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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1901, p. 2

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We have just received a Very 1ne llne of Mi xed Pickles in bottles, very cheap. Have you tried that rIeaAVAthe beîýt out. Goods De'livûrcd Pr-oiplly Give Us a Cali. Rofrigerator For Sale...... Ch.olice of Two. eal Bros1 Lady of the house looking into the *empty flour barrel 'said--"O. 1. C. U. R. M. 1T." "IWell, I arn glad as now 1 ean, get ail my Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pie s at Luttrell's and save ail the bother of baking-myseif." Alex. Llttroll King 13t., Bo wmanville. Telephone 97. W-.ool Wanted At the Cambriari Woolen Milis, Hampton. The undersigned begs to in fïr ai l his old friends that he is prepared to do WooI Carlinig,Spinning, Wea<ýnq, etce, or excohange goods for wo-llv- datso e y theý ilighest Price for ail grades of ol nd( wiil pay more than any other bu% er can afford to dUo for'Matfted Wool. If il, is anv eeit to farmeris to have a WXoolen Mil!!il thle Towni11p don't go past it with yoiir W001lwh en yuel" do better there al round tan lse- where. Truist ing for your sapport as i the, past. t8-~m.PIOPIUETO& BUSNES OHANGE 0B0 0, Uraving learned the art of Em- ba1nig iand Funeral Directing with Air. B. D. lHumphire,thla- Menigof the Parable in Regard '0tote! ~Sheherdaud he ost Cheep A desatlifrom 1Wasýhington ss,-: Menon f Ciisi patience, aud li) la Pcv. . Ti1aepeahd rn teraily iitustraý 1iisg thle po)ver foiicwing text "For tise Kýing!,don Ciris's Gospeland la ding as cf Heaven is as a man rael in uds for ttbie Cisurcli, ald more inito a fanr country, wlo caled ]lius for the Churcisi, than Marly cwa servants andi deliverefi unto more positiveiy active. If you have thons lis gocds. one talent, use that ; if you have "'Andf unto one hi gave five talents ton talents use them, satisfled with to anotiser txvo, and to another one; the fact that xve ail have different te every usan accordiîng to lis sever- qualifications, and tisat the Lord de- ai ability.' -St. Mattliew. xxv. 14. cides whethor we shahl have one or 15. whetlier we shail havo ton. ]'sauy of tise parables of Jesus Again. I leara froua tise text that Chlrist were lucre graphie lu the inferiority-of gis fa no excuse for tumes in wlich Ile lived than tlsey indolenîce. This mau, xith ttse il re noxv, beitcuse circunîstances have smailest amouisi.of monoy, came usodli ciscanged. Iu olden times, growling into the preseuce of the xvýhcu a man xated te wrenk a owcer 0of tise estate, as mucis as to grudge upon lis neighboor, af toi the say. "If you ýlad given me sevon farmer had scattered ils seed xvleat thousaud dolliais Ixvouid hiave over the field and nas expoctinfi the brouglit fourteen tiousandd Ilrs as harvesi., bis avenger wotld go acress 'weli as this other man. Yeu gave tise sainie field witis a sack fuit of nse only fùlftecn liudred dollars, and darîsel ginss, scattering thnt seed ail I hnrdiy thiougî' t it was wortli wiile over the ifid, andiol course it to use t ail. So I1liid it lu a uap- S oid sprout op and spoil the wioie kma, and it produced no res-uit. It's crop; and ït svas to tisat Christ re- hocause you didi't givo îuie enougl." ferrein utise parahie when lie speke Duiîs iferiority cf faculties is no ex- of tihe tares being soxvn amoîîg the cuse for insdol<ence. Lot use say to xieat, tAise uan xvio lias the Lensi. quahific-a The servants spoken of lu tise text ticus, by the grace cf God hse may are isenbers cf the Cisurcli. Tise ho made almosi omnipotent. Tihe talents are oui diffreut qualifica- merchaui.t, wiose cargoos corne oct tions of usefuiness given !ni differenlt frons ovory isancd of the sen, and proportions to different people. Tire wise, by one stroke of tise peu can coming back 0of the cxvner is thol cha.nge the xvhole face of Aiurican Lord Jesos roturuîimg at thq jcdg- comusierce, lias neot se inuclu poweor mnît to m'rke fiuai sottlient. Tise as you suay have before God, ini ear- raislng of sonie of tisese mois to ho isst, f a ithîful, amsd dentisions pray- rolers ovor five or two cilles is tise or. Yen say yen have iso facuity. exaltation by the riglisteouls at tise Yes, tise mens oiths one talent are te lasi day, whlue tise casting oct cf savo the xvrid, or it xiii nover ho the idior la the expulsion of al'savefi at ail. Tis esn îvitis five or tlsose whis have misisprovcd their ton talents are tenspted to toil chief- priviJeges. ]y for tisonsselvos, to builfi up their Lestru first from this scbjoct, tînt owxv* groat nanse, andi work for their becolsing a Christian is nsoroiy goîng for tho rninetincfthe do orhid out to service. If yoc have any ro- otes. Tise cor f enotad înaîstlc idea abent becoming a Chris-we.Teedro bansn- tian, I want tîsis ight to scattor rag on theountain, seosns tohlardf tise romanmce. If you î lu- t te owrîlte natri, boutboniste hfruit kilngdom 0f 6-odit xiii ho gomng i-w h(-e sarhdsvutrf pearsrc 0basrucre' to plain, practicai, loists ,conitinsu-bruilsotecwr a rc . 1l_ OoS, per.sistenit Christisn work. 1 frut ounis branschses- than it can knoýw there are n great mîsnîy people cry Pto ohv u aetaf iso ihave fantastic andi roînnîstic no-~ put t to full use, tlsan five isundred i tiens about (lais Christians lue, but wrickýedhy negloctefi. hoe wlo serves Cod wxitli ail tis eno- gain. Miy subjocitoneches me tînt orgies of body, slnd, andi seul, is n tiero is going to corne a day of svorthy servant, andi ho silo doos not SOLEINN SETTLE1iE NT. is an uuwontisy servant. W lion the The day us iii coune when tise Lord %var trusspot soumds, ail the Lord's Jesus Christ xiii appear, and xiii soidiers inust mnarci, hoxever deep say to yoc, "What hsave you heeno the sîsow Masy ho, or hoeier foarful doing wtî My property? W'îat baxýe theý-odds nn-st-ti .Under-- our- your been -deug lii y nohî G'oveorsmont, ie înay lave colonsels What have you heen doieg with nIai andf caîtains and generals lu tinte cf I gave yen for accumointive purpos- pence, but ii tise Cisurch of C od os?" Thsere xiii ho no escapse h there 15 no pence ontil tise hast great tlîat sottliomnî..1I have soasetiLnes vitory shahl have beon -îchieved. beon ansazofi to see iow au accouai- Put Ilav ttnffl ohi ou h i5tanit siuli roup ti)and dcsva long A ONA o EVC. ue ffgs f 1( ee ton or fil teen Tb"sois o dugr ui.lu our fi guros -ýin aLinoansd I attepi tto wldly caî1no1s1vesoi ad he up. aufi I nddthein o p two ,uve gtworu omiut, aufi oui head ori.re Uies,1.I make tisons duiereut achs, nsdour phîysicni faccities oach tisre. But 1 haive adusirof tise brek dowvm; but is this service c f xvay an accocîtaut will take a lonsg tise Lord Jesus, tho hharder nsMai, lino of figures, and iithout' a single w orks thc botter nie ikes it, andi a utLîsta)ke, and witb great ceierity, usais in tts audiensce, whlo lins bèeiu annouraco the aggregnte.- Now, lu scrviug God fer fc.rty yoîfrs, onjoys tise hast.gh'ent sottlifeent. tiser-e xiii the emospioyinent botter tisan sîbon lie ho a correct account presented. God firsi. onterof i . The grandesi isonor has kopi.'a long line of sins, a long tisai ca ever.be bestowvof upon you, lino of troken Snbbatlss, a long lino is to lave Christ say to you on tise of profanemo ods, n long lise of dis- lns,. day, "weii done, good and f aith- carded, sacraments, la long lino cf fui servaut !,-' misimp rovefi privihogos. Tley wili Again. I lenrn frons ths parablo ______ ____ ___ tisat diffoent qualif ications are gîv- mn to differeîsi.people. Tise tendher lifts n biackboar-d and ho drasis a diagrarp, in order tînt by tint dia-,1 J grainsholie ay lmpress tise uind of i the pupili xith tise trutl tînt 1le la booni uttorîng. And alhi , iietrtlis thi s illus- Y ofi 1,lias B i re--draxvii--out-i. i-tetle- ftere is -anu acre of grocad- tisail 1as C eX PC eri- ton talents.Ticdei--a little culture. iIà,P. , 04 nstbtu1 c ndiciste that your uivex I s ont of ordeýr. The beat medîine to ronISo ]3RAI0,-,ONTI4E iFAM[. ~tlie lver ai cu lre PilWhere, a combrutioucf(eg gs and ielus, "s found lxputyfo r.tis the ead soujýj-ýgjLt ra aswill serve thje prosilite ---eb l irits r. Geo. iElty. ilie É Mreconeeredsthat 1 wudnet recm.seudfor tise f armn for tise rea- 2~ ent. oIdby ilsixdicnedeacr. soutihai.t tey arc etO. xelli adpted for sucli a plan. For exampie. Foi1- ishi wouid faIlil easy victin to0 thie allbcobld p,ýjjd liiieghawk, that theyr cannet seeceai ail o aded p, mi bfor angisenough to readily protect tesie dovii s beouonpd htatwf b timeiy flight to the safety oif 0ýi tja, ,ïlIbctihe bouse or farn buildings. Um ucgreat da of stinet I have burgs and 1Legisorns tire rather ali to ask he qesio, Ar I ready and pure tidiail Gansles not good for it?" Itl i of mlorim jportance enougis layers to prove a success, al- teto an o ,iswver ta usini e thoogli an admirable table fowi. gard to iltyseif 1tin j regaird to Brahimas cau bc well reconmnended you: and it is of imore importance1 for the average farns, and as a man fort you te nse it lu regarýd to remnarked tise other daiy, al,"good yourself th5n lanregrd teie. Evory flOck cf thenstare a rfal a s .ýa munn for himsel1f ilu that day. Evory îîeîd cficatie" Tis man;1bad been woman for lierseý1 iflu tiat day. "If ,dre ;Il.hisweiI grewn i maan ttsub s hout-suait bc wise fer seîlicg ise-ni zat 12 to 11 et e ~O elThie 5 ~ i~ OflJOPound.ilis ilins had also bcen lay shat it bear it." We are apt te s- ing wel al wiaýter anda eggs were cuoo uiuiirn.ios oi4il Jlrý &fcomninnding a bigis price. vociferaionl-a dem.nonstriat ion of Pralinas cao stand a geod deai of power anod ipomp; but there ii O oid weatlier and -stili do pretty ou-tha diay, I thiVnk a few momienillts well. 0 f course they. respend te of~~ ~~ etrsiec.Ithiuk a tese good treatirient and show ý,it iu the douis, an overiwhining7 silence. I increased-yield of eggs or morej rap- ticik t xvilIilho socLli a silence n s the id growth of flesli, and ut wili paty to ear w ovr lheard. It xiii be at the take good care cf tisem, but if it is Inoset ise il nations are fisten- ssecessary they e au istand cheir share iug fe, er docîn. "Corne ye i f liard 'usa-ge.- hlese!" Il hiltriiwitis eW Ilike a farm tifor liralimas on, ac- joy)ý toruhth nk f the savedi. couit of tho vrlety of availabI6 Dprtî crs, - d!" It xiii throw focd and the good scratiig f acili- adit;ial drkiinto the aban- tins, tiiere usually being pienty cf dunseint cf tise ioýst. straw about the barns and sheds iu Lastly. I1er frens this parab le whic the liens scratch and hulnt al of thse tcxt, that orii degrees cf liap-7 day. This k-ecps themon t ocf the piiieas iii heaven l illibho,,,raiduated ni id and firt andi their legs and foot accordiug to cuî, degrees cf Stay iii mucclbetter condition. Thse TJSEFULNESý-S ON EAIITI-. heavy ieg-feathered breeds cancot stand os ranch dirt as th" d cean icg- Severai cf tise ce;mructators agron od reefis. 1This sill net show ccly in miaking tssparable the sainseas nwntr I ud b_ lente tise one inLuLuke, wliere eule man xas uwnr. nsmewictsy maderuio eve fie ciiesand an- mnininlatise fields and grass metr ulae 10r v i t ad os. landis thcy are ail riglit, and tisere other made over two ctio are feu' prottier sighiýs than a flcc-k Woul ui t hof air and i rght that the0 rlna ii nd tctid profcssed Clsristiac uman ho liaslo rhns iaf ndt -hrs li7d vrynea th lce etsee th Igroxvc ic an orcisard or woodliud. livd vry earchelin bewee th Brahusias lay weii en tise f arm. svorld and the p uc-h man wlso ruiey gonerally exorcise enogh to lias oiten csspo fidlis Christian kn- os c u tevrosgan ciaracter ise inîcu who lias nover tisey get are couductive to heaith spoen ctforCodtie naa îoalid a goodly yieid cf eggs. They lins nover iseoisknow as a Cilristiais are net nfraid to lay iin winter itli cciy onccmuio days-the man or, ion eggs are eggs. Tisey aise whose great btogelas been to son know wvîai eggs wero laid' for and isew lluch of the wvorld lie cocifi get can liatei and raise chiens witis and yet uic iesnf it riglit to the besi. cf thons. SUPposo that that mo w iiiinwl have ai; 0f tise two varleties of1 Brali- grand ansd goroo seat ini heaven mas, tise liglit aud the dark, tise fer- as the msan vb gvealil is enorgues mer are kept by many peeple, whie cf bod , mdîand sool to the ser- -tut --fw oprtsi paig vice ofGodi? ïTise dyiug thief enter- of tise latter vnriety are knpt. Thero ed linaveni; buot n3et svith the saine is no gccd reason for this, as there startiing adas as tisat ,wicl is no difierenco in eceousmic qoali- gretodPal, w s - Ld o ucder tics betweeu tise varietics, aud if scorc'lliîiîg af aros ug "'sad tiserc is any cdds it shouid ho in-fa- tbirogh sstetens ito teV or- of the darks, as tisey do not àoil kiudon ofgiog no tardifersrediî lacstusor places where fror~anohe sl' u gor, ndtieyfoLs arýe api. to got dirty. A weIli- wbo) tol iightiiy for ,Chirist on bo akBam is certaini'y a finlei ourîsshh hvea argrc errewnrd-- ilî n',sdut is a ptytise-ç îoulid net thain tss iohaeridrdonli take tiseplac 0f a milion or 50 linýif asrie dongisili1 foxvis satrdover this Sonso 0 yc(; are i-stenlug ou to- state. If you wnant a1 good fowi to wardl tise', rewalrds cf 'tise riglitecus. help uaotef armn pay youi shoolfi I wat t dnerycnup to-night at give Eraismas a triai. t, houogh i in he wili hcoee kind ofrcar waiting for yen. Tisere are Clritiïn peopleienlathisDETE CTION 0F, PEACU 1YELLOWS house toniglit xvio are very noar Ileaven. This xveek some cf you iTise premature ripening of penches mny pasa oi. icto trio is an ucbsihing syûs'ptom of yeiicxvs, lighît of 1tw settlng Su. aud is donsi.dered the ýfirst stage. Te Oh, woatber-beatAis voyagers, the master this inspectors and fruit stornss aredrvg you into tbe liar- groîvers shoulfi be tiorcughiy posted> bor O,-y brotheirs and sisters, about tise tise of ripening cf oaci licw swcet it viii be(, iafter the long vari.ty. The tme cf ripeniug xiii wýildorness maiircii, te got hom)ie. Tlint vnry witli location and xeatber cou- xvns aigî mmetworthse tired 11d i Ons.When 'peacies are fouud dov lutis lie 0 th D"uge wbn isintlg two or three xveeks alisad it founfi its way VSafoly luto the Win- cf itîme ut ns a protty sure indica- dlow 0 tise nri1k. tion 0of yeliows. Do not lot a penci preatueiyripeued by a Worm c' r WOI~K. an otlier case fA001 yos. Tis Y r, Coliingoo sýays that oune0f a;yiiows pehli is a good guide. Castoriii, is fer Infanîti aund Chuld1reii. Castso4î. s a. harles sustiutefor Castor O11, Pameo4ic, rops -id Soothing $rps it contains imner 01,)Ouit, MoPhneno"th Nreîtu eî,st es.lt isPesnt its gaamtei-4 tJlrty years' use by Millions of lilothers. Castorla destroys Wormis and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves Teething Trozibles, cures Coustipatîon and Flitulency. Castoria aissimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach ami Bow-veis of Infants and Children, giin hemîit1y and natiirmd leep1ý,(. Castoria is the Çiilidren's Panaea.--hIe DMother,'s Frîend. Castoria. *Castoria. "Cast;oria la an excelleat niedicine for "Castorla Is so well adapted to chuIdren cisildien. Mothers have îepreatediy toifi use thalTI recommeafi it ais sperior to aniy pre. of its good effect rip-, the r h en " seipio t o Jec", DRa. G. C. OsGooD, Lowell, Mass. ýi A. ARER, M. Di. Bni oklyn,> N. Y TH"iE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0f APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Our Goods Speak For Themselves. ---We--only asgk you to corne ancl go- lirougli - our store. XVo buy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made in best woods and we seil at close prices.- If you intend furnishing a home, see 4our Uinesý and get our prices, and compaî e with. Sth~e goods of aily citystore if you wîsh. If you Scontem plate a fanci(-y chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season, see Our display, the Largest and prettiest evershown in town. KI2EP VOUR EVE ON OUR DISPLAV WINDOW. ] BOWMAN VILLE Funitre nd Undertaking.M 1 iofleavor lo Sleý

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