Paris Not the comrmon kind but thebest in the market, School Bags at Nýichoils. Malt Extract! 2 for 25e. Tole's drug store, I19e for a pr of Knickers at' West End flouse. Dr. _Bounycastie, deutist, lias rnoyed te roerns ever Central Milliuery store. Mr. Ira Pierce, Darlington, shewed us an egg last weAek that weighed n.ear- Don't get overheatedi cookiug '-we carry a fine line et coolied mas Cawker 9& Tait. Refreshing aud leasu express the qualities ofVoe Toilet Ammyonia Tole's drug store, A strike is threatened arnong the eraployers of the Vatican mauffeurs, who demaud au increase of wages. Toronto city council are dissatisfied 4--i-t t *k, 4.... --ay ~fnvininn non - School boots at Bargain Prices at the West End Rlouse: 02.0 will buy your boy a good sehool suit at West End Rouse. Mr. Albet Piokard, Newcastle, bas beught the Darcli blacksrnith shop., flou. Mr. Su ton says the immense crops in Manitoba will put $25,000,000 in circulation. -Mrs,. oodiess, -Harniltonwas one eof the speakers lu the Woman's; Building, Pan-Arn. Buffalo, Aug. 22nd. Mr, Geo 'Warren, Newcastle, lias been in Stratford buving the evaperat- ing outfit for the Bowrnville Canning FiLtory. Anether shipment of maIe Norwick and llartz Mountain German singinz canaries for sale at Pethick's barber shep. Orders for Parrots taken. MNr., Andrew Lewis, Christian Scient- BON BONS AND FANGY GHO6OLATE&, 1We have a splendid assortment of1 these goods and put them Quality Talks 0 ses Most every one will tak.1e a -lit-tle-outing -this-- innth--and lunch- e- goods will be in demand and theseý ItII~\Mdays when so much trashy goods are on1 the market disguised with i-nniil -the name of Bargains, ît makes one askwhre anwe buy reliable goods at reasonable prices ? We have a reputation for hîgh-class goods which we mean to maintain and goods bouglit front uâ-that are not as recommended are ckeerfully exchanged or money refunded, W%,hite goods, Prints, Blouses and -r rasols ail selling off cheap at Coucli, ohnstou & Cryderman's. Mrs. [N. Carnpbell, Kenyon. Ont.. celebrated ber one buudred and third birtbday this week. She lias over twe hundred living great graudebldren. When bu5ing a ready-made suit or overcoat yen want the latest sylsand uur reacdy-rnade suits for men and boys are, ail new goods. Coucli, Jobuston & Cryderman. Excîternent prevails in Brookin,Ont., over the disappearance of Absalom Lawnence, a wel-known farmer, who Au-ý 15. Seach parties have been in- stitUted but al efforts so fan ýo find hlm have 111futile. M1,r. S. 1". Graham formerly editor of the W%ýhitb)y Chroniele lias purchased tue Oshawa Vindicator. Mr. Grabami îs a ran of energy and wide experience andt the ST.-T!I. ýAN joins with is rnauy i)the-r frîins ds lu ishing hlm success lu is uew bsnesventure. Oun Friday Aug 123rd the cottagers and camipers at Bowmauvilie-en-the- Lake, were deligbted by an invitation te a crnà roast or 'Feaqt of Mondarin" givçen by Mrs Vance of Jubilee cottaget -ý3 tC a 0 large bon ire was kindled on eahand the guests were present- ,d with cobs of corn for roasting, a C asifme which lent a rosy tint te the aýppy faues arouuid the camp fire. The youug peepvie enjoyed great fun, ou the Iawu playing Freuch tag and other f aneS, Mrs Vanice made an ideal ostes andat.d by the Misses Sritk re! "ndiaapoi vis-P be congratuiated on, the great ofces !their enitertal- ment, ail thecampers- and cottagersi ,with their guesti3being prusent. Insect destroyers, ail kinds. Toie's drug store. Gooti strong Knickers for Boys at tbe West End flouse. Ice crearn at the lake every niglit at Cawker & Tait's. Veny latest styles lu gents' bats at M Mayer's bat store. Valuable farm property for sale near Tyrone. See advt. 2tb Century Baking Powder lOclb Tole'h drug store. If you want to buy a Guitar cbeap. Clothing and Boots for the Boy at the Boy's Store the West End flouse, 25c.-Any new subscrilber can get THE STÂTESMAN to end of 1901 for 25e This week Miss Martin will seil ladies' white goods at greatly reduced prices. Ladies requiring hair done over shouid eall on Mrs. Dickinson, King st. M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham ,Countv. Ten per, cent off at M. Mayer's Rat and Cap, store for cash customners Corne early. Until further notice Tait & Co will make chie photos ou Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Wts have a large stock of Quarterod Oak Furniture i n Atqeand CGolden finishes. L. Morris. Cawker & Tait have something very nice ii oialBluý,e ups, saucers, plates, vegetable dishes, etc. A fe aisSistevF balance of1 this spring-'s so5-s Ëin ofat lhaîf plico at Couch, Johuston & Crydurran's. 1ey near station-Main Street City Line-to Vernon Place. No change & f cars. It is the 5th bouse weEt of Main on uorth side of street. 22 tf The Canadian Press Association have been enjoing their tour tbrough the Maritime Provinces imrnensely. With lovely weatber and delightful drives in traps, barouches and 'hansorn' cabs through the principal eastern chties it is Îittle wouder that their ï raise is unbounded. Perbaps Truro, N ýS., ellpses ail the other cities in their warmn welcome to the Press men with their ladies. The tewn was ,ally'decorated stay was limited te eue heur aud a hait Set they were sbewn many places oft su- terest and on ieaviug eacb lady was pre- sented with a sbewer hoquet, wbile each gentlemen received a boutoninere. c'ibedren Ory for CSTOR 1lA. For infauts and Children. Officer Uommranding and the -,Minister alsodelver at Newcastle at Warreul's et Militia for daiy practice i3,ith "Maxims Evaporator. and other guns by the Rloyal Canadian J . R. FINKLF. Artillery, and for varions cavalry evo lutions br the Royal Dragoçins. There Bowrnanville, Aug. 13, 1901. will be the usual trotting, pacing and running races, balloon ascents by a SHAW'S SOIIOOL. man who escapes frem a bomb that ex- plodes a tbousand feet in air, an ent er-E.J Fd tcerwa taiument ef great variety in f'ront of the miss )I.J ieiugtace, a grand stand, athietie spo.rts, butter- guest Of Mrs. E, C Bearnan, Sunday rnaking tests, judging competitions, ex- Iaot. -. Mr. Jabez Bag has gone on perimeats ln photograpby by wire, an a trip te aitb. Mr. and Mrs. internationalrilitary taýttoo oOn the Chas. Allun, hvereturnedl to their ep ninght, the L' est dýog- show in home in Glence. ..Mis lora Gai - Amrclectures on the cultivation ofr braith basý re.suned ber duitiecs as tea- ot,5at J.~vuiflu0fa .4 v oluv Ut UMr Ounest bauds iu Arnerica, su-d lu fat morye attractions anti nvlte1ta coulti bceneumerated iiu a coiumn o! 0 this paper, the wholebigugtl crewued by a rpeetto tthe Bombard ment of the Taku ,iForts; by the Ailied Forces in China, coucluing with a Dilliant dispiay etfieors Whiie every day will bhe a -,rieat day fror Aug. 26 te Sept. 7, the day o!daiys wili bc Tuesday Sept. 8, we a reun- ion et Canadian Old Boyvs antu tuet of aIl the colieges and sehool0s ùlu Canaýda wiil be beld. The -oloinlay wil be Farmers' Day, but tLieprbbite are thiat with a full rgain everv day anld favorable rates o-Uu te ai wy thie gro-uuds will alwvs be tbronged b)Y deligh'ted crowdls. Cauada's Grý1eat Exoiion wlpay scond ft ete une B3etteýr ofteu than a letter fremrno is a cop,)Y Ie THESAEMNsn vr eek.'urepaid te any addiress iîn CaCnada' or UntdStates for 25 cents toeDed of 1901 te new sbeler.Parents, ~~ it tfi veur chidren as rnany are doing. uew kind et pea, allcd the grass pea, which ildd10 bgsfton al! an acre.. isOlive 1Rickard bhas returu- CJ foa pleasant visit at Welconie.. - .FamlyPicic~OnThursday, Aug. 22.abot f!tvet hn embers and rela- tives 0f the Rie,ýkard iamilg rnet at the very popular picule grounds, comrnonly kýnown as; "Peter's Point" Newcastle wbr.The deay proved te be au ideai eue for a picuic. andi every oee seemeti ta, enjioy the holiday on the breezy baulis et Lake Outanieo. Atter t'oa the cemijpauy, was uicely photegraphed by Bowauvlles eergticyouug artist, Mr. G 11 , Free]and. Whou aUhbad be-en treated te ice-cream the crowd dis pers;et feeing1 refreshet and 'better for spendiug a& day togt-'her lu this wa'ýy, Citizens shouid drop a note init!Tisu I STAT'ESUý,AN lttrbox gi',viug ýtnefuil narneý andi add!ress of ail visitons, We cauneît be expecteti te kiow wvhen evervbvody cernes and whe the.vasie ý Dou't biarne ns if your guests arelnet mentionpr. t!.1 DENTISTRY. G 0 BONNYCASTLE, L D S, DD)5,louor Graduate in fleutistry of Torouto juivrsitY OFFicE-Over Central MlIliiuery. Entrance dru door West of Big 20, Bowmanvfile STOCK WANTED-Farmers having stock to seil wilI please send card or leave Word at mny bouse. Will boy any- kind of cattie, bogu, injlkcw, veal calves or Young calves, sheep .Andlab S. H. REYNOLI, Bow manviilee 7-tf fLOTIIES FOUND.-A suit ef Mani's atnar calS oufce JOHN SINcLaR, George St.. -j-- marviiie, 73tf E WES ASTRAY-Straved from lot 7,Cou6.aro, about July 20, three Leicester ewes and oua ewe crosi with Shrop- sbifre, markeiç,d across with dark red paint. In fomaio lad1ug to their reeovery will be i uî1tably re warded by ROBERI MÂRTIN, Tyronle, P.~~ O.6 f. THE HARIÎMNY MNALEi' F. H FusrFirst Ternor, A E CLAunuN Secr~dTeno-r, TIl NGT is a CONi,'CERT EGGMNS Address Pail correspondeýnce to T. E. HYGGINBOTMAMI, SecboWManville. For a hIomffilt If you are building o r repairing we can perhaps help you to solve some of the difficulties incident to the undmur- taking. For instance:- CFEEzTS-WO _have Battle's Thoaold cellar floors; Engl IlPrtland mfopave- iments and cisterns. ILL S'nUrr-P ir ne a n tI Rrlo3Ck Joisis, Scantiing aud Beards, TimBEn.-Pine amn tiCeýdar Sqare Timber andi Sleepers. PLORÎN- -ei~ant iVWhite Pine anti Mibiite Maple. CEILING antid xcr~-ane and Grained, Bei.ded and V-Joýint. anti Capboardiug, SasoLs-ilgrades, NaLtive Aine iwood at pn Dosal rae nt Sait, Patr od AudBs, Clean SuneieaiH rdandiSoi jMCLEL,-A- & 0e Bo wMïm 'viita5 -1 1-_ il, -P li ' -L -L - 1 -L -L