Tw'ne 10lcts per IL terian churce visited bis borne in 20 Mon's Suits at $3.50, Scure any case of palvitation or otber PYTEn WEIIRy, agn for North and Brantford last week. Heart Trouble, andi 1 tbink everyone E ast Darlin tonTron. 6t M'.RAknsnhsroditote2 MesSutat$ 50 suffering in this way should c etala of ________e____r..tino hsovdno h 2 e>s uisa LN hrmyhtfudssc:fî uSLN Tarnblvnresidence lately occupied by20M ns uie t 5 ( bee Redv a-war ottnad pats 0e Mr. Manly Harris wbo bas been Spea in mseies5an have no objeet in giving it, otber atP .Cl', ampton. cured a job in Trenton. Dir3l' à , 0 Ou oo sS e-Io T e slv s hnteop of belping sorne 11he Atn A H. Stott's auction sale next A number atouar sports atteadeci the i)ýiettertin isSaturday-Sesaentc .. .Th B. aeseil au i tp poor sufferer, aspinei u l u services of Mr. A. e. *..rma meeting of Clarke Football Club inWehv sp iavleiisape u m r sooo Z We only ask you to corne and go throug,ý,h 0 If anyone doubts the genuineness of Hampto n bave been secureci ta train MyOronStudaonkbt. nd ar!sndngon smpesths ee. e ou 4 'soe.Weby M.Bre' etmnan h rthtie S. S. for singing for the Anniver- M rec okhr!yuko o orsoe ebythe nattiest Furniture on the 0 of any staternent made therein, thev sary on May 213 andi 27 . ... Mr. R. J.Mc- weak andi nervous your wife is, andim chpe rtfav olsetem i h ic1hxee maretmad inbes Wods nd e sil t cose are at liberty ta write ta bim andifind Kessock spent the week end in South you know that Carter's Iron Pis will maret mdeinbet oos ad e el a cos 0Darlington.... Mr. andi Mrs.Jas. Wýerry relieve bier, now wby not be fair about the effeet is 50 mucli better, Ladiesan Mie' ta - rBr0 sal aeo nn nthsac aiy Ennskillen, andi Mr.anilacibybraox Sailors are selling very freely. Now stetm og inten#furnshinga hom, scewbo bave been cureci by Mrs, M. A. James, Bowmanville, visit- Pte. Wellington Stutt of thse Stratb- ourlnes and get our prices, and compai e with the use of Dadd's Kidney Pis, but bis ed reepntly at Raselancivale . M.. rs cana Hlorse, lately returned front South the p ck of the best to be had. ___of ny it stre f yu îsh caseO ~i one pove tbamot striking', i anJoVebas been quite poarely ot Africa, is guest at Mr. Sam. llenry's, Sthe goodson of temseî and onVc atrtrbrWslk a A woman wbo is weak, nervous andi Our Ordered Clatbing Department is verybsLa o ~ cnte plte f ncychar o an pice f Fr- th~e resuit of Kidnev Derangements been laid ni) witb a sore foot, sleepless, andi who bas colci bauds anci coteplteàany haroran pee f ur nd eau le curediby Dodd's Kidney Neat tweed suits ta order $8,00. Ex- teet, cannat feel and aet lke a welî order for a new Suit as early as possibletaaoddl ,Se n iture for the lloliday season. see our display, Pils. atra value at P. A. Cole's, Hampton. persan. Carter's Iran Pilis equalize eas oe, aCncase pcalpittio hei IE RESIL 1 G tise circulation, riirnove nervousness, aur extra special English P antings.-.t re ny$,0 the largest and prettiest ever shown in toWfl erangeci Kindcyusealitinr and thREe * WINIG. anci give strength and rest. otber beart 'troubles, Dodd's Kidney - worth 84.50. KEEP VOUR EYE ON OUR DISPLAY W1NDO W. -ujPills cure tise Kidueys, andc thus relieve Dr . Arnl', Toxin PullS Victortous Again. 11ev. T. J. Edmison canducteci auni- tise beart, Te.ulsnes as fcr versary services at the Lako Shore Tise uil snles dayYof e riysrng Sundav Scisool Sundav atternoon. Lt eý are most dfangeraus ta ail perïans, bout J I ~ HAMPTON. particnlarly ta the weak anci tiose A mau's wife shaulci alwav s be tise MW' iL 1 subjeet ta spriug diseases, because samne especiudlyta ber bushaud, but ifAy F. îCl' e-the-Place-to -c-he-ap- ,, d a tstnd tu~ïï is swa andi nervu ic ses BO-wMýANVILLE. Furniture and Undertaking. seeda of ail kincis, tram every dirty street andi puddle, Carter's Iran Pis, sbe cannot lie, for___________________________________ Fonce wire as cheap as tise cheapest. from every flhtby cesspoal auci reeking tbey nuake ber "feed like a different machine ail. axIe grease, etc., ut F. A. seýwers. Theso nists bang iow in tise persan," so they ail say, andciber bus- Cl',ar'- they swarm ,wîtb millions- of germs baud saysso ta.-0 _ Nat later titan tise first of May u~(irbs fdpteisaltfyr Glaci ta sec former metubers of ts PIECEA D hoe a o be a ho yna ie nw - Vý,mian, rhenmati, ,m, etc. Tise Metbadist ehair in their places again 0ay way ta edcape these deadiv e M iss ~ci illea b.r 8 PEE ~ ?W R lin e lnritreinvar ow. ndr-istause Dr. Arnoid's Toxin Pills, alts. îKm ilb gooti .... Vo tise A rare bCI) Ndeetin *t&king wil recoive special attentian, which positivelv .111 tice grms ancigt iaseleraetones.05~a L q o and wiFI alwau-s bo canducteci under connteract tise-poisons tlsev croate in AIl nevves-many people Say tbeySe 1200peelaS1 lvrPae oue,1 ~is 2Ta5en n 2T.i aur deluog, nS o-eo-fil rovetu. Everrbenoailease o-ho eils m S boxs or sr Newrite PeIBes% *wiii fluci as law as otisers anti we wiIl l are tie o .ly nigboltocr eaiy ridor irritateci, ýli - gade owIl l pre md wr heu odt eons fhboueIdgsuot1e'robeon rn k an ffor ta .,iv youmareat- or al diease ecuiar a tb sprnc" Heart anti Nerve Pis are jast ore ltr if ahneon.el d$o e 0peee IDnnr a, e e nds :coîssvroe' t ~J~'S nci sevice, r. C brforwaileoonisneroeosuordelogenuîeo aheea grad gose an tbuiide( lircefre urgen r- e Vntionand bei4rervc. r . soason Tluey are tise best, safs adtise remedy sncb people requl e, Tbav frefose1ierleerp,%uttîlo.S SelPikeora Jobs Ibae bage ' urstckii nost effective tonie spring medicine rtt pret amn o ie e'o enlwat tCenr oet. izestOeyrced PinCe oeil,be dsendutemie an h(a Yaur tawn. See aur adifor mattresses kniow, rawl r t ete adgv e oc osatrdif eusOtOeery one takig advanlage if this detsmn h ,s Wiuy lnumare fue, than nfrtpge .D.WLIM O.Atla ilpoeiacnre tc ieîe acet hteeiOnt SenU a nd100 peeerted nnrand tesYmSethent2etabx(he r eo Ihiave for yeavs past suffeovecievery nov eus sstems Tabl Speoo 12 e Sroun ite d eretl ed Doer md o tol e gien boneyfe eaearla necs.av-ad pt wth Clioîce fresis grocerios always nsrwbtinn atvyboairwothAnieaar e dert gn thiI s wa.du 1eaO cl etotalî.s . eietinrdieu iilteeyo nee.ar-ai utl wt t h aEporthLeague A , savon JuSeaeadetoui uuoa itaeorNW LlFE REMED eBxj ootOt ~ hecisa4vantages aofaai od wkes*los stock. Nice iînos of crockevy at popu- ekssîssooerxncgnrI Sunday andi Mandav May 19 ainci2o. __________________ - ~style range in No' r kitchien? lar prices at F. A. Cole's. exhanstion. Nothing hbave ever useci 1ev. C. W. Barrett, Bethany, wiil Mme.(RiE ).WiuokPrPar, Tise ~ Yen shanîci see F, A. Cole's stock of befeitteci me Vi oa r Anl'sped. gnra, b ns t isLa -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wsteds, serges anci tweeds befaro Toxin Pis, which have cureci me com-in'.o h ete hts tfnt 3' og.lieAaerMntes ___ E RIAL placing ygnr arder tar a spring suit. pletely anci povmanently- R. Baekus, ft's u ytm iogdwtspison n D' o i epas al rdy à co ___ IIVI r' * D ~ou ant agoacisecon baudprapretor t th~Royal Hotel, Sisel- ans materials, that makes yau teel fAdnsani, ___*buggy ar democrat ? Attend tise sale bui:ne, duli, drowsy weak andi miserable. Lot xX F0%RD bore next Satnrdav. See anction Sale Dr, Arnod's Toxin F111, the only eui:BrokBoc itr la wyalOFB- .At the ii n f iybshi uh .*natices . . .Jas. G. "Burns bas ope6d an miade tisat cures dise ssb iln h em iepios niyandi enrich vour OF BY Coun i o MuayeeCL is xill make dollars' wortb of differeuce ia your fueol bls-is casier andi Asitons' Carners Se Advt ..ev. re 'sipt of price by The Arnold Cisemical Co,, ans TpE MUFnnIALIA sOF TemenîTOwaN Fpresenîeu engage in mission work among the West, Toronto. Bookiot sent free. M29t85 Tise failasn were elecBend entoci foulures exciusively its awn. givo au address lu tise basement of the, cupieci bv Gea. Dickinson andi owned Dassed by tise Municipal Comncil of Bowman- offlcersPre. ,A at;V 1ie,0 l churcis bore Friday eveuing . .. Anotiser LNEWTON VILLE. by Mr. Treleaven, ville on thse 25th day of March, 1901, providing Kent; Sec-T's . .Mi'els~0a -~ Lss F APETTE-A prsa thfotie issue o f Delsentures to tise amounnif et itee M a! a r a d r sid nts in ise per an f M . M s. . P tterson andi M iss B ertha bas ost appetite bas ost So rnt ing w orks and that s ncbh By-law w as registered lu J. B M itC helO.I i g; C m o s U SOID BY ~~Tbos. Burvows dieci ut bis home bore Hancock, Bowmanvîlle, visitod at Mr. besides-vitaiity, vigar, toue. Tise way the Registry Office of West Durham lu tuseeubloriptiooa Ms odvn niM~r * hrdy onn April 25th, agoci77 Gea. Hancack's Sunday . ... Mr. Charlie ta recavor appetite andc ail tisat goos D.Conyo uhmo h 3dda fArl .A icele.o eheDnl Mason &ofDaleatramthrheurnatasmofMr.r Burr.ws.reticeel M s n Q lyears. Owing ta bis crippioci conditiona sevsiteci bis mother Sudav,,, with il is ta tako Hood's Sarsaparila- Aîymto eqaiso e sd le Agns omnil.foMiss Evelevyne Lockisard andciehor that strongtbens tise stomacis, perfeets ornyprateefmmth se Fifty conte w.ueieie ieaan ~ farungyeas uo. u visitecitriencis in tiseVIllgedigestion and rekes tratioan " requeonled anmmae etugapinur.tlre ontifrom tise date o nandi subecriplion holvxoehy~ TheGUREY OUDRYCO. Liitd, oroto Winipg ad arreli. gion ho was a Mtlodist baving a , ...Mrs. J. Bragg andi farily are Thousaucis take it for spring 1o6s of cannosbc made tliereafter. wbeeî îs e l ueie The URNE FOUDRY 0., imitS, 'ereno, Wnnipg an Varcouvr. elci mauy officiai positions in tise chure vi nto tise Jacob's bouse..-. Mr. appetite and evorybody says - tbere's Dated tise Soth day ef April, 1901._________ J e.For mn hoar letaugisîte 'oJOHN J.YLE, ___________W._______________as_________thebouse___________eTewn Olerk Gres Ligdtng FeatGres __________________Bible________inthe__________________Thee______occupieci by Mrs. Braggr.and 1Ms. JSLestrwDais, r. A was rc eing a t(-wise bueVotetthsrmre ae Vo haveY-a butcZe r. Pedani R J T. . Emnonrla ÂN.aEBANExP1iT À e aea._Atise-pwar gue T yVron ciboy , Mtr O tto S nd rs bo le t ds w as s e g reat V ey alw ay s k ep t t i e is g s s adunci isa ho e t uishese vi eSiUN O D A o v F M S LT H U - ed lo t.are , M c At Je a t i N frts et o n o u f o j Tursay e lii psition lai hees 1Vready for use. Yau know o isUndertaking wîll receivo spocial attea Ms. Cisas. . MLenPam tisOtBowvmeanvile, S8oiiloe rfopr te Adinhoistre orU usfîerNIs ilmnaK ,h Are îî arri ing a Mur-i ' d d ' 'T' h Via aîud will lways lie ca luetci sa s: "I suffeeci andtoic ugan anci nntil2 o'cock cf McUtDsaMAY INa ttis. am. nll.t. isis dioffordea oppo a c to r y n W e lle s le y , W a te r lo o c e n tv u s e , d n V y o m ' îs h e a t e d b y a M S L R M : _ 190 1, a t t es e a i T o w n o f o w m a n v ille . I uî-îho m e t i wiat snPdn i m ~ t doch > Ï,Look for advertise- f...rJames PnbmsetS Ys aaîe n e ihl t Wieudrevproa uevsin u ievfrvuswt atrem n Ts sgse eîe s n edrfo iia in oiguedya ula w ti frie ucsi nla P ick ern ig ... M rs . A . us foriz a noo h a leus i a b o ut it. prices y en w ill fin ci aslow a so th r v o t I t i ci a î at e ery re re cis par e l w ili not n eessar ly ho ac e sîtedîfl ] , j f l ~ x t w e e k' J ~ ri s i s v i l î' sg- h o n a u n t M r 0 -e î aa n d t i w i li i i m a k e a n e ff o r t t a g i O o u I - c u l c i e a r , f , I w a s t l c iF o r c o n d t o n s o f s l , i s p e i o n ' f s a i d w r a ne r f u l i g i i d s i y u i e < î'd i~ or Sed o Gem"Duunuwba bas 'DoV yet l'0O rom Vavo-Creolene jo muid by dînug*i meoywire ire attention anci botter service hy Vhe hest p.ysicans tisat I caulci noV lease and i,,uO . f.ooapl-y to W -F.1'".om utao Vl f.î,da br recent indispositipn. . on Tise X'porizer anS -Iirisoled îast a lite-emVwmaMr Charles get mare tisan tcnporary relief. I sineci ~~\ ir. 'ence a ~meeting sorv'ces wîl -e coud- Mn îîmcaidaicii oaroneenodiee Sa ava wbbvecageaou tckuasidceitatvDr baesOit PtdaiBnmasll ie iS a t iestfBîf'sa - lprfrtaVS Bethesd chure next urd, uuppbru cof Cresn ene 25 cenrts an.d 5a c2ouru. p Bethsciach r'h nx Suday i 'lag' î:utratea boaiLlet containie.g thysucuans, tesin , our Vawn. See our adi on lirst page menît. Afttone or twu applicationîs 1IAili,1)01.frqntvstutisEpata I ~~ .Mz. RZusseli ina acamatui t c rei-' pon re - _e.au VAPuCewcome C,, itas mattressos. M D. WILLIAMS &SON, reeeis ecigroat relief, andi wlen î !s haiA. EMLLILN isn 5frr c i nu Sundy u Scot, awmav'1e1 put lîl'"c, St ew uork U,.A. illr'sGranules cure Const;pat'en. useti oly twe boxes I was espltfythîtte o! MuhI4 C yderin).deesd o ia ug ufoosWea a home. For sale byI, Sto'tI Jury, Bowmnil,3l tTl' mg~ae cuveci." At afi dealers, 60) cents a b 0x sucesson