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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 8

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A full stock -of the best Blood Purifiers4atý'CUT RATE RICES. Try a-bottie of our- Pefc oteBtes Co9ntaining CA SCA-RA, BU-RDOCKad CELERY, together with other valuable remedies for the Blood, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys anci Nerves. $1.00O size for 75c. J1 Higinbol &Son, B,)WMNVTLLE, IUGSS p D Our Goods Speak For Themselves. We only ask you to corne and go thro ugh Iour store. We buy the nattiest'Furniture on the mnarket, made iu best woods and we seil at, close Sprices. If you intend furnishing a home, see our lines and get our prices, and compaie with 5the goods of any city store if you wish., If you contem plate a f ancy chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season, sce our display, thelargest and prettiest evershown lu town, KEEP VOUR EYE~ ON OUR, DISPLAY WINDOW. SBOWMxNVurE. Furniture and Udraig luIP - , y, MW _,k n,. -*y n e 1,05,5 WSU., 5 ks~ w al UEMOVAL NOTICE beg to advise rny patients and the public in general that about June 12 I will move to my new building, 208 Woodward Ave. Private Ent rance for Patients, 7 Wilcox 'St. I have ieased the entire building- above tho drug store and shall try to give satisfaction in the future as 1 have in the past. 1 ami tbe only specialist ou Chronie, Private, Nervous, Deli- cate Blood, Skin, Kîdney, Liver,Bladder and Stomach' Troubles who wîll cure y ou first and you PAY ,WH]EN 1OUr,".D,,. Question blauk foi- home treatment and book froc, Hours-Daîly, 9 arn -108' p.rn.; Sundays, 10 arn. to83 prn DR. GLDBEG Now at 29,1 Woodward Avenue. YAfter June 12, 208 Woodward Avenue. PaiIents' Private. Entrance, 7 Wilcox St. Tna ('.'.zADIAN STSTESMAN is published every Wcdr'-silav morning at the office 26 S'rÂvýs- DIAN 1 Ï-,C. ~Kîns Street- Bownanviile, Ont., hY Id. A JA>îss, Editor and Proprietor. Subscrip- i qs r annum- or 81.00 if paid stricily in aivaunu- Advertisin g raies, trausieni a dver- tisîng, we,. cets per' inQ, first insertion ; ire cents-, 1, he each subsequent insertion. Con- Have, ou any article yoti desire tav s1l or 1 .rter? Try a smali ad ln TuiE &VTSMa.It brdngs buyer and seller Detroit, Mich.1 BOWMANVILLE, MAY 29, 1901. HAMPTON. F. A. Cole's is the pace to buy cheap seeds of ail kinds. PRO0SPECTUS FARMER3' 6O-OFERATIVE' PRGKING 6OMIPANY, LIMITEDO 0F BOWMANVILLE,_ ONTARIO. -Capital $150,OOO 10--OO- Divided, into 6ooo Share s of $:25,00 each. The Farmers' Co-operative Packing Comnpany, Limited, of Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, is being formed for thec purpose of conducting a pork înat-pa-cking and curîng industry in or near the Town of Bowmanville in ail its various branches, inciuding thie handiing and putting up of meats in every form and of further converting the waste of the ani-mais slaughtered into such by-products as wiii find a suf- ficient market. 1<1No person acquainted with the counitry around Bowmanvile-wili question the dlaim that no better location couid be selected for the establishment of an industry of this character, as the town is the trade centre for one of the. best and most agressive agricultural districts'of the Dominion, with splendid facili-1 ties for deiivery of hogs or other animais either by rail or farmers' waggons, good roads intersecting al the adjacent townships. The grain grown in this iocality is juist wht is required to produce the very highest quality of meat and the farmners have demonstrated their ability to produce the very grades that command the highest prices inthýe British markets and ith the territory to) produce a regular suppiy of hogs ande such other farm imi as may be required, the pooe packinig industry should prove a decided success fromn the 'ai-i ad bc a great boon to the agl'ricuiltturalists of thiis and adjoining counties. B'y piacing the management of the businecss in practicai and ca-pabile hands with alf the natural ad- vat-ges the locality affords the best resits ill be assured to the stockhoiders and at the same tirne pro)ve a guarantee that the farmers of the dlistri'ct wiii find a permanent and satisfactory home market for ail the animal products of their farms. The company wili make ever-y effort to(- inform the farmers'of thne necessîty for the, production of the right kind of hog to meet the fastidious taste of the British consumer and for marketing them at the proper time and in the required condition. It is an undispuited fact that the best resuits are oniy secured by st'rict attention to these conditions. So that in thec near fuiture the Bowmanviile Brand of goods shouid meet an, unexcelledi demand in the British mnarket. Wîtha vew o asatisfactory handliing and disposai of the out-put of this concern in the Old C owitr, efforts a-re being made to scre a, considlerabe financiai investment by areliable English firm which w'iii ther-eby bc interestedini disposirig of the products to the very best advantage. The prop,,,-osed buildings wliiibe conistruicted on the most approved and modern plans for turning out the finish',ed products at the Ieast possible expense and in a condition to command the best prices. As, Canadians have by producing a superior quaiity of cheese captured the British markets, thereby displacing the products of our competitors, so bv raising a larger number of the right type of bacon hog and by putting on the market in the right shape and best finished condition we can heip this country to secure similar resuits with the Canadian bacon. Farmers need not fear that there will be an over production by the increase of packing houses in Canada, as the total export of Canadian bacon is iless than ten per cent of the total import into Great Britain, w,ýhich offers practicaiiy an unlimited 1market, and by careful attention to the quality. of the pro- ducts sent to that market we hope to bc abIe to distribute among our shareholders a portion of the large earnîngs such as have enriched the men who haive heretofore a toooyo teCnda ao export trade., t is a weil-known fact that the por1k.p1acking houses -in Canada have done a profitable and constant- iy increasing business and the demand in Eng-,ý-*iand forour hog and beef products is stili increasing and prices for Canadian produce for ail kinds is lin advance of that paid for the produce of our rivaIs in- the United States, so that as stated there is an uniimited field for the further development of our bacon andL canned meat trade at remunerative prices. To W. J. .BRAGG3, Bowrnanville4,Otro I hereby apply for ............. shares, $25 each, lu t'le FARmEFs' Co- OPER.. ATIVE PACKJNG COMPATNY, Lirnited, o)f Bowrnanville, -Ontario. 4pplica nts Narne and Address. UADMTJS. -BLAOKSTOCK. The nnivrsay sevice o!Cadms ~The frost wlll go, but the Frost Fonce SaThehool wsay ric eds foilows s here 1o stay. It contains from 2 to 4 On Sunday, Juue 2, sermons will be lbf oet h odtaeoptn preached at 10.80 a. ni. by Rev. Fred. fences. It does flot sag or bag on un. H. owad ad a 6.0 b Re. E E even grouud. When building have Howard. Collectioný at eaeh service., tpace-it nS erthe oapest. on'e On Monday. June 3, the ladies of the paeyu re iiyuwieo e conreatin iilseve u he huchme, It wilI pay you. 0. L. Byers, ogruiea te on lsrvon gte p, m, General agent, Enniskillen. after which music will ho furuisIîed Don't bo3 in a hurry to buy your the choir and addresses g-iten bv the spridng futruituro. We will have a nice resident ministors Admission 25c; niew assor[ment to show' you in your childreu 15c. Corneand have a good towu by the flrst of May. And we have tume, the business e9tablished by the late W. Aiways avoid bh1arsh purgative pis. P. Prower and have tried to keop it up Theyfirt mae yu sik ad thn laveto the high standand that hie estabiished. you constipated. Carter's Little Liver tioneran will receivsbe cil atten- Pills reg'ulate the bowols and make to n ilawy ecuIce .ou well. Dos e one u)ill under our personal supervision. Our prices you will, fiud as low as others BIT. VERNON. aîd ive wilI make an effort to give you. more attenti 1on and botter servic Your esteemt townHiman Mr, Charles -qruSnday-a&-Mouday - Marow wtdLhare hgeontnk June 2 and 3. Sermons will bo preach- ln your town. See our ad on first page ed by Rev. J. S. MeMulien, Tyrone, for mattrosses. M. D. WILLIAMS & SON. Sunday morning and evouiug. Mon. Run dowu. 'II was run down andi day evoning .au old time up-to-date nervou, ,so got a box of Milburu s concert will be giron. The Symphonv Heart and Nerve PIl, and thev ni'oved togeît1'r. aI a tiflng expense, sud l'once wiro as cheap as the cheapest - Quartot, Mn. Norman Aluin, Mi-. Mark Of gi-ee veys'W tO'e trouble, machine , exie grease, etc., at F. A: Allun and Miss Jeunie MeLean, Bow- wishes ________________________col's. mauville, and the Heatle Bros. wili valuet furnish the musical program. Miss Visitors: Mrs. C. Hoi-n and daughter Loua Mason, Bowmanvilie, and Dr, WVRlTERS, Lottie rîsitiug at Listowel; Miss Annie Frank Trebilcock, Euniskilleu, wili CORRESPONDENTS or Wiicox and Misi Katie Moore home givo the litenany nambens. Admission froni Bowrnanviiiei at Mn. A. Moore's; 25c; childi-en 15e. Don't fail to corne I~PRIERS is- esn Pcoa i.MB for a sich treat is lu store. for ail who Crydorman's; Mrs. W. G, Overland at atitend, auh Is.t everywhere- Stor- -, uews, Mrs. W. H. Rogers., - V ictoria Day Cbu Is~-oems, iflustrated articles, ad- passed off vory quiely lui the viillage Ne ~ .u~ -w, rawlngs, potgapa Master Frank ýMùorc got afiah i at n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i --Wtceecprbsd rilsho ubs finger Friday aftlernoon. r',-t ïidpropaved for publicýation Principal Gr,ýoat eut i1'tout- ,Count S -tu ise.Seud for opartý-'ilars Archer 1 0. P, wiii give- an open pro,-! pot. tn ai j'î information before sen ding grarn at Sauina June 5th.... ,Mr. Chas. Did yoU ever h!ave that hm. Jeffery,Bon riiavae au eixceý-l tile tickliirg spot in your h Th Bflti Pes Asoiaio, lent discource hero Sabbath ovonîng. ptuer ýýet1nPres Asocitin, Hope ho wil corne again lu the no3acr oatFl si YU1os V"4 N cwbYo9r k. future, couid alimost touch il. withitnd Not later than the first of May we yourifiuiger, didn 't i? Hovbrec S hope tt-ho able ta show you a nîco uewv hard you trînid 1 reach it, borne j lnoofFuniun l '~urtou.Un'---but coiuidn't I Itis eas-y, wîth Va po0.bis dwu taud -wi alw4eoetves.pdc te nioer tsiG wi eciespca1,totinriesoierne,.for youi breýathe it. There's ententi oui- personal sîvsîËo ur pnices you ntig ntjwol qai1 lfor A 77wiIl find as iow as otos aRd we3 will topingtes tickiing coughis;au sieanl Ar 11Wariin t u-make an effor oeyuorre Y"ý'3aI- it'ssa pO leasant, too, For ast ahoo tenionsudboter 'vie. .~cropibrouci tis, catarrnhj and th1 h d-ochcî's Look for ad e ise- iJ Cs I, lhv --- ;ou skinwopngogils te gra id in ntn' t ee. Lav vur ton.Sep, oli- ad oi ;i. C1OIf9d3W. )ther ou art i 1 Vao-reolnsfiiod -drggas eerwhrtI~lit t -ci i for Seed or Uem Choice fresh g-ïýreis ys i aodeosotludingieVtporzern h'Ilu Wl reFenceat stock ý -JNc io ! reya opu-Laip, wbioh shoots! lait a life-ime. suad a bottle o -t' Ianpries t F A oles.Creiolene, Cornlec,$LSo;5ýextra supputs of Cres:Ti -raeSOLISI . utn.ew ror, A od lu rd uufl IoL w&rsods segesand wees bfon piacug ourord'r or opiug uit Fo sae b Sttt Jwy, Powminvile.pas eat benefit to mne. y ohrao s to say that they were of great to her-."-P. Huiler, London.j ORZONO. sKirkland iii seriously ili at her' hter's, Mrs. William Hockridge, .rg., _Mr,. Wm. Seariele isen- I with Messrs. Staîker Bros... uCoiville.lins been homre n.ursing - -- M. Wmr. Lonig basrcvre iilless....Dr'.IH. E. Anm- g, Billings, Mon., after a week's at his mfother's bore, has roturned *.-.r.Josephi Camspbell bas ised -Mi' A. Tourjie's dwollîng on C1hureh street. wheye hli n- to reside Rev. T. W Leg-gott (id anuiversary services at Cam- Suliday .......,, Mr. Robert I ýI has commenved thle etof o 'ellk1 inhouise on, ParkSt...Th airiinet given oy R Fev. W. H, s intew n alrcn wasr and distinct ald( the audience ig'hly enjo3.ed the !ournoy vfrom 'nsoftA t Lawvrnce to luor and 01dLodn At Windsor wereý giron a peop into tho oya Pd nat Loudon 11tiey were talken, 2;h the WestInàste-r Abbey and îtie tom-be ni the Roýyal CeRd, vw)Ro iso taken tIro'ugh st.î > athedral and the Towerof oi. anud oher ancieuit aud notedj PROVIDEN~"CE. The anniversanv services o! Provi- dence Satbath Sellool wili be held on Sunday, June 2. Sermons will be preached at 2 80 andi 7 p.nm. by Rev. S. T. Bartlett, Napanee. Music wîll be rendereti by Messrs Auin Bros. of Bow- manville, and the school. No tea will be held se a generous collection is asked lu behaîf o! the sehool funds, Corne and participate in the services, MIT. CARSWELL. A grand con cert wlil be given under the auspices of Mt. Carswell Division on Friday, Ma *y 8lst, iu thein hall, at 8 p.m. The prograni will cousiet o! recitations, solos, dialogues, tableaux, duets ,, addresses and instrumentai music by best local and outside talent. Proceeds will be applied to renovation oif the hall, Admission 15e , childi-en 10c. Yotu are kindly inrited, Pý CARD. 11 We eundersigned, di hereby agree to refond 'the money on a 50-cent hottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or coifi. We sîso guarantee a 25-cent bottie to provo satisfactory or money refunded. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, STOTT & JURNY. HAYDON. Visitors: Miss Kate McNeii and the Misses CwiuTornto ; Miss Maude Creepor, Wh4jitby, Mi-. Cyrus Slemon, Ornemee; Mil, and Mrs W.H-.Baubury, Bowm-anvîlle, Mrs. Street, Rag-lan; Mrs Edith Oreeper with Miss Mlaude Curtis, Tyrone; Miss Annie Morqtjoy with her sistor 1Edîth, toacher lu Mari- p osa: Mns. Thomnas -Mountjoy, sr,, fuiher son at Enniskillon; 1rs. Richard Ash ton home from Bothany .. Wheu Mi-. Euest Aunger and Mr, Gibson, millor were throwu- fromn a rig Saturday evening ,ýMi-. Gbsn'eg was broken nean the ankle_. - er. J. F. Means, M;yrtlo3, delîveredl a mitost omstand Jinspinng seron hr'Sun day p mr. Miss Cwig Torento, sang a solo thaqt was muchi appreciaed. Read.to-ear ottoadepant ýs , at F, A.:Clo', amptj1on. For Infants and Children-j. Tht et- - ý THEN(.o BQWMANVI LLE SPE CIÂLSý for the week.ý Bicycle Suits, good wool Tweeds, regniar $4,50 for $3.50 Bicycle Pants, heavy wool ehecks, reg. $250O for $1.7 5 Boys' Suit., eheek tweed 2-piece Suits, Speeial, $2.0e, B oys' Suits, heavy wool tweed 3-piece Suits,Special, ý$3.2 5 Mel'S Suits,fancy stripe worsted Suits,were $IO,for750 MnsSuitS, D. B. worsted serge Suits, were $9,for $6. 00 We have a full range of our Extra Special Worsted Suits at $6.50. These are wonderful value and we have als~ frorn 34 to,44. Don't forget our Special Corset Dernonstration ou Wednesday and Thursday, Mlay 22, and 23, Corne and see the B. and I. Corset. Baby's' Bonnets .We are showing a ver y fine range iu Muslin, Cash.. mere and Silik- IJllas and Boninet-S,handsu-rneiy enbr-oidevei and good-fltting shapes. Pr'ices frorn 25é, up. Ladies' and Children's Vests. We have just received (direct from factory) Îa very large. shipment of Vests. We have every size and kind, over 70 different styles. We are sure you will bep1ad wvith the quality and prices. Cotton Hose Ladies' and Children's plain and ribbed, fast d' WCe a pair and Up. Wash- Dress Goods .Muslijs, Gînghams, Mercerized Sat ens etc.,Aswe import these goods direct, our prices -%ill be founid lowe'r than what is usually asked for sirnilar goods.ý T H EMA S C Co.-ý TOWN OOUNÙIL. SpclMeetig held on Friday even- inig Isat. Miembers ail presenb, ex-cept count. Percy. Minutes of laut meeting read and confirrned. The Mr.ayor resu a letter from Mr. Graham., ot Belleville, In reply to a letter, sakiug hinm to revise Propoaitioq for Evaporating Factory. Mayor Mitchell stated that lr was iikeiy tiîat Mr, Giaham would agree 10 the pro posed changeis. Also one fromn T. Yellowlees, Sec. of Che Old DurhamBoys, stating that it ,had been decided to riàit, B.wmanville on Ang. 5th. A communication re Farmer'oAppeal was received froni Neil McDonald. On motion of Spry and Tait, referred to Court o! Revieion. A petition was received from J. Mc- Murtry, D. B.Slmpaou, W. G Glover and J, Gale, asking for Granolithic Walk to be laid oun orth aide of King et. from Sîlver to Sougog. Referred to Rondea sudStreets. ,Mr. Spry,,Clîsirn.an of Rnada andl Sts. Com. prosented, Report, i-e tha laying of Granolithic Walk on sonth aide of Concession S(a , froin Centre to Lsiberty, reonmending that the work be prcceeded with and also givlng eetimate of cost, to each individual. M1oved by Spry, Sec. by Worth, thal the Report be received sud adopted. Mr. Spry ale> prese nted Report fromn Roade and Ste. Com , re petItIon o! M4esers, Jory, Joues aud SImpéon askling for Water System te their pro. [I ~1 ua--ururuentgla~h tender of Rice & Ou for Iaying pipes be acoepted. On motion of Spry, Sac. by Worth, the Report was received and adopted. The Mayor stated that Mr Pearson had aaked permission for the Board of St. Paui'a church, tu remove two trees in front of the ohnrch, which were blocklng np the drains. Oa motion, Referred to Rondsand Ste. Oum. with powrtost. Co.Iunl.0 King cl the attention of the douncil to the condition of the aide. walk on Division street frorn Weiiing- ton tu Lowe etreete. Âfter nme dis- cuesion i was Moved by COUD. Kýing, Sec. by Ç3oun. Spry, Thpit he Clark be inatructed to aldverthle that4. it was the titentica of Council ta liay a Grano- Itlili walk on esaýt ide of D)ivisionU street, froin Wellinton to Lowe street. Also on the nnrth aide o! Weliington street, from Temperance to Division street. Also on the eas ideof Ontario etreet from the interse3ction of Ontario îsad Qaeern Atteetsto Aibert street. The3 ques5tion of rates for Water supply was dicssed sud itàtvae usovid by CoUn. "spry, Se-c. by Coun. King, Thaât the rate for Mesars. Slmpson 'aud Jury be $12 each; and for Mrs. Mc-e Cresdiy and Mr. joues $8 eacb, per-- anuni. Ca-ïîed. (Jouncilajounrd ChilrenCry for CAS-TO R lA, S£1OCK W'ANTED -Ar ',,inityof Spring Lambs, veail Cdv, ,~ail l kînds of fat stock wantei a, 'pe e haVing saie wilplease inotfy-t ',.ý 11. CAwxrEi, bhx 189, Bowiianivi l,,. 19ý-3ml PUBLIC NO TICE Take notice that'the Municipal Coceif 0f the Corporation of the Town of Bowman ivile ,,in,- tends to lay ï Granolithie Sidewalký, four feýet in width, o the north side oeltngo street front the west Fide 0f Tmpraic treeýt to the east sie of Division street al,«,o Division street front the souili side o FWeigtntre to the north side of L,,,,e sret aiso 1th east side of Ontario stret fr"mnithiereie of Ontario and Queen stree ts rnigsc-uth tto the north side of Albert snreet, amidt,-,assýess tie final coat thereof upon thic property abuitttng theron aînd to be beitied ýeltiereby, ' 1 sd that statement showing t'.e lhnd, liawe t, pity the sald assessinent ami tbe n ïainies of tile owniers thereof, so f ar as thcy cen be ascertaine,' froin the last revised assessrnent rol , now 'lepd in the office cf the Clerk of the iuiiptiandi is open for inspectioo-durlng ofîicehotlni The estimated crst of thie w,ý iis $1(i70oooof which $985.24 is to abc o oufcntof the general fnss of the Mulepaly. A Court of Revisi,,îi wil] e heMdon The-sdaiy, 30TH MAY, 1901, 7.ý0 p.m., atieoni(an ber in said town for, tie purpose- s,0fheig complaints against the pjropoýSedaseaneor aecuracy of the frontage mieasuremeutýS or any uther complaint whielh persons inteË,rested [may desire to niake and whîc ib 'y lav ogtzb by the Court,' Clerk of tle Municipal Bowm anville, May 20, 1901. 21-2wV Richelien aud Ontario Navigatîon Comp~any, 1 D ate ......................... . . W. . - , -" - . . . . s- . . . . . . . . 9 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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