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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 1

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lit latesmau. ~~ERMS :-$1.50 P~~n ANNUM, ~OUR T~OWN AND COUNTY FIRST, TER WORIiD APTERWÂRDS.M.AJMEEtoadPopior NEW SERIES, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,, MAY 29, 1901. VOLUMfEXLIN.22 ALL ABOUT- goes without saying that COUCH-, JOHIN T O & CRY ever shown in towvn. Carpets from 25e -up to 50e Lio um .. Iy Carpets from 60e up to 85c ioe m . super thiree-piy Wool $L.oo From 40c to 55c, per square yd. try Carpets 40e up to -75e ________ ]s Carpets 7,5- up to $1.251 tan~d Axuiinster $1 to $1.40 LaeCutini Squares ... NEWVEST DESIGNS-A big ol and U nion.--in ail sizes. assortment at ail prices ~t Ze buy these gooda direct from the makers-both foreigu lSomestic-and guaran.tee our pri.ces for the samie class of to be as low as. if -not. lower. than anv house in Canada. Bo WMANV ILLE. ~TTTr11 TIIIHTHTTIHY. E E - - Undert EBOWMANVIÏLE. I&aam~ssBIêha~IB&BkO * To policli up your Fumniture with our Lemon Pelishiug Oil andtot poliah up your home with corne cfthie new - anti up-te-date Fumniture tiat we are cffering this spning. Ask te sec the follwiug- 5i piece Parlor Suite I. . 0$18.50 3 piece Bed-room Suite Take a look at some cf the gootia that are marked down in our wintiow on Tiurstiay, J"itiay anti Satunday. -~MDmWîllîanxs &son.le ,taking receives prompt anti personal attention. E JYanWho PaO-ys Yu The Highest Wages Secures Vour Services. But lle, hemanl whosella y ou goods with the ]-ast profit lupon 'realilze that te reallly otne ichest wa.ges yoi must buy rin the best au --- ---thai sain Thcy re itlieVERYUV BEST ah xaorning -te 'Satur-d îy night Sclong BêhiN ILE 3ULile rulliL If yon do that'"poiter" willl "1point" Lsright to T. N.L. RICOK.ARD'S, where. hic very time yenu can buy Gïlenuinie 2 Lenican rWatehes snbas ye will be1 ad to carry and cwn, for lesa mionieyý 'n ycu ever heard of! bfore for the te godaq. the saine prieces teail] froni Monday as the pruent stock acts Wauhiaak;or, Ophician andJwee. THE HARMONY MALE QUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. Hl. FRosT , First Tenor, A. E. MoLAUGFILIN, Second Tenar, H. J. KIIGfIT, First Bass, T. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, Second Bass, CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address aIl correspandence ho T. E. IIIGGINBOTHAM, Sec., Bowmanville. 16-6m .OUR. Summer Seh o ol Offers a sDlendîd opportuuity for teachers and thers to deveiop lncreased earniug power ai a limaited expense of lime audf niey. Write us about it. OUR REGULAR WORK Continues right along from month ta mont. Students etering inu ne eor July fiunish a course in th1e fl wben many are just enter- in-. We bave lio vacations. We do tborýougb work every month lu the year and are constautiy sendlng out young peple lnto good positions. Central Business College,' TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, Principal. LOO(É)KHEBE! There bas ami ived a car-load of 18 of the finest Riga oen ticý market and are n display at my ware-roem wiich ilit With gaTs every evenIing. see, our patent arm, szhaft connaec- tion, front storm cuirtWin. O. LBes * SUPPLI EquaL . .TO DRIAND, z -J Thougi Our harncess sales C. be douible tiiat cf former 9 z ears Vwc -can :et furls"I ,Oll witi neo more cf Courtice3 D& Jffer7y' andmae am or H igeiarniess, aise4 Palmers- t onu Co's beýautiful Bulgies, Ci .O oshhstee! spike h ooth Hlar- 1Z re-w or RootScfiemachinie1 0 and'iarness ,Oi, Castor Oh, i leore-ase an)d othier articl es Z totee) er n emntioni. E adrHarnes sEmporliu- opposite T. Tod's sto)re. LADIES 0F BOWMANVILLE. I have dccided ho stay lhe wn for the summer or until my d(auibter gets strenger and will go euh sewing y thie day or take 1h la hýie boýuse just as suits any custemers wising mry services. 1Ail orders le!h ah Mrs. Wigtmnan's King St. Yours respechfifllr, Mas. A. N, GIrroun. 22 4W COMVING ANNIVERSARIES. CJADIV.US-Sunday ind 3Mend (ay June 2 and 3. Sue bis. MT. VERNOIN-Sund(ïýy and clndoïay, Juuie L and 8. Set bills. PROVIDENUE-Sunday, June 2., EBENEZER-Sundaity antojMc!ày, Jue 9 and 10. MAPLE GROVE-Sandiýay ai lMonday, June 16 andi 17. ENFILD-unda ani ModayJune 16 and 17. HAMPTON-Sundiay ani Mondifay, Jl a and 211d. DISTRICT DIVISIOIN. Ice nt sssoncfDurhim Distrýict Division will be ield ah Enifield on Tbursday June 6hh. Mornîag' session aht 10.90 'clackl; afherrnoon seèssion ah p.9 pru. wý;ien a good pmogam wviil be rendemed and an addmcss frein Bro. J. A. Mc Cartby, G. <%. P. cf Tomonto. Corne eue and ail. Colection., BENJ. OWELD. W. Pl,, 20-2w. SILAS \WERPY, 1D. S. DISTRICT MEETING. Tic annual meeting cfr tieBowman- ville District ofthie Mtods huici was ield ia thiéMeioia biurcýh, Eu- niskillen, on Tue>day' May 21st, Èev. T. J. Edmisen, B. D,, citirman, pmesid irig. Tic imiaisherial session com)i menced ah 9.30 a. m. Afher devotional exercices Hev. J. S. MMllnwas secretary. The mnseswemerf found blamelcss linlhfe, cnesainantidoc- trine. Tic probatiners J. F. Chap- man and H. S. Anderso)npsst a vemy credihable examina tin ilathie doctrines o! thiechurciHRev. J. F, Chapinan iaving complee heti prescn! ibed course of shudy and answered hie uLsueil discip liuary questiouns, was )recomme(nded te be caninueti on pr-obetienî and allowed te attend college Hlev H. S. Ander- son having-,suffered mecnhy f rein tirant trouble wbieh made. it Impýossile ho con- tinue luthie work for -th p jrýeent, pre seuted is resigniatian aindaslicedifor credenhials cf sadn. etnrec- ommendeti Conf2ence t(j granit requat Hev. C. MW'Demii1wbh las been ah tending coIllege was recommnenided ho, Confemence ho be cnlt~ on trial Hevs, Wm. Jllidfe aud C.Scymoun te be coninued ,lahiesprnna mcltiosil. ic erwalsession 1 opene2d îah2 830 p. In. witi tic district weill epresenheci, Bwnavle except. cd. Af ion devotional tiecie ev. J. S. MeMullen was elecýteti jouraal sec- Irctarv anc Hev. J. G. Leýçwis, B. A., statitical secnctar,y.e. J. J. Hae nnd A. E. Clemens were nppcinted ho audit thie sciedules.Flcwn were clected members cfthie annutal Confer- ence: Dr. W. E. Tilley, Mecsars E. I Rowse, W. S. Bowden, J. Douglas, W. I. Reidi, M. P. P., Stutt.A.YEClemens, Tmuli, Emerson, .sig, McCul- lough. H. Knox, 1P. Teicc.Tic representqtives telowigCenference Cemmittees weme: ttiiinRer E E. Howard; Sabbati Scol, Rcv. J. G Lewis andi A E. lmes Epworth Lengue, Rer. S. Cokhnaanti E. Hasting; Sustentation 1-aawd, Hey. T. W. lLeggoth and H.,Ruox; Anýnual Cen- ference Missionamy, O. -He(,zzlewood, H. Moment alternative,Afc expres- ions of gratitude ho hie Enniakillen people for. their kii bcispi--tality, thie meeting closeti. TYRONE. Victoria Day anti Sunday, visitons: Byron anti Ciarlie Hâddy, Mr. a n di r Mms. W R. Clemena anti Master Bruce Honevwell, Bowmnnrillc, ah Heere A. EClemens'; Mrs B. Wemry anti son Welyah Mr. Peter 'Werrys'; Tic Misses Penfuunt. Ebenezer, Mr. Fred anti Byren -Vanstone andi Miss May G Vanstone, Bewmanville, with fienis; Mm. T. G Bagg, B. A., NIr. Russell Bingiain anti Miss May Clemens, Bow-. manrille, ah Mr. Sain. Bingiam's; Mm. anti Mrs. A. Wyborne, Courtice, ah Mms. Chas. Walter's .... Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. MeMullen is visîtîng ber mother Mns. Y May. Oillia ....- Mrs. Jas. Byers spent Victoria Day with hem daugiher Mrs.R. R uikiluFallis, Toronto, anti Miss Coakwell on visîteti ber mother in Pickerlng.. . .11ev Requires a foundation. That ha just as J. F. Mears, Myrhle' was entertaineti trac cfthie build ing up cf bhe bedy' as cf, Saturday evening by Mr. anti Mns. A. tic building cf a bouse. Th founda- W. Aunis ...... Mrs. Agnes Harris ha ien of a strenig body ha ao strolig toin-.gucast cf ber daughher Mms. L. A. J.' ach. No maan can be st r tan 'his Short, Picýkeing ...... Rer. S. Cruik- stomach. A weak shoinsci inçlans a siank, Enniakillen, will pmeach here weak mail. Sundav njiamning. Rer. J F. Chapinan Dr. Pec' Golden Medical Discoveî7 wil atitiesa "Tic Sons cf En.glanId" ah crsdiseases of tesenc and9 other nig-it, _ -.Mm. A. D. Gardiner leaves ztuis organ-,s of digestion ani tuniin.I eon an excarsion te New,,,v Ontamio enables thci perfect digestlon iasimi.. _-On t3undav Hlev. J F.Mears,Myrtle, laron cofthie foodi which ha eateii Thusadresei arepudenesah10a. it huiilis 1np the boiY anti res-tores anti 7 1p.m Mn uig heme "Jo, epi, strcngth inl the ely way vkuown te the Motiej yoýunjg Man"; eventing, text, Naueor te science-by igested i aud Ei :0 ot hnawm xeh assiiilatcd food. c l niw eenet disappointeti. "hiliin l'achltte, xIIc.,your d- Mm. J. J. CGilifilan, B A , Bwarle cecueilme of atba aItI îbas:I ai aarri, of addres5ied thiechiltirelui hie afternoOn tè er'standing," rt' .If. msenfreinthie wor-ds "Asthie tw7,ig labent se îE q., IT Wbiteblaii tre 1iat, a , thLit timne Ji,,ewasbr, ý11denl mad ferttroh s nliei. Tc hrc aj spaigbutrtsnidlasrae eonsasefldecïcmateti wiihlimes anti 'pountis. Ifatwetlt nty afteri ïCo fnnc nls. CollýectionIs i abapin yur Itreaimt lI ýwas wei f bo trouble:, anti$d 5.. ubrc i oeetr 111 SI montha f weigheti 17, Pouis nt was il pniing beysio!tie village metSau r- pierfect beaitb. 1f bave neyer ýfcit the sIighitstt'v eIeniug'anti onganlizeti a jior"ii sympjtom of Lit siCe ýj I' nn ixty-iyers hlltei olt ani i pefec beith ani wiChî6opoutis f ot hi CI as follows cnm me.I wuldnotretiirii to c con1, ionI waset in, îa October, 1t2 or kfelles *ait" M. F G. Bynin : Sec-, ea.Poc I C-Clemns;ManaingCommfittoe Dr. Pierceý's Pesn Pleassiat ýMC %SaIICs ibrWofe ac'tion cf tez] ti foem.lina laxa- j Aimos Thmpacl, Luthen HoopWen tive, is reqaîreti. aniEgnTo)o Captýala, H-emb lvir il!zN' STRLNG îe 1-A _ýic H9E ini .This ,teaini È;opon for egg inaction aDsmierqye<ieeafwcaln e Ila from t v s, sutý PROVINCIAL STOCK YARDS, AN Av-nÂoTivE INVESTME NT OFFERED WEsT DuRHAm CAPITALISTc, R. W. Prittie cf. Toronto was ia town Tuesdayiluthie interest cf thie-Unio n Stoc.k Yards Ce., Limitcd,,Tomontc Junce- tien. Tiecocmpnny bas an anthheized1 capital cf $400,000 and will sicrhly cshab- liai immense stock yards ahT Pomente J uachien wi eme 100 acres cf ]and biave been punchaseti ToronitoJuitctionillas granteti tiecocmpaay a9 yeam fran- chise fer thirenherpiiseni exemptiona fmom taxation. Tic present stock Yards in Toronto are vcry cnamped and total- ly inadequnte ta accomnuodahe present needa. Tic Union Stock Yard Ca., numbers ameng thie direchors some cf the wealtiiest anîd most progressive residents ef the province. Tic capital stock is divideti inho $250,000 six par cent, accumulative-pie-fenecsiares and $50,000 ordinary ahanaes. The prof ereace ahanes couýfer the igit ho a prof- erential d ,irido fsix p -er cent calcu- lateti fro;ni hie ,date cf thie ahane certifi - cate. MnI. Prittie appoinhcd M. A. James, President cfthie Local leoard cf thie Reliance Loani and Savings Ca., te reproeu t hie Union Stock Yards Coc wio will interview local capitiulists and present an investinen t certain te vield large ureturm TFic- stock ta bcing apidlv haken up anti affords, an opportunihy'for invoat- menth net frequenhly met witi -Ali tic neccasamy capital coulti ho easily acqutir- c d ln Torontc,but thi objech o! thc coin- pany is ta makethie enterprise provin- cial ln chamacten, hence stock is bciag seld ini chier cities. Tic organization îa thua ccmposed 1 Advisemy board--Hen. John Dryden; Ministor cf Agriculture. Richardson Gibson, presideut Domin- ion cahtle breedeîra' association., A. P. Westemvelt, secrehamy Dominion lire stock association. Directors-Jonathan Seavcr,Londou, Eag.,pesdnt; W. J Hill, M. -P. P., bro, vice-presitient ; Timohhy Eat on,ý president T, Eahon Co.; J. D. Allan, Torante, wiolesale merciant; A. J. Tiompscn, Tomante, lire stock export- er; F. W. Hobsen,. Ottawa, Dominion live stock commissiener; Andrew Dodids, 1'rmete. WOMEN'S INSTITIJTE. The aunuai meeting of t1ic Womien's8 Insttute nl be hetdïluthie HOval Templars' Hll en ShrdrJane lat ah 9p. ,ni. Electio f officers ani other businss wl e transactet aia! s hort pnrogram wîll ho gironî. Alilmemnbers ar rqusteti te be presn nt bî ther nind. itonly cesta 2 5(',toe b come a ïmember: ýMRS.JAS. BRADLEY, E. E. 1AcAT President. lSecnehary. DARLING0TRN. Miss Hlenrietha Man ms been vemy sick.' Miss Lbutten, a trained nurse o! Toronto bas been attending hlem .. ---Mmc. John Corr, Moenefield, is athending lier son ah Oshawa, whe la very ili, spent Sunday witi ber brother, Mr. John Metenif ...... Miss Florence Jenninga Toronto, ia een home. -... Mr. Levi Bartlett, Caesarua, Miss Moore, Hamp- ton, an 1 Mr. John H. Weshccth, Detroit, visiteti fienda hoe. .... NMma. T. Blyvtie ia been very sîci, .... Mm. Alfred Man had a fielti cf yeung barley caten by a grub. Millen's Drink Cure is a home treat- ment and does net necessitate'being coopoti up lu a golti cane eshablisiment for weeks wti consequent publicity and comment, owing te absence frein jbusineiss. Selti at'Teo6's drug store. 't DERI kinds Union T wo-pi Extra. Taýpest LIr us sc Velvet Art In Wo, and d p'oods fi. Baggag4D Arrangements for Travel- lers to Pani-Amerlean Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. lIn view cfthe enormous quantity of baggageP tiat twil 1 heshipped te Buffalo during hlie Panï-Am-erican Exposition, aad wiciwill tan li terminal facilities te the uhmosh, hie folle wing esuggestions are given by the GraYnd Tmuank Hailwayý Sy stei-n te aid the to)uriat andtavlr in checking their tra ps. AIl baggage siould be, piainly marke1d, witi owner's name i fUl, and permnan- ent or home aridress. Ail baggage siould be in god crier hefome being cbecked, and on account ofthe large amount whici. will ho shipped it would be advisable net te check satchels, bags, or any suci small baggage.. An- otier important feature wiichtihe passenger sliould be careful te do is ho identify and check bis own baggagc at the sharting peint, lIt should net be delegated.-te iackmen, expressmen or others, and lanen case shiuld it be dene by an "'obliging frienid" or chiance ac- quaintance, as experienceý ha-, demon. strated te hie riwasttat iun a large mlajomity of cases,, estmny,, lss f b ig- gagýýe, or 0etIhemicomplications, arethe resuilt cf the owiler failing ta nct fer himsiýelf. Passetîgers siouldl keep aj memorandum cf their check numbers. A representative cfthe Tmansfer Co., ah Bffalo wiiI pass hreugi aIlltrains approaching the city or be Atthe depet te give transfer checks ln exciange for railroad ciecks for tise deliverv cf bag. gage te ail hohels, bearding- bouses or privahe residences. Ah baggage should be ciecked te Buffalo and net tethe Exposi4tion grounds, as tiere are ne facilities for handlingbg age ahhe latter place. Baggage Should be dcaim- ed by passeagersimmediahelv an arrivai ta save shemage charges. If ail these suggestions would he.follewed eýut by persans checkîng bag zage, 1h will cave neot ouly the baggage-înasters, but tiemsclves fram a large amnt af incenvenience and trouble. Holidays visitera: Mrs. Hemmer and Miss M. Rogers,- Pickering, ah Mr. F. Rogers'; Misses Marie, Kate and Fiora Virtue, Torente, ah Mr J. W. Virtuc's; Miss Gertie Hantons'. Toronto, ah Mr. Jua. Hîanheni; Mrs. Brawnscamhe and son, Toronto, Mmc Cary, Oshawa, ah Mmr. C. Shewart's; TFie Misses Cowliag, Taonhîio, ah Mr. Jîuo. Cowlitig's; Mmc. E. Nancei{,ivelL, Columbus. ah Mm. N. BVeýrs; 'Miss Ediiti Gilhemrt and Mmt DavýIdson, O0siawa, withifriendLs.. .-vie- temia Dywaseehmý)ated ltrigiht rmeally hure. C-apital tumniou tho pregmanta adi suipper, chuirciý crowded for the leýctue by Cl. SinHugîhes. T-ic views w-ere very gea-od and the Col. was most lu stmactive and entertaining-. Miss Trcb- ilcock sang saine excellent pahriotic sangs la gaod style. Orchestra gave saime good selections. Tiec cildren's pregmam was well rendered. Tiese takrng leadiag parts were MurlStain- ton, Edithand Sadie Virtue, Ina Hem- ring, Mary Craig, Carnie Crookshanks, Harold and Wallace Shainton. Miss Elh Stewart and Miss Maud Crook- sîtaks presided ahthe argan. Pa.chor Crookshanka presided. Total proceeds about $95. .eRv. R. M. Pialen, B. A., gave an excellent sermon on Victoria Day athis churci last Sabbati .. ..Sun- day service at tic Preshyterian churéci wîhl be ah 10.80 a. mn. S'abbath Scieol immediahely aftcr. SOLINA. Mr John Vice bas iad a very sore baud and ias beea off wcrk ...... Mm. and Mrs. W. B. Burgoyne visited bere enthe 24ti and hie gave an excell- ent address ah tic Division .... Annivcr. sary services Sunday ah Eldadl were a decided success-attendance large. efferings libemal, good music and a splendid speaker.- Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, Bewmanville, gave two excellent dis- courses; lathe afternoon ho hic child- mca and lathe evening te parents and etier aduits. Besides the flowery beali gear and bright cicerful faces, the platfcrm was nlcely decomated wlti feras and petted plants. Tie music under tic leadership cf âlr A. B. Cmv- derman wnc very creditable bothio scicet aad choir Miss Miaule Ashton very efficiently presided ah hie organ On frÂonday the program opeaed ah 2 40 p. m. with the pastar, Rev. H. Thomas, presidling.- Rev. J. S. L Wilson, B. D., Courtice, led in prayer and afterwards made a speech tethe ebldren tint ield Cheir close attention. The singing by the school led by Mm. Cryderman was wortby of special men- tien-lt wns really good. Recitatiens 1were given by Gordon Reynolds, Fred, VanNest, Wm. Wcshlb-etA, Eva Pascoe, M àary VanNest. F rank Vice, Editi Vice, Mande he.ynolds, Arthur Weshlakc, Ethel VaniNest, Percy Vice, Wm. Spmy, Percy Weshlnke and Mis4stelle Reyn ols àmEwnRenls sprn ý 'l Mal Bakinq Powder M esthe bre'ad mnore healthfule Safeguards the, food against alum. Alum bakîng poWcfers aree the geeatezt menacers to health of the, present eay L ROYAL RAKING POWDER 0011 NEY, VOPK. We svmpathize ih r W. Caivrly in the 1os-i ()[1fis littie bai'. ,Misses' Katte and May vSqu1airOraooan A. M men nthe rsbtrinchurch Preach.1ed a goo sermon On the Good Sced unda.... Mr-s. Walte1r J. Oke, Teoouto, vis;ited at lier mter-. .Mr Wrin. Unde(rwaod lasreýturned from efi pleasur' e tp to Mnra isJ. MeMullen, lHope, vwas visi(ting the Misses Stewart, S UthLne, .. . Mr- and Mrs. W. Hienry visiited at Mm_ Andrew Stark, Bethany... Thei,,Methodistý church interior will be iproved by) h av ingthe walls anti ceiling- papered and somea other Uleaios . r. Gooderbain. and partv of Toronto were home lately fishing ..Mr. Neil Stewart, and dauzliter expect to leave this week on a visit to friends in Huron and, Bruce County. MAY WEDDING. A happy eetwsclbae at thi3 h1ome f Mm. U. B Alie NwaStle,, o1 Weensdaylast whien is duhe Mar,, Ada iand Mr- . . .ns uc were u itedluthe, holv bondsof wed- Iok ylw. T.J dmsn B. Aý., B.Dtieir nso.Tha brde as' attire'd in l bi migUotueof dove coîored lladies' cI oth itrimme-d with cetermg s-atin an]a-oerlace, fnihe vith cream gîimp. The bride wvas assisted by Miss '14,y Rnsisteýr olthe gom who was attired( in gmey cloth skirt wîth waist of hea-vv rope silk, and each carried pretty bouquets of white stocks and lilacs, Mr. W. Beman supperted bis cousin inthe trving ordeal. The- wedding mardli was played by Miýs Ada AllUn and the bride was giveni away b ' hem father Aftercogau lations a splendid wedduing supper was servcd and the guests spent a very enjoyable evening in musie, games, etc. As wiill U seen from the list the ouing, couple receiveil many substantiel gîfts from their numerous friends. The pres-- ents are : Bride's father, sewing ma- chine; bride's motier, eas ' chair and- famlly bible ; Mm. J. indi groam'ps father, book case;' grandmotser Allun, bedroom set; graudmnother Heard, coin plete dinner set; the Misses Allin, ans colored glass set, Colwill Bros., uncls,, rattan rocking chair; Mr. W. Bemani, silver syrup pitchi.er; Miss MayT Rinch, centre table; Allin Bros , dz.silver tea, spoons; _Mr. FakAllias ,. ivr fruit spoon; Mm. HnyAulemoinadle set ; Mr. and Mrs L_ Ar'gaîl, doz. silve!r knives; Mrs. E. Colo, Bwavle parler lamip;Mr Fieki, C obou-r, linen table tcaver ; Mrs CarCebouarg Wingham, pair woe blankets, toilet set, silver berry spoon and three s;ilver napkin rings , Mr. and _Mrs. Pollard, Orone, table linen; Miss Pollard, two, doylies ; Mr. and Mrs Ed. Down, Osha - wa, parlor Iamp; Mr. and Mrs. S,, Allun, Bowmanville, parlor lamp; Mr E. C. Beman, rattan chair; Mr. and Mrs. R, Peacock, Canton, china ta set; Mr. and Mrs. AIL, Lake, 5 o'clock tua set and salad dishes; Mr. Jxio. Allin,..Osha', wa, two silver berry spoons; Mr, John McMurtry, Bowmanville, hot water pitcher; Mr. Thos. Blackburn, Windsor, doz. ilver tea spoons; Mr. Ed. Rinci, Woodstock, a tancy plate,- cnp and saucer; Mr. and Mrs. J. Middleton, silver pickle cruet; Miss Allie Middle- ton, silver card receiver ; Mt. and Mrs. Rugi Gibson. fruit dishes; Miss Edna Jehuston, Whitby, catsup bottle; Mr. Newton Colbourn, pair celery dishes; Mrs. Jar-ýis, Detroit, silver spoons;,, Mrq. Robt. Barrie, salad dish. iExperTe-e- Icth

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