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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 3

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~NOBER VICTI REDICES. IT is Dr.al's m o n Pamphlet on bneans Rheumatism free for a Sedfrt. suffer- S- er fromi Sciatie Rheumatism to become comnpletely helpless from the dlisease, in fact more helpless than a chiid. And what havoc suh pain creates in the entire systemi 2The effeets of a long siege of rheu- matismn is apt to be very severe on the constitution, so thaît the pati- entshouid be promnpt in obtaining, relief temmn the opportunlity ~ eents itselIf. The restorationi to Lreal1th . bou humntic suferer i lkeu- te the freedom)ý from a prisoýn ccII of an innocentmapna n. either case thebnd Zge is unnu ral anid uncailedl for. Mqr. John Illuntq', ý821 BrocklI Etreet, lRing- uton, Ont., wvas laid up for six wl-eeks with rheumaýtism, ne Was se help- lesa lie could net leav"e bis room or dress himsecf. A friend adviscd him ta try Dr. Hal's Rheumatic Cure. Aîter tkigthe contenits ofthe ±lst bottle lie was able to miove, aroujnd the h-ouse. The scodbottie cured him coplteyau lie wsabetorturb to bs 'wrk.Mr. Hilunte'r savs wod sonlrrecommiend D-r.Ifl' le- Lmatic CPure te ail vi-ho sufer withrhu cen lt botties, containing ten dlays' treatmecnt. Four sa'le by ail druggistsand dealers lM 'iniýýfcine. The Dr. Hlall Medicine Co., King. et,on. Ont. Lady of the lieuse ioeking into thc ernûpty flour barrel said--"'O. I. C. U. R. M. T." "WeIl, 1 am, gilad as rnow iv can get ail rny Br ad, , Cakes and Pies at Luttrell's and save ail the bother of bakIng rnyself." leux.Lttli King St., Bowrnanville. Telehone97. TelehoneNo. 57. We are going to meve one door ci st about the 25 th of this month to thlat fine store that was newly fixed uip for Edsall & Co. where we will take' possession. We xiii be lu better shape than ever to attend te the wants of our custoîners, BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, Cash or Trade. CASH FOR WOOL. WoolWanted, At thej Cam--brian Wooten Milis, The undersilgned begs to inform al his ofld friendifs that lie is prepared te do1 Woe CaiinSpanigWavig.etc,1 or xelttue ood fo wol.Will also jDIIy the Hiîghest Price for al grades ofi Woui and wilpaY More than any other1 buv er can afford te, do foràMatted Wool. If it is any7 benefit tüo farmers te have a Woolen Mill lu the Towvnship don't ýgo past it wvith your Wool when you oan de; better there ail round than else-i wbere., GHAN~E 0 4 0 barigand Fuiieral Drecting withi Mr. B. D. Hlumphrey, the lead- ingr Tuoro teuder takeý,r,and having take posesionof the bUSiLees y tely anaged by Mr. IR. Katerson al erders centmusted te r]UVcaeâtewill rece3!ie rny prcîpt andcarfl attntin.A f ulI line of ,I-sefu" fwi- iiiture will asebu kpon ad 14-Gin I&MrOî..1 "God fath Devise( Banished S-hahl From A dpthfree VWashinsgton says: -Rein. Dr. Talmaga presched froc Lise folloss ing tet:-Yrdotis ha devisa ceeue that bim bauished ha ýnotetx- pesiad frecinlm.- Same. xiv. 14. ThaL-t psseI ovrUeod until lest aa'eek. Ts v,-, îritty aud imag- mira v \crmnu cf Teke; aiUsa id this la ta'yin.g LÎ prcod David te, taise back hie beat,iul kbut reeaut sou Alitalom., For c-ultestrategene lwo- man bas ie equ1lilutise atiese x. If tha"e had 1)Ueon a plain deneand that Absalene ha0taisen hacki Iwcruld have beea ineffectýual, Sut this iromnacan- poa2d a f'Cicon iicis conipleteli' cap- tured Davtd'j ,heart. She cmtads np tise atori' hi'a,-k!iug bine toimitatisath Laid, sayiig: " Yet doGth God devisa meanus thut hie laanisbod Se net expeil- Pd Ico inehi.";, IndeaLd, then, ac ire ail baniebed - fa-m ed.V/at do you meanu hi'ban- 11,- met ? V/e, imceunsbeing -lairan caadwarg fettce. ILi noans hi'tter -absence froue home,. I L menus ta ue places auJ'Gr ouncae occasions Ssic exp-,atriation te Siari tadelve the, mie nsd te haLnstadnlua chaln-gang. YeÉ, thse isola race le bsutsPhed; aur first parents froan Parodi es; thoe a n auelsbanis- ed frou avsen; ise iisole human fanilli' aniahsd fa-cm eace. Vharo le. the, waridly eaaiviso b lasanythiug crýoLrtisi' f Lise 111Usna of appines V/bat axe tfisose ouf the brokaers, cf thben ers ftise ,mer- chante., cf tisos en lu L n is fe club bouse, a f I tist gran;t uliýtude of people ci-ho Lraoap unpand doctesBroadway? Baibdfa-ce God. i3anished Irone peaca. Baulsised frou e saven. Sin bas haokea in, auJ IL bas Suapped ail tisa strings cf tisa haart; iL bas untuna-d ail tise, intruments cf earthly accord; iL bac th-rorsvn thaevisole cart i tto a jaugle. Au >Iýd ivriter telle aitiva brothertî who, went ont ta take a ivalis lu the, nigbt, sud eue cf thene ioaked up Lu, the sky antIsaid, " 1 rtis I bad a paqture f4elà as large ns the niglît heaveas." And tise otheLr brother loois- cd up into tise' sis, audJ said, "I wshc I had mae mani' oxe nas thece ae staye lan tiseski. '. V/al," seaid tisa frilt, "hei nvuld 'yen feed isu mani oxan " Sltisescd,"Iîronld tu2 n theâoa itco a- passo-re." "V/bat! wlsetisascîirould o st ""Yes, arise- tiser yen îreulid or nuL." And thare sa-cea a qui.rretl, ýaand w'beu the quar- rel ended eue haît latu tise other. AuJ se tisece bas beu a idicuiens conteqt 7l11ail ages of tise -werid, came- Lesabsout imneaterlal thmage, some- Lmsabout suppesititioxîs thinýgs,and - if tbis nean hnd ail thse, nirht isenvens fotr an egeate, ha 'cxould -nu1't 1ehoappi', sud if that mass bnd asbmny'oxcu as tiseaare stars ta tho ski' ha iould net behappi'. BANISHEJJEFROTI GOD. Bauýished ftroc peace. Banised Icone hae.Noir, il mi'sermon sbauld stop jui--sc re, it îrculdise as tisougis c, m'ans ibcnid loois tirough tisa cic- ke:t of n peniteutiaci' sud sayto tisa !iieartcerotad, "V/bat a bard tîme yen haine." WisaL a esl rTOOn. V/et poor fiae whiat a isard pillow. AIse fori, Na', sir, 1I ill uaL go ta tisecicket. cI tisa prison,,until I con sai', "Sics, dlo y ou Suosrwbpht this document is!? ('au yený rend that sJignature at tise f theisapage ? hÊatije tise gev-. Ssignature. Yen arer a froc mn"If mi' sermon shouid stop at LisLî, _point wivnu ha eas though I1 siont ite a pc-nil colossy, sud I qbould soi' to ties savas. "On criat sanali lima- iLs yen a-c Sept. IL le most dread- fui that Von arc neyer Le Sc ellocved isre,wisnt a isard pileai'. Ains for yont yen!" No, 1ixill not go La tisat painai col>ni, util I casa cmi'y, ",Sire, I have gocd knewc jta tell yuu. Lise queeu isas Laken lyoua- case iatoepecial elemauci', sud in Lw'e or thîre iveke yen are, te go home ta yaur cvves and cisilda-en. Gis-e m-" ýonr Liled,bili's- terad baud tn congratulaiston?" Anmail anSe telle, oui'yisaif tise steori' of tisej ýLic raM y et Lfot cvh mo~ aIl hi Ipaec. l uiL ccnec a(,rF tb 1 n L5ngI ay nt Im .mm up uh usileM 11. Weiw'8elagSra 4---.pWx-o uc, "f 13, 593 bsiauMs ~ Od ceeda di" Lnce cfsi pmiles as l c ara- ee Ples tpnlmtes Itahaauy n no-iaeiond h late ieue i grwsntan-d aaecgy twtu aiveo ai2YCa, teint seltatePas h i' ,so ca- Iv lb7_1ai pays, La a gtVs'erowa SeticgSyap erclîior' cfeecNit.Tsee1xnd ie h ac ip' - Spia naettb Liseaocd ipe Dr u . enA ti A noty,- Wr t;e"aa > rn1svsgcm eei. foao!ueadetaa es eil plywitesi cot. tIdeas , c c cei, ~ -vviîs -adnusesla 'netfcta! StMe li. .CYltLweiMs. oiitigtaB :,L50tus p ucraue iun A eMs ho Ie. ei àb aiWtr mm ae b 'a If iltis Bitiisrode vae ra i' audS Se cSt Uc -dak1e c.W O~~1 REAVENSI MedaheCHIouAEs, HICKS-BEACIi 13 THE Hearbu r n MAN 0F THE HOUR. ],Veans That RjiS Indigestion, Dizzne8s, rfeM1do heCinelro is ort oc!forder. The or gIhe utcd eakilndnm. NotBeExtlldmediLcine ta rouse A F.rechi author lbas distinguis hef telvrand cu re ail tliiPpe who succeed by their tai- IIim,"~i thsful ound la nt froe tose who have anly the tai- ____________ent to,succeed. Sir Michael Nlicks- &Beach le e mz.ng tha former. If bce tisera woucld be ouly oeneanme that; a ae rflus fhsai;yh could rally the cîniverse, anul that Cs 2Ccn. odbaimdineeleL ad aearflixcfisbliyh thei iaiesof Jtsus! tight not noîv a e cond ta anyonc Amfgthe m0cans that Gad4 bas il tlb" Ilour of Cowmmune. With a devis.ed that the hanished hc net cx- sharp tongue and a sLoW 'ira temîior pizlled from l.hlm, 1 notice sti1i fur- sksc te Eýve. "Have ye xeceivea lalck9 the disposition te please. He ther, spiritual inf lueunces, 1 doi netthe biT Ghoetr" mean an y influence gosse up frotu Amcng teUi en that "God bas de- ha$ that overb.earing au.iteaity svhich eirtb and etberealized, but tha Di- vJsed thai th.e hatishied ha flot ~t~-Piutarch deplered lu Coriolanus. Nia, vLre Siri. Sne~cat hl th Cen- ed fretu, hlm," 1I notice uleeChrî; isti iiown thauglit, are tiooinecsfrhm ferter; it ita hast far md purpoe to- -3 U:c IFrstee etelf cl ts estacsil < iaMe night that I oeil bim. the soilsv f'~e of ancestra- l iet. V~iastes U al hn est i h LI,- power of tisa nations. When itr.Uulyý-inh iso h tht'e lencons un anhw h'nnt a gocd men c weGr nin tv-eir enfluerai coms, uDeItharaanotwanTreasury Bnl lie shoi sne disposi- strng"y h acs. e cies hatra- 1d Bible aireund the hou-e ,ivh,; orn ion te conver-e wit cllagues, but bhls; lhe says tbt-n.s and eues thingse ový santuLr'ued down leaves, vtng dre2amjIly ci Lvethe ud af his reflec- tht f iwý minutes befare ha coutl flot yo ta :' that thetre was ne f ions, auJ l u ging out or ceming lu hiv-e heen cçcaxed or hired ta say o or sitheprate!Wsteeafmi cdmpue egsi ibts do. The hurnan seul and religion vc ryd a thr a ai leslinpýue tgoi it th seem. apnagolistic elements; but this aitar at -wtach yeou used teahb,? 'he smart leurigers, altheugh uowv and divine spirituejiex saunes the bar- carpet iiti Lave, hotusworr-,i tand again lic sutEmits teahW buttcn-holed monzin citâisry hathrngsin the chair lia have been euh! for Old by Mr. JnmAeý Caldwell, Whso, ne moncoiing heme opLry that hens- fierai tu, and thile,nea at koto on(çuthi, tsgiven h:m a wrinkle for Thcgeneral nmode of the Holy Spirin th,-e enehar mesy hie thb.ttd<get, A atatesian wtihan ii i ýlusiectiug mrani that are ntter- nver nguin iuiepliant in enrthdy esrdpc-,itien, hýi s-eks no higiser ly iînsignificant, and te rai wrship; buit you remember, . pst, Lut doggcdiy, theugh unosten- them th -,epsi-,fChrstin' scen.i O YU 1OT IE=jjBEý,? tatiou8iy, keepe hback tiss ise ,omay ta fUcsoseCrsiasir.î D YinO à MEN is e i h bla aside. Ata ar uEnlndaman stepped iAbZ that Crsinbmsed ie NS~sro~IN TI-I ABLE' up te ap dle' stand and hought À ncr fittiibtaroî wms1 somothing. hen lotek a leaf ~su.We h le et ~ ihe ecasdaee h i 1 article l tat leaf; but oelisse a emceedtsi-dp'o1 hn frthsclassification. iNerahdts thbat cateohiaxu ushered Ibi,s_ sel it ou odfningtefeater atTen Dr enii aight yashfr Lb-ý kingdom ef God. vTwa mn were eu ha Wsitthtgae.t M! iI. Csaiirae ae-rd ts Buse wrestling on the green. Oua thiraw oa oderodcarigsîî u wietseltrstblo th ithe other. A Christian :mn acame Ocu at'hed ps bn1th el,, cthLbaaitaerwny atcigLr aýloulg and inaid, "IL will ho sadt sndedte lsîadedt-ng t1idugBeaccuefiel[de Gevernne, Sýir inis if ata trp- upyou hi ad o li, 'iï,rdsiandeid tt-igitLid sela -ias Secrctary of Mata fer ihe cf iita trpeupyou hpean y v"7. came brheIsememheir !bcingColonie. ar-Ivh are" beth eterually overtbrown."' That 'C.ni'.'Iherre soine t ýisinli Subeedbeh o ten tta hekig-~ ny fatha, ceea dLy whase h'e was tihe prcsent Colonial Secre, ar1". prnos- dom of God lu due time. 0, iLt ÎF! :giia ïx gen.Ltanspacte xxliii haiueproved îvc" te bar- amîghlty- spirit. SmtinspeOP1e 'oyisr leehag tdI reemercnt roe ise wese ta out ef the v laugis under it. semetieeithiypiugsbnianlIramhrd taeoaofge.MrCabeaa pray under its poiver. Thuir0 îs a tk ýt s»ul' bewed dawn. ETe ul peeta harn m mterniaselte 1î ci1c liglit lun Calbr, i ay isý howiug hMidoGwu. cîtn sttcc enth -e h urwshrl aeaitoal THEREJIS 5AN ANXIOU 1S ON.-h_ a pedadts dnn errgi' n adu.Ilaselyla Thoýra jelia deriding face tryinig te idarvdon eaclyueoprlnetr es that the Chan- thrc,v off religions impressians. d'nli.LfaJ y' ,v, sr elo shesnior, \t' iser-aisMY. > le (titan tise case wb"-n the Hely Spirit 'ILte eÈgi"pouhîgandcis"inasfe)rty when the" tcwni cornes ýte a a n's heart lheacsts in-1' >Cl'1: -ahi.tteos fernally te throw off Lis" impras- sta dm~y ,J, v.. e ca nt 2 of! oisSir McalHaeBai sn. And si senatimm ewhen Lbe hear t-.h o esfirt heiev, ? cr- tookiJ tý-etthe;re len1864 at( tisa car- Spirit comals te a man ha prays, and ing, "Coamehmtise table te spread, 1iy cge cf 2. 'liera ara only twa sometimes he biasphames; but the th ebaniquet ile roaldy. (Canamernýyel" imembersris have ha-a a t St. Ste- Holy spirit always cernes witb one . . "oea net lu yeur present ssrrcund- phens l-onger then the member for idca, and tisat le Le show.min that îuýgs a C'hristian, influen-ce? la there t WeQt 'Bristol, and neit her of thora 'Gc luh dviad i-ae tat henet a Chntristian osIe, or huehand, or %its oaLise Trecasury Daenis.- ha-nlised ho naet oxpieLled fron ihm." c1 ldte"- hrth-r, oar aLster? 'I'hrea.gh PEIISONAL API'EARANCE Thnt Ncly Sîit le la this hmasu "te- that influenre Goana, ýs bran oaliingtcoflict,% witteta-aircodf nrit.Yon have faet tstrn;ngely t-ver la gzsaut WIWIe. Oh , ynme bv c ie-thithetealc e icliord- sinus yeou came t ioto t1 e ran. Tisera 1bro!n apàt ntcs o hv t-tor than TIr. Chamberlain. Witel are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ùlý,q.1 threpncgl crsolttta--ds ai nt iisods og b srinkla-- doftise latter ;ire few aud I týavc. neyer heenopaid.Yenu arc , ' i Yttl O lJOWi tcii 5dbigist, the former hbas aaisaggard,7 wlnerîeoiiere yo4 wiuî comte cut i urlnciiru os ra il wtry aspect-the aspect c f anime- ait Lhe Îtact. Yocie sec thut thece thi s _ uLoi r ill IýL be ire, or"pt-oua ea, wsba catinet alîrys eut Chibristian pe'pta are ose a rond t ia lreo iacenn aucU fts uJcrecruetue ehie cfiii.r yoli are inot travejlliuig, andl the,ýugi, mdîold htnxi c' d j 'ortuatclfor his perctise yole iai' net admit tise words b, - ciindh orev" eaic1tieCloilSccay cabatati or inlyor nr mmd, you are, cslmCe;e i iaiaiceadaa'm ir curcey tisan isslor oaus Of t-bt"faeât that týere mait ha;, vat 11x ihc1awi "i h a chage'o, ctthth a eaf-i . tîvodestinlie, tLaýre a:oeers, tiv o suyoeil-, cul -sLieneclA L>roa cjir ihelbolii dit-tons, tire teraniaii, two vo rds u oatae iao s an-c ui hndmnalter Ile bcaueaî Chief' Secrýeza'rye tagii, aud everiastingly scmeeUg cyenL. Thi I t Lisl' U11 yhafox- icelaud, in 1874, rcpreseeted hlmi apart. O, cvbtt le this suppresedreqot-roal cf thoe. Some cf yn av a n Aplle wit isicisbroia lair, agitution! What l Lis a îv. iol i-1beet uihl h Lýisi, gospel focr , ansd bard cf îtill ligister hue. INair i once? Tise ioli' îûrt The isfiilo ycc"s Da oi en ->_supposat:hiat Ccd w 111 ced beard are new dans grey, and f Spi The eterual Spirlit' The ltaskicp out-n hateeNoý, t elli arc laspictuesque. Nie attitude, Divine Spirit! Tise- ligbtnuig-.ftatd yen Plaf'n,"y'dlrCherer. hera iii bca'evo-. remi iiaithe saine, lu the sund fire-îc'nged Spirit! Tise arridbha a CLsenge la uu ascartoon hie tait, Iban figura stands Spirit! 'Tise aLl-onqucerin.g Spiritl stifliy at Lise table-, hise lboiws rest TheomlaioitntSpirit! Ha cerneson-hcbxadadcuetà el èdoîuupess your soul] %itîan aval- THE BRIISH ORK14IAN. ýg boxln hsudtaedocumien.T hubtid anele o po He tilï1anà5 ya, le sî-ids at the preseet day, a a n Lu yeeon'ýlitle rg.eyoi en ubelieve; ha !A rlîfttaîilaa ci' > sîseStaieanent ot apaocy, but net. b- 'hant, treat- f', f' ItasIAgearac, sg tise Ilonsc si hrespocc, but re- _______________________________ usîng ta isi. Sir Michael is tise Ceetain peç,simiats cf Eugland iris country' getletmaanivitistise instinct are worrytag thenesielvs avrrtise Ifer goverument, tis a aristo.rat play'- pyical and social conditions af the Ilsts rn an ets rdtoa Bilh ivorkilugman, propose takingItyeaJho et lsdwiu 9matched crits aun pp sents like ap'rty of p-cked British workanein h5ms--Jf lu tasperamaus as Sir V/il- te cen' aI the tadulstri -'centres wher 2liani Narcount Painbackof yur isci hisli tudytise metiocf tishIeAGAIIY eye? Hav prssue rneica atisn sd earn that if i'CerLainiy a vary higli-rninded in your heaýd i And are ti.a.'are1(o'hee aicrenetof progre maci," iteSic John Mi rywith you smetiies aintand iseymut adi(lmodern metbods. eocec i ihe a Auuet -1886. Fittacu eutis eaerliir, iin ae7?ae coatedeBad iaste1init your cuth? anddestieepe1ssimsts on fiscgconad tat in a bnpnsiu rvot gainsttise. BrOishworanes hva agu t deen-mcci iir tafar Nortisoote, lha 1 yoruLir fo dsres yoCU? rt a aputChancelier oaihtiseEx- Are yotî nervousand jr- e ;that tsybc hnsatend- "bh uer sud leader cf the Iuase of evte for:,aýke tseeer andbc ritale? Do ou oten cf 11 ngiati or anesud hativiis ones. Wheu 'La-iLrd Salisbucy oh- Uf ori Engandforjam an tht w taia,-;ed ,poer rfor Lise second ime, hav th NbuesP And altsi ofrabearonieLord lNaedeiph iimself ht-cama lead- are yu trobled boutr cou tisa ouse, tand Sini Michael ivent sleeping? oble abut tiey are, nobeatter -woraossn tisaistisa' ilack tauis" poi cf Irits Secretary, eare a, gesaration 050. lise tact as I wiicis b" isld uneer Disraeli. -I t-Id Ï hoMyus fvocr- î thtie standard tfcrnfort, tise dur- him,", wrota Sie Johin Mowbrey, 1 ~u ailwrongDato i11,adtiagaca satis isught it tise'Moet mgnaianaus tciig 11dheaavec kactru iu publia ]But dthere ici acure. af tisewrkis'naataEngiand hava tife." ;i'Tis die oid reliale neyer beau se hsatislactory as thoy are In tise rocestli' puislisisod life cf iu P Bea-ver Block. Bownianville. icyCle e pa",'I r S haop. I'amn prepared te do ail kindti of bicycle repairing. Old whieels therenghly renovated, and new]y enarnelled. Ncwv wheels. made te -Uorder. A Il w o rk guaranteed. iGet your wheel in 110W se as te avoid the rush. Grinding of A kinds. Enanieling done. W. FISHLEIGII, 8 f. arket Square, Bewrnanville $1.00, The CRITERION foc aI year. The Best Illustrated Mion-thly Magaz- a copy,. ine o ef lcidPubiikhed. Its pages are filled by a brilliant array of writers and artists. Its authoritative and independent reviewvs of Books, Plays, Music and Art, its clever stories, strono' special articles, hiumor anct verse, with fine illus'trations, nake it a neeessity in every !,aýtelligent hcme. h very .owv subseription price-1.00 a yoar-puts it within thec r'ci of ail, Rellible agrents wanted iii every townl ~xtaodinryindlucem-ents, Wr7ite for parieculars. e-ý-A trial subzcriPtion will prove it, Wr7ite to -day fer sample copjy-9m CRIkTER1iON PUBLICATION CO., 1l..6wSubseription Departrnent, 11-6w, 41 East 3lst St., New York Cty, frLde' ecce egh ffas 'àn tbt îliGad 90 lve E IeBcceby Express C,.1.. s:Ubjet to exainination. Yeu can e9aine it tl.orongbly rat your Ex. pre, fOSce andI if fo.nd pret aifcny AgntCe'aaned-e - $29,00 - at xr, Nog,45, 0 su SICharea i e x') h- g-, ere 9l t. ',I cet frcci CCmls.N etachre o ade icces VEYN KOS H AGES YL TII averlookSale We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lot4 to dispose of yet, and very cheap-firstelass goods at very srnall iirices. Oui carry a good assortrnent of Ladies' Oxford,eolored and black at 61.00. Mlen's Caîf and Cordovan Bims, sewed and rivitted, from $î1.4 te $2.50, worth $2.0 )to $3.'50. Children-,'s B3utton and Blmns 25c, 50c, 75c, wet'tb 50c, 75e, and'8l.0O. Misses', Boys' and Youthis' te correspond in priceb. We willi tell yen what the stock is in each and every pair. Tahû reasen M-e do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles nýow in Stock in eîery u- Ine. The public is invited te in3speet our stockî; ne trouble taow'god-w Io it witb pleasure. Trunko, Bag.o, Satchels; ýha1 trapjs, fncý> and plain- Dresbingý, he very best that Can be bought. Cheap trash dressing le dear, it wvill muin the boots it is appi. ed te. llepairing done in ail its branches iu first-class style. ine work mnade te order, sure fit or ne sale. Thanking niy custemerro for past favors and hopxng for a continuance of the tame.

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