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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1901, p. 2

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DR. L. POTTER. Office and reldence,Churchfit.,eppesite Triait: Ccngregatienal clinrai, Bowmaas'ille. 25-t6 m MISS ETHEL MORRIS, .ARTIST. Instructions gtvenih PAINTING In t0lt, \ater Cler oui China. Sketahieg on- painting from nature. KILN on promises, fit îr g et unai prices. 1r. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEl? F COLTEGEOF PHYSICIAN and Surgeons, Ontarie,Coroner, etc, Residence, Enlskillen. 74 A, E. McLAUGHLIN, Byri8ter, Solietor and Cenveyaneer. Offie:. Ihtaktey Bîoek, King street, 1Bowmanviht( Money to lban at reasenable raies. 48-lyr, HIOBERT YOUNW' V. 5. O FFyli IN WEST DURHFAM -NEW Block, wtsere hisef or his assistant wi tefeundfrom Sa.m. te 9p. m. Nigisi caltsat residence, diîrect1y opposite Drilh ied. Cahis b telograpis or telep houe wiil receive prompt e, t.enflon. 171 - yr. M AjRRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A JÀSEB, Issuer cf Marriage License Reoidence: Centre sireet, SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. B LAIE Barristers, Sodiltors, Ntaries, etc, Merrci 13toek, up.stairs, King Street, liowmanvilht Soicitors fer thse Otario Bank. Privai meuneys loaned ai lowest rates DENTISTRY. 0. . BONNYCASTLE, L. D. 9, D. D. S, Boiser Graduate t Deciistry of Toroato UË Vergily. Orrxcz,:-Over Concis, Johnstoit an Dry detman's store. Bowmonvilhe, i-lyr. Il. F. HINTEIt, B ARRISTER,SOLIÇJTOR,NOTARI 8 FF'iC.~S:K.1g St., opposite Dr. ilarndený Dental Booms, liowmanyuie. -13-6m* 5 0. 0 0. 0 0 ongo oed'o mcc gag eeuriy t maderate rates of Interest A. EMcLÂrenasîgolleitr,Bowmanville,Ont 16-6m. -ONTARIO BANK contIlnete do a General Banking Business a Bowiesnvtlo Agency. DEPOSITS s eceivefi lu Savings Bank Department anc iiiteet alttowed ai acrent rates. Notice i 'U llisdrawal not neceassry. Ali deposhts payais: itu demanel EXCHANGE ~cglt and sli sud Drafts isseed upoa Europe Uri ed States snd Canais, aise Goli, Silver and I"rited Stotes Greenisaaks beugbt sud solfi COLL ECTIONS ,frmpihy maie ai acren t rates upon ai parts af Gra ritaîn. tise UntLed States and the Do, tinien cf Canada. Telegrapli Transfers Miade for lairgo or smail sures on ait parts of Canada. This spcioy aivontageousto plir rs iin nrnteb a or' thse Nor-th-We3t, i etake. tihe fic avalbt ai once ai the place ai psy ment. For therpiarticulars cait et tise bauk, A. J. MCoaooc, GEO. MCILL -WANK'TE D.. Iu overy lecsliy iisu'ugis Canads to intredue cnt goods, tsekir.g up show caris ou trees fone- sheng rosis aud ail aeuspieueus places: aso istriiantîng Piesti advertising moticu. Comsmission er sahary t6o000 por mentis oud expanses net te exeaid $250 pet day. Stesci: emphymeni te zeci, honeat, retisisie men. No expeiece neeifut. Write for fuit partiuluis -Empire Medicine Co., Lorndon, Ont. Thle Great Englisf Reeued.. '~Sohi and tecemmenied by ab iugil n Canada. Oaly ral, absheunem'ýdiciiie dlsevyered. Six ý Packages guaratred te, cure ah] rf'ies o Soxual Wealcness, ail affects ef absuse or excess, Mental Werry, Excessive use of To. bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malhed on receept o? prie, ce package $1, six, $5. Case reilplemte, tif.zc udfcre. Pegspisets fres to any aidress. Who WodCompany, Windsor, Onflï StWoods Phosphodine soula nBowmauvitte by J.oîî& Jury, Higgiuhotbam & Sin; Orn'by Gildullan; Newcaastle bv' Dr. Farecousbe. IN THE FROZEN NORTH. l2he ToribIlle Fate or ia pariy or six Yukion GlleSeekeers. 'A terrible s(-ery o? thse fuie o? Party e? six goihi cechors- lu the Cep- pet River country cernes fres Dan- soen, as bre te Pole surviver o? the littIe compa-ny bias arrivei, brokan in 1sely and ini. The party left Seat- the ihree yaare ugo foi-Cooper River, uni, auceoniag Lo tic ruî'e tale. the treacchatons Valiez glacier claimai ene of the purty for iLs oavn.îHe dis- apperadinl a fissure ln tisa ice, des. ceadiig wiih igbtniug-îike raîiiity a distanc-e e? 75 foot, asitro ha tae- Came avoigai btren waloueoice, île remainai censcieus anti gava final in- ,structions tto iscospajiens, saho avare pa ta~ o eassiet hlmn. Tise next misaivaurure ais on a raft whihlu su (ssai oser (hunier- ng rapias and smashai to erithereens uguinat, the jaggai tecks, The rive mon maie a deaperate figisi for life, 'but ibreaeoftbern as re navet seau again. Tsve reuchei elsore, oaa o? wisom aecseverely injuradiniternally, uni (he olter vih a fraturei atm. They~ -i- iouet e? ail previgslt nd hunirads, e? miles from ivilizattoa. AfLet iuye cf untoli sufferiug a spath ol lire lu the maiujured in(ernaaly aveas metcifni-ly axtiaguisisei. Hie loua patiner fer (hirteen icys waoderci on avtheni fod. AfLer that bis life beaume a blanh for a parie-i of wLasrve mnth,uni wh-en hic ceuses ratura- ai t,- founi himeel? among friendiy mnians, with avisonshe romalîsai for six menthe, antiLathncentinuai Lie jontney Le Dtawson.-- - Mj31UST IHAVE DID. 11Tanque-Hear the news about- laacbeclhb-No. XWhat is jr? D1e Tanque-He's etoppeti dinhing. Lushf'orth-S(tange. I1avas look- ing osier fisc deatis coume ta tii mcrzning's pape1r, but1 I die-t scao bis TTIIE WOvuwvOF SYliF THfY@ .Areý prepared from Na, ____________________ture's mild laxatives, and Ld while gentie are rellable Dr. Talmage Says Some People Thilik his and efficient. They World Is Brigliter Than Heaven. ms ie Cure, Sick Headache, Bil- A dýepa Lob from WýAasbington says: a man has had trouble, prayer le with iousness, Sour Stomach, - -1ev. Dri. airnago preached from birn a taking liold of the arm of God ad Cntpto. Si te. ewayollewn text, Go hhwp ble, my freds, that makes us feel oui everywhere, 25c. per box. aa ai ter rm their eyes.' - dependence upen God. \Vo do not knowý rprdy..odC.Lwlas Rev. vii. 17. our weakness or Ged's strength until Peardy,1odC.Lwlas W3aat is the use of tearsZ Why flot the last plant breaks. Lt te contempt- - subsitue laghtr? Wy nt mae ible in uls, when there iiiï nothing else subsitue lugher? hy et aketa take bold of, that w e catch huld have fed eu t bis mrnng witb the ii this a warld wbere ail the people are, of God only. Wby, you do net knowl bread- of consolation. Let the table at w el, and eternal etrangers te pains whe the Lord is. He. Le net an ate.b iadadleusetotbch- itand, aches? What le the use of an crat, seated far up in a palace, frorn ices ef beaven. ,0!,, yssen ws Eaýýtern torm when we imight have weby hergo& ownng yer. r o- critie .in the audience, "the Bible con- a popotal iorw eter Wba acedd b beald swagig sord tetradictîs itsoif. t intimatos again and a PlePetul no'nesir? Wen aclear the way. Noe; but a father, will- aai a hraet en er Lfamzily ile put together why.-nbt bave ing, at our eall, te stand by us in everyagntathoarathoetar > inLe have,-n, and if thore be ne tears tenahl stay, or if they lbe trans- cris i and predicarnt of life. \Vîhen ina eaveiî, hew is it possible that God -pianted te make other homos, thon Yeu iget in financial perpiexity, yen wili ip any away V" J anawer, have bavetha ai liv, te fmilyrecrd allon the broker, Wfou ceai on yonr you nover iseen a cbild cryiag oeame- hav thm, ll ive th faily re ororditers, Yeu cali on your lawyer, ment and laughing the aext, and R, telling a slory of marriages, and for legal cournsel, lyon cail upen overy- whil -i a agin e a h e. t., but cf ne deatb.s?-Why net body, and 'when yen cannet get any eurs stili on ber face ? And perbape ehave -the barvests chase each other bolp, thon 'bren gete God, You -ay: Ye stopped ber Le the very midst of witouttol, ndailou "Oh,! Lord, Icomp e to e. 11elp me hec resumed L-ce and wiped off those wtotfatiguing tol adai eurnw eut of u1y perpiexity," and the deiayed tears. So, 1 think after the homes afflicted? Why the bard Lerd comea ; tbough it te the eloventh1 heaveiuly raptuies have corne upon pillew, the liard crust, the bard, heur. Ho says: "Why did you nt wus t bore may bo thc rnark of somo send fer me before ? As one whomcearthly grief, and whi'( those tours struggle? t le easy ano'ugh toe x- bis mether comforteth 50 wilt I cern-1are gthe ligbt ofntheejas- d Plain a amile or a success, or a con- fort you." Lt is te tbrow us backl ghitrgin t ofthaw as- le gt:atulation; but Conte, now" and briag upon an ail-coimferting God that WO pe a odowl w tha~ eus a citog ail your dicticrtaries, and ail your baetiirîsr ftae trial te miake Lmr sympathetic with philosophies, and ail ycur religions, 'Again: Lt is (lie Ministry eor toars' ail triai, lie kebort-sA verso je the Y an hep m ths monin teexp aint capacitate us. 'or tbe office of sym-! Bible toils the story: "Jess-wept ." d patby. The prieste, under the aid dis- 1 The scour on the back of eithor hand, a tear. A chemist will tell,yeu that peneaten, wero set apart by havingi and thu scar the arch efýe;&thor1 't iL le saIt and lime, and- ether cern- water spriakled On their bande, foot! foot, th2 ross of scurs along thci line ponant parts; but ha misses the chief and heade ; and, by the sprinkling of cf tht' huir w jîl keep ailh' ve thinlIz- ingredients-the acid of a soured life, ta1pol r e e pr eth 'g ontko~btam a D a)ffice cf ympathy. When sve are le Chýristrnay throw off hie robe and r the viperan sting cf a bitter mmonry, presperity, wa like te have a great lay lit aex the side ef the throae, t, the fragmenats cf a broken heurt. 1 many yoeng people i5i'und us, and' and poi'.nt tei tha lacerations on bis 2.will tell yen wbat a tear is. (Lt le we laugb -,vhea they laugh, and .wo ebaulders, sown hr the plough- ty ageay in lsolution. rm be byrp e we sing eors9 ploughied upon hies back and m.ade w'hen they r4apg; but when -we have long their furrow;s. 0! tbat gréut Ilear mie thoen, thE5 mrnng, while trouble wve like plerty cf cld folks epri j ttuce e~laeal I disceurse te Yeu of (bs ministry cf around. Why ? They know lhoxvto werthly jtrc ho ne w ieut ai teare, and of the, ending efJ that min talk. 0O! iL takes thoso peeple Who; stains of earthly grief. Gentle!1 at Ltry whn Gd sailWiÉ thrn llbave had trouble te eomfort othersil Why, bis ais te tr thau the stopi awy trywenGiha wiotmain trouble. Where dii Peut gott of th.s dew. IL w ilinot be a tycunt ax a.the ink with whi-h te write bis cern- hiddiuc- an ine.arcratei -wretcb bush First, iL is the rministry of, tears te ferting Opitle ? Wthere did Davîd up Lhie bowling. Lt, WMll e aFather adkeep this warld irom. being toe get the, înk te write bis ccmflrcnting 1 who, will takc yen ta bi3 left arni,ies psalme ? Wbere did John get the ink! face gieurnmi te yeur face, %vhile Of attractive. SoM1crb.ig rnut Le te write Lais eemfertiag lRevelatien V witbh'setLpcfhoigr f Ldone to maka 2us wiling te, quit ibis They get it eut cf their own tears.ith gthadLsblwpavy existence. If it were net for trou- When a man bas goe thrcugh the l tasfotyu y hi hi s world wouid be a good curriculum, and lias taken a courseo0f1 Ha v o yen. y approciatien this1 >e enougb beuven fer me. You ani I duageons and imprisonrncnts and i morning c, f the goci, and gierieus1 Jwould bho wiling te take a beasa of shipwrecks, ha ia qualifiei for the! tinuos ycur frirais are bavine- in this life fer a hundred million yeurs werk cf ,ymathy. di mako me the 1 urt? Iow dfeeti ew if there were ne trouble. TIire eartb son cf consolation te t p- peÔpie. I rhey get rinc,, tere cf a Christian's cusbionei and upboisterei api pil- would rather ho the means or sooth- dahfouwa j oe tL h ~lared and ohandelierei -witb snob an ing one perturbed spirit to-day, tha diff, caca between' emburicaticnauni axpanso, ne story cf othar %worlie te play a tune that aveuli set ail tho emiinoprte ,ytiu e couli enchant us. Wre Weuid say,* sens of snrtb reelininlthe dance.penduon i bicbprt.da cf th rive-e "Lot ascii enougb alone. If you want I cm an hast dootor. 1 purtanthe san a hiyochear eof ahCrieiua'e f te dieand h ave yeýur body disinte- caîdron, the roLou oncf dry grouad deatb. If yta stiand ta this sude of l it gratai in thu< dust, and y3our seul go witbeut ferm or cemeiacas. Thon Lt rvry1.aGr ht Lyg.I e eut ru a coiestial aiventure, ibm D)Ut in the Rose of Sharon and 'the' Y(,-L stand !ou tht' cther sida cf the f yen can go; but thîs aorldislegecd 'Lily cf the vailey. Thon I put into ilrier yen rPjoice- that they comau. 0? cnougb fer u." Nema waats te the caldrcn some of the leuves trom, th îfrue betaseca a funerai ou go cut o? this werii, er out of any the trea cf life, aad the branch filati arbaiajsihet sa e bouse until cha hu a btter bouse.i To waýs throwvintmiethe wîlderness Mar- tee req uiem hce otin vn-phlr cure this inlordinate wish te sta'y bor,,ah. Thon I peur i i or fB-mrhteeprigbr n e rGed muet Fscme reate a ileuettaya iGloh.To Ier no iX.Tiaher havd e-en - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ha foHu nrenig f) hhho to p Tit I Lk1ndle Uaritli1tcugb e i. h.uy are togoctbtr. - de tiEk IL "a cotafford te de2face1 bis] adr 'a flr cmnade eu lt cf th wei St. cu iiu(,fians(a1 horzon o totor of firypani f the cre(s, oui ena drof tathat cith eta different rourme cf the 1 efrom the enunset, or tosubiruet un1potion will oce the averet elokue(se sanu buc-hebos c rayha( 8anthor from the aatar-lily, or te that ever affiea a human soul.] e t. 1 th oer app r'at- t 8bantsh the puagent aroma from the Mary and Ma-tasahrcL- t &heir' ai ibat t 1 ght er arch as- d iunte rt du h clec Lazarus from the Lto, lfhe Damsell wheon w' laid away' it e b y the morntng in the mire. How thon shah trise. And on the, darhuese shalla' subirm 'trSua.Sad o are iswete troade leîh n e lovein. e te orning, ued Gui shah wipo l.au th"ýro tn the village corn.ttry I e flor ~ wero he roube cones le. hitears frem thefr ayes. Yeu knoW ek4aon ndsidîlraii *After a man bus bcd a gcod deal of on a weli ispread 'table, tafc th oik24ar therejenmotarthro e i i trouble ho says: "Weil, I cm rtady comas more gle food bc-to th e iast. I grai mot r egranimther, isn te go. If thora je a bouse semewbere iaetth atI rndteteeisgan-,oe,& whcse roof doe3s't ieak, I wouli lika -here are whole cirches cf kinirai cand I te livo thora. If thora is an atmos- I thuught te o t,"together la the e' pha2re somowhoee (atd oesn't distrese grcvo-together lu ghory." I arm, seo' a il the mange, I wouli 11k-a te breathe iL. a iuapresed wlrh tho thcnugbi (bat I do t FIf thora is a society somewhere airre fot tiik iL Le fanatici'.m when came I thore la ne tittie-tattie, I woui Ue us',gei.g from ibis world te the al like ta ive thora, If thora te; a home n axt if you malte themn the beurer of bcircle semusera were Ieufa dispatlabos te yeiar friands avho ara P frionis, I wouId like te go thora." Hle _-Y us a Le rouithe first part cf (hoe' ou Dow agesuîg gvemylvetam p aut-gv ov te my eidren ia *Bible chiefly; nosvlha reais (ho la.st about it. The -,ivemy love ta iuy aiti ernrades i ypart of the Able chiefiy. Why bas ru sh, the ihoý are ia glery, and tell thern I arno: hoL changi Genesis for Ravelatica? V . orry, ýthie try!iag te ight tbe goci fight cf faithbIt Ah! Lho usd ai o'buanxious cbiefly L xauto.t lijoater fe 0bi. nknow hew tiis wordi assmaie Ibt lieve the message wilitb e ieiv- eO uni ail about ire goologicai construe- . ou go about oued', ni I belleve jr aillircCase the i, ion. Now i t chi2fiy unxious te vith a great giuiase cf tboe vioire hafere tha r kaew how this worlî wcs maie, ' Wei ht resting upon Tbee d, iew iLloe, niwhr isthra yu u a't îhrow MY fui-ais f3 aka ibtis g J icheer ani ew heyires, H reis a- ff tis eelng. You honie witb yen. Those tours of hc- vlatien titlimes new aviera barouds raYsirn nitiseiciurs.yourcheek aGou-esoe." The' li stocy, '«Ir( the are a slave to your work. unicf ecsccstatiu ni cf triale, i *beginaiag Goi crouai ( ho heavons Sleep fails, and you are not ahways to h_- thezc. The nmother- à a ni the earth," iceýs netthirîll iram o hevreofnros ly bond of Gcd wi ai' hCasIi eboif se mucli as the othor story, "Il-xhaîsfionWhal jethe use,ontheaay auw a new heovea and a nossi arth," rauto. nth i Tic' cii mau's hai trembles as ho What is to be done? e t siuca e featî inatLaout unyti r( * tuus sieribi pclyrelau?, uni Take uýwht ail exhlaratiaa iL gt tcý bcho s bu aL toke ont bis bunikorchief lit hitinw rc te wlpe bi&s spectacles.MoLt--wa",net-s upots (iciunti we gaet uble. Cuit - " Iiave uzed Ayer's medieinesfot - ibtreug t tiis cburcb -inen I bava ai, youRit tell witen yen heur a ma mre tise 40ve sandhav e mcdo ho n gene. 1 nus acf haro te corn- th yen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rmr ttan 0 erys aii hav o e j r e.te. Rjîeo t prauy whether he, buslaer biuy tisebiestimefian sne e te ol. I a, y otyoui o? avbat yeuc 'iatathe troubla? I can. The cadence, thýe assrevnofraaU svd pbrselog IdioteIL Wy d v iifCSVhen I firit t4c &it 40 years ago. !friands bava geL t ii of, uni, bat you til phaelg niaei.-Wydw-4' Aaenow pasti 70 And asnvr hvyaposeie e enmka s mon pray hatter than mon ? Beceuse ara e er havea prspectom§shlcinee."g w they bave bai more 'trouhle. Before If uo.Ass,»P. M.,your own oscupa. Bout eheerfnlly the mau 'mriia bs b aiany tirQunbe bis pray att 4,1.9e..En'On, ansas. arinistry of tcars, anidxilia -ficuc air oe poetic, uni ho baguas awuy up V/PNte e î îtbonghi that mniLte ste betenied. lit umoag tho sun, m ndnistars, and 5 suds à aatiste.1t gives thie Lord a great deal easron o1, -.asib raté Ntiedotr vi oriu nforimation, ihat mut veifg, ty wto e. , 5S t- A cubie foot of marbie weigbs î60ý eh iy gratifying. Ha thon comas il Dl.JCÂYbL h., su 14 cîsh foot maka a onciE grainally osier beautiful table-loudi *"%-,- wi orth £1. Itaiy (e-xperts 105Il,000 Utons et cf "forever ani evor amen." Bai afier_ a yeari, ON TH1E FARM. SOIL CULTIVATION IL ie fertainate thiat (ha eariy il lage avbiicb te nede te cuve mOistni aersani dry ihe ce-oI, uni dav'ehi the foe-ialso tends te cause an earii germi(nation ofaveai ceae, -tht nsaki-ag IL possible Le, kl eue or me-i crope of asecis .bef 1ore te fieldi plantai. The fELstisirriug o? il, soii oteýnse muit w arme h thaL weeî 3eae car the surface qui;ckly epýres te (bat fiLtieg, greni, aven for euts lime ainc gt elapses hefoire the oati are Meaite loet thse weeis get e Cu- ftcieni atari eothaï: the, siriig 0 the Soil with theodriii or seeder kilP rnanly uni this ie especieily true if ils fieldistegeoneosier aviLis aligbt bar- ross 24 to,36 heurs afier eeeduceg. Tci i caraees observer ibis ciatement nsay eppear nire, cosing te the fact that the aveede are not yai uj ce aý te, show; but if the cee-de bave spreul ei iîbey hili very easy by the irylug o? the ceil, becaurto ithoy bave ne teet surface toadhere tte tha sou u ni keap Lh-sm alita asiea exposai L o the dry- î4g wind, uni un. IL mruai ho kept ia mini ibata hieavy grostb efaveeds on a soU hae fore the crep la pilaie tends toace- inca (he immiiatalY asiauhe fer- tiiiLy hy iaking up the cohuble suite, by dryiang eut the ftelds uni rcincing th,- ratea t whLcb plant food in Lbe fors o? nitrates te devolopai. IL is o? course true thaï; vbeu the weoid day, the plant food may be ratura- eti, but the dangeriisj thai licy, w ill net decay quichly enongi Le tecorni avauiahie as coion as nueeai y tht crop, especinily if the crop is ptauied iere uni the greastb cf wcte bas been ha asy. 'Weed seais de net ali gorminate ut ace, anti sylile the stirring ef the coul kiltss cere o? tisam -r places ethers unier suitabie conditions te germin- ate. On ibjîs accouai t atreaaug r pioce of cota or potatoas jnsi afteu planrin-antd agatnafaier îlcey arc 54 ta the bt-ýst uni chapesr meuns of la- curing pýerlectîy dean roasis. 'Che broui, liglil, iilig, spike-Leotb bat- row jtis te hast teol for thiesveorh an-d ashean ighlty uscdi i5 very officient. 'he teerh shouli ha ?ats-hy close te- gethar, so that ailluse sou s te eai but enly (o a sclighi depib afrer thet corn ijs up; etitarwise the cota plante -vill bu tom eout. After (he o trata up,Lbhe besi Lime to barrosv te just ufter inaer,ashien the ccii is avare sud evaporation te capli, Cadet these conditions tise plants. ate more flexible und do net break off as titey nuy la tise coldac part of tisa day. l, somatimais hap"ns (bat a heavy rin fohloave pantng se cloely (bat th,' first barroviu-g muet lie doicyei loni enougis for Ltee s Ite dry, ont. Causes lika ibis ceuira -the cleseast wrchfunuesuni tise harrowsi-shouli stant ut tise earli.eut possible momnent. If this i3 not douathe soitasii draw togerbor about tise plants se closely bhat if iL Le stirred about thora il, yull oteu aihere e s"ftrsls as te nreak them off. Tisera t" alsvays ca stageafaler a tain wban Lise soýil nil! -asihy -svçrk up fine uni tise tenioncy es tu, asait (ce ong.Tisee shuehave ici maie IL a careful study avili ho sutapcised te cee beav cocu afien na raina aliglit barnoav nay ha usai ishaliosv airbeut injnring tLise cii, aid bosv muet more efficient il is heu than asheaniai halaer on asciI visiet tends te hapcorne bard anui su?? ?ftexrtain. Afler (ho barcowing cL.sie hue beau nusei. a more posititsoudl isneedei wiuciseau stir tise soui huoegisiy te a gratr dep(b. The hast ted -* for itertillage bas a .oafficient pushor -f ieeth 1 1-2 te 2 taiches sa ic te ioîougbly stir tisa sou Let a depth -f aheni ibhree incises. Ttecocmmon- et mistahe made ia cultivatitsgcera is a netiasorhing close eaeugt Lte tise oav tise first Lime threugb tisaffld, haro stehuli ha se rnucb freaens cof mction lanLis" gangs e? teetb ibat witis a slight effonrtbahy muy ho rongisi together or soparaiai very quic' khy uni the tave aguegeof the Lave- aoras cultivaton ishoûli hob hlse iosely rogerber ibaf avithoni tiscoss-1 ng sncbeasts tae surface in tise caw sia compierely caverai. Tisa eilhshl e-bauhaset se as te ru.aa ttle ieepcr la the contre o? (ho ross itore rha reoits are farLther heoaits arfue" ouidw are Lise mulhbneois -o ha iatpet one accouer cf tisagrat-1 roi steay and the oil te hcuvy, cul- iva Lorýs w itb rigid icetb do baller ecrk, be-causa ftey rua stoaiily ai a ore un-iferrn deplb. Ttce pring eirivator--anihssa- tei-eth -te9- bond- îcwurd wsibn a tari arca o? soil 3 txrc, puesing osier te epoi ;ithoul peneta-aticg oïd- py ti beuld, t(hue leuvag t(h eovrk e oý!nt ut jueiliople s-or hrrughli Thse firaqncy t cstvtfme op tr us te he s, t- le e r- t et tg it ýp a e al VAIlICOC Lýe:t OeU are rd of being experimcnted upen, yen whll find eut Latest Motised Treatit lsagna.rauteee- cure for varicela avtiteut use cf kîtif cor hoss cf turne, It absorbs the wcrmy condition, testoes tise Parts, thereby brlnglng bock lest pow- are; if yen t ake our treatment, you Pay when Cured. STRICTURE:-S'heusands of yen have stricture and de Cet know Lt; if yen hava been fl- discrdet, cri, mpreperly tresae, et notice a smartîgseitsetion, unnotecat disoharge, woal, .organs, or bacX, narons debithty, or if yen are net the m-an yen shonti. be, t uiay ho the ýcausaeo stricture. If yen are in doubt, cahh andi sec us, as ave with exaite yen frac cf charge; eut Latest ïivlthod Treatiecat absorbe tise strictue, thoteby nsaklng cntting or mteciîg unnecessory, andi yen pay when oureci. Kidn ,,n' Iadder5 Den't negleet these important organs, as yen avili regret if: Have yen a duil feeling or pain un tise hock, frequeut desire te urînata, deposlîs ta urine? Ont Latest Methofi Treat- ment ta a goaranteci cure forsuch conditions. Thse original swcrn afid avits or testimoniaja can b. seen et our offices, $500-00 rewardi for any we car.not show: at roquest cf patiente we publish only thiLnitiais. Yoor LatestMethodiTreatineaî actefi tiseway yen said if weuld my strictures are cnred, and the vocîcoele eetîrety disoppearci, aud 1I bel stronger than avec; my bloider aud kiducys de net trouble me aoy, 1 con atoop ahi day, do t a isard day's stock withaut My kidneys tceubîieg me os before 1 teck yonr Lotasti Metbod Treotment; t bas cured me aIter ethers have failed; if I1isad consuLtai yen cecuar, Iavoatd isave savai a great deal of înoney aviicis I avowstai on ethar dootors; I ame yeur gratoful patient, F. L. Dr. Gohdberg has IS Dl P LO MAS certificates and iceuses reeeL4ved f rom the va- toscolages hospitahesud states avhti testhf y te hiis stanàding and abilities. Pa wenC Urd Cres guairanec We cur BheodPoiso, ronic, PrivaiteNerycous, Impdtoncy, Variecelr itutre, 0- cay BadrPLvr tiecI'male anditRctal Týroubles, ConulatonfTe. al o wtefer qestin btnk for home treatiment, Bok on dlikeases cf men freP.' lQurz 9O a mtnto8p . s unday 1 2..ns. to 3P.m., L E G, 291 , I amn prepared Lo do ail kinds of bicycle repairing. OId wheels thoroughly renovated and newly enarnelled. New wheels made to order. A Il w o rk guaranteed. Get your wheel in now so as to avoid the rush. Grindingy of al kinds. 'UCn'tisad. eut' f% Sia e bter y..$ ih ei ar Ladies' BicycLe, height of trame a L ni gea stîd, andi llwen sd yeis isl sGrade 1901 Mhidel IIIflVlI figleBicctby Express C..D. DI UIUL eýt' tteexaminaîton. Yen i examine Ltthorouhlsyaan x press Office andi if feun, efety a isicîry, exscti y as representei, A HIGIf GRADE 1801 MOD E GENUINE EACLE BICYCLE, psy te the Expreas Agent thse balance due - $29.00 - ud Epress Nos, 45, 50 end 5i Charge. The express charges are cet y 50 to 75 cents for cach 500 mites. No extra ciage for Ladies BicyclesEEY E MWTIEAGEBCCLS Thy are thse iigist Grade wheels msde; ne Bicycle bas oeterYOrepuNWSTHEn e BcyLe bss becES merse widety aivertisei by the maiters, big favourites withb be rreuaio;n BicycLeCuslh eading whee h Brt si n ti c s ult o u bo isr, flush joints, fitest h nger, ubs and bearing. highest grad e e.tq ip- m et. Li ai aviri V ic ir Sing le T ube T ires. $2.50 extra for M organ & W rig ht T ires- $5 0 e t for VU4nnp Tires. H-elahîs cf frame-Men's 20, 22 and 24 Lu.-Ladies' 20 and 22 Lu -eismelled Black. vWIS OFFER spLendid chance to a g""d agent Lu escs îowis. Se,-d fer Catalogue and ask forAges' IFtLscccnts. Whels slightty useel. 8.00 te 25.00. T. W. BOY D & SON. liecure Agency iau nce. IOSNo-ce OsueST., MON-wreLt. W. FISHLEIGH, Market Square, Bowmanville. vory sat a vasiety o? ciccuretances. ARSENIC EATERS. IL, must be ropeatai us efle aus a nes crep ofaveais etarts. IL avill isaliy î lalîy Snii ellIouldAnlolig &lePaanso he truc aiea thiaL the field wil neai goiug osier ne coca affer raine as Styrta andi Tyrol. the ccii aili permit prcvided the tain White arsenic is the forai in wbicb bus beau heavy enougi tote es(rey arsenic tse ettea by the peasauts o? tise iulich. In the eurhy part o? the! Slyriaunid beTrl rfse soaison iL avili generuhiy puy te cul-'i Schlguer f"bez a h is ivuaeus efion as once petraseek, bo- t allgruatetin o? Grui, sacLtefiri cause ashàle the sol isjeta, frequeuLteauuLnin eths rcict cutivitiQunet eniy cavas misture, a report asiicitlho mateienl 1822 te but it barstens thc etvelc-puneat e? the Austia Goverrneui on the- nitrate ia (he ccii ?rorn asiicbthe cueo h ueos-etsfo crep muet darisie its aitroen snpply.casoha uersdet ro W'ben the season- is dry uni aivelh arsenic polsouing in those districts. 1ies-alopod dry mulch tasie or (brea He founi that -arsenic w-as kepL in l'aches deep bas beca fermai, ibece meet of the bouses-lain pper Styria aili be lutle goinei by cnltivating, uniertheb name cf "bhyirucb," evi- if the field is froe frorn weeds., On the other hai, le ia sncb a ima lise dentiy a cortruption e? "Hlutten- dry portion ofLb-e nulch is noL more ranch," c-r fucrace smohe, Hiesiate- than 1 te 1 1-2 ln ieep it may ho, meute ivere snhsequentiy cnIma maie enoungi more effcieat te puyj from persenal observation by a Dr. fordaooiiier culîliation. Lt mus eL ho Caai f dnugh u o remembaýrai thai mulces tend te ba-MCuuo iihrh u o cuonelas uni hasse efféotive hy seni-1nsuay yours aflerwari the arsenic lIg, ithe moisture creepfing 1up- cats were gena-lhy iisblseeinl; Naards Lhcengh tise se 1, cauueîg il te u nid it avais net tLII 1860 that CEeiscis ,ruas uni hec-orna more compact. There Le often another reasen for puhishiei convincine evince. gciag osier te fild at tise cut- Arsenic is priac-iptîlly oauen by vafor, or aven ashait a goci mnlch cx- b11irters oui wcoecutiers witi tise ists uni thora are neoveede The 'lobjeci o? wardiag oUfatf maand evaperIenof wutar frons the ccii te- improig iht taigp.e cutsin concentra ting right aut rho' -Proiý her s.yng pýes surfacete s oluble suite behi in tise ' st olofciLtiib ueo sol avatar, and as the soih waaer arsenic te illegalinl Austria av%-Ithout forme meet rcpiiiy near the surface, a i octot's cerlificute, iL is diffonhiteo i hase are especialliy hable Le gerher ioltit l definite information o? a hbhiL asharo Lbey are ýenrireiy ont o? îeaucbwit b j kept as sacret as possible. o? ibe rente. hihtî~~~~~Bt te go ocar lte fiehl Acd îu . ~Ljezu ia aitb the cultia ator, stirrinag the sou ;djistrict (ha arsenic is taken fasLiag, te, a dopai of thrce incbes asilltîlLboav usuahly in 'a cup e? coifee, the firsi mucli o? thiýs mcci. vaînahia >planit foci dose beiang minute, but jacreosai day dosa c aisee anagain ha diseoisai t y day until iL aomaetimes aumouats te, hy tise sel' asater uni th", roode ilinstise enIormouis doise e? secinta IL. It le bacause o? ibis nanA TWELVE OR FIETEEN GRAINS. ihai the very shaiosicultisiationite Ha feue-i ihut (heaursenic eaters wae net as effective es that ibreu inch, usull long livai, rtoeugh liahie Le deep te iikeiy te lie. sudden ieatb. Tbry have a very Mo)sI farmere are familier axit t(o. freb, youfhfnh apparancea ni are facethisat lifter the midihe o? Jujly sehiom attachai hy infections dis- cern rols ilirossi Up short fingers ta--Ocises. After te ficeL dose tbe usuel te the top seil. reacbiag aimosLte Lite symproetso? slight arsenic poison- surface. This te (e tahe aivaniao-e sng ate evitdant, but thasso s-an diaýap- o? tenitratas uni solnble salie avbtcb pour on ce-tiiag the treLtmenL. are coneocruîoi there hy capiiiurity. Lunte arsenic facteories in Salzbu.rg The deave o? nigbt uni the ligbt Sum- iLte statoti that asorhmoa avitare mer shoavers dissoilva ibese saits uni not arsenic cents e-on .snccnmb te then the reats are able Le procure ts ue b aae ?oac tera, To cultisiete thea fieli ufter ihese avoche informai Mr. Ileiscit that Ibis condition bas devahopti avili ' h bh"nrnaidIcully aivisai tuelet iesiroy ibese reets uni ihne preveut arsenic hofore tuking op lbts peszi- t,ýecrep frem utiiizing the -plant ilion. He- ce-nsidetai (tho-t nu a!ire foodci cencuraie inla iis tvny. shouhi begin the practico o ee tavelve icars oeh non afier thi-rtY, oui ------- ItaI iin uny case afier fifiyy ( eare oc oiz~ROVEII FWleryVEARS. augo thec iîy dose sheuli ho gItciai bhilE .W i s]ow 's S et in g Sy iu p b as b e o uso b y d e a tht asoa si u e . If e i r n d titlions cf moilsors for their chitireti whîie1 ahw I es.Ifa-coir d teetiig. If distarbedatright ala brokon of 1arxsenic eautr sustiiniy ottempLs Le de ytîc test by asiat citidsutetitte- and cryhng altogetiter aitisout the drug, hocie- ailtise ppi cf eLttiiugteetisseod ot once sudmoiucyncubteheaftso gtoa bote of Mrs. Witislows' Seothing Syrnp >Mdaeyscub oteefcso lor Ciilicen Toetising. If ailil rolieve tise poor urseuirc pci-'oning-. The cnly wauy te [ititsufferer.qaie. Pepe'siupen it,methers, oliviaeathis te graduoliy le acclima- iLsre le ioituistako atboutit. It entes Darrisa Getesy - y euig h ls ree-uoistsahoahoidbowvels, cures Windlîetessmby-dccgbeioe Clte. softeîî theogunss, coinces inflammation, ?rem day Le day. As furtier evidauce ouin gi«rea tonc ma-d cuit-y to lte ivaeo Y-o 0f thecmltv rpriso r mic.. clcs Sootitg Syrup foracidren ircu Luveieprtetan- tetsngspceaeî "te tule teste eild 3 leic" e- aie, it is interestic'gtu note that couintgt conttheeoldeat oui best tereie avte bogruvoyaris lu Uppar Styria,, phyicins eonursesin the UniedStates- cr0e pce te baies cf the arsenic Pr'co 2-5c a boutle. Sou by all IruggistAs-eLýa-gisihnnhaiaigtisdh h ont tise worid- Be sure uni ask for Mr8. Wi SLOWsS îSinh!g SYrno ahmosi perfect IL to f preservution, duo te the igraiuzîiy aceumulaici ar- Irisis uni sccie ccaiers in (ho Argntie osess 3 ilionsterling, Fe osiary1,180 meutunrdtetc aganet12 illionpel sst h e r - acins 17aonu nd237 otri mans FrnchnenuniItatans - ac t31 i tf.

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