Assizted by flniicura Olntrieut, the Grueat skia Cure, for premervinu, PnUrlfyiuug, and beuisug thee skia, for cleanglhug tue celpfrti, seules, anfi danidrIff, sud ýheZt')-,p!n elf allug hîir, for eofteuu- ing wu(ein, ndocoothiuug red, rougis, uuu see sausfor baby ragÎisi, Itcbiega,. ~nd ciafiags sud ori*;%l théprpossc fen fbaths for anyinc3 tliamu3a tinR 2 d irrtatfci'eUs ,o r e ueOr 0.ofa- VIVe pop"ýIÈaien, In tue terni Of -wuuhê fore uiceralIve weaknecses,, for xaay tau- ~ aiv~ uatseplopuipoeswhicis readlIy Neameuut of per&anaslon eau luduc the Whoiehave once Use ttoie gret kiapuîflrsand beausifiersto use deuis7i ennilentproperties eihe frmCutteura tuieuthe great skolin saure, liitmie prosjýt e lumii Ige ieiadte irersing cf ïflorer ode rs. No tis r mikte )sa tl e obe touempre mll i f reu-vlugp itF ,Uï tnST ealfu dgOIhe ia, gol, ahr, foeiST seand bevry expuivln te bed -eempla e atmentilfr l the uour. CluTeuBtoiAI, toatsdtheskiryof iuat n teis andTskia n e hcompdenlexio soptiseR Oucruuuus, te insiantly alsy itciig, inflamma- ucand irritatilon, and soilue cnd heal, and Otuucsa Louvlq, te cool and cleanige the bloA. Susesa SZT 1s offteMStfflieUet te cure lbe Misct tornuring, disllgî'uing humoura, %urus lose cof hair, sheunU il nie£ails. SOld turougis. ezut tise wcll, Lady o! the house iooking into 'Ile enpty flour barrel said--"0,. I. C. U. R. M. T." "Weil, 1 arn ,glad as now I can get ail my -.Breadi, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Ltttreil's and save ail the bother of baking unyseif." King St., Bowrnviile. Telephone 971. At the Cambrian Woolen Milis, Hampton. The uudersig,,ued begs to in!orm al lis old friendis that le( is prepared te do Wooi adnShnn, evnetc., or exeluange geedo fer mool. Will aisej pay the lligheeOt ?Puce for ail grades ot Wooi and wiîi rpay more than auny other buvýer eau afford to do10fer Matted Wooi. If îtis la uy benefiýt te farmrers te0 have a Wooleu Mil,-e the Towuship don't go p ast it mvith yu olwhea s you eau. (obtr there ail roaud than else- whero. Trusting for your support as la the2 p as t' 18-0lm. De Taylor, R nRPIETO CHANGE.. Hlavinig iearned the art of Em- bafling anud Funeral 'Dîrecting wiLI' - iB. D. llumphrey, the lead- iniý-'.urûta nierlcrakezand ,havng talin osesioni of the business ~at]y naugedbyMr'. R. Katerson il ordlers ciitrusted to myý care will! receive miy prcmpt and caref ai attentio.A fuili une of uaseful fur- nitiure wvlll aso be ckep trid. 14-6m HAMPTON. Z, a SoId asd rucoumendfibya - druggists lurOscad"a. (O iy ral aýbIe uedicise discoveu'ed. Sf ixoikges uorcteedtecure ail fore eSemi Weakics, ci ffet abuse oreees enaYorry xcsi se o!To. lIceco, Opiiuuu o r Sumin. uldon eclp O! riseu ujuec~ $, sx,15 Oa ulfilS,j ur u'. am uiî i ýiiJ yi17 c Aý H T FRAIEBS 'ANO. -Will Not Paint a Churoli, Pay a Goal Bill, Nor Meet the Insuranoe, Adospaîcli froun Washington saye: - v. Dr. Tiaepretî:u-,ed froni tha oiwuglx: 'Unte the an-' gei ( ofIocuciin Suyny a irite: Thsetiuiigs saitlî Ithe fret and the iast, wril as doýad and la lilvo. I linoir thy work-s and triuluation, aard paverty, but -thîou ar{ rich'" 1ev. ii. 8, 9. Smyrna mas a great clty cf i the :an- dients, bounded ou i'.sc sio y1 unlounlains. Tt iras the centuail cm- periu of lite Le3vantine trd Inl that prosperoas and t.iiaiit cityý thoro mas a Christian cKurch estab- lished. ýAfler il lad 'îd for a whiio it çmas rocked cowri by an e, I-îhiquake. It was retuilht. Mient il %,as constumod by aci.lrto t.h jat swopt ovor the entiu'c ty.Ta chu'cl ment turough fire aiAf trouble and disaster, bot kopt- on to groal spiritual prosperity. Thue lad rwas, Ihat cburch had the grace o! Cod, aný ovor ;active prino<ipho. 1IIad it becuîn otheu-mise, ahi the égr'anudeuu'of arcitctueand ail the pomnp of auirrîosîinga mouid oiV have been theg ornamnent of deatb, the gariaude ef a tohile plumes of a hearse. Tonigluf, preachuîg imy ainihvrsary sermon as your pastor, it may hoý profitable Le coîitwiibt arc the eioonîs of a live cu-b I: roniark, in the first pace,, thal oae charact'eristic of sucha a.churcli ha pnactuil lainmeetinýg itsenPgge- mnents. Jilecl1i1riaiinstitut- tions have financiai reltions, and tboy cuglît te mwýet their obligations juet as crlanuly as meutnîcoet Iheir ob-ligations at tbe bank. Wben a charci of God is net ns faiiithîni in its promises as the Bnuiof Eagiand it coases te ho a churcli of God. It ought to bha undcrstoed til tpîaycrs canuiot pait a church; i, d Pr'ay(re cannot pay a winter's coeai bi 1 , and praye rs cainnet neet te in_-arance, and thaI hille prayers (ail do a tbouasaad Iings, thora arce a theu- sandiuu(1t!ings liaI prayers carnot de. Fra'- yer for any partjcul,r -chuurch wiii nover reacli heaven-higli anhess il goos dora pocket-doop, If we pray for the arivancement cf tho, churoli aund do net, ont cf car nieans, con- trihate for ils advanreixent, our prayor is eniy meckory. Lot the churcli cf God Ilion meeo its oblia- lions on the outside. au-d lýtIbe' momnbers e! the congregatueou mccl thc obligations asd- nd te cburch uwi11 ho flnaucialv prospor-ý Oua. tac lents ouf mcone.ý,sa Lot me say aise liaI lbEre muet Again, lie charnoheristiocf an live le punnouality la the atLundautce in churci muatIc ho t it1hla asoui- lle bouse cf bbe Lord,. iE the sor- saving churci. 1h mustbc hole gos- vic begins ah haif-pasb lot inl the pel of Christ. "Oh," say soute peo- morning, lte reguar coi gregabion pie, "bbe gosphe e! Christ ahioma but o! alve church i iii ntcornenata ,sunall swinîg foril'anus lacalies, quarter 10 cheveu. If tic service is and soure mon have 1011 îhe miuistry te bogin aI half-paýst seveut lu tle mIli litaIidea.- Wby, Ihere is uo evening, the regniiar ceagi egalion cf- field on eauth se grand as tint a lîve ohurchu, miii net corne aI a hilchisl open before the gospel min- quarler to igil. la sorac durcies iahry. It has heen nîy ambition, I have nebticefi bic peepbe arc, ahways and I beleve il bas boca yeurs, my bardy. There are sonte pcople rie doar people, in tiese yeau-a o! my are airsys lat. Tbev wore bora miuislry, le have Ihis tee labo, and the puobability la that- A SOUL-SAVING CHURCII, lhey wilil die tee halo. , TIIE RUSTL1NG 0F SîLK anud me nover yob thu-er eut the gos- peh net but me du-cm in a guet moi- up the aisle, and lie slannming cf tilude.- Thîey bave corne, a hundu-ed doors, and the troading o! loavy aI a lime, and Imo lîundu-ed at a fot is poor inspiration fei, a minis- lime, and Ihu-ce iundued and fi! ly aI ber. lb requirea groal obsîraetlon a, lime, and I expoot thec day miii ap- lu a paaleu's mind le proecd witil peau- mIca in soite sou-vic Ibere wiii bbe prelliadnary exorcises o! lie churcît cf Ilhe audience seated are iooking auouad 1-c sec lte oter hlai corne in. Su cl a difference cf nîlendauce upon lith of!God mny ho a difference o!, lime pioces; 11 - 11 but the livechunucli cf îvlioli I aw. speaking ought le go by raiireadg lune, aIane ft la prelly mcili under- es s slcod ha al ou- commuiîuties. ae -i An-rcbauateristic e! alilve co-hliste lad ctthal ilbbc peo- ple parlicip)abe in IhÈL eCuc. stubborn l-uger can btell ljvtic maybbc irsI l une clatIs wmieflkr aieu-cits au-ife iler. on'co ua de net elug le a da nr.i,, b i - comxinlg doarom bbe<i'ganlo fIW h t' irbile ail tiue peopiele ~hsih in the r ea s on? Hair silence. 'ben a lune mandera led around loeîey sda h.:nld nd andd help just , as le fincîhiy hot auid lie archies le- antiges desa cause lte people do nol, join la il, ay1iges-desa lucre is net much raclod1ïutade u- turnies. The roots re- le the Lord, la heaveu lbcy au ur feig. W e sing, thougiî soute thie c uor ing hairestop s grow i l dist cuturdli las sung ahi rouind bbc lo se s mou-id and gone fuoin conquoct le cnutamong other Ihinga hoe- it, lus' cause it is a singiug cliuroh; and auy te. t Christian chuu-ch organizatien that mt enliasiasni poufou-ms thilepart C K o! ils dahy iiil go on front triumph da, lu triusupl. A churci e! Ced blinI cari sing, can de anytbiuîg tint - ougit te le donc. We go forth ie o Ihis hloy mar ihitle Bible li onoe hand, and a lyma book l inte 011cr. Ù O ye wno used le sing tic puaisesof ! at los ntn bie Lord, and lave got ont o!flte at lns n habit, lake 01ur hau-psdewa lu-cmt lie miiovs aaknsnw 11eT ANOTHIER CHARA CTEIISTIC iîhe hair bulbs. The oflive obarol ic i a fiu-isliiig Sab- effeetis astoùnishing. histcy oftVie Ciilacu'bte Yo(ur haïr grows, be- argno tic beciefut o!snob Iiani sit- cornes thicker, and ail lien. The abattscoel is net a supplemienit tle chobrci; il is ils deandiuff is rernoved. riglitaum But 'yon say, there arc And the origina deld ourhs lal have S.ablabi a echeha Vo, bt lteSaîbali color of early leI sobools au'e dçad 100. itI ale dad restoredto faded or millier holding ina ber au-ais qn dend chid. But whr. -j,,rnýndeit gra'y hair. T his is and teachers auîd scholars always thie case. ~ cerne on Saîhali alternoons ho- r getior, ticir laces giowiuî ii a14' obtle i regss teret and entliu,,!saa, nd td eir P1Ihave nsed A g's~air Vigoi, cong arehead ahtiîuougî Ih cx-- and amn really asiouished at the ",ng arehear allthrogh te, e-- cd Il Sas doue iu keepýniiig ouciscs, anîd aIte close hey go ~ I rmcma u.S 5ts aay feeling Ibey bael onoulie es.t loi. 1I havetried, and I uont of tu-nsfgurLiu-thuLt. la hsutil cotiue te recommend it te j ivoe chool, and il is ohau'ateristioý myfieud." I or, o f a liveelchou-oh. Thcreý is eiy oeue et 4 u. BIatnITC j îhing IThaie aantlte Sa li soocs ! itsceury aiml ttla f n d nthetaus alebes iia u sdt cis l obdrea of lie1 re-_1D. J. OC.EI, A -suZ Masu. m"(1d, m]nd bionlu'd but. aiga! for Ciho grea( l mltitude of eolidue e! lie ahandouîcd and the lest. Oh, il me coaid have ahi thoso suIffering litho ,once galhorod ltogetier, whe I ai cocue 0f langer and mretcluedticss nu asauîd sm anLid troublead daîrkný;Lc -s! If mc couid sue those lit- île foo:t on tle bread î'oad te doallu, whluclu Ibreugli Christianchrity ougitl te ho pressinig the narrer patiu cf ile; if ire ;con'ýldar thoir voices in hhasqph.iînî, mh,,ich ouglît 10 ho siugiug lie praiuseo f God; if ire ceuidsèec lielittho hearts mbioh t hat aI goougil net te ho soihod wilh one anohoan tiîoaght, heî'onîing thc sewora for evcry abomination!l if me couhd sec those suffering littho our',, sacrificed on lte alar cf en ýry iniq(itous passion, and baptised wiiLhific front the haver cf lte pit- wu mcmuhd recoil, crying out, -Av- aunl thon drean0f liel!" Oh, irbal a tuentendons ,pomer luhec h linaiquity mien aaodacated andl anrestraincd auîd unblanclied il gees oui concentratiag and deepenîng and widcniug anîd gathering uuomon- tum unili it swiuigs ahead with a vory triumph of desoiation, droiva- ing like surges, scorching like flames CIZUSHI-TNG LIKEý ROCKS. Wbat are oiengciug te do with Ibis ahaadoned population 0f lie streets? Wili yen gai'lber Iboi lu your ehurohes? l is nett1ihomli 0f your Mecavenly FWtiur 1s4one cf these 11111e cites sudpeuish. If Yeu bave tIon ucapectal bie dhidren la your ciass, galber in louu Ihat are net re- spectable. If ia yonr Bible -chass tbcro ho tWenty Young mina ihoehave camie fi-cm Chr,-istian homes aund oie- gant surrond,,inge, ieI Ihese lmenty Youug mon go oait aind gatlber la tmeuîty more et the Young rmno 0ftîe cily trIe are lest 10 soohety v. Another characteristillo0f a live ciarch ish coemihapproprial arh- itecture. Because Christ ma;,s bora la a manger is ne reasen wliy me sioaid morsbip hlm lu a barn. Lot1 the churches o! Jeans Christ ho not eniy cemforlabie but ou-nIte, Thc churcli cf JeassChisI caglit.obch a groal faiiy circie,. the paipit only the fluephace around whloh they are gathered in sireet and domesîl, oinc- munica. A live ohturoit muaI have a commodions, confortablo, and ad- apted building. " Ibm amiable are thy Tabernacles, O Lor'd o!fIbeels. I mouid rathor ho a doorkoepor in the bouse o! my God than te dwel la 19 often a w ai g t at t e lier tg torpid or inactive,. .More Serions troubles ma, f(llw. or a prompt, effcient cure 0?Eca an sd al liver trouble,_ take W!hjip tbey ro e he lve.r, restore fu, regUlaýr a ctio othe owl th-ey do rcotgrp or Paila, do not irritate or inflamein tenai oýlrgansj, 1bt have a positïve tne feo.2Le. et aIil ggssor by ILo C.I.Hof &C.,Loe7- Mas be thiree thousand sois accepting the offr f eternal lifP. I wish I1 could, tell you some civrumstances that hav e coine under my observa- tion, proving the fact that God has blessed the prayers of bis dear peo- ple in behalf of souls immortal. Others in difiorent parts of the land- are living the Christian 11f e and uphoiding the- Christfian stan- dard, and we shall moot theni when the toils of hf e tare ovor, in the great harvest home. 0 iomc and wo- men immortai, bear tis cali of sovereign imercy. Ail to-f o0f the gospel are extendod toe ou -"without money and without price," and you arc conscious of the fact that these opportunities will soon be gorue forever. The conductor of a railtrain wns telling me a few weeks ago, of the fact tht lie ',w as one night standing b-w bis train on1 a side track, -lis traLin haIýving >swif'éhed off so thaï,t th evr train miglit dart past uindreI(cld. He said whiie lie stood theýre ini the darknoss besîde his trin[ on thie ýie track, ho hearci the thuade!ý_,r of the express la the distance. iThon hol saw the flash of the headlight. TFle train camne on with fearf ni veiocit,7 noaror and nearer, until after aýwhie when it came very near, by thefls of-the hoad iight, he saw that thýe switchman had not attended to bis duty--either through intoxicat ion or indiffercnce-aad that train uniess something .wns done immediateiy, wouil rush on the sdtakand dash the oýthr train to atorns. Ile shoutod to th'ewtcma " Set Up the switchý!" 1and with one stroke the switch iroýnt back nnd the ex- press thundered !onj. 0 mon and ire- men, gofing tov iard the eternal worid, swift as the years, swift as the months, swift as the days, swvIft as the hours, swift as the seconds- on what. track are you going to- nigite Toward liglut or darkness? Toward victory or dofeat? Toward heaven or hell? Sot up, that switch! Cry alond te God. -"Noir is the day cf Salvation," GUNS 0F GERMAN MAKE. Impertant flecisle,, Pendtng 4as te Eearn Ing r ttlsh Artsilerýy. The investigation by the War 0f- fice, of the best type of EIod~ art iliery fer adoption in the Britislî army le being foiloiwed wittf the closest iu- teret in artiiiery manufacturinîg cir- clos both in this countryand abroad. Ao it le now known that the choice will ha, decided absolutely on the mer- it,% of the gun, wbcther of homie or foreign production, a deterYminied ef- fort ile baing made by Germuan firme te. secure the adoption, of tluolr weap- oin9. In this Matter, as inu so mauy others, Lord Roberts and, bis miii- tary adviserÈ bave a perfoctiy frec haPad, and )Yhile, the exporienceg Of the South African war wil prove of, the ut most value, it will be necessary to recolleot that these more made un- detr ecoe conditions which are'regard- ed asexPeptionai. Ia ali prTobability the choice of ftue sueur gun miii ho oniy attained afteir ýýwne deiay, due, naturaliy to the need fer caef electionî, sicethereon depe;ade 3the iugeo co>ýt cf entloeeiy're- anrgOur f leid artiliery. dt le in co,.necotion )mith this mat- teir that the repoSt Jia a àrtson that the gun-naing firm O! Ehriiardt, of Duosseidorf on ýthe Ebine. fromn whoixn the Government bave aiready puxchasad eighteen batteries, con- tempiate thce eoction, mctiy with Br!ieh capital, «f a largo factory, at Wo-olwmicb. Much dependg, if net ail, on the decision of the War Office, an'd for, that roaýson, the positive statemeints pnuîshed o n the subjeot in England are incorrect. "4egotia- tious, seem ', homlevejr, to ho lu progrese on the inatteir. 0f cour5e if the es- tablishinent of Isnch a factory, close te the, OrdnanQe Department at WolmIich, hecoune an accomplished fact it raiglit, from the, point cf view of the manufacturers, and to a cicr- tain-if esr-extent of the War Of- fice, provo useful to bave the gune maide under iBritish supervision. WoV undcrs-tand that the' question F cf tho cauppiy tol and efficiency cf the Ger-man gunaî eupplied to the Brît- llamtMn,tMecssu. Erhardt are keon cc-rnpetitore for the order 'wihison- or orr latex miii hiava Ùa be giron for tho, coniplete :rearýmiag of tflild ar- tiliexy. Other foreiga firmsi are ýai- soain the field, and tha ctrugge is like- TIIE KEY TO BEAUTY. Pe"fect beathl le the bey tn beau- hy. Many c girl irboeco)mplexion might le chear aud tLah2d if ehe m'onisi( giva il aohanoe, goos tirougî Èif mitl a thick maddy complexion hoco e ainsiste ou sleeping miti bar iindeves hutahnsd breaihos bcd ah' for nt leapt bal htiserght. Thare shciuhd ne-ver ho a ight durlug the night, unlcac lu case of sicknase. A ligit precmotes croir'sfoot, sud if it ie a gas liglit il takes the fresh- nous out of the air. The, majority o! people iroar o mucl ciothlung. ThabIikiayers o! ciothfing prerent tle air frcn rendh- 'g thc body sud proveut the body frenu hhuoaiug off tIc mas10 malter. The, bath te a vaînahhe aid te the nccessary purity, but liko ahi oller thinga 1ht isleilahile oabuse. A mari bath le pelidouninjurions, but îLe caf- est le. a iepid or a qaileco"I one. Oniy a shart urne ehoulfi e lcaiowed for the bath, bot lb-e, duyng cbouid l, çvJgoL-u-qnosd thorongh. Afier a bath i old ater an lonr's raule i vei-y lesteficial if thecoohing le good and Warm. Whcun vo)ry thred ispouge thoe> face irith amer- ater, makinig a muter cf corne good i3oup, witl a feir dreps o! glycerLne. Rlus e l hler and dry thae kin with oahîneol. Waslh thc meal off milli dean, ma-vun mater, sud spray îtheface mith coid materuntil theo* ki lefia'm. 'TIcface ,le cmcci exposed part o! the, bod'y, sudthierefoe gels more M>ii and duist thon aruy ohIer part o! tha ,ho-dy, eonsequeutly il t eodemore mas.hing. In mluteu'thie wmIen tshoud net le oold, aun. sonp shonld ho used but oucoe a day, and particular at- tention houid ho oevoiîe( o te ecor- GScal cane ehould bq laken lu the drýy!-g sud the 9ltre Mbbouhd ho made upwatrd. TIc, face ebould ho thon'- ouighhy massaged wuhite the sklu le ac!t sud molet. If wmmn kuew, loir feaxu!uly de- structive face pomdcr la to tle eblun tboy rouhd Ici perfect clcanlinese and plenty of bood, rufreaking ehcep do thc woirk. Faligne maies even a Young moussun bava a du-smo sud tired look,wihbagos 1h, and test eau ouily l'emoveIhîi. Maetl as gzeat effeot upon île comlplexi-on. eimple food'l% the hast. Mout o! uis calt too mach meat sud not enougli vegotabiesaud fruit. Perfect healh is botter than any fa1ce mwachthiat eau be prediuced. A cooamctio may wiîten île face for a lÉie, but il dannel lean île corn- plen noirMaie a laeting mpu-es- HINTMS TO HOIJSEKEEPERS. Cheetiiut 10e cream le a ,doudcous dessert for the Christmna dinner,but ebhiud not 'of course bc served at thIe pamml as cchntuclnffiug. for thIc tnu-ky. For cbeshtnt crea,.m nalke a hoiled custaxd o! eue plut o! lobtcrenun, tsix beatea eggs, and cric- hia]£ oupful of qugar andsi pluelo! sait,* Thon add ùue pouad cfFrendh ceetnuts. Ilat h3ve heen boiled ten- der, shellefi and pressed thu-ouglia slave. Flaveur delicatly îrlth vanilia sud freexe. Serve lu faucy caps mil a ioiied enetard. lIt le eclmod hy plysidiana thaltich ccoo- rad seýmetiales prodnoc Lu jur- Loue effecîs upom thlecye. For t11e reason i1h .a misete escloir rod embroi- dcury as an' eveuing occupation sud ho suhetituhe four it gr-een or bine, which are. hehieved ho o boueficial. Aegood Subehtilulco fr tîle round saudwicl ,loavcc o! lxuead soin dah mauy baoresuay he maJde ati hmony seaîuiïg any irýhite icaf as Boston brbrrea l1-d l cokeu. Thceteain- gr-, le, uýesi and l e 'bî-cAd drus lnet soc tIc oven ahaLil. Ail fo<odeprt agree that carnets are a valuable food, sud are beeui too geoldoun on the average table. If thIc fnrniiy refuse sewed carroie, try car-- rot croquettes. A doxen srnaii cro- quette oanu ho iMade froun fcur ilarge cawrohgi. Boit tii-em 1111 tender, drain sud irab tîrouglu a ;sLore. Add one cap- fui o! lIick irhitesauce, oeing foir1 it tire hocp,.ing tahiespocufuls o!f1 Dlouxr, mix, b.osse'a; higlly, and mien cld aud fluai, clapeansd finis-h as for other croquettes.. If a Little, camplor jle ddcd1tIcthF îuatrrlin hiol eut flemers are put, tle priod o! ileir mil ho flBeaver Block. Bowmanville. aicycle Repair Shop., I arn prepared to do aIl kunds o! bicycle repairiug. Oid -wheels thoroughly rcuovaled -and, newily enameiied. New wlseels made to, 1order. A il'w o rk gaaraniteed. Get your wheelin unow oast S avoid the rush. Grindn o! al kinds. Eniamein-g dSne. W. FI1SHFL EIG, Market Square, Bomanviiie. 8 tf. ho. dirîod near the fire, an it wiii warp more heat la reqtulred. But if in ad- oir crack. dition to the aputter-ing guy sýmoke il, dscenibie in the ovenï, the heat RELIABLE aE~CIPiS. ia tee intense and shouid , bc esseued. suniesis the heat cf fLhe ovo ltoo Roasting Meat.-Not ev'Yry yonng great, the drfppin1ge hýibte pan wîll housekeepoir kuiome hew te reast a not buirn and' nioke, and when t hl pio-ce cf ineat, anid indeod theore are nicat le eoored théire wiii ho a thin sauna oid ongs wha do nut, say5 i'VLs. coattug -of broxvn jally la the pan Ewin'g, a wesitern cooking teacher. ibewe the meat rested, whicb by thue Wheq it "eemaï na-ccssary te wash a addition of stock or water makes a de- âroart of beef, dry il carefnhly beforo liIconu-ý gravy. placing in the, oven, as searlng alI -- £I vte Use Coid Roa;st Ba.B meest luctantiy the, ont sido, of the ,meat peovente the oscape cf juices. an aahadznptaos d w As saît aiwt" a atendc t ,taiep anfLs butersatand pep- haid~ndn tegbn iea7baliy e-Wteiabl Lu i nd i r 7é unlpfiiT arr r puoc, w l t t orrmnod. i ncaldlng milk. S v to em7ixturis ratin,ýg ucats of al kinde the imethi- wiLa mii ha £Lt soft o 11,f-L nd ado,ýptefi 'ehou'd bha the une that liii igdshadce t uhsuices lIne meukt peyrfect rnan-neurýpreser vos c oýÈ,ýId eethef i aspe)an-(fae thoý juie inside tuie meat. To toat grvoen li suce andsetin itihe hýeof la the hoet unanorplaetCe ovr fao' fi ve te ý10 muantes -, Or nutil dleani-cnt cide! cf lbe meýaÈ upo(n 'a tIc ent le îbie" thq-i,Y hao u smoek;ing bot pn, wbich muet a oerlithobrwued IaraitL ic dl al qnlck fiare. Pre ifclose ho the pan La whàýich1 l akdïcneaigit, until soaxed ind sligbtiy bremned. wlth agarnalicf cley ipeScq' Reve'rý5e and lot the opposite sida ho- prl.Mutton end veaI oah ov ca-ma cimilariy searod snd hrowii. cd Liithecaejma--nner s t w bof Tho'a pot it a t once, lu the ovon, tho Bapt!)iet Cke-hs ae r [heat of which enfho o dbefirm and i seosdy, but neot too intense, and leavaeimleicso raisog hc it umdistnrbed until oooked. The time baa been ixý as stiff as it c eh thait gbould ho ai faxvo oreokLng stiTrofithe ngtbefore. VFry the, býeef luib itis mannev la20 minutes tecakea la bo!iiu bLot fat for si!xm'inl- th Fipotnudil i to b le rare, iess ba i! ;i nd sretbiEm wLtthsugar1 syrýup anlosdedactefi frenathc aggrogahe o (,r mpeoyn Theo hast aufi cbcaýp- im caaccouýnt cf eain.Lunte s yo o ( sl aoa oe vods a fivo--ponnd ,lroasqt of 4heof iili To umake a ,ýailoof ora :tae iv fiquroan mor end l,a uarer, a sx-pa,und1o!f rg~,ada oeue quart ' 'o! polind voýIA ;t an boU- uc and a1ha11, ad otmat r.;et onmic LZsck cf tho propr ixporturenndthe coýok(Ing ehrn m&ted, plihe ctefr le going oCn ahU!! t hIo ment ivili %:I bI cItwtl o.,ftr'h k" eep up a-IgenItIe pno ilusth(-, s Iru Ihý oi d10miuera.dy pan. [f upon opnlg lie aven dor(1001. v ilfremin thef ir, vl-dwil t ilI",sp tut t£ori ig is n t prpnitýùp u,,. i.i, castùo4ia is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Ciildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Parek'oric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 0On. It is Pleasant lits guarantee is thirty years'1 use by Millions of ilothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allaysFeverisbness. Castorla. prevents vmtn Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Cactori:a relleves Teethinlg troubles, cures Constipationý and F2latuIencyé, atra asimilates the Food, regulates. the StomacW and Bowcls, giving healthy and natural sléepo. Castorie is the Children's Panacea-the MotIher's Friend, Castoria. Gastoria,. IlCastoria Ie an excellent medicine for "Castoria lis so weli adapted te eilidrea C-bildu-cu. Mothers have repeatedly told me that 1 recommeud it as sunerior te any pre'. of uts goofi effeet>upon tuteur children." acieti.n hnowu te me.", DR. G. C. Ocecon, Leueofl, Mess. H. A. ARcH£R,, M. D. Brooklyn,. el THEFAC-SQ.IM-ILE SIGNATURE' 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPERU We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at ver'e usali 'arîces. OUI carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,eolored and black at 81 .00. Men's Calf and Cordovan Bhns, sewed and- ri-vitted, from $1.40 to 62.50, worth $2.00 Ito $3.50. Chldren's Button and -BlMS 25c, 50e, 75e, wortli 5Oe, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prîceb. 'We will tell -you what 'the stock 1$ lu eaeh and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know, Lateet Spring styles nom ini sýtock in every uine. The publie is invited to inspect our stock:; o trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasuire. Truuks, Bag-s, LSatcheLý-1 Shawl Straps, fancy and plain;- Dressing, the very best that eau be, bouglit. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the bootsit is appli7 ed to. Repairing donc in ail its branches in first-ciass style. Fine work> made te order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eustomerrc for past favoré and hoping for a continuance of the tame. 1 - hy su ibeurleOre rots thL:-e quýie. Ncreu- put sevoral tetumbu-cilashe gethar hi n umbueln tan:d.1 iKaecpthe ire d'et cin l-yw.ish- ~ elcg, autd n unet %ilei butter' i Ilklu.c ceparate dem l ing amay. AWoodenmaie Hhould ne De DAvise