____________ ____________________________________________- - S~ ~ ~ SO-1111EGOOD REIPES. cppastry iflour, 'l-clipgrtdces, -1.tea'spuoonbakýing pweSait1, tr yolk cf ' cgg , a dash! cayennepep- Der adeogrcoid watr ta aire n ratirer ilick Cdough1. 1hou 1iiin ] very tua shecctu tanro stîano'týmre 1ta-nüacic ie anid bake gldenbrown lat a hoUt aven.ý Salm11on aa'id Cucumibe-rs: Draini c-auned salrilnfront cil, ineflac and imix witir highiy seascnied ta- miata sauce. Take cucumbers tint have been la eoid wator for several houa, arcand eut tiia,ia on slic- os of brc(-wn breand aidcave the cu- cumnbersgecrnsywiirth aLmon. Tilskelar alad: Have tilere el- onis not.ore, eut inta iralves, remaive the -se.da and so!t part, take out the edible portion, and fil tihe empty sheila wth caid water. Cnt thie melon into dico, and mix witir te contents 'if a plat can o! pine- a: )icl, 1 cup masired banann a ad 2 tait orangea wiricir bave beca ice and quartecred. Tura tire fruit ',inta 0large boWl wlthtie syrup fronmthtie placappie. Let stand for aniraur tiren pour olX tire liquor, arr cton ta taste-, and ,add orougir dissolvefi gel- atine tLo make o! creamny coîsisteacy. Pourer thie fruit and place lan ice chet. henready tù srv, il s!ýhila witociriiiied fruit aad pul!t on, Separate ate teswitir a gaisr ! eris 1letuce bvs SuffeciPeidEgs al1dz ogs for-liaji!an haur., drap ila cli wntr, adlotrerab tnminteýts. 1?ernave th shelas, caver witir bat via- e-gar, ndd! sait, cayenne pepper and ceà1iry see ave natil the next day, ,fld la thie eariy niîig eut the egg il two iongthwise. Take ont tire yoik Nwýitir care, put la a bcwi, uasirfineij, nnd mix witir olive ail, musar, emon juice and finely cirop- ped asuim pads. F111 t, ire wites with tire egg cqarn1,!atian, mastire cenitra o! apaterwitbt niastuirtiniri bi-omastndtieggs up-on tre, surroauad ivtîravriap- rArng suces o! raw tamatoous,uand hjav-e itire nturtium lavs boit tire edge. Iatermelon Cake: Make a white cake, divide tire mixture, and la anc irai! stir red iaatead o! white sugar. Tura iu a cake tin tint bas a tube latirhe centre, have tire red portion around tire tube, and arrange tire white about tire ides and top. When tire cake la eoid, caver with ie- igcoiored green witirte juice o! poninded spinacir. CiAnai Butits: Si!ti 2 cup flont'. nnd iladd 2 Cupa mni1ik, eu mlt buter, 4 eggs, the yolksa afiwrie beaýtea separnteiy, !- cup auga, caeconuressed ven:at, 1 teasao paunded ta a paste. Tire boat, bre;afi, labkes water brad dy aid, togrthe oan! must not ho, eut bc- fore tsiag. Brown bread beixig muci more ýmalat, mny ho nsod an tire day o! baking. Sandýwiches shonid neyer be made long befa)re serviag. if, irowcver, irey imuat staad ,1any lengtir of tiare, ýher 1osn s ainsured by wrapiag thm aatiickbrown paper, verwirch a dcbled naphin) wruag ",ont Jla cold watur rs 1!olded"(, annLd setigte in ýa eooi iae A coupleo!fconta o! whito enaml pnton t1he sirelves iof iepnr doos awy withtr acsit o sheiPf pa-per niad the resultit lamuei moe atisfactory. THE ATTACIC REPULSED. A Gallanit Deed of Armas by the Lritish, Tire correspondent o! tire London Standard ,.lsonda do,,liregrding tire gazliant defence ,o! CapýItain MNi' Zareba la 'iiitire attnek aoby ,tire forces ,o! tire Md ulai. ary la "la tir mmiaataou ine o'laktie haa vailab!e farce of tire Qleemy ava to tire aSsault. Tireir dispas,,itionis wcre extremely vvell made. Tlîeýy hd asceýrtaine5d that tire southiea andi wetern aides a! tiezaretba wretir ma asal ablý, ad troycompleitienveope baththsaliakacavaaciiin apur- fect )rder. Trapositian wa a cr-iti- o! wirorrt ereSick and loI tblrn bytire imaýineom-ad asfrt- or 1mp ,vdbytirâpecaeo! tire enlorUiaus ilnber0a! eaptured cant- cia. HoReptidrin, hoevc u- der perfet onra, ad csrvd is tire util tr nm rtiirod ta wiier tre ntm repon~d itr la waer ta (owitiiin a iruadrcvd i)difi!ty ofadsa!tire march, nîrdit aeer.red thýirat ireer woi!girt ofai1fumbers 1muat vw-lîrtire day. Ai't ý, ioeetirey were ob er etaiterand inai cd ithin qiite a short- space rounld ire z-.reba, vwiriie abolut twvo hundred moiýre were fcund la tire his wiie surrouîîded tire plateau on whlcirtire zareba la situated. MANY DEAD BODIES have been fannd hy the main bodyi o! aur force an itire lino a! Éthirirre- treýat, iand ýit cacltedtiat ati M'eil' zreatire Mriirbtse- voni w,rdred kIdao, tl m pass'ible ta s1ay ihow many were ADVANTAGES 0OP IYIG Ta a eneral way two dIifIcl'Lit ies1 s'-eent tco c(onfroat thseho are la- borinig il, the field o! rmproved dairy- in.Threflrst is thre difficulty of ma gf armers see tire advantage o! dirigas a f actor ta diversified faigand the second and subse- queritu diffieulity la that of eonvincing thenait tht, on-ce started la dairying, it is worti- hy the oat careful thought tho most dIiligent study and the most persistent e1lefort. It would sco l aost unnecessary ta ha-veý ta argue the value o! dair y- ing cte as a speciai study or as at brn lr0 farming. Butter-inakîng is a fine, art o!f agrýiculture. To pro- due(t of thiirf r anbe made ta ex- hîibit the akili empýiloyed la its pro- duct ioni as readily as butter. One usihol o! potatýoes resembles lnaa great measure every other bushel, buit ono pouncl o! butter mnade fromný tire milk of weli-bred, weil-ted cows, adedin tire rigirt way, sent to market la the riiglît package, can noer bacanoundïed With tire mass of poar 'ibutter 1wi;tir wieii t sm tiares baS to a'ssociate. Goodbutte kepait-ca,,te il you givo i t irai!' chnc. hs dairyiugalesnex 0f itia, çecalt aa mae a reputjýa- ton Sa, tao, as bach0fgnea awyscas'h and aimost continuons, it hpsto minai tre!etiIitv of thef a i, ispedca if goe)d, sel- don, have ta ee a buyer and are lea sbjct o suddenb. changes la the mr et, xirbit mvore ,vitality la timea of financia ludpression tiran aay otirer crop, il, or cormmad- ity _that tie famerIlis. Wlyneed of ciairy ing wlirea tihe famr m begin ta reaýlîIe 1the !oliy of a ancli crop yteta!ariutueomnu atike 1ta thr ertllty0f tho farand theo sizre a! iispacke"tbok Tho soconid diUcuity la nalot macsar agiag tiîaathcfirst. WhIy Îla it th'at tire hiasttlng somne fararerms wilbuyis an, impraved diry appartuai? Whyv is iltirat the 'ast efariîns you wi inaugurate arc, la thec dalry raami,-supposing they have a mainm set apiart for dalryîag? Why is it tint 80 mnn:i]y entirely ovor- lock the advantages o! dairying and eveit buy butter for their own tab- les? Simply because tirey doe nat ap- preciate the profit ta be dorlved fraîn practtical dairying. Tirusit is that tCe diypress, no matrhaw de it may go itt tie ecincities o! diairylag hasto retura'occasîanially tato ire alphabet o! tire subjeet la order ta demon- age moagrel stock wili nat rospoaid !airly wcll ta gaed Itrentîneat and pay weli, but 1we wIisir1C) ta epbraize tire f act that fcir,7very littir. advnnco laý original laxstratabreed o! birda may be recurcd vwhnoih haýve for gonerations boceeiecedbecauýse o! ipecial fitacass eli s Ilnyer's. meat praducers, or bath. And we woubld state imoait eprt~lythat puire bredi stocýk is e. bt ter monrey maiLker siace wreoDac is keeýpjIng fwlwith1 somne spcll urposeýs la viow La.var-, ity a! of awl en ba clctdwhieh- uniquestioaably is bo),tter fitted fo)r tire work tiran aMynymoaigrol could hel expc,_cted ta ho. S8O PVREJU1GNS WIlIL E! T jT PROMIISE 0F PE.ÂCE IN TRIE COMINGCOF EN . Pawerful. Rulers Wili Ibt1eet Eaeh Other at thte German Illa2oeu- Very irigir palitical signtificance roi attacir ta tir ca i eeting o! Emperor Nicioalas, i~îgEdrvarci, and Emperor Williiam at tire (Ger- man manacuvýrea nrw Ilaene.N deelsian, it l udrsooirs yot been reaclired as t litrr h tre savereigna s bh ccapaid by tiroir fareiga iites utscran arrangement is roabe Iti s 'a aigri r uaate o! one anotirer .at, Mayenc a,ul trc are o! an mm,raîe iewald'sl ideal a!pece Ni-ne-teira is o! tire narmbe niatter oii eit atah an la tire caniot o!finerets etroc tiroir respective apre nvain parts a! tire word. irequarter 1 irare palitici dangers migirt rireat Rumin inteesta olhid Aliagrtire nmeetin1g of! Ed(wnmd and Nihonaeold noý,t hbec! lre two arorstire more fattlint itla3 boln aarg owral-rteini_, oncettireatees ! tientg onialabg tae don. or miany,i l ieopnoo!irieig phrase, tire partL o! hiet br ienl tire operation. DANGEROUS STAGE PASSED. As tire BerIîner Poat -pits it, "Wvhen two grant eprssadop- posite each a i n a ulosantag- ontian, personal metingsa! tliroir foe rnsuci n meeting dLoca take picit is a sigant tie dangerv- t lrt9"rntioal policy rrow f1-1inls i t- iirnvt~ ryal esunce. Young Dymnoke pas-, PEIUPLE 1 soss is honor by virtue of hold- ing tire manar o! Scmlvelsby, rohicir iris arreestars have heid stince tire THE PERSONAL TRAITS 0F timie o! tire Nomman Klngs. Tire Dy- RING EDWARD VIL. maies got the mairor by marminge mare than 500 years ago, and since thon have actod as Champion at He Reigns Over One-Quarter of ecitcroaton Hu7-nian Race - ILRiIcore. King _Edwnmd VII. , ) o -LnlaniBII'AT1OI IEW pi, rtaquarter o! ma'nkind. -- As Prinice o!f ae rsicm a about $0,0;a igire sots oRDERs PROM THE THRONE about 500ady TO ADOPT NEW M AETHODS. Tire Kiag, tire Lord Mayor, and tire Constableofo!tire Tower are tire-oniy persona who know tire pasaword o! Court Says Thie.re -Wi2l bcaRe!orm tire Tower o! London. Tis pass- When tite Enrperor Returirs. word la sent ta tire Mansion Hanse qrrarterly, signed by tire King, and The ne-rad hiehir lacalied tire ils a survival o! an ancient cuatont. regeney, anci ila reaiiy a board ta Four monl London, ail a! res- canaider reformai, ila rcgnrded as o! pecta-ble anding la sacioty, sa grent, importance, sanys a despateir closcly recsemible King Edroard i a p- front Pekin. Pic hnLi Hung pearance ht it h la ten n source Cinng andi Kuag1 0a,(tir tiree o! emibat:-errasent ta thirnt. membera o! tire boa'rd w1o iare lan Edward's nsara incognito roheat Pekin, have recoivet ILacmuia traýveibing abroad iras been Baron) tion'o! about 2,000 vroords' frointir Inre.Hoeiras abso heen known ns; Court. Tiscomnatndei Mr. Mntn and la C'onstantirropieý, 'tire duties o! tire Iboardc. It, exhjortas wLiicir thuPrilace adPrincess oatioma nda Ire hurdl, whiclr la WVaicsvitd soon aiter tiroir miar- draignoi ta elaetire (Grand (ICan- njage, tr pair wcatý about tirrougir cli, or 1") '1 ta itu at i'eforrm andi tire bazanri'sanspli Mr.'aird Mra. rrnoiu rointions, ta e-scape pv WiIii1rs. crty n nd 1bocame a tronig ta banerity, Haw baong will tire King bIvo? enorgy, prudeýnce anti unselfisirness. I Tirere is an aid gypsy aayiaig tint Às alsa r'quired tint tihe memibers tire Prince o! Wales roould die by via- shahl yicid tiroir private opinions ta lence as soon as "a great ironar roas tire risiresof!ther njarity. canferret upon liiLrrr" Tire prodie- Tire comrmunication la under ton teso!ftnsgypSy are sa, iti ta have hnd ie -qý fmst directýs tinttire cnute truc lahregard t atho Imcm- boar'd shiah pay sub1ordýinatea fojr borao! urpan oyaails.teraiiiteg-_rity andaptc- Tire King irs noer siraroritire nsa itirat egad a makor0 ro aigirteat bafpr a! assassinationi.,TirO codenit.Tlir euennd sanystire boar irSrarecorrîparris 1are rapidly ap- muat retl auses witir irmcasarr pronching th ire1mb a! tire riak tirey moder-atian. Tire ýthera rare nsfol-1 will accept 011barr:- "Tiird-Tîre , board arnatcame!nii KING EDWARD'S LIFER. examine ailugesiosai( ndmntor- Ris oxpoctatian, accarding ta l- a-ls far refarnt. Whatevor r e boajrd suanrea tables, is 14.1 yoara. AI- appraves tire Tirrane roi comm".anda loance fer moral irazard, ar tire as a code o! baro . "Tirey mluat nat chanice a! assassinatian, reduc6s tis net as atirer yameais have. ta ra yoars. "Fourth---Divide tire board i-lt As a prubliiespeaker, tire King iras commliteea, sueir as tiroseý on finanýce, sîrhn n aster~y o! sirir la itricate anti comrmerce, tire reduetion o! tire debt, &c. diseubjecta as ar, iterature, "Fiftir-Follow tire gaad tliriagao! dmntiie irtorty, nilitarLy matters, tieadcutynn.dp iego enlerrg hiiping, civic institu-th l oiir*\iidaopth g,) tion,ire tudy a!the, Bible od o! otirer cuti a aso prepare 1'iýiO1 sny ane istryofbooks. Miasan oor, tie listry o Egpi, "Sîxtir-Maike Ch1ina ricin like other tire Irishr questian, tire mianageme.--nt cauntries. Rernave useleas expeadi-, af lifeboats, celbogiate educatiari, turcs, aneý laiarder ta pay tire débt ïmirulnce and firai aid training, ag- devise aeiv sources o! revenue. ricuiturai inîprovecuisas, live stockr "ev veti-i-Stop eantraating thre breediag, tire reciaimiag o! barren Seoat i imeerii iefr mati, tireandanagorrîcat a! iraspitafo,- tirde th maorsnacetientpofrtire ar- cgnora. ire nero Ciese en(Idinr th oisin-tiofarthreionyorrdtiror tire rebeihton o! Rang 'Ya Wei and tire i1ýinan týoryrùIwiys ad t airod'l in Me Boxer uprisiag. 1Inïi tate Management and mscltmrining. Japanl but nat ila erytiig. Copy Betrocen Jana. 1 anti sept. 1 o! last tr îcnr.Tiroir irearta are ý,al year Edroard weiont ta farty-tlîreei r public irir il u od. tw ty-ivcgaron artes nticaa 1"i giitî-bati' p;st miiad'Ilu certa tnitytiîea tieoea nireaariito for- promotions. tiretro ta weay-eiirtracetOO- "Nnti -Beia mempiy ircfr One o! tire feremasi 'surgeons, miro la a medical ativisor ta tire tirone, mas callet inl to proacribo fan a lady frieofa!ame wmi lary active la fasiiornabe ilfe, rrites Julian Ralpir. Sie as sulle(ýrlag froin nenvaus breitaonanti hounat hongenor- nuij ot a!c rtierin -brain, oyea, ireanit antidigsieorgana. h aint gairrg ta teil yau froeiy mirai ho sait, uirouglir i casi irer $50 ta hear il. -I cannai cure yan,"sanys ire, "bu7t yau ena oaslly cure younseif. ai -10 o'eboch every igii, na0limiter mirai caînpan.,"y yau arqe eaitamingj o)r miaitnrhat io oubaeta g bave fr' ycas re!ustoi ]t lrio anry nî1y irabu. If yontioaol't do it youn Innd iiisn, -lMra. --ras n dore maan. iHaw ml sirJuse tae enter'tala u. Btiro is tond t gon1e. If you oai') i ryriihv no cirance ta de'Cla1re (yoaed anti gone fanr many 1a yeam -ta camüie. Tiare, ihai's my prescrption. Von wil not foliaoi, h knam, but ih la al Th iave to aller an angges." USEFUL HINTS. Miik mil keep mucir btter ina a sirniiow ban ithan la a jug. A lump o! augar tirappet iInto tira niik rili -Ilp )1 0 kee')P it umeet- Ment vay hokeptif !it is rolpeti miia dry clatir anti iung np lnaa coairy pince, miii a niuslia bag fllet rviir cirarcoal an oaci ide. Tire besi roay ta ieep tire ironse caol la: Mix miîing miii sire, atit a litile inscet i al, anti roiitemvasi tire orriside o! tic moaf miii il. Fir mwincir hato ho kepi several hourasiraoulti ho milclceanset, i, peti dry, anti ubbirovenroir a itile -oan4e mrra sugar. Wasir befare If ganits or ourmiga got iaticth car, a pull a!ftobacca amoke iii ren- ter tieni irelplcas. Afierwartia a lit- tic ,vo mter put lu tire ear wll b, Ls1g iret oui. Wironyau'e ry iraianti feci al £aven lioyou my inîge lan pleasanrt cobr by rtlgtire Ihacha a! yarcars miii colt mwater;(or, bettor atil,use Lim o hsopao cmtei claýtir, afier thi mannler a!f spectac'le Wieaevem you feci hotiaianti mu tle pureS yelloro soap. T i i not)nly keep tIire fiec cool rohen wuuing, but i rolîlgo a lon)g way ta prevont corna 9anti otir Common1w Tire secret o! sanimicr isentilrely la tire ni'ilhpin ati(Il.Giogot breati antii ttr, aitirersi iargiy nite a!patien,;ce Tire bn ~ 1)(-uaio elieaieiyv tln anti 1-tes,(irebtter nmua i sfi antid ex~nh aponi.ch1eýeo mui ho flnely1 gmaetani mntor flir cioppeti ori direct rond ta Woýairet. Tire eemy !eil inria turc trp, andthie punsit hy tire Mounte Inla atny arrd Camel Corps mirlei1 I tiescnibet inhamy pre-ý viaus lettonmas tire conséquence. Dnning tris punait about one hua- dreti more o! tire encmy, more kihiet, anti a large number captureti, tire Mulahi, inisei! being rcry neariy- _tien. Front frai -ta mai, thro re,1 tire enemy hiave hast some elgiri inn-, tiet kliti prahabiy tma tirousanti mountiet, anti a large aumber a! pri- suors, beaies about anc huadreti anti fift y tirousanti nupees moruir o! canner ant "attie. Tùe-resutt is;tiraiLt tire aieo! tire Nortirn antiEd t ei na Dal 'ibupan, miro, ritir tire Aieg- uni,mono tire Mllai's mninsiny, baoraoiset trercimfe! monita au Wcmp t met for reace o-nar arn tnna. Tirey.1 have '1peti Muiî.Tire(,Jama Sln ,,ýid have eren gonesa for, as ta ,a 1tt anid bot tire Atieri MT\iabý1a, îhease tirey say tint h mawýs ftire lto mio, seducet thora iiframth-iir aedoîo ta thre Bitisi Gaverarneni. Tirey have cap- tureti test o! tire pr'operiy o! tire Adien Matioba, anti are holding ifon ns ta tahe over. VERY ECCENTRIC. O! course yan quito undenstanti tirai I shahl cail upon Mrs. Wiriffion for yaumr character, rmrkned Mma. Tng tiy t ie gir-hsielirat just en- gagoti. Cetainly, in'mn' repliedth ie girl, al- turougir h rouît ratier yorr tidn't, for Mna. Whiffler ha so eccentiletint sic is nat nimnys ta ierenilet upan. hanmirairoay is sic eccentrie? Sire insista tiraihem huabant isl qite a madel f ailer anti huabanti, and ttit lier chilîdreai have nat cana- cd lien a mroment's anxhty. Rl'm! Not imuchin lait. Tien siresanys tint aire is perfectly content mii ane new ro icsanti anc uierirai ocisea-san. 1-l'ia! sire ha eccentric tien. Sire daebn't cycle-sanys i sn't monnly, aiie furtier tis tirai mamnea ha-ve gai tierir igiri anti have notiaig id figit for. Coati gmciona ontisay so! Anti, flaaiy , airelianeyer attenteti a bagai sae, anti aiys tintthîue a)nly thgs oliti Centare tire wmnen wlia buy! 011, tlicm"ona' m11ati! I slian't trouble lien for yonr ciaracier; you ena camne mhrc. you like. Be Surve yurngit, exe.laImodth ie Confideont Pirhiosoplien, ani tien go Be anme you're igit,poesoitire MarrietiMaandtitien iget toma On your kïecs anti ask ta ho forglven! Baais ta goot aira, is ho? Výeny; gooti. We were practising aitireý target tire airer day, ant i ie ii tlire bu1' ye t1ire frati ure. Waader!ui' Yeýs; but lie iradt t pay for tire bul. tire-, rogress and prasperilty o! mnany fartl)era is tint they too often eet impr)iovementa cnrelesiy, naurg poor mnatemrinis regairtlesa o! tire f net tint roork paarly donc roi la a few yeara have to ho donc aoven. Hoeelsan fonce tint ras hut only a fcw yeara ago. Noro it must ho built aven. Home is a gate or door aff its images, andti oaron-arountidief aIrnr.-Thcy arc gcneraliy rusired, roý.pnlriag e- buildinig, patclrlng up. Againi, fnrmntrs7 toao!tcn change tiroir inis about hrotiey waat tire lots, aoti nd bnildiigs aanag-_ cd -nad -Taýre cnnuniy tenariag up, and chninijg sirriing. , tning tinra and mrryt1int ontho pmfitably sprît la atiirer ray. N usoa!tris. haI telba, laearag youn lots, plnabttie, tiriiik over yauIr plans, bo sure you hveit ins yen mat I1-i t, nmnent. Pu 1trefoce imetoa ay, use gad Irrtra.One good poat tit nu ,:Imant '8Oyeams roilnot cos t any more thiantre paar anes tirai roilnatat irai! tint tinte. Do nat say you have not tinte ta taie pains roir h .It wiil take boss tinte to fix it rigiri noro tian it roilta re pair it next ycear. It ila tie sane itir a[i th -ir lrravemerria. It mliitake bs tiare imd oxpens- la tire long rua ta use tire beat la bath materini anti constIlruction. T'ire saýnieule miii appby ta tire hrec4ýding and caig for-bv tai Use gaad breeds. You cannat affor~d ta maise acrir stock. It la faiseecea- nomny toa saytire scrub roi do bo- cause ire is cben,,p or ta aay tint tire nortir aide of n mine foncejr. a cirenp or sireitor tiran n gooti shedi. A few good individunla at tire heatiofa! Irord woi save tire dieroace in tire eaat la tira improvtent a! tire quai- ity a! tire ellspriag. Besidles,, a goati herti a! stack is a pieaure as we'l as a profit ta its omner. ,Lot uns makeoaur fart asucir ns roil be a hrappy and substantial homne, a fit dwvelling place for-tire Canaýdian fairter, mirose occupiiation isý tie ot ieedet moat henitirlt- fnl ndmoat praising of!tire pre- senit day.ýTfi-reia ý ois lay o o ona for ire evelptenIt ai LdisPlay o! PURE BPRED STOCK. I 'a fffvisabbe mlrvIen bnveting la tire paityusiness ta ýselect tire boat specimieas obtaiinable3o! tire bret ii e a pmtieuiarly adapteti ta tire trnade minchi laeo hocatereti ta, andtiis selection slironît be -Vemy earefuily made, saetire future of tire buýsiness iependa ta a, coas;ider-ý able exten-t u'pon tris selectIion.i Tieeare, taa, maay otirer -aivaint-î ages in gttiag anc gaod breed antLio Stickînig to it. ire surplus caeemes frot sei stckmay be disposeti a!ý for beeding pnmp oses antci ai rie a,,hea-d of aie aus Surpiats1i icggs, toaimy ho solti fer hntcing,, ai pricea coaisideuablyiy l drý,anjce o! gsfor tbleuse. We do flt wis ta ony tir, impression tirai av-Iu-ý Mlitany eavents la ntiAfrica no langer tirrea-tea toaod ltainterna- tional srpiss Sci uggestions as appeaIr la sonne ,ýLoadan sensation- al orgais aotitreto by Et- pemor Wilim rec diarniset inlaGCr- ntany ausuri i mlu i knam tirai turn111g Lhem ai iuns Quece1 Victriapbetget tire Czar ,vanti tire! Raison1ta take no top tirai rouît be emasiniýg ta Goa Britainý until ponce m, hd beeniroý-establiîshet la Soutir Aficýa. Tcela nat tire leasit oubbîi'n iL nats I hoe kepi hh 'fou ovroga. Ail these codiiosvar ore!nly for Accord1ing, to tire C 'gn azette, mhIci is api ta ire mclili mîei la rilont )an1y me ai tirereom but mhlh ais,) xcragevisita ii Dannaattrolor treCzar anti1ïj atiiHanburg, wmiromc Ring lEtrd, miistay, ataid1tW!oabaden, mrr' tram ,auguat goss EFFECT TOLB) FA-1,1C',NG itlaincnola l irai0uiese vri- ons interviens irobtiocur ur anihot cansequences o ie oifar-reacir- ing kiati. ha, court circi aBmîai aalsa saidthtiaiRing Eirdrlli prair- ably pay anin g ratotaEmpeorr Firunis Josopi, miam ie ias -nai sceon sinreiice ssion, an ttta meeting, betrocen t!ire Russiuna ati Anstrian Eprr iibe ,arangeti sirthy beforc, or-a!t h ie Czrn's reiunahonte. Altogotr, ttrnc mli ho tho mosi [notable exciaige o! Impernlianti Royal caurtearos tirat irL as occumreti o! ecent yeams. FORCHNS SLD RS Reroartsis ncelia giron mfor pro- mess on tbthe e-iiiunChina, hut mien iicy are ire oatacceptable a! tirmentaI, fronit tire private soi- dier'a po'int o!om, la a ancio! cantntln oflero!fcai mgieai iras po or agieas vmaVny;sacis ras riec, ralui ai utree mos. Tire o! every cmag osentil nfor- miabebi tatoic Greamntfori nc. No inquire ae mat, na)r are tir-e r1ames a!Êireeie nt aki dfan s50 la fine ocatses uoui a! tntire officer sel'la tire ýOgra,ýinanti pt tira mLoney int) iis Owa pachet, mletire te- aerria1g sald(ier, ta mirantie nit mould i iav mea ot el n frai day a ai ooýting. Xumit arione ýýye forlmia iiy're asigu1- iag nyiirrg. Ho~ins-Or, hai's3 per!ctiyampl, my ean filoo o they montiatehoable ta sec aly-! One a! tire iappiesi moments a! tire Kirrg's life mas rien ho mon tire Derby miti Porsiarmon la 1896. Shoating tire King pinces abave ail atiror entertalarnenits tîrat cari ho alicrot i hm, andi iis principal visita have aimnys been palidla tire shoot- igseason. Yýclrtlng ie under- stnstirarou!girl. -T!ie ýIng ,is an AN IVTRT MRR Under "Likes anti D"isikes," tie King bras written la tire Ducireas o! Fi!e's auburn aver iris signature, -I aint tie__lrappiest mien I1irave no public eggeettaflilrnn1 enaantakel a roniiy goond cigar, anti rond., a gond ~ivlor-tire quiet, w1oiron hLoan, liue pilan.Jones, go taar eting mý-hurat boia.g croi ieti a ie !paper tire noxi ntmigtiraitirýe Prince ýA Wales irs akea ta gaiiî1nîg very serions- ovor albord ta payý; wroia h na speird ani y ariuyý. hu irbapi w Iran h have a magirg toatiacýie ai h ave ta attend saine functiar oie 1 must s5tlO as pleasarrily as ýthraugir h nover had a pain in my if. Edmarti VII. is ratier n ligit ent- er, oxcept at dinîror, antiiras nover boerra ngreat romue tiinker. ha tic matter ai gits tire King iras beca abntantiy favoneti. Tiroy vary in sire front a cnt ta, a hotol. Daoga, as atidotirer quadmupeda ga- lame ciravu been giron ý11or t! -t o-tahie King by) bcuest. is ane ias hen enioa l ntfar front za irunretrouis llas treipient a! tire f nmiiy tig, anti aur more linaanon occasion an nnuýit.y irs err bofiby n testatar la artierirattire main- teanrce o! tire animal sirorriti h no oxpease-ta the rayai niaster. One hrobby o! Edwroad's is coibeet- inrg crystals. Hoi-roos ahi about cermnica anti bro>nzs. One o! tire King'- treasumes lsaa sobiti gal ititlner set, tire moat mag- nificent la tire rorii. Ihis avaineti at $4,000,000 ant is kept at Wind- sor Cast"le. Anoçtirer uniqueý speci- monof! Ls kinti heionging ta Eti- mmiud i ir Ue sttecaw1ge mci cosi $40,000 ha addiion ta bcing tie uoat iamnte veinclela eistence, it lsititauh e 1 ýo! ti1re moat u--- conifartabiecQce Vctri enver used ti hi ~aire co ý,ulti a-vaitidola-g sa, as il nimnys ,gave lier ca heaid- KING EDWARD'S CHAM-PION, tie Cirampinuo!Enlani.is a yolng Linýolasire fairtier nmt Dy-nake. Ha is o! a stations anti retýimiag dsoitolttie given ta tire gatyetieso! ti,- re rat manii. hIl laa iti ire l somemîrbat exerel'seti aver te ccsatyo! fulfu1ilng tie dutieca o! Jiis office. Tilais taGoride, on !tire e ctiobanjquet is stel ama, atich1allen1genail Camlera ta deaiy tirhtb t ire nof sover- tire gol en gia ildmi in fmaily bac(king ishmcfot tire anicrons ana selfisn, mactrre naîpress Downger homacîf, andi canat grnsp tire situation. 'The' ahiost o! tire lot ha Li Hnng Chrang, but hlai con- sidereti toaid ta again attempt ta miake tirorouglr reformas. -Wang Vea Smao, Jung Lu, Lu Chuarn Lin anti Hanu Ying-c'ueij, tire airer mnembers' a! tire board, are at Siagan-fu. A sopamar"to bttefa!expianatian quent anti superficiai. THINCS YO-U CAN'T DO. ritouot iovirrg if you are bli- You can't stand ai tire aide a! a mooin thtrbath o! your !eet toucir- inig tire minscatiagbngiwie Yon antget ont aC! a chaiirroirh- 1oui b %,ting yanhotvyforroard or putig yurfotnder lt-tint is, if you areositciig squaroly on tire cîrir'ni not an tacii etige o! ht., Van ntt mulir an egg mien pîne- ced lcngthirmýise betreen yonr irarîts- tiat la, if tire egg la sounti anti ias tire odlnary sireli o! a iren's egg. Yau ca't break n mnatch if tire mnatsch is laid acrasa tirenil o! tire niidie finger a! your-iaîrd sind press- cd upon by tire firat anti third fan- gorsa!f thre sainelIranti, tioughir mnay seonr easy ai irai igut. NOT_ LOOKING FOR A STAR- GAZER. Dea-ler-hîene, matant, la a hrorse, h can rneconînenti souati, kinti- Olti Ladiy-Oh,- I don't mat tint sort'o! n hamac. He ialda iris heati Denier-Eh? Olti Lady-I lilke a hanse tint holtis bis nase close te tire graîrat, 50 ho cari soc rohere he's gainrg. Wirat'li yon have, aie asiretisovene- iy, at tire breakfast table, for lire ind been out bute tire aight befare anti sire hd nat yet forgiven lmr. I tui, irerepletmeckly, tint h roanitiappreciate a geniai stuile anti a plon,ýsant nanti about" ns muci as Bld ciyan 1sec tint roman miro mas anneasteti for sbopli!tlng? Sire took a ha.ntikencrie! andti wo pair o! stock- laga. Wasn't sire foolisi. If aire md oaly inkea a golti mvach or a dia- mnoud pin sire mtiigit have prard etiriý sel! a klertomnaiac. Johaa-Pap, miat ila abicycle face? Pp-iebicycla face, ty- sois tir c ,0 tirai puis off 1tire bncetire grocer, attiire] mat[?ic- lord0,till tire lmachini s pali for. Are you anyrela'tion ta iy sister? Hie bîsr nistamer1eti unti tirej salveti tire matten hy syrg-o btoutlie ta be-roouli't yu Ah! p (1d? 1 lb o! she(ep's moal jis suffic-ien1tota pracayard o! Ïbeat qnilty cai Since 1875_(the year, I tinîk, la micirM. Bradlauglr'a boak "Tira Fruits o! Pliilaauphy" roapublsir- cd) tire tecease a! aur bintir rate liras been 6 per cent., !rom 35, ta 29. If tris continues la tire aoxt iroeaiy- five yoans i miii have ta carne Cdama froni 29 ta .23 per 1,000, ant i in b.a tran f!fty years fronitliuns tLinte hi, mili have bceon reducedti t 17, tira to0-wesi g erhich-,me ena inragina tire bintirmate ta reacir. Tiremrouwil thon be no Inenease o! tire nation, but, as nom la France, tire piraspect o! ------ CTUAL- DIMINIJTION.- "'But thene is more tran ta. Tira procosa iras ithertoafaleetet I aaby specral parts a! aur caunitr.y. hat Loation tire annaa birtimate laabu 29 per, 1,000; l Wsttaonelaald ,it l ab[ouIt 20. At Gaiesireatdi tad at 3;->:t Llntidensf1eltiani 22. ha tire mi:tter toron, tiraughir h la a founiisýi- ing mafci1a1cnr ,rn Icr nctunliy 400))lemer pýopho iii90 thora moreila 1891, andt1i resia boanti cannot fil thioi sc1iroala. Tire is noý reasan ta doubtîat-iitire limitationis o! !amiliua miii go aonho yorii nny inasignabie limita iuhes tira cosineo!ftire 1nationark t fanda renson f or iCs existence(, . ]La Aeiafor a bang unepnat ?atiiia Australlia, astieect nssirm it iras takeni n fifmt haLlil, ns ilhuira natumai for yauag peaple roitlirsînnil inicoracata Say, 'We eatmlonoens1,ll lire la tic station la mmici rc rar bonn, ai brng up, our crlieI tire fatily ho limitedte t one or imaý.' Tiey fargot tîrat tire affection o! a large fariiy lanti iri utuailp la tic stnnggIe ! )liMe are a!ton tire stimulus o! m1iat ha besti n hamneteýr' anti even ha temiporal meii-being. "Tire Frenchiren justiy animd. But tire Frencir have no neal caianie's,ý anti they have a contpnmniivcly sti commerce. To us tire rirabe mord, lies open. Ouir thneu greai grouips o! colonies, i Caa , ut alirat Afnic, ea bsmbnuttresurplus popuIzýî1lai o a ieBni t isir hales for ant intielinite tiae ta 0carne; :anicolaniz- atian ný o lager ,nseparain In tire preCsen1ce a!ftese pssibil1itieI: la no0t tlire olifai diinuLltion o!ofaur race a ernime agatinatLt uaaity ati uts Aution?", CU1RIOUS COTTAGES. Near Wnefetlti, in York!sihreI,. Eng- lati, af mosi cm!rnbecottagei ira bon ate, sofanar s ire r ails uecan1enei, o! a n1Iumber- cfgra dra-tinl-pIipl)eft tby atconItr!',Cter' for year, nMai tire oaa!10 ( fcon1,sista, o! tire refseo!ar i ieotir faetary. TireraL,- maIbaani ra!are matije o! ment and otlier tis. TURE ENULI8II BIRTII RÉPL DECLINING iVORE ILAPIPL-et ýTRAN THAT OF FRANGE. DenFremuantie of Rijpoon o the Declne-Cusesand ÇCozise- of te prlillnessOf their ra'nc,an consquetly the story t'old bytheI last cesus, 1that the En7'Igiish brl. rakte was deCliningý evea mor0ie rçil Uipuli, points Cout i inl Itter ta th cept Rusis going in the same- direcction, aand nd la oaiag t "In the yerr 185,"hosnys -"there0 weýýre born in the IntdKiiour, 35 childrcn for each 1,000 cf thec I)oople. In the year 1 10 thor rar o'ily 2q. Tirat is, for. every 1'1,00 of our 41ý iliosthere are now born)six eerthian nt-ie er ago an tis mieanus a lo1bs o! 249,- 00 cildren for each yoar. This,,isý a neýW and strange phenomenon 0u il Enln;but, what la stili or startingit implies -a mu1ch or 1apid oclneof the birth r1 ateth1an tto!f lrance, where thu proce(,sas , gone on gradually throughouettho1v century. "A well-known statisticiaai-Mr. Hlt coin-a receatlýy suim- Med! up a a ustveinqujýiry by pojintintg ou 't tha,-t, whereas in 1875 thý exc 1so!births ovr eathala l Engan wa 85 greater thlan la1- Facit i,-,,now 0111y 6.8; and ihe add(s thiat this Cbas ceta piis'ý de- spite the caclinuous and matçil dcneo! th1e French -ýtbi-lrth'rte du- ngtewliole pperiod, a decIle, Ihow- ever, which hlas been exceded bth ac(tuailly andrlic ' eitively by thec, DECLNEO0 OUR OWN RATEF,- "Thiis sutteof thigahs benlit- tle noticed i n Engind bcuoo! two causes: Firast: Pari 1passu with thle dl,ine o! thle birth rate thepre 1has bena large dcIine la the death irate, iThi>s stood in -18,75 at 21 rer 1,000; nla " 10 0 a t 18. ý Thiat la, wiewo are lo0sinig six ýfor eCach 1,000) b-y the ICesscne1d ir1ths, vwe are galin1g 1three by thele Icsened dah. W a quaLrteir of a miillion anrnually Iby tho dejath rate. Second: The immniigra- tion lba-s largely iacreaed.Whra in former decades the eirnse. eeeded the immigrants by 6800 a year; la the last decade thAey hiave been nearly baianred. "Our loas by the birth rate(, iq largeiy made up, like tirat cfFane front abroad. But this inicreaised im-, migration is ýby "n ensa1t1 !c tory tin. A11d1as to thede aýh- raeiý, it baý-srecd a point beyoa(,,d whih i cri îuriygo. It)aowï stands at 18, wh1)ich mean fiis that erv eiy hild bora l hi uisacQ1iz'