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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1901, p. 4

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Insecticides! .First Quality Paris Green A Surprise Party to Potato Bugs. Inseet Powder Finest Quality, Fresh Ground, a Finish to Flies. Tanglefoot and Poison,Fly Pads of ail kinds. TOLE'S -West End Drug Store, F"OR SALE-iwo sterey brick boeuse -V with 13 acres of land, good orchard, bard and soft water, and good barn with stone foun- dation, the property of C. YouNel- Liberty, St., F ARM FOR SALE-771 acres ef goed land, belng a part of lot 18, con. 7, Da ing. iton, On promises are a frame house with good cellar, frame barn wlth stone founidation, straw barr ir bany barn joining; two young orehards cf 8 acýres; 65 acres arable, balance pasture. ý->ossess1ion to suit. Sniall payment down. Âppl)y teL. A. TOLE, BowmanVille, Or A. HÂçAPeterboro.23t Boulsll' Ilarbie Works,,,,, Good Work, iBest Material!s, Artistic Desïons, Prices Reasonahie, E. R. BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMANVILLE. ONT. BIG 2 0 BOOP< STORE. F or the next month we will seli ail our IRýemnants Of Wall Papet' for less thian vuiboie as large as ten roli S. with f ringes and bord- ers to match. Cheap Books for summer reading, ail the.best authors, 2 for 25c. Exnre.ss-Wacn.o" -arnd Tav~ T e Canadian Statesinan, BOWMANVILLE. JULY 17, 1901 If the News continues making se manv misstatemerits about THEý STATEs- MAN and1 the Liberal party we shall have te enlarge the paperto deny thein. Reports frein the apple-growing ceunties of Western New York state that less than ene-third of a crop wl be produced this seasen. Reports frein other sections indicato a similar condi- tien of things every whore. The News of June 27 says editorially: "llow convenientl ' the oditor omits frein Mr. Walsh's evidence bis etate- ment that Franli Woodward told lin he had been off ered $20by the Liberals."ý In the first place Mr. Walsh gave ne such evid.ence and secondly we publish ed what Mr. Walsh did say on that point on our second page June 19 in the saine article anuther eqùally mis- leading statement is made that Dr. Mitchell accepted the platform, et the Indepeadents. Hie did nothing of the kind ana the statoment ]ike înany oth- ers in the article is a deliberate taise- hood. When argument fails, abuse is the coward's alternative. The News calis Ius "ink-sling-er," says we have returned te our l"native element the guttor, in which we are wallowing throwing uis flthy contents eit respectable citizeus," 'where ther can romiain and soak each other's eznpty head to thoir hearts' content." Say, kind reador, dont you think the înaum who wrote that rubbish was prettyv mad? Nice language for a genitleman, eh>Iý? Aye. and what fis te ho sa.id et the pubhsjher who admits 'suIch1'*stuiff" inte litscms? Wo have pigon-ledsever-al opinions et hlm andËit hic wishes a round or two et that K!Iu uor jouunantiUi wrtare, 11-3,11gt his fIl lu short order.-1 Why did Dr. Hiler apologîze th- the speakers for the sinaîl attondanco if it were net sinahi? Wheu lien. N. Clarke Wallace 8teod up te speak at the Con- servative convention thore were enly 59,perBens visible lu the town hall lu- eluding those on the plattorm. Whon We- are thr'eatened by the -News ,writer Nwith a reiewet egotists et the loni g-ae ce"this week. No doubt ho is familiar with lis lite long- com- paniions and Cali show up theIr idiosyn- crasies to prfcio. 'oneo,Ma Duif. We must give the lady voters credit for the instincts they showved in coming out la such goodly numbers and veting for the by-Iaws. We are strongly, op- pesed te women suffrages but heartily approve ef widows and maiden ladies, holding real estate, having the fran- chise. Those ton fellows who votod agains the toundry b.y-law are weariugî clrenic look of surprise since finding that outside ef their littie world ther( are 469 persons wlo differ frein tleii selflsh views. The chances are hoecvei that they are tee stingy te take a boca paper, hence are unaware ef the pro. gressive age lu which they live. What ever the roason, when 10 mn find theinselves bucking against 469, tbey should consider serieusly their position, Mayer Mitchell is entitled te inuci credit for I'staying with" the by-law8, Ho has shown a desire since assuin the mayeral office ef accomplishinu semething worthy of bis position arn the houer cont erred upen him and it must'bho gratifylng te bin, as it, is te aIl who are anious fer the progress ai:dolwolfare et the town, te se his efforts crewned wIth succoss. Of course ho was backed up loyally by the major. ity ef the councîllers, but te bis porsen. ai and persistent efforts is largely.due the rositt Thursdav's vetîng. Why is it that men writers insist that women cannot work, live and enjoy life tegether? We consider it a libel on the gentler'sox. Now hero isa'woman -a wise weman presumabJly-eniders. ing the idea. Professer Ellen H. Rtichards of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,who has been contribut- ing a' series et articles ef a, practical, character te The Delineator, in the August number utters some ver 'v plain truths regarding the difficulties that the wome-i ef several familles woulId prebably have in learning te get alo'ng with eue another. The conclusion et the article. although net se stated by Professer Richards,is rather te suggest that successful co-operative house-keep- ing is a long way off yet. The -article is Worth reading bocauseofe its frank statement et the difficulties that people find in subordinating their own wills ta the wils et ethers What a radical change lias taken place ln this part of the, ceuntr'y lu the matter of tarin hehp. In our boyhood davs almost overy tarin had a laborer's dwelling on eue cerner and bosides day meu found constant employment the year round. The hired man's family residence is almost a thiug of the past, aud Vie day laborer lu the country bas passed toe. The inttoduction of tarin machiuerv L; largel 'Y respensiblo for the change. The census returns will show onormous decrease in these eIder setthed districts and te this cause more Lhan any other is the di.ecrease ,due, Farm, holp iS new most difficufit te obtain and scores etfareswh i shsort noandIed this harvost. Se gret is1 O larvest in Maniiteba) and theNrt West tbat the farmers are naskiin- hi ethr asteru provinces te hehlp gather their harvest Where the men are te. ho fouud is-a problein theC'. P. R. wîlî try te solye. A tew business meu-ne t nany- assisted lu gottiug eout the vote fast weok. They werked with the Ceuncil and itizous energetically te accomnplish the- ilsri r.Rl -A l ____ _DlEn HOUSE y ~Do You Behieve in Buying I A BARGAIN When You Are Offered -One? $1700OOO Worthi of Fine -Roady-to-Wear lothing Tlirown N 0on the Market. The firin styled under the naine of Jno. Calder & Co., Hlamilton, failed a few weeks ao and noit being in a position to get the stock back the goods were, slumped on the market and lef t open te buyers who, ceild pay the ready cash. We were lucky to hear about it and the prices and goods were se temptin g we had te buy. Our share was 8$17 69 worth of Clothing and to ge t r'dof it quickly we are going to run a 13 Days' Sale starting July l7th and eiidii'g July 3lst. There iscarcely la man who reads this but would buy one of these Suits if lie wotuld but see thein. 13,50 Worsted Suits for $ 10.90. $5.00 and $6.00 Tweed, Suits fer $3.90. Yes weliave on our tables 21 of these elegant Cc>, 44 Men's Suits, sizes 36 te 409 in goed strong aimperted Wersted Suits, fariner satin linings, neat tweeds, teugh linings, god trimmings. If y trimmings, ail sizes and good fitters; the prceo - want a geed kneckabout Suit take oe eof these, th-e $13 50 and considered cheap then; new $10).90 prica is small and the geeds are dependable $3.1.0 $7.50 and $&.50 Worsted and Tweed Suits $590. ~ $1I0.00 Worsted Suits for $7.-90. It ilpyyut u one of____'uis.W You have heard people talk about our $10 Ibouh tem eap and can oelthes ea.Mae range before, you should seeA now-abot9c' Weafl enlese Pat re 2 w5.90 te SBos-and tieo flthe ine iete -s 7ý 12Pairs Pants at 79e a pair, Boys' Blouse Suits $.5 o 4Ci o ata good stogpi f Pntwerth By'Kikr,7 ar left 2 -cà $,0 r-apair nowfo 79el os -îc utgo value$.3 BICYCLE KNICKeERS..-$315O kînd for ý$Z.695 -$3.00 kînd for $2.39 anld the 'U.50 killd for $1.99. o, Remember these prices last from July i 7th to 31 st only. CAH RTRD FR JOJ-N McMURTRY.- CýS RTAEFRPRODUGE. GREAT C flOICE 0F CAMPERS' CANNED GOODS. Dr. Tqaae's sermoni on anit iside page affoýrds fod for huh-mrv yeourpriegs n.uw cîe-au, weliî piiiibeu am1 intereerý-1 ing the inside pages of this paper are ? Read tho Ic shl aud About the lieuse, ladies. Ro'ad Martha Craigo's article ou Man- itoba at iluffalo oui an inside page. Do you West Durlain breeders agree with the article "Giood Cattle?" Atlantic steamship lities are dolus a. CONSERV.ATIVE, MEETING AND COURTESY TO THE PRESS. simple truthi was ho knew that hieýoioud lie snowed iunder se badly by the int el- ligent electerate et Bewmauville a-id -. -- k --a u lés g -coulant oear tuae aîsgrace etfcleteat by ag'ainst the chairman at that conve3n- an ordinar- werkiîg man like the tien. We went thero as tle represent- -Country seheel teacher frein ativeofe The Toronto Globe, a position Chautanquay,'" Weil, when Dr, Huiler we have held evor since wo have lived- switched off wo had ne particular an- ln Bowmanville, and besides our own bition te lie a candidate, se on nomina- paper ou this occasion we aise represent- tien day rotired fron the contest te ed the leading Censervative journal lu ahbow Messrs.Sinale and Trebilcock te the Dominion, the Montreal DailY lbe elccted bv acclamhation. But he Gazette. It is w'ell knewn te Dr. Dr. has nover tergivon us for our "1pýroe- lhier, the newly -elected. prosideut, -sumption'! lubeing- a candidate--in- a- lànct..............héý SCHOOL GRANTS, - I ,, JtW 1 V-3 JUC o-l .,ur-nam Inspectorate With the naines et the toachers and their postb offlice addressem f or- 19)1: The grauits are distributed ,te the munieipalitios off the bai--s et the total population and te;te shouls on the oasis, eo, "y," ata ofe Pu4éIsî during the proceeciiug y-,ar. Tloy are apportiouodi the hast part of J'ue and are payalhe on~ the-order of thatruset~s - . . . . -. - . - -" ,- ~ ~ -ý ý 4- Q - - - - - -- '-- 1 Iziiiii fbf inilyïnnllQtle -ný vr !5000 iiioii fro On p ;ý -A 1 ".- M- -ai -, Ff ý-p -.1. - Il -- ý - Va lia v ai -... 1 --1 Î'-- , to th . 1 -- - mr Il irý 1

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