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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 6

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7 DU. L. POTTR. 1 I 1 -1i MISS ETHIEL MORRIS3, AIîýTIST. In]stmntionsgivenin PAINTING Li Oit, INater Cler anJd China. Sketehieg oed PPeinutig freai nature. ILN on pr eies, ir zig ai canal pricea. 51.6mu. DRI. j. c. MITCHELL, - EMBER0F COLT.EGE 0F PHYSICIANS i-d Songeonsl, Ontario,Coroner, c, Ilesidence. Enil;illihn. 74 aryttr,SBetio and Coni-syscee-. Offie- 111takley Block,, iting.streei, o aulte IGOcY to an ai reannablo ratel. 48-lyr, RIOBETTYOUNGS, V. 9. O )FFICE IN WEST DUItIIAM IIE,!WS eýBlock, xiher.me lni or lits assistant %wilt tlefcuetlfrenaa.m.iogp. Mn. Nîgbt cis ai roeider.cs, directly opposite Drill Shed. Caus by feUgrali r eleheo wti eesxeprompt at, *e,îtlou171 - yr. M RIAGE LCNES-.A. JssIssuer of Marriage Li4ceuses. Ilteadence: Centre Street. KITCHEN HINTS. 11-V many young housekeepc-rg lrnow that they xiii spare them- Selves teaxs if wben peeling onions tbey xiii hold knif e aud vegetable in cold water f How many understand that lettuce should alwqays be ctomn or boken, because cuttiTbrui the, te(nder leav-es, or that in dressing a gr-en salad the oil should be put on befQerp the Vinegar ?,and white apeak- inig of salad, let me ssuy that- 1 bad been leeping house nmany years be- fore 1 learned. that if mayonnaise d esýingcurdled inu-the maiking il. nieed niot on that account be thrown awvay, wrt.Uei a correspondCent. If set asd,- nd the dresing begun again with the brolk of another egg, the ciirdied dre.ssing ma)y ho added tothe good as eoon as the latte: bhas receli-- ed oil and bti.rring to thicken it well. 1' Nlearly ail of these fragments of -no-,vled,e tend to promoe truc econ- e;my. Suc4 a fragment, for instance, asý that the raw yollct 1sf t ovri-wbsn the whitee hvebeen snxployed in a mrerini'gue amy b ke for qseveral days ina b'-, )(,%Iof Coli, aer udw-'il! at tlie end s"f that time be w-,as ,good 1fur Luet.rd r i~rambsd ggs as he-n fir'St boe.LmntcO , whl kee>p betteir co-vcred with celd at;r iai in a akt nthrir1vn butL uscýul piece cýf ifrainis that meat that baýý a susp)icion of min aotit need ,not always bie tliXowf awý-ay, but Ylnay be2ae by being f irt wahsilu a Strcngs'olutiQnon f bakInýg soda ani colId watLer, and thon ku vinegar, zto ýr-te fiavor. The fat sol be eut off aud cast aside, asj thati is g-nexally the part moast sei-syaffected. uuconinuation of ibese brokoen fra.gmentsý of instruction it may ho stated tbat famiaýrity witb somïe of the part% soda may play in a kitcee We of uise. A J)Ïnch of it wili kep milk or vDream from curdiing xvhen boiled. Iu making temato t3oup a bit of eoda about tbe size of a pea sbouldi bc added tri the tomatoes b'efore tbcy are put with the bot milk. Many cook books give this hint, but few tell that dxied beane, for wbicb the directions . oýak overniigbt,'l e giron, wiil be sof t en ougli for six o'clock dinno r if put to e.oak in the mornm«.g with a t1ny pinch of thie saine ï1albl ai kali. A eimil, r addition will keep D. B. SIMPSON, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLAI-R, Barrîsters, Solictos, Notarii, tc., Moris' Btlock, upstairs, King fStreet, itowrnanvi11e. SolieltorB for the Ontario Bank. Private xoneysloanied at lowest lateli DENTISTRY. (1-C. BONNYCASTLE, L.P. S., D.P. S., EIiorOraduate inni.ttry of Toronto Uni. veralty. Orrîci:-Ovei, Coach, Johnsten and ryderinan'a store. Bowmaanville. 18 lyr. CosayFunds tn 1lnd at lowes t creunt rates OF," -ES: E, 1 F , opoievr Hrde Den'tal Rouo, wmuli. 16m ~ ~ o rceîiy e meerate rates oS eee .,il o -at BlackMtock on the frst1 Modyof each snonth, at Orono 2nd Moudi(ay ail day, qrdlat Newcastle lUt WedneîdaýY fromi 2 pa. OFFîcE:l-Tex rueSt., lowman- vili, rear 0of Higginbetham's drug store. 0. I{ARNDEN, L.D.8. Gradiate of theo Royal Colle go of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE-Opposlte T.Binghamn's offiee. VIPATIZED AIR. continues to d,1 ol eeai iinkiog Buasîneist lecei-ed lu Svine anit Departnut andi illteresiaipt a cretrates. Notice of S Iirtnauni etueeasay.l1ideposits paY&ble 0ûrgbýt sudld sul pd Drafts Issued upen Europe, Unied SiAise ind Canada,, alzc Guld. Sl-or sud tcnlted mates reonbackïs boghi sud aod COLLi I~C10NS Pi-xuptymod atcenen raesupon ail parts if Great Briaintu United Imtes and us Do- TelgraliTransfers àlade fer lai go or ciatl souonal parts ot Canada. Ilslu,I)e(ially adi-setageousto per- sil i r eMa2)ioba or the North-Wiee3t, ht ciakes the fuinds avallable at once at tise place nipayaient. For other eariiculara calattihe tiaitr. A. J. MCCaaaaÀN, UEO. McGILL, Accouint Manager Lakte Ontario sdia of Qinte StLcam- boat Comp,.Iany, Limited. SOUTH BOUND Lv, Cobourg................. 1.80 p. m. Port Hope...........i30 P. M Ar . Charlotte, N. Y ......... 7.15 p. m. Rocetster. via N.Y.U'. ... 7 5u p M. NORTH BOUND. L-v. Rochesto-r, via ,N.Y.C ...8&25 a.i Chaprlo-tte, N. Y.. ..9.00 a. tu. A.Cobourg................ 1.30 p, nm. Port Hoipe .............. 2.10 p. mi. Ri,-lit reseried te change lime with or witboutnoie IL 11. GILDERSLFEVE, 17 Khingston), Ont, Noia............... 5 Partsian.......Jui'Sa u Tolsa.............." 2 a i Numdiu......... 2 C, ai anddupwards Scod ate $ P35 to 542.50, Ledn uteetr.Third Ot""25 tand C6 Liverpoel, Lodonderry , Londonj, Glasgow and For tickets ana ori-,(y iînuformaion sp- lly to bila Lin Agoi. Inwmsville. Slesaceea.,fuPiy nused monthiy by ovri 10,100 adis. afo efratal.Ladiesasa i youir dru ggist fr Cee eCtios lied Cas- Traire neother as ilMitue,1ila1u iiten re dneos reN.11, $1.per bx o 2 0deg:reeC ologe,$3p r No. atmsTh,, _ektopeuy Widsr, ui kýo. nd 2 soid ne reemmendd by il spooul gelat neepn ae.SosiT gelatin inicud water, tadd sugar, su1d boil liv,. ninutes ; lot jr ceciaund add puip of fruit. Freeze. THE HOME DOCTO. Tise fumes of bumni canipher xviii reliera a coud Lu tise head. Put a phece rit campisor, tis e aizeef an egg Lu an oid saucer, set it ou firc,and atter butring a few rmoments blew eut the flamer, sud inhialee fumes. Wiseu you make a botlemenînada for a coud emember tisai glycerine in- estead of sugarx viii make the i-emedy more valuiable. &ig ia, or est meai gruei, eweet- emcd xviii ioney, te geod for cbapped1 hiiurlsor auy-or-t of rougipss. Oil of wainter green sud olive oil mýxed-la eriasi parta sud applied exter- nally hava heer reccmmeuded for i-isumatism. It te aid tisai a drop or two of cern- pisor added te tise vater witi wich itlie face is wasbed pi-cienta tiese kin 'from becoming rshiuy. A good gargiatforsoreithroat is made of one taisospounful et cayenne pep- per, hait a cul) 6 rit siing vînegar sud tbree teas-poufuls of sai. Mix well togeiber sud xvhen setticd strain. Gargie tise ibroat erery baif heur. Asg a remedy for an obstinato corn bind a pies of lemen upen it, renew- iiag erery memning fer tsi-se or four daye. The coi-n eautissu be remer- For a coid kot emo'nade te a bouise- hld r -edy, Puit -be jutes oCf ixxo leoeila pLut t bl t-aie: lo u(neý miute, eweteu to taste sud drn a ot as possible. SALTA MAY RIVAL CHEFSS. flic Game lite German Emperer Pâay- Te Win, One Must Be a Strategist. Emperioms and Kingeý, one would tisLu.,k, eau scni-cely bave any spar.e j tie for parloar games, but tise Gev- inuEmperri l ibs ais in mauy rther nutters ila an exception. He bas oi thtie gane rit Salis, asud giv-a hias bÀis puintisaitactios sudi ;PtrsrLegzy n easily tue lsarned fi-oui J ais la apldiy beco-(miu'g a formid- able ival otfli.. Tise garn i played on ntbriard oet 100 squames, en,,cilaye aving tfteupicces. 'Tie pecese morve ou tise blaci , squames ouly, aud si-e arranged sud nuoved diraugs-tasiiou, tise rnly differ-- ence beiug tisaitiiey can moi-e bacit- aiiards lsri, snd, whi'n takiug, tise fpiecce uaerely pass ori-tise edrerse in witisoat removiug it fren tise ibriard. It la by tactihs andi strntc.gy uhai tise playex eau wiu tisecgaule. o wiu yru muet mot-e ail you.r ext-n picees fi-ssiipeai- or bsans a brigister gi-cen ýIsthIý Lyexppctrtei-,trs than when eoted uitisutiti. A iiti oib1iebttislcsma V onr, Ils soda snay aiso ho added te soupe s bplaci«ed on ftiseoposte ora ttiseuvsb that barsý any tenteeucy tri aciity. bourd saciylu tis aieaouider as biiutd an, h2 a-iemguly , na)nIey, five Si,"nati SOME GOOD RECIPESq. pci-ceei nuanketiih anefrrmeet on poien tiatpr, to mi-ted witis mornese oi nrewnud-tiossmnyPd attug- lwriisnuns12 Egtleh vaInuis,one xitLthstarsutis tisird mous. Pain., isead ri lttaemayerinise4. Wasis Thoagis full etcf nbntets a . and puLt tisa lotuce ta ri -tp.Peel tise chaimot tisegmeixluSep-ficns Ciy tlias amad acbiei-ed tis Dîndi oranges, eu to iesces, remere tise , i irl , dîg'nu.y o rit au itarnatioual cu-JaeS sees, tissu ui tishe suices into smafl Mut, atd _-lu tisetoioney jo-et cn-huhanailC piaces. Peel the 'bananan anti eut.I cloried ; it eîe-sting'trinoie tisai ýtore. crossuvis inte tisin suices. Crack tisee aclisse pi-aier suic-vadad in triumph- andi lie nuis anti break tise seat inîri amalli u -o-en the Salis expert. asau piece. Arrange lise letînce for in- --ti-t-o dividual serviug ; place a layer ot ban- A NEGRO BOY'S GOOD PROSPECTS. Eair-hi- anas, tisen oranges, tissu bananes li ienpiore u~aa iO5l n.S escs httue eu, udtiiceswîis my-audihence i-ccived a unegro bey, ouîy nt s onnaiea. Gai-niis noteanti serve. foriteeu ysans et age, ut-be iatibeen tu-si-c ol Caviarse FLgr.-Cui sUices 01t botr in slarcry, fa'ead, sud cenrcrted rsese o-( hir-ad -hait inch tisicit; trima off tise itai C;irtianity lu tisa Portuguese mis- andi £10 ci-est, andt ticu ct sltces intri strips smon cýf 1ambesi. He 'asa breugisi te proau'ISsc about aunish wide; butter eiisLly ftisa Austrisu court by a priest ini tise hiin. an toat nts, e ;tsu~ra1Zambasi missioni. Ha rét sarýis snip waith cariai-e anti epriîle Tise emperor, uetîug tise intelige,ýnt uvie sust iîuCayenne. appearance efthtie boy, avas airceiaay i-el CiscceCrsps-Tte i cramtri him ai once, anti graciously iàe tisa- pois. wfr.ad3pedwtamitrofinquirie. suqu1risý avaarsant sp-sa uvtisa mxtue e h"\iat anguages 'do you under- 51W îutritabiespoontuis et Pai-messu J stand V' antiee a Oi-fu o usa" in r1pak 'eites rny own du They pl-lef a dai-dtii-ps et Tahasce sauce by"con(paiilPrruueeie-rprted da-î tasis rit prika for tisosa tuho liiklu-thin"vyg miltier eaonn.Toast ihase sligis- i at-astvîrîemsothociS'detr ly in tise oveu sud serre hot. Tise had een in tis osese eo lvefts 'i tysters siiouhld ho cpi-astiligbthy 'wl i-aters. Oi eauhauas rausoueçti by C. s Fýlkhs oteret butter, tishertugocce mhsaio'n for a coin ei, km( Celery Saudxuicisca.-Ceicry saud- etuivualent in oui- meuey te a liutle mn, l"s xicisca are best matis tuheu combinetiai-e thait sigisidollars. Tise emper- SAydyp wittii arti-bollcd sggs,. Tise celc-y or'e luteresi xva s xciieti, andthrough tisai oui-t mx liteý means the lad bas been seul te body.A sisoulti be siretde c-ry fine ant ix-Poýrtugal te be instructed in th seî1gY. frîunin cd t-s mey copt g. ts Tisence becaili go te Ati-ica se a mie- mu i pact te1.tissu format wilis mayonnaise Lloai-y te leo~eple. - elsted. drese.ing. C-pi-eaa beiweu thin coh- A cii-: lo.iîge etf hrexvni-crati. "crne n s 3onbrtu.-Fior-thoee uisede netlire. Si bave tri seusider expeuse anti ai-deage, hea & 3 sud pas, sir on~eh te obtatin novelly anti criuuay, something oui toftise utual linsetutifs. ta-ci trsuv tues there ai-e marrons Ou tht, cf fruit place, mai-roue of fruit ds nnsi guîses, chocolates, bi-antiiet chai-ite, uaay dippeti Lu tin-Jani, osciin atuny- papsyEinthe cas. he arnu con _tipapper- If you have neuralgia, Sctt, u on mLutq anti enali cantiefilleti titisE usono o LvrO 9a-,a i iquor ai-e eie-ally eclecte"ti. Parch- E W-tsiodL c--Oi a'm 3a cd sîmontie ai-oetippsd Lu a ioseii-up will feed the nerve that is cry Byls ri iensugai- ihal lbas beau coot- ing for food-it is hungry- setish ad trC)i tise hiittIe degreseutnd ci-ret next edc, as bobns oi heeuth u-u the and set you r w obodygoing saie tsioarecd, y itîle centIes tisiaaînïlli, in awyto saItusfy nerý!ve ay's dni Wl1e'nc ndlyaviis atit olnand brain from your u ta ood. sae Griiid Almnds.-lsnci antitii-yis cure,.i 'i euecupetJeran lmnti. Bhione Ifyou are nrosadir-ineia cup rit gi-anulati c iugai- anti eme- table, you 1may 011ly"need ore fo'ui-us cacp et wate r util il wii spin fat 1o cui1 io1younervs- U nav a t hi-esttram tise spoon. Tissu tes Lu iseaia-us ntile thn eot ý ou are probably thin-and cnês teti moments Lu tise sirop. sîîrring -Scot'S Emulsion eof Cod LiVer f, _3I tison occesionally, but caretuil-. 0O11will give you th'eft to bc.- 'ti W1isen lise almontis are 0ïatraw cuour- .ft et i-smove îisem frien tse tie, sr- gnwt.P-cs- rng nti] tieseii-up tir -nsInsagar. Cueso far fas it goes. rars S omfettise $sogar iiicliiug te the rts Hlue aîtedtianond's. ul cure is gettinýg the fat a5ci A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Futca-n phtc-eea ouneed from usual 1]fooýd, 1Mi ' pint mUteecup sogr, ee liaIt Sco(tt's Ewlsin 1,iiihelp yo Wli pount amete, eueoLit cup eaiss. Ifyen hiave net tiel t , sceat for- fc asnl, H Mix t cli st il iltiing riei-caýzer laageab5tast whl srnseyn GrecFi-it herai-ix hat sc-rr& GNCinst, hRme IER1Efl WJIEVEÂT SEA LXTRAOflDINARY MURDER T'RIAL IN AUSTRALIA. Uy al More CaeiaiheCime Ceosmulecd a llay St>onerXIL il eý Neyernve lie»lleoeeI fiet -,ep iione oftha-meat in- anti1 sr-ne=tircinal trials in tise rit Australiasia isas jast hccu r -tri a coccus'ca isere, uvriies -3poudtiutetSi-tuai. es etai.ne ail tise ehements 3tri tisamaturg et a novaIe,, f cicr sehool, asu d o irbi- ii tis tundation fer mian- ia anti roman-a. Il inro-Irceg icteanti eiagautiyf-tre's'rt tie M' a n t-,VtlSnouai-, ars ici-truc as secl, tise id turdha ub uane ,a rohhery, anniee detsburial, ofîaa ie i ,anti ticai-ie-st oie tanin- te ,ýý a '-otdiaie mc.naýy 'n -i'Lt hiadaisaamb aqu inet , Z., xii a untan usmet uSti, agt tiirty-t tao, uvise d tuasen-pioyýetlu a large boot 'rhanan knew, Oonway utcll latr aet hbu-m £200, -taig tii a i-missoryv note aeuthtie a hos uilaund. in Faisons-y iouay left r, for Christchur ch, anti liai- iml jiýned isi. Tisa tt-o titi , in tiLeseanebolt,Sut iisy1 'tan togýeter -idanon oeeoe -csonjs Cooavay uvas d.rug-geti, le meu-'y anti tha tros anti or;y note wcrc2 taikcn fi-cm toi-t-ed tiseincaituri tisepolice ;pred Mre. Sni,'ths, but Cor- s atttiseidea, eut befcîi-e -ce istiun' tematetuýtise- -eý tLooupla ha6d disappereto. PjINI-1 NE JDISCOVERE D. u^fi ChIicsireisb th' ise tan- ulie fo ytavsi- , ua i- afi iiAninquex tuas utl etd anasr~,sd, tisabo ýy huei h e-c., ;l' s brtsin juia-ned 1Lu,is- .nvu tie history cf isa ave- specietifoJutpiey, eut set tishe poicrio-k, xxi-b tishes-týlt lare uvare given tri exhume tise Aqusîutily rit strycisuine'a-asl n tisa vis-cera. by the Geveru-1 at-ciýs, eut Mi'. Si-titis 'asa- - ýage aistryut-as t et the s euquiry u- csfriuicaeti. inL Luhi- uc- l rttisa vey- L4 baes-n ccubY tisewxarts sse.,ogea-s c-unialtiug tri avis sat tsat isswe5 is ep ncîght.rit Fcbruiary ila) Mrs. puricbased a brtiaet o stout, où" a trinhîsýi., uteut te sec sud, atur a litthe cliat, gave ti-n, a" ti tss left. Hait las-, t iseh -uahdds, a 'i'g- a t k, C-ou'ay thre urp bis nd fAeil ontise derainLi agoni-. errsicisaiecu tisecaptia, dcc,ý ;.n w-.d'a n, ~tei tise catiuvrtltvnt-a ubai- ahea 11- fian tvposi trlii1ngsoi netio; . -ihi, uits HF NOT TRUE. An a-ercýttisemnent may in- duce a person to try an article a FIRST time. But an advcrtisemen1t won't induce a person to use t hat article a SECOND timec unless it gives satis- has a sale larger than the combined sales of any other tii es soaps. An advertiseinent may in- duce people to try SUN- LIGHT SOAP once, But t s quality and quai- 1Ity alene, that niaire people use SUNLIGHT S021P corit:nuoutsly aud aiwa-ys. 10 tai-n a certaýin priri ulbesi np- tiitatoutn ateexpoea usut srfece butrali tri puivriiz e tic soute docis tpiba as at-scouit proerly eni-ichis 1, tisaI, atter pisutiug, 'the fine Or feading recta es plants criait caei- per-et-ste ut andti t leave itint euch condition tisaitise toi-ceesau iscisnatlui-o suhista le- help tisa fariner r'ruid al th-ong'le-u tisaIdr-plis Tise hst kn-ut-n ut ibm- foi-ces are air anti uater, smonhigisa or hoast art frosi-. Tlitaii-esu may ant tiser- riaghly, tise milumu-st bh.a ecaptire et tissm, andti t iircarnot haeulese it Lu paons. Polverizing, tisinte- gri-in or repai-atien et ttc pertîiclos iq expetet to do ibis, 'eut i-be plongiig etaandiu ioutt meosancal m!us. te th i . suibu antij,. !PiuosgSiug et suai a imaqa t-lîl miix avli.ila ce-rtain aon rfit v'gtbemalter, xx hichS,-as it tecaysý, awiuit e.hy eni-icis tihe oil, bat lheaýve open spacce uvihisit ocau- pied befors deea-.'Y, ix moi-e effective tisa n nechiscai ineane tri prepenl- puivanize tise soul, net ontireiy be- canies rit eaviug aseopen passagesite space il oce rccapicti, but lu lix de- cay niscre jea fermentation uviteis Seat cieaîc5 sagas tisai pernsaates tise curtis iarnti l. But ihie ges troi icaig -ge- tatieri tiras more lima tu-ai-m anti ligisten tisa sou uvhisiilpeneirais more titan fui-niai tise elemautstata arc ret fi-sa by tisa tecrimpusitioe et tise gi-eau plants. Tic very gas evoivat by'fermneunainu as a pouw- ci-, as i-el bui impenfeaiiy untiersiriri, but genemally ecknowhedgsd, tri se cci up-n this' minci-ah eloments in tise soil as te liberate sndto tribing te a lis'm tise pisspiriinacit in bouteutn cnintîuser inretplans anti sa par -tin frou i5îui- 1jini .ndbp Wc milut igi-se ii-s rei-tar tri cr viî cli lgi-cy i- mos u ongranite roks ,dmed paisas ev'Jitllen ori ise po-eretplet rot to ei-duce kîLeIslbe oel te a soluble cen- .,eoly laitutirug triw3asan instance furaihii tri ail. fi- !cp or seauveati tui n -ctwret gwolxiaitaci telise 'o'lit rctsactisougis by oai ut mie ,asali wa-cir aeut ii-are pla;nts seh isin poaesis tisat ii ba ! l havens gais-tfor tic poehsai-cna- cd. In tintes betore pa;tsis a a,in- r i ,'r- 1iS gi-ou d ts-s ar-t hv ie~ bibhy prîzet for ltisa priýsi tis'ycutina aasnd ui-ni- ingi 1j BUTTER FLAVORS. Wisru ceaitain conditions exisi, yeti will find lu butter uviat tise practicai rman calle a weetiy flavrraid tisa commue, ion man a summer flarer. Tisis is not due te tisa fend cousunmed by tisa cow, but te a apaches rit bac- teria whichis t prevalaut durng dry weaiher. Thiis germ ts founti in tise intestines tise saýne asruster strong gas produclug germa.- A dry, isigis ismp2rature ite rsry favorable te tise grcwtiso.etiis sp-'cie etofbacteria. Tiseac germes are iargely friand Lu: dry duel sud stagnant pools et 'aster. Or- ganta matter lu tisa water furnishes fond for these baclerie, 'abers they i- ptiily muliipiy and ai-e carried on crixs' legs aud udders te tise milkiug vesselds. Oua patron having miii cf ibis itu couiti ineculate alibi- miii in lise creainury wisere paslaurization of the ukimmîhk wae net usa-J, sud ceuld aise ineenlate the cana et ahi' patrons furuisinig nuik te a ci-cam- ai-y. Thase gsi-ms are ni spore piro- dutiug sud eau eaihy b-, destriyLad by a ieînpr rature rit 16) degrees. 1liera le9 eecf tluý bensIfits (et paslcumizing lise eikiImmihit. Mar u ditîlharo, brvcd dur,- iug a rel ry fpeýiidtsa ui te a ~isrixv r ain tis mtuvui n mndutei chngeaud iii' flavo)r IoudimY>rore. Some b3 aveatru- Ieti lis'te triilusfi-r g-secmigo wiii tise reini, but gusdose uritý gro-w in a day. A mo1(re pjlausible reasen sta tirain settie tised2 sud pi-ci-siebcterla fi-oubeiug car- ied on flue'bottesanti heges et cews, tisas c-etminating, thc milit. Under e number rit tests Priof.Eche matie ai vai-anm timnaduning tise paýs ye'ar, e friand tisatinAugust durng a dry periet, tishebuhoxieus ga,! pr- tiuciug bacteria i-un as isigis as1,0- M1) tri the cubie cofi tr imlk %uviile au tri-times iS ey xvsne sean - ceiy noticeabis. Ni ift tiese con- dition% de xii urinug the dry periods, tise que-stin ris,2s, ho-vai-e wc eug gte 0overceme tâuu tiifficulty s uve bave tri combat invisible1 fui-cee. Tus iicen ho dons by skimmiug cxcsed- iugiylirai-y cream during tiiesc pa-r- riJe sud diluting '-iis geoliik sud usiug a iseavy starter. Wheru ws use a starter xve ai-e enticavoring te use an surmous qoautity rit bactrna et a tindthtiaiwll give usI good nesuIts andil xviiirivicrme tise hactemria ai- ready in the' ci-sain, WQhave a nom-. ber rit commercialstar-tei-s on tise mar-ket put oui by different i i-me, auy of wl-i-h xiii gire gocri resuits if judiaiousiy isantiet. PLOWJNG,. We havte ru y timeg tlied te;I li- pice t upon oui- re adera that tic ù.. Seisait et rI. A. Macftatys ant Mi-. S. couluo ise etteci efthie a1 ir onmicý,robe.Trise ahmoet'tisa lu- resigaoi- uas tisai cf ascertainingi ietiber lise germe coitsoi-rive colt rit adeg-ee rauging fi-cm 183 te 192 ti-eee centigrade. it t,rt of orse, tuoavn i-bei mani- species rit microbes cari survive being pactat Lu ico, sud st-en isgiser orgar- isns fîor-nshinsthLu tic -lecirohe. lIn- leet, thse ext-ae et i>fempcratara for lot: ferme etof ie eidely seperat-' et, antigo i becemes a matici- et ratiIcai publie, interesi, as I shall ist-,t detlermine 'a-ei-e tise limita et t-ait- Luinhis re-specrt ai-s te b fouti, a-vrites a Ludenceriespeuti- eunt. Tise how tempemw.ature et liquit air ritteret ea ïuprane chance leto ses bow icro(bes cempeiedthtiseeies utier exposons t 4isersieo, sut seoui- Lut-stiatos sixet on tise opportun- ity pieeue te. -Epstfor twiy heuire te tise liqoit air tmortno e narivas a)pparentlyautauei i isemirbs But iii tlisecetxp m tssc garnisas tirse oet lpb e e-r, tipis- tiser «ia, anthrax, choiera anti 015cr ailmertS, aiong aviis nen-disease pi- dueing spectes weore susmittri otise iquiti air test for set-en tdai-. ia ad- dition le tise exelusive~levao temperaý- tors 1 muet adthie micirobes Luibtis expoi-imsut uere sabjectedti r a ire- MECHANICAL STRAIN. taileti a greait deai et laSer anti research Tissu came tise questicnonfethe et- upon tise author, ai is arith owniun' tacts oft bots conditions on thistl- TiuePwrPita -e hi- ofithticgerme. TIises ,recuits mai- rbn PwrPitigHne be soummet up Ln tise utot nil. Un- HARR iS rON., 0N T der tise microscopes t isc,, shea-eti ne Trade Discouxnt 30 per cent. signe et mneciscuical iujury or dis-___________________ torion, anti thei- uere as liely-it tisaI ici- may hoapphiedtotr tenote a condition et vitait--as they uveme pei-s-oue te iiseir cbiiing anti ceoliig - experience. - I hsave referredti te sepubXe --inter- . est wisich 'attachses tri ibase investi- h galions. To knav tise limita f et gs-n lita is an cessor) hl item in tise iuou-- -îfà etige et the eanitârian whc Se u- ' tiertakostissa ou netosdis- - cases causot byv icohi ation cen 'haVha P.earrsyti sd prvent, ficm a uI aslngbe i-ent is aei ut-et I eu ga-n ivJitug agcy. Cot a' Wat.haew9!r ciseci gsi- gi-riu-liscsrtu e, a tc Aees-ni hhsniiPgeig fe Auiaicu otin iont e utiet ai , u'n lYoaf~, tion, anti n gootiy ofmba- thier enaditie-naeteuca st "Se ees. ThePAGE WEF~E CO. (Wl. ruse hitiebit cfusflobmau -namr-y, tie t1fereuc;belxr-n9 subsanceuSaireaiy khis gi-n ant Prilces Tab e eu jbim:i 'clire a.Acaa -ursto hfrei aiVe-, htt poro oecaai- ~ unre ruls ulualbeee :tpabne h uephi' sasoit- - ddsevrdb-foaotqml p"obbi~ ise: Ias r'qeutu etmy spcialst:nanntceaseneatiy eon;wi ot-vei salxiib fa-lu otb-'îs tepdeics t-icSuS-,uo-alfocios;uedmetîyb prlabgaveis- rgn as tmi ~ err$,ûdde;frsl t r SPECIAL EDITION'% NOW REI-ýADY. by JueA, CPAD Auiser of "E(cuIpius," 'Uuifettor(,id Sus""Tise SinlriPtr""rise Malin's Blooti,""heGeffrG st' Limp Clotlu 50o,, Limp Leaher OI1,OLI, Tis ~fine historicai anti tiiamatie talo centains li-el- ske 'tches et Engiish chai-acter ef Richsardi 11'-s lm, sI dis full et strouig, brisk ilou.Roundï tise pi-eut Richard et Gleucester aye greupeti a nuruher of wecli mqakedA the 's t sudiwa a rt ol h asur face \Via know tisai groýwing Plants cari be piougiad -unde.,t furuisb vegotable ltrittrbt t exisis also iu their rootý'. Pro.f. J.* W. Sanborn ia autihority for the statOmOut that in the fîmst seven inches of soli in slward ground he bound 599 pound, of roois to a given ares tri Lu Lunflua first twcd incises 8,150 pouuds, in tbe s'1coud t"'e incises .and 564 peunda l in the he Luches Llaeow that, or 4,313 pounds iu tise uppl-r awven inches ef soil, wiii in eight inchom, bele,: hat tisera lwere 106 Pound$, rery lutla turing letweau cigisi and twelve in. beiow the, surface. It fellows tisen, that se far as bmingiug toetise - -co thse rage- table matter'n tise soit, tiiee is but little usz in going belon aight luches and-tatiwe-have-a--lai-gar-part in tisa firsi four inclues. But as plant rmots lexisi uinbte greatesi number belucen two, and four iu. beiew the surface, ih also fo1Iowns that thera ta wbiere thig decaying veg'1etabis mat- ter sbould hand if the sou 'ac,-re in- verted we ahioi ld ueed te uuri over six inches dleep or if wýe desired to have tisem osait ower dapiýhct, we find more meisture iLÀ.'eskiugfofod we minght go from nveî, te eigist lu- ch-, d'-pl. Tol go dnprthan that, wcul.d ha,,,to bring- te :the'urfaee tbat wbiciswud rr~ycoutain -food enougis tIoustin tem until ihCy ceuid isacis tnier dowu, Having lIudeýd to th! effecte e Lf the f natofe 'btis dcompox)s- ug t4g,, bi inatteýr1l on tis mera us tri arr bow iau wr that wii the ~ ~ ~ ~~U sufc.lt, he a caissue ia igaoy. ccm cluded. "bcLeaýd a us tri tise cen- clusion that iuverting ti, wrdl grouud i,,net ais fvoabe orts purpoe as sattUg ie frr prt ly on edese fluati, 'e portionicou taimng temio t he01 ool sthah I be neae- tc cen ' r- eof L'Lfl furrow suce tir- g--ln o -lJa ontis i'ufai theUJ cauil ri ibinfluen c ftss î ise of ntu-re's p1-0 rs e1, hi an ;is uyi.hine. Fi-u Ii Ibis ýwe 1wCuid draw teculsethu i-.- ont tLhe meiof Our 1 rdland thc bhast pl.eaghing- is that s bih goés fromr 'ix -eeven iuccis' e d-e, "r. I saP i L-the furrr,ýiw -lice ParzialLy culedge, mat.h- ci- than turus it riaur pci-fectiy fiat. GET AWAY FFiON TH-E COLD. Mierobas Manage te Live Througbý the Temperature of Lequid Air The res.earches oft ProfesserDer oliudair a- arc iarteail wsho laie a itert u isev pi-ogreýs of scintiie -esai-h a lage. At a reetRoyal goci-ty meeigalu croctierLs, is Sas !ac.Snl!e'4 ae n Iew Ye.i-y mafl eziae am. bi E FphTPUwj,IE gdp Umos2 o 8Lû4 The Saalf:cid Pubilhn Cmln 'New aiphmbarioe we 1havea fne tyeof soif-relirant igro and an Timsuraldc3. vr HTe opulrOhoNoe byIap iowe,éS -n IIUË meltiv 1 teresti:rilz iv- made IT r -1 L AN E Thse fi hiotei-y a corres Tise ci tisai go tie cieq less fui a tramni

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