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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1901, p. 2

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DR. L. POTTER. OfFe neand residence,ChurchSt.,oppositC Trlnity Congregational ciurch, Bowmanville, 25-6m* 31ISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARITIST. Instructions given in PAINTIN G in Oil, Water Color and China. Sttetching and ,aintiing from ,natur*e. IKILN on premises, tir Th t usual prine. 516m. DIX. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBERI 0F C0LTrEGEOF PHYSICIANS anid Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, itesidence, Enniekillen, 74 A. E. MeLAUOHLIN, 2a"rister, Solieitot- antd Conveyancer. OMeie- Btiiakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Money ta boan at reaeonable rate. 43-lyr, ROBIERT YOUTNG, V. S. O %FFlCE IN WEST DURfHAM NEWS VBloek, ahere bimeelf or hie assistant will be!oundfromSa.in.to9p. m. Nighit calte ai reeldence, directly opposite Drilil Shedi. Catie 'y tele gaph oxtetephone wili reeive prompt at- tenllion,. 171 - yr. M RIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. AJÀFM, Iss8uer of Marriage Lieensje3. Itesidence: Centre p.treet. SIMIPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BLAIR, Barrist.'rs, Solictorp, Notaries, etc,, Morris' Block, up-taire, King Sreet. Bowmanville. Solicitore for tbie Ontario Bank. Private snoneye loaneti ai loaet iates DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S., Ilonor Graduate la Dentistry of Toronto Uni. versity. OFicE:-Over Couch. Jolineton and Cry de-man's store, Bowmanvilie. i-lyr. Il.1F. IIUNTEIt, B -ARIiISTER,SOL1CITORNOTARY 3-PPublic Couveyancer. Money. Private and Comiîpany Funde to fend at lowest crrent rates OFFICES: King Si., opposite Dr. 1-laruden's Pental Eooms, Bawmanville, 136m* $~~~~ fl bIh-dITOLEND $506000600Yo J~.Y nogond mort- 9890effecurty t moderate rates of intereet, A. E .McLÂUanILN,Policitor,Bowmanville,0nt. 1-6m. J>ENT1ST. Will be at Blackstock on the frst Monday of eaeh month. at Orono 2nd Monday ail day, and at Newcastle let Wednesday from 2 p.m. Orcu-Tempeî,ance St., Bowman- ville,rear of igginbotham's drug store, 0. IHARNDEN, L.D.S. Graditate of the Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeons, Ontario.1 OFFICE-Opposite T.Bing'nam's office. VITAL1ZED AIR ONTARIO B ANK roninuestoda a Generai Banking Bnelne3,gi .BeWmanvilte Agency. DEPaSITS ieceved in ISaviings Bank Pepartimeot and !,,tereet allavieti t current raies. Notice of ,Xîlhdrawal nt necesary. All deposits payable zîîdenaud EXCITANGE .Êcnght andd eoldandflrafts isened npon Europe, Uniited States andi Canada al,3o Gld, ýi!vnr andi *Inted Sates Greenhache bonght an'd salai COLLECTIONS Promptly made atecnrrcnt rates uponai parte Af Great Brilain, the Unitd Statee andt he Do. inion of Caniada. Telegrapli Transfers Mati fo lage r sallsum onal parts af Canada. This le specially advan tegeois ta per- stue livIng su Maitobaoas the Noth-Wei, it miakes fic f unds availabie ai once a the place nf paymenl, For allier Dartlculars ca Il. athe batik. A. J. MCCLISLLAN, GEO. McGILL, Accounltant Manager Lake Ontario andi Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Campany, Limited. Str. "North King BETWiEF.,N CO1liJi1«, Poli IIHOPE, CIiK191E' .SOUJTH BOUND Lv. Cobourg........ ....... 1.30 p. m. .'PortHEope............ 2 3op.m, Ar. Charlotte, N. Y ......... 7.15 p. mn. Rochester. via -.N.Y.C. . .7 59) p m,. 1 NORTHl BOUND. Lv, Rochester, -via 'N.YC, ...8,25 a. m. "'Charlotte, N. Y,..._. .. 9.03 a. tu. Ar. Cobourg, .............. 1.30 p. in. býPort fhopeý ............ 2.10 P. M,~ ight reserved ta change tme with or' without notice, 1,~ femate troubles;an infailibte reine, .. dy discovered by a. foremosi fensate speeiltist; gui.tanteeti as a positive -, cure; wlli positivety establishi the normal fontions; useti mantily by over .10,000 ladies; for sale ab tirug- ffss, or sent on rececpi of price $1.00. Aetna Dru& Co, Wincibor, Ont. Cae TOWN COUNÙIïL. Speelal meeting helti on Mondisy eve- nIncgJune 17.* Membere aIl praent, ex- cepjýi ou. Worth. Mayor Mitchell pre- aiting; minutes cf last- meeting ruend, anti on maleu confirueti. Jour. Galbraih prosented an agree- ment, matie hehween tise Ceuncil anti Mr. Rsisdur ru tise eetablisbment cf tise proaîeilFcnry hure, anti pnoperiy eigneti., On motion the agreement wae recelveti anti atopteti. ne alse renanauagreemeali bel wean tise tewa anti Mesea. Grahat & Finkle re tise proposeti estabiasment hure cf an Es'aporating Factory, Recelved anti adopteti, Can. Percy apoke atrensily againet thse motion ho aulimit tise latter By iaw, clalmi-ag flut M-eoss Grabat & Finkle shouiti gsaantee tise ceet cf eubmittiîsg tise By-law, andti t i was a usistake ho abrai t bots By-iaws te the electons ah thue ahie ine. 1He claimedti tisat was doue fet à purpase, atidtiat it Wa13 gcIng te Jeopardiz3 tise Reister By-law as tise electors wouiti net know how te vois Ïntelgently auniscýisBy-laws. Many woullt net vote ah ail. Tee Mayor calleti hlm te order, as bu wae msking otatemunts wisicis were n- fain. ByÈsmitting tise two By-lsaws togehen, il <atd expeusu anti wft½ *ise changes matie, tisane wae ne deubt of botis By-laws boing carnieti, Coc. Galbiath repliodti o Mr. Percy. Ha, Mn. Poney, was pposoti te tise By-law. Diti lie imagine thnt the Cousucil waa golug te bu govenauti by anyhhLcag hu wonltisny. Tisore vas no e7o ani uhie argument. It was J ust a acharne ho kili tise Byr-law. Mn. Perey hpted objeotet o support tise By-iaw lie- fore becqae tise wagea prcmisuti were tGo ioW andtihtsaguaraulc wae uo t large eno»ugis. Now tisai tis changea hall beau matie, lie wae atili opposedti te t. Whah kinti cf a mn is hleoi i1h twas tise daty cf tise Mayor anti Ceuncil ho un- courage manufactunere, as il was bount ho benefit tise leva. Some faw years ago thleplace W&S oalied "00W townD," but we isat getten over that, anti no oeawouiti now want t) nevent te tisat condition cf affairsaaan. Hu was confident tisat bothsBy-la wa wouiti bu cannied .flyingà. Cocq i. Spny thougisi tisaIMn. Perey ratodti"he Intelligence of tise electors cf tise lev vry lcw, wisu lie atatudtsta hhey stouIt net have Inteoligence enctigi ta vole for ana By-law anti not for tisa othen. He was confident tisai bath wcnulticarry. 'On his motion te oabmit tise By-law beiug put, 1h vas carniati on tise foilow- bcg division: Yeau-Mefssrs. Kieg, Galbralish, Tait, Spny. Neye-Mn. Perey. On moion, Ruie 33 was suispentiet anti Council went mie oCensmitteacf tise Wiscle, Maycr lu tube chair for the purpese cf passIng bath By-laws,wislci ver tisen givea tisoir second readiigti. Permissaion vas grantati savural par- tics ta out tievu treas la front cf thein reoidonces. Mn. Spny calied tise attention cf tise Cerunclto a propositiesu te etraigiston tise sîneeli ab Mn. Ganti' cerner, icis rsas favorebiy rncaeived, anti &fier sarne cuber miner duscusion, Ceunali ad- Wisip-certi Tweed suite wean lîke irna. Sec hsuiab hie Masca Ce's. Thsis weuk Miss Martin will seli ladies' white gootis ah gruatiy retincat ies. Tisa pne cf TnE STATESMAN !S $1,00 oaiy wbcn paiti in advanceocthurwise Ladies requing bain doue oven sheutid cail on Mns. Dickiuson, King strect. Repnininig neatly anti pnomptiy dona if leS t at Fred. R. Fcley's Panlor Sisce Store. Tua pur cent cff ah M. Ma.yur'e Rat anti Cap store for cash custonsers. Come early. Do yen thiuk cf bnving a churu an washing machine? W eehava tise bush, Cnwker & Tait. Until furtiser notice Tait & Co wili mnaku chie photos on Wuduesdays ani Saturdiys oaiy. Ws bave a large stock cf Quartereti Oak Fursîihîîre iii Antique anti Golden finisiies. b, Morris. Ordure tàanfor 30'.0 tilfercat news- papers anti magazines ah tise STATES- iSAM office nt lowesh pnices. Bush priiits, fine asscntmcent negular 14e. a yard, 3 oui cisoice cf 75 differcut patteie for 1212c a yard ah Tise Masois Co's. Tise Eiford family picule will bucbaiti Sahurday Jtuu29ts ah tise Elforti Rome- stead, IProvideunce, Time cf assembing 1 P. t. Blouse gootis, in wasising mateniais, whsite anti celons. Ve are sisewing n splenîdid assoritont cf patteras. Tise Matou Ce. wiii racis more cf tis asns tisat demande, the b"sh wvares tisan auy othici two nuepaperJnsil bs fdistrict. S.TATrES-MA reaiers lu anY PRrt Of Canad1a or Unitedi States bnviîsg frieudu -g oiogh ie Olti Country willilige by ssMkng M. A, James, stea'nsbip agent, er;-rates, besi boats ho go by anti so on. If yen are a readur cf Tu STATESMAN anti set fail te rend its advertising col- umus roguiarly, yen make a mishake. Thsere is 'noney te bie matie by a weely perusai cf the ativurtisemauts lu thusa colunins. Btter ofteu than a lutter frein home is a c"ocf Tîtu, STATE SMAN sent avery week prepaiti te any atidreslu Canada or Uniteti States for 50 cents hoecuti cf 1901 te new subscrioers. Parents, senti 1h; to -vaur ciiltiren as many are doing. We direct attention ho tise hwo farins ativertiseti for sale lu this issue belocg- in- te the einate cf the lette Wm. Ren- wick in Clarke. Both are ccrtainly ex- cllent farms, inceeti theru are f ew but- ter cnes lu Ibis district. The seul is thse bush anti the location tiasirabie. Whah more acceptable gif t te anu ab- sent friendt than a copy oif TriE STATES- MAN reaching thern every wcek ? A distant subecriber wrohe "1h is like a lot ter front home" WVe wli senti TrE ST.STPSMAN ho any atidrese h o J anuary 1902 for 50c, te nuw subscibers. M. A. JAMEiS, steamsbip ticket agent, Bowmauvilla, rupreseuts i the Ailan bine, Dominion bine, Buýaver Line, Eldusr, Dempster & Co., Montret- Liverpool service, anti Wlite Star anti Allan State Lina frein New York te Liv erpool anti Glasgow ruspechivuiy, anti Dominion Lina frcmn Boston ho Liverpool. Bookisug froin any point in Canada. 1Special Miti Suinier Excursion te Englanti by S. S. "Warsaw" frim Montreai ah day brankl- July 5. Cabin passengurs cl-to Liverpool $40 or Lontion $4150. Ail stateroonis are amitiships. No cattiecarrieti. This 15 a grand chance for cabin passaze ah intermediate rate. Apply ho M. A. J AMES, for berthe mmetiateiy ah Bow- manville. We have a uew Webster's Internatio- ual Dicticnary (Unabritigati-,)pricc$12 50 tisat weoffer ah $10, cash. The Entrancu Examinatien inho the Higli Schocl wiii bbu hltinluthe iligli lichool Buildings, Bowmanvilie.on June 26,27, ansd 28, ceommuucing ah 8.,15 a. 'n. Examination frac, For $2 50 yen eau buy a 85.CO coat, For $3.00 yen eau buy a 8600 coat anti for $63 75 yen can buy a ceatï Wrth $7.50. Ail new cents matie for this season 's tratie ah Coucli, Johuston & Crytier- mau's. Tise Annual Slrauvbarry Social lu conneclion with the Mthodist Cisurcis wiil ha helti ah "King'sî Retr4at" ah tthe lake sitie, Port Bowmanvillc e1Domnion Day, July 1. leu Cruain on the grountis aIl the afternoon. 1Mr. anti Mrs. Lyman D. Revuoltis, 29 Vernon Plnce, -Buffaleý, N. Y., are pcrsonaliy knowîs ho TEEr STATESMAN Editor. They have a cerefortable bouse, about 15 minutes waik fromn tha Pan-American grounds. Our rentiers wiil finti gooti lodging Ihere ah 75 cents par uight wîth breakfast if desired ah 25 cents extra. Btter make arrange- ments by ltter n etivauce. Take trol- ley nuar station-Main Street City bine--to Vernon Place. No chadâge 6f cars. Il is ilis 5th lieuse west cf Main on norili side cf streat. 22-tf Tlie Wonnn's Homo Companicu for June bas a chatty article on "Enrly vmsitors ah Wellesiey" andti wo papers on "The Higliar Etincahion cf Women." Traveilers wiil fint ativice lu 'Trips Acrese the Atlantic Ocean,"'by Helen E. Gavit. Amulia, Bingliainlets the psublie into the secrets cf the lifa cf "The Actress Off the Stage," Tieru are three shost stories, sudn serial, "A Japanosu Nighitingale." Tise housuholti deparîmente ara conducteti as usuai, anti six pages lu ful devohedl ho 'atterée of fashiei. lTise Croweli & Kirkpatrick Ce., Springfieldi, 0h10oua dollar a yuar or tua cents a cepy ; sallplu copy free. Wishing ail elechors lu West Durhiam .te sea whah business w-ns transacleti ah the lune scssiosu cf the Conties' Ceun- cil. wu are scîîding a copy of tis issue of Tua 5-rTATESMAN ho every family who dous net ruceive it regularly. We wasît tbem ail to kuow whnt their reprusent- ativus are doiîg andstiwbat business is ;traussactuti so long as we arc honereti 1with tlie position cf Counties' Counciller. We shah bhava more te ýsqy- lu future .issues aise. We thiuk ever.y farmar <espeoinlly shoulti subscribe for Tiip STATESMAN, feur unquestionably it du-, voes more atffcticn te public matturs purtaining ho Waest Durhsam than ail other paperaë, combineti. Cempare 1h his welt or auy wcek witis otîser local 1journal fornews anti instructivaedeitor- il 'nattas. 50 cents wili pny for 1h ho Jan. 1, 190ý2. MHE LATE JOHN RENWICK. DE ATH OF A PIO0NEEIt. Dy hin denth cf Mr. J cia Renwick, NucslWest Durhaaunbecs oeeof] .ils pinneur settiers. Deceaseti as boru iin Scotianti 82 yoars age. 110u cane te Ihis ceuntrv lu unrly manhoti ,ati settiet inluthe Toxvnship cf Carke, are ie -nis you. are ýlean by natilre-yon need more fat. You may ent enough ; you are losing the benefit of it. Scott's Emu1sion of- cod-Uiver oil will help you digest your food, and bring you the plumpness of health. especial1y true of babies, etu4z POfi Vftre UAMPLE AND TAY O. OCOT asaNK eCUýe~t, Toý%lW Scecanl ti q; it druggists. COÜ,N4TIES' COUNCIL. Conétitdt frointalst uleek. To briug totiedsuio ea close it was movutebd ou ljuloltscod cd by Coun. Jantes, That tisa 'atter cf equalizaticu anti the pruparatien cf tisa scisedule of equalizahion anti assesment for 1901 bu refarrudt l a spuciai commit- tee co'nposud cf the foliowing membere of tisa Couneul. vîz. :-Messrs. Tweetiie, ayrCryderman, Car)aw, Miller, Fiir, Walkur , Leitis , Ferguecu , James, Deviht andthie 'novur withhtie Wartien, anti that tbey report ah tise firet session of tise Councul to-morrcw. Carrieti. Tise fanding of that commit heu le givea herewitis: Tise uqualîzaticu cemmitue rupertuti tise returîs cf tise Assesement Ruhls uf the Muser Municîpalities for 1900 anti RuxisîoL, anti Equalization cf tbe sanie for 1901, ns felows: e5e AInwiek ...130 16,700 5riglton T'p .51 48,900 Caris' right ...29 -7,500 Cramaise.... 30, 46 Oayeu ...... ...3462,600 Clarke: ......... 41 68,30 flarlington .45 68,09 Haldimanti..14 76,490 Hamilton. ...42 62,200 Hope.......... 39 64,000 Manvers . ...23 69,700 Mcfrray ....28 4,500 i'ilougisn,...4018,4« 1Percy ........ .28 1 ,500 S cymour... 23 67,01 Kovmaoville.. Brighton ViElge Casupheliford C3iisorne. Hîstings Mttrook.. P>ort hope 'Cobourg... 00 o oo o oo PO o O9 ûo '0 eo i'0 100 ioo e) $816l,000 1,177,370 721.070 1,087,060 1,M8,400 2,4U8,075 1,72A.,420 1,915,00o 2,271 33)0 1,2 t2,140 958,750 1,12u.25 970-s9vs 1 4,30, 17s,08ý1 3,087,00 1.198,000 2,612,400 1,541.000 007,000 5,0 ,00 1,254000o Anothur question tisaI cugagedtheis careful attention of tise members anti tirew forth sente pnethy definitu opinions was tise wnlun suppiy ut tise Ceunîmes' Gaci. Coun. M. A. James was tise first te say tisai Se belaeuth ie waher tisane is as gooti as ini ethen ortiiuary wahls. Tisaitisane isatI been lypsoiti fever al ever tis e cuntîy ah tise sanie tiste tisaIc soeapali-uls had t inlathe gaci. More-ý on icîs impurýiities may be feunti in all wulis anti lc thougist if tise gaei wele wera propeniy cleanuti out andtihis proper precantica taken te prax'ent inipurities geting in fremthtie surface, that ail tie expase for tiawiug walen frein tiathe wcosulti haaveideti. vv an- tien Rickiard,cx-Wnntiea Speace,Couas. MIitchell, Baker, Trebilcock antidsonhs spokie aleng similar limes, sho'vsug cous-' lnsiveiy tisat tise Council as a -iviole teck very ittle stock lu thia d water" cry. Toll gates exiet on aIl leating noais ho Cobourg anti scîne te Port Hope. An in fluent%Îlt.,nutaition watet on tise Cue'Coun cil,;i prayiag for ils assist- ance lu sin nig îbin abolition. Mn, R. Clark sa"it bu liveti betwecui two gates with i 's post office on tise fan site cf eue anti bis manket on tise ether site cf lise chIer anti he wanlti te se frea-1 dem frent thase "nelios cf barbariet"I bufoe lie diieti Tise Rend anti Bridge Ccmmitlue w 'as insAru to ach vitil tise muiji' i itiseir efforts for redrees. Numerons,, comm Lunications wene rend and request - *"on moues' grants matie anti neferi cd ho tisa pncpur cermîttees' A aicoly ven-id etirsoluhion cf condol- unce vas paseat inl refurance ho tise death o f ex Wartieu Alex. Ferguson, Millbrook. Ne Surtiser omtmitînonts cf indigents to- ceuuntes' gaol are aleowed. Miss Rabyonganiet ah tise gaci for thrue yeans, wvas grauteti $25 on motion cf Mn. T. Baker. Wantiun Rie,ntc was veny espisatie lu lis tienuniciahion cf tise reetmihhiug cf indigent$, wviîci bas beau donc Son a long trne. Ice sait 1h was barberons te recominît tisuse pensons iithout tisein ceusent. Th;.eru, were cuverai in tise geai new wiso wilisedt t get ouh as hhey bait parties wis couiti take cane cf them, Tise estimaîati edci c f dtiihing a well ah Gnou was g-ivenatah 750. - Port Hoe Model Scisoci rsscivcti a grant c 20 r. Boyes, M.- A , Camplieliford, wai appenltedou tisa ý,County Board cf cx- amiurs for ,.,-,ti-,umberiandi and Rugis Davitison, M A , Newcastle, fon Dur- hame. Inspectons are authorizedtot distnibute comae accumniahtdseheol funds, $28 of Darlingtcn faudts te go te îîeip Burkeoe school. Granîts t1-, igisSciols : Cobourg $912 4i, -gitn$147.82. Colîlorno $450 68, N8csi 161.A.8, Campbllh- fond $363 03l, Bowmanville $779.18, Port Hope $836,49ý. Total $4,546.06. E. J. Gibbl- wap namect as studeul for Nortisumberlaý.nt antiPorter Gras' for Durhsamtho G uelpis Agicultural Coil1ego for eue vean. Douglas Bridge was luohtluntise bauds cf Special Cosusithea te builti a ssew bridge i n'ebiaectqiu witliC eou n t y Peterbere if nucessary os bouuo'ary uine. Ou tise Wallace Peint Bridgre somae nuccssary repaire wane ordencti, Ceun. Donaltisca ho lie Commissioner. As te CamplielifordBridg-e necessary nopains are te bu matie. Necezsnry repaire are ho bu 'made on Seugog Rcatiway as aoket by Com'r Deitth. Grants were matie as follows:- Salva- tien Arras'Raescue XV-onc$25: Herticul- lural Society for Provincial Conîvention $20. Tise reýquest for $10 for East Dunisain Wcminus lustitutu wae laid over ho Decenuber, session. Tise Finance Cemmithea necouamenti ed that a nate cf .00816 'nis on tise dollar îîpos tis e nvssed assessenat cf tisese cunlies beiug- a specini srate foi sinking funti anti interets Sonrtieben- hutres anti a ra te cf 1-10 mille on tise dollar ou tise neviset assesment cf teecounties for uxpeaduture for cuf- retyean. We fiat tlisa preseut intiebteduess of tiseu ntics ho bu Oeberrtunee $230,00 with a creduit cenaccount ot Sinking Fîtnsiof $6 5 Cash in Treasuns' jThis condition cf our finances is cen- tainiy a 'natteýr for cougratuination.- Repent atiopteti. ILoudon 1stsiisots 4-000>00prs' anti abr jLs a r.,r 'j - i H'an rt, rLxbaauted l'er-res and 5legieass~a Cutres! by Vive Moms ci ofDr. Chase'e lerve IFood. Whtier wcakened anti wasted hy over-îork, worry or disease, tise re- suit cf exhausteti nerves Is felt in nraiepains, nervous headache ntil dyspepsia, gerlons functional derang,_e- mnentis anti uttinîately in paralysis, epil-. cýpsy, locomnotor ataxia, prostration or insanlty, the remedy is round in Dr. Chases Nerve Foodi, as is Proven in the case referreti ta belo : Mîrs. Chas. H. Joncs, Piercehon, Que., writes :--"For years I have licen a gren.t sufferer tvîth my heurt andi nerves. I \vouiti talte ahalming spells andi a dizzy swimiming feeling woutd corne over me. Niglit after niglit 1 would7 nover close rniy Ye, anti my heati -woulti ache as though it woutd burst. At hast I hadti t keep ta my- bed, Pnir though msy doctor attendeti ne froin fali ta -pring,- lb isedicine titi not help me. 11 have now tae five boxes aof Dr. Chase'!5 Ne,-ve Pned, and Il hqqn done nme mrc gooti h 1 Iever belilevedt a medicine coutti do. W\1ortis fail ta ex- press my gratitudie for the wontierful cure brojugh-t about by this reten. Dr. Cha"e's NteFord, 5a cents a 1u.x, sfoCI$ 1,ia Il tdealers, f'r Bdransonii, Bates ÏLOompany, Toronto. WORK IS CROWNED. Expectation s iealized-Pan-Amcrican Exý position ai Buffalo draws thousands of People from ail Quarters ai America. Notwithstanding t he trernendosus crowds that visited the Expos tien on Dedîcation Day, the 2ish mest., (ou which day oer 100,000 people passedt hreugh the gates), the streets cf the City cf Buffalo are crowded uach day from uarly un the meruiug until late in the uvnnand it is easy ho sue that the towns in close contiuuity te the "Ramn- bow City" and the surrcnnding terri- tory cf Canada have eniplieti thuir in- habitants into Buff alo's streets. Large numbers from Toronto andi other cen- tres lu Ontario anti Eastern Canada have the Pan-Anîcrîcan for their ob- jtchtivo point and are pouring lu in large numrbars. Canada gave proof on Dudication Day that sua îs taking a deuep intuet su i the Exposition, there being at least 4,000 Canadian visitors ln the City, The Midway is in full swingp anti ail ail the attraction)s are wull piatronizeti, hundruds cf people being hurnei w ay on Monday, as tiieres weie imore_ people than coul i be acccmmodated who wauh- edt o sec the sighhs cf the sreuýts The brillilaut firewor1s display was 'nosh laborahe, and the scene atnighh ou the grounti is somewth1-ing rearVeous1F. The llght linos,,cf electiricai ilumnaio cutlining the fhall tower anîud biig witlu delicate tracery cf' tisie rnate ducorations look down upon anetb(- astie crowd a e uy iit. Aconstant streani cf people ,wana their wa.y luanti eut cf the exhîbýit-ou buildings, b auds ,,,on different parts cf the ground provitia enouugh music for ail, The e-rhibits lu the differeut buildings are especially fine anti attrach the atten- t'on cf the visiters te a marketi degree. The Electrical Tower is the source cf' 'neet flattering ecoi 'sandt ceth- ur with the floral effeets ou the grourýIds, the aiectric fountairîs, anti canais with their gondolits anti gondoliers, combine te impruss upon tise visiter many m-qi vuls of the 2uth Century. ORONO. Miss Lydia Toree is home again... Miss JnneM Cllagli is home frora Toronho ...Mrs. Tourjee is visitiiug Mr. Wnî. Walkey, Hope ...Rev. 1Mr Anderson visitedti h e Pêtn-Anierican, exposition last week ...Miss Mabel Davey le visiting lier sister ah Scugog anti Uxbridze...Mrs. Henry, spent loch week wvth Mrs. Geo. L. Waddell.. .Mr. Ilorb. 1111l is visihting lis brother AiS ah Georgetownî..Ur. W. W, Truli, Mr. anti Mrs. A. A. Gamsby anti Eider anti Mrs. Garbutt attendeti Christian Confereuce ah Oshawh. Sirs. Robt.Cooper, anti Miss MckaY are visitîng tîseir parents, at Port, Elgin...Elder, anti Mrs. Garbutt, Eddi-stone, were guests ah M.r. N. F. IfalIs recently. Mr. anti Mrs. John Dav have gone on a six wcuks'tp ho the Nortih West ho yisieh hir son anti daug.-hter anti Cher frientis [rom Clarke township ...Mrs. Davidi Kirkland, nasseet away Sundny werk-after a wasting illness. Deceasuti was visiting h er dang-hter, Mrs. Wm. H-ockridge. Cobourg, anti returning home was takenm'ote seriously iiI. Rer daugit- er, Mrs. Bradley, teck bar te t hoir home ah Burketon, whuru she only lasteti a faw tinys. The funeral te Orono cesneterv was iargely attenieti. Mcm- bera cf tise family prusenit were lier son Mr XVm. Kirklstud, Port Hope, Mr. anti Mrs. Hockrîdgc anti son Gran- ville, Cobour-, Mrs, John ["ster, To- route, Mrs, Bratburu, Peherboro, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Bradley, Barketou, SCI-OOL TEACHz.RS' SALARIES. Pertinent discussion took place ah the Counties' Council, suggesteti by Iu. spector Tiiley's report, on the que stion ci Pubiic Sehool heachurs' salaries, tise1 strongest speech being matie by Mr, P. Trebilicocki, Bowmanville, who de. ploreti the tandency cf coîutrv sohooli triustees ho engage chcap teachers, ru- gartilescf qualification, aptitude, or nattirai abiiity, se long as the pas' askcti was low. This is ail te true, No 'nat- ter bow Young, inexpurianceti or un ksîuwu tihe teaéhsr, uîauy trustees take the cluan one.Nownr the sohois are ne longer atho)endufi3,by the eider bovs anti girls, as !infe-rreti by Dr. Tii- lev's report. Thay thini; that thse teach- - Ior is oniy a stripu-Iing c'f a lad or a gidçlv yolîng maitien, se they eau sue littie lieudit from gcing to echeol, te sucis novices. Anothur thing which cannot bu toc strongly conieninet islethe heu- dentcy ho engage heachers from outsitie tihe counnty or total stralîgers, cf len ,'roanie.rs" wbo feu te get situations where they are known anti then by offteriîug ho teach for very low salary are snatcheti up by tlîe close fisteti trustees cf this county. I uwe no ms-tu a penny, sait lie thorouglty, ont ýkeep it satisratet for a wock, utîntil Lteo dry scal]p lias ab- sorbet 1ail il vili; thisonwash vith pure soa;p ani v ater. I--oshe :s living usîter ais as- sumet ssinie. -;he--Iorrible. Whtia le 14? Ho-Ti e eshe ssumet las- jmetiatoiy afteýr lber hsbandstiisarried i er) THE LATE DONALD MeITAVISH. The TVsterîz British .American cf Chicago, Il] , surs: "We reg-ret te learn tbat Mr. Donald McTavish, cf La Girange, Ill., whose golden wutiting was celabraheti ou May 9th, ah tise rosi- dance cf bis sou-iîs.law, Mr. James A. Yuiil, La Grangea. passeti away on Junu 3rd. lie was b cru la Canspbelitown, Argyleshire, Scohiantinl 182.2, anti came ho America lu 1744, scttling lu Bowmanville, Ont., niterwards residing in Clinton, Ont., wbcra ha carriati on the manufacture cf piows, mati on tisa Scottish 'nodel, anti carrie-1 cff tisa firet 9 ize for five successive yenrs ah the Dniarne Provincial exhibitions De- censeti was a lifa-long meniber cf the Presbyterian cburch, anti acteti as pre- cenler for twanhy-six years. Hu was a tDical Hîgisianti Scotchinan, honeet, apriglit anti Goti fuaring, anti passeti away wilh tise respect cf ail who kuew ui*mý." Tish~e refers te a brother cf the Mise cTavýish cnf this towu, whose ramainswe ro b'rougLithureanti inherreti (400 119 ODS N !DUIiA5. Forty-fivc towusiips, accortiing ho thc report cf teOu-tailo cemmissiener of highwaysý, bava so far appreciatati tLie teach[inzos f thio godt ronds 'nove- ment s teabolili satttclabor anti ant sustiutea ratitax- far the)citi systnt f cai rtepaer oing ,ýas lit- hie n h~ c~ltilu tie wn cff patching iig tisa tinys tise 'unici pal ity bu lix cdt lu reqjuiretc1i hm ho houi ts high- îvny. Tise Ontario Gevurntniient bas voteti a million dollars fer rond un- provemeut iu this Province. Tise Counnues' Coucu fer these counues ru- quc et ownship councils ho ativise what eds upon wlilcatb ey wisi the expesuiiture matie lu Durhamn couuty anud tise Ccuuty Counciliors have beun autherise i te meh tisaecouncils anti confor ruspuctiug tisa subject. BOWMAN VILLE FAIR., The Fali Exhibition cf West Durbain Ag-ricuitural Society wili bul helti Sep- tomber 12 anti 13, the, vcek alter tise Torontho Industrial. Exhibutors shoulîl bu ou tise alun hto gui ruady their stock anti other articles for tise show. Ladies uspecially sisould losa ne tinte lu getting articles roatiy fr he duparîmuns sil wlsich Ibox' are particuiariy interestei. We exi. tishe bush Fair this vear tva have ever huiti. Prize lisîs wiil bueouh in gocdti me andi TES STATESMAN Will contain ail necessary luformaticu frein lima te lune. M. A. James, sccrulary, will bu glat te ceivo suggestions frein anycue ruspoctiug the prizu list whicb ve are dtioernrinedti te kep up-ho ta'e lu every particular. COLORS AND THE NE1IVES. Etrects 13 geis fthe ictsu ysuiePî-ot:seed Frenchs scientiste have mate senie very isîtosestiîsg c'porinoents iss con- isectini itsthe eonCcx of certain colore non tise nervous systein. Asid People who have licou eoasewhat seafiet at for calhing i et arrn, and bine colt, anti yeliow invigorating nsay sioxv r-gard thîcînselves as fore- russucre' of îa gsrat. tiscevery. AM. Heuri te Parville, cf Paris, aserta that the rot ont cf a specirusa ex- cites tho nerves, whbite violet, green anti bine aro calssing. Dr. Posîza goes nîany stops further anti ut- teînpts te cure ncîvous tisoases by the use of certain colore. Melan- cholia hc treats wittî rot, violent iuaia with bisse andi servous pros- tration xvith violet. Tie vos'y grave question arises as te how theo wo- snan alreaty nerveus wili regard n- bocossiug celer. Dr. Door, anotîser experiîîîents- lias brought en verti- ge is patients by tIse use of reti ligis, anti relievedthtie syssiptoms by cisanging the ray frin rotte greens. In tihe photegraphie establishmnat of -41essrs. Lumie-e, lu Lycus, France, senîsitivec plates are preparoni aixays by gi-coi liglits. Forinerly wuseî set ligis weî- ousedthe worksnen sanîg anti gesticulatet ai. work, now n- der the seothissg influence cf green. they are quiet ansesrene. At the watecrse ai. Versisset pati'ents as-e put in a violet seosîs to caln. themu ant iii a rot reoi vlsOn tisoy roquire te ho stirnulated. ASIJESTITUTE FOR POCKETS. Everybotiy knows that Britislý sal- os-s viar tiseir treusors n'ite ut tise hettcmn, but everyboty imay net know tisat tbey eau citherr make, usent or wash their cyn -clotisos. Now, ut osue tusse, overy sailor hat suffi'cient elctb givon ont-te niake the articles in question, witb just a bit leSt over for future rcî'aiss. But bore camne the tifficuhty. Ho was not allo wet to hiave any pockets. So, qîsie nt-sa ', ho7-t4t- epas- Tise Palatial Iron Steamers, "Ham- ilton," "Algerian" and 'Spartan" will constitute a tri-w eekly service from Jâme 4th, Ieaving Darlington 10 p. mn., eastbound. Tuesdays. Tihursdays and Sa turdays ; weîtbound, Wednegdays, Fridays and Sundays, 4.30 p. ni., takinig freight and passengers fron al ',vay ports. Theïe steamers, pass through the beautiful scenery of the Bav of Quinte and Thousand Islands by dayýi-ht. Low Il reight Rates and Quick Dispatch. For further particulars appl - vto JOHN McCLELL'A«N, 1Bowmanville, Ont. THOS. HENRY, Traffie Manager, Montreal. 2- Dr. McGahItev's Heave Cure For broken3viinded horses. "lic only medlcine iu the world ilitwill stop heaves lu lhree daye, but for a permanent cure it requir-es from on' - bal f ta onc bottin according ta direeilons, $1.50 andif$150. ltirncy and AAmie Congli Poividers, 50c., Condition Poviders, 25c. Thse fotlowing have used il, thii b testimonials andi thonesande of others :-G. Miills, àlerrir0tville; T. Warren, Remptviie; HI. 1Hoin_, Tverpool, Engl1anti. Sold by. izggiihothasn & Son, B meville. Thse Dr. McGaàliey Medicine Ca., 1K'emp ville, 0. "In Raipli Marlowe we have a fine type cf self-reliant, vigorous andi am-' bitious Americiii manhood."-Cliicago Times-Herald. The Popular Ohio Novel by Ralph Marlowe. ATALE 0F VILLAGE LIFE Realistie and Fascinating. Ilandsomely bound in bright red cloth, gold lttered-12 mous. $1.50. For sale at ail bock stores or sent p9st- paid upon receipt ùsf price.. The Saalfi-eld Publlstiing- Cumrany, Akron, 0h10, Arc Yoll Ilsllred? New Com-.bnation-Health and Accident-issued by the Dumniosn cf Canada Guarantee andi Accident insurance Co. Every business, y e, every man shoulti carry one cf these New Century Policies. Cost littie money. HARRY CANN is the Agent la Bowinanville. The[les;t and i Xost Prattioal F'ara andttFaniily Paper Fîtibislel Believing that every anc of aur raeee'- have et leasi anc goodagricnîteral anti fai,1y journal. vie have perfectet i arsgecf vihercby vie cen Coud thit patca nin- structive journal, F~Au, Mý HME. F.aiss Ml Rosie ia publishetismi nhtihsMlu# yon 24 nuLmbere a year, fise 11111 Ak-lgae volieme of over 500 ags ;,em ![ ilh alltt t latesi and mosi retle inforn8 i s,,tion thaex, erience and science Caliso,.i N = te proof aifis.puplarity cn cnhi tfescdIb iq enor-mous circulation, which exieis ino everf state. ecd number bcbng rezid hy no tees tisait e Millionî reeders. W'e gve H TEs StAeMAN, \FEKLY GLOBE, ore 1oie dollar peper anti Fiw n cd 1iOMj all anc year for $2. Address M. A. JxAsK, Bowsnanviite, Ont. Te successfully usedi ,sonihly by ovýil 10,00 Ladis. Saeeetuai.LaeseJ nor rggist for Coche Celti *~sT Cu- peund. Take no atheras alMixturespilla su1d imitations are dangerons. Pri e., M. 1, $1i-a box ý No. 2. 10 degreestronger, 13 er box. *Ka, 1 or 2, rnailed on -eceipi of price anti two 3-In stamlpe Flic Cook Comnpany Wnsr n gzWNos. 1 anti 2 soiti anà recommsnded'y al respon5ible Drugglsts in Canadia. Nos. 1 anti2 sald inluBowman-vilt' bv tTî1Gu-1 1 OTIIÂM & SuN, Sîuvr & JTRaY; Oxsr31n1Y .1 FILLAsS; Newcaslle by Dit. Fucsn Muet Bear Signatureocf, F ON TWTIO PIL$ I I ALLOW îSKI1 N. Ffo TÎÎE>COK PLEXWU OURS SICK l-lEADAOlI.E. Richelieul and Otarlïýo Nauigation Coullpaiiy, Ni agara to the Sea - - - - Hamilton- Montreal Lino

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