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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 2

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m Dr.. L. POTTER. thran recki:essly go thr.uýgh it in th e Off! ce au dresidence,ChurchSt..,oppelteTrfnlty spring with a dmstp1lew anid tear 4,engregational chureli, Bowmaiille. 25-6-ifl* t os by w5cljesale,. There would- O N 111 FAn tbe so (i, dama;,-,e donc if ON THTHEE1FIORISthe plivii were net ru so close to the 31SPETELMORI, cies. 'In many insatnces the rows of ARtTIST. Instructions gvenin PAINTING tilpns are plowed the saine as if they In 011, W ater Color and China. Sketching anid ~wr e. fpsshvgnros peinig frein ature. 1ULN on prelnlees, tir wx.rw fp - ain oros L11 et nenal prices. 51,.6. Te effect of sch ufli! etreat- ______________________ NEW IDEA FORe ORCHAI{DS. m2'nt cf fxuIt trees is te check wocd 131t. J. C. MITCHELL, A contribrtcoeir s ef thn opinio that growth arnd enrluragea an abnoirmaI /4'EMBEIIOF COL fýEGE0OF PHYSICIANS production of fruit. Then the re- IVand Surgeons, Outarie,Coroner, etc, appica tûres f tany varieties may be aetion cames, end itha trees seem un- Eesidence. Enniskilleni 74 brucight jut e ul bearinig at four willini.g eih er te produce fruit or de- yenris alter beltag iect iu. tan orchard ve]c'P weed.; 'A. E. MeLAUGHLIN. arnd q'uefes u~ni instance- of ninety G" unerally spcnking, an ercihard yar1ter,Sollcltorrand Conveyancer. OfficCý- tres ba'n-tle eighth sasox. af- eshoald bt plew.ed nat more than ence eBiêakley Block, Ring Street, Bowmanville. in five years. And il shicild net bn Mneny te lean atreasenable rates. 48-lyr, tex reitting enime 203 barrels of Pick- deep, nec e,,hoild the earth bc plowed cd appies. up near tire trees; thny eheutd e'cupy ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. Ta'cy were BaLdwiàn, Rhoe Isa.ud, anr anplowed et rip twenty feet -%ide 0 FFICE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Gmcenirng and iRxbury Russet, and onsaqento de vetog upon t.ra n 'Block, s here binseif er ltsassistant willIotdveoiet beloudfrom8a.m.to9p. mu. Night tiai wn ýre et 5gllteen feet npart. Large Th,-,c"ochard never isheutild be par- eAldnce, directly opposite Drill Shed. Ca l$ bî appla txn'es axe flot advocntnd, that tnitted te beceme feal 0fr infested with laieî ssph er telephene will recelve prompt a -weed,. Diski-nzar' in thesrn 4Mute. 17 - yr. ls, tres with tops sprending 301 te î esPî _____________________________ aotidbe feillowed by pcricdlcal bar- ARIAGE TCENSES,-M.- A. Le 35 ictxuir!nig a tbirty-foot and uimuCl intjuvfor so#win- Ln cever AÂYLJÀMSFe Issaoer cf Marriage Licenses. Res1dence: Centre street, bnddax te gather the fru:t. it ta bet- orop, sucàoh et rye or vetch. ter te seit tr,-Py,ï ceghtnen cent apart, SIMVPSON & BLAIR. us?'nig 13tiees per acre, and whoen TIIE VINES OF PALESTINE. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. o., CHAS. P. B[.AIR1, thie trne are four year.s otd, and came Barristes s, Slictors, Notaries, etc ,, Meri te Eock, upstairs KingStreet, oivrnaiville. jte beacring, stop acl tcibier crop- Jws ocat ieRotiga sneuieýs loaned ai Iceest ratai pC'g, anfd Lat thei tree bave ail the InduttrY Of Biblfcal Antiquity. groud toe row and mature their -h acccut c f the, trade cf Pales- DENTISTRY. fruit. tine duriug Lst yaar, given in the, G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L.B. S., D. B.S., 13Y aettâig igltee, feet apart censular report jus ucd, ie fair- BHouer Gradnate in Denu',try of Toronto Uni. VergitV. OFrCE:-OVer Couch, Jolireton aud thae are 100 monra trees te thca arre ly happful, theugli neither the nxports Crydrma's store. Bowmurille. 18-lyr. te baar frem. ti reCue they arofour ner tb"c imports mcccli thýý level et- R. F. IlUNTER, 5years oid, aied thley ail nec co-%d tained in 1899, saays th-- Londen Stan- ARISERSLIITRNOAR ac-h other for Lffcen years. At the dard. Thre pro3parity of lb" country B,>APtIcSvcvRSCxITORNOTAR jn o f :ta eastntp of very tdapauds stili, a, il abs cys bas dons, Cemtpan "Fnnids tce ed atlowest carrent rates er treti shoeid bc eut back te eed ctPebbaasay ll e p Dental Boomis, ttewmïtnville. 13-Gm* nien the body oif tbe tran as aýýua e n the fruits of thc 'arîli. Centurios donc, and nvt Leave t1ie Udmb -toeeLarge Lefore lb" nre ýent era Cern and aina, $ 0 0 00 TO LEND tanesanieaine woid b.hac on i Ibe e n ed il avare counted amongtlb" chef $50.000yetmteat rton go mo avaree te ha tup-grafted. A neav top bcn f tlicProryise~d Laud, and 18ge eeuriynatmüdrat rats _tcf yc.uij-,tbifty greavtb wouid atart l)uhea 1,tlnwote .16-fin LNsoletoomvlln. frst, 1h" otha-r tave ara xnegaining 16 -6m.cout whi,1ch of coea sawouICInc.ed te be their anci "ut repsetatiasa. à T e!e- tLCnad àcrt pmcperiy, atnd lu îhrc ens, ,avhith aise wern valued lu au- llrlriga~ig~ ~'iIL.&,i9S.yerteth treesý w odlc infull bncx- aient daya, a nnavfruit* has ben adld DENTISTS. cnt back miry bc aexvad l im1kasuce- a nc p0 ?t o aluten? beg Wil h a Bac~tckonth ~'ex. li ytihiis meatc ef tîcattuent tlhicnxport.s of the forrt"m have de- Mondbay cf acksutotica onoh lrs d Ïh. opwad dba k"pt younig, the eliiedec.nsiLdpanbly in valua during Monday f a dyn a ,'wat îîe '21disi u u1d hagrcfwn, on yassng and the lest fae yenrs. Jaffa oranges, Wendayesday rond .m. Zecs!.ýitet;h-fty waod, and the appies ca Lly lhiever, utaintein 1h2jr reputatian, Wednesdayprom 2 p., and trees easiîy sprayed. Whcn so Ihat it mray bc hop'.i that thq de- OntaicE:ý-Terperance St., Bowmin- tha tme".s crowd agn.n, lt the tops pressicu. is only temporary. South-' ville,rear of fligginbotham's drug store. be eut back ns bnfeie, or tekc; eut cru Palestine bas always b3en netned -- vecry câliar treae entirely. for ils viney-ards; it was Judah who As maeny frem tuaa erchard la ch- "boeud hb.<a feel tt 1h" vin-,.. .and cTP ~ T ~ eat tuf , plnntcg lb thenes 135 te wai bed bis cluahes lu lbe bleod of j T IST R Y tite arc. and keiepaail-r e tiDpsaithin ga". ar d.us of chu , nxteanfeet, m oire 0O- t b" ý pr n"ii ipal Ja aish eclo- i2s i C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. app1ias avillb i h akea front Étha aceberd the Jaffa d~rc.Ricb cn-te-Sie>n» -ia tawn:t oic twpnty-fivýe ycnrs anrd at Pet'acb-Tikvah, and Ekieti, en the Graditate of the Royal College of leat expaence per acre tiien! aveal1d be aýuppea i- site of th- Philistine city -Dental Surgeons, Ontario. froin. Lb" ani groand wrth trecase"ýt wbcb- lasI reaeived lb" fatal trophy OFFICE-Opposite TBinghnam's office. thi."ity-flvc t racs teo theu acre lu fifty cf Éih" ark, lb-' first 15 tb" ebief eure .y.carts. f or grapc groxing., A fourLh celeuy, VITAL1ZED AIR., The above plaun lu for those wbc Secouna, ai3o u"ar Jaffa, is Germatn. havie ruade ap lb"' minîts te go inito lu ail ibasc agriculture, and espec;al- K ucelbdi-uig for the ptçoflr therc is inls vpvryth!llg eunu"ated witb ina- lit. if tue icebard cannot bave, the making, is canducted on ON IO BA E use cf aillte land, anrd proper feeding SCIENIII PRINCIPLES, continuestode a General BaokÎug Business at o c-Ituating, sprayicrg anad trimmig, ndbefrtndlsbaebc e Ecwmanvile Agercy.then igo on the present sy sten'. really important centre s lu tha Bcvaulleigec.Orchards sho'aid hava ne eut off years trude. PRlch 3n-le--Sieýn he, excellent DIEPOSITS bat sibeuld bear evry ycar et au av- aaorkS uand abryfer tb"rumenu- ieclved l InSavirgs Basnk Departinent and erage of two barreis î2par tree, e r 2501 facur" cof avu", aq11 rantundeîr- lpteretlet !ved qetiCrrent rates. TNtice of tb 300 barriLs cf pc e appies par gro'tuinalaafci trg T n Slhdaaieteeear.Ali eoispayable ar nnalyace h ecaa ef v ts'"a onanaiaou ,000. ±udemand i e ait, il fistce.11 carjs el d, galiens in edditbat te a eon,îlemablc, EXOHANGE After tit..s a miub lnrZer 3ycelrl may quauntity whicb la niwaars kept ln de- be expectcd.peetlabg. Tekîdares idoi'ght ansd sldaaitDBraftj5 issued n pan Europe,.o üIabug, w id r s Unied Sates sud Caada, also Gold, Silver sud - -- paciaily in d2mand-a red ain2, lite 5'ied States Greenbaeks hougliti sud sold FEEDING PIGS FO1Bi PROFIT. a liglit daret, and a dry avhiÉe aine, -C oLL E c r 1uNx To begCn wità yaÀu muet have begs ratîsax cf, the nature of Sauterue. Tb" Germau c, aonmaeaia ,>fntl meaGureatrIlet upon ail parts theit cru gond naters xitb goed con- fi a gcel quallity- tbe)u"-blu in es miifno GratIriandie a td tts u it ostitutions, aviteýs Mm. Lemey IHackett cbuudaec,". Tlb"y bpstcf.r aliaracter- TeegaliTrnfe~ They wmatI habche te d:,."ist anda- istia came cou ch" precesses, and tutu Telegraph Transfers simiieate lanrge quantitins cf food and ç.ut a larger numb2r f vaietie-a AIf;de f'r'l' ' or asson ail parts of lta mded aav-ite MuF.cal, a mcd aina Carad. lh:iîi ad tvartagecu'te per-.neci m ee .ueadlikte Aftauthalem, e m"d "Alicante,"' $cris Il iaig r Il astsrthe 1Norih1%e-st, il fat Only e hog cepable cf accent- and tac cah" vwhite aines, Rcisling makes Iheftuad. vaiabie et once aI Cite place nipayasest. pbishiug Ibis cen h fttne ait and Satina. AIl, av" are tcld, ceom- For cuber itarticulars call ait-te ak pare favc-urabiy -aith lb" couamolu 1ak. pr-cf it.Pare-bred heog t ara marcre nhuiIelaavescuaeb- Aeoulln J.Manager(EO ItcILcapabhie of accmplrabiing Ibis Ihen giuning btini their way te Eu- Acous~ntMaagr uegrai. Ho,,eaxe, do net depeni s-ep"-ý-pmobably tbey appeer lunaine toc mrunit aunpcd;gcree. If you are liste under French, cm,ocaeas:uonally, Lr-ke Ontario and Bay of Quinte Stealn- plan'n,g to neglent and hiaîf itarve Gemman cames. boa Copan, Lmitd.Theme le an excellent proaspecî, boa Coupar, imied. yoaritcgs you ha-i bae e tck te the therefome, that lb" vincyamds cf rezor back, as i e isai dte Ibis sert Palestine, mey once more bac of note, Str."Norh K i inof txE.ctinert. In addition te geod as in ch" olden deys, Meny parts cf BETWEEN feed and water, conifortabia_ quartars, ai lu, grapa greaxing-, clthougb the lu- a7nsnf stiraell ve.atltd îend clean mai,-s be duscmy lbas for long ibeau neglncled, fllFT IIfllllT~~ provdad. 1 titink boea"es providcd partiy, p2rýaps, beccus" lb" ýKeman SOUT BOUD wih céuca flýQro nid rougis rc avons upn th2 vin. On", travellr SOUTH BOUD allqws f a vina near Acre, Ibe Lv Portborg...............8 0 p m.eat frontltaegroani, oftcu i- n mud mare tiraitlhirty feet broai and loug, Ar P hoteope............2 7.15 p.i,'cad fillh, xvilnvexprodaco mcaL et and home huu'bes aveighng lau cm AR.chrlote,;vi N. Y. .....71)PM'u a profit. The-n peck predainie in this tw-lve peunis. The lit" Dean Stan- NORTH BOUND. aey ise no fit for hiam-ian consumap- luy dc.crib,3s, as ctcc p-zcuiarity NORI-IBOUD lon. cf Judaea, thia abundance cf ch" ter- Lv. Rochester, via N,Y.C. . ..8 25 a. um. 'ThicprGper Uni" to ebagiu feediig acd viu"y amis, aili lli"ir aale &ýCharlotte, N. Y........g.00 a. in. fer proüfiL ns avlasu the piga ara foi- luxer- audJ aals, just as th3y avare Ar. Cobourg ............... 1.30 p. uM. ioavîng tha 50ow. The acw shoald b' lu for canturias befere tealfe of Jeta- .Port Hope ............. 210 p. m. getnd fbcsib et farrGw*-iug tinte. Begin salant. Eut lu thesa dcys the cul- Rilgitreserved tW ýhange tinte wth or fcnduug bbc'th pige et foiur w cake ai1d, Iurca cf the vine waes far more genoel 'lit" manne r in avhiab toontany is your oniy meanuscf kiliing them. Princese Tab!etsi; fer-mers ploav Ibm-ir. rchari avhan SotsEuso fcdlvro Arc'irIat yen aant for al f crins cf I1 CW t mlinocd-veo S fcmalc troubeles;an infallible rame, th3Y pio hn e i nccal dy discoered bya feremnost female large nicassere fer partial fruimil e Wiil giVe YOU thet lataift, if any- spcialiet; gnarateed as a positive cur'e; wi positivcly estblislit tIe arcs a- saîfandrygirewt! cf noraifuntious;nused monthly by tr""es .Il aere better net tepooav csp wil ove,ý>50,000 ldies; for sale 'at 1rn- "1'.11 thuaag wi FR££ OoýîLe AND 'ny c'. Rits, orseUmaoireceipt of pricc Lh. Ie trlad a'.ciry i;bclt" f cr"ýSGIr & scierie. 1 C"ea Ti c Nro. 'ti DgegCWindbur, Cont. Cekn. i have not xea LLn U f~bpaïnIug g£OSd10;alrugs. I IF NOT TRUE. An adv-erliseu-eub may iu-- dace a itersen 10 try au article a FIRST tinte. But au adverlisemeul avon't indice n person te suse thet article n SECOND tinta aueslb givesstis- fac tion. has a sale larger tItan tise J comibinai sales of any other three soape. An advertisement ny iu- dace people bo try SUN- LIGH-T SOAI' ence. Bat il le rjnc,àlity and quai- lty alonie, that usakes people, use SUNLIGHT SOAP eentiuusly and elways. <IERMANY'S SIlIIKE OF PHYSICIANS rZesuit of Ile I1orita,tlot orClbý,for COo- eperatIveIledIC.jI Service. The physiciens' strike in Gemmauy axee lu conuection avitb îhe sebeme cf aickaness insurane, by avbicl isoee thixty million Gaermans, are enutitlc te free reedical atîcudauce on paymeuî cf a emaill ubnt. Tbaoxcticaily, nnthingj ceuli he, ncsme perfeoî than eueb à co-eperative arranagament. Praclieaily Il has. benfouni that tlb5 intereste of the sickness buxeaus, Krankcukas- een, the doctees and the patiente cleeli at almeet evexy point. The bu- reause-udenvom topremotneecnmy, anda deiaire blinI fa-v cases cf siekuness shall bc eoîi The people feel Ibat the, doctoeý-s breiat tbarn utafeel- iugiy. Thedocter,iae n their part, £lini thebreah ard taskntcsters. Ena Leipajo the confliol bas declaxred itsalf fxankly. 'Pie bureau physcian ae, la iothea- cilesiai crgcnized au esccntenteuereetthe profes - sie. Tia eusaieienattemptei te negbiteavililie gureauq fer hct- tex tae an ý;iileeýs irkseme conditious cf jservice. ' Tle bu7rcaus refusci tei final avill the commissioîn, but avere avilllng to eacer idividua: complainte. It ivas the oli ueto f "xeeoguiziug the union.' The ctn dii juel wav-a wverlmn do rrdm the cireumestenees -stxuek, and t1e1,o, wokcf the Leip- sic bureaus is cripplai. At Munichli Ibe case cf the dealors aa stîli bharder. Their average pro- filaq freuttha bureau service aveme about $75 pceariy. The pay aecthe saet for the test difficuit and fer the liglitesi cases. The united effort cf bbc ,PhysIcians raeni the average pay foc' e caîl te about 15 cents. They dnrnandedneave a special taxiff for ebsbeties and oblier difficuit: oper- atioug, ani whetu snobchrecognition ae refused, lilteCieir Leipsie bretbmen, bhey stmuclt lu a body. The cause wouid berdly cîlfox comment were lb net bliat patients; are equaliy dis- affectci. Thc systemü oppresses tbemn. They laust teke Lsncb physicien ns le alictted to thent, uni muet buy their medicinces etcertain pharma- ciee, or lose theb,ýenefit cf tbejr euh- aicriptien. They receive undampai trealment grudg'agly given, avbiet is the aorat- treatmnt. They possibly bsng moire iu eqiuanimaity thati they gain in ceoy. ',hiîe lb is possible thal conte, eforus cf the systet sray be eecu-.i, il looke very maucli cs theuigl itils fects avare radical. Or- genizetien feus whan lb clashes aith human nature, andit i le ard tcsee howan cy-buireau syclemn ie consistent -ili the human r'elaticn that sbouii cet betaveen physicien and patient. RECRUITS FOR BRITISH ARMY. Tii"à, Issnbes Wls> lIqtcd tetweesa Jeisu ery uad 3xareiîLast IV«as Ce,52C. A British Parliameutnry rebuen bas hen issuci sbeaaiug the nutbe-r 'af rccruils avhe joi'nt-i the megular ucmy and the mililia duriug theî fimettIhcee maunthe cof eaich yee-', fmom 1897 le 19011 inclus.iveý. Takîuig the regular arpaiy fimît, it appears that lu Tenu- ýmea enlisted ; in 18Q98 thare avere 9,- 581 ; in 1899, 9,0165; Lu 1900, 10,011; anid lu bbcea, peaii c f île prescat ypar, 12,810. Inaiditlien lu Ibis lat- teýr number Ibere aveme duriug the saut" ýpeirici, 26,848i ecreils, maisci for the, Impeirial Yeîcmaamy, the SeuIl Africcu CensIeaýiy ead oller spa- ciel corps raised a;bhume,, aud 10,873 mens enlisted in the mîlicie, îaakiug TOWN COUNIL. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. Rogular meeting; members ail pres. Regularmeeting held on Menday ont. Mayor Mitchell pres1ding. Min- last. Reove, Anson Taylor presidiug. uten cf laat speclal meeting read and Ceunicil apened firsi as a Court cf Re- ccntirmed. vision. The members present made Petitions were recelved frein the foi- and subscribed te the cati requIred te lowlng: be taken. C. Dîokînson, Sec. of DO. & P.Co.20 Dr. J. C. Mitchiel aprlied te have Baud askfug for grant et $50 and agree - the usines acided cf fHowaird Yenuing, iug1 te play once a week on the Market lot 15, cocr. 4, aud Albert Voenuig, lot Square. Granted. 11, cou, 7, wreugfully omiited as M. J. D. Ronald, offering Council En- F. Votera. Boti sllowed. Hie aise glu' fer he sutntcf $1500. Laid on spplled te have the Icllowlug adddi, tel 0j~Gaim wrongfully omitted,. as Farinera' Sons: h. J Graamrenewing cfar for the H. Mounijoy, Ici 23, cors. 7; HienrY ehtablielbssîent of Eraporating Worke. Cispussu, loi 21, cou.' 7; G. F. Mat- La&id on table. cocli, lot 18, con, 8; James Vinson, lut E. A. Willis, Sec, cf Board of Trade, 13, cpu. 8; G. Shear8. lot- 13, con. 7; Tcrotolu efeeuc teOh ont A. Thompkins, lot 13, con. 6. Someo f Torotoin efoencete ld omoabove were found te ho on, sud reLxi W-ck Celebratîon. Referred te May- aliowed excepi Shears, wlto had lef i or and Clcrk, te reply.th iI&,adTopnulidve A number (f Fermuer'a Appeais were tfor idr aiug u Topinlido recelveci sud referred te Court cf Re fo frsaon - -1T J. . ..a,. i.A lInfi - .. Litte Iver i1s Must 3ear Sig~nature of violon t. report uns. .- Î,------ '- 1--- ' 1 - Frein Boirmauvilîs Electrie Ligit fug saded,.ruflyomiýtt@i as M.F. Co.,wili propo3ilion for sîreet lîgîting. Voters: W CraLwfordi, lIl)ý1, con. 6; LSc Siile faprBeow R ferai e PnhicProprty ent.sudT. L-atimmer, lot, 5, conu. 5; J. Barker, ~ aeies ees Chairman of Rosis and Strets Cern- lti~cn ; einPad, lot ,g mittee. cou. 1; emiýtted as tenant, 111lai. Mesâe. Percy and King tendersiloei - r pý Ffé C~ their regignabien as monters ùf Court Court theni adjourned sud Conneil ie IZiES of Revision Ntraet i. cpned luase way. Minutes of lasi Front Thioma Stapiay, a2king te, ho nelgrs n cnimi TL reiisved of îeg tai, as do-g wats deai. Cmtuo ti re received frontFOTRPDLV . Granted. N. F. Meac tn.Centy ClrreIL OSiAI Rapoots avare recmitved fronlthei Cane- indigents lu Ceihcuyg Inflimms.y. e O ALO KN baker of the Vemebe,a gl ving rnumbe ceivai auid fylaiî. cf luemmehi îrieg ie psi mnti. James . .Strong and Jese-ph 7Mc.FRTEO~L~O Reoeivei sud s.Robons clammed c Mpens8ation fer sheep , ey 'f Fre Per Rlia 0m -sioîcgaukilledi oy iogs, bhou vaiued at $3 eacît. ri "'"' '"" expanditure cf $23.110. I4ecoivei snd Ors motion au crier was granted fur CURE SICK HEADACIIE, i adoptai. tbave lune lieantunt. _____________ Mr. Tait, Cliairmau of, Fire Commit- Mr. HunIer, Banrister, appearsi ha____ tee, preeentsi Report as folloas:- fore the Cenacil re the iissulug cf'De- Rillas n fl+ih GasnsasWevor (osuiteetebenures fer the 3proposai Lindsay, Richeltitu and OntarioU whscm wassrefenneà haci lte report fient tire booygai n & Poutypeol Raiilway, re- depateet aud le report st a future meet- ferrei te hlm at lasi smeeting. ne bai Navigation Copay ing lie e3tisuatl ceet of a Olsoil En- aritten te Mr. Stewart, Sollicitor at gzins, beg eai-o te report, Cthat a Chemýcal Lindsay, for information, and frein Niagara to the Sea - EngÉins, double cylinder, 50 galion capacity, wist ho coutld alicarain, the Council eauh cylinder. hoie reel, sud 150 feet of euleneicioteua xpse fîeig- - Hamilton -Montréal LUne. sud coehalinich rnhher bose, steei frits, d e ototeexes f muu savaru wheels, vaigit 2_300 pouuîs hîgît. the Dehentures ai preseut. sud 3,000 pounis changeli; aise one year'e Oriera avea granisi on the Treallur ý supply c .etcl a o ucasalo sfeilows. James (rczlev, Joh for the um et 191.500OU0, payable iu tee Me0rtizcu, icdilgents, $4 each;E3 yearly insîsmments avit iuterest ai 4 per 'Montgoery, repwirs te Cuivert, $2.110; t ecul., arcin uvisw oflte ssii purciase, aeE.togJsphMRbr, yeur Ceamittedeern t ilise te sueke neoae .SnuJsp eoei lurter expenditumo thtan i, neailyuecessasyslioep cdanagas, $2 oaci; J. Naignith lu liie iertsenit. Wge ru l erefore gocis furnishei James CrezIer, mdi . recemmeud that the presieni numben eftfire- gent, $1 75; W. Sitorleilige, ehovelling sues.14,lieretainsi, sud lia their salary ser 5. mi iii 2 osc -~~~ p' 1 armnter ye.sr, frein Jamuary 1901. A1ec tIsai six pair rithber bocossudviefu, usa d cSug raP l-s"rnhber coati he procured for the u secf $1920; A. Davidson, 53 rois 10 foost flrem'n. and that a Ciendeal Enrgins ho p.ur- cf avire foce, $8,05.. liai!, repaira chaeei, net te exceei $1,100. Iu renomu. le rosi sud sbevelliug suew, 89 85. Tise Palatial Iron Steates-s, In- meudsug lis purehaseeof a Chemical Engiue aise for elqven rois cf min efanca), $1,. ilon," "Algersan" aud 'Spartan" aili ave dt) se elitving illo be iluthsehel inter- cnitt r-ekysriefo est if lhe naunicipalila, giviug lIoes lunlte 65, ' cnsîitut e a f ni-weekiy ervice prom rutiying districts lhe tire proeeclion îîey ate Mmc Johuseu ol ,i ber usuai elsit t easJun t, esdag Dalgion 0 p.atd ul nitisi b. Yeur (lomudtes fidi lite Ocuncîl, but ii uer aalefor aily- casihun 1. Tuestil, Tureays an th11 aviere Chesiesi engiues are in use, thing-thls tlme. Frida-,s sud Sundays, 4.30 p. mt., takisg' freinfit ty te everity-fire per cent. of al Ca)uncil clesed with a leugihhy speech fneig-bt and passeugers front ail way tires are Put Out hy ltent. W have pro- from. G. 31arlow, en tie te i;ti urnsd prs paroi an estimale as to tie cosi for ton prs youtre, union lte cli syatein; aise sitowing place ho put ou gravai. 'lucre steamers pass througih the' titat tiy tIse purcitase cf a Cheenical, we nit beautiful scenerv cf thcelBay oft-Quinte oniy have a morse fficienlrire 'protectio,-----su ad Tîousani slnd Iy sAylight. bul have alliheenocf ton veaes, anupu-to- PREVENTION 0F TYPH01ID FEVER.LwIregt asanQuoDipc. date equipenul ltatbas uoc cnethle tIwn, o lrih ae-,adQ'eýDsaei onu dollar. To gîvo intlhliaontiying --For turîber particalars appl, te, districthle fire fireteclion itey are ctitlisiConmonly Tuirca Into thre iystem l JOHnM lEL , le, thse baud enigins suait ho heongit laie Driirlng Water. BowINMauvii, n gena uns. Tbe tinssent campanly avilire- Bwaiii, lt quire tabehinlcroesi te 20 me"n, su addition Typhoi fever, being, a disease tînt TIIOS. IIENRY, ef six inu;aiso eç tanks, nuhher coats alavaye requirea tle perecanil attend- Traffie Manager, Motreal, 22 so an ote fer six in, filliug tanks, drawing ance eof a plysician, mey ha proper- enue, flie, wear eu h e-, e., mtsklng a D.C r total of $1,800. By the pu-ehaqe (f a ly rTefermai te, frum, the point of vcwaDr McGahev sHav Cheraical Engin!., Bay $1,500, asti ta psy cf p-revet.tion. n ae1C r for spa in uton yeans, ten inslslmenta Trbree-iae ese.h e oiymedielus cf $1510 Bach year aili inlerest at 4 per cent It !is aell.kucavu Ibal lyphoii fer- tise avorli fluet avili stophlaaves1lu Iredaýyj, h ,.Iseulul thon cuiy côet lie toavu seveutseon c" s a waatr-berne disesa, na is litfer a permuanent cure il; eqaires froineue- bussirei aud eeventy dollary, heaides lie -liais te oea hettia aceoiding- b directionss, lO innthos neig le agin sd n ai cmmoriîy laken minoe Ic yslem cin and$l 5ne Ridiey sud Acntc CrusîgitPendons, ton thnointhe peent ine anrinoad- isin-aaera5o0ie eem o- c., Conditions Poiders, 25e. Thec fcilovlug ditin nede tethepreentfir brgad. d-inkng ate whclihaibecme on-have oscditsi, ctesitsoiiiais oand tiousaudia 'lTa Finance Commit tee presenîsi tantinala f-rein tle excmta Of par- of ethers t-G. alus, MteriekvilILa T. Warren, Kemptvile; H1-Blinîs, L-iverpool, England. report, mcommnouirg the tisyrent cf cons euffcring fmnthîe dis"ace. Fr"oz- Sold hy J. Ritgginbotham & Son, Bowrnanrville. accousîts antour.tirg ite $270 92. ing dons iet lu auy aaay impair tle The Dr. Meltaiiey M\edicinse Ce., Xeîuptviiie, Oý Mn. Percy presetei report front the vitaliiy cf tbbc bacillas cf typhoi, se Police Committee ecomnening cor- that ice froin a river or pond ntay "In Raipi Marlowe we lave a flue laie napalms to Lcck-np, sud askiug for o _p fsl-einN!-ru n m grant et $100 for saine. Rece.ived ccsvey thbc dis'easa teccnuemers un- btiope cf e relianviodous unicarn- aud aiopîed. dxedi cf miles, pachýape, fron.thîe Times-Hecrali, The Street Wâterlug Cotililci n- source of infection. TePplrOi oe portei as l.avsug letthle couirset le W, 3lclk bas licce than once heon the The PoplarlhowNe. Goccitan for Q400, ho te psy $125 for zns cf ccnveying the diseance. Fer- ioMaove aaer frointhle Toavn Tank, arc navare TALE flk-dVTITAflare TTarl On inction cif Mr. Tait, sec. by Mm, taAlTyALcl OFlk-nain-s AtirLIFE Spry, tbis communication frein R. , e le cec"sity cf cicanlines lu île PRealiiea niFasciuating. GrxaIhavaareceivei, sud tie Finiance p -eperation if ilik fer shiptent. I adoevTun nbigtrdcoh Commithon sppoiulei te draft an agresý mosb modem-r dairies the botîles, ho-Hadoe lunlubihreco, ment, Motion carriei on tie followïug forac be'iug fiiled, arc subjecîi telFr goîci letlere-12 mos. $1.50. àîvisiou: Yeaa-K'ug, GalbraithTai, afceFfscorEidmc sale ai all bock stores or sent posi- Spy ssPry terilîziag efrao ta.Eieis peu upon receipi et price. Moi-ai by Mn. Percy, sec.' by Mr. o . c evxten o anshv The Saaifield Publlshing Comppn1,y, Tait, tiat lie Public Prepenty Cern. la meel cases haen due te bbc bottIns Akrou, 0h10, initIas e oirtructed i l ber tie light, bavfing bi-en ivasbai avit vater front nt corner cf King sud Su-ven streets an infectai v-eh or pond. aud te place an Incaniaceut ligit on Oysees blet Lave Leon hcddcdluIn iirt1 Q neen street. houdes cf watemr ahich eeive the cou-- re Y n n u a Mr. Toit sekei leave to Introduco et c saeag ielaeak- ro YOl lOI- By-laav for Street Waterng. ensofrw ag pishvlk- Mn.Gaîrali akedbav teluIe ais" heen tle means fcf ouvcyiug ty- Mr. abr.aith ted epei Bylawnto- phiufevemr. Gnly cysters calen maw Neaw Combiatiou-Hoalih and du28.aBy leave avem ten rosi a firot or on the lalf-sJiaIl eau carry infee- Acciiont-issiectby the Dontinion 628.By awswer thn rnd fitlien l e l consumez, since cookiug cf Canîada Guaraulce and Accident linO, dest:roys tle hacillus. lusurance Co. Every business, On motion Ruie 33 Was enepeuisi A pureawater-,v,,pplyla, lýriglitly ses, everymn su iuhicarry oue cf sud Colnucli aent into Commuttes cf lcokcd upoun a ýone of lhe greatcsb e- these New Century Policies. Cosi tie Whoio, lie Mayor lisths Chir. seiatials te îlhe healtfulncss of a 11111e mney. The By-lavs aers tien read a second comnmunity. Many fceds-salads, for HARRY CANN is lie Agent sud hhird imoe sud passei. example--cannot ha -ckcýd or ut Moedi y Mr. Gabraih, eccuisid jecîi te, the effecîs cf a high 1cm-luowavîe iy Mn. King, tatilave be granird te peýratume, avbile, cet the uther baud, -________________ luitroice a By-laav te provide fon ion- washing thetas in -infectedi aaer uaay rowing lie smin of $20000 by teh se rleneteilemascfcvyig cf local debeutumes 10 pay for the coatdesi e cf lie rostruoliou cf certain Cn.tno - Ameiag île c-ief ways cof praveut- -~'- intypuîoid fcveî inut bche ention"i litile sideavalkesoind cher avorke in the tccc ftcoer-c laf l t.'a...- boavu cf Bowmauville. Ors tai. se.eme îighîy piobabla tthlie ne- The aboya By-'aav aas tlilure- terni juiee cf tle les ltly stoDmacli The 1Beet uni Most Praebienti furrn ddi, tint tiroughitis soi-oral rtaiing3 ci' e le tdestruy many germa sof andt Faiy 1'aper Publishi. and fiaily passed - dise-tee ; but tle number avhich nuy Bll Marai hyMm. Poney, secondei by stonsach mny bc able lu digest, andi lave viiîfcilutevery votne of or eadrs shouid Mm, iagtiatie Carkho iatru±ed bm, enir uceavnr ca eafont aI- se rsI oeegooci agricoiltaral and family journal. aveu lunvepaesîi reacntn- te adi-ortie By-law sud meglalor saine. teck, muaI aîavays haý uncertain, and wlicarelI)i w cati sentiiî at pacieal andInl- Caried. it le tact desirahie to, test ils eapaity îimrt scny ail 1 ARSÀ,i1,-ti FAi ine Moi-rd lby Councillon Worth, sec hy in thLs direction.- ,eîu 24 t(."1. e rarfi ', 1Îe m a Councilor Tait, tat lie suiof $25 'lIe faelthat only certain p"rsous aieutf r' 1elaes:!iUî,g v th ùl ho adveanced te tia Clark for indigent cal cf a numb"x av-ho have parlaken j1riî1-e seil I'e, cte aîsi o btterx purpeses. ocfoocd or drink ýiufecil i a thdisease- !>iolofloCi .,tiiy c tnofferci iliaun iti Ou noion, Mesars. Perey, Spry sud gerins mcv - uffer is explainable on et suusirca ýti,,ist. clîci eenitiiuto aven', 0 e c -ui"r alg read lsy ne icas tisain the Clerk, averse ppolntîei ro make due pîle groundicf tîcir oifethet gaî'ri a aMillion cirs linqiifleg front cuLeide source iinîu e- l-clcnitoo fîe ayu eieTiiE SArmi-VWF,[!TXGLOBnE, 'gand e frol __eaon coner lts onsÉtes cof thei-r digestive ergaîls. or lsny olier dollar taiier ei FARNs andHo, i i - -- - - - - ïMb - - - Râ lu 1 t4fnti 1- i *M.bý.e i. .... 1 i .1. M. IJCýVTtt" APPIlAtl tO Ila

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