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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1901, p. 4

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*ZOth Century gBaking Powder A1txiays "RiSe-S quat to the 0 Iis an up-to-date Powder and our Specia per pound.l Over 900 pounds have already b we expectbjefore the end of this month to b aif ton. IT ýELLS ON ITS MEIT. Our Pl avoring Extracts will be 1ound oh and excellence. Our leaders are Lemon SBring your -boutle and have them frllced. TO0L E'S w rWESTi' END DRUG STI The CalladÎallSaeslal 1-OWMANVILLE. AUGTýI. 121, 1901 IIR. DRYDEN'S DAKOTA RANCH. Thisîsle he day of politicai tkeqks, n weO arle trly sorry tetsomerthro1) o the Conservative proe ar-Ie tho lýakers. We areal stil!i fmuîlar with sn"Icb politicai fakes as the_ Silvo(,r Medal1 Bull, thej IPam Dan eand !the Gdaf iwith a Cogitepureet kilid of fakes every one of them. A ner-y in the sPanie eataery e Ds de's akota Ranich. 0f coremeey id agh, at thei Billy editors for sucbPapotty piee of childisýh twaddie; ifswretancide -its own ightsihln 1,110hemotive behindc it al is tooe tinly veiled tei dIeceive anly saie eiector. Consider for a mnomient what the reýa ücrumtgnee sthat le ceusing snch a howl from the Toryv press and eue or twe Liberal papers frni whom better sense should ho expected. This ranch- in,- company of Canedians was organ lzed about a yCar ago te carry ou a ranching business on. Uneci e Semn's pasture with hie knowledge, and con- sent. 11e le the eue who mîght reason abiy complain i fcmplint there need be. if there le any profit ii t, it wifl ,ome te Canada. Se verv littie Ipesturo Iaud eý,n be found lu Ont-trio s.uitabie for renching, indeed, we know et noua and thiere le net hîkely to be any, so that thjis Dakota ranch cannot come into) coDflict with Onteri;o's egricultïura intere'et'Slte slightest degree. Thoen the very .vpubishoers wýho are doiung this fekiuig are cut [tn he Aeicen adv erti si ng- fiee sfor busines auIt the eaui buy a pro3Se, a fout e tpbroie ink, or ton e0 papeer r lu the iai Price isl10e been sold, and round off the extra strength anld Vanilla. Cheesemen say that improved meth- ode will have to b e adopted for curing cheese and some factories are contem- DIatiug adding a more perfect cold storage s3 stem. Great Britain cern plaineuý of the quality of cheese ,slip!ped from1 Canada caused probabl0y by the exceýssive boat et theasenwhen the iik supr ly is; greatest. Ch,-eese is mlost subjo icted to clîmatie influences rly lur i the season ana requiros gre-rater care. One act of Nerthumiibe-rlend Oid Boys lu connection with the annual re-union at Cobourg was worthiy of imitation- by others mial situatedý. Tweuty-six old by on the Pacific coast signod a letter of greetings and forwarded it te the Mayýor to be read at the reception. ilreeton that occasioni were de- hghted to receive sncbi fraternal greet- luge ad it would no drnîht have doue th(- hea,<,rts of the seuders great goed, could theY have seon the enthusiasm that marked the reading of their cheery message. ý Bowmanville's rate of taxation for 1901 le 20 milîs- one miii more titan 1900, This increase le owing lu part to un- settled accounts of last year, expenso of submitting three by-laws, street improvement, entortaining the Durhamn 'Oldp Boys and at decreaso of nearly $13, 000 lu the total assessment. So fer as we can jud(ge- there bas not been any waste of money by the ceuncil, and conderinug aIl the circumstances we ceanuot sec that tbere leg-ond reason for faultflnding, Taxes should be paid promtly lvandgrcius this year be- causec of the imrve usineSssout look' and oe fitheiencurageme.nnt we hiave of -engtwoue11ndustiesbooning flu our midet very seaon. Hon. Wmn. Mulock, wbo was a pas- senger aboard the Lucania wben Mar- coni'ï wireless telegraph was eff actively used, speaks of the tremendous value of this system in Canadian commerce whether in case of steamships being' dis-abled and stimmoning help speedily or in warning away ships coming too close to destruction. Editors have -funny experienices and here le one that ail of us meet with sooner or later.- A certain, editor who shall bo nameless was asked to publish an article roasting a citizen "Certain- ly,', ho said te the caller, what shall 1 say? lIe was furnished with an outdine of what was wanted, and wrote an article that was a scorcher. That's splonM'd," exclaimedthe friend delight- edly, when the article was read to hlm. "Th&t's right; that'll makýe lis hair crinkle 1" "Ail right," said the editor, "let me see-what are your initiais ?" ' Good heavens," said the citizen, l'you are not going to sign my namne to that !" -Why niot? atiked the editor. 'I wouldn 't have anyone know I had anything te do with that for the world. I cannot afford to get into a serape with my neiglibors." The editor smiled be nevolentîr and said,'Why should I mix up in a scrape that doee flot conceru mo? Why should you expeetime toas sume the blame for the publicatian of an article to which vou are afraid to sign your name? The man stopped his paper and went away mad." An exchange, we ferget what paper, expressed surprise the other day be- cause THEr STATESMAN was advecating the erection of a summer hotel at Port Bowmanville No doubt our critic was tbinking of a bar when he gave us a bar, but barring a bar we !have neyer been fanatical'enoughZi to fancy vthiat we can get aiong without hotel1s. Wýe 1have no use for a bar in an hotel, indoeed wve prefer stopping at bar-less hotelries when tbey are properly kept. MWe have travelled aIl over England and a large portion of Scotland, Ireland and France and f ouud respectable temperance hotels in every large town and city wbere we had occasion to stay. We desire ne bcitter accommodation or ser vice, either. As we write a letter lies betore us from a ver 'v fash)Ionable sum- mer resort in Quebee lu which the writer states : "I arn told there are 1000) visit- ors in this place but no liquor is sold 5s0 that one never sees a drunken iian. - We certaiuly wish to see an hiotel aG Port Bowmianville, we know at lea. hait dozen persons from Toronto whio would have corne hero if tbey could have' obtained board et the lake. A few mouths betore Sir Chai-les Tup per made bis lest appeai for power the Tories of Ontario issued amongst others the folowing instructions:-" Appeal against ahl Grits on tho ists who can be struck off. Put on- ail Conuservative,, whose namnes are not onl th'q list. A Conservative appealed againt-irtitte facts waqrrant bis being struck off the list-shiould nlot attend the court. The appellant in that case wîll usuall.!y flot have the ev-,idence to succeedl. Sub poena Ulal grits appealed agaust here8 you bave good goudfor aRel.if they do)not ated cort tley wiU I be strucýk off withoutieuf3o'. The Sub- poen1a le obteinled troile Clerk of the Counaty Court fo'r twou,'ty cns One cotiigaIlliteinames in tha ui cipality, suifficos. E'ach nan's Ene WE81ENDHOUEO. (Boys' Clothiorsi) WS N OS Ylou Want Your Boy to Look as well as other BoysI When sehool starts the boy as a general rule wanits New'ltig fh does not need a complete Suit ho~ usually needs a pair of Knickers. General- ]y a ew Sirt ad T ,mot always a pair (if good tougli wearing Boots. Wehae heMost complete outfit for boys, that ev,3r came into our store for the fali- of 1901. Don t leave it to the last minutet e oi o' uft Alteral ions on all Suits free of charge. BOS'2-ieeSuisS )UlTS. BOYS' 2-piece Suits, niicely made, tough wearing Cloths, worth $1,90, for $,5 - -- -- - -- -BOY' -piceSuispleated back and front, nice assortment to pick from, for $2.00 BOYS' 2. piece Suits in elegant Tweeds and Worsteds, best trimmings, for- $3.00 BOYS,'iBlouse Sis just a few lef t, with wide sailor color, for $12 ~ BOYS' 3-piece Sis made up neat and made to wear, for M -$350 BOYS' 3-piec- Suits (broken sizes) worth $3.00 to, $3.50, to clear for--$25 S BY 3-p" 2iece Suits in Scotch Tweeds, beautiful patte-rns, double-breaýsted Vests, for -1-4.50 BOYS'Kncrs made up in tougli Tweeds and. Worsteds, 75e c own to --4S8c -BOYS' Knickers, mnade up in strong moleskin elothis, wear well1, per pair ' -25e BOY""S' FURNISEJNG-S, S BOYVS' Flannelette, Shirts, good patternis, wash wel, ail sîies 19 BOS' 'Navy Blue Duck Shirts, p ldot in stripe, ail sizes --4 8e ~~ BOYS', aps, the finest range we ever kept, a nobby cap for-2e BOYS' all-w ool Hliose, 20 doz. lot, worth 35c per pair, for 2 5e ' SOHOGOL BOOTS. '7YOUTIiS' Kang. Bals, szs11-1, tstylish looking touphir1.9 YOTSGanBlszs1-3 eptc ae uprpair par1.13 BON'Biff Bals, sizes n-,,reatan tough, per pair 1.2 BOYS' Box Cidf Bals, sizes 1-5, swell loolers and good fitters, per pair 1.98 BOYS' ang. Bals, sizes 1 -thy give good satifation, per pair $1.50 IALITTLE Men's Boots,, a good stron o ot, ;worti 10 e ar o 8 X-CHJID'S Pebble Bals,_ a great sebool Boot, good value for .75 - The Iost Coffplete Boys' Store in Town-- - - TUE WEST EI¶D- OUSE. John ilc(11ýMurt ry.

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