EIIDICiNES.î Following are some of our regular priees on iVedicines. Paine's Celery Compound 75c, A-, ers' flair Vigyor 75c, Ayers' Sarsaparilla 75c, -Hood's Sairsaparilla 75é, Dr. Williams' Pink Pis (Geninie) 40e oir 2 for 75c> -Dodd's Kidney Pis 40e or 2 for 7 5c, Butter Color 20e, Carter's Livei Plls 20c, Thomas' Electrie Oul 20e. We have always sold these standard preparations at these prices. This xek ute ar~e giving Speeial Ptiees on Tooth ifrîlshes frron Se to 25e. IMPORTED Kidney Pis, GOOIDS special, 20c, P4~+ T rTc P~1c r~wh~l9 fnr .fit-. M~UUL~ï b WEST--END--DRUJG--STORE- Cyloe in Ont ario are rare, but Saturdaynight one struck in the vicin- ity- of'D Drmwhen-buildings,- fences- trses and things were thrown- "sky- ii" the despatehes say. Canadians are goiDg to Europe in large numbers this year. Saturdav's Allan Line steamer, Tunisian, salli-ng from Montreal, carried 185 Ürst class, 1215 second and 160 third class passen- gers ______ THAT SYMVPATHY CRY. Great sympathy was expressed-very litme now liowever-for Mr. Thornton because lie ias kept ont of the seat- flot his seat-last session Now that the Court has (Jecided that lie had no0 daim to the seat. 'but that Mr. Beith was cheated ont of it by bribery and corrup- tion in high places, shouldn't the sympathy be transferred to Mr. Beith for being kept out-of it and losing the $1500 that rightfully belongs to him? In this connection we also ask-where did Gerrie get the money with which lie bribed the Woodwards? When Frank wanted more than $5, Gerrie as was shown by the evilence went 1"across the JUDGE BENSON INJURED. It is with great regret that we heard last week-of -the- severe--accideiitïwriich Ï came to His Honor T. M.' Benson, Senior Judge of our Connty Court. On .rida vnu.JnnA 14 ~ftçAr t termination o the Darlington road asitwieme YuCIotnhin June monfli a man generally needs a change iii thew îing-a Flannel Suit, a Summer Coat, a Light Tweed Sait- as t wll eephimcoo. Yueau give your fancy frees overwhelm you With variety and won't strain your purse. -Wen',s-Fla nn el Suits in nice- gray shades -with stripe-ru.nning -through, made- up s-wel; a cheap and cool Suit, for Men's Light Tweed Suits, mnade up with good Italian linings, neat trimmings, goodc sid ful n hsfce l wsMrrben'sFine-Tweed "uits inthe newest patterns,I French faced, gooci farmer satinll inings, strong trimmings; I ~~J4 iflow 11ll bs-been-confined to tehnèee I I I Ilsincep hbut we a r iadto Ire-~nrt hp.siq Boys'-Wash Suits,-we have nceasrm ta good-Suit for ------ o -58e- ______ n t he fi t. mostsoun andcareful udge, but also amontheerai -u-bliec with-whom ý1 Iti~ ng cooler than -one of the W. G.& R. Il EN1 OJE ay of lighter CIloth- -anything as long seope here. We11 'E', FIT- $6.00 )i q r-H F* 1 4--f *11. W. ý m a 1 ý ýl - -