G G Gi G G G G G G 31 G Bew LISTEN! F Our Goods Spoak For hmevs 'We oly ask you to corne and go through t 1-ou-r store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made In best Woods and we seil at Close ~ prces.If you intend furnishing a home,ý See Sour Unes and get our p rices, and compatre with the goods of auy city store ifL youi wi.sh. If you contnhpatea fanicy chair or any piece of Fuir- Snituro ,5u the Holiday season. see our display, thelLr~stand prettiest evershown in town. K IEP VOUY01R EVE DON OUR.DISPLAY WINDOW. FunLee n UMetkig Tn* A~Âoxa T*TEMANis pnblished ecvemy Wedcecay vzmon ft ,' cffice 2,;STAEs.- îo~ ~' v per au I, or$1.00 if p*dsrity1 a4a..Adv iigraeifsimtavm listr. e, cctaper t ne. fir St insertion; five Uet nC~ 1e cadi snbseqnent nsrio.Cou- trc a-soalcaon BOWMANVILLýE, JuNË 19, 1901, WEST D URHAMV ELECTION. H v von any artilyenticire te (Cffoîtinîved from First Page.) sp,11 or vrçr Try a smnLati nTriE 18 welt-establisbed, nef onty upen the 1S'ATESMAN ,Ifl b-ingrs bluyer anti seller staterna mati n flic xarninafien off fo -ltbn, ata riiig x(, thndf e respendent, but atso lapon Gerrieý's emv t"tetroule.own evidence. LiHe stateti that lie acteti as seufineer on poiling day. Hie acteti, as lie-sayVs, lecause Mm. Cufrie was un- MATt'.rtED PEOPLE willing te acf -But, he fitieti in, ia lis owa band-wrifing, fthe date, anti lis LI- l 1ONGEST ! wn name. Bie lad lad for some time Tv. mttm'. Buy thea vofers' tist. lic got if from the MrIl,.Lîcý ense ýfrom 4M. A. T1ownship cla'rk, aton u ic he ail, ffor J ~ ~ - VM pitdyieGv iiii he revising of f Ilist. Lie says lie e ' isdw4tbproper pmoabllylooketi ever if witî other c-!ei1ife urne aud peeple. lie says fi -at voters' ist migît g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) c' vpyns.~l arked wf emoranda off voters' mn Cuea lsoamn0arinsby <theýr peopte. fi esays i eseoutiS pnntedin fat lie ust tntv(otrs' list at fhe r' eaiion bvyenob7u n be5r pots. Wule ie ays liehatinef can- '..AMEIsoemf l amiae Lceuse asstipeople ft i e was aw,,are off, le a -ene27Centre St., o iTEfiaE îlnefsay fliat lhe titiînef speak te Sm Eomavile!people as te o 1v' they were going te> vote. TIen, lic was at, tic think's, f wo mneetings when otr were di.Scuzssed, anti suon1.Ilie was af cýerfaiUly one E E D meeting. 110lias ne doult ifvas a E E L b omnmittee meetig. It was Lu fIe ________________________TheY werc iooking over He sts. nef know wbatf for. -lHe J W arIri'Ving a Ït Mr-!nkes the satemnt ta iehocwaq no ,. Lok fr a) erti e-objected teoene vote anti he saîs aIWe ý8swore sorne-voters " 1 arn not ,e r next week, L.eave ioûking, the argument thaf flic appoint s for, Seed or"Gemj" ment 'of seutineer, if thc agencey tiepend ed upon that, woulti only le on L~ec 8 tatthflic mning off flicvoting, andtfat fthc cerupt pract tee cbargeai was before L. J fIat, But, tIceffacf fIat he was appoint- I ~ ~ ~ ~ e j -uO [i S ant iat act as ,seutîneer, is, as if was lunflic Haldimanti case, one off fli circumstauces wbicb lmrings mue te the flnding that ho was an agent in doing l TIFB~ 0 TH 1AR whea othflicocrrupt practice, 1I "Th -I0g Ghst nd the Strie. mar inclinedt t tink, on a mview off 4'Th, -;4ýi C'1ist nd OierS1Lfi flicthewîote evidence, that as far as lic With *v r- -is concernedti s es£alisbed.lie admifsi fhe payment tethe eti lady off-$1-00 >e,*and 0;Izis What, i inly opinion, is a1 com a ,. vcr icredible, ainiost siltv-accouxnt1 Iîlntraîvol.off fIat transactio, fIat lhepaid fhec j1IEýn? ol-dollar for tIc pumpose offenabi"ng fIel Wu m îs o*Jti man te ýdrink flic eider fliaf was -is1 skecbe. ssornilproperty at bis leisure. IJf Iink grapusa ,,x.tIc videceof flic Woodwards, ies far 10e ies. ")OZ as ie is concernet, sufficiontty cermol-,' that 'w aiot eratles flic statement off Fanli, that lie mcaý dem. s if receivedtheticmoney ffrem hlm, thec $,5 Qou 3emteasil alneh aud ~ ~ ~ ~ b br- atflc$2 00 anti liS8.00, lupon the uneap ocain ctre. badock e j t n ps iouchrges Nos. 5 ati 1 boel, I sd are prove, 1 th fic orupf praeftcee C(u fm .Cnan"Tbe Bow-iegg-dbst"Cenan agenýt off fIe respontient, C. Ool' og, Pssil Tles0eFtr bsolutel!ytLhewbesî hmeo.sbe pu. fe iameGc onclus ni on 13 s . îc db 2.0, aiedpespa or $1 ý,00. u <li- . ce Sed our new special iSUas-'f Ad e Sledrs 1, tî h1bare r *eb, m.vVactUrr8 "crouL,0hio, GET READY rone Up YoUI aiOur Sarsapa EDOES IT C'VE1 lu00 Doses In" Ea want te lecauhtb t enwill besenb anetlir party before thie election'Jes Voodward vmMie te.woie stoury as 3tted iabove-, ad u ross exa, minatient 'a bout y nhae h c-ue )ro Mr , liomntoi nuertok to'make hLm ti x- the seoff thle pice off ae nadii lacda ieeof paperIfo hm fox- lentifiationand J l-ess odadti imn te tear Lt off at a(etanpin 1u lic ould have one >off about te ize off thel Pt4ee I I 7 For Ifns n.Chfidren. is t', BQWMANVILLE 19îgînoti r FORe i ee r Blood!f FýY TI1M E, 4 _f 1 t InI 60l11 ichBtte &son,« DIIUGIST. e - --- - fù my lord the Chief Justice lias arrived, botb upon the question off agency and upon the question as te wbethem the cormupt practice was eemmîtted or net. I tbink there is abundant evvience in Mr. Gerrie's own statement, in cross- examinatien, and is the cross- exarninatien off Mr. Tliomnton, that Geýrrie was actively wemking for hLm, a mnember off bis committee, te Mr. Tbornton's kneowledge, during the few weeks preceding the election., Mm. Thornten -was at, lie thinks, two meet- ings, and I think prebably two meet- ings alse, these Com.imittee meetings, at Whicb Gerrie was present. Gierry undouibtedly was an active supporter. Rie had a bookr of lis own wiihihe had takea thte troubfle te get, or alist of veters1Isbould say. lielad it marked bv himself.-and other peuple. lieseems te have been canvassîng different ,peepte, Gte ae mnarked b kis boo, and te -have used bis b)ooô as marked at the timie on election djay fle was at these Commrrittee mneeting,,s lu the Orange Lodge wbere thie matters whidhi are ualygo1ne inte at Committee meet- ings wvere z'one into. That is te say, tie d iscussion off the proclivities off yoters and lie was te see, after thora. Mr, Tliornton was aware of wliat lie was doing. 'Mr. Thoruten and lie, as Mr., Themnton says, discussed these matters together. Thon lie certainiy, as lie admits, canvassed these twe men, and as the climax Off it ail lie was put ia the position which would naturaliy be given ýte a moan Who had made himoseif thoroughly acquainted witb the proclivities off the vuters, off b-ing serutineer Item the candidate lie supportpd at tle eleetion, 1 think upon that gmeund, upon the question off ageney, thore 15 no doulit. 1 Then witli regard te the actual cern- mîtting of the commupt practice, I think that Mm. Gerrie's demeanor in the box tn thle fimst case 3 was sU(cb as net te inspire confidence at ail in the state- -et li e was 17ig.Ledid appear te meý, te be giving -bis evidenc in a vemy unnatural wayv and wÎi the lmaniner offa man wl ohe hadgene inte thie box upon a veryViupILeasant errand, lie adinits liavin,- given the dollar te this old Mms. Woodward, and1 the 'ac- ceun tht h gixes oàfit.s not ecdi. bie. TIen, the evideý-nce against hlm offýýX is absolutely positive( witî regard te th paym3enit offthe $5iand $80 especýt. iveiy, and tItis we b4,ve h eiene whicb is net atack-ed in ýan wy(iff Mrs. Woodward wbicb is evidîence býotb off the payment te I'ranik, corrobo iýration eOfflie payment te Franki te a certatu extent, lecause she sayýs that ber son Frank came te the bouse, that niglit and teid ber and lier busband flot teý go te bed as Gerrie was coming up to give tliem some meney. Sa beme is a case where the corrupt payment cf a dollar ils practicalîy admitted because it is uudoultedly' a eoîmupt pa'nt. He' had been ceanvassing the father for lis vote, and immediately affterwamds, sIt- tiag Lu the room in the presuec if fIe ffatlier, lie gives the motber, tIac woman a dollar without any excuse Ywbýiavem- ititn y*real excuse wlistever Tt is evidently te gain hiemrudwl.W have themeý,fere hem cormobomation cý4fhI corupt practice an-d I am q ýuite satisfied te treit if as Iavingbe stsfatrt ADDED CHARGES 1 AND 2. These were two dliges that Mm. D.F.Waisbhad corruptly offered toFrank, Woodward $16 for the vote of hi mseif' and father Jesse Woodward and bis two brothers. In support off tbis charge the evideuce of Frank Woodward was given to flic effect that on the Saturday niglit before the election, lie went into ic ,sbop o)f Mm. Walshi in Orono, and was asked by Mr. Walsh te go and get lis father te cornecdown and see hLmu, flat lie-liad something of importaiwe to say te hLm; that lie went for bis father and sornetime. before xxl o'clock wcnt te the shop;,- thaf wben they wcut 'Li, another personi was t here wlio went eut Lmmediately, and the oniy other person there was Miss Walshi who was sitting at the desk, Mr. Walsh seeing tbem, looked at bis watdh and said te lis, daugliter "Put on your cloalk and go haime" wbicli she did, iedving, tbcr alone The tîv W oodwardb were sittiug at thc side of fhe stove with Mr Walsh in front. Mm. Walsh addm1essing Fraunk Woodward lie says asked iif i any in- Aucemeut could be given h 1im te vote for Mm. Thomuton and bring wà it mtlc ,ýotes of b1is father and t wo brothiers; tIce reply wa le did neththik so IM'ïr. Walsli then said' 1 wiil giïve you $î,ýo for- y'our votes." They botb replicd that, :hcy lid rotbiog te dIO withe c rüthiers xrho were not present, and that thi S sumr 11s0nt elouli in any vent. Mmr. W alsh ,ten statetd.that it was as mludli as bhey bad givea tu auy persefi, that tbey were only paying $2.50 a Vote at this ecc- ion. Mm. Wals t heu picked up a piece of paper fromn the floor, wrete sOeching mn Lt and lbandeti it to Frank Wodward vlio said 'I cannot sec by this lilit' baud- ing Lt bakte lis father te gyive ifte Mm. "Give lHim an Inch, He'lt Take an EII/'" Letihelc sma îtestf microbe gain todgmnent lrn your body anïd your 'whote system 'will be diseased. 2"he mnicrobe is microscopic. But the germs become inches and then etts of pain- Hood's SarsaýpâArif destroys the microbe, prevoents ihe pain, purifies thle bioo *n efedaa prmaentcure,. Ruri Down-"I had severe head- achs ad m cosliulifl wasgenerally run down. Hâd rea-d about Hood's Sar- isaparilta, tled if, and iafée?, using f'wo yotti'eas entirely cured/' &'eLiss cMary FTalga annig A'r*., 7orontio, Ont. and piece it being seen that this corres- pondedeacl with the size of the paper thatthe son Frank Wooctward identified the expresions were amusing. The counsel had ex.amined Franli Woodward respecting what became of the paper and lie stated that it bad been torn up by Mr. Walsh and thrown into the sto.ve. The cross examination of Jesse Wood- ward brouglit out the same answer, ad- ding that hie pulled back the damper and, pushed it under the door without open- ing it. Mr. Walsh was placed in. the box to deny the *story, and the anxiety and straini on lis- face, anrd'in bis person, did not augu r wellI for the success of bis evid- enice. He denied th wIole story' , ex cetig hat the fathier tlad son, were in the so on thelvenClii question: stat- ed thant ino one wýas present but t emiisel- ves rat tbeycar n wlen he was ,atone andl saw% him iwhlie ( was atone; thlat re- ferenuc to election nmaýtters and his akn tlim to vote for, Thornton broughkt ouft from Friank ooardthat they iwourld not, vote unrles tbey got $20, and lie told themi they liad corne to the wrong man, that lie bad no money to spend. He did lotý) get annoyed at sucli conduct or requ,,est, but. went on appealing to thcim to vote for- Thornton on the grouind that the, Conservatives lhad always been goodl to them and given tbem worký, and onteground of the graavantrages -of the Conseýrvative party to thicoun,-'try generally- Cross examnination eclicitedl the fac:t that Mr. Walsh wvas a very indif- ferent miember ofl is party, that lie took no specialintrs in the election, can- vassed no ne th rough the election excep- ting 2 or ., in b is sliop, t'bat lieliad acci- denlgoc no a meeting of supporters of Mr. iornton in Orono, 'but that lie took no interost beyond this Hie denied positively tha,--t lieliad ever been outside of bis sbop to cý ýanàvass any person, tbat lie liad been t no man's bouse enquiring for votesand hli had seen no one aou tie cto outside of bis sliop. Onbeing pressedstili dloser lie affirmied and reuiteratedI this stat:.eent, but, on being ske if ie liad flot gn to a cer- t ain- boseonacetanniglit and ruoused a ecertainmanontI of bed and taýlKed to hmii oni elc-tin matter-s, a glimmjiier carme to) hîmi anc, lie said thàat prap ïie had. lic aftervw ards became psitive ctbathle L, dliiouted the inme6ofthe lperson lie liad ben t, w, Scý-iyler Wilcox First lie stated tliat he nly went to bim and talked (to h;1m1 at tlie door. On being pIssdlie camec to the conclusion. that be wasisi de the door and tbat the door was' shuCan that Ilie was standing talking to imi. FuriLer quiesýtioning elicited thie fact that lieý sat down r in tlie kitclien of tlie bouse aund tlked to, the mnan tliere. for some time. B>eing prse as to why lie was there at tbt our of the niglitlie stated tliat lie s imply -vent to enquire liow lie was goirng to vote and to extol the principles of the -Conservative party. On being presedc furtlier for an lionest an- swer as toiwliy lie lad gone there at tliat hour wlien tlie man was in bed lie said it 'came to blmn as a dream' that lie bad gone over to see, about the Woodwards and wliat kindl of minentliey were. A peculiar reason. in view %-of bis baving knuxvn thebe n i nu dobt iitimatcly well for many yea,-rs HIe.saidble reeeived ftle reply tblt tliy were unreliabIlle, iý,'otld take anytihing- they coitId get, andl stPil vote Lier l( le as preýsed to tell if tlis ws te raso wb le wenPt to thei ,bour- and lie said it was l. ias ask- eéd to fix lie tc Lime ati'which lie liad caIled, wlebrit,'vas after Éth Satuday nligit wlien lie liad seen tlie Woodwardx,-s or be- fore, butlie wouldft,say.'l'leifom at in fliatt tlie Liberal party hiad was tbat it was tlie Moniday niglht followýing thel Sýaturday on hici hel a dmiteda vi1ng seen the Woodwiards at bis sbop). The nataral inference was_ that lie liad bad aî tal!k witli the Woodwards dèscribed on tbe(c Saturday igl,-it and bad gone to se wlietlier the friend tbiat lie was to send to see the Woodwards coulé safely investI: aniry sum in thlim This( closed the exam-1i QQiesure off thatLA i arnposi- Q o ou Iremember bcU avinig ayother bati Saturday nîglitANfvr pk aiu litLntnws upS d to bave said about wbat Underwood said- aboul your liaving handled money, that you were flot going to liandie any money thi time-, W liat do-,you say about that? A. -I neyer mentîoned Lt to hLm. ,Q-How does, it occur te- you thatFranl Woodward wvouid, bave got bold of that, to say almost as you bave said to-day. tliat Linton was supposed to have sasc that you bad liandied money on a formei occasion ?-A- Le miglit just get hoid of it just as liandy as I did. There was a friend' of mine fromf Kendall, lie was DeputyRev of the tovnshîp of Clarke, and after a fmiend'of 'mine in Orono toic me that Liarry Linton had asked him i this were truc, I asked the Deputy Reeve from Kendall if lie liad heard that rme: and lie said lie beard it, but lie said lie toid the party that toid hLm that Lt was not correct, as far as ne knew. -I forget wbether you were asked whether or fliot you told the W oodwardý or ]Faýnk Woodward that somebody else woid sec bim or interview hlm ? A-- tbink that question was asked me and1 denied it. The Lion. Mr. justice Street: Just tri and tbink1 again. This 'witness, Franii Woodward, say'9 lie was Lu your sbop on the Mlonday aftemnoon, after the Satur- day niglit you have spoken of. Cýhef justice Faiconbrige: On the Mon- day any, way. Mr. McPlierson - Lie said afternoon. Witnes3: I neyer bad any conversation with hlmi after 1 f ound out that lie wantec this money. Hon. Mm., Justiice Street: Weli, djc you sec hLm fin youir sliop oui Monday ? 'A-I did flot. 1Q-Lie tells a story that it wa s tber that y ou mentioned about Tom, Unde. - wood'and Liarry Linton and and that you whispered te bim across the counter that you coidflot do anlything of this sort ? îA-I neyer mentîoned it tc bim bcause J1had no nmoney, theme wý\as no mioneyvenv)ito me, and 1 liadn't mioney ,to spare of mrn, and clI1neyer uised any, neyer padad llaor voteýs Ln m.1y \wole politicai life, never spent any mny The explanation of Mmr Walsh seemed to tie Liberal counsel to be unreliabte Liow hliecexpected 1a Franlk Woodwvard who was flt -a chuml of bis, nor a chtum of bis friendî, nom a chumr of Mr. Linitonl could get fthe informiiationi in refecec to Mmr, Wýalsb ispending the party funds at tWhe previouiseecinwavryeta- dînary and farcicat, that t0i11o1y kn1owý- ledge Mm Walsh e ver had, it iv as stated, came tbrougb a friend from ýKendali,and was therefore flot commiiýon gossip Lui and, arouind Orono. Tbe questioning of the judýgesý seemed to lae the matter Lu a ominous liglit.Ate argument of the Libemal counsel, Mm. Tbomnton's- counsel got up, and made a lieart rending appeai to the Judges, and it seemed to show is of great weakness, to give Mm. Wgalsli, wlio bad been a Conservative candidate in the , ast, and a prominent man Lu thie vicinity, tie-benefit of a doubt? Thie Judges gave judgment Lu conn-c- tion îvith the Gerrie c 'harges whîch iwere in themseives sufficient to voidclthe cdec- tion of Mrm.Tliornton, if itL eve ýr took place, and, while ive do flot v.isb to insînuate that4 the, judgment of tlieir Lordsbips was anytbing but wbat was iiht, w e think that thýe re-ason w ich prompted them to let chr. Wisi ff was flot, exactiy what shold bav,ýe beand th commenýints tliey maýde on Lsevidenlce was eno1ýugh to set bim and otber people tliinking that lie had a very narrow escape. Lie got the criminal's refuge in many cases "thec benefit of the doubt."ý The judgments are given below. JUDGMENS. MR. JUSTICE STREET Witb regard to the aiieged offer by Waishi that stands ina somewhat diffement positionî frein Gemmie. There is nu evidence hlome off an actual, payment off înoney., There -is neyer.w.as arried out. There is only the evidence off the father and tlie-son. Tliey are dimectly eontLrdieted by the, evidence off Walsh. Thoreý is no fumtliem cerroboLration off the evîdeuice of these two mien. And, wlsiie 1 weuld ,înet -s&y thait 1 inam aal satisfied or that 1 h-ave any srn notio)n with regard t,-)tbeý evidence, 1I tikthl'0at we 'Os;ouid, lundeir the3 cîmcumwstanceLq, as Mm, MePhersonu las statud that wve sliould do, give Mr Walsh the benefit oi 1.tae doub1t. Tin urEr JUSTicE : eatLre!V agree as te Mm. Waisli, whose teemntof t1ie transýaction ws iv ! n aIl nnr xvhidlicomm-enlded Jtsej!f Ëtoi. iu iidý !em true mre than did ~r Gerrie's. Tlie resuit k that e~gs5and 1o arc provoýd avd that ttie adde4 cLiarges are not proved and are dsisd Conteratin Ias on the face of every- oevainL the room, the aoee al counlsel sat stolid and confident. A hurmied conisultationi toeký place between the Conservatives, anidaprostn came fmomn the Conservative consl at the eclection sboutd be voîded, eacb party Men's Wear for the Hotý Weather. Men'cas Balbriggan Shirts andl Drawers at 25e, 35e, 45e and 50c, Men's Natural Wool Shi rts andl Drawers, very liglit and durable, soft front Shirts for Men and Boys at; 50c, 60c, 75e, 90, $,1.Ù0 $L25, A îdqee asortment of the Domini;n SipndrJust reeeived, inelading the Pan-American at 25e. The President and Defender at 50c. Extra value in Cashmere Sox at 215c and 3e our own importing; lilht weigh-t in Men's anid Beys', j:ist in; also Straw Hlats for Men and Boys in the new rustie straw desigus. Ladiles'Hot Wea-cther Skirts. SPflCIAL PRICE.S. Lineni fine quality - - 7 5e. Linien, fine quality, braid trimmed - 85e,. Linen, extra fine quality, braiïd trmed 81 0 te $ 1,ý35. white Piq ue, fine qlity - 85e, $1500 and $1.25. Wbîite Dtiek w hin1sertion - q$ 1..5 0 to0 *2. 0 ) Thie above are biandsomne Shirtýs an d at these prýices sioul)td go quickly, We ha've placed thern on a9tbl in tne centre, of the store for quick selling. Ladies' rot bWeather Blouses, Everybnody is plea1,sed with our Blouses this -season, We haye neyver shown as satisfactory an assortment. There is net a poor pattern or eut of style Blouse in our stock. Ail1 exaetlCFy up-to-date 'and pri!ýcs lower than you will expeet to pay for sucli desirable g-oeds. CALL AND SEE TIIEM. Wehave reeeived this week, direct from the miii, ene caseof Prints. We bouglit tliem at a very Iow priece. Gonsidering that tliey are the best quality and 32 incises wide, mest stores are selling t 'hem at 14e and 15e a yard. OUR PRICE 121-e, Cerne and get your ehoice. THE o.gý 0 lyv reason o rbr and -or-ruption prac- tisedlyhli agents of Mmi. Thoruton and a new e lection odrd WVe think ta i the i ntemests off thie peupteoff West Du,,harn it wouid lbe weli if the charges had been fuither proceed- ed with and flic wboe matter op encd up and laid lame We have heard for years riumors of the corupt actions off our op- ponents Ln seme cases as ligli as $îo,oee and $i2,500 liaying come inte fthe riding at eue time We blieve that these stor- îes were weil founded, and we wouid thinir a tesson sheuld le given te them te le careful. We have ne idea wheu fIe election coutest will coeno. We would net think that there was any im- mediate liurry but fIat is Lu the dîscretion off the power, at Ottawa, but wlien t dees corne we hope that flic people will clear- ly uuderstand flic retbods ishicli actuat- ed the Libemal pamty and the esuit which followcd and we hope that their eycs Wili leb opeued and that fhcy wiil h uew who te punmsh and, wbe f0 believe new fliaf thcy have au, oppotunity once more of liav- icng an liouest election. Of couirse(, thie utried charge in cennectien wLtte'lca- legcd cemupf larga:,in- made between flic Parons andCneraivswl llildgood for another electin andt can ý1aaxu le puste, s i ssttlufreadia patrt off fic scheme, buit we tust that if- wil! receive, now that t is undemýstood, sucli) couidemnaiitien lt1hat nlo paty wli ever sink te fic lev'el ne-cessary- te me- peçat fhe opemation. Let Wes-t Durham [be linst, tflet l e free and act se fliat ou wýhich ever side off potitics wc are wc 'can bc, prend off Our homne. WEST DURAM (<iOTS. Mis. ,TnNrON ', e PAF 'THE MTOP- o TJNM iANIS the RETURNING OFFICEln APART. Chief Justice Falconbridge and Mm. Justice Street Monday gave fleir de cision on tic question off costs in the West Durham election 'case, Mr. Thomuton the Independent-Conserva- tive candidate, must pay ail the costs off f1ie Lilerals' petition against 'him ta whidh the judges at Cebeumg beéld bribemy by agents off Mr. Thomaton bad been shown. In tic finit petition ly Mr. Thornton, against Rcfurning- Officer Bingîam te cempel fIe latter te "retuma" fic petiti- oncm as flice eýCted candidate, caci wili pay Ilits own cosfs. F. A. Coie's is fIie place to luy clieap s3eeds off al klinds., Reabdv towa end ats 50c', at F. A. Colc's, lmtn 1, ence wire as cheap as fli east maclirie oit, a greaso-, etc,, at F. A. Choice ffresli groceries a L!wàYs in steets. Mcc nesoff mceya ou tam priceýs at F. A. Coie'ýs. You scliSec F. A. Cole's stoc1k off wýorsteds, serg-es and wed beffome placing Youm order for a smn ut Visitor s-Mr, J. Ellis, eenso- se?. England, 4ar bis bete'sdr. 1F. LT LuiMrs T. atems .Ward, Greenankat M .Sie';M.W GmvnwaMm. C enwyand uleHp,IaL '01I- ac Crkeý's; Miss Miiy Ioac lis tuhi homie te Egieto - Leiu"a, Ms.1'. Jrrews, accom-iùpanied lier,. NOTICE L'O PATHMASTEBIS. Ail11 patîmasters equiring ti4,, g cuivcr-,t bilding mav get fli saine u gett,ýing an order ffrorn I 'e Counciller for their division, on Mm. Jcl ad By order off the ceunmcil, A E. CLEmE, Reeve. BLACUSTOCK, Tihe Sunday Sebol of St. John's ChumelI Blackstock. wviil mun an excursion perstae Crandeila, Friday, Jonc 21, te Sturgreon Peint, ieaviug CSsarea utS8 a. m., and retumning art p. m. Tickets: Aduits 35c; Chtlldmen 2, forlu round trip. The postpouedi concert wiil corne of Fmda evemxng nexf, Junle 21sf ,fesides loc-a ltalentl Mr Eber Feiey anid Mr Gee P Fmeeland,, Boii- manville, idss Reynolds, Soeicai, 1Dr crioss, Oshawa, Wil take ipart. Admission le od tOc Coma early. Ae air& bery 1'csitval wll ie bld ýon Tusý- diay Tji)e,23hit the restdïen(e of m. Johin ings. moooge tc wII be giîvýen and a ed repromised e i l who attend. Admis- sio 25; hilren13. fc ream ta, Ieýrvc- tflic dafte aud corneoand enjoy yoiqcsef. Wonen with pale. ceIoress, facqfes, who feci weak an1-d discxLraged, will. eceive bofli mental anti bodily vigoir ly ulsing Cartcm's Il-on PUIlS, w1hieih are matie fer fie blood, nerves and Ce M- piexion. An oidEnnlskillinb, Mm. liLeslie McLaren, Haumilfon, accompaniejdby ia ndINMm. Hsjrvey bas been revisitlng te cof 1bi8 yoUTh, fls. many OUd frlends very glad lte ses hum... -Mrs, H. Sylvester, Lindgay, une of our old resiejînts. is visiting old frienda guesi of MNr C. Stewart.. .Mr. Ayr, Welland, was a guesi of Mr,.Ci. f Byerslasîtweek....-miss Walibridge. town sentý Saturday snd Sabblith wk-h ber frlend Mi1ss Williams... Mr. Robt. MeKýeiLh,Lcnwas a guest cf Dr. Mitchll on Suday, To NERvous WomEýNMrs. Li, W, Crensbermy, off 168 Rficîrnonut Strept, Toronto, says :-"My daugliter 's nerves, wereso exbauisted anld she was ses weak and debilttated fIat sIc had te give up~ work and was almost a victim off uer- vous prostration. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food provcd an excelent rcnedy ip, restoring hem te beati anti strcrigth. A ffer ha-ring useti four bexes sIc ta aati work again liealt;hy andti happy. ~et a box, at ail! deaqiers. SALE M. netweo11v.J.G. - Ü .A.Nelvil aiS p rn, sud 7 o'ulouc w i precti, p actai bcdil y e Rm..1ev. RB.LH. fitydlen, M. A,,. will lec-turin iSalem' chusmiiel Tuesday eveiog- j'Ile '25 ai S c'ciok )on "Jelsalem, lier Glery fMr. Bm aneti is La b1eilss ivui lif eau, fOur Vlîdren ru ý1supportl. 1ev Milusydfen bas. fray lied il.the oly Lau' sdl ilImle(h lecwturinýitemes'ting Adîmissio e-Shuda 25e. -Editon.) LIrE ON TUE UAl.-Mm. G7eo. um ris.Barrie, Ont., eue off fIe lest ikýneWn mîinerco feG.T.R. writcs. "Fer ycars Isu1 ecdfrein kidineydis.- caebreuglit on by ralmoaitife. TIc t dofcors clletýit "aiod iny"but, could giv e n eraen1rlef ffew boxý,es off ls grand medicinle cern- ptetely curcd me! Puftting a'-n end te fthc detulpains imi tîîehmckanti gre-atty wci ll maî te-ay, lant10 ÉàDr. Cl1ase," One pili a dcoe, 25cenýts -a box. J4Q~Weaterr oods.o 'r, le--Tl '-- -1- - 11,1. -lý ý L - M 77- 1- 7l -T 1 -T., 1T-Ll-M;ý -M ý Llý'Illi'ý,JkýlTjll ýJý LiglIt, cool, tweed Suits, frein $3.50 upj. Liglit weight Coats, froin 90oe up. Liglit weighit Pants, from,0 OUp. Liglt weight Vests, from S50c up. Liglit wcight, streong. work Coats and Pants, frein 40e. Beys' BrownieOveralis, frein 5e uap,