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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1901, p. 3

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Tells the story. When, yotur bead PEOPLE~ WI10 FORGOT EV) flY- iaches. and you fiel bilions, consti- ,,,,-m.,. - %r,.-.-.~~- IIARRY CANN is tbe Agent g:,lnai of is u ua gss, f etcc ln Bownîanvilie, 1tisa batc saso ia Lecuets ______________________________________gei oisseftisa uady Iîîg firiasdslsip of Chîrist, if' isiduli tusses is business Al' es.sund risisteriag apiits hying te ani fr0 la our- o ice and score and siiop, as- ryday lifa iustead f 0 ieing a stupid miocossa weuld bca a glor- 'A ' t bs sspiraciosu, patsidlinisug ha- tweau ralsîs and satisfactionsiiad high "2Il C àI CL,ï, -, ha te s,-y aise tîat ira ssed te itD "put muors-cspire anden sliveinîîsnt ln ABO T B . our-rlsgious tearhing, îvhcthar it ho fa tiie.prayar rzetiag os' is tihaSun- J..lisurty.day scîsool osun tisa churcb. We ~. r-j T i,,, IS of CUres. miissusîirs necd more frieslî air andu 3. LsEcnom__Idse sunshiaû iii 0Cr luns ad eîr heurt 3.Is cno y l.a ole. and our head. lDe yen wesder tuai :E3 tise worslîl is se far fs'oin eissg con- vcrtcd whea ou fuud se ittle six-a- ReEttIates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, cucy inîîtise pulpit anid ini the paw? iudocks the Secretions, Ptuxffes theBElood andIVe natit, hîka the, Lord, te plant in ýtemOves aIl thse impiurities frora a commOIourCiisarnuoss anud exhortations msore Pimtple to tilt worst Scrofuloîss Sore, anud Jlias of tIse field. W e want fcw er ilsetorirul elaboratio and feves' cj«cz;rwà3 sesquiusadaliaii words, usîd îhen we D~SPPSIA BIUUSNES, tll~about sissdovvs ie do isot wuîit CONSTIPATION, HEADACHF, t. shix adessi-ratienan sd %nbesu ne SA LT RHEJM, SCROPULA, ss fi laces iass e do net w mut te HHriARTBURN, SOUR STMCîik uabouit, idiosynscrasies, or if a D 17,ZZ1iNFES S, D Ro(J r SI Y' ùsuntisa Lck n do suol w asît to PHEUMLATISM, SKI M DISEASES, I aas i"bgo u, i is0li v~seilu' ofeh te ri atsusses, nraajsi-t gospel w hiipoosstsi îsu mesinssa' lappy, bena, victeri- I auifrc. In, otîsas' woi Ids, re * r tuc aa.a csraseisand, las g-- l. Le thi.ha se ')iii ait tîhe dsrstdepii ist of wor'i te ix lsal hieLOîd c ls;u. bat us ha OhMc.Sponegu, puys' -.It tetis pupe i nisal '!Ur tisot ed isefat ldy -- iicît. uld te Ce-dtii But a ddu' ris. Ms Islsdici î~iz.-s~ alLs waiddrive Isa' i- ,ca Viul)u arplosisii' Ii'aa(r5~d5s5 st i iasc fi~~~ ~~ rhsclatrcin àsecondary to- it. We 'have a book we Will gladly send you that tells just how to care, for the haïr. If yoQur haîr o t h î n il-joit 0ci vigoerus L-"nd ail dan- druifis r mon. Ialways restores color to4 gray or faded j yo ;d.on't look old Z$1,00 a 1botis.AiU drgugs leownsiiedtirs Wiais ics t Qvigolshah icertnly ,recomnuend t stemiut ai Ctouplas 1 aothaIt he Y gel a boti t Âyss0 C toess eius MSI Ms "ben=elt wvritc tns o ce- asien . Addre LouesJ.C. AYEa uuenacyosuce- on-112 -- Us btto)n holes and aiagr ac trttsd- des-dy almest agaistis. lht i te mattr ? aked Ua chea- rnist. - 1 S'pose yeu l'cain lay your hand or the morphine bottlc, can't yen said the stranger in. r-n anxiolis whis- par. . es', sir. Ces tainly, rpliecl the as- tonished salesnian. Ani' I reckon if 70U was pushfcil yen coul i fnd the strychnine in a minute or two ? 0f course. Màebbe the arsýenic basu't got lest or îaisluid cle-ar bcyon.d dudin', if yeu juist haito bsit- ? Assuredly net. An' the suga1r of leE d bettle couldn't get avay from vau if it tried ? No, indeed. An' chasin' Up the vitriol te its ]air would be just play for you ? My dear sic, 0f course I arn f arn- iliar with ail the drugs here. But s'posin seme of the other fel- lers had been changin' them around just as a joke, yeu lrnow ? What do yen mean ? Suppose the battias had got mixed 1p ? Impossible. Baesides everything i plainly Labelled., An' there aint rne clanaz. of your palmin' off prussie cd for pepper- mint ? Not. thn igbnt Well, Iv-afa-oin-te- risk-it,Ye ye y give me fise centýs worthl of r ep! e21int, young TIIE'ETERNAL VFEMININE Mr. Feppi-ey-For i-geedne-ss sake1 What's t eet us geiagon aixva- cation ? Mrs. Fppe-WUter' etapar- rojt. We a' arei la - . - 1 fsfe 1-eôf-_ 1 - - - , . 1,1ea1nrt.cîas 1o4sYt very smaill n-xICes, - lon traps rund onde ferex~r Oui erry a good assortmenit of Ladies' Oxford,eoîored and baka -ciscetua, as usral, tirad eui-t. 8L.00. Mlen's Caif and Cordovan Blins, sewed and rivitted, front $1.40 lsc-&,t re-i e awokie te wender 10 $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Bins 25c, 50c, wiîo lha wis nd what bis business 75c, wortb O,7c n 10.Mse' os n ots ocripn mnight ha. IHère, again, bis entira in b5e 5, n 1,0 MsesBys ndYuts o orepn ?fLsusily und circla of friands coaiveyed 1prc. - ne niemeory te hirm; but ha remnember- We wil tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The ed one thing ini the blank page of reason we do that is beeause we know. Latest Spring styles now in - bis past life-his deg, aud its naine, stock in every I111e.. The public is invited to inspeet our stock; 110 Poppy. They werc great friands, -trouble to show god-we do it wilh, pleasure. Trunks, Baga, Satehels; 1 et, theugli bis brocher had givenl Shawl Straps, fanc,ý and plain'; Dres3in-, the very bestthat eau ba , hlm F oppy, the brothler himiself wasC a complote stranges' te the doctor's bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wvill ruin the boots it Is appi. mmiid since that niglit. 0f bis îîîadl- cd to. t cal ]kaowledge, Repairing dlonc in ail its branches iu flrst-elass style. Fine work * W 111Ci W'AS ENORMOUS, made to order, sure fit or no0 sale. Thanking my customero for'past lie reinbcred nething, and ha'rdly favors and hoping for acontinuance of the >ante. sceed te knoW a veiu frin a nerve. l tBut lie teck Up a study entirely ncw te hins-architccture--aad rastered it in the, most wonderful way wlthin >a Bae lc.Twavl yenr. Me was geed ceîpay. kind- feaeBle.ow nvle ly, and sane Us cvery way, and ivas the eniy case of the kied ilii which cx crything eventually raýturned, fori,__ * test twenty-four nientlis after his wreilg with the bank. Tise resuit IMPERIAI, EAR-PULLING. lest miemory returned te hiln rapidly. ivas the "rua" ou Gresferd's, in Within six inontais lie kniew l uand whicls cicewds of anxieus people ga- Thz ermon)peror he in an3 everybedy hae had fes'gottcîs, dropped thercd, drawing eut 1 aîîy tisousands îvycrsedo curaitepuILl architecture, and teck up riedicine lu a few heours. violeatly ut the loe)f ;bis r;ght cal aguin. -Ha edied euîy tîscea snostlis Tisa bak, of couirse, was as souîsd n lth tue t l)lsubaîdfoeini f hil ugo, as sound iin braisi as lie, had ats a rock, aiîd tîsere scessed ne sert righit baud. Wh e h %ws;tainlg ii ase ci eau.of reasen foi- tie strange loss of ini- England ut Isetç0 the Queenj"Ii: It vas uea of these seusocy, freaks niery of the chaicirinîsi, wlo was l-funlersl ali receivcd a telegram an aw tîst ws ta fusa of i ha rua on wuys cheery and centiîted and lad opessed i. in tha praseuice of oaa of (,-)frd . C's bank ilu Lombard no werries of any sort. Tih, str 1_g- ls sin-srt littie iîcphews, a bo'o SIl-e, Leono'. A getemnias est thing was tîtlie reenea six. outinag iu iciilzga did, feund iri ilatiaie thiu.m itoQucen about isaîf the,, s hr fhi ai nt altegether peue is' Majasty,, SttStatonGi'saow,. iieseemced but lîalD ie rcellection ef tha otheîr aad hoautonce bagua te Iotug athi te kuod eting abouLt lus ticket, half it; and as for tlisebak aînd its af- ca r. T"li littla fellow looked up lilid uer asîy oher imatter of importance.',fuirs, they were a closad book te said: Thatiketw s fun ii ls pckthlmi. Two years later, bwce, a Tail Inaý, uncle, why de yen pul but Il-e could net say w'ho hae was, scgained part eft lus nonr;butyorar" wlîc lic causa ýfroils, or' Wbra lue that unainsrable journey risrtîs nevae Ilcue u panîydmyd- wnsted te go ta. IMa ul a niple foued i1h place in is 15iniid. ig"ia h al ni oney. t mivas presentlydicerdj 1e oalvxsdthtweyo aftt was ;merlu troublaes lis u a Althouglitisa po)pulation of Europe arceanoyd ?tsd th ha I tu1 N i fT iE B U ' th u t 6 y u', h c ent inr f st- tiiSi iC was tI. G-eseid, is po e- Cli li îesiig s b e u r60 'A d w e e aa vr. vr las- ebuirss-in cf tirsfard & Cos cd 150 pa rasa. hi i sea iof.mc enyd sa d e o2 V oL ,uitIs, evgtiifctia Tsraa72siiair!cinlecpi'ltdtîsjvuleqi-r I pi rs ufiit~,vs- rsctea uaerwaer u heAt-atclU. nilios ThtiI ul seneod eses aIL~

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