DR. L. POTTER. Ofle:ce av. d resldence,Chuireh St.,oppiosite TrinÎty iCongregational c'iurcli, fiovmaliville. 25-6-m* MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ABTIST. Instructions givenin PAINTING 'lil, Water Color and China. Sketching and paiisn tom atue.KILE on premises, fir Arg at usual prIces. 51.6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL. M EMBEROF COLT~EGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coronler, etc,, Ilesidence. Ennlsklllen. 74 A. B. MoLAUGHLIN, 1e1rrlgter, Solieiior ani Conveyasicer,,Offce:- BI akley Block, King treet, Bowmanville. Monoy to boan ai reasonable rates, 48-lyr, ROB3ERT YOUNG, V. S. Y-FiCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS E.JBockr, vhere imiel!or bis assistant will befundfrom8 a. m.to 9p. m. Nighi calls ai i'eBdence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Call b y telgrah r t'ebon wll eceveprompt et- tention. 171 - yr. MIARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. %.JAMES, lasuer of Marriage Licenses. kR1sidence: Contre treet. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. B L AIR, Barrisiers, tiolietors. Notaries, etc , Moris' Block, up-sakira, King Street, Bowmaniville. Soicitors for the Outario Bank. Private sooncys loaned ai lowest i ate.4 DENTISTRY.. G.0C, BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D.n. S.,. Honor Gi ad!uate iciDertistry of Toronto Uni. vergiiY. OFICE:-Over Couccl, Jolinston and Cryderinan's store. Bowmauville. 18 lyr. H. F. HINTERf, B AIIISTER,SOLICITOR,NOTARY Publie Convey ancer, Money, Private and Copu ods to lend at lowest current raies OFFi?èIS: King St., opposite Dr. Harr dei's Dental Itooms, Boimanville. 13-fm* $50.000Oo TO LEND s eo01 good mort- JOV seecurity t moderate ratesoi intere3t, 16 -6m. DEINTDiTS. Will be at Biackstock on the fitst Mlonday of oach rnonth. at Orono 2Kd Monday ail day, and at Newcastle 1st Wednesday froni 2 p,.m 1OFPI'CE:-Temper-ance St.,, Bowman- villl,rear of Higginbotham's drug store. C. HARNP,*EN, L.D.S. Graduate of thle Royal9 College of Dental. Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE-Opposite T.Bingham's office. VITAI.£JZED AIR, ONTARIO BANK ton2tntestedo aGeneral Banktng Business at BowmanvllIe Agency. DIEPOSITS i eceived ln Savings ]Bank Departimant and hitei est allowed at cnrrent rates. Notice of x4tbdrawal noS necessary, Alidepoaits payable en dexnand. E XOHANGXE idought and sold and Drafts issued Iln urp United States au d Canada also Go ilerau 'Irnted Sates Greenbaeks'bought andlsold COLLECTIONS Promptly made at current rates open ail parts f Great Brialn, the Urdted Sates and iheDfo. inisien of Canada. Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or smal sime on al parts of Canada. This îs sseelall3' advauitageoos to per- gcEs lilvlcg In Manitoba or thse Noth-West, It makes tisefunds available ai once aitihe place of payment. For ther particulars cali atthe bank. A. J. UCCLELLAN, GEO. McGILL, Accuotasit Manager Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited.' Sr"N orth4.1King"l BETWEEN SOUTH BOUND Lv. Cobourg . ............. 1.80 P. nM. "Port Hope ....... ......2 30 P.lni,1 Ar. Charlotte, N. Y......... 7,1')P. n. Rochester. via N.Y. . . .. 7 50 Pn. NORTHI BOUND. Lv. Rochester, via N.Y.C., ,.8.23 a. ni.1 ýýCharlotte, N. Y... .....3900 a. ni. Arý-. Cobourg........ 1...... 1.30 P, îM. ..Port hiope..... ....... 2.10 p. M, Right reserved to change time with or .without notice. Princess Tabletr; -rtiiaiyo ant for all forao E feml trobles; -an Infabl êrame, (r YdIîscovered by a tocemosi female1 spelc at;-I guaranteed as a positive ~- cre; ill positivaly establisis the j I-' momalfUntions;used montlily bSp oVcr 50,00 ladies; for sale ait irug.t F!ist, or saut on racept of price $l.lO. AoniDrus Co, vWe*ni§r, Ont.,Can. WEST DUTRHAM4 TRIAL. SEAT DECLARBD VACAN¶T. Tisa West Duhamu ElectIon Trial opaaîd ant Cobourg, on Fa-lday lent. Wisen tfisc ourt openesi bafone Chie! ,Justice F&icoubridge anC Mn. Justice Street at 11 o'clock, Mr. A. B, Aylîsontis, K, C., wiso, witis Me. D. B. Simupson, K. O , o! Bammauville, appearesi for tise petifioner, auggestad tisait titis regard te tise ineliibility o! tise chiqua tiseevidence takenltrise tral of Mn. , 'onnton's -suit agaluat Mn. Bingsanu, tie nturnlng officier, ha aiceptasi lu ibis case sud taken as giran. Ho explainos tisaitishe preseut pefition mais a double oLa, aud tisaf lu tise Cnt part tise peîbticuer claimesitise nsb for Me. ith on tisa contention tsait ha mas tise only aandidate legally nominated. Me. W. D. McPisersou, counal for fise nespondaut, objected te tii procedure put, subjeebto tescoS- jeciion, tisa court accepteti Mn. Ayles- worth's suggestion. Tii cleanes tise msy for proceeding miti tise erideno lu tise charges sgaluet D. F. Walshs, mercsant, xud Wm. Gerrie, agent, o! Orono. Mr. MoPheraon ralsesi again tise objection thaf tise ptitien coulai nef bce cusered againef a candibdate mise baCt nef Seean etunnesi, aud tisehocourt statas tisait migist Searguas i mftisah neat of tise casa Tisera more tm& changes faan up tise Crat day, oe, agaluef Wilifam Garnie, o o!tane, tiat hoha baCgiven monay te Jease anC Frak Woodward, o! Or eueG, te inuluce thoea te vota for Thoruton. Ansi a similar charge aginat D. Wales, o! Orone, tisait ho baC aise att-iînpted te bribe tisa cama parties.- Waut o! space praranta our glving, tisa evidence lu fu. Tisa fret wtt nesa exainlued was Jesse Woodward, fatsan of Frank Woed- mard, mise Imona tisaiton tisa Saturday nigist iefora tise Elaction, sud misibe ln Me., Wabsas tore, mus bis son, ne ofiseraSe'inzg preant, ha Mn. Walsh baC askesi hlm te use hie iuflaet:cu te get tisa mgituaessansd ie twe otisensous te vote for Tisornton, saying nt tise garc me thiiat If ho moobsideoIbis, ha, W&Iais, m3uld giva hlmi $10,00. Fri'ank neýpliesitisait tisey moulsi net tako amy mnay, but misat they Cîi thcy woulsi de tismetuser. Mn. Wshi tison ivrote $16 un a place o! papan andi isandasi fite the'n, anC aked thoa isoirtisaI veoilsido. Tisay Soti nefunssi snd 1tft tisa store, Walshs saying Sefore tbay 'lett, tiset nseaoueaiseamouidsesc risetu baora tisa abactions. Onthat aigbit Mr. W. Garnie baC cablesiat thair lieuse andC gave hlm $500, and talC hlm tisaihoh ai sIaisegiron Frnui $5 00. Cross axaminasi by Mn. MoPisermon, tisa aitesaisi dha cuuld ntetl ou u tisa etury got eut, ha lied not spoken te auyore about tiie matter unt Il a meeaizo aglet Monday, misen ihe ment te Mn. Slmpscin'a office bu Bowmanville anC tolsi hlm about il. Roly Hall, a talion lu Orono, baC bryought hlm a massage lisait Mn. Situpson mantesi te one hlm. Ha told Mr. Simupson about tise transaction ifis Garnie, Sut 'net about Walsis. Mr. Simpson meota If Ceia ainsi th isemtnasesignei IL Mn. MePiserson askasi fer tise pro. duction o!tisait paper, Mr. Simpeon osiC ha did net bave Franks Woodward, son efthtie former mitueas, toId as amilse story, diffaing lu Baume dCalla uCer ornosiexamina- flon, frein isb father, Mn. Wash, ha saas, miscu îhy enfenad hie store aid. drcseed hie father, akIug hlm If ha meulsi rote for Mr. Thoruton, sud hie !'athenrcplIid Lha gueesed ha mouldIfi1 ho gel semetising fer it. Both hoansd hie fafiser boaC dalnd, se net eueugb, tise, $16, isicish h aaCMn. Walshs tender- cd tisera -Ha stafesi f at Mn. GarnIe met hlmt on tise efreet ou tise sfurday nigist before tise ebction, (tise niglit -Mn. Garnie ment ýteosce tise ifnas' father, but bera tisat heur), and gave blet q5 for bis vote for Tiseruton, Tho mitL -csa haC raiC if mas net eauugis, sud Mn. Garrniewment te get momne change sud gava hlm8 more. Affter an adjounament for dinuar Mrs Woodward mas cei su ad foisio! Gar. nîa's coneiog te ber home on tise nigist ihaloeatfisclectlon. fHe gave hen s dollar, juêf for gooi-wibI, sha suppose&i W. Garnie mas thon exmineti snd dauicd aIl tise evIdence o! tisa Wood- merde, axcapit tise gîvinÏ of $1.00 f0 Mes. Woodward, wmIscish aasi as for soeaCiden, misîcis hey baCd dank. Ha had attended tise Orange Hall as Secrotaryou conc occasion, mson tisera *an ne Orange meeting Saisi. A nom- ban o! people more tissre going over tise Votera' L1st. He couiC not ssy miat ber Mr. Tisenuton mas present or stoosi thorat teha meosmoney mouldA n- fluence. Ou tise Satundaiy nigist bafore tisa ebcion ha saim Franks Woodward loltanlng lu front o! tiesa tone, sud enter sud lacreopone or twlca. Tisa mituesae siîd hSad net speak te hlm until ha camaeu Inf1t is bafather about cloIngup tMme. Tise Cneit mention of mouay mas by Frnkui, wm isisi:"Tisane ar li ot o1 us, sud Imon't veto mtis- o-ut moey."TisI> acitom',ards tise end of a isalf-hoar's conversat ion. Ho dld not ordar them oout of tho ehop. Tise only apeoIic atuu mantioued wae $20,, whbch Frank sald tise cuber aide had oftered him. Tise witaess had beard that ha had beau chmrged i wti buylog tise Woodward'e votes iu a for- mer eleotion. Chie! Justice Falcon- bridge aoked tise iitness about the place of paper wlsloh the Woodward& lied said ho had wnltten "taixteen dol. lare" on sud pièsed to thoera on tise oc- cassion o! tiseir interview. Hie sud if was a habit of hie te scrlbble on wrap- piug paper, whîlleha taikesi, but ho isaudesi nothiug toe atisar of them,. and fbey couiC net have Bean what ho was wnIing. Mesrs. Jas. Hunter, W. W. Trul, Jas. Henry, aud fHrrace Moulton were tisan produced sv. ttes, by the plaint iff, te prove thaîtis e Weodwards were of- good charactar and trust- wortisy. W. Lynchs, of D&rlingtou, whoclaim- cd tisat ho hail beau approached by James MoLaughiil, o! Darliugtoss, whus bail offred him oes for his vote, waa next put lu the box. Elie told isow James MoLauRisiiu, a noiglibioriug fer- mer, came une nliht aud oflaresi hlm "aâ few bagu et cals" If ha would vote for Thoruton. Early lu January. siafer tise procoedings in tise election petitien had beau býgu, hoaendi bis wlfe want te mie MoLaugihlnabah ut tise matter, te lry te get hlm te admilt if lu tise presence of a ines, MelLtughiîl told Mrs, MýoLougiijuho was likaly te get loto trouble beeause ho had offisecd Lynchs sema ots tor his vote, Hlie wife's comment was "Ilt errs you rîisih.' Under e( sa-exami nation by Me. - Pharaon, Lyncho told cf many of hie treublez-peverty, debb, incurable con- auuy)jou seartio fom iswife and Cou rt proceedidia. lHe hasi summoned hie son te tisa Police Court, but thse charge baC beau dimmiaaed.* Mes Lynchs oorroborated ber hue. band'a evidouce, Mr. J. J, Vitue, Jas. Pye, aud J. W. V!rtue, wera callad on te prove as te McLughlhn'se ageucy, aud Mr, Me. Pisarson clailmed I if ad net besu estab- liaisod. Iiss Chia! Justicai agreed wmus hlm, but Mr. justice Street mas nef etstied, sw) tise defence, mas procaedesi witis, anod James McLarmgisln went [nie tise;box. Ha asiC ho aleS on Lynchs te ask hicm te vote for Thernton, but deniasi offering hlm anytising for bis vote. Lynch masi a boois canvasser, and isad aaried hlm te byoynu e m as taklng endura for, As McLaugislin mas about te leave ou tise night la question Lynchs, ho aldas, sked hlm agaîn te boy tise bock, and the wifucais told hlm he saC no money, but if ho would brng tise book up te o is piae ha w nid el"a hlm sema eas for iî. Tise .udgen retinesi for a fow minutes, anC misen they returned auueuciced tbey ware agreesi that ageucy hâC nef beasa proven againet McLaughlsn. Messrs. Aylesworfis anC MoPhersoa then addreeed tise Court on tise cvi. deCa wmscis bad been submltted on tisa other chargea, after misicis tise Judgaa retired te consul& aud on tiseir retura reisorted that tiscy isd anived attise conclusions that tise charge againat Garnie isad'-been proven anC his egeucy etabliihad, Tisey dismlsmcd tise chargA agaanet Walob. Tise Chie! Justice dreir atten- tion te Goreele's foolisis expiaustIon o! tise idor f rantaction. Tise partiez tissu crn! rred s few minLtas, affer wmIsci the trial of a charge of coessapracy beaýween tise Inde. pendants andC Cotueryâtivas mas begun. Tise allegad aeraeent mas te tise effect that If lise indapendauts would support Mr. Raid in tise Provincial ebectbon tise Couservaf ires wouid vola fer Tiseniton for tise Commene. Th irs nt ilese mas Thsomas Power, formeriy Secretary o! tise Patron Lodge, but hoe isd eBiy commeucd wben Mr. MePherson, for Mn, Tisornion, aaked for a deiay, ha, Mr. Tisornuton, havIag eoncladed that ho moald not procoed fortiser witis avidence on 'other charges, îiud altho, lu a case like tise, misere tisae as ne persenal cisarge aRaInet Mr. Thornton, tise jo saecnabled isy is-w te give"- hlma tise eat, nef wlthetandirsg tisecorr rupt practiceof au agent, Mr. Tisoru- ton decideci, as acion as tisa judges ex- presscd tise opInionfîtGa3rnIewas an agent for vihose aots U MnTisoraton mas nesponeibie, that hs o ld net permit any dlaim te ba made on his ehiai!fer tise hancfit of tise savlng clause, but wouid, witistise cousent of bis friands, et once ralinquisis al daim te tiseoseat. A meeting et hia finonds, soins Cf ty lu number, mas et once heid In an adjoin. ing rcoot, aud his decisiîon balng uns- nlmously approvesi by hie felende, mas communicated by Mr. MePiseraon te Mr. Aybesworth, misethoen announcesi upfrom any sickness, no matter what sort, begin with a littie SCott's Emulsion of cod-Iiver 'ou. - It is food,"and more- than food: it helps you digest what- ever food you can bear. Ë C VIo FN E SSMl AR 0 f. DInAR STATESMAN, - Whoe loves net knowiedge? Whoe shahl rail againet han beauty? May se mix wit h men anC prosper!1. V ho shall Cx lhan pillars? Let hanr work prevail. WVe are stili in fise eujeyment o! hecaltis aud stnengfls up isere at tisa supposesi "jumping off place"of creation and mucis baffer pleasesi wiftiste place andi people tise longer me romain. If bas nef aunpnisad ue mucis te isean soe o! ou- basf citizeas 'decning tbat Brampton was not la if mitis Malien and tisaf if was a decided mistake nef mcaking this tise county tows inasmucis as thse tituaition le greatiy auperior and tise citizesiip fuliy as good if net better. I intendesi telling- sou wisat business was carriad on bare. Reiug ce near tisa Canadian maetropolis if would scancely be suppesed me couid embarkin laanytbiug vary gîgantie. Tisera are two general stores, post office, boat and ssea siscu veferinairv urgeny, isotel, temperaiîce bouse, G. T. Rasilway station, steamn Cour andi ceed mnlîl, twe wood worisers' siop ainsi tive biacl:zrnitis shops. Tise streets are dlignified iii naines but wouid sustain tisaiselves baffer were tise pavements repaiined in caverai places. Our prin- cipal, never failing stapla manufacture le mud, mud, beautiful mui; but oe goosi feafure o! oun unapproacisablo article ltisait if Cries quiciser tissu otiser mud and mbsen wc do have geed neads tisey aragoosi. Tise heavy -iaiy sali is- vory produîctive for grains but requiras frequent seowers teniakitIfworkable. Tisa farmers are up-to-dafe as regards' niacisinary, tiougis I have beon asten- islicd net a fow times ait tise heavv implomients required as coutraistesi with Darlington owing no douuh te tise nature o! tise souf. Eveny waek ,usnal FniIay,--, a goediy nuiner ef tise tari- ing community cfream loto tlira cify witis tisir predu-ce. If le simpiy fgoing te temu wiitifem-aittip totesaQuean City ef tise Domiîion-anoîisen proof 1 supposatisait we oniy sec misaf me look for. Our Division S, et T. le flouiciug. Tisa summer seaison, usuailv ai tring oeewitis frafernal orgainizatleas, le baffer aittendeul hare ilan lu inter. District Division will btslisels int Malfon tiens' Rail on Tirrsday u3xf. Tise G. W. P. ansi ofsen ligis will ho presaut. A tlsree-sîded contact is jusf cbosing la Our Division o! miiotisa two losing sideâ wiil hava te foot tise bill wif h strawbernies, cake andi creain. Cana- dian Orden of Forestars Pxamined soe fiffeen aipplîcaufs for inemhansbip on Fniday eveuiug. Tisay are having ai decidesi boom, Home Circle ansi Knigists o! Maccabees are botin lu-ood consdition banc as iveIl, misile tise intareefs o! tise people bava ample provision in tise Presisytenian), Methist ansi Englis Cisurcises, and tisa intellectual by a public liihary, Here ai elasemisre oee cals finsi a few o! tise fineet mimdc ex- tant. It le said 1"ne neaily greut mind was avenraared ru tise citv-" tisougi w-e aire alilawara misat manveilous facilities for educafLa o! that mind eau tisaeeha founsi. In îf hu quiet spct wisare tise days' stiluess iS oitunubroken cave by tise isundenou-"s roar ndlsspiarcing miistie o! tisec traine or tise musical dling ciaugo!Gere' anvil. I have found tisetwes .anCltisrees wiso do tise thinising fe)r'tise cemmuniLy, wisose dealiiug itis Me religions aud social p)robieme les inspinîng and profounsi. Ail tisait makes Ilile ortis living "tise feaset o! reason and tise flow o! seul" bave Seen ours te enjoy ainsime looek fonward hopefuiiy te a hIle iaving al thinge nacessary thouis fan fnom tise home aud et Durisai ans itis weicoma weekly auditor TUIE STATESMAN. More anon. NELLIE E.- WATTS. BINDEIt TWINE PICE. TUE ONTARIO GOVEItNMI(,NT FIXES IT AT Esoîr CENS.vs A Big Improvemacit bas aise beau usade lu tise Method cf Paraelllng ii-Packing Material mut Sbe Useful. Tise IHonn. Straitton, Provincial Secretairy, and tise Inspecter et Prisons bave decidesi upon tise pnice (8 cents pen pounsi) ait miicis farîsars eau ha suppiiesi mitis bindar twîna fron iltie Ontaio Central Prison for tise seasen of 19c-l. This yaar tisane is enly eue quality tisait wiil be supplesi, ansi tisat tise basf, of miicisvery bal anca every ounce le guaranteesi, aud amy faner mise pur- chaises this twinie ansid des nef flusi if satisfactory, eau by ratunning if have tise pnice paisi for tise twine returnesi Tise condition, however, le nef iikaiy te arise, for tisane is n question o! tise twine suppliesi the -farme r-if le as godd as tise basftmina tisait miiibe plaicesi upon tise markset tisis sear. Tisera will bc basides ai dacidesi, aini, te tise fanmer, profitable, improe ment la tisa mode o! parceliing. Haretofoe if hais been tisa practice of binden-twine mainulactuners te sisip la ordinarv juta tien o! tise Codling'-Moth on appla treas aine compuisony upon ail pansons. Tisese ragulatiens have been made lu accord- ainco miti tise provisions efthtie Noxieus Insecte Acf passed inl 1900. This le a local option acf ansi comas into fonce only la tise municipauities tisait adept if by by- law. TeacCbýer-fWbat ila tise futi,,io.n of ti inuntisbooi To nimy Tcs er-f' syhit naksstise fingernal teaicis hm te stand on bis head. mi. A.W0CAE asent direct 5tiste dise âed -, prtsisytisa Iiproved Blower. i bc h ulcera, clears tise aig s5i~to~tps dro-ppînfa ii he f roe'. 'U riet , cEl, A Co.,ulo sud Budilo TRAYELLER'S STORI Interview -with Mr. J. FI. Ire1and one oiseOd Time Knig-hts of the Grip, His- Pligis on 0' Racént Occasion io ibe Mari- time Provloces-Hlow Dodd's lidney Pilla Came to ls Ftlp-High Words o!f raise for that Reinedy, Toronto, June 17 (Specia)-Mr. J. H. Ireiand, the well-icnown travesiier for bats -and cape, left for tise Maritime Provinces one day last weak. llandily packed lu MIr. Ireland1's private grip was a box of Dodd'8 Kiduey Pille, the medicine famous throughout Canada as a pcfic for ail troubles of tise kidne,î s. Whpen asked about bi' experience wit iî this rensedy Mr. Ireland grew qluit e enthusiastic. "I neyer go ont on a trip ef anyv length withouit a box of Dodd's Kidne-y Pille, " ho asserted. "Are vou affiictcd wifh Kidney trouble a groat deal then," Mn. Ineland was asked. "Net a great dea îîw, no," replied Mr Irelanld, "I takel de Kidney Piubs more as a preventati,-e tssu auy- tiing aIse. But in 0-hu winter of ninety eight I was, I eaufel' von, I was down in Nova Sc'oîia when 1 firef used Dodd's Kidney Pille,. J don't kuow whethey if was the wator down there, the climato, butdiug se much in tise train or wisat, bu crtaiu]y my kidneves were on flhe point of a complote break down. Back. ache! It wa s one continual i nîey. It spoibed my business, broke my rest and wore me down ui.til fhe life ivas f aken right out of me."' "And ycu used Dodd's Kidney Pille?" "I used the only remedy I knew of that ivas a specifie for the kidnox-s," answered Mn. Irelansi. "Tise linet dose of Dodd's Kidney Pills soeemed to go n glft tiste spot. In a few dusys I was feeling as well as aven I did lu my hf e. They are a splendid medicine. I have rccommendeci Dodd's Kidneys Pille te scores of men on tise road like myseif ansd noise of them but bave tise warmest praise for thse medicine being juet ex- actly wisat we ueed in our walk of life, a safe reliable strengtliening stimulant for tise kidne3is." PAYING FOR A PAPER. Piort Hope people are accredited with beiug sensible asnd sonest, but isere is evidence that at least one panson down ln Sleepy Hollow hais got i4way behiud this age of intelligence and square dealing for he askii tise legal editon of tise Meuntreal WiLness this silly question. Pbease expiais if a person le obliged te pay for a paper received under tise follwiug conditions: About twe years ag-a1 saw an advertisement for the piper I ordered for three menthe and fhinking I wouid like if. subecribed and paid for if for that length of fime- if wis a monthly papen from tise United States. They have continued sending it ever since. and are now demnanding tise pay. le if possible for them te collect if ? Ans,-Yes. TARGET FOR LEAD. Ait Iueilent a! tiie BaliSa ofDreaefo-telss, South Afflcui. The British officar, says Julian Ralphin lis An Ameriean with Lord IRobai-ts, la likely te ha a iigh and mrgisty perao whresyen met lhlm tii-st, but bc, softais inlutime jute an exeediragly geed feflow. Yet at jany moment ha may ho expacted te pa-r- toi-m a picturesqua actissa in a truly British mannar. At the Battle et Dreefmeinusev- ai-ai efficers ware undar a shoear of bnllttis at came like water sbet ont et a îcedle-bhýi They wai-a ail pres.s- ing tiscir bodies dewss, as if they ' would have liked toes-cs teasa lto tise eaî-th. Suddenly oe very tali tel- lohwbagate usai. Firstt ha got on his knseff, theu ha straightenad up, te hiR3 full sta ture. aund stood inlithat spr:ay ot leasi, tise enly target on thea f id. Hen fumblcd fer hie aeyc-giass, found il, contertemd hbis-check aas a mans sioes te, fit Lueh an ornament jute bis face, and tisen Oiawled out. "Aw, I say, 1 wondab wheu-e thaso bulîcts are co-mning freomil, Ilc continued, te 9tand and stara at tise kpj3 wisýne tisa Boers Laiy, an-C p-rcisaitiy ha drawled agalu, whila tise atir was tattei-cd witly set and isuzz- ing witis fesse: -Aw, 1 say, cals nny et yen fellahs sac whcre they coma tfrem V' Tisa ethar "fellahsa" squirmed ansi avigglcd as if they wara going te get top and 'help him look, but not one r-aiseO bis heasi or his hody an incis. ulan, iomavan. TOO BAD. My hisband bas baC Cyspepsia Creadfsîlhlyateby.Ile ha beau sncb a sullercr. I arn son-ry teOheurl, t. 1IIsi n idea tisat yumare mvithofut a ,cQois: flOWN WJTII EVERYTIIINGI IF ALL THE PUBLIC SOCIETIES HAD TIIEIR WAYS. A Grieat Nube,- fet ula lu (ire;it irliain -liut One 6iIîets lIhe (Silir andl No Tiserearase public seciatias te abol- is practicaîly avery kiuC et pnac- tica anC institution me have, anC lu encis case tisera is gaenally anotiser seciety te aboliis tise ubelishens, says a writer iu London Answem s. In tise first place tisese are tanismi- pestant Anti-1-toyulty secietias iu Boitain, tise biggest of wich-tise Rapublican Leagne-ýincludas about four thousauC people. If tisso aC tiseir way, wa siseuld have nenie seva-reigus; but, on the other banC, lte is, a buge secioty, ealled tise Tsoe League, te ceunteaut it, nnd Ce away mwiths R'-publicauiam, anC tisis r ally bias tise nation at it; bacis. Then tisra is tise Logiiimist S- ciety, wliis wnts te bring tie: Stuants baek te tisatisrone and abohiiss tise praesent lissa of mauarciss; anC agaiust it tisa Init(d Leyalists, \'ise maka ittiseir busines,.s te tbsrow wat blankets ý-over, al Stuantr'-lovers' maiettosand achae- s. Tisuiserais tisa- VegeýtarinSe- ciety, wscswarsts te Ce away witis ahl mctetnanC aven hopas in tise future te 'o make illagal tis laughs- ten e! any asnimal and its consnmp- tiesn as foed. Tisis, tisougis quite a youssg sociaty, is a vas-y large anC busy oe. It bas an extrema fac- tion mise beliava tbat avaiseggs sîseuld seat bceaens. Tise sain doc- tinea o! tis susiety is tIi-st meat- euting le nnwlsolesema anC unnaces- sary, anC tîsat tiesa saugstanet ofaur- niais for food is AS MUCII A CRIME AS MURBER. Se puasing lias tîsis prepaganda hecoma, tisat ef lata yenrs a ceunter seciety, calleO tIse Raturai Food Se- ciety, bias sprung np, anC already numbars soea3,000 minsiers. it figis agninst tisa canspaigus of tisa vegatas-ians, assit dvocates tisa whisesoenesand strengtb-giving preperties e! meat. Thse vegetarians tee have offanded srema people inte raising s-aail 5rci--ies ryujis vioent- ly oppose tisa anti-mseat people, on- terrupting tisair mecetings, anC up- holding tisa nigist of evarybedy te eut wisat tbay like. Tisa principial anC mest aarnest af tisesalangues bias ra satinirititie--tse - Aiti-Cab- haga 1lratisrboodl" Tisera is a - dewn-witbs-coicka:t" so- cety, called tisa -Association fer tIsa Diseaurageut o! Crickeat anC Foot- hall,"-sibicis dai tis at tise tima anC moncy e! tis a ntiosnas-e wastaC by uLs fondnass fer tise sports, asiC Ceas ail it eau te isinder tisem. Tise -liirefoot Longue," eue o! tisa usost accentnie ef - -abolisisg' bad- ias, (wiases te Co awny witl tise waaring , f boots or atockungs, whicis, it ciaissis, is an unhygienie habit. Tisane are over a tiousan mambers cf tis a ssnbly, anttby neally wrok veny nard te gai people te go witbeut boots iu ail weatise-s, îasnC wean -pen leatises-moinccasius" insiead. Tis e osnbers area al bonnid te confonin te this mile, anC sonsa go as fan as te eanr wooden sanduls. THE - 'RAT CIIUSADFIjS" seais te abolisis- bats, and believe tisat everybosiy sisonlO go baraisand- eC. As ceeu as tlsey become moe poearful, ne Ceubt a - lnt-Wenrers' Langue" will anisa anC oppoeatsemn. Tise 'loen-Tractien Abolition Se- ciety" is a wall-kuown and realîy stneng body ot agitators.[t ,wants te do away witis tise ihorseand Cen- key as beasts e! Crasgist anC bardais, advocntissg thea use ofe!ectricity anC moton-cars lusteasi, anC flrmly ha- haeves-on, at any rate, asscsts-tisnt within tise next iity years it miii get parbianmeît te forbiC tise iarnesslng et a herse te nny veluiebe. Ouly bonse-bacis riding is te be allowed, anC tîsat diacourageo as imucis as possible, except in tise Army._ As a set-off te tItis agitation, , thse Se-. ciaty for tise Improveusasît anC En- couragement e!fliorsa-Tractien" is a body quite able te take cane oe ti-. seil. It centains saisie 2,000 mem- bans. Tise -Anti-TobaccoLLangue" is a vary wiCe-spneuC anC keen institu- tiou, ceuuting over 100,000 memsiers ou its roll, neany bal! e! thissof e tise f air sax. It werks very bard te abobiiss tise naughsty pipe ansitise micresi cigarette, but sorneiow'Cees net seem te bavemuu eaffect on tise smoking wcnîd. On tise tetsr baud, tisane is a suiali but eusrgetie body e! about 1,000 pensons, called tise - Smokers' Protection Society," misicis maires it is business te fsgist nil interferanca mitis smoeas, anC te The Palatial Iron Steamners, "Ham- ilton," 1"Algerian" and '"Spartan" wil constitute a tri-weekly service from June 4th, leaving Darlingtn 1101p. m1 eastbound. Tuesdays, T'-vrsdass ana Saturdays ; westbound, Wedn esdaYs, Fridays and Sundays, 4.80 p. mi., takitsg freiglit and passengers from ail way ports. These steamerg pasa fbrough t4q beautifuil scenerv of t he Bay of Quinté and Tisousand Islands by daylight. Low i~ reight Rates and Qulcî ~pfh For furtber particulars appil5 to JOHN McCLEIL,'rAN 1Bowmanvilleý, Ont, THOS. HENRY, Traffie Manager, Montreal. 22 Dr. MCGahev's Heave Cure For brokan-winded borses. 'he only medicipe in the world that will stop heaves bibree dayâ >, bot for a permanent cure It requires frei n ee bal! to one bottle accordlng to directionrs, $1.00 and $1,50. Kidnay and Acute Cougis Poirdera 50c., Condition Powders, 25e.'Tise followlug have used It, thieir"testimioniale and theusansI of others :-G. Mille, Merrlkville; T. Warre, emIlle; R. Ifolmas, Liverpool, Eng1ani, 51bY J. Rliggiobothamn & Son, l3owmanvil î The Dr McGaisey Medicine Ce., Rcemptvllle, O ',lu Rlpli Marlowe we have a fine type of self-reliant, vig-orous and ari- bitious Ainerican manhood. "--Chica90 Tîmes-Herald. The Popular Ohio Novel by Ealph Marlowe, A TALE 0F VILLAGE -LIFE Realistic and Fascinatlng. Handsomely bound in brig-ht red rjotIi, gold lttered-l2mom. 8.C For sale at ail book stores or sent post,- paid upon receipt o.f prica. The Saalfleld Publlshlng Compa,,.ny, Akron, Ohio. Are You Illfsured?, New Combination-Health and Acidenf-issued by the Dominion~ of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Every business yes, every man should carry one o those New Century Policies. Coit littie money. HARRY CANN is the Agent lu Bowmanville. Thîe BIet and Most Practical Earm' and Family Paper Publiihd. Believg thai svery oua of ourreds iol have St leasi oeegodd agrlcultuîrd1aw!u fnl journal, -w(-, bave perfececd :arraOIemtaf wheraby waecar i-nO hatpractical sud li- StructiVa jour-nal, FÂAx I AN1losî. FÂNM Mi HlobM'E ispublishad seml-montisly tlus glvlaj- you 24 numbers a yaar, the 'whol ie mklng aý volume o! ovar 500 pages,îarng wiLb al tho latest sud most raltable nfrm tion tisai e par1eue sd selciec au euppl *y.No)batter pîoof ot ils anpopularlIty cao Ise offered thflan ise acier mous circulâtion. whiclî extenda Uto ever etate, eacei nurcber being read by no-, les tisais a million readrleni Wa give Tns S'rÂATrsiiÂN, Wraictv GaoBZ, or any other dollar, paper and FAiim and Roses, ail orle year for $2. Adclress M. A. JAmEs, Bowmanille, Ont. âýle scccessfculy used monthly by ovesr 10O,000L-, flac. Safe, effectuaI. Ladies as]C 9your drurgls t for Cooks Cotton sot u-lC soai. Take erbcra ail Mixtures, pille ancl m re aldns-';cg,tf. rlo., N.s 1, $1. per lor îaiborlu:arrrs±elypriceaild two 8.ený stan p( s, Flic t"' kuCompa»y Windsor, Ont. f~NS. 1I ced 2 O s,3 o l.o eo,'edd i No.Ian old je omnil ý1îo~ 5oHM&SoN See& Jusv; Oronoby j. Qrg Qenulne 'MVu.t nrSignature ri CURE 510K HEADAGHE. Richlieu and Ontario Navigation Comlpanîy. Niagara to the Sea- - - 'l - . Hamnilton-Montreal Une.