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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1901, p. 2

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And ail Forffi.s f ltchlng, .5caly Ilumours are hstartly Re!ieved and Speedily Cured by Complet- Treatnut, consiitiag ut Cu- TIrcuiA SoAP, ta leanse the tkhs of*rusts and scales aînd softesî the thiekeneri cuti- cie, CUTICIuiA OIxNssiissc, ta ioStastly allay itcbing, irritation, sud inflammation, ansd soothe and heai, and, CuTîcuRA REs- SoLvENsT, ta cool and leanse the blood. A SINGLEs SET lu oISon auffict to cure the malt torturing, disfiguring, ituhiug, bnrnieg, blcediuig, scaiy, erusted, and pimpiy akin, scalp, and blood humours, when al aise fails. Millions of -People Use Cuttoarsi Soult, assistect by Cteura OliDmeot, forr1<a'ti fyi ng tise skie, fer lcansing tise scalp, and stopping cf failing bah', for softenisg aud w1titsn- lug the hanels, for baby icliiegsanad rashes, la battis fer annoyiag irritations aud chaf. ingi, er la fc ec or off ensive perspiration, iu waslîes for uleerativo weaknesses, for usaoy sanative aitiscptuc poupases whiciel suggest tiiens<lvesto wcîarn and nîcilers, sud fer ail ltse peiposes cf theiseb, allsdsonursery. sold by ehdrugmstai. Briish n< ai, 7-28 Charterhos, Sq., L.ndon. PSITER 5. &C. Joue., soie Prisa. Tis aiiwayÎ, about whicb tisesreat by the Ilcasians. Nosu thatmi Austualin hîejacliet is in the f or"ý- ua-s soilie disputç, is the- ps'perty ofJ ita-iy contrai is sic loniger' nocosaaî ,...oun,- uileBritish, Ilussian, Ger- anu Englisis cornpa-iy. For a tüieitit lias, isosevor, boon hassded ove' toi mau, Frmci, aîd native lisdia-isOffi- suas eccupiedp-rty hythe UCirissasso, he Britiab-.,Tise vauied uaticna-bties corswr inlatbis cise ca-s atthe Parti~lsy b tiseJuee , sid for ttý' ksebo use it a-sa-y lieehcscen. Ais tia-iistise tchws-mna-do. sisn~onuvaa-rm~Pr u,!coiifound it, the tbing na-s repisobe-- duc ties te d;lisssur engagement 1- isible, and rat aa yccg mess mdtogetiie, 'cssetiing wsucd aureiy ho 'W'HY TI-IE UDUE 4~sucsseis sere-accussternef te boisa-voin Isa-ida-îd tîiîstisey culfima-ko it 1 s youig- oand visseiappy ever tftersuards." Thon the sudden anger dieC a-sa-y, "Splndi! f caly it eouid be -befoî'e Iissi. Alter alis young tatnce, an ly the soit spia-sî oi I.People sulil he- the fouusta-ilsa hsoie the diqacsy o tili- "Nol l'Il h- b---" pa-ing!" noas. Judo lrssrywit ai apreensve "0Ois Lansce, subat wotuld tise jsidge Thougbtsý sucli ns ca-rnle tiste judg glance arouîd, puiîed histusaif up on sny if he sa-sulus nosu?" are ra-ue itmus tise oe f a- ma-r, a-nd the verge of a-n indiscretion. Witb a - WJba- wouid Mrs. Lister sa-y?" lend tor.slo t a-t oh te decep)- igh cf relief ho aoted the longi quotis Lance irnperturbahîy. ticus. stî'tch f ouptycorîidcs. 1 caî't understand wisvy tlsey He rose at lengtb a-ad dî'ow hlîn- treac feni tise cotrridgnsofr.-sould botis object te oui' caring for oelungbthe wigbt ci the dis- sua-hlz frosîs the distanst ha-lic oîspmr - l a ther," lie suent esi. "Thereappojliatrd le ars i clilng assay frocs tia-Iiy tem-ipeu'ed tise judge's <assuoiti~y. acenisanouic sasoawsa-tuvou. Tise bisi ie th'e, noîssiory of a hgd -Coa-fouusd the youngster," ho mut- goves aor lisas uevec donc ai, unjust drea-rn. terod lessa asgrlly. q"1 e ahaoiutehy tbing heoe. But ises, sulicuI sali Ilope, tho phoenix, sprang anesu lu dodoes nse! 1 ina-do ii ndes'sta-nd for a iea-sonable objection, ho shuts iis heac-t.,àia-a-Ias ho pusbod tise tisa-t ncthing wouid over induce me hua teeth and saya, cssldishly, 11'Il dîooping ,-pins a-ide, andi ateod by ta counteusaîce such a mas cage, a-ad objects hoca-use bu doos!'" the folmssiin, tise manthe ofai - y- yut iscre lie lisas hcrss a-l Hw il!"Igoeyots nelpfihsî.onemoe tise eviuig dausgling ater- - "Confound, thoir i.npeti nuince!" hPs'esusstinoie i Sylvia- is a- nice girl, tf imuttered tise judge. y ho hor a liglt. nois fi colurse; Ibut se ialieor edacugiiter. And "M,ýothser heisa-ves in oxac1ytlv te il:bn -svms came out oif tise ta Lanse's maria-go witb a- hild aIsani sa-y She rea-Ilikm-sy ss-ds -a tof eidebhi. Mairy Listes'I nves sili consent. by1suuiy kIlnesu; bt-- Oh. ous is inth .e juilgo recogniz- Wb-thppnd e-îa -o aa en a-se! Oshoiso.! ii-us af'ad c d ir vusi ts geus -te dccc at the oaCI1cf iso cu'idor, sgi. "iaehr o euoar god yl ouaig 1)cu aII" s tnîird Intodcftseil arc asS fthensisel- ie! Yo' - sl- licaird. M3, t7û A Gi*psy Told cf Verdil's Cm F ortunse. "Seme day,"said a z, de, n ong the great 01100 of the LarthL. Kings will xic oi1uone aiee-' t do hics bonor, a-ad sxben lie dius na- tions vvil r mouru." The. innkeeper guffawed loudly at the îsrophe as he poured out a gýlass of ciao for the "propîsot" to drink the boy's heaflh; but bc liv- eri long enougli to see bis son, Gui- seppe Verdi, on th ise lg road ta the i dors anddairne wich s'vcre show or- ed on the gruat îsucian slator, assd whelk closcd s'ecentlly in a national fueral. nnd the grief of continents. Ten yacrs Inter, a tali, gaunt, raxv boned yeuth, svho had made a journey to iNews Orh«a<ns as abired manl on a flat-boat, was tempted byl a feliow-worl<ran te bav e bis- fortune told by an ola wonian «hlo haci a rcputa-,tion1 for diviaing the future. "Yon are lew now,ease aaid, af- ter consulting thc cmcds, 'very 10w, but you cili l high. You will bu the greatesi. saan iin ail Amcerica, but 1 sec bioodsbcd an-nlbut, rio! I1s5 not tell yolu any mnore." -Came along, Abc; that's good enougli," the >youth's cempanien said, as ho dragged him away, laugbing bugeiy at the Prospect of Abe ever rising higber thnn a flat- boat * But tbirty years later, wben Abra- hanm Lincoln- was inaugura-ted a-s President of the United States, HIE PECALLED THE PROI'IECY, but ho couid net sec the ena. That carne lator, on that tia-gie evening of April 1thtbrive yea-rs later, wheu the buliet of tIse ma-d acter, Booths, crasbeci into tise Prosidenit's brain. But it is bv no mea-ns alway s e'vil that thesc telles o f fortunes predict. t is said that more than twenty years a-go, wlscu the' present hcmcti- fi 1)ucbess of Marlborough wa,, lit- tic moe rthan in infant, alesrtrane- teller prophesied thait ene daysse would wca-r a cerenet and that she weuid bocome the ancestreso f a line of kings. The lira-t pïtrt cf th'is geod fortune bsas cerne truc, and who ca-n say that the latter paît of it is ismpossible ? When Miss Whifred D)ala- Yorke was a yeuag girl, just giving prom- ise of the grace anid beauity of Inter yoars, a wol non iBrighteni for- tune-telleýr tLud h~tAise would weuýr aI}', a'crnea prospect that sotsssod ten alssost imspessihiyl Andy.t(a1 ca-sui meetinIg at a N'early seventvyears a ;go are iLnarkablo future was predicted fes'a, Many pras ha-voe on rdI wbich ptrhaps11 tl(soy, gaý ý1 I acouadr-_____W________ actPucai n vor pai'icuas' Lth- Mca Nxdoo OaOf thlicysof in cc oun xpeuonc no lon a-o nv CIsugsc's pia-no ila eut of aider. GAMLIILG ON XI IG'S LIFE Engishmoen Are Novi TakiusgOu issurasice Policies. onnrnc 0lthei',,iug's coronatio-, bas -ira-eycorrnecd in London.1- A~ mibt hoekLced i s i more ac-ý iag, istelonino guisw-s lsav been p,,idfer!esiy £0 s do the EKhg's lfetsll i tbc'ose tc, _Ji eIitj c00seso. Frý _ ; a,uins -anypossibe ha U tho surer mnust pay, £3,150 stsaigbit a.way eut ef bis profits. But [na-y, rensember the inuiierablc and heavy riskis we aire ting ci ofthe fcstivitisr not cessing off as intcnded." "It la juatht elcernt," aaid an isîsurasîce expert te ais interviewer, "tisa-t is nise uulsc fa-acied hy the la- sura-ice office, There are, of course, large insura-nees airea-dy on the hife af the Ring hetb direct and talion eut fa protout the o sirrs of a lense en a terni cf lis os. Onýe ef tise lîves in tiiese les es is elten the King's, and the lesser', if lie is wise, macuros the X insIlein oreî'dstii-t lie nsay ho cosnpensatr'd hy the insus'aicc feu the less of the lease on theu King's dea-tî. Anyessenay masure nnotlsr s lIfe if ho ba.s a-n intereat is it--tbst is, iu crdna-ry Iiugua-geif ho ca-n show that tie cdath of tise King or nisy otetic person xiii indliet upen bins a los, but eniy te tise rn tent of bis poa'ible> loso. 'Ne, al scis inaurance isb ad upon the grost la-w ef averoesup ou actuarie's' taibles. Lut a-t Llyds tlsere is a g-rmbiing olemrent; isola-ted risks are talion upon which there are ne ascertained data-. If A waats ta insus e tgiin,-t bis suife sa-vissg th or against the defeat ef Sbiasnsock II ib the cup) ra-ces, 1<0e au get the risk ta-len a-t Lloy-d's; but there are no la-ets ou wbvich it can bo ca-icuiated. On theotetsr iand, the King's lufe is a good life frem anis insrance peint of view, a-nd yosi are dealing wilis 'onetbing defsnito. "Tise public, toc, should remomber tisa-t a-t Lloyd's tlsey have neosoecur- ity loi'tise pssyiacnt 'afI mourante, other than nsarine riskss but tihe sol- veiscy a-nd tiehe ines' of the usîder- sriter. Th e £5,000 deposit suhich a minber cf Lloy d's isai cs is cnly ta cover imarine risks and canssot be appiied to coss'r tls exerescences mihicis of la-te lia-voe ptg p a-t Lloyd's." OR. GOLOS ERG Discoverer off~h Latest NMethod Traù Jn IGUARANTEE MV~~~ ~~ LAETMT0 EAT-< MENT ta hos uitive cure fr.rail Ch e-~ P, Evasa. Nervous. Delicsie, Býood, be s Ridney. Liver, Stomach. flladlcr sudL'e. mnaie troubles; so positive amlflsla saaal tIve cure that Yeu ca PAY WHEN CURED so yen non no nisk, as 1 acceisi ne incssral'D case for treatmeot. I have 13 DIPLOMAS Certificates and Licenses. receivedl fromathe tetif y te sMy starnding and abilitie . - pffiodically vi,,it t he priici rsaýba, itl putting my self iu touch witju the atsisu Most Scientifie tre'îtxeot. efnbr Each time eou cal ~a usce up, asa STRICTURÉ and A QOL 'Ibeusands are troubed.aný odaçt, ni ,w it. If you are iluidoib t, as wte c *her you have anc or both, aean d sec me )andi (W IUr1 ' examine yu ec. aesiofchar"'e Ir yasi ýqLA flot cali write for question <tlanký,-,î: oel 0ouwith my LATEST M 1, OD TIIiITMENT aI home as weii ma MY offie. I have oîured thousands cf patentS sufferng from the abeve troubles aint hoe Iwhom I neyer sas'.. Every cae Iý acceeptÏ give a siritten guarantec 10 cure. KIDNEY and BLADîDER- Troubles, paý,inful and frequent !ui-ton,F depo-Ats or, striegs le urine, w'eak aind acb!ing bcsucum;ýb ta my AETM~1O T10ATMVEST in ehrt timse-ao cure nei pa. SKIN DISEASES S",philis, olpper oolorze patbc zee ,-ýM dry and moisi terSererflpouse gran)ulated cyclids. scalp dsasPlsepiý ail taai-i tiîv lsess'uou (bt uy Latet\et lied Troatt-nti i rt tie .Positively No lIeCURY Oïr POTA17S- SIUM USR). 1C R Ail Cbrooc ,private, 1norvois., delicatep bioad. si, kidney, liver, bladder, stomach- feusale and rectal troubles. ýCali or send f or symptousiblank for homé treatment. BOOK t E Heours-9 a.m. taS8 p.m. Sundays 10 a.M. All Medicines for Canadiau Patlcnt$ Elulppeel from W'indsor, Canada- EntrseTWlc tot 4

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