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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1901, p. 6

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Dît. L. POTTER. 4jorgregatioral cuch'"l, BowAnvjlle, '-ri '1 MISS ETHEL MORR1IIS, ARtTIST.IntutosgenuPAN N jrOff Waer olo an Chna.sketelrng ani atorfrom nature. KL npoietir Liga1-t rulal prlceý. 5.m On. J. C Tl, ICLL,ýll IiarîeterSoliitor(nd onveyalneer, Offle:- Bkak]e lilok, Ixr teet, Boîirnauviltes. Morrey tobna esuberates. 48-lyr, IQETYOITNGV. S. O tFFiCE IN WE-ST DURHIAM NEWS lehrudfrmsanr.top.M. Nrgbt crit at threcdirectly oppolite DrliSieti. Cfs byl tekgrph o telphoîr ull recIvOUIromptat ttato ti.n.1 - Yri M ARRAGE LCES ,-. . JM118 'lasuier of Marriage Ltcenses. Bepldenca: Cetre sireet. iVO T-E,§ AND COM1nfEN VS;ý Consternation reigîrs in thercamep of the Ontari o Rifle Association ow- ing te the ertailing of the annual Goverpruient grant of six bundred dollars. Tihe goodt shots are indi-l niant, but the Goverument says that thoe muoîey is Lneeded Itoaupy tr !-,,o hundioAi-rounds per' niiant rt accotrot theroof can be made. The fiscal resoucces are, first, the sait, tux; Socondly, tire native custoins lovied,,ini non-treaty ports, and, thirdly, the maritimer customis un- posed ini tccaty ports on foreign goods, whirb last-naniet duties are to be raised for the Irrosent to an effective 5 per cent. ad vuioroi, payable in silver. Dy -effective- is mean . r-- I .É- 4-1.. --1 itniw 9un lub)s. Tho ne talisheti forty yeurs ugo are te bel 11iricl-,the iasurof Militi a bas reviseti -a tirat îey rrîny correspound r-deby iniaýg iis fatis in tire to tiseeitigvles0 enmtl neuv way is, nio deuhi, a groat luii- ti -s ; anti sccentiy, tîiat the frc0 ,pravcatient. The pîkzes ni tihe 0.1'f. lia is to be abolislr'teocpiiiitic A. re vonby îcuwhemuie tiirv-case of cereais. If the tiuty of p er four or thirty-i-0 p oi:ts eut of ay p ýcout. -bl ae iutiqu±aah "osiLe tîtyfs, ne an creditor- Fowers xciii ho ut libert-y te raig thirtv poin, africa r rcrease it up te 10 poer cent,.it înnksnunccordhrg te (Cloverrîrueisit is underr-tood tirut the nggregateo0f staîrd, ir- hoelessly out of thiretire clis rb:,'d ythfoe r;ý ening. Those gayocir-bts beloîîg tei . mies prese's4d ,bv tb fr 'igf ocvery nsseciutieal in the neigibor-430000tasbte rnt + Àdds to Cleanlinesa in lte Iinen. the Cares of Washi tvwitil ufater and a smali qunltity of I ~~ ~ba 13j m tde ut feeding snelied oats I ~ - with seule ran ati deti is also v geird ~- ~ TBF FARMplan, dumpenting the saine. , In rix- ON THE II ing thEiration a sinall aliowance of J'r&sait shoulti be atideti. In hot wea- '-i~ r ~ -~ ~ther I ivater nry borses ut least six ~ r' unes a day, and find i i puys. Be- FE,11DINC, ANýD BIIEEDI]NG. fore going to Rock andi about oight fo'clock, thon belor- nt ltr da Thle foeding of the dairy row ho-:nrthoýn egain ii Gor jgins the dus it, is born. The iittl<ý feedihrg ut right. TLrhrs will 10olZ Icalf should be fpe aration tirat Nv,11Lette, Stand tire wer bttnd keePit ro\;jinnýd thrifty bu to have botter lietlth gea ïerally. For a onetht m1Jput 01onumch ;i -1herse to hbrcii rrnf ith ar-ge W ueo about t wo wceks, oid begin! qùauntity 0of water just befoce miL,,s giving atlitie ncov-er lry andi a lit-ý is net tire rigbt, way to, insure got tic, dh iandr; begin early to, digestion1r, or- to nvoit1 ol' ec fe ;1atnge2 u1iu1t of rougbu-ge ,so i 1also finti that abukt fwae us to nlargetrho igestive or-gans.! aft 1er sup per anti beloe rekiu i Tiecuit irolt h sof 'i t-rtwhen ol!nrlibei iiilo4 eaî- o fLeh bocomoes U---6 S-ri-rn cfg -dry-f, 'iI-tn-i-cg tol-b wilbe useti iii tire poucin fing hurs tire boisesholtihave' an iilk ratier thanfut. i ýt ta1 s a ocaiena1 rest o0f;a few minutes j et tain anrounit cf foodi to r-utnir ocirheur wben tire w 01k f5' very ifhe anti tirereturi w\,-eget is frein irerd. At îit a coînifrtable stuli1 the0 food sfio outs ab)oie 11heanrount m itldr bectngis s-1n-,. Or k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' nee- ryt brnî:t,,nr, 0it u î nihs I proptie doorsepoer paîys te feeti liberaiiy. I antifasten [i' iti bars. A inttie A bai-rîceti ration r-boulic e le- i "--A- -- T surr er o n rty imiSttO'i n v ii - u'p0 l ports ~ ~ ~ ~ dn tcb ltsea b-ten'by îîinisri rthe iucîrr îrd o bn i t is, ne Sct i POUcf c u s -lrrry ns l-rr.g Ut îLeSaur-'liona ', cvi le t t e i ns egInh o i ieilu-actual ufur- nati etux 'r cwii, fo tyof fac'. lit s-ira ~rî bihi task ~ _j) 0fbablo1rr'iie a at t rao rb aue n ws r utlre- -r vrIIdao-- i-o g-l cf ~ ~ i wiceieî iriitura eî crr solveuie nhl- h w r-, r4i 'r-i z dorivecri wiib ho -und falc raUi e-sy, rnisý-,1fron t 1e 5srit ta , fi oiu tire native îaa'ri s a lisia-r te ee0o11( rriti- ctistcis anti fririn so imrurirfethie 1v rrn dfor- use i!. bosoles car iages insteati of gusole.7 Thos' r tulir- -rnpsfor -whLeoliircn ruiti ar-- i U%. =7=7771.'- -'-4~"1 4t.4t 54V 4_47 ý4 -S4S4t rt,4t1ifn , liIil 11n 77:71 11 -,r- a~a~r~î, -'e i~~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ sien und rzfîsorribr. Se~~~~,ý,j lac s -L-1 _ &I -'i' ro-%ir o 1 urretodii r, r ee id'rple fij~~ (1OYIENCIN- ABO TTIllE 1)TI '-'0FJUNE nti ontinuiîsg evory TU-E'SDAY anti FRIDAY îh:om ,hoiit "- fId?~eii-~H#1le ave ewateat.-..6-3,0 a. mi., 65e IIewnanvlleat.. 7.(00a. 1n., 60e - * 'a a.... ...00a.In., 50e W~ity t........8 45 P t a.ir., c ChlirnIaifFare. Arrivingila T'oro)nto at 1,15 a.,i Relurraingbave Toront'o at 5 p i Tickets naYbce eKtendet3i two iveeka. apon applicaý-tioîn toluePutcoranti irasmont of 25caiiini Low freigb-t rates. Frigit antieti proi-apLly antid fllFrtickýets, excursion rates to) auy point otn Lateo Ontario anti 9goneral Information, apply to B. R. HEPBU;R, General Agent. Il. CAUN, Phone: Main io7,r. Ceddes'Wîr BiliAs aigbe s bîh Tirere is mîrch to-be gaineti by If oui ii this inrrnense bilding. co-1nu iUni. -propor fcoding -and ivst-ering -el tis Thoer îrr- r--s-t uler-ia ' oreetIa. qnnitin acw r ulseful servan-t. For bard work I cineis, nilicb signal îwo merssages ini Londenon unmior. 'arn tbiiik bCeber-t ftted î'r a ration cf ut the sanietiîe o r rewir inrecoatly tok ton infi ia outs anti cern about iraif at -rtopsite riirections-. 1ler Lircfd -or s da itid --Y-k o---tai with pienty of gQootiniry. Morses StPIi is the nmltiplexr -in, by aile. tÉé s7 ilrt, ie ti cis] sncliaclxl4-cies - lti iss direloîrs. For r cry i-hid i ri4ir trr ,iaitthe nl ies's0 ir1re tue boastoe -pî'rat';ltu 'trolis Scar -:l r'i pcai iai - lar.w-ci-i -r ---r-ie 'ui-w2i ý ýeisruoti-f ris lh e r ecepFi.lTIr ineài ti-, iutsner ira -t eie wrlîg. Trear1 iittat urr i br !.ieii i)itiu o -ectier - tul-eî se'l~wi Ii aiic t 1iir as feiro; nrtiit was oi 1 ,, I î chos -T-is-h -sn--ti i0---err -- triir te clubs l~i turut ceunir y ho i ty ts4.b ly ~ ~ ~ L coroieî r ta eri , o r et irtecsin nt irsr c ie7 i rinl turymon il eer te w citl TA sobce oietiutta r?)! Liric i It imot, tî,l lr c knu eg ,n1 t it tir 1 ies rb 1cm r'n.Lins uisolrod sofer as twoe tb 1il;e t uove-oii eSu cd t addi iotl eetas o cirr, ii h'-ah o.eof ade'1ua.te andnt i eire future te e lieaie'.u And wiiat do you thinik they wantv Vhy ant re-st and a change, andca'tgeteîitr., ?ity to speali îs i ' -la'sEîusno odIvro rani11P e - > explrors nd teuîists iritiout agr Mr. Sirwgr's tir-tvelorctrie stor- aller -illr dor-n'rt for ses enty- tîve ius is bei-cg lucther test'-i.liiisiv bai-i dornmant foc ovr ;uielrotb.anti îctuins ai I D AYS. I noije cti-egotsuirrr punis on, r'riuark' thedeg faîrtier. Yes, espei tie exialusteti terrier-, butlryrcnii fud, nriainiy irot as~~~Lý- ,-'l ssrtec tii-seucson's flair- Terre. Ne ertress, w-lt-t you neet Cear aiti Mrs. iltrr co- tcîipîmeoiy te ierun-a1, w-be j[excorot iuerte c ritesbens News of a Mueivellona Cue l Acroien tIre Coîtfnent-'aihe* mors Sonre cures effocted by Dr. Clius's Onimenat seurlikc micaclers. Moc fre a nase w-bore tioctors inhocot inl vainti anti oper'rtions, failedtietocure.' 1, Mr. Donald lilcLeet, Taciotvale, -j. S. writes z I 1ceceived tie sample box of Dr. Chase's Oini-ment, and ti l as donc-, nie- a coniniecable umount cf, paon. I Si nov-, enelosiug ltayre,nt for a iir-gc ior f Dr. ('hases Ont wt.hioh yen wzili please sentitenyatitiess. 1. ha-e batiitc-ifngpiles foc fouisr yeacs anti titi notz knoîv of any mcdi- nine tuitw-om,,itdrelieve me cunill i'-t l ,vîi'i; I ceceiveti a btter freti my sou iu Winipeg, w-ho saidtualthr- torctora iceaý-tet hlm aanti operatetfr c plebut faileti to cure hier. FieIe urru t!IýnIts (loti anti Dr. Chase's Oin L- mnnt foc a pecfe"l cure, Mo m bd I)ilr-; ii, the uveri fora-, aind sufferet o-nby Me( la îos ijw orking lbarde,-ctir anti tocs e f01any yion.en huesc"tcrrig. ou aeai tii.ý e y m Vobs Utr o i eefl6 los Tsroli iiie s ryrg1 er l 'WUion anytb iîg iarrtrttrus h -i C e n r a l-r T c log r- îir r uce is c r - ceeub'iîrgiy busy scndiig re-cirt-s rany ns 53t,0roxri eii.piei cd in irthe carir heurs cf le 111- ra cf a fanions liririiit --r-r. b- W ,;ý iri r.Gladistone it riue i Iis Rer uie Bibi, irn86 oo 000,00ý0 w-erds wmn e Osk- tirt ae tIe i c 'fi niitr t th','- 1Iiris f-2iee t ai partsecf ie erhiirr-n tIr4-ron to tre tof s.iîriires c ler ai-e O nurir-r i bJr lt.ir'- -irte1 fi teý,1 L1n0wloîr to i'air. A-tIittli u -in0- porsîrsIruoa'di i ugedy tatitation, te s-y rrotiing of 1a îrric, beetios, -ni pde--,fuýt 1d irairvplaces. urc] \-l cd ý -e uni s lrscrjinesi g tir cieiweaie',aiiiifitn- biera ithrs îii etii-- i--ss--t lit T tri i bLtt grv n i ,ifIw-t b wi th'r clau i, wis wct you din ai ti î ie-nI'laywii une aîgurar- rrob"c aîti he ci- ~Season of 1901 to) .1 a « ---n the Work M M __a_& , 1 -1- ýL -- --------- 7à -1

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