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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1901, p. 1

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f lie i1Utt511A11 TECRMS :-S1.50 FER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY IST 1 THE WOULD .AirIELWAR;D8. M.'A. JAMES, Editor and Proprieto NEW SERIES. ALL ABOUT GA E[Ts UR o a [Iit 0 0'0* It goes without saying that COUCE, JOHNSTON & ORY- DERMAN have now in stock the finest selection of Carpets of aii kinds ever shown.în town. Union Carpets f rom 25c up to 50e ioem Two-piy Carpets from 60e up to 85e ioem .. Extra super tbree-piy Wool $1.00 From 40c to 55c- per square yd. 0 Tafiestry Carpets 40e up to 75ce________ Brussels Carpets 75e up to $1.25 Veivet and Axmlinster $1 to $1.40 Lace Curtains Art quars...NEWEST DESIGNS-A big In Wooi and UTnî-ion ail sizes. assortment a.t ail prices WVebuy these goods direct from the makrs-both foreign and c1om----ý-st.ic'ý--and guarantee our prices for the same ciass of goods ob as o as, ifDot lower, than any house in Canada. GoaliJOIIIStOII & Cryderiialu -BOWMANXILLE. muist FIY.w We are offering you the largest assortment of Chairs and Rokers for your vcrandab, iawn and summer cottage ever offered before. We hase 80 Reclining Chairs that we are gongVocear at a Special Price of $t.1O. Ask to see them. TPhey are the most eomfortable Chair you ever sat in. Don't bü u--ntil -ou have tried one. M. D.WILLTMS *SON. Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention . Ao MN' VILE Why You Should Buv a Sewing Machine from T. N. RICKARD, 1. Ha bas for sala savanal of the very bcst mekes. -2 IHa sella flieni t the vamy very loweîf pnicca. 3, Being an near bomea you cen awys ho sbown anyfhing yoa wisht f0k-now about a m.achine, 4. Yoa can duplicata flic parts in c-e of au accident. 5. Machines purclîased thora are 'lilit nunning" 6. Rare xoiu bavae em aicfsavanal kinda and in meking your selection rail cq I 1flituait witl nat nead bo purcha,ýe agai in lu yur lie-time, as afl\ tbin--ickRond ad\ Nec au to purchaeawil habuilî properiv and ni tha e, 1 taneials' 7. T. N ]lîRudboiý-r a lanrougli mechanie, ha te competeuit to arixisa von lu the nuittair une] if you nant a low-pricad dr,,p head styla hoa eaugiva van tua Now Yn Yrk Sini-re- for $25.00 and, wbat ýlve cousiden a fan Quperior machine ttj ii- for; >-ûU~ 1-ta hub u~~ 1 oevnu dSn.unacns o i0 'd 54.00,ý' Walc!bfaker, Opticieand ýJeweller.i I"OWMAN\11 lE, - i MAPLE GUOVE. Mr. J.D. Stevens and wife, Mr R. R1. Stevens and wife, Mr. A. W. Foley and Mr. Stèphen Mondav are holidaying at Lake Simcoe. _Mr. S. Snowdon has made some fine sales -of Berkshires of late ..... Rev. Jas. Ward aroused our admiration by bis first sermon Sunday ,..Mr. R.D Snowdon is butlding an addition to hs barn. Crop prospects are so good.. . Mr, T .J. Cote has been shipping more thoro'bred swine to distant points. THE. HARMONY MALE QUA RTETTE.. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. H., FROST, First Tenor, A E. McLAUGHLIN, Second Tenor, 1- J. KNIGHT, First Bass, T. E. HIGJNBOTHAM, Second Bass, CONCERT ENGAGEÉMENTS. Address ail corregpondence to T. E. HiGCliNBOTHIAM, Sec., Bowmanville. OUR. Summer Sehool Off ers aSulendid opprtunityfreaer and others to develop increae -a=nn power at a imaitedexee of lime and mnoney,. Write ns about it. OUR BREGULAR WOH Continues right aiong froin month to mionth. Stude&entering in Jue or Juiy finish a courshIz the fali when mnany are Just enter- ing We have no vacations. We do toropugh work every month in the year and are constantly sending out young people into good positlins. Central Business Colege, TORONTO. W. H . SHAW, Principal. Jn-o. S. Rundie.ý x x x ,x I invite you t0 eall and inspeet o u r Cossitt Rloot Seflr, Palmerston - and Brantford Carrnages, Fiury's tbiee-horse Plow and Wheel- Iiarrows, -Machine Oul, Nead's' l'out, Castor 011 and Me- Cormek finder-Twine. -o-O-o- EatEnd llarness, Implceet adCarniage Eprui Corner Store, Opposite T. Todl's. BOWNANVILLE, ONTAR~IO, WEDJJNDAY TJLY 3, 1901, ¶ COIJNTIES' COUNCIL. The Finance Comuitte ýaýýt4ctheate session of the Counties' Gounic1 recom- monded payxnent of folow.ing ccou7,nts: O'Neill, livery, inquest at gAoj. ,~ 10 00 ýI drawing water toeao.88 OU B llubbeil, cleaning Cmbl ford Bridze ....,.. ......,l6 W S Pidgeon, work onEzst Durham Reg-istry Office,..,._ 601 Floyd & McGuire, printing ,.~ 185 151 Office Speeîalty Manuf'g Co 412 O0 llooey & Sons, office su-pplies 4 ',. 851 W R Whitelaw. repaîrs. ..... 1.1il!16 J E Nixon, supplies .......... 8 15 llewson &CGo, supplies .. 1 80 Allen & Co,suppiies ..........25 O G4 Johns, gaol supplies.. 15 O5 Geo Archei-,hymn books for g,,Dl 50 W Whitelaw,.supplies.... 13 8i Joe Raynes, livery to gaol , 20 75 W Whitelaw, repaira...... i49 John Ha.yden, supplies..,., 481 Allen K, Co, supplies......4,81231 Swaisland &-Co, adveîriin 4 O O'Neili, livery to gal...., . 2 !50Î Samn Cann, work at gaol.] i700ý Issac Wilson, advertiiing. . 4 5U Jas Irwîn work E D Reg Ofl1-4ce i ! Milton Bond, office repaira.. . 75 Wm Burnett, supplies...... t 150 J Redfearn & Son, coal.. ...... 12-, 50 R F Roliand, drawiDg contraces10 o A R Dundas, work and suppLi s 8 for gaoi. .. .......... 458:J TMitchell, work W N Reg Officit8 of) D Cook. cleaning Hastings b'91 ý 9 Ow W Fowlds, nails and lumber f4'i Ras tings bridge.......... 17 74 PAY SHRETS, C Attendance upon Township i~ucl re commitment of idgeta s yper il Masterson. [Februarv -Session~ l8 Geo Spence...........8 50 'Ihos Leith ............. 4 0OU JohnlHlDevit............. ; 880 F H Tweedie............... 7 70 J Milter.... ..............). 191 OU- Robt Cowan........ ........8 50 A M Mackiam..............~ 8 00 T B Cariaw ....... .........' il 0 W J Donaldson........ ...... 8 50 T JNaylor...................8à50X Geo M Cryderman ......... > , 980 C D C McDonald.. .. .... .. 2 901 'f Robert Fisher.. .... ........ 71;8 70 S E Ferguson .............85 A Muho'land .... ........ j, O Il II Walker .............» 8q TA Thoinpson......... )30 Itobi Fisher, chai Couty jProp '2u 0 Geo Cr-.vderma»-n, c(om Cion Registry OthCe............ ù W Donaidsoni, comWatacePt bridge........... 9 T Leith, chaiýr Roackd' and ýîBLid' ges................. 200 A A Muihoiiand........... 4OU T Hl Tweedfle, com Allan)'s b'e 95 Geo Staples, coni Bensfort kbr'ge 9 O i F J Nayior, com Narro ws big 1 j5 T B Cariaw, com lHastings b'get ,"OU1 i, A A Mulholland ..6..... u()! G Mitcheil,com Counity Bui!di.ii.-40 70-; S EFerguson, coin Pigeon Creel.- bridge ........ 7 70 ti J Il Devitt, com Port Perry a 1Seugog roadway ..,...., 7 60 Warden ....................2 0O SESSIONAL ALLOWAINUE. We recommend tbe paymentof ol towing amounts for the nîtend.asîce oýof f members of the Council at the Js~nes. Sion Thos Baker..................189i T B Carlaw.... ..............88 80 i Robert Cowan..........2 a1 Geo M Cryderman .........21 20 J Il Dovitt ...................25 0 W T Donaldson . ...........2 "O SE 1Fergu son. ..... .........24 OOU Robert FiBher .............247 MA James...... ...........2100 I.ng ny casa, and peo-'lc a pi'ompt ,'eply, fre tour years cof lffr - mg,II writes Mrs JL.Myers, of f Washington,Va d -, ica usd prial.iell ial s.aadlo afe-r a n1 ifemaule wee- _.inicessant Yeu and soranasa in lna Wes reduced in flash fron 184 POuLnda tO about xoo pounda in eighfean mihaÏli. I had n appefite, anud became se waak and nervous I could scancely ait up. 1 doctoned -wtlf our home physicie«ns 'for two yenrs witb n bandit, I waab ýî-,ilIy iuîduccd f0 tny Dr. Fiance's madicines. 1 wrof a f0 Doctor Fiance regending - my casc, and ne- ceivcd e prompt raply, frea, advis- lng the proper medicinas for niy case. Af fer taking four Inties of Dr. \- Fiances Favoriten Prescription a n ë'd4 four of bis 1'Golden Médical D iscpveny thnee doses aachdaastanguebf tle of Dr. Pierce's ComipoundExfacfof Smart-Weed eanmoie ot bis 1e~f , ceased coughiug, and arn /1w enoIng?1 splendid lîealth and llctvegInCt îhiry- five pounds in weighl.I agnin'feý l lik xny foneu- self, thunks to Dr. F1'iace an- cd bis great mnedicinas." Thos Leith.,..'..... -........23 oc A M Meckr.........23 6C bHugb Mesterson .... ..........23 5c John Mutler,............23 60 Gao Mitchell.........18 70 D C MceDonald.........2 2 2 A A Mulholiand............... 28 70 T J Naylon ........... ........ 25 70 Wm Riekard ....... ......... _20 50 'George Staples ............ .... 23 ou Geo Spence. ..... .........18 00 T A Thompan...... ...... 21 70 Peut Tmehilcock.,............4()a T Rl Tweedle....... ....... 2,q 8 IlH bWelker. ............19 30 ACCOUNTrs PAiD BEOTWEEN SEsIoNs. The Finance Com mitfee eudorsed the PaYmeuf of following accoants, peid bat ween sessions : Barnumi Go, coal W N Reg Offices 39 OU G Thomo)son, wootl for office..,ý 78 88 G Mitchell, geol supplies FebÉ'y 80 20 G Mitchallidigant supplies Fub 15 78 Guillett Bros, 77 SI H'ooey & Sou, 5 s40 W b XVhifelieir, wood for office 37 50 Bel'l Tel Co, ment for office...20oUo EBi Tel Co, reut for geol-------.21 OU J Carnuthers, wood for office ..42 00 Hart & Riddell.,... ý........... 13,78 .68 88 7 20 Hnoey & Sons, indigent supplies for Merch................... 5 40 Co bourg Waferwonks Ca....... 4 62 Hîart& Riddel, office satiomîery 17.58 i - 7 84 James Wnod......_. ý......... 10 75 A Troop. papering geai..._....6 30 L R Clamke, tomber for Narmowd bridge .. .......... 58 40 Hooay & Sous, indigent supplies for April ...... ... ... 5 40 G 'W Steele, lumber Camnpbell- ford bridge ......... _... ... 634 68 booey &Sons, indigent stupplies for May.... _................. 2 70 W Bunnett, indigent supplies_. 103 32 Joh IlL Roufli, 1. ..25 06 aeo Mitchell, " 94 ...,,16 17 gaoi suppliasý..65 98 lNT. VE-4NON, Visitons:. Mrs joseph J. Abrebham, Deleau, Mau., et Mn. H. Abraham's; Miss Dencaster, Bowmanvile, et Mapla1 Connera; Mr. and Mns McCouia, Blecok- îtc.Mrs. Fluiny and son,Matn 1'ooto, et Mn. JatmesRnf e;Mras. Visa Mina eaftlieanaud Miss El R-efagansia va bleu a t Trornto passing1 THE L-ATE RICHARD BARRETT, Our venerebla and higbly esteemiid friend, Mnricùýhard Bemnett, of the ;ownsip of Darlington,1 diad rather suddenly on. Sundlay, Jane l6tb, et bis unie neen Tyrone ta bhis 87tli ya. Hie wes iu Bowînauvilla on Safunday lu ais usuel beaili eand tmansacfed huai nasa. Ou bis retunf0 the fanm, ha- tweau 5 and 6 o'clock, hae took e stroli around the fanm, saw f hat aver.vtbiug was rughf and nebirad about 9 o'clnck. Suaday moruing hae got up et 7 o'clock, Lis usuel boum, lied breakfast and maea his usuel rounds. Ha partook of a heerty dinnar et 1 o'ciock and ley down for a resf, Ha stept for e couple of boums ana' about 9 ocldock wenf f0 the pastuna balea near the bouse to look .aitar bis pony. Ha gave if e drink and a iew minutes eftenwarda hae was found uncousclous in the lana and fakan f0 the bouse. Heert troubla is.attribut ad as th ha usa of daat& Deceesed was homu on the bondera of Da, ahiened Cornwatllet Kiikemp- con, Ei.glland, on May 81, 1815. Wlien 2%bou-t 19 years oni ealha cama fa Can daah bis four bmothens. They Loee uin ttwnship of Hope. De- eadtokup tend ia that township îsud remeine4ae there for f wo or hlree years, Ha lîved for a fume etth e "-ndabardand alan et Pornybowu. Hie was married lu 1839 f0 Miss Bau- b)ury of the latter place and immediafa- ,y afferwards cama f0 Damlington, wham e haconducted a saccessful boot anud ahne business on the 4tb con. for 10 years. During t bis period bis wife diad. Then hamovad-fo the 6thcon. ln 1856, and resuîed farîing, whera lue reinainedl up f0 the finie of his deefh. 1t wili thus ha sean thaf daceased was ùuto zha finst pioneama lu thus section. Hae was active and enargef le and fook a lively* i ntereat lu evamytbing pentain- ing f0 the welfae of his own immeduata section and the counfy et large. bis services were lu great deniand as e veluetor of stock and a judge lu this lineaet Agriculture I Shows neer and fan. Ris word wes cousidered as zood as bus bond elways. Iu polifîca ho was a. staunch Reformer and e suhscriber for the Globe since ifs binfli. Ha wes memnied three finies but only lied issue by fhha braf mamniage. In 1850 lia was memnîed ai second fuma ta VOLUME XLVII No 27. n- £-%-xxrit r A w-T 17 1 r 7- lm d-% X-Trn A n T X--à xý - 4 y% a ýr ý1-1 TeTO BUFFALO BY, BOAT. GADTUK SAHP Tefortunate few who went to the lPan-American Weduesday b y th e )Argyle were the firat tfO learn the TWO IIE&VY- FREIGHIT TRAINS~ )charma of a new route froni these north COLLIDE. 1shore ports to Buffalo. Crossing the lake frOuiWbitby, Olcott was reached The worst raitway smashup thaf hias a littie alter 11 o'clock alter a lovely ever occurred at the Grand Trunk sali on the lake. At this eouth shore Railway station here marked Dominion port a magnificeut summner re.4ort is Da.y. About 3.80 a headý on collision being devetoped by Mr. Van Horu and tnok place on the bridge just west of other magnates whocoto the trolley the station, by which two englues and lines radiating from Bufl nd the soma dozen cars were more or lesa Faits. $50,000 was paidfor the )and Wrecked. The way freight train £roin and a $6O,OUU hotel la juat about coin- the, east was preparing to shunt to a pleted. There la a noble pine wood siding tn aiiow a tbrough freight to and ail the latest attractions of a Lake pass on the main track. but hefore the side aummer resort. The service by westbeund train had reached the switch. trolley to the, Pan-Amerîcan ia as amart fa back on the sîdiug the through train as hy steam railway without the an- came ruahing round the curve West of noyance of smol(e and ciniers. The the bridge at a 85-mile speed, flot route is thro Lnckport and*aý very intending to stop here. The eng-ineers beautiful section of fanm lands and and firemen of botb trains revars3ed7 fruit country. By one o'élock the Pan- their engines and jumped, not ',a American is reached for sight seei.ng. moment ton soon, for no sonner hai affording ail tha rest of the day untit 9 tlîey got clear of their trains than thej o'clock when the Argle starteV- for big mogull englue,-No.'9 19 of the ejast- home. To attempt to tell, of the -,vanied bound train smashsd-2 into No. 887 fro-nt m interests visitors to the Raiubow Citythie east, The mor-enitum of the, eaat- found appealing. to themin l beyond bonnd train, which waa heavily ladeni, description. Those who wer&e t the sent the westbouuid train b)ack some Chicago fair agree that the Pan-Amer- roda. ican inakes up lu finenesa of' artistic The main portion of the train being- finish wbat il lacks lu size. [t will bc aeparated froin the firat boxcar net o a detightful reve!aîlon to ail who g~o te thei tender, ît was driven by the force sec it and the sooner one goes the of tue blow ouf of harm's way, to a posi.J better because tho crowds Inter on tion eat of the station, but the eat- must mak;e a visit lesa coinfortabte than bound train, being a long and heavy now. It la f0 be hoped the Argi-le will onue, was very much wrecked. The during the aummer mun more excursions Moguli engine 'Was slightty off the rails, by this moat interesting route. The tender toppled over the bridge, ONE Wuo WÂs TERE, falting on the west banik of the ,steômîi The next car, loaded wif h wool. wasp: cnmpletcly up-ended and the wool weas ELFORD PICNIC. scettencd over the bridge. ý_A car of Manitoba flouîr, from the Consolidafed The shady maples and fhorin hedges Milting Companv, was dumpedrih at Terwidîaue Farin-the wcell known into the creek, as' was alano a -,arload of Elford R-omestead, now owued hy Mr. pressed hav. A car ofMaayHri Peney Eiford-protected front- the machincry wskuocked to aplinters, scorchiuw- raya, of Old Sol nearlv 200 and the macbinery scattered elong the relatives and a few near friends Of the bank, haut and, crushed into varions familles ou Saturday Jane 28, Fiag-, shapes. The next, car belonged fo fluttered lu the breezes from trees and Swift's refnîgerator liue, and was con- staffs and the lane, lawn and xneedows sîderably damaged. Instantty after afforded ample acceommodation for ail the collision lire burst ouf ofitheimi- the popular patimes thaf make an e'u- mense pile of debris, and voluminnus joyable and sucesaful picnic. A very black clouidza f sinoke envelgped the jolly lot ofyog people kepf up ,the w-reck and end the sky. The funl to the close and if wn'pld be bard f0t caigstei aea terifi reech- bd.î,) anore ,,lvaclous and straigig oa h espread rapi ad com-pan o ïf youug g -;ils tha gaedbeae 0 nene hot ta na,- this occasion), adtebyTe eapoc te okwaiposbe ai rnigh ta ,Amngths pneseî Muni oe. Misa Florouce adMesnrsteepo 2e-ur'wnfor the fire briýade. Ge.and chas IMuuroe (of Detroit, Fnuaelybougli ien of fbefine Eot -Pmc and, panarpioi4, to the lilr e âianu to Lcal 'Nlker, T mW îthe niî and ab)Out the only Mis ae llo t Ne okGt; r~aelabespan of hessl ouu hat Luctus VnfnToronto; 'MnIW. 1. inuewatotbd 0a baud wggo AlunaudsonLorn. Bauford fils radyto santwiî a roupe of amateur Lulu Saudercock of Riverside, Califorru- mnesfrOoo The fireusene la;ý Mrs. Jno Alin and Miss Ida Allin placbýed the !,ig" steamner heaidie Lf h- ast Wtîithy; Mr. Thos. Allun aud Miss UT'. R.wae tank, and laid! several Elizabeth Aliný Oshawa; Mr. and Mr,,, bundrea ,ý.feetý of hose, f0 reach theý Ro5înson, shaaa; Rev. A. J. Hlarvey bridge. Thýeir firat efforts were direc.ed Strike, Mrs and Master Rosa Strike' to anvec doaleîace bridge wbich Lindsay. Lotfers were received from fortune tely was- succesaful, though if Manitoba, Chicago, London, Detr oit, took ohueua0 gallons of wafer, Lindsay, Toronto and Sblbarue ex- owîng tote inflainable nature of the pressing regrets et being unable f0 be debris e.nd the whote bridge beiug en- present et fthia annuel gathering A veloped, as -wbat bad fallen on the nordi. spirited gaie of base bail was played- sida a becona a mass of fiame, The and soie Strike-ing hits were made. fact that the brigade piayed- on the tire Football, ingiug, music and other for four7 or fiva hoars will couvey soe amusements coutributed fa maea a idea of the volume of fiery elements to, deligbtfully enjoyable affennoon. Af be oJUenlched. In spite of ail fhey coulit six o'clock the ladies iuvited the large eccompliah the mass of spliutered rail-- coîpauv f0 ait dowu f0 au array of way cars and acatfered contents was ediblea thaf would had doue credif fa a neanly ail cousuîed. royal beuquetfing hall-but w h a t Wrecking trains came as quickly as daiigbted the patate of the Editor of possible, onue from Cobourg alid oua THE 5-rA-ESMAN most was the tooth- froni York, and TauatrC. F. aone chieken pies Aflfer enjoying the Clark soon hed a gang- ofme clearing sumptousý feast t h e compauv w a asfthc track on the aide Tha gzod work photographied lu front of the iawn by of the lire brigade fariae he work Mm. Gao. P. Frealaud. The joyona of the Wreckers venu' materiallu', enabi. eveut we.,ssamewbat îarred by #ha il- iug them f0 gat ou theç brdlge&to mako loess that day of Mr. Samuel Allun, repairsanad rmoath bstÏri1ctions- father of Mrs. Elford, who bas since thaf remained onithe fm ack. By 9-u passed to his meat et the ripe age og 85 o'clock the passengar eand mail t1rAn yeara. ______ thaf lef t Toronto et 2 .m. passed ovor NESTLTON.the bridge in safety, and the express NESTLTON.mail train due fnom Montreal et 7.38 F eused on f0 Tomontoý and crossed the The summer, anniversary of the localdun efBowniau-,vilie et 6 55 forBel'le- Methodiat Sunday dehool was held ville. With remarkable apidity naw June 23 and 24. Sundey îorniug 11ev, aleepers and rails were laid, and the F. H. Howard preecbed ou "whaf tracli wes lu good condition before mid- manner of chiid is thia" and lu the uigbt., The driver on the Weat bound evening Rey,, E. E. Howard gave a train was R. Milme of Belleville, aud vary suitabla dîscourse. Mondey aalter- Couductor James Mitchell of Toronto noon the 'ýbldren o! the school gave a or Little York. The engineman nu the proren ofreadinga, racifations, dia - east bound freigbf was Chas. Blaylock, loguesl; etc". Tee waa served and a and Conductor Michael Murray, plafon metig as el inth evn- The only mnan injured was Andrew iug. Noticeahie incoun"ection witlî the mui eveuing entortaiument wes the prasan.)- McSorley of Bowmauvile,-who was on tation to Rev. and Mrs. E, E R wed is second trip as firemean, who austalu- of an address and a pair of easy. chai rs cdnafractursenof te. righfA.uk.e lu jmp froîn Cadmus and Neaflaton cougrega igfibsegu.D.A .Tle fions. Mn. J. M. Emerson read the was summoued and couvayed hlm fi> eddressaned Mr. Howard replied tna e is home up f own and dressed the vanyflttngmaner.If v. F'., b fractura. The cars included one Inter- Ulowand was alan rememberedWtu~clnaN 797 hed wifh ou l panse fro-n aacb of the aboya neîed herrels ; oue wes a Da.roit, Grand. congrezetîns. Joseph Howard,' the beven & Milwaukee car, filled wifhi son of Mn. R. W. Philp, waa bapfised baled hey. The cause of the accident by 11ev. E E. Howard. Pý.o(ceeds Of la nof eaaily expleined, batn blam& te, oîecioset.,afera'ex% wbetever attaches f0 the local staff, dtan cle:Mnst.,d Mr aiW. W. MasoSn,,-l ancssr oae h epn ýl VOLUME XLVII No '27,

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